Pugwash News - Issue 15

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Summer is here!

Graduation News

Grad Ball Tickets A limited number of tickets are on general sale from the cash office. £35 per ticket. More information online at upsu.net/gradball

Hoodies Personalised hoodies are now available with your name and course with the uni crest from upsu.net/shop


Life and Style Life from 1st year to 3rd year, Goodbyes from the old Sabbatical team, and hello from next year’s Sabb team.

pages 4-7

Arts and Ents Iron Man, Little Fish at LJR, Student Theatre, Dara O’Brien

pages 8-9 Portsmouth Students’ Union 2008 Events - photos by Tom Worman, Jacob Leverett, Alex Harries, Tallie Kane and Luke Simmonds Laura Patricia

I have been set the task of summing up a very busy year here at Pompey, so here goes! In October, we had, of course, Fresher’s Fayre and all the hilarity, and free stuff that that it brought, culminating with the Freshers’ Ball (and resulting in Freshers’ Flu). October was also the launch of dear old Pugwash News - how far we’ve come - as well as Black History Month and the Rugby World Cup. Meanwhile, Portsmouth University was awarded status as a sports centre of excellence. November saw the start of the top up fees debate, and the photo shoots for the AU Naked Calender. The first issue of Pugwash Maga-

zine was released, RAG began their fund raising with the RAG Ramble, and banter returned to Purple Wednesdays with the resurrection of Gotchas and the rest. A Portsmouth student discovered a new kind of dinosaur - all sorts of things went on! December came in with a bang: VIP won a national award (and hosted two events for children and the elderly) and The Enemy played a gig at the Union. Then we all scampered off home for the holidays and not much else happened! January saw the first ever “long distance” issue of Pugwash News being produced, with one of the articles sparking a chain of comment on the National Student Survey. UoP Boxers became the first ever English University Boxing Cham-

pions, Sailing made it to the Nationals and the first ever Pure FM Sports show hit the airwaves. Later in the month, we announced the launch of the new JobShop website. We also introduced the Portsmouth Phoenix (and it was around this time that Harry Law residents decided that the fire alarms were no longer funny...). February brought deadlines, exams and stress, as well as shock as we Freshers realised that we’d done one entire semester! We consoled ourselves by heading to the Re-Freshers’ Fayre, and joining societies we had missed the first time around. Pugwash put out their first 16 page issue amidst a bit of a legal debacle - you may have seen us handing out a paper without a front page. A group of students

went to Southampton to lobby MP John Denham on tuition fees, while the Societies flocked to the Union for the aptly-named Societies’ Takeover night, which was a huge success. RAG got more money for charity when the Pure FM team put out a special 24 hour broadcast, while a hockey Fresher was “kidnapped” and taken to Birmingham. In March our Library won an award from Portsmouth City Society, and The One World Fashion show took place in the Union. VIP held their Valentine’s Day old folks dinner, while PUD raised £400 for RAG with their Divathon. Saint Patrick’s day was moved, and I spent an entire weekend having happiness fits because Crufts had arrived at last! The final days before the




That’s your lot!

This is the last Pugwash News for this year - we’ll be back in October, so keep sending in your article ideas over the summer, as we’re always looking for new content! Just e-mail us on newsdesk@upsu. net, visit www.upsu.net/newsdesk, or come in to the Sabb Office at the Union and have a chat with us any time!

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