3 minute read
The Blended Learning Approach
The Compass
Overview The Compass is an internal toolkit for the Training Programmes Department of International Training Centre of the ILO. This guide is one aspect of the Compass as a whole. It begins with an introduction to the Centre specific context of the Compass, including the Turin Learning Approach and the Blended Learning Approach. It then proceeds through the four primary aspects of the Learning management cycle. Information and guidelines on how best to analyse, design, develop and implement training activities is addressed.
Both the hard copy and on-line12 versions of The Compass guide were created in conjunction with a series of instructional fiches13 on methodologies and technologies. These tools are brief and concise in order to provide practical support for staff. Hard copies of the instructional fiches can be picked up on-demand at Information and Learning Resources.
Objectives The Compass is designed to be used in one of two ways. Firstly, this set of resources provides a detailed step-by-step guide to the analysis, design, development, and implementation of effective learning programmes from the beginning within the ITC ILO framework. Starting with the identification of needs and the definition of objectives, the Compass continues through every phase of the learning management cycle. Considerations for the BLA, diversity and proactive evaluation are treated as cross-cutting themes throughout the guide.
The Compass can also be used in a more targeted manner by referencing specific sections for precise challenges faced by the activity manager or team. Instructional fiches, checklists, diagrams and links to additional resources have all been included within the relevant areas of this guide. Refer to the table of contents or scan through the guide to find the practices and process of interest.
Background The Centre‟s working reality presents a challenge to creating learner-centred and impactful activities. The ITC ILO is situated between an advocacy role for the priorities of the ILO, as
12 INSERT COMPASS WEB ADDRESS 13 The full set of fiches can be found here: http://www.box.net/shared729p7jh6ls
well as a strong international community of Development Training and Learning Institutes14 (DTLIs). Promoting certain stances can sometimes come at odds with respect for multiple perspectives. Recognition or this factor has led the Centre to provide ongoing support for staff so that they may balance the dual roles of trainer and spokesperson.
An on-line survey captured the initial needs of staff with regards to experiential and collaborative learning methodologies and technologies. A focus group in early 2009 outlined the most pertinent information for a series of instructional fiches. The idea for a set of tools quickly transformed into the concept of a toolkit, and the metaphor of a Compass was formed. The original blog post that introduced the project may be viewed here:
http://itcilo.wordpress.com/2 009/03/10/compassnavigating-the-learning-andtraining-cycle/
The Compass reflects the transition from traditional to participatory learning approaches. The move to apply more holistic, systems-based and context specific activities requires the exploration and experimentation of both ancient15, and contemporary approaches. The toolkit is envisioned as an ever-evolving resource that will be flexible in form, and innovative in the content to provide direction for achieving the Centre goal of providing learner-focus services.
Staff Development Programme Launched in 2007, the staff development programme is an ongoing process to enhance the skills and competencies of human resources at the Centre. DELTA has organized crash courses in the learning management cycle for new staff, the creativity and innovation workshop, and the Learning Lab based on expressed needs. All initiatives within the Staff Development Programme on Learning Design and Technology (SDP LDT) focus on better design and facilitation to improve the impact of courses offered by the Centre. The objectives of the most recent crash course are listed below to illustrate Centre capacities that are under ongoing development.
analyse, understand and apply the fundamental concepts of participatory learning; assess, design, develop and implement training activities according to a learnercentred approach;
14 Active participant in various international processes, such as the OECD Aid Effectiveness Agenda and member of the Train4Dev Network (www.train4dev.net). 15 Listen to an interview about Indigenous knowledge sharing methods here: http://itcilo.wordpress.com/2010/12/15/lt-podcast-1-new-methods-of-knowledge-sharing/