Excellence For All Brochure Tonbridge School

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Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

“ Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.� John F Kennedy


Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

We have an enviable reputation for the quality and breadth of the education we offer our boys. We are rightly proud of our record for academic excellence but we need to constantly innovate and develop new and better teaching methods: to push the boundaries of learning, and ask more of ourselves and the boys.

Tonbridge School is at an exciting stage in its long history and we have very ambitious plans to make sure that we continue to deliver a world-class education in the future. It is a long-term plan and at its heart is our commitment to excellence, for our boys and for the wider community to which they belong. We hope that you, along with many other members of the Tonbridge School community, will want to be involved in the fulfilment of our ambitions. Tim Haynes, Headmaster

Excellence For All. What do we mean? Our aim is that this next phase of development will benefit every boy at the School. Many of the projects will have a wider role in creating excellence for others outside of the immediate school community through our outreach and partnership activity.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

We have a clear long-term strategy which sets out our vision and aims for the future to make sure that Tonbridge continues to be one of the very best schools, both in the UK and internationally.

Our campaign focuses on three key areas:

Excellence for All: Transforming the campus Creating a world-class educational environment, delivering the most ambitious transformation of the school campus since the 1860s, which will significantly improve the boys’ experiences in collaborative learning and independent study. Excellence for All: Widening access Offering House Foundation Award places for boys with ‘talent and promise’ who could not otherwise afford to attend the School. To increase opportunities to share our expertise more widely with other young people to raise standards and aspirations. Excellence for All: Broadening the curriculum Providing opportunities to encourage innovation, creative thinking and a wide range of strategic partnerships including the commercial sector and with universities.


School funded

£29m (includes £9m bank loans and £11m Judd Foundation support)

Whilst the School is able to fund the majority of the projects ahead using a mix of loan financing and generous support from the Judd Foundation, the additional support of parents, past parents and Old Tonbridgians, will be vital in ensuring that Tonbridge remains able to provide an unsurpassed education of breadth and depth for years to come.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Total EfA Phase 1 project costs

£35m Campaign target

£6m (includes £1m raised to date)

Our plans for the future are wide-ranging and ambitious. We have small projects and large ones. Some are under way already; some are years away and some we haven’t even thought of yet. We hope every member of our school community will want to be involved.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

We are delighted to announce that a number of our very generous Pioneer supporters have promised to match each £ donated to the campaign on a £ per £ basis up to a remarkable £1,000,000.

This extraordinary generosity will effectively double the value of your donation.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.


Doesn’t Tonbridge have Enough excellent facilities?


Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

We’ll be asking a lot more of our physical environment: we love our buildings, but as the ways we teach change, so must they. Over the next few years, we hope to develop the biggest transformation of the school campus since the Victorian era, requiring a huge commitment from everyone in the school community, past and present.

Today Maybe. Tomorrow No.


Old Big School Gallery Transformation Cost:


Funded by the School:


Funded by philanthropy:



Chadwick Divinity Building New building Cost:


Funded by the School*:


Funded by philanthropy: Completed:

– September 2014

An exciting, contemporary designed space dedicated to promoting critical thought and introducing the ‘big’ questions of meaning and value which philosophers and theologians have wrestled with for centuries. *includes Judd Foundation support and bank loans

January 2013

A space for enquiry and reflection designed to bring contemporary art to the heart of the School. It provides a space for a varied exhibition programme which attracts audiences from within as well as beyond the school community. We are grateful to all the supporters that made our first Excellence for All project such a resounding success.

English Department Extension Transformation Cost:


Funded by the School*:


Funded by philanthropy: Due for completion:

– September 2015

The Department of English is currently undergoing a major transformation to provide much needed extra space, where boys will benefit from a brighter and more inspiring environment in which to study. *includes Judd Foundation support and bank loans


fundraising target

New Inspirational Library Learning Centre £6.9m Project Cost £5.9m School Funded* * includes Judd Foundation support and bank loans

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

The role of libraries is changing. Our current library was designed for a precomputer era and while we’re not planning to throw away our excellent collection of books, we do need to build a library for the 21st century. We are delighted to have recently appointed world-leading Architects BDP, and hope to commence the building project in July 2015 for completion by September 2016.

We will combine the best aspects of a traditional library with the opportunities offered by ever-changing technology and innovative teaching methodologies. We will provide a new inspirational space which will offer a variety of flexible and adaptable teaching and learning environments, and which brings together in one home, the services which our learners need to thrive, including IT support, Learning Support, and the Universities and Careers service.

What will a truly inspirational library and learning centre provide?

We aim to provide a space in which private study and independent learning can take place alongside collaborative working, and in which pupil-centred learning will occur to complement much of the more traditional teacher-led learning in the classroom. To do this the space needs to be resource rich – in terms of books and technology – and well designed to offer a range of learning environments. But a Tonbridge School Library should also retain some traditional library feel and function, and should offer a location to exhibit and celebrate the School’s wonderful history. And so the redeveloped library will include an expanded home for the School’s Archives.


Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Expanded archives Extended outdoor space






fundraising target

New STATE-OF-THE-ART SCIENCE CENTRE £15-18M Project Cost £13-15M School Funded* * includes Judd Foundation support and bank loans

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

A world-class centre for science-based learning that embraces the teaching methods of today and provides an environment where students can share their knowledge with the local community and take inspiration from industry-leaders.


Our current Science facilities have served us well for over 100 years but both science and teaching methods have changed radically since they were built. To reflect this, we are planning a new facility which will transform the boys’ experience of science and enable us to share their excitement with local schools.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

The boundaries between sciences are blurring more and more as we move into the 21st century. Increasingly, scientists work in collaborative teams bringing together a range of strengths to solve problems in biochemistry, biophysics and physical chemistry. At the same time, teaching practice is fast evolving towards encouraging more independent learning styles, with the teacher as a facilitator and source of reference and experience, guiding self-motivated, creative learners working in

a ‘flipped’ learning environment (where the students are given the opportunity to lead the learning sessions). Teaching technologies are also moving forward apace with modern devices opening up whole new means of communicating and sharing knowledge. Science will always be a practical pursuit however – ideas must still be tested and the skills required remain at the heart of any scientific education.


The science building at Tonbridge was revolutionary for its time when it was built in 1887 and heralded a new approach to science teaching. The next science building should aim to be equally innovative, impactful and long lasting. A truly modern science centre will achieve the following: – Blur the historical boundaries between the sciences – Create spaces where pupils and staff share ideas freely – Stimulate use of both modern and traditional information sources – Develop opportunities for collaboration with universities in both teaching and research – Act as a hub for wider dissemination of best practice – Raise achievements and aspirations of other young people through our outreach work – Be equipped with the very best, ‘futureproofed’ ICT facilities

– Engage pupils in pure and applied research work with universities and industry – Contribute to teacher training, both Initial Teacher Training and Continuing Professional Development – Host science conferences and events for universities and learned societies, e.g. Institute of Physics, Royal Society, Medical Research Council, etc.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

The new Science Centre will provide:


State-of-the-art equipment

Sharing of knowledge

Modern & traditional Resources



We want Tonbridge to be recognised nationally and internationally as a dynamic, innovative and genuinely different place to teach and learn. Our facilities will rival the best but with a different, revolutionary ethos linking a truly modern teaching and learning approach to school science with Higher Education, industry and the community. We will take the highest level science out to the wider community.

The new building is not just about a need for more space: it will be the centrepiece of an attempt to link up the school, its local feeders, the community, universities, and private sector research and engineering companies. Bill Burnett Head of Science

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.


fundraising target

CREATING A Garden of Remembrance £125K Project Cost £50k School FUNDED

Lest we forget...

The Garden of Remembrance has been especially designed to honour those Old Tonbridgians who fought and died for their country in the Great War. The new garden will be located next to The Chapel on the site of the old Rose Garden and is a unique opportunity for us to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of The Great War.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

talented pupils are an inspiration to all; the boys bring us their enthusiasm and talents and in return we offer them an unparalleled education.


fundraising target

HOUSE FOUNDATION AWARDS £3.7M PROJECT COST £2.7M SCHOOL FUNDED* * includes Judd Foundation support

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

A great education can transform a boy’s life, and we hope that, in return, it will enable him to transform the lives of others. A key part of our responsibility as a school is to reach out to as many young people as possible. Scholarships and bursaries have always been an important part of the culture and ethos at Tonbridge. Our House Foundation Awards (means-tested up to 100% bursaries) are offered to boys, who not only have significant talent and enthusiasm, but also have a thirst for knowledge and are open to new experiences and challenges and are ready to embrace this life-changing opportunity.

More broadly our aim continues to be that no boy who could benefit from a Tonbridge education is prevented from doing so because of an inability to pay the fees. Currently 10% of the boys receive some level of means-tested support. In order to achieve this the School forgoes approximately ÂŁ2.5m of fee income annually with the House Foundation Awards representing a significant proportion of this total amount.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Our TARGET: Four Boys Receiving House Foundation awards Each year

Excellence For All. WIDENING ACCESS.

At the heart of the EfA campaign is our ambition to offer a further 24 boys a House Foundation Award of 80-100% means-tested fee-remission as part of our commitment to ‘Excellence for All ’.

What has and continues to amaze me about Tonbridge is the wide range of opportunities that are available to any student. Teamwork and achievement are easy, as you know that your school is always supporting you. I would like to thank all the friends of the School who have given me the chance to be a Tonbridgian, through the House Foundation Awards scheme. Liam Node (PS 2007-11) House Foundation Award Recipient

Excellence For All. WIDENING ACCESS.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

SUCCESS STORIES TO DATE... House Foundation Awards Currently we have 18 boys in the School receiving House Foundation Award places.

I have fond memories of Tonbridge, from playing 1st XV rugby to setting up the School’s pig rearing scheme. The best thing about Tonbridge was that there wasn’t one best thing. There was a vast range of opportunities that allowed me to have a number of unique experiences. These experiences I have carried forward into University, setting up a business and a social enterprise, as well as continuing to play competitive sport. I have just finished an economics degree at Nottingham University with a 2:1. I have two deferred graduate offers from Mars and the John Lewis Partnership. I now have my first year out from education in 16 years and I am amidst the planning for a round the world trip. This summer I am working on a camp with 16-17 year olds to help them create social action projects and develop some key skills that will help them in later life. Tonbridge School was a huge part of my life for which I am very grateful. Andrew Goodman (JH 2006-11) House Foundation Award Recipient

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

The ‘Appeal’ Rackets Court Cost:


Funded by the School*:


Funded by philanthropy:


£500,000 was raised by parents, past parents, OTs and the wider rackets community, enabling the School to complete the construction of a second rackets court. *includes Judd Foundation support and bank loans

Education is about far more than simply passing exams – it’s a culture that should stretch beyond THE classrooms, libraries, laboratories and playing fields.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.


fundraising target


Aside from transforming the physical buildings and widening access and opportunity through our House Foundation Awards, we are also looking to increase the depth and breadth of our curriculum. A key ambition of the EfA campaign is to continue to provide funding for projects and people that will greatly enhance the experience of the boys. Our boys emerge as young adults who carry their experiences of school with them for life. It’s an education that’s exceptional; not only for its academic excellence, but for its overall approach in enabling each boy to develop and thrive as an individual. Our co-curricular activities are creative, demanding and exciting. We’re building on our already excellent sport, art, drama, music and creative writing; we’re developing more opportunities for leadership, teamwork and service – and we’re looking closely at how we can give every boy the opportunity to challenge and surprise himself.

Building on the recent success we want to provide the most comprehensive and updated range of facilities. We aim to raise over £100,000 a year to support the School’s investment in these areas and the projects will include; delivering a highly dynamic Old Big School Exhibition programme, international and UK orchestral tours, a renovation of the 1st XV pitch ‘The Fifty’, a number of important conservation projects and many other projects that we will identify as we move forward.

New Sports Facilities




Funded by the School:


Funded by philanthropy:


The improvement to our tennis courts and a new gym ensures our range of sporting facilities builds on the success of our proud sporting history.

Robotic Arm Cost: Funded by the School: Funded by philanthropy:

The Cloud Chamber £15,000 £5,000 £10,000

£10,000 was raised to fund the purchase of a Robotic Arm, made by world-leaders FANUC in Japan, and is the first of its kind in any UK school. The Robotic Arm gives pupils the opportunity to learn how to program a robotic control system and watch it perform.

Cost: Funded by the School: Funded by philanthropy:

£20,000 – £20,000

A grant from the Wolfson Foundation of £20,000 went towards purchasing a Cloud Chamber which demonstrates the behaviour of radioactive particles. This will enhance the teaching of particle physics within the School and to outreach students and other science teachers in the wider community.

Moving up a Scale Cost:


Funded by the School:


Funded by philanthropy:


£90,000 was raised and went towards the purchase of two Steinway Grand Pianos, delivering our vision of becoming an ‘All-Steinway’ School.


We’re looking VERY closely at how we can give every boy the opportunity to challenge and surprise himself.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

If we develop a culture of support through regular giving, it will ensure that we are ready as and when these opportunities arise rather than running a number of consecutive fundraising appeals for each project.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN. If you would like to know more about our campaign or to pledge your support please contact Murray Lindo on 01732 304253 or email Murray.Lindo@tonbridge-school.org There are a number of ways to be part of Excellence for All SUPPORT THE EfA CAMPAIGN BY BECOMING AN AMBASSADOR


To deliver the campaign we need a wide range of support that includes; professional expertise, advice and guidance as well as financial. We have a team of EfA Campaign Ambassadors who have already made a big difference to the early success of the campaign by giving advice, setting up events, spreading the word and much more. If you would like to join us please get in touch.

We are delighted to announce that a number of our very generous Pioneer supporters have promised to match each £ donated to the campaign on a £ per £ basis up to a remarkable £1,000,000. This extraordinary generosity will effectively double the value of your donation. Your gift makes a big difference

Giving a one-off gift can make an immediate impact to our fundraising and be convenient and tax-efficient for the donor; a regular gift, whether monthly or annually, can help allow the School to plan for the future and encourage wide participation across the Tonbridge School community. We are enormously grateful for the support of all our donors who have given a one-off gift or pledged to give on a regular basis. It does not matter how small or large, every gift makes a difference and brings us closer to achieving ‘Excellence for All ’.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Tax-efficient giving

The tables show how Gift Aid can greatly increase the total donation that the School receives. They also show how tax relief can reduce the net cost of the donation to you. For example if as a 45% rate tax-payer you donate £10,000, the School receives £12,500 thanks to the 25% Gift Aid amount. The tax relief you receive reduces the donation ‘cost’ from £10,000 to £6,875. Higher rate tax-payer (40%)

Making your donation as a regular gift

Your kind donation

Gift Aid addition

Total value of donation with Gift Aid

Higher rate tax relief for donor

Net cost to donor after tax relief

Monthly amount over 36 months

Monthly amount over 48 months

Monthly amount over 60 months

















































Higher rate tax-payer (45%)

Making your donation as a regular gift

Your kind donation

Gift Aid addition

Total value of donation with Gift Aid

Higher rate tax relief for donor

Net cost to donor after tax relief

Monthly amount over 36 months

Monthly amount over 48 months

Monthly amount over 60 months


















































Regular gifts

Donate by cheque

Regular gifts can be made by Direct Debit or standing order on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

Please make your cheque payable to the ‘Tonbridge School Foundation’ and post to:

One-off gifts

You can make a secure one-off donation using a credit or debit card.

The Tonbridge School Foundation Registered Charity No. 1099162 Tonbridge School High Street Tonbridge TN9 1JP

Gift Aid

By gift aiding your contribution we can reclaim an additional 25p in every £1, making your gift worth even more at no extra cost to you. Make sure you check the ‘Gift Aid’ box if you qualify. Legacy Giving

Legacy bequests are a very tax-efficient way of donating as they are free from Inheritance Tax, and gifts of shares and property are exempt from Capital Gains Tax. If you would like to find out more about how you can make a legacy bequest please visit the website or call on the number opposite. Please visit the ‘Giving’ page of our campaign website at: excellence-for-all.org

Matched Giving

Many companies help charities through a matched giving scheme. Some will match pound for pound, and others will double match any donations which its employees make to registered charities. Please check with your Payroll or HR department as to whether your company do operate such a scheme as this could make your donation worth even more. Overseas Giving

If you would like to make a donation from overseas you can do so by completing the donation form, which you can download from our campaign website. Or, you can make an electronic bank transfer, which can be arranged by contacting the Development Office.

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.


Shares and Securities

Seeking advice

Individuals can obtain a double form of tax relief by donating gifts of equities. The market value of the gift can be offset against any income tax liability and in addition the gift would be exempt from any liability for Capital Gains Tax.

Whilst we endeavour to ensure all information is correct, we recommend you consult your tax advisor and accountant when considering changes to your financial affairs. You may also refer to the Inland Revenue website at hmrc.gov.uk for the latest information on tax-efficient giving.

Inland Revenue Yearly Repayment

If as a result of your tax assessment the Inland Revenue is required to make a payment to you, the IR offers UK taxpayers the opportunity to nominate a charity to receive what may be an unexpected repayment. The School Foundation is registered with this scheme and if you need further information please contact the Development Office. Assets

Tonbridge School Foundation can accept gifts of assets, such as property or land, which are not subject to Capital Gains Tax or Capital Transfer Tax. Donors may consider making a bequest of cash investments or other assets, all of which would be free of Capital Transfer Tax on death.

Further information

For more information please contact Murray Lindo on 01732 304253 or email Murray.Lindo@tonbridge-school.org


Naming opportunities and network membership

By supporting the Excellence for All campaign you will be part of a philanthropic network helping the School provide an education of unsurpassed depth and breadth and we want to show our appreciation for all your support. We like to do this in a number of ways; by providing opportunities to name elements of the projects and programmes. For example there will be opportunities to name parts of the new science and library buildings as well as appearing on special supporter boards. We also welcome the opportunity for campaign supporters to request that the name of someone they wish to have recognised is displayed instead of, or as well as, their own.

This method of recognition and thanks is important as it visibly reminds us how important philanthropic support is for the on-going development of the School and encourages a culture of philanthropy. Depending on the level of support you will be invited to join a network of like-minded individuals. The highest level of recognition is for our Pioneer Funders and in return for their outstanding generosity we host regular dinners and events throughout the year. We provide similar engagement opportunities for our other supporter networks known as Benefactors and Patrons. All supporters are invited to the Headmaster’s annual summer drinks. If you would like more information about joining these supporter networks please call Murray Lindo on 01732 304253 or email Murray.Lindo@tonbridge-school.org

Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

With the whole school community pulling together we will realise our vision of creating a truly world-class educational environment. THANK YOU.

TONBRIDGE SCHOOL Strategy Statement.

Tonbridge School aims to provide a caring and enlightened environment in which the talents of each individual flourish. We encourage boys to be creative, tolerant and to strive for academic, sporting and cultural excellence. We want boys to enjoy their time here, but also to be made aware of their social and moral responsibilities. Tonbridgians should enter into the adult world with the knowledge and self-belief to fulfil their own potential and, in many cases, to become leaders in their chosen field. Equally, we hope to foster a life-long empathy for the needs and views of others: in the words of the great novelist and Old Tonbridgian, E.M. Forster: ‘Only Connect’. Tonbridge School aims to provide an unsurpassed education of excellence and breadth and we focus our efforts and resources on achieving this by:

• Continuing to strive for Academic Excellence, with our boys achieving the highest

possible academic standards. Tonbridge takes advantage of its independence and delivers an academic programme designed to support, engage, stretch and challenge all boys, equipping them for later life.

• Offering Co-Curricular Breadth and Depth, with a vibrant and balanced programme encompassing sport, music, art, drama and many other activities to underpin a culture of creativity, innovation and excellence, as well as providing opportunities for service to others, self-reliance and leadership.

• Providing Pastoral Excellence, with the house system at the heart of pastoral care, generating the small group identity that strengthens a sense of security, belonging and well-being, and allowing boys to contribute meaningfully to house as well as school activities.

• Encouraging a heightened sense of Individual and Collective Social Responsibility

so that along with the privileges and advantages of a Tonbridge education, there is also a strong sense of social responsibility across the entire school community.

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Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

@ TonbridgeUK


Tonbridge. Today, tomorrow, together.

Tonbridge School Development Tonbridge School Tonbridge Kent TN9 1JP +44 (0)1732 304253 Murray.Lindo@tonbridge-school.org

excellence-for-all.org Registered Charity No. 1099162

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