Pugwash News - Issue 04

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pugwash news Student Murdered in Hilsea Two men have been arrested in connection with the death of a University of Portsmouth student on October 26th in Hilsea. Nineteen year-old student, Jed Sheridan, was studying an Access course at the university before his death. Jed's body was discovered in his bed by his family. It is reported that following an altercation, involving six men on his way home from an evening out with friends, Jed died of severe head injuries, according to the post mortem. The incident is believed to have happened on Norway Road, Copnor, just after midnight that morning. Larry Leaver, sixteen, is reported to have been accompanying Jed on his way home. Leaver has described the final journey. He states they were heading home for the night: "As we came over the railway line I saw these three men and we got into a conversation with them. It got a bit aggressive and we went down into the yard to carry it on. Jed got bottled in the face and there was blood everywhere, so I stepped in. There were some punches thrown and it got really nasty, but it stopped after a few minutes." The police investigation into Sheridan's death focused on the house in Copnor where his body


visits 02 Chancellor the Union + Student Fees League, Vote 03 Green for The Enemy + News Bites the Coke 04 Furthing debate Comic Strip + 05 New Sabb Corner posters, sex & 06 club relationships, +the Hug Society Captain, 08 reviews: Saw IV, theatre and the Last FM Chart Challenge + 09 Sporto American Football the Spot, return 11 On of the Gotchas, Coaches’ Corner

was found, along with a detailed forensic search of Norway Road. This investigation led to significant delays to local residents and commuters. (The local resident had chosen to study art, design and photography as he had always enjoyed expressing himself.)

Jed got bottled in the face and there was blood everywhere...

Friends of the student have created a Facebook group commemorating and celebrating his life, and to tell his story. Kelsie Whitwood, the creator of the online tribute to Jed, has been quoted as saying “he was worried about getting hassle at night”. The two suspects have been named as Darren Abrams, twenty, and Terry Sewell, nineteen, from the Copnor area of Portsmouth. Appearing at Portsmouth Magistrates Court on 31st October for an initial hearing, Abrams, of no fixed abode, spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth. He has been remanded in custody until the trial begins at Winchester Crown Court in February.


Issue 4 Wednesday 14.11.07 upsu.net/news

Portsmouth’s official student newspaper

Jonathan Goddard


Mounted Police unit patrols Guildhall Walk and visits the Student Union

Guildhall stagger

that the bar be prevented from serving alcohol past midnight and to then close by 1am. Hampshire Police are reported as saying that the bar is poorly run and thy’re often is mayhem fuelled by alcohol. Guildhall Walk is one of the most popular night time entertainment areas in the city, it also has a reputation as the most violent place in Hampshire. The police combined with the Safer Portsmouth Partnership have been actively trying to limit the number of alcohol related injuries, the campaign know as Operation Drink Safe was integral in submitting the application to limit the opening hours. The operation also has increased police patrols including the deployment of a Mounted Police Unit and the introduction of a zero tolerance approach to the policing of alcohol related incidents.

If you have any information regarding this incident contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

Two bars on the Guildhall Walk are facing restrictions because of violence and underage drinking. Bar Me was forced to adopt more stringent conditions on their license in October. The restrictions on Bar Me followed an investigation by the police. Undercover officers visiting the bar reported large fights, drug taking, couples performing sex acts, drug spiking,under-age drinking, troublemakers being readmitted after starting fights, insufficient security staff, worryingly door, staff failing to co-operate with police. One officer stated that he felt that the venue was not a safe one.

The requests to limit the establishments’ licensing conditions are believed to have been the first time a new adjustment to the law has been used. Under amendments to the Licensing Act 2003, the Local Authority have the ability to fast track a review to Licenses and a quicker process to attach new conditions. The latest establishment to come under fire is the Roast Bar. Hampshire Constabulary have requested that Portsmouth City Council review the bar's license is a response to repeated brawls and alcohol related violence. The Roast Bar currently has one of the latest licenses with permission to serve alcohol until 3am and remain open until 4am. The police's request is

More info tinyurl.com/32reya

People and Planet



Charity News

Calling all students!

Human Rights Week

Sleepy Goodness Top of the world

Feed the world

Want to write for your newspaper?

“Protect the Human Week” starts on the 12th of November. Most people know some of their Human Rights, for example their Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of Life. We, in the Western World, could not imagine having these rights restricted and hardly ever think about people in countries were their rights are limited, like China or Somalia. The Union’s People & Planet society will be involved in various events to highlight the campaign.

The Union's copyshop is giving away a Moosh pillow. The pillows are perfect for snuggling up to on the sofa and offer great comfort and support. They are however not recommended for dozing on in lectures. The copy shop is also selling limited numbers of the pillows including some in the university purple. Get on the UPSU website today and for the chance to win yourself a moosh pillow in our competition.

A computer game supporting the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has generated sufficient funds to supply enough rice for fifty thousand people for a day. The game is a vocabulary game, aimed at improving the competitor's use of English. For every question correctly answered by a user of the website, ten grains of rice are donated by the site's advertisers to the WFP. The website has barely been active for two months and has already generated enough finance for over a billion grains of rice.

Pugwash News & Purple Wednesdays is the Union’s student newspaper. If you have something to shout about, from burning issues to match reports, comment to features, or you want to photograph, design or help lay the paper up, get in touch!

To get involved contact People & Planet on pandp@upsu.net

More info about Moosh Pillows: upsu.net/copyshop

Words: Jacob Leverett Photography: Tom Worman

British Universities are among the best in the world. In the annual Times Higher Education Supplement survey of the world's universities, 32 British universities were within the top 200. The survey shows that British Universities and graduates are amongst the best in the world. Britain also now has four universities in the top ten compared to the three last year. The four British universities in the top ranking are Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London and University College London. The top university overall is Harvard in the United States.

To play visit: www.freerice.com

More info: www.upsu.net/p/2166

Pugwash News



Wednesday 14th November 2007


What’s happening at the Union?


New Student Finance fails to benefit current students Luke Simmonds

A new advertising campaign launched by the Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS) demonstrates the intention to increase financial support for students in higher education. The increase in grant thresholds, which will come into effect in September 2008, will possibly see existing students on the old scheme studying alongside new entrants with significantly improved funding. The maximum household income for getting support will rise from £39,000 to £60,000, meaning more students will be eligible for grants. This is a positive move and something that is long overdue; the government is finally taking action against the financial burden of university. Unfortunately this comes too late for existing students as these new higher levels of support will only become available for new students starting in 2008. Current students will continue to have the old threshold of £39,000 for the remainder of their studies while paying the same fees as new students, of whom two thirds will be eligible for some sort of non repayable grant. A typical student could end up repaying a debt of over £20,000 for a standard three year university degree and may have to work long hours to survive whilst contuining ther studies at university. As you can see from these figures released by the DIUS, current students will be significantly financially disadvantaged compared with new first years. We asked DUIS for a statement regarding why current students are not eligible for this new support and they recomended talking to the Student Support Department of the Student Loans Company. A spokesperson for the Student Loans Company said ‘Student support is worked out for what is appropriate at the time’.

University Chancellors Visit Words: Elle Gray Photography: Tom Worman

We’ve had the great pleasure this week of showing the new University Chancellor Sheila Hancock around the Union and University facilities. She’s had a packed schedule of daytime and evening events, including a visit to the Afro-Caribbean Society's Debate on the causes of African Poverty. Vigorous debate was followed by a drinks reception with a few Student Reps from a selection of groups. We showed a couple of videos of our wide range of activities in all their vibrant action – including our OAP dinner which Sheila reckons she now qualifies for! The next day we took her for tea on Albert Road, then down to Langstone campus to watch the sports matches. She certainly got into the spirit of things, gently taking the mick out of the Rugby team for loosing their match! Our time with her ended with an evening at the Theatre to watch a community play about the Slave Trade (reviewed on page 8), a poignant tale of suffering and the struggle to overcome the widely accepted abomination of human rights. She seemed genuinely impressed and excited about all of our activities, and she will be visiting again soon, so look out for her at our major events like the Summer Carnival.

Website: unimoney.direct.gov.uk

Pugwash news & Purple Wednesdays

Editorial Team

Time Wasting

Mini Sudoku

“Small print”


Contacting us

Introducing your editorial team

Produced fortnightly by the University of Portsmouth Students’ Union (UPSU). Printed by Quotemeprint www.quotemeprint.com, 0845 130 0667, and now printed on 100% recycled paper - Swampy, rejoice! Pugwash News & Purple Wednesdays bears no allegiance to any political party and discriminates against no-one.

Thanks for this issue go to:

To get in touch with the Pugwash News & Purple Wednesdays team, please visit www.upsu.net/newsdesk, e-mail us at newsdesk@upsu.net, call us via the Union’s Media & Publications Officer at 023 9284 3657, or visit us at The Student Centre, Portsmouth Students’ Union, Cambridge Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2EF.


Oops: This weeks’ sorry goes to our design sub-editor. The James Watson photo on the last front cover was due to be credited to Kevin Wilkins.

Josie Afolabi, Claudia Albercht, Matt Blackall, Will Byars, Will Date, Stacey Doran, Sam Elliot, Maz Elsahhar, Wayne Gardiner, Jonathan Goddard, Elle Gray, Dave Hickey, Fleur Homfray, Jerry Hughes, Kate Hutchins, David James, Tiffany Lee, Daniel Morgan, Ben Norman, Tim Over, Simon Owen, Droo Padhiar, Shreyas Puranik, Barbara Sabitzer, Luke Simmonds, Ashlee-Louise Steward, Amanda Webb Tom West, and Chris Yeoh. Also, anyone we’ve forgotten!

Editor: Laura Patricia News Editor: Jacob Leverett Design Editor: Tom Worman Features Editor: Chris Burden Sports Editor: Tim Edwards Reviews Editor: Aakash Naik Web Editor: Luke Simmonds Sub Editors

Errors & omissions: while we take every care to verify our content, we may occasionally make mistakes. Please contact us using the details above to report any inaccuracies or mistakes.

Design: Andy Donohoe, Kev Wilkins Features: Steph Hall, Matt Blackall, Nicholas Prangnell Reviews: Tallie Kane, Ed Butterfield Sports: Peppa Barnett, Marisa May

Pugwash News

Wednesday 14th November 2007



Green League does Study shows dangers of mixers not relieve pressure just yet Matt Blackall

Words: Daniel Morgan Image: Kevin Wilkins

Mixing vodka with energy drinks such as Red Bull can be as damaging as combining the drugs cocaine and heroin. A British drugs expert, Don Serratt, stated that mixing caffeine drinks with such spirits makes an extremely dangerous and lethal cocktail. The most common combination is the student favourite vodka-Red Bull, although the message in the results are not limited to this mix. Any combination of an energy drink with high levels of alcohol can lead to disastrous consequences. The study implies that people who go out and purposely drink vodka combined with Red Bull are twice as likely to cause themselves harm. Worryingly, the survey of over 4,200 students showed that those who combine the two products are twice as likely to be sexually abused

then those that do not. In a survey, carried out in the United States, it was shown that people known to be drinkers of the combination were more likely than others to travel with a drink driver at some stage. It also revealed that people drinking this beverage were twice as likely to require medical treatment for whatever reason. Equally startling is the fact that drinkers were very likely to try to take advantage of someone sexually or be of taken advantage themselves. The results of this survey do not reveal any new information on the perils of binge drinking. However, it does highlight the fact that the combination of caffeine fueled drinks and alcohol has more significant risks. These studies and the results produced should serve as a warning to other potential drinkers. For more information on safe drinking visit: www.drinkaware.co.uk

Schools and Universities both like league tables. Whether it's down to the performance of their students compared to other educational institutions, or a league table of how many cups of Fair-Trade coffee each teacher drinks in one meeting, they love them! Therefore when People and Planet released the Green League in the June issue of The Times Higher Education Supplement, it is no surprise that the powers that be at Portsmouth would be the first to get a copy. The University of Portsmouth were very successful, coming eighth in the country for their ‘greenness’. This meant that the University scored a ‘First,’ in degree terms. There are several criterion to take into consideration when calculating how ‘green’ our Universities are. Most importantly, the Universities need to have an Environmental Manager employed. The University of Portsmouth employed their Environmental Manager last academic year, with Ian McCormack starting work here last May. Secondly, an Environmental Policy is taken into consideration, and although there was one put into place a few years back, it has now come under review. It appears that a brand new policy that deals more with the environmental problems that we face in our world today will be in place some time within this academic year. The other points taken into account are whether an environmental audit had been performed: whether there is recycling in halls, the amount of carbon emissions per head and whether the University has Fair-Trade status - all of which tick the correct boxes when we, the University of Portsmouth, is considered. This was a big issue among the powers at Portsmouth, with the Vice-

Chancellor, John Craven, even mentioning it in his speech at the start of the VIP Awards last June. In his speech he thanked the students from Portsmouth People and Planet for their work over the last three years in helping Portsmouth achieve such a high position in the Green League. Without this group, the University would have not have had a FairTrade status, an Environmental Policy and an Environmental Manager in place at the time the League was published. However, despite the high position Portsmouth has, it does not mean that the University can relax in trying to justify its environmental credentials. One of the most shocking aspects of the Green League was the low amount of recycling that the University partook in, which stood at twenty-seven percent of all waste. Added to this we have an absurdly high level of carbon emissions per head at the University; 722 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide per person. Portsmouth is also well behind other Universities in the country at using ‘Green Electricity’; at the time of the Green League this amount stood at zero percent. All these issues will have to be dealt with; not just to move Portsmouth up in the league, but more importantly, to help reduce the cost that the degrees we are studying for are having on the environment and world around us. Despite Portsmouth’s high performance in the league, if scientists are to be believed (that we need an eighty percent cut in carbon emissions by 2050 in the UK), then it's obvious that less time should be spent on applauding our efforts so far and more time directly dealing with the issues at hand. The consequences, we are told, will be devastating for our planet and the human race. However, at least it appears that we are moving in the right direction, and with momentum!

News Bites

Chocolate doughnuts contain chocolate // Positive energy travels in circles // Swedish professors have the same spelling ability as Pugwash News // There is a difference between Austrian and German lederhosen // Facebook is more popular than porn // 1 Billion text messages are sent every week in the UK // It is recommended to dispose of pills by wrapping them in dog poo // An article submitted by one of the newest university societies was written using one of the oldest forms of English // Moosh Pillows can get you chicks // There is a lot of sipping in beer tasting // Counting cats can be difficult // Maz is a magical cloud // Sleeping in the Sabb office can lead to sore heads // Mike and Ikes are addictive // If you cook Alex dinner, he'll be nice to you // Aliens are coming // Security Guards and people high up in the University read this paper // Date rape drugs have been found in toys produced in China // In Ohio it is illegal to get a fish drunk // Ben Norman has a pith helmet // Dolls houses can have their own miniature handpainted masterpieces // David Cameron looks like a plumber // The Last Supper has 40 seconds of music // A piece of cheese has over 1,200 friends // Canadians are becoming wordier // The Champs Elysees is a mile long // iPhones are not free // Today is the 156th anniversary of the publication of Moby Dick // Iguanas have two penises // The word 'News' is actually an acronym standing for the 4 cardinal compass points North, East, West, and South // It’s illegal to impersonate a Chelsea Pensioner // You can’t deep fry tea // The bagpipe was first made from the liver of a sheep // 'Formicophilla' is the fetish for having small insects crawl on your gentials // “it is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal to tell him information you do not mind him knowing!”


Education News


Vote by SMS to win The Enemy

Compulsory Education Age To Rise

Get a drink, Get your rent paid

Portsmouth students are battling it out with students from nine universities across the country to have new talent The Enemy play a free show at their Students' Union. The competition, run by phone company Trutap, will offer a free gig to the university whose students' submit the most votes. Pompey students have already shown their willingness to secure victory, with over 1,300 students joining the Facebook group committed to the campaign. Group leader Caryn Rolley said: “Regardless of whether people are fans of The Enemy I believe they should still vote as Portsmouth win-

Fleur Homfray

ning would be amazing and everybody should want to be a part of a winning university!” A win for Pompey could potentially lead to more acts playing the venue. Caryn commented: “It’s a great venue and in my opinion could really benefit in having more live music events.” Portsmouth are already facing stiff opposition from Loughborough students, but Caryn thinks “this makes us even more geared up to win”. Voting has commenced and will continue until the 30th November. To vote, get Trutap on your phone by texting "Trutap" to 80468 or logging on to www.trutap.com/download

The government has announced plans to increase the age of compulsory education from sixteen to eighteen. They introduced this new idea in the Queen’s speech this year. Their stance on education is one worthy of praise. The aim to increase the qualifications of those leaving education is a noble aim; however forcing some groups of people to be educated will be an uphill and difficult task for anyone. An increase in young people in education after secondary school will no doubt lead to a higher

demand for places in university. However, it is debatable whether all of these students, after so many years of forced and controlled education, will be able to adjust to the self regulation of university study. Plus, the significant cost of this plan, to implement and enforce this new system could be, it has been argued, put to better use supporting those young people who have the dedication to decide upon their own future. For more information visit: http://www.number10.gov.uk/ output/page13647.asp

The Union's Orange Friday is offering students the chance to win their rent paid for a month. The competition takes place every Friday in the Union and starts on the 16th November, for every round of drinks bought you'll receive a raffle ticket. At midnight on Friday a raffle will take place followed by some on stage games and frolics.

Orange Fridays also has Podium dancers, photographers and selected drinks at £1.50 For terms and conditions, log onto www.upsu.net/sociallife

Pugwash News


Wednesday 14th November 2007

News and Features

Officers' Training Corps Ashlee-Louise Steward

The Officers' Training Corps is an organisation for students who enjoy sports, lively activities, socials and, of course, military training. My father is in the Army so I have been raised in such surroundings, and yet a military career had never crossed my mind. Before arriving at Portsmouth, he suggested I should join the OTC. I instantly turned it down, with images of rifles, (not guns, I made the mistake of calling them that on the last weekend), and battles flashing through my mind. However, Freshers’ Fayre opened my eyes and made me step outside my nice comfort zone. Originally my friend was going to join with me. However, she bailed, so it was just me! I found myself walking alone to the Union for the first meeting, my heart pounding, not knowing what to expect - at which point I was ready to turn around and go back home. But the thought of my father crept into my mind, pushing me to go and take a look and see what it offered. And now I don’t have a single regret about getting on that bus for the training sessions. I have endured some intense PT sessions (fitness), gruelling mornings and rifle handling sessions - all crammed into two weekends! During which, I have met the most amazing group of friends, with whom I’ll be going skiing with in January. Last weekend was thoroughly

enjoyable; we travelled all the way to Crowborough (a place I daren’t even try to explain where it is). Imagine a two hour bus trip full of eager students ready to get stuck into drills, fitness, and weaponry practice! All to be drowned away with an excellent night of fancy dress on the Saturday evening, of which the theme was Empire, a topic at first which lost me, until my friend and I came up with the idea of "Australian convicts" - only to find our small narrow minds were to be matched by about ten others. The night and the costumes were great. However, the morning after took a toll on most of us when we were thrown into an hour and a half drill, followed by a two mile squad run. This meant that we ran at the slowest man’s pace so soon I settled into a pace which suited me, and continued the run with guys all around me, pushing each other to carry on, and to not give up. A bonus of joining the OTC is you get to meet fantastic people who help each other to get through their weaknesses and leap at the chance to charge out of their comfort zones. There is no fear of rejection or humiliation as everyone is in the same boat. I have learnt more about myself from joining the OTC than I have all year - whether that’s a good thing, I have no idea at this point. Until next week, I will remain training and preparing for another great weekend. Oh, and did I mention our fancy dress for next week is Pimps and Hoes...?

Photo: PatrickS from Flickr.com



Facebook or E-Book?

“Hippy Minded Indviduals”

If a student was asked what they spend their free time doing online, a likely answer would be "chatting to friends" or "using Facebook". The majority of students at university use social networking websites for communicating with friends, arranging their social life and posting pictures Now imagine what would happen if universities used the same sites to send students their grades, inform them of coursework deadlines and of course check that the student hasn’t been out on the town the night before an exam or practical assessment. It could be a total nightmare and would not give students

the freedom that many chose the university lifestyle for. However, this is a problem that everyone could soon be facing if early strategies by e-learning gurus go through. Their plan is to use the likes of Facebook and MySpace as Virtual Learning Environments (like WebCT), allowing students the opportunity to work away from the campus. Although so far there appears to be no plan at Portsmouth Uni to use social networking sites in this way, the university is increasing their presence on Facebook. Shreyas Puranik

Following our article from last issue regarding Coca-Cola the online version of the article attracted attention and with readers leaving comments . Some readers also appear to have misunderstood that the Union have not removed Coke but are looking for ethical alternatives. Two main directions of thought have appeared. The following two comments sum up the arguments. "Banning Coca-Cola - how ridiculous! which hippy minded individuals idea was this then? for gods sake, do you think banning coke from the union (which lets face it is hardly

the most popular student union in the country) is gona make a blind bit of difference to anything?! Come on now stop being silly, its all very good making a stand and that, the truth is nobody really gives a damn what Coca-Cola gets up to, we just want to drink there product cos its nice." peachyraver "That would be this "hippy minded individual". That would also be the 1000 signatures of other "hippy minded individuals" who campaigned for three years so that people will know that the money they

have in their pockets can profit those who commit murder. I feel obliged to point out that students can make a difference. A similar campaign was launced against Pepsi, and they duely pulled out of Burma, a country infamous for human rights abuses. If you feel that you can stay silent in the face of such crimes , then be my guest. Just don't judge everyone by your own low standards of humanity." Ben Norman To read more and join the debate visit http://tinyurl.com/39cprd or email comment@upsu.net

Pugwash News

Wednesday 14th November 2007



An Englishman Sabb Corner Ben in France Words: Tom West

Tom West, a foreign exchange student from the University of Portsmouth, tells us all about his adventures in Toulouse, France, in his regular column. As I’d spent all my money on shoes, I couldn’t afford to rent a cosmopolitan penthouse and instead had to apply for a place in French halls! Whoopee! Living in the same city as my university (Portsmouth) while I was in England, it made sense to continue living at home and many people believed this would hinder me being able to live on my own abroad. True, I’m used to the comforts of homecooking and clean laundry, but I knew that I’d be okay by myself, as I’m domestically equal to Bree from Desperate Housewives and I enjoy my own company; I rarely argue with myself, and when I do, I always win!

... I asked if there were communal kitchens, only to be thrown a stare that made my dangly bits shrivel up... I’ve said that my room here was a pig’s ear. The rest of the place makes up the other components of the pig and certain neighbours of mine make up the mud in which it wallows. I’d read on the internet that our halls’ rooms have no kitchens and that the showers and toilets are communal... After imagining every worst possible scenario, most of them involving the Psycho shower scene, I believed I’d anticipated everything that this place could dole out. I was wrong. Upon arriving, I filled out a form detailing the ‘‘damage and stains’’ in my room. Despite

wanting to scrawl ‘‘lots’’ and ‘‘loads’’ across it, I instead spent an hour detailing the God-awful state of the place with the aid of a mini-dictionary and the patience of several saints. After handing the form back to reception, where they were more surprised to learn that I had no light bulbs than the fact that there wasn’t any part of my room or its contents that wasn’t damaged or stained, I asked if there were communal kitchens, only to be thrown a stare that made my dangly bits shrivel up. No there aren’t, but there’s a canteen that serves flavourless mulch only on weekdays! Also, the halls’ website said there was no Internet access! I feared that every day I went without checking my emails a kitten would die, so imagine my relief to find a wireless network here. The only trouble is it’s on and off more times than an indecisive fly on rotten meat. I’m often found shaking my fist at the router and cursing its electronic mother.

Photo: Neovain on flickr.com I wanted to get to know my neighbours. Alas, few opportunities have presented themselves and, without an oven, I can’t bake anyone any greeting muffins. Instead, I’ve been very twee and said “bonjour” to everyone I’ve met on the stairs. They’re polite and they say it back but meaningful conversation hasn’t developed. However, if they’re the charmers leaving gigantic ‘Tracey Island’ poos in the toilets then no, I don’t want to get to know them... Having said that, since I’ve been here I’ve settled down comfortably, making a nice little boudoir for myself and, although I hate to admit it, I’m starting to like the place!

Comic Strip - The Gribbler by Will Byars


Elle Gray

Activities and Development Officer

UPSU President

There are two types of student at this University. Those who seize the day and take every opportunity presented to them, and those who throw the opportunities away, preferring to languish in apathy, or drink themselves into a token and meaningless career, or maybe stay secure in the knowledge that one day daddy is going to hand over a large cheque and an easy job. It’s my job to help level the playing field, to offer all students the chance to show what you can do. As sabbatical officers it isn’t our job to lead you, to push you or coax you into taking part in the Union, but we do provide you the opportunity to do

anything you like, to find and develop a talent, to become the solution to a problem and ultimately to become the person you wish to be. We can offer you those chances, but the job of taking them falls only to you. This week the launch of the Student Campaign Coalition's Free Education debate aims to demonstrate that as students you are as powerful as you wish to be. Student loans, student debt and inequality in education are issues which affect us all and this is the first time the students’ Union has stood shoulder to shoulder with you, the students, to fight for a fairer system for all.

RAG Ramble Not exactly a walk in the park

The apparent weather forecast for Thursday 8th of November was torrential rain with occasional bouts of sleet for dramatic effect. However, it seems Portsmouth students have no time for such trivial frivolities as the weather, laughing in the face of the rain in order to amble around the landmarks of fair Pompey town for the R.A.G Ramble, raising money for Rowans Hospice and McMillan Cancer Research in the process. Well done to all who took part! More: www.UPSU.net/RAG

Photography: Tom Worman

Life in Union-land has been a whirlwind of activity; as well as continuing to put on our huge range of activities we’re also taking a step back to have a look at our organisation as a whole. This is an ongoing process but the early discussions are suggesting we need to put a lot more resources into making sure the Union does its job with regards to the advancement of education: ensuring good personal tutoring, feedback, anonymous marking and coursework receipts across the Uni. After all, the one thing we all have in common is the fact we are all Students! Peace and love, Elle.

WHO: The UPSU Hockey Club WHEN: Training happens throughout the week WHAT: Hockey Mens 1st playing St Georges PHOTO: Tom Worman

Pugwash News

Wednesday 14th November 2007



Spotlight on the Hug Society

Words: David James Photography: Tom Worman

I’ve been out with the Hug Society before, so I knew what they were all about: drinking, making friends and dressing up. Anyone who thought there was a hidden agenda to Hugs then I’m very sorry to disappoint you, but the Hugs guys are simply people that just want to have fun. When I joined one of the Hug Society’s socials two things were

obvious to me: firstly, they take fancy dress very seriously, (we were sitting around a table with Doctor Who, The Hulk, Elvis, Dr Zoidberg, numerous vampires and Minnie Mouse), and secondly nobody minded that we hadn’t paid the joining fee for the night out as everybody was too friendly to care. At this point I’m sure a lot of you are wondering who dressed up as Dr Zoidberg from Futurama. Do you remember the guy from Freshers' Fayre walking around wearing blue fur? Well, that

was him! His name is Peter Henry, and he is the president of the Hug Society. On the Hug’s webpage the group states “we are there to help, intent on providing a place to meet, a shoulder to cry on and a friendly atmosphere when needed.” The society was set up by Peter after his own experiences of loneliness at another uni found himself longing for home, feeling isolated and lonely, and generally being down. “That was when I needed someone to comfort me, give me a hug and make everything better...no one did, and I ended up moving back home to Portsmouth,” he says. “I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else going through that and maybe even missing out on the fun of uni life!” The Hug Society is not just about hugs though! The aim of the society is simply to provide a place for anybody, somewhere for people who can’t find a society that appeals to them. I really believe that finding a suitable society is important; I met many people at my own societies who I know I can call friends. I can see how people without a society could become lonely, so I find this quite admirable. You could say that they provide a service! If you are interested in joining the Hug Society, simply go to their website - www.upsu.net/getinvolved/ societies/hugs - for more information on upcoming events and socials. I can testify that their socials are very good fun! If you belong to a society and want me to provide a spotlight on it, email me at: features@upsu.net

What makes you S.T.A.N.D. out? Words: Ben Norman

Over a quarter of a million students graduate across the country every year, so what makes you STAND out? The Students’ Union is launching STAND (Student Training and New Development), allowing you to gain tangible and transferable skills making you stand out from the crowd. There are four courses run in the first semester: Media Training, Campaign Coordination, Society Management and Train the Trainer. These are running every Wednesday and Thursday until the 5th of December. However, you don’t have to come to every workshop, you can simply cherry-pick the workshops that are right for you. The Media Training course is for all those who would like to gain an insight into this competitive field from our skilled media team. These sessions will aim to cover all the basics of writing news journalism, features articles and sport journalism as well as offering practical skills in writing press releases, and conducting successful interviews. It also offers opportunities to hone your technical skills with web training and tutorials in desktop publishing programs. You can use these skills to get involved in our various media

outlets, including the award winning Pugwash Magazine or the recently established Pugwash News and Purple Wednesdays paper. The Campaign Coordination course offers you the knowledge needed to coordinate, publicise and plan any campaign, from setting up a charity event to lobbying officials. The workshops aim to cover all the fundamental aspects for running a successful campaign from effective communication, writing press releases and working the room like a politician to lobbying a local MP. The Society Management course aims to train students to become efficient and effective representatives. Whilst the course is initially targeted at society and club members, or those students sitting on committees, the skills are easily transferable into other fields, such as management roles. The course will also cover various life skills such as conducting presentations, public speaking and assertiveness and confidence. There is also be a special training course, Train the Trainer, which will teach you all the tricks of the trade. This offers you the chance to discover how to run your own training courses, thus opening up an entirely new skills base, making you stand out even more. Whilst STAND train-

ing will be led by Union staff in the first semester it is opened up to you in semester two. There are twenty thousand students in this university, each with a unique set of skills to share with others. You pay the fees, it's time you got something more then just a degree. If you’ve got a skill it's time to STAND up and be noticed. To join in go to: www.upsu.net/stand or contact your Student Development Officer, Ben Norman, at Ben.norman@port.ac.uk

Photography: Alex Harries

Trust me, I’m Okay Words: Tiffany Lee Photography: Tom Worman

About a year ago, one of my friends and I decided it was about time we lost our “clinic virginity” and to go and brave “the test”. Luckily, there was no unfortunate event to encourage our visit, other than the fact that we were being suffocated by advertisements from every angle of our lives and we were desperate to silence our consciences. Campaigns were cropping up everywhere as if the powers that be had just decided that the privacy of our sexual health would be the subject for the next fashionable moral panic. But considering that reliable contraception has been available to us for only half a century, why all the fuss now?

...so “No Nose Clubs” were set up across the country...

According to my housemate’s graphic description over dinner the other night, couples in the eighteenth century had two choices for contraception: either the lining of an animal’s stomach or a washable leather sock. Compared to these options, condoms look pretty appealing. So what was the catalyst to today's heightened awareness of safe sex? In the sixties, love became free, not just free from commitment but free from consequence, as the public celebrated a new social acceptance of sexuality. So I guess, to use a quote that has probably never been linked to STI’s before, “with great power comes great responsibility.” If sex really is now out in the open, it’s probably time to start being proactive. Although the eighteenth century methods were not particularly hygienic, they did have a fool proof system of preventing the further growth of

syphilis. A distinguishable symptom of the disease was that the infected person’s nose would waste away so “No Nose Clubs” were set up across the country only allowing in people affected by the disease. So maybe it is a good idea to notice something and get it checked out before you become irreparable; I don’t think they make antibiotics with the capability to re-grow body parts. So there we were, sat in the waiting room looking around at the other patients, hoping that another woman might be that one in the threatening statistics. We giggled as if it was all a little joke, but at the back of our minds we both knew we needed validation that our noses had no plans to depart from our faces any time soon. Thankfully, we went to a hospital clinic where they had the equipment allowing us to test ourselves and the nurse was extremely welcoming. Our biggest fear when crossing the GUM clinic threshold was that our most feminine parts would be under the harsh scrutiny of some chaste beast with no expression other than disgust at us disgraceful and promiscuous youths. She even had the patience to explain to me what went where as I repetitively tiptoed back to the diagnosis room with the swab in my hand, each time reassuring her that I understood and then returning to double check the routine. Luckily we were both fine. But, what would we have done if the results did not go our way? Being naive teenage girls, we were content in believing that the Pill would prevent us from any harm. Together, with our fear of the potential beast that would test us, we remained blissfully ignorant about one of the most important procedures that every sexually active person should be considering. My only advice is to go to the local hospital where it is very likely you will be able to test yourself. Just make sure you listen to the instructions carefully to avoid making a tit out of yourself!

Pugwash News


Wednesday 14th November 2007

Reviews .. in association with

Singles ‘You Talk’ Babyshambles Rating: Amanda Webb

Pete Doherty has recruited Kate Moss to co-write this second single from Babyshambles’ latest album “Shotter’s Nation”. Whilst there is an obvious lyrical improvement to the previous album, Doherty’s vocal twist of the word “you” is too repetitive and grates on the old eardrums after a while. However it is this part of the song alone that stops the guitar riffs, like the lyrics, from becoming lost in a sea of practically identical songs. Although an overwhelmingly common statement these days, it’s fair to say that Babyshambles have once again failed to measure up to the beautiful guitar rifts and poetic genius that once was The Libertines.

‘Flex’ Dizzee Rascal Rating: Sam Elliott

From Dizzee’s third album “Maths and English”, Flex follows along the same winning formula as his previous hits. Although not as strong as some of the other songs off of the album, the catchy beat that Flex has supplements the lyrical genius of Dizzee well. This is sure to be a dance floor hit, especially with DJs along the lines of Dave Spoon and Micky Slim getting on the remixes. This is a good follow up to “Old School” from Dizzee, but with collaborations with the likes of Lilly Allen appearing on the rest of the album, you wonder about the choosing of this song as the single.

‘Carry On’ Bens Brother Rating: Chris Yeoh

With its jingly-jangly acoustic guitars in the background, Ben’s Brother could easily be mistaken for a band more established in the crowded Indie-Pop market. “Carry On” is the latest incarnation to be released as a single from this five-piece band from London, headed by Jamie Hartman. His voice stands out and is almost reminiscent of Rod Stewart. It’s a pretty laid-back number (quite frankly it reminds me of summer!), and its upbeat, yet compassionate lyrics provide a well-needed dose of cheer for those dark winter nights ahead. A band to keep an eye out for, I think.

‘Gotta Keep Walking’ Willy Mason Rating: Stacey Doran

Like the rest of the fantastic new album, “If The Ocean Gets Rough” by Willy Mason this single is just lovely. With a harmonic duet in parts from KT Tunstall, this single certainly has a little something special. The

lyrics, probably what Johnny Cash would have been writing if he were born thirty years later, are catchy and soulful and resonate strongly with Mason’s slow yet rhythmic singing style. Mason fans should be aware however that whilst this single is a brilliant release, it is by no means the best on the album. Singles like “Save Myself” and “Riptide” ultimately show the breadth of Mason’s musical talents to a greater extent, and whilst this single does not disappoint listeners, it is one that can’t really compete with other album tracks.

Live Captain The Wedgewood Rooms Rating: Josie Afolabi

For a band that have just released their second album, and have apparently been gaining a lot of airplay and commendation recently, walking into a relatively small venue with gaps in the crowd big enough to play badminton made the outlook of the night look rather bleak. Support band The Plymouths started out strong, their subtle electro hints managed to get at least some of the crowd moving, but catchy harmonies were ruined with predictable song layout. The crowd were soon becoming quite bored, and by the third song it was clear that their lead singer was just another karaoke superstar; an audible sigh of relief was heard when it was all over. Now for the band whose name is above the door: Captain came on, filling the stage with their airy personalities, trying to interact with the crowd but not really being taken seriously. The male/female vocals didn’t really come together because they sounded like two women, and the female vocals were layered anyway. The songs never seemed to develop memorable backbones, except “Frontline” which couldn’t be faulted, with every instrument flowing smoothly. Captain – an easy choice for a present for your mother, but if you’re serious about music, this band is not for you.

Bousman’s tetralogy led the audience to believe John/Jigsaw would no longer feature in future instalments of the Saw saga, in reality, despite his death, he is still the main protagonist of the film. Now an obvious trait to the films, Saw IV ends with a twist; viewers might recognise characters from the first three films including Eric Matthews, Kerry and Dr. Lynn. Overall, Saw IV is a must see, especially if you’re a fan of the first three in the series. Dare you see Saw?

Theatre The African Women’s Forum presents…Brighter than the Moon Rating: Tiffany Lee

Forget epic movies about the transatlantic slave trade. Forget Spielberg and his compensating budget. Here in the modest ‘wooden O’ that is the New Theatre Royal, a small handful of twenty first century citizens finally began to understand the horrors of an overplayed but unrepresented period in history. Emerging from the African Women’s Forum latest project ‘Breaking the Chain’, the community collaboration entitled Brighter than the Moon invites the people of Portsmouth to commemorate the 200th anniversary of slave abolition. The tale is told through Martina, a young African woman who travels to Bugame from Portsmouth to discover her roots. Somehow the produc-

tion manages to remain light-hearted, perhaps by focusing on the active slave rebellion that led to their freedom. One particular element of the play I found compelling was the dissection of stereotypical preconceptions of race: the African characters are empowered and the white crewmen are represented as having compassion. Every trick in the book was employed to evoke feelings of entrapment and suffocation in their mesmerised audience, who were surrounded by the lingering hum of the Africapella song group. At one point in the play we were even rounded up and dragged down to the ‘lower deck’ of the theatre to experience the claustrophobic conditions first hand. Admittedly there were small blunders throughout in the performance, but these were overlooked by the lasting impression made by this confident amateur production. We were even invited to release our tension and feelings of

oppression with a liberating, traditional African boogie after the curtains closed. After all this, it seemed a bit of a shame that the taxi driver was listening to ‘Big Pimpin’ on the way home.

Pure FM Show of the Week

What: The Ben Burrell Show Who: Ben Burrell When: Tuesdays 1-3 Description: Tune into Ben’s show for a chart-tacular post-lunchtime feast for the ears, with the best of the charts, the Pure FM playlists, and a heck of a lot of fun too. It’s sure to drive you round the BENd with enjoyment. For fans of: Radio One, Alan Partridge, Art Brut, Scrubs.

Last FM Chart www.upsu.net/lastfm


Every week we’ll be showing a chart of the Top 5 artists that the members of our Last.fm group have been listening to, if you want your music scrobbled, log in and add the Pugwash chart!

Saw IV Rating: Droo Padhiar

Saw IV, like the other three films, has not lost the harsh brutality of its visual style. The story shows the notorious Jigsaw’s torture-ridden games one more time, coinciding with the events of Saw III. It gives you what the first three films did: the gore, horrendous scenes of death and anguish; but this time with the conclusive message of “the games have just started”. Jigsaw’s death in the third instalment of Darren Lynn

Pugwash Top 5

Captain photos: Andy Donohoe


Bloc Party


Neutral Milk Hotel


The Beatles


Jimmy Eat World


Brand New


Purple Wednesdays Wednesday 14th November 2007

Sports Features

Reading gets Destroyed

Sporto Challenge

Jerry Hughes American Football

Every fortnight we pit two of our sportos against each other in a fast paced Q&A session to see who’s cooler. Oh, and they have to draw a donkey too... Decide for yourself.

For the second successive season, the Portsmouth Destroyers opened their season at Home against old adversaries Reading Knights who they shared last year’s two game series 1-1. The Destroyers elected to start a kicking game for field position. This paid off as the tough Destroyers defence led by Line Backer Rory Alexander would force the Knights to minimal gains. On the ensuing punt rookie Line Backer Ricky Poonia somehow found himself fumbling to the Knights only for impressive work from Pompey to save the rookie blushes. Neither team’s offences clicked in the first half as both struggled to establish a passing game. The score going into the half was 0-0, with both teams looking to make adjustments to their game plans to try and make an impact on the score line. The 3rd quarter was again much the same as the first half, both

defences stopping any plays dead in their tracks. With not much space to work with, the offence went through the motions and Punter Tom Martin was called upon to help his defence out by kicking for field position and he delivered with a fifty yard plus punt that sailed over the Knight’s returnee’s head. The Knights’ offence was again stifled by the Destroyers defence and once they had the ball back it was up to quarter back Neil Blow to drive his team forward. He managed to

find some space on the right and outpaced all the Knights defenders over forty-eight yards to touchdown. The extra two point conversion was missed by Stephen Yates leaving the final score 6-0 to the Destroyers. The Destroyers now go to 1-0 for the first time in their team history, as they prepare for their away game vs. Brighton Tsunami on Friday 11th November, giving them just five days to prepare for another encounter in which last seasons game saw Pompey win 20-2 at Brighton.

League Table Top 5 Sportos


Andrew Machin


Tim Over


Simon Leach


Dave Hickey




Dave Hickey

Tim ‘Teddy’ Over

Boxing Club President

Cricket Club President

Have you ever ....

Have you ever....

Drank/spent more than £100 on alcohol for yourself in one day? No, I’m an athlete, perhaps something to aspire to one day. Slept in your own sick? No not yet, hopefully never Slept outside? On far too many occasions Attempted “straight-arm” drinking? Only in my first year, with great results Played touch cup? Yeah, but I’m awful at it, I only get to play on rare occasions as I’m a boxer Been naked in public? Yes, but not enough times

Drank/spent more than £100 on alcohol for yourself in one day? Yes, Amsterdam Cricket Tour.

Been asked to leave the union? After the last boxing show (the one time I’m allowed to drink) I got so drunk I was thrown out (after a full day of drinking) Missed a lecture to play sports /do soco stuff? Surprisingly not, but I’ve missed them for plenty of other reasons Participated in “The Ramp”? I’ve no idea what “the ramp” is! No one I ask seems to know! WHAT IS THE RAMP? Downed a jug of Snakey B? Never successfully – boxers have the alcohol tolerance of a twelve year old girl! Gone in the sea after Tantrum /Time? We’ve been in the sea at 7am after our morning run! Started drinking before noon? After our last boxing show we met at 11am to drink Is Snake Bite your choice of drink at the Union? I’M NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK 364 DAYS A YEAR! How many societies/clubs have you represented at uni? (1 point for each club) Boxing, it’s the only athletic club! Now draw us a donkey...

Score: 12

Slept in your own sick? Nay. Slept outside? Paris, 4am waiting for a bus. Attempted “straight-arm” drinking? With yoghurt, great results! Played touch cup? What a stupid question! Been naked in public? Oh yes, life seems much more fun when naked. Been asked to leave the union? Yes, afraid so … sick duty followed.

Missed a lecture to play sports/to do soco stuff? Well it would be rude not too. Participated in “The Ramp”? Indeed Downed a jug of Snakey B? Only an old school Jug, the new ones are just too … hockey Gone in the sea after Tantrum /Time? Bears don’t swim good. Started drinking before noon? Abso-bloody-exactly! Is Snake Bite your choice of drink at the Union? Who writes these? Ladyboy beverages are no part of cricket. How many societies/clubs have you represented at uni? (1 point for each club) Cricket 1st, Cricket 2nds and Cricket 3rds Now draw us a donkey....

Score: 14


Purple Wednesdays Wednesday 14th November 2007

Sports features and results

Can’t beat our Pompey Passion

Mixed results for Lacrosse

WFC Seconds 2 vs 1 Brunel Seconds

Lacrosse Womens Firsts

Lacrosse Mens Firsts

W.O.M: Amy Hawkins kept us in the game with some amazing saves.

To say that the Firsts have had a challenging start to the season is an understatement. A rebuilt team have made two visits to London, suffering heavy defeats. The scores simply do not do justice to the level of performance the Firsts put in. The Pompey ladies started brightly and made the early running, even being denied a lead in the beginning of the game, after having a goal disallowed. Then, like the previous week’s game the match slipped away as The Kings Ladies took control. Victoria Walsh’s single goal will be scant consolation to the ladies who should feel that, when the time comes, they have the ability to get results against almost anyone in this league.

That’s right folks, it’s cup time again. Pompey were looking to transfer their excellent league form to notoriously unpredictable cup competitions, the West & Midlands league. It was with a sense of anti-climax then that the First team discovered they would be welcoming Bristol Sharks, a team like Pompey, who ply their trade in the second division – West. Widely seen as a strong opposition for Pompey’s hope of the league title, this game proved one sided. As the game progressed towards half time, class shone through however and the Firsts took control of the game. The final result leaves Pompey with an interesting away trip to Stafford for the second round.

Pompey Women’s 1 v 20 Kings College

Pompey Men’s 13 v 2 Bristol Sharks

D.O.D: Maria Lanham Second Week, now doesn’t need assistance, she falls over by herself. Pompey’s Seconds took on Brunel justifiably confident after a 9-0 victory the week before. With the side short on experience the team looked to the elder members for leadership. Brunel started the game well, but Pompey battled on, while making time for the odd cheeky comment to the larger members of the team. In the thirty-fifth minute though, the ball successfully bounced over Brunel’s defender's head and fell sweetly at ‘Carebears'’ feet, who finished with aplomb as she chipped to the keeper to make it 1-0.

In the last three minutes of the game the referee gave a controversial free kick to Brunel, only eight yards from the goal line. Even with most of the team on the line Brunel managed to score. Our team wasn’t admitting defeat yet, with a quick

Home Game Fixtures

31st October 2007 Sports Results

14th November Badmington Mens 2 vs Kings Medics // Basketball Mens 2 v Royal Holloway // Fencing Womens v City University // Fencing Mens 1 v Imperial 2nd // Football Mens 2 vs Portsmouth 3rds // Football Mens 4 v Roehampton University 2nds // Football Mens 5 v Reading 4ths // Golf Mens v Brunel Uni (WL) // Hockey Mens 1 v Kent Uni // Hockey Mens 2 v Kings Medical // Hockey M4 v Sussex 2nds // Hockey Womens 3 v Rpyal Holloway // Netball 1 vKent Uni // Netball 2 v Chichester University // Lacrosse Mens 1 v Southampton Uni // Netball 1 v Kent Uni // Netball 2 v Chichester Uni// Netball 5 v Westminister Uni 1st // Rugby Mens 1 v Hertfordshire // Rugby Men 2 v Portsmouth 3rds // Squash Womens 1 v Kent Uni // Tennis Women 1 v Roehampton Uni

21st November Badmington Mens 1 vs Cambridge Home // Badmington Mens 2 v Kingston // Badmington Womens 1 v Imperial Medics // Basketball Mens 1 v Hertfordshire Home // Fencing Women v Queen Mary Home // Football Mens 2 v Buckinghamshire Chiltern // Football Mens 3 v Chichester Uni 2 // Football Mens 6 v Brunel Uni (WL) 4th // Football Womens 1 v Royal Holloway // Football Womens 2 v Sussex Uni// Hockey Mens 2 v Portsmouth 3rd // Hockey Womens 1 v Reading Uni 2 // Hockey Womens 2 v Buckinghamshire Chiltern // Hockey Womens 3 v UCL // Lacrosse Mens 1 v Southampton Uni // Netball 1 v Chichester University // Netball 4 v Brighton Uni // Rugby Freshers v Wiltshire College // Rugby Mens 3 v Sussex Uni 1st // Squash Womens 1 v Essex Home // Table-Tennis Mens 1 v King's Home.


restart to try and surprise the opposition. Straight away this lead to an attack and Pompey won and scored a penalty. By the supporter's reaction you would have thought we had won the league, not our second game, 2 to 1.


7th November 2007 Sports Results OPPOSITION


Men’s Badminton 1sts





Men’s Badminton 2nds



Imperial Medics


Women’s Badminton 1sts Men’s Basketball 1sts

Fencing Men 1sts




Men’s Badminton 1sts Men’s Badminton 2nds




Women’s Badminton 1sts













Fencing Women 1sts









Men’s Basketball 1sts





Women’s Basketball 1sts


Fencing Men 1sts


Men’s Basketball 2nds

Men’s Basketball 2nds Women’s Basketball 1sts




Royal Holloway

Fencing Women 1sts Men’s Football 1sts





Men’s Football 1sts



St Mary’s

Men’s Footbal 2nds



St Mary’s


Men’s Footbal 2nds





Men’s Football 3rds



Bucks Chiltern


Men’s Football 3rds



St Mary’s


Men’s Football 4ths



St Mary’s


Men’s Football 4ths





Men’s Football 5ths



Chichester University


Men’s Football 5ths



St Mary’s


Men’s Football 6ths









Men’s Football 6ths Women’s Football 1sts





Women’s Football 1sts

Women’s Football 2nds





Women’s Football 2nds

Golf 1sts





Golf 1sts





Men’s Hockey 1sts



St George’s


Men’s Hockey 1sts





Men’s Hockey 2nds



Royal Vets


Men’s Hockey 2nds





Men’s Hockey 3rds



Kings Medical


Men’s Hockey 3rds



Royal Veterinary


Men’s Hockey 4th



Imperial Medics


Men’s Hockey 4th









Women’s Hockey 1sts



Brighton 2


Women’s Hockey 1sts

Women’s Hockey 2nds





Women’s Hockey 2nds




Women’s Hockey 3rds



Imperial Medics


Women’s Hockey 3rds



Royal Free


Women’s Lacrosse 1sts





Women’s Lacrosse 1sts





Netball 1sts



Imperial Medics



Netball 2nds

Netball 1sts




Netball 2nds





Netball 3rds





Netball 3rds





Netball 4ths



Royal Holloway


Netball 4ths





Netball 5ths





Netball 5ths



Kingston 2


Men’s Rugby Union 1sts



Imperial Medics


Men’s Rugby Union 1sts





Men’s Rugby Union 2nds



Imperial Medics


Men’s Rugby Union 2nds





Men’s Rugby Union 3rds





Men’s Rugby Union 3rds



St George’s Hospital


Men’s Rugby Fresher’s



Anglia Ruskin


Men’s Rugby Fresher’s



City Uni


Women’s Rugby 1sts(Fresher’s)



Solent W


Women’s Rugby 1sts





Women’s Rugby 2nds

Women’s Rugby 2nds Men’s Squash 1sts



Reading 2


Men’s Squash 2nds Men’s Squash 3rds



Surrey Uni


Women’s Squash 1sts Men’s Table Tennis





Men’s Squash 1sts



Royal Holloway


Men’s Squash 2nds





Men’s Squash 3rds



Royal Holloway

Women’s Squash 1sts



Royal Holloway


Men’s Table Tennis





Men’s Tennis 1sts



Imperial Medics


Men’s Tennis 1sts





Women’s Tennis 1sts



Royal Holloway


Women’s Tennis 1sts





Men’s Volleyball 1sts



St Mary’s


Men’s Volleyball 1sts



Royal Holloway


Women’s Volleyball 1sts





Women’s Volleyball 1sts

Purple Wednesdays Wednesday 14th November 2007


Sports news


Paintball: the rivals Coaches’ Corner

Women’s Hockey Team

Simon Owen

Ski and Snowboard vs Wakeboard

The UPSU’s un-sung sports heros

M.O.M: Kim Agate D.O.D: Miss Kayleigh

On the 20th/21st of October the first of our static line training courses took place, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Those on the course travelled up to Netheravon on Friday evening in a minibus. It was an early start on Saturday morning to make sure the students were ready for a day of intensive training. Their training covered everything they needed to know in order to make their first skydive from 3,500ft. Sunday was the big day for our students, who were about to make their first jump. After a refresher training session it was time to get all of the required equipment and start kitting up. The students were joined by Simon, the onboard cameraman (among other things). Despite some nervous looking students everyone jumped and really enjoyed it. There were some really good jumps from some of the students, good enough to help them progress onto the next stage in their training. Congratulations to all those making their first skydive – welcome to our world! Unfortunately there was one slight incident on the jump; we found out that Vicky’s perception of height is somewhat lacking, when she flared at around 30ft, instead of 10ft! It meant that she had a slightly hard landing, and ended up spraining her ankle. Despite it only being a minor injury she still caused everyone grief with incident forms and an A & E visit. Everyone enjoyed their first jump so much they were all eager to go and do another one. After being debriefed it was time to go again. This time saw yet more progression, with some more “good all the way”s being written in the students’ training record cards. Although the weekend was focused around the new students the experienced members of the club still managed to get some jumping in. The more experienced members again improved their jumps and continue to move from strength to strength.

The event took place on Saturday 3rd of November when the Ski and Snowboarders completed the mission “Wakeboard Wipe-out”; yes that’s right the Ski & Snowboarders took the Wakeboarders out! The Wakeboard President Josh Clarke started off the foul play with a point blank shot to Chris Francis Clifford to the top of the head. Then certain blondes (Alex Pickering & Ed Hamilton) in the Wakeboard club decided it would be funny to shoot the already ‘dead’ Ski and Snowboarders whilst walking back to base all day! In true Snowboard social secretary style, after running out of paintballs, and refusing to eat one Claudia Albrecht decided to become a suicide runner. After four games, there was a lunch break which everyone needed as the hangovers started to kick in. The games after lunch lost all momentum as everyone ran out of energy and ammunition. It was soon decided to move to a bigger and better site. After a few exciting games in the jungle and village site teams started to drop away due to extreme hangovers starting with Team Blonde. Soon after a few weak Ski and Snowboarders followed suit. Finally Ski and Snowboard took a narrow victory. For future reference, Wakeboarders play dirty and Ski and Snowboarders are team players.

Here at the University of Portsmouth we employ three community coaches. The clubs have improved, not just in standard, but in structure. As well as catering for more people whilst showing more professionalism than before, it is time we started to appreciate the coaches and value the work they put in; this applies to all coaches.

On The Spot! Score & Win

Who are you? Kate Hutchins Age: Very nearly 21 unfortunately! Still pretending to be 19 forever! Club/Society History: President/ Commodore of the SAILING CLUB! Simply the greatest club in the world! Home town: Winchester (where all the raahs live, hehe) First Portsmouth Curry: umm, Light of Bengal methinks. Favourite Movie: Bit of a sucker for Four Weddings I’m afraid, Shaun of the Dead is up there too! What puts a smile on your face? Lots of sailing when it's tres windy and sunny so I can top up the tan and get fit at the same time! And the boyfriend (oops!) What wipes it off? Lots of wet, freezing and hung-over sailing (when trying not to be sick). Most embarrassing moment: Possibly a few walks of shame from Southsea to James Watson as a Fresher, never good! Best chat up line: I’ve heard from someone "When they made the alphabet they should have put U and I together!" Absolutely shocking, but credit for creativity! What was your first kiss like? I have really no idea, I can’t remember it at all. Sad times! Favourite uni memory: So many! Time and Envy back in Southsea as a Fresher, good times were had in that joint! How quickly can you down a pint? Not fast at all, I’m too much of a girl I’m afraid! Tip of the week: Smile! It solves everything!

Over the past 3 years Portsmouth Women's Thirds have struggled for goals. Many have considered taking their hockey sticks and ending it with one quick, final whack to the head. Finally the spirits of all the old hockey girls arose on all hallows eve to a mighty win, over the doctors of Imperial media school who will need more than a sticky plaster to mend their broken souls. The first goal was scored early in the first half by Miss Fluffy Bunny, standing behind the captain I witnessed her near collapse in disbelief and excitement. Shaking with anticipation we continued fighting on and another goal soon followed from Jess in her first match. The second half proved more difficult with the doctors seeming to have woken up were fighting back at us. They shouldn’t have bothered though as the defence was as impressive as the attacker’s, with tackles flying in fully around the ankles of the opposition. The forward play was almost telepathic at points with first Georgie and then Steph score spectacular goals. The final whistle blew in anticipation of numerous games of 'touch-a-winner' were to played after this brilliant five nil win. Pompey 5 V 0 Imperial Medical School

Separated at birth

Wayne Gardiner

To find out more about the Skydive club at: http://www.skydiveport.co.uk

I have been the boxing coach for the University for just under two years now, but started boxing for fitness when I was thirteen. On joining the Royal Navy I became a competitive title winning boxer until injury forced me to hang up the gloves. I was lost and did not know what to do with myself. Luckily life works out and I was encouraged into coaching (thanks Q), which I found gives me everything from a boxing ring except the physical pain of the actual punch (not a bad deal). I coached in the Navy for years before taking over as the University’s Head Coach. I love coaching at the University as I have seen so many binge drinkers, shy or violent people turn from teenagers to adults with the help of boxing. Since joining, the club's success has exceeded my expectations; with National University Gold, Silver & Bronze medals, Southern County Finalists, a National Quarter Finalist, Female ABA National Champion, Gold and Silver in multi-nations cup (Denmark) and us remaining undefeated in three home shows. Our main aim now is to obliterate the rest of the Universities across the country while getting the University's Boxers representing their country. “My life is dedicated to my passion and so my passion is my life”.



Does our media officer have the X Factor? Finally, the banter’s back! We knew UPSU media officer Alex Harries had a hidden secret, well, imagine how shocked we were when Alex appeared on our TVs in the disguise of Rhydian Roberts - X-Factor contestant. Judge for yourselves with the evidence below (and send your matches in to newsdesk@upsu.net!)

After a couple of weeks without them, we have finally managed to bring you back the sporto stitch-ups !

Left: Alex Harries - Right: Rhydian Roberts

Send in your gotchas to us at: sportnews@upsu.net

After the horse riding social four of the girls ended up in bed together. Who convinced the wakeboarding club to get the “gay hair”? Women’s football seem confused! Why were they fighting each other rather than the opposition? Which male footballer was seen coming out of the tanning salon? Inter cricket relations are at an all time high. Apparently the squash president now plays for England. Is the hockey president under the thumb? Cricket fresher Sparrow used to play for Tottenham! He’s plastic, fact! Rumour has it Ski & Snowboard are taking a trip to Madagascar. Cannon has brought home 27 people since October; 26 received cuddles and the other was Milkshake.

Dodgeball What is it? Intra-mural Dodgeball When is it? Sunday 18th November, Nuffield Sports Centre What time? 10am – 5pm How many players? 6 and 2 substitutes How much does it cost? £10 – all for charity How can you get involved? Email: sportsofficer@upsu.net

photo: Aram Armstrong on Flickr




Issue 4 Wednesday 14.11.07 upsu.net/news

The Naked Equestrian

Hockey Club pull it together

...for the benefit of charity (well that’s our excuse)!

This year, the men’s and womens hockey clubs joined forces to become UPHC (University of Portsmouth Hockey Club); this, combined with loads of hard work by our existing members at the beginning of the year means we have seen our biggest intake in new members ever. This year’s start is going well and things only look to get better. With seven teams now competing in the BUSA league, the players and spectators have been flocking to Langstone astroturf on Wednesday afternoons and they haven’t been letting us down. The Men’s First XI are fighting hard to be top this year, with two wins under their belt, while the Men’s Fourth XI have played extremely well and are currently sitting at the top of their league at the moment. The most interesting twist to this year’s mens’ hockey games sees the Mens’ Seconds and Thirds in the same league and comfortably sitting at first and second in the table respectively, as the Second XI narrowly beat the Third XI 3 to 2 in the first game of the season. Meanwhile for the women’s teams, this year has bought amazing successes. The standard in the women’s club has increased dramatically this year with some great new arrivals to the teams. The Women’s First XI are currently in second place with one game in hand, likewise the Second XI have had a great turnaround from last year and are also in second place, and not to let the side down the Women’s Thirds had their first

visit the Portsmouth University Hockey Club online at: www.uphc.co.uk

Tour News 2008

Pure sports radio

Write for PWs

All aboard for the AU on tour

Sports talk with Darby and Andy

PWs needs your club news!

This year sees another exciting trip for all members of all teams and clubs: the Sportos jet off to Rimini, Italy during the second week of the Easter break between 25th and 31st of March 2008. The cost for the trip is only £240. (That’s £195 for the coach and ferry journeys, £20 for tour shirts and £25 returnable room deposit). If you fancy going then get your deposit of £60 in by 20th of November to the Student Union. This is open to all clubs, so get in touch with your club president ASAP to book your place.

This year has seen the return of a Pure Sports broadcast on Purefm.com. The main aim this year is to raise the profile of sport and the radio show is just one means of putting this plan into practice. The hosts are your sports officer Simon ‘Darby’ Leach and Andy Scott. The show goes out at 1-3 every Thursday and can be heard live on the internet. The show introduces Challenge Darby, club stitch ups, guest Presidents, and much more, so go online and get involved by listening to the show.

... and features, and photos, and socials, and anything else you want to tell us about your club! It’s easy to get a mention in PWs - just e-mail everything to sportnews@upsu.net, visit www.upsu.net/newsdesk, or come in to the Sabb Office at the Union and have a chat with us any time!

More info: www.upsu.net/sportstour

Listen live on: www.purefm.com

win last week, annihilating the opposition 5 to 0. In addition to our successes on the pitch, we have a number of members within the club who are giving up their free time to coach hockey in the community. By coaching at local schools, the members of UPHC are working hard to promote hockey to young kids, and will once again be running a tournament for local schools later on in the year. If all that wasn’t enough, UPHC are also currently running an indoor intra-mural hockey tournament on Tuesday mornings, of which Sally, one of our new members, is a regular participant. Talking about her involvement she said: “I have never really been involved in any sports such as hockey, but since joining UPHC I’ve discovered that one of the best ways to make the most friends is by joining a sports team such as hockey. Although my skills are not of a high standard, I’m actively involved in hockey at least once a week and recently began taking part in intra-mural hockey too, which I can definitely say is one of the most fun and exhilarating games I’ve played in a long while. For me having fun is definitely the most important aspect, and so far I haven’t been let down!” We’ve had some great games and great socials, and we couldn’t have asked for a better beginning for the all new UPHC!

Peppa Jane Barnett Sports sub-editor

Clockwise from top left: Netball team play at Langstone, preparing for the ‘jump’ with the skydive club, women’s football stride forwards, horse riding club prepare for the naked calendar, and mens hockey thrash St Georges. Pics: Tom Worman/Skydiving

It’s the fifth week in and the riding club have been out and about having fun and getting up to no good with team trials, club trials, first lessons, lots of socials and getting naked in aid of the AU charity calendar. The A and B Teams have both been chosen and are training hard to be ready for their first competitions on the 5th and 12th December. Congratulations to those who made the teams! Club Trials were held within the first few weeks back for the new members’ abilities to be assessed. If you want to experience the ride of your life, come and join the Equestrian Club, no experience is necessary. To every club there is a social side and this club is no different, with numerous socials involving homemade costumes (with the vice president and team co-ordinator buying aged 8 – 11 dresses). In aid of charity we went to a riding demonstration with Tim Stockdale, in our costumes. The night’s only disappointment was none of our girls won the raffle! Next up are the joint socials with the motorbike club and roller hockey team, the dodgeball and our Sportos’ Dance Off! Most importantly, though, the Naked Calendar, where the girls were out baring all!. Lots of giggling and fun - lots of pictures were taken which most of us are regretting! Look out for the calendar, to see the riding girls in all their glory.

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