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Stakeholder Relations
INTRODUCTION Stakeholder engagement is a significant strategic objective for NATA to ensure that accreditation continues to deliver what is required by our members and remains relevant to both the national interest and to the benefit of the Australian public.
NATA’s external stakeholders are a broad range of groups with an interest in accreditation. These include Commonwealth, state and territory government agencies, corporate organisations, professional bodies, industry associations and, of course, the general public.
STRATEGY Our engagement strategy allows us to connect with stakeholders in a planned and coordinated manner enabling NATA to:
• Build sound relationships that facilitate effective communication • Work with individuals or groups of stakeholders to determine their expectations of accreditation and to move forward with a commitment to reaching agreed goals
• Determine whether accredited facilities are gaining benefit from accreditation
• Confirm that the customers of accredited facilities and their stakeholders see merit in the use of NATA-accredited services
• Ensure awareness of developing issues, policy changes and industry developments that could potentially impact on the type and range of accreditation activities needed to meet the national interest and provide public benefit.
HIGHLIGHTS • We continue to meet with representatives of both the road
construction industry and state road agencies to address issues and concerns and to pursue avenues to provide additional value to the accreditation process
• Re-negotiation of an enhanced
Memoranda of Understanding that supports the construction industry laboratories and road agencies including the
Queensland Department of
Transport and Main Roads,
Transport for New South Wales, and the Victorian Department of
• Significant effort continues to be invested in establishing, maintaining and extending relationships with key strategic professional and industry bodies including the Royal College of
Pathologists of Australasia,
Australasian Sleep Association and the Australian Industry Group to name a few.