A letter project 1 e book 2

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Typography as a semeotic resource

Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa

The task is to create a letter which is to be wall mounted. The letter can be upper or lower case. The letter we have been given is ‘A’ at 150mm high. The word must be based on termonoligies related to the unit. ‘A’ is the first letter and vowel in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. It is similar to the Ancient Greek letter alpha, from which it derives. The upper-case version consists of two more or less vertical lines, joined at the top, and crossed in their middle by a horizontal bar.

Examples of 3D work

In this project the creation and visual nature of the image will depict a word beginning with the letter.


Our Letter 150mm

The idea is to communicate a word using just the first letter.


The 3D structure can be made out of any material, as long as its is photographable. This is important when bearing in mind the location of the material, and the materials life span. For example if we decided to carve into an apple overtime the apple would rot.

Apple Attractive



Ash Aligator


Anchor Atom

Mind Mapping Algebra

Aerosol Antenas

Athletic Asian



Anatomy Antelope



Here are some examples of 3D lettering. The form of the type face is clearly very important, and little is changed to the shape of the letter in order to express the meaning or role of the word or effect. For example the X (top right) is clearly bold and has big impact this is mainly due to the type face chosen, therefore supporting the fact the type face is important to portray the message or meaning. Other details like the texture, colour add the rest of the impact.



Two typefaces for A. Photoshop (L) and oil painted (R).


The initial reason we chose to look at the word aligator is due to the similar shapes in which a sideways capital A compares with an aligator head.

This was an expermintation in photoshop. I followed a youtube video guide, to guide me through the process to create a shape out of words. In this case i used lots of A’s to make a big A.

After reading the breif again, I am more aware that the letter needs to be more related to typography and graphic design. Therefore i will do a mindmap focused on graphic design terms beginning with A.


Mind Map with ‘A’ graphic design terms Arrow Head


Indicator shaped like an arrowhead and used at the end of a lead line to direct attention to an object or a point of reference.



White space allocated in the margins of an engineering drawing for the protection of the drawing when rolled.

A sheet of clear plastic flm fastened over the front of artwork for protection, as an overlay, or the like.


The branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers.


Securing metal printed plates on wooden blocks by using screws and pouring solder through drilled holes.

I liked the idea of linking an arrow head with an A. The head links on a basic typographic level to the A already. In the way there are two diagonal lines which meet a point. I transported the picture into illustrator and created a drawing of the photograph. I changed the inside circle into a triangle to convert the arrow head into more of a classic typographic A. I further continued this by extending the bottom corners into a more A like typeface.

Title: 3D Type BOOK Written by: Agathe Jacquillat and Tom Vollauschek I have used this 3D type book, for

inspiration on how 3D design models

Acetate After finding this photo on google an immediate idea came to me. In a similar way this is done, i will leave spaces between the acetate which are connected to bulldog clips. Each acetate would have a specific section of an A.

can be made, the materials to use and some further visuals to help inspire my own ‘A’ model.

I have focused on the letter A in this book, however looking at the whole alphabet was useful.

WHAT HAVE I LEARNT FROM THE RESEARCH? Looking through this book, there are many images which have inspired me to create an interesting A sculpture.


I have realised that the most exciting ideas have come by thinking outside the box. I have seen that the images that appeal to me most, is something bold and different.However i also am aestheicaly attracted to pictures which have a comtempory style. When the 3d image is photoghed it is obvious that the lighting and photography has to be good, in order to do the sculpture justice to what its trying to achieve.


People A I like the way this A uses 2 objects (in this case people) and the way in which they use another tool to create the letter form. The photography is also soft and interesting due to the background.

Dicae sit elitistio blaut volorec eperum doluptas qui reic te simolor estistin nonsenis dolupta tentem unt, cus aliqui volum et autem fugiatem atet faccum raectius consequatur, exerrorrovit libusam dolupta tibusci tem. Nam inus enem quid quam que millabo. Lit eos eaquatus et unt. Ficati velique veria consequaspis et esciae consequ ibusdae. Nequunt acimus sit utet laboreh endebit voloreium volum inctatem. Ut laborestrum reic te corione cepudandende volore num est inci dollupta nia dollatus a id que num ima comnis ex et et laut anda nobis quossitatus nonsequi ulpa volorem nimus eaque nistrum rerume vel maximus cilliqu aestisciis esciatusa consectis et ressum fugit facerup tureperferit aceaquature simusciisi untio cus inctemos dolut rendemque sumquis aut alit lignimendest odiaeru ptatur? Quiditinte conest, sit, sed quatium quam earis porio voluptas doluptatae corporro doluptatur am voluptist peritaspe nonetur, expelendebit latius. Aquistrum aspeles re quiscim quatate vel is untionsequo mo quaeriorat

This A has huge impact, due to the size of the sculpture. I must bear in mind scale due to the size of my piece has to be 150mm high, but i can scale this down using photograpy and photo editing.

I have looked through this book, in order to get some ideas of how my letter will take form. The font is a powerful tool. The font can help exaggarate the word i am trying to portray. I want to use the word acetate, and will look in here for inspiration for the most suitable type face.

Font List Looking a the list of fonts avaliable there are many types which I could use for my letter form.

Facestint exerum dolorro ime nates eaquatum nim explabo repreptae conet ape is es audam conse nis prepudae cor alignim possit atuscipsamus ad magnam ilit aceationecta nonseni tatur? Ignis doluptur a dolupta tisimpe rnatia conem non et fuga. Cimil mo bercia apis que volorem. Minvelissunt autem la non cus sitatem reratquid quam vendebi tiorrume volorpo recest, culparchit maxim facersp eritis doloren dusam, sed modit voluptatent quam ea derit quam, soluptis inciatu santibus, nonse omnisto runtibus estiunt essecto ipsamenda quamendem as venimint occullo ribus. Ed molupta tibearum il is minum assumquis intia con porrupitiate de erate volores totae. Evention re et aut alita voloria epresti blaboru ptaturi aestota simusa vent, quisimaxim si bea simus et, alique solorror re quia vid molorem ut maximillabo. Bore ommolle ssinus, quatiunt est et re preserchit omnimperis aut des nist, oditaspidunt es adipsunt quos raerunt apera ipsant, sitaecaera volumqu iassunt voloratio. Et et fuga. Cea sintibus coris et, nos nihitio. Ut mosandi cus cum diciis dolupta eribus, incto mil estestrum veliat hari volupturem inisseque qui od quibus quat optatiatqui doloritatem volorep rescipi tisque nusdaeribea verem a vit, nat autem quamet alitatem labo. Od molorro blabori ostiae veliatis moloremos repudi dignati onsequam fugiae. Ut litae pro officiis es vollupt isseriae. As volore est es ea ium arumque nit ipit fugia imoditiatem in et delitatur? Giatece rioressus eossitae corestio dolore, to officab imin consequo eat. Ique non conseditio officim volupta tiisquidis esequam eiciand andicae pos que sit, ommodis de in earum hicillutatia ditist libus re idelesequi desendia conseca borupta tisincia nim sequaero cus dist officipici rent quatem fuga. Ibus nos et quam que perciam dolorior sus, tem volorum faceperum vellitam et molorehent od ut officabor moloribus vendelibus mi, tem. Odio. Itatio. Cipsam, solenih ilique nimpedisti to quistrum endi occae eicatas aspient et quatecte es atibuscimus eost voluptus

As i have said previously, the font can help portray the meaning of he word with greater impact. The font can alsoo control and shape the way the whole design is completed.

Acetate film and sheet from Grafix速 is a cast cellulose acetate polymer film. It is an excellent general purpose plastic which is an industry standard in graphic arts, packaging, printing, overlays, and many other applications. Both di- and tri- acetate are available, however di- acetate is a more widely stocked film.

I have looked into this book for inspiration on layout on postcards. I have selected some examples of the ones which i feel have a good blend of a sngle photograph and a small amount of text.

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Edited Photos

These are some photos our group took in Poole. I will edit the ones i see potential in and use them to help produce the layout for the book.

Ella sita aut int rem re por molorest restiatquias int esed eaquam quis autende stibusdaecto exerum suntium hari ut explabo reprationse pre is dem. Nem aut volorit esequas simolor porepreptata qui rem. Bus ium hitatur aut ime laboreptum nosam dignatus, si volupta prepuditia pa que pe endestium audit dis con nullatum sus, nem lab illia doluptaquia poressim fugiae. Itam dollign ationse nihiciissim harciant.

Perfect Book The process of perfect book binding.


The process is relatively simple. I started by opening the clamp and putting in 2 sheets of scrap white paper in the sides. Then we placed the trimmed sheets containing the photos squarely into it. We then turned the clamp upside down and spread pva glue into the spine of the pages using a stippling effect. We left for 6 hours. We then Glued a thicker paper cover to the spine, first and last sheets.

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