Back to School Strategy

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Back to School Strategy

Headmaster’s Welcome Everyone at Tonbridge is looking forward to welcoming boys back for the start of the Michaelmas Term and, of course, to meeting those who are joining us this year. I am pleased to share with you our Back to School Strategy document which, I hope, will prove an important and informative guide to help our parents and boys prepare for the beginning of term. A great deal of work and planning has taken place in recent months to prepare for reopening. This publication will highlight some of the measures that have been put in place to reduce the risk of infection and to ensure the safety and well-being of all in the school community. We have been working with two renowned companies, Sutton House and Diagnostics for the Real World, in order to refine our Back to School Strategy according to their expert advice and vast experience of safety, security and medical issues. We have also been able to acquire a SAMBA-II testing facility, which will enable us to conduct rapid and reliable testing here on site.


Other measures include the deployment of heat-sensitive cameras and infra-red thermometers for regular temperature checking; Tonbridge-designed face coverings, compulsory in certain situations; ‘traffic flow’ and social distancing measures; numerous hand sanitising points; an internal ‘Track and Trace’ system; and the creation of multiple ‘Households’ within our boarding Houses. The return to school will not be without its challenges, but our preparations and planning demonstrate that we continue to offer a robust response to the pandemic. We have a clear plan of how the school will operate from the start of term, and we will continue to refine this plan as the term progresses and respond to events as they occur. I am confident that we will provide the best possible education and care for the boys, and as ever I am grateful to our parent community for its invaluable help and support. James Priory

Expert advice: Working with Sutton House and DRW In order to ensure that our ‘Back to School Strategy’ is as secure and as up to date as possible, Tonbridge has been working closely with an organisation called Sutton House. This team of globally recognised experts comprises senior international academics, scientists, medical and military leaders. Its clients include US, UK, Canadian, Australian and Singaporean civil, military and intelligence services, such as the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The Sutton House medical team has been advising the school on the biosecurity measures that a residential school such as Tonbridge should adopt. In addition, they put us in direct touch with Diagnostics for the Real World (DRW), a Cambridge-based company renowned for creating point-of-care diagnostics for some of the most infectious diseases around the world. Thanks to the support of both organisations, we have been able to acquire a SAMBA-II testing facility. This will enable us to conduct multiple, rapid and highly reliable testing for SARS-CoV-2 here on site, with results available for us to respond to within 90 minutes. This device has been described as “a real game-changer in infectious disease management” and we are delighted to have become the first school in the UK to introduce such a facility on-site. This device will also be used within the local community, enabling Tonbridge to remain committed to its social responsibility mission.

Medical Centre staff being trained to use the SAMBA-II device Training has recently been delivered to our Medical Centre staff, so that we are equipped to deploy the SAMBA-II device from the beginning of the Michaelmas Term. In summary, the expert advice and support of these two organisations has enabled Tonbridge to deliver a safe and secure learning experience and working environment for pupils and staff, while also protecting the local population from the threat posed by an outbreak of COVID-19 within the school community.

Our opening plans have also benefitted hugely from the in-house experience the school gained earlier this year in setting up and running the NHS Primary Care Treatment Centre at the Tonbridge School Centre. The school has complied with the Government’s guidance on managing the risk of Covid-19. In addition, the school has adopted the BSA (Boarding Schools’ Association) Covid-Safe Charter, guaranteeing that Tonbridge meets all the BSA requirements in ensuring a safe boarding environment for pupils.


Keeping everyone safe on site All members of the school community are able to wear a face covering if they wish to do so around campus and in the House. School uniform requirements have been modified. Boys will not, initially, have to wear their tweed or suit jackets around school. Boys may wear either a navy or dark grey V-neck jumper or their black Tonbridge tracksuit top over their shirt and tie. Visitors to school are restricted in our opening phase.Visitors are to report to the Main School Reception and should use hand sanitiser before entering. They should sign in at the lectern and complete the Covid-19 declaration. A thermal screening camera will take and record the temperature of visitors to the school, and cameras like this will be used at times for boys and staff around the school site. An alert will sound if a high temperature is recorded.

Pupils will have their temperatures taken each morning before they enter the main school campus, with each House being supplied with hand-held temperature devices. On site there will be heat-sensitive cameras deployed in strategic areas around school, including at Reception.

Following Government guidelines, Tonbridge has been able to configure its classrooms to ensure social distancing of 1m is possible for pupils, and 2m for staff. A new one-way system is in place to reduce the risk of congestion in corridors. Social Distancing Marshals will be on hand to help pupils navigate the new routes round school and to monitor footfall and congestion in key thoroughfares. New, automated hand sanitisers have been installed throughout the school estate, including in all Houses and at entrances to buildings and departments. An increased cleaning operation will allow for cleaning of frequently touched surfaces on the main campus. Branded face coverings have been provided for all boys and staff, while teachers will also be provided with a face shield should they wish to wear one. Face coverings will be mandatory in certain circumstances, such as whole year group assemblies or chapel services, visiting the Medical Centre and when moving around the school corridors.


Arriving on site for the start of the school day Pupils will continue to be registered in their Houses at the start of the school day. Some changes have been made to the way in which boys will access the site.



To avoid congestion and to help disperse larger numbers of boys at key times, the following Road Crossing points have been allocated to the relevant Houses.



ard ch e Or entr C


Traditionally, boys in Houses listed below have entered the school site via the Pedestrian Crossing at the Avenue Gates.




Chapel Cloisters





Music & DC


• Avenue Gates: Whitworth, Park House, Parkside, Cowdrey House



Smythe Library


Judde House, Hill Side, Oakeshott House

Manor House




Lowry Dining Room

• Front of School:


Big School

Lowry Social Science Geography History Classics







Barton Science







Maths C 4, 6 N3-6 Science



Reception OBS Gallery


Modern Languages

CLT Head Masters

EMF Theatre Out at any Fire Exit



Once on site, boys must follow the one-way system, as indicated on the map opposite.



Ferox Hall

DT & Art


• Judde House Crossing:

• English Department Lights:

Art Music DT & DC







Keeping everyone safe in the Medical Centre

Pupil or Staff member (patient) identified at school with Covid-19 symptoms

Patient immediately sent to Covid-19 area of Medical Centre for assessment by school medical staff

Tonbridge has increased the staffing resources of the Medical Centre. This will enable the centre to maintain its high level of day-to-day care and to have sufficient capacity to care for any boys displaying symptoms of Covid-19. There are now separate entrances for its discrete areas of operation, which are, respectively, GP appointments, day-to-day needs, School Counsellor and Covid-related concerns. All boys will have to wear a face covering when they visit the Medical Centre. Should a boy feel unwell and display possible Covid-19 symptoms, he will be escorted by a member of staff (who will be wearing PPE) to the Medical Centre, where he will be isolated from other boys in the centre. The Medical Centre staff have been trained to use the SAMBA-II diagnostic device, and its rapid processing of tests means that cases can be confirmed or dismissed within 90 minutes. The Symptom Response Flow Chart is opposite.

Medical assessment - Assess severity of symptoms

Mild symptoms New continuous cough Loss of smell or taste Fever > 37.8 degrees...etc...

Critically unwell

Call 999 immediately Inform operator patient may have Covid-19 In the case of mild, non-life-threatening symptoms, Medical Centre Staff to carry out POC nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 Point of Care Antigen Test. Patient to be kept in isolation while awaiting test results or access NHS Test

NHS hospitalisation

Action on test results


Treat in non-Covid-19 area of Medical Centre or send home. Consult with GP if symptoms persist.

Return to school


Action for school STAFF

Notify PHE of Probable Case and arrange NHS test (notifiable disease) in consolation with School GP

Action for PUPIL

Track and trace patient’s close contacts over last 48 hrs

All identified contacts to be isolated for 14 days Track and trace patient’s close contacts over last 24 hrs

All identified contacts to be isolated for 14 days

If any symptoms emerge during isolation, individual should be tested for Covid-19 and, if positive, treated as positive case above, re-starting isolation for a further 10 days

Maintain patient in isolation immediately Inform School GP and PHE

Remain in School Medical Centre under medical supervision. Treat condition. Assess patient SpO2 temperature, BP, blood glucose, cardiovascular and respiratory system until well enough to self-isolate

Isolate for 10 days - well ventilated room - keep away from all other students - food and medication delivery conducted under conditions. Only medical staff with full PPE visit patient

Patient can be re-tested for Covid-19 after 10 day isolation period (either via POC device or NHS test or both) UNLESS symptoms of fever persist, in which case isolation should continue and further medical advice sought.


Keeping everyone safe in the classroom Government guidelines have encouraged schools to socially distance and to reduce movement around school campuses where possible. Each classroom has desks placed a metre apart, with teachers’ desks being two metres away from the nearest pupil’s desk. Novi classes will be predominantly taught in the same classroom where possible, and teachers will be moving around the school campus more to maximise the best use of space. Each classroom has been supplied with hand sanitiser and emergency equipment in the form of facemasks, disposable gloves and Viricidal wipes. Classrooms will be cleaned more frequently during the school day. A strict seating plan for each class, in each classroom, will be held centrally by the Second Master, which will allow a swift ‘Track and Trace’ system to operate should a member of the school community be diagnosed with Covid-19. .


community be diagnosed with COVID-19.

A A Newnew Timetable timetable Similarly, the start of the day has been adapted to maintain core With restrictions on large gatherings, many of the regular features elements of Tonbridge life such as Chapel life and Tutor Time. The of Tonbridge life have had to be altered and redesigned. The With restrictions large different gatherings, many of incarnation, the regular in features of Tonbridge life have hadstart to beof the day is below right. new timetable for the timetable will lookon slightly to its usual order for pupils to access as wide a range of sports and activities altered and re-designed. The timetable will look slightly different to its usual incarnation in order for Whole School Chapel is not possible under the new guidelines, so as possible, without disrupting their academic learning. pupils to access as wide a range of sports and activities as possible, without disrupting their Chapel will be held on a year group basis throughout the week. The timetable changes affect the afternoon activities of the boys academic learning. and its key changes can be seen below left.

There will be increased Tutor Time under the new timetable, with an emphasis on further embedding a ‘reading culture’ within school, as indicated in the timetable on the right. When pupils are in whole year group meetings, such as the Lower Master’s Assembly, the Novi Music Assembly and in Chapel, they will be expected to wear face coverings.

The Timetable changes affect the afternoon activities of the boys and its key changes can be seen below: Activities Timetable

Year Mon




Fri Sat






15:30 Lessons






Academic enrichment/support












Academic enrichment/support

1 2,3,4,5 All



Timetable for start of the day



Music, drama and societies Music, drama and societies


Post Supper Events

Day Monday




A WeekWednesday B WeekWednesday



Music, drama and societies



Music, drama and societies

Similarly the start of the day has been adapted to maintain core elements of Tonbridge life such as 8. Chapel life and Tutor Time. Whole School chapel is not possible under the new guidelines, so Chapel

Tutor Time Tutor Time Chapel Lower Master Assembly Music Assembly

House Time

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

House Time

House Time

Tutor Time

Tutor Time Tutor Time

House Time Lower Master Assembly

House Time


House Time

House Time

Tutor Time (reading)


House Time

House Time

Tutor Time (reading)


House Time

House Time

Tutor Time (reading)


House Time


House Time

Tutor Time (reading)

House Time

Tutor Time (reading)



Sport Fixtures (either external or internal)

Year 2


Sport Sport

Year 1

Continuity of learning After a term of online teaching and learning, teachers are looking forward to a return to face-to-face lessons. Boys in the Second Year through to the Upper Sixth started their new courses in the Summer Term and will be able to resume lessons from a position of strength as they return to the classroom. Our online experience in the Summer Term will afford the boys even more EdTech opportunities in the coming year. During lockdown, use of the school’s Virtual Learning Environment, Firefly and Microsoft’s OneNote, as a means to share resources and to collect boys’ work, increased significantly in importance. If circumstances mean that boys are unable to physically attend lessons due to Covid-related illness or isolation, these online tools will continue to be used to provide digital support, both to reinforce face-to-face learning and to offer catch-up support. Microsoft Teams proved to be an effective means to communicate online last term and will be used again as necessary and practicable. Teachers will also have access to video conferencing visualisers, which will allow class-based lessons to be streamed via Teams. A buddy will be allocated to the absent boy, through whom typed questions may be asked to allow for online participation. Should any teaching staff need to self-isolate in the coming months, Teams-based lessons will be an option to allow them to continue supporting the boys from home. For further information, please contact Jonathon Blake, Director of Learning and Academic Enrichment, at

• We recognise that Parents’ Evenings are an important opportunity to discuss boys’ progress, and we will continue to deliver these remotely for the time being.


Co-curricular life Tonbridge will be offering a full Co-Curricular programme for all boys. Sport will be a regular part of each boy’s timetable, with only some minor restrictions being imposed on what sports may be offered. Fixtures against other schools will not be in place in the early part of the Michaelmas Term, but we are hopeful that in due course this may become possible. Music lessons will resume, using a blended approach of face-toface teaching and remote teaching. Music groups will be allowed to rehearse although the focus will be on smaller ensembles to ensure social distancing is possible. Concerts will be streamed and available to parents. Drama lessons and productions will continue, with adaptations to both House and School productions in line with the latest Covid- safe regulations. A full Afternoon Activity will be offered to all pupils, with CCF, Conservation, Tonbridge Community Action (TCA) and numerous other societies in operation. For further information please contact the Deputy Head Co-Curricular, James Fisher, at


Keeping everyone safe at breaks and mealtimes At breaktime, the school has allocated specific areas to year groups to reduce the length of queues at the Chan Café and the Orchard Centre. The Catering Department will be ensuring that queues move quickly and members of staff will be on duty to ensure there are no large gatherings of boys outside of lessons. The specific areas which have been allocated to the various year groups are as follows:

Chan Café – Sixth Form area Lowry Room – Third Year area OC Centre – First and Second Years area

Tonbridge’s strong tradition of House dining will be maintained, but the lunch break will be divided into two sittings, in order to comply with social distancing requirements and to allow cleaning of tables to take place between each sitting. Boarding House boys will eat in their House dining rooms, as directed by their Housemaster and Matron during the week, and in the Orchard Centre at weekends. Day Boys will be provided with a choice of packed meal and will eat in their allocated House dining rooms in two sittings, with boys seated 1m apart and all facing in the same direction. The tables will be thoroughly cleaned between meals and then the second sitting will face the opposite way on tables. House specific guidance will be available from Housemasters.


Keeping everyone safe in the Houses

Boarding Houses have been re-configured in order to ensure that there is less interaction between the different year groups. We are naming these different groups ‘Households’, where specific groupings of boys, based on year groups, will share the same washing facilities and brew room, and eat together at mealtimes. Households will maintain their social distance from other boys within the Boarding House. Pupils will have their temperatures taken each morning before they enter the main school campus, with each House being supplied with hand-held temperature devices. Dining arrangements have been organised so that there will be more than one sitting at mealtimes. As recommended, laundry will be processed as normal and there will be an enhanced cleaning regime in every House. If there is a suspected or confirmed Covid-19 case in a House, additional cleaning and laundry protocols will be applied. Staff on duty will maintain a 2m distance where possible from the boys, and will hand sanitise when moving between Households. Staff will limit the time spent in each Household when on duty and will wear face coverings where appropriate. Visitors and parents will not be allowed into Boarding Houses initially until the exeat weekend, a policy which we will continue to review as the term progresses.


Each House has conducted a Covid-19 Risk Assessment, which has been overseen and approved by our Safety and Security Manager. For individual queries about your son’s House procedures, do contact your son’s Housemaster.

Keeping everyone safe in the Day House Day Houses will remain open and will continue to be a key part of the Day Boys’ identity during their time at Tonbridge. Day Boys will have their temperature taken on arrival at school when they register. Pupils with a high temperature will be sent to the Medical Centre for further monitoring. Pupils will be expected to use hand sanitiser on arrival in and departure from the House. An enhanced cleaning regime will be in place. Brew rooms in the Houses will be shut to avoid the risk of cross-contamination of surfaces. Common Rooms and Games Rooms will remain open but boys will be asked to wear face coverings in Common Rooms, as it will not be possible to socially distance in the same way as on the main school site. Boys’ Code of Conduct In addition to the usual School Memorandum and system of rewards and sanctions, boys will be expected to follow social distancing and other hygiene measures around school for the sake of their own and others’ wellbeing and safety.

Tonbridge School, High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1JP 01732 304297 /TonbridgeUK @TonbridgeUK Tonbridge School is a registered charity No. 1097977 The information contained in the brochure is accurate at the time of going to press.

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