Tonic Connective Promo

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r a p y l d u pro s u o n e g i ind s n o i t a s i n a org

g n i nt er

We’re Tonic Connective, a boutique graphic design agency specialising in brand development, publications, corporate communications, website design and environmental graphics. Since 1998 we have been producing print and web design for Australia’s Indigenous organisations. Our expertise covers all aspects of production including: design, copywriting, photography, printing, and distribution.



Our professional copywriters can tackle your design project with a clear, consistent and unified voice that makes even the most complicated information simple. We can also offer a professional proof reading service at any stage of the project.

Corporate or artistic photography is an artform and we are the experts. We can create a bespoke solution for your annual report that reflects the tone of your organisation and the message you want to communicate.



Our award winning graphic design skills can meet the needs of your organisation with a creative solution that will exceed your expectations. We can work wonders within your existing brand styleguide or develop a completely new design look that delivers the elusive ‘wow factor’.

Our knowledge of embellishments, paper finishes, binding techniques and environmental best practice allows us to take a great print design piece to the next level. We can also design and develop website solutions to help your organisation reach an even wider audience in the online market.

Our award winning graphic designers can meet the needs of your organisation with a creative solution that will exceed your expectations. Our range of services includes:









OUR TEAM Tonic Connective is made up of a group of passionate creatives with many years of experience in all forms of design and production. What makes us unique is our refreshing attitude, our passion for exceptional design that works, and the enthusiasm with which we embrace your brand.





Department of Human Services NSW

Annual report, Branding and Web Design Conceptual Development, Design, Print and Digital Production

Human Services


Annual Report: Conceptual Development, Design, Photography, Print and Digital Production

NSW Abor EdUCATION iginal COnSUL groUP InTcA. TiVE

2012 Annu al Re port


















sed CALC

D Regio

nal Abori









THE PROT fern of RedL 4 L PEOPLE FOR tion inIGINA land truc ABORIGINA cons N OF ABOR pastoral E” PROMOTIO lity. with the KNOWLEDG ANDThe URAL. a municipathe suburb, CULT kers S &wor laimed med UAGEay was proc 5 transfor xLANG of railw y in 185 e Red5fernSydne the influ inus years sincrailway term terraces for ks 150 2 ages and 2009 mar Sydney’s main 2a cott s ker’ what was small wor 6 into . Ray divided 2b of NSW


The l La NSW ngua the AEC rev ges G Inc mainte italisat ion, . continu rec in NS nance es to W thro of Abo lamatio the n and suppor rigi ugh Cen t tre for the est nal Lan Coo Reg gua ional rdin abl Abo ges atio the For n and riginal ishment follow ums The of we Develo Langua CA ing locatio re held provid LCD is › pment ges Nam in gui ns: ded (CA buc that es stra › LCD by a reflect tegic Gunne ca – No ). Boa dire view rth Coa rd tha The point. s the Abo ction Gam dah – NS num t and st ilara › closely W AEC erous The Boa riginal adv coast the Mollym ay/ Yur north G Inc tion with occasio rd has commu ice rala wit › ook the mid and During ral affilia for the past Con – Sou raay Com h the De . will con ns thro met on nity man from strong cultu dob Ray Kelly 201 area › Offi muniti hatti me par tme tinu th Coa re. astle ugh has 2 Abo Broken olin – ce mb cultu a Dang e wo out ale and st Wir the Newc Aboriginal nt Ray is riginal to ens of Abo es (the rkin langua ers wit › 201 in Armid has lived in riginal oted Newca Hill – Far adjuri h 2. Depar of Educat g ure grew up Ray are Abo ges we an inte commu rpins what ssly prom › an from ion tme stle Weste Valley. hea the voic Affairs unde tirele res rigi nity wom re ay ming Live nt rd Ellis which sits he has rn e Macle and rpool – Sydney which nal Com invited t in Abo es ‘Drea Brinja-Yuin has been nging und the where Patricia imp through of our nt studi to atte rigi – Syd n /Ne er) ral upbri lem peo rial and is a proud NSW. She 25 years to the provid munity wca his curre Abori g cultu entatio the dev ney ple nd Regnal of revitalisatio of Patricia age mate stle /Ne a stron er. establ ed critical Langua ular with Coast in the gin langu had the n pro elopm mann otion ion wca partic only ded Ray al Lan in ge For ishm al cre prom Lan the South ent stle The ed not cess. at recor understanding today gua ent informa but the NSW ation of gua NSW looks Coast ly involv he does of the ge Pro tion ums ge Ne active Min language NSW South Abo ra’ which gh a culturally During nt from isterial Governm riginal a unified CALCD relating Dhurga gram sts onme tapes the Keep throu on the Envir of the to re age The 201 e Taskfo ent est Langua and neg refo in Sch cultu and langu ret them Offic 2 foru otia me with interp in the rce ablishe ms effo cus act ges coordin Aboriginal the from the she has ools ted the NS Edu on stencies have provided explains. also rts opp net wo ated ions cation par tne W AEC is on leave S) where Ray allowe ortu of con in ‘Clo to bet Aboriginal d a into “The consi selves rk. G Inc ring currently coo Ray Patricia tapes” nity is and (NPW sing them this d the ding and rdin ter sup ers age Affa par ticip to pro de Trainin with the . rstan rpret new the 201 sultatio AEC speak tor. Aboriginal irs Langua ating and Herit over a deca 2 por vid G Inc ns we Gap’. to reinte era and unde g ants of the of Direc ya d for expres across ge pro and sup Directo Aboriginal inator . is on ensurin e input re hel A num t evidence Sch knowledge CALCD Board worke NS the Moru ool grams por ting rate in g the the ginal Coord Unit at cultural . as a to lea sed the W where d during ber righ closely s. The Abo the Abori and Training advice With his in TAFE NSW rn the nee t trac NSW our qualit y ute of with NSW AEC NSW Pub riginal rs of le k. who ir lan d for Abo people Education provides rra Instit The the the Maste gua G Inc cur lic ggirr peop n ey cre us Illawa led in ge and riginal Langua rently AETD at Sydn . has Camp Gumbayn perso Nests ation ntly enrol Education of the wo culture people of Abo ge Pro deliver and sch the Chair e 201 er is curre Elder Ken is allow will be an Abo ools, rked age and 2, gra Patricia . experienc Ken Walk is a respected Centre piloted riginal . Uncle s Langu much access to ensure m in Lan been Culture Ken of NSW self-de Aborigi ginal their riginal Indigenou She will bring in 201 guage Coast Uncle nal Abo Ken has age and build ing pro oting Abori board. North ce rsity. riginal school aspirat termine commu 3 to gra D of prom Unive ginal Langu resides. Uncle maintenan from the learne in ledge non strong cul ms tha nities their ions, the CALC n and rbay Abori where he and -Aborig has t ow and know heritage to wo to rs lisatio tura of Muur not our ars and l fou allow the are inal and Nambucca ation, revita in isol rk more n needs te. 25ye info re in uni childre ndation m to cultu rma que g institu based for over the reclam age tion ation ens collabora and and app ed in language rbay as a leadin The and rop ancien n learn s while juri Elder own langu involv NS resour uring rele tively baynggirr Muur Snr in the riately. ming his t cul about cted Wirad Stan ledge for the W AEC the Gum evolution of Grant reclai ces respe The know of van ture in latt e G Uncle Stan this12 are a well the com er hal NSW . NSW. langua distribu will be sha t experienc D access to PHO Stan is mu 25 years overseen ey. area of TO: respon Uncle ge fun ting of langua nity me f of 201 AECG sta red journ14 extensive s the CALC for over re Red Riverina Ken’s fern school sible language ding ge nes etings 2 facilita rted allow tirelessly ensu Uncle from the ing to com their (Pro rbay le in in work s Muur to disc ting vide munity ts wo 201 unities juri peop d by 3. to acces has been through comm though uld ope uss how City with Wirad s are able other . of Syd unitie working to assist to come ts on rate and comm ney rations the Archive gat that their age for gene con al in s) cep her instrument t. their langu been nary and 3




: apter 01



red tende ssfully Inc. succe the NSW AECG lish n and , the NSW ct to estab Coordinatio as In 2011 plans ages year proje make for a three Aboriginal Langu began to CALCD. for CD) and of the Centre nance ent (CAL Developm ions and gover re funct to nurtu to the Inc. plans networks; AECG D to: language The NSW the CALC ginal ort Abori Local and supp es; nal and and servic lop Regio sents; projects › Deve repre ginal it inate Abori networks and of the › Coord behalf rtunities, to cate on ity oppo › Advo resources ce sustainabil es and maintenan financial of polici › Seek ation and lopment n, reclam t NSW the deve lisatio Lead to › the revita ages throughou networks tion support establish unica ginal langu D will of Abori and comm ming the CALC ination , reclai een that ble coord revitalising It is fores best possi when the unities enable language. comm Board ginal ginal Aboriginal of an Abori for Abori an all taining ned by sentatives s and main be gover be repre ns acros D will rd) will ages Regio e: The CALC who (Boa Langu tors Aboriginal ions will includ of Direc the eight Board funct of unity D each a comm The CALC ent of NSW. ork; developm projects; age netw see the major › Over Aboriginal langu and other based CALCD regarding for the funding direc tion and Seek e and › advic ; culture, de policy ages in NSW ages and › Provi langu ginal langu es. Aboriginal of Abori servic behalf cts and cate on ages proje › Advo ginal langu t Abori › Direc tors of Direc m Board , an interi They are: In 2011 inted. were appo




: Redfe

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ided by

City of


y Archi

Sydney ick city of Berw inner nding Cindy in the desce grew up woman Cindy nawal is more a Ngun y in Yass. and is Inc. Cindy and Bell famil AECG needs from the . the NSW unities future ent of the comm our own As Presid iar with determining must self than famil people when Aboriginal struggles that ation and NSW. believes n, reclam ages in Cindy rn revitalisatio ginal langu weste in the lead the ce of Abori excel it cant le, must in, but maintenan ity”. we live ginal peop ral ident “We, Abori e in the world own cultu surviv our to way nse of the expe be at North from the Flick woman in Walgett Karen ilaraay is a Gam currently lives Gamilaraay Karen the Karen . Karen ers College. West NSW actively teach n, munity lisatio she tt Com where y/ the revita at Walge ed in Gamilaraa ly involv language ce of the . Karen active years maintenan has been ation and age for many currently reclam y Langu er and ages Yuwaalaraa school teach Langu ry enous ey. is a prima rs in Indig rsity of Sydn n a Maste Unive holds organisatio from the in the Education mental Aboriginal was instru the Regional in edah Karen of otion in Gunn ginal and prom Forum held Abori many ages area. Langu attrac ted England which the New 2010, ties in Communi

country a small Paakintji Butcher Wilcannia A proud Murray s from NSW. years y come g River for 15 Murra the Darlin Paakindji taught to taught town on age y has up in the langu man, Murraly teachers growing er while ing River). and active grandmoth a’ (Darl his Paakintji the ‘paak him by g the along in their amon unities Wilcannia respected comm y is well assist s many ional language. Murra tradit nary that unity and their lising comm a dictio loping in revita CD to journey ntly deve an audio y is curre panied with programs. Murra age be accom ntji langu on would advice Paaki needed some r assist furthe de much nges provi challe y will of the face. Murra g some unities overcomin ginal comm Abori remote

Stan has juri dictio development Uncle Wirad the g the and lead cate developin resources age Certifi been teaching juri Langu which has Wirad le. Course of the juri peop 3 TAFE advice 1,2 and 200 Wirad needed leted by much rce comp provide d resou s. aroun Stan will with Elder Uncle especially closely CALCD working to the ent and developm






Her : itage

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2009 what marks 15 divide was Sy 0 years sin d int dney’s o sm ma ce all wo in rai Redfern rker’s lway ter was pro mi cotta claim ges nus in 18 ed a and terrac 55 tra municipa es for nsforme lity. the infl d the The co ux of suburb, nstructi Conn railw on ected ay wowith the in Redfe The Com year rkers. pasto rn ann mun ral lan of oun 2012 saw ce ities as a d the “on what NS

has to add ce in bee W Gover a in 15 ress the lifetime” n expres nment

sed com edu new muniti cation Con app The nec roach disa es acr NS a sch ted Com dva oss for cha W AEC ool NSW. ntage mu as a a key G deserv nge, hig Inc. pre com nities pos munity edu focus on hlightin viously e bet itions cat edu hub cation ter” wh g “ou advoca cultura ion wh deliver , wit r and ile rein ing a ted h l ide you al deliver en it cam people nes ng peo ts and ntit y thro forcing quality y e The our ple our studen to the cultura ugh were Con The l stre langua nec Stra Loc receiv ts ted ge ams. teg y, group al AEC ing. which Commu kno G will tha wn com t nities was as und munity will pro chair a erw the Red previo the vid usly leader advice e dire referen proces ent a Zon ce broad e Stra ctio the in ship s par tne n and effe resear with teg con ctive of the key sup sultatio y, rship sta sch por extend ch was del n und kehold from ting chil iver y of ool, ens with erta ers based ed ser birt urin dre ser and ken n and trainin h thro vice g app vice sch abo s and and ugh g, stu you ut ools com roache dy and school ng peo and munity s to The ser vice placeCon emplo into furt ple dev nec will elopm del yment her ted be ent. iver y . ensurin co-des Commu igned nities aspirat g the at ions commu a local strateg y and leve buildin are me nity’s l thro g the t while visions ugh and sup com the muniti por ting Local and es cap Reg acit y ional AEC G’s.










15 13





ting to


t plays a vital role Inc. Secretaria The NSW AECG organisation. all levels of our in supporting to sixteen staff 2011, from six t has grown in The Secretaria based at the Stanmore is eleven staff members. There across NSW. in satellite locations office and five couple of years over the past Inc. has grown rs to provide The NSW AECG and endeavou t has expanded network. and the Secretaria NSW AECG Inc. service to the a professional


Secretariat Structu

Country The Conn ecting to an inten Country sive profe program program ssional Participan developm is for ts in the ent consisting Principals and program teachers of two reported: › Enha componen nced unde ➢An inten ts: rstanding sive 3-da of Abor igina immersio y cultural n communiti l culture, Local and/ program facili es and tated › Confi history or Regio dence nal AECG by ’s: and ➢A follow with Abor in engaging up 2 –day iginal stude delivered parents work shop nts, by the and communiti Departme of Educ › Enha es ation ncing awar nt which aims and Commun eness of respect ities and for the to deve practical role lop the of Abor implicatio iginal supp and skills ns › Deve ort staff In 2012 loping Local and/ relationsh more comfortab AECG’s ips with le facilitated or Regional parents Aborigina schools programs and comm l and to 102 › Facili unity governme included staff tating from both nt and community access to Abor Independ iginal ent scho and agen organisations ols. cy netw › Abilit orks y to imple ment appropria te pedagogic curriculum and al pract › New ices approach es to curri › New culum approach es to peda gogy The Conn ecting to program Country has been will conti refunded nue and 2013. Many to be rolled out in parti cipants program in the acknowle of the best dged is was one profe ssional activities learning they had experienc ed.


many paRTIcI iN ThE pROgRaPaNTS AckNOwlEd m waS OnE Of gEd iS bEST PROfES ThE lEaRNiNg SIONal AcTiviTIES ThE had ExpERIENCEy d.

re 2011



Executive Assistant

Office Manage


Manager PaCE

Administration Officer Administration Officer Administration Officer

Executive Officer

Manager Projects

Project Officer

Project Officer

Project Officer

Policy Officer

Project Officer


Project Officer

Project Officer

9 Project Officer



Redfern and Waterloo Authority (2005-2012)

Annual Report: Conceptual Development, Design, Copywriting, Photography, Print and Digital Production



rity Autho

and st 2006 in Augu al of the eleased new e 1 was r omic re lion of lan Stag nd econ 300 mil nment P social a e than $ ties for lt Enviro k for the ted mor t opportuni The Bui amewor y. s genera men hed a fr Redfern-Waterloo mmunit ea. It ha new employ Authority al co o ar establis f the loc -Waterlo creation of mbers o Redfern the ginal me ent and on-Abori investm al and n Aborigin

l Repor






012 Annua


ge Herita

2011 12

(BEP 1)


Chapter 16


of Redfern tion in oral land construc lity. The with the past a municipathe suburb, kers. laimed wor med was proc 5 transfor x of railway Redfern influ in 185 for the s since ay terminus 150 year terraces railw ks and mar main ages 2009 Sydney’s ker’s cott what was small wor into divided


area n the ge withi Taskforce, of herita o Heritage and at ncement rn-Waterlo retation Plan The enha than the Redfe Interp more Yards through Park with years. igh Rail ology ology over five the Evele alian Techn heritage er alian Techna City el Forst the Austr invested in nt of Austr n for Medi n the Rach opme the sale of $3 millio . The devel ing $123 millio building. ing and ntial site ent Excellence pt plann ling reside Park includ million NICTA establishm enous $47 The conce a 150 dwel used for the of Indig re. for and the Centre Hospital of which were ty Health Cent rn National ) n n Redfe millio muni pany (AHC proceeds rn Com The $53 $10 millio rn Street. ing Com ent Redfe of the l Hous of the lishment Centre in Redfe Aborigina the redevelopmct. tives estab the h The of with ing initia ty Healt Frasers process lwuy proje Working able hous ement with Communi ence the n as the Pemu afford on gy. to comm ing Agre ent of Strate er Carlt , know Hous ing lishm form Block Hous The estab the Affordable of the nt of the dable agreement ing an Affor developme endale. The housing includ ent of from the in Chipp n in affordable Railway Developm site igh Property able Evele afford Breweries d $32 millio of the sion of on Plan. United rate aroun the provi Preparations Interpretati o Area. will gene will fund rn-Waterlo Workshop which the Redfe funds future within for the housing ept Plan s site. a Conc Eveleigh Guideline val of n) and Design The appro nt of the North ($25 millio ntial and Urban re rn RSL rn Cent Centre developme reside Redfe Redfe n) for Redfern ing and ent of of the draft elopm ($35 millionts are ongo exhibition in 2010, the y. car park The redev ing the endorsed elines Street developme respectivel Follow re, sed and n Guid Gibbons use. These and 2014 n Desig were finali and Infrastructu re ercial 2012 Urba nt in comm onme tructu guidelines Planning completed for design on Infras Built Envir Housing will be Draft Minister the Premier with by the ing nt of the ltation ard MP. NSW assist opme consu Hazz ter ing Brad Minis The devel 2 (BEP 2) in al of Hous the Hon. ble for NSW, Plan Stage ort the renew o area. are availa opolitan supp rn-Waterlo ey Metr guidelines NSW to the Redfe The draft from the Sydn ite. sites in load ority webs down ent Auth lopm Deve


2010-2011 Annual

Annual Report


: Redfe

rn (Prov


of by City


y Archi



12 5

Redfern-Waterloo Authority



The Redfern-Waterlo o Authority was part of an exciting initiative in 2011 to relaunch Redfern and the surroun ding of Waterloo, Darlingt areas on and Eveleigh as a great place for business and recreation.

“There are many fantastic initiatives in Redfern that we’re very proud of. A lot of people start out with one perception of what Redfern is all about and find it drastically different when they come here.” Roy Wakelin-King AM, CEO Redfern-Waterloo Authority

The new brand was launched at the iconic Return to Redfern event The distinct smile-shapedon 5 February 2011. logo was painted the grounds for onto the match which saw South Sydney Rabbitohs take on the Newtown Jets.

The logo captures the “welcoming spirit” of the region and was created to change the perception and surrounding of Redfern areas by encouraging become community locals to ambassadors, attracting new people to the area and promoting the many business opportunities on offer. The brand is also designed to increase the profile of Redfern’s vibrant cultural precincts such as the Excellence, Redfern National Centre for Indigenous Park and Oval, Market, Australian Eveleigh Technology Park, along with the CarriageWorks area’s retro furniture stores, great mix of shops, galleries, cafes and restaurants. The new brand was an initiative of the Roll Up Redfern Group which consists of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, City of Sydney, South Sydney Business Chamber (formerly Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce), REDWatch and the South Sydney Rabbitohs.

Connect online To help promote the positive developments in Redfern, there are social networking sites available at: terloo

1 201An0nu.1al Report

rity Autho terloo rn-Wa Redfe


Aboriginal Studies Association

Website: Conceptual Development, Design and Build

Suuply Nation

Gala Dinner Collateral: Conceptual Development, Design, Print and Digital Production

Dear Connect 2014 guest, I am delighted to welcome you; our local, national and international guests, to the fourth annual Connect Conference, Tradeshow and Gala Dinner Awards Night. We are delighted to return to Sydney in 2014, hosting our Conference and Indigenous Business Tradeshow at the Australian Turf Club’s newly refurbished Royal Randwick Racecourse Grandstand for the first time. The focus of Connect 2014 is ‘Leading Change in Business.’ This year’s Connect Conference will coincide with Australia’s National Sorry Day commemorations, recognised in the program agenda. The Indigenous Business Tradeshow and Gala Dinner will coincide with the launch of National Reconciliation Week (NRW), celebrated across Australia each year between May 27th and June 3rd.

‘Leading Change in Business’ is the theme for Connect 2014 – It reflects Supply Nation’s innovative and visionary approach to bringing diversity into the supply chains of Australia’s corporate and government entities.

Sydney NSW May 26th & 27th, 2014

Conference, Indigenous Business Tradeshow and Gala Dinner Awards Night

© Supply Nation 2014



Building on the success of 2013’s ‘Turning Contacts into Contracts’ theme, the Conference agenda aims to provide key strategies and insights for maximising your organisation’s leadership effectiveness in the Indigenous business sector. We have taken on board your feedback to put together a multi-faceted Conference program, appealing to our Members and Certified Suppliers, both new and established. I trust you will find your participation extremely beneficial; with opportunities to engage in rich debate, learn from international and national experts in the supplier diversity field and develop long-lasting business connections at our innovative workshops, On the Couch panel discussion and networking drinks function.

You will have an opportunity to continue developing these relationships the following day at our Indigenous Business Tradeshow, where a selection of our Certified Suppliers and Members’ will present their businesses, services and products to potential buyers in an interactive fast paced forum. A consistent highlight of the Connect twoday program is the Gala Dinner Awards Night finale. This year it returns to Sydney’s historic Town Hall on May 27th. Congratulations to our nine deserving ‘Supplier Diversity Award’ recipients - set to be recognised for their contribution to the Australian supplier diversity space - at the prestigious black tie event. On behalf of the Supply Nation Board and staff, I would like to thank our sponsors for their generous commitment. They include: The Australian Government, Staples, Indigenous Business Australia (IBA), NSW Procurement, Department of Finance & Services, Compass Group, BT Australasia, Message Stick, Telstra, BP Australia, Qantas, National Australia Bank (NAB), Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Westpac, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), PwC’s Indigenous Consulting, Lend Lease, Charles Sturt University (CSU) and the Koori Mail. Finally, I would like to say a special thanks to our Members, Certified Suppliers, partners and supporters who continue to support our vision to create a vibrant, sustainable and prosperous Indigenous business sector. Sincerely, Charles Prouse CEO, Supply Nation

©©Supply SupplyNation Nation2014 2014


Gala Dinner

& Awards Night



Aboriginal Legal Service

Annual Report: Conceptual Development, Design, Print and Digital Production

Report fro m ACT

ALS Can ber represen ra continues to pro tation for Aborigin vide effective lega al residen l ts of the ACT.

Our solicitors specia women and childre lise in helping men matters , inside the n with criminal In the new law Children’s courtr Court, Magist oom at the and Care financial year a Suprem ACT rates Family law and e Court, will be joining Protection law and in the Court and Court. The solicitor Circle Senten our team. also existin referral for solicitors provid There cing e inform other legal fortnightly g outreach clinics are ation and a field officer matters, assisted and admin in Family by Queanbeyan provided by istration law and Legal Aid We emplo Care and officer. law. Clinic yed a third Protection during the through appointments can criminal our ALS demand, reporting period solicitor administratiobe made and we to meet n officer ALS Canbe set up office within . rra also the ACT a duty solicitor ThroughCare boasts precinct Magistrates to unit focuse the Prisoner prisoners Court needs of meet day-to-day d on assistin who are people legal reintegrate leaving g visiting prison the court. into their In additio and the family, comm n broad solicitors to our focus on unities overarching er community, the ACT, also practic with the aim of reduci Aboriginal our e NSW law, ng recidiv assisting ALS Canbe in Quean people across the ism. beyan Communityrra staff members Yass, in both , Cooma, Goulbregion including urn the Local community Legal Education participate in and Distric and to promo legal rights awareness of, t Courts te and . in our local access community. to,

Legal Ser vices Report from the Man aging Soli citor

With the col ALS Canbe laboration of all st on establ rra has continued aff, ished relatio to build the comm unities we nships with ACT and sur serve in the particular rounding NS W, and in with peer working with organ in those com isations munities. Regular collaboratio targeted lobbying n, together with enabled of us to assist Government, change has in bringi during 2012-2 ng real affecting 013 to practi people who use ces our servic A notab le es. reforms example of this made includes policies rega to Australian recent Federal rding the ta of Aborig Police king into cus inal and people under the Torres Strait Island tody and Protec Intoxicated er Peopl was subse tion) Act 1994 . This procee (Care quent ly discon of referra tinued in dure l favour ALS submi to appropriate shelte ssions to governmen rs following t.

ael Lalo r, Managin g Solicitor

North regionern Western

Some of ALS outcomes Canberra’s n otable legal for the year include: • The su ccessf on behalf ul appeal ag ainst c ACT Supreof a young person onviction subsequentme Court of Appeato the criticisms reporting of the t l and the of rial judges’ to the searchpolice action of the youngs relating ALS Canbe • An inc person. rease relationshiprra enjoys an excell ACT Supre in appearanc ent es in the both univer with the law Court of me Court and faculties sities in Supreme Appeal, of of legal including number volunteers the ACT. The of high a (between at ALS Canbe majority profile senten matters and eviden rra are studenten - twelve at tiary matte ce any ts from • A larg these univergiven time) rs. e majo For the sities. contested rity of acquittals in last participatedthree years we Magistrates summary hearin in a studen have program Court and N gs in the ACT t intern with the SW Local Co • A grea Happily, University ship t majority of urt. two Aborig of Canbe District succe placed with inal intern rra. ssful NSW Court s recent challenging Appeals for completed us have subse ly people quently their law their senten conviction or degree. ce in the NS the severity W Local Cou of rt. Mich

Kip Frawley,


Paralega l Voluntee r, ALS Canberra






Laws, Paralega l Voluntee r, ALS Canberra

Central South Eastern region

6 | alsns wact.


ALS Specialist Services



CT) Limited Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/A

ALS in ACT 2012-13

been one of the Protection) has Service (Care and which I’ve Aboriginal Legal life. The way in “My time at the experiences of my significant educational have been surprising. more profound and but also personally, in my legal education developed, not only to me; new area of law up a completely saw as internship opened also one that I In one regard, the interesting but I found not only that capacity. law of legal a an area involvement in for more Indigenous prudent in its need they give educated that is and positions similar programs area which they this internship and educated in the The benefit of not only be further people. the platform to plague Indigenous concerns that Indigenous students the issues and these issues and further understand the way in which are shown, but platform to realise once they are initiated has given me the for our children This internship the implications our children and realise many things. I have come to concerns affect Through this opportunity, into care proceedings. does to ng what state intervention me in understandi deserve. life helped in later truly as Aboriginal This program has people who identify and the respect Aboriginal culture into the positions Slack-Smith went our supervisor, Gemma administrative tasks. the fact that less clerical and I absolutely enjoyed legal work, and function s of we were to do real to the everyday with the idea that of work that pertained Resolution able to do a lot courts and Dispute This ways were clients, attended nation instance, we interviewed and cross-exami practitioners. For writing submissions among other things. hearings including as well as legislation, Conferences, prepared applied case law and researched questions; we also for me program has had advantage this people, more highly of the which needs indigenous …I cannot speak area of the law help in has outlined an has been an immense simply because it position This in its workings. of the law that know an aspect especially men involved my career, I now the direction of that needs me…” further securing working in, but one be more than happy I would not only

Execu Execu tive tive

Kyron McGrath, law practice and Protection ALS Intern, Care

Report by Chief Legalthe Officer

| 7



e Prisoner ThroughCar Coordinator Report from the twelve months unit spent the last to case management The Prisoner ThroughCare pre- and post-release assisted volunteered to be providing intensive leaving prison who Aboriginal prisoners overall aim of reducing recidivism. the by our service, with

case management we developed individual the best support. To assist people, to ensure we provided in a prisoner’s to assist plans with each person, other service providers and communities. We We worked with their return to families months rehabilitation and persons, up to six d or parole-based We took self-referrals, assisted full-sentence months post-release. NSW State Parole pre-release and six Services NSW, the referrals from Correctivefrom ALS staff. It is a voluntary program. Authority, and referrals two coordinator covering year we had one Centre and South During the last financial Maconochie – Alexander in ALS field officers, one correctional centres Centre. We had three Centre and Bathurst Coast Correctional Wellington Correctional in ALS Parramatta covering covering Bathurst and two field officers Centre, Emu Plains Correctional Centre, 2, Dylwinia Correctional Correctional Centre. John Maroney 1 and and Silverwater Women’s in ALS Moruya. Correctional Centre administration officer We also had a part-time twelve months funding. further a in securing on our We have been successful success in the future by building on this We hope to build are making a difference. and to ensure we referral processes

Peter Rose, Coordinator | 27 alsnswact.o Annual Report 2012-13 26 | alsnswact.o ABORIGINAL LEGAL



“Our solic itors deliv er some of culturally the most competent legal repr of any lega esentatio l practice n with field and administrativ the help of our e staff who cultural tran act as slato dealings with rs for our clients in their our lawyers.” John

mited /ACT) Li ice (NSW McKenzie, gal Serv Chief Legal Officer inal Le 10 | alsnsw Aborig

eport R l a u Ann 2012-13 ABORIGINA





Our legal practice continu expertise es to develo and p usually reserveachieve results that are with far greaterd for legal firms and agenci resources es than the ALS. These results the dedica are firmly based on ted, daily efforts of solicitors our across all the NSW and ACT in whichlocations in we operat e. A shining beacon that value of the demonstrates continual the carried out and by our solicito difficult work Litigation rs is the Strateg practic ic last two years. e that has flourish cases in the The ALS has initiate ed in the Common d seven NSW Suprem Law e Court just Division of the Most, but not all, have in the past year. such as a recent case been successful. Some, ‘malicious on damage’ to what constitutes law that has property, create new large numbe a beneficial flow-on effect to rs of Aborig inal people . Perhaps the highest profile professionalism examp is the hearing and foresight of le of the our High Court before the full bench solicitors of of Mr William Australia of our appealof the Bugmy. This on establish case will seek behalf clear princip to of Aborig les for the inal people sentencing in all courts whereby the in We also conduc people, their life histories of Aborig Australia, public campai ted a very effectiv inal are approp families and their e comm the Australi gn to secure funds riately taken an govern from We hope into consid unities which was ment for the the CNS, in this import decision of the High eration. from service danger of being withdra ant Court in in June 2013, that will start matter will set a wn funds are preced although guaranteed rate of imprisoto reverse the ever-gr ent for two years those owing nment of only. The reform Aboriginal of NSW traffic people We are current they are implem . laws, and how ented, business practice, whichly reinstating our for the ALS. remains unfinish Family law had closed ed We estimat to 20% of constraints due all e that close to fundin in ‘inside’ becausAboriginal adult prisone g our childre 2008, and we are e of unauth also n’s rs are offences in both instancCare and Protection expanding – that is, driving orised driving law es or practic when disqual using extra without a in the recent licence funding providee, to lobby hard ified. We are continu budget. We Australian govern ing ment federal d submission and have made a are keenly the huge strong to a NSW unmet demanmotivated to service reviewing parliamentary some traffic care and d for family inquiry our solicito protection reforms. Meanw rs law in comm and across NSW hile, outcomes continue to argue unities and ACT, daily for better in individu still not able although al offences we are arising from cases that involve practice untilto provide a truly ‘state-w remoteness poverty additional and the inability , geographical ide’ funding is bodies to of the adequately sourced. In the last to obtain assist Aborigi regulatory year we succes their licence the NSW sfully reques s in the first nal people government place. ted laws restrict to ing the ‘right ensure new of accuse to silence d person Custody Notific s did not affect ’ our ation Service provides (CNS), which a 24/7 health check telephone legal advice and children underto all Aboriginal adults and arrest in police stations.

Care and Protection law practice 2012 -2013


Legal cases representa and tions in court


Provisions of advice and legal assistance minor

Our solicito r staff turnove relatively r rate remains low and it is pleasin attracting g we are highly compe vacancies tent applica that legal practice arise. That is a sign nts for of a healthy that enjoys one of the most effectiv a reputation as agencies active in the e precedent-setti ng courts today. Our solicito rs deliver some of the culturally competent most of any legal legal represe practice with ntation our field and the help act as culturaladministrative staff of who translat in their dealing ors for our clients s with our lawyers.

John McKe nzie, Chief Lega l Officer

Criminal law practice 2012 -2013

19,238 12,903 Legal cases representa and tions

in court

Provisions of legal advic and mino r assistance e


Provisions of lawyer assist duty ance

alsnsw .au | 11 Annual Report


Souths Cares

Annual Review: Conceptual Development, Design, Print and Digital Production




013 has treme been ano ndousl ther year for Sou y succes sful ths For tho the com A few munit Cares and se unf Cares, achiev of the y we many let me amilia suppor that gre accom ement s r wit start we we hav at plish by exp h Souths t. profit are an e bee this laining public indepe year n establ • 90% includ able to • We benevo ndent ish e: dev not of lent Footba ed in Indige the stu Indige eloped institu -for200 ll den and 6 Clu nous nous by com tio launch b to Progra the sup School ts who join mu Oral suppor South Syd n, ed our Health m across nit y and to Wo ed our ney t gradua ‘Nanga for Ora port of Pro rk the Sou addres the loc NSW Mai ted al Marri’ Transition s Our Health- gram wit with In 201 l Health • 84% charte th Sydney social nee their Stra in 201 3, Ora Centre h disadv of our r HSC d and l Hea tegy and antage is to sup reg ion have in 201 1, sup 2012 and . now por 3. d, ma provid plementa lth Works Colgate. ind succes HSC gra into rginal t hop ed to ry res familie igenous dua ter sfully in loc ised ources s youth emplo tiary edu transiti tes al and over 2,6 educat s, with a and cat ym one remote 00 studen were spe their extrem ent. Bot ion or emplo ion, trainin cific foc fulltim d ts school h us on yment local ely gratify results e These g, hea s. Cares are youth… NICHO . ing lth and In succes sum levera and for Cares our ma team ges the mary, Indige and for Sou these Chairm LAS PAPPAS ny oth becaus ses are ma to Souths Mento nous Rab an ths affect engage AM de pos er e of r Rhy Progra the com bitohs NRL enj the positiv s We oy fro • Ou • A ms suppor sible sser. practis e soc mu r ent m the t ial cha nity and The ing sol in our ire NRL and Rabbito Rabbito Souths Car nge. Prin icitor just Teache squad hs fam es hs the since on a Pappas cipal of partici rs Aid ily. we includ player family is 1984 pat & Com Nichol e Pro s and more suppor ekly bas es as G • Cha gram ed pany, our sup local you staff; is in than t irm loc Lawyer 2013, studen al sch th and our fam Sydney an, South emplo por ters to s; ools ily par and Partici ts in the to yers memb ent s, League District and and pating ir educat engage Rug sch spo ers increa Footba ool s by ion. , nsors, • Cha sed atteschools ….j The ll Clu teache engage Rabbito ust to irm b Lim ndance reported Souths nam rs ited; League an, South hs e improv ment in rate Footba Sydney at the Cares bec family sup a few. ed NA class wo s, deeper • Cha heart Memb por ts ll Clu ause • Ou PLAN rk irman, b Lim of wh Com r Hea ers Rug Thus results and mu Ban ited o lthy on • Gov nity by Progra in 201 k of and behalf the Rab ; and is ernor, Sydney Sou Active m wa bito 3. pupils Steve s del the Rab ths Car of our com hs are Limited • Tru es, ivered Lifestyles . Waugh stee, ; progra from 30 in ma bitohs fam I would munit y to ove Rookwo Founda loc like m king ily educat once aga al school r 1,500 od Gen tion We loo 2013 suc for the to thank – Aus s. eral ir sup tralia; h k for 6 on ing studen in focuse The Cem and por t ward a succes the bet etery d on sful to an healthy factors ts in Yea Trust. suppor ter yea JAM year. even r of require rs 5 and ES ting messa lifestyle. d to the comsuccessfu big ger Direct PATTERSO ges as lea All or lly N munit head these very imp d a into y in ortant studen • Snr their 2014. teenag Ma ts all imp e and for CBR naging Dir ort Shanno High ector School ant E NSW Genera n Donat • Reg ; years. o ion Souths l Manag Servic al Direct Cares er or – es for Office and CBR New Zealan E Austral • Wo ia d; rked 30 yea in the Rea Indust rs, with exp l Estate rial, erience Industry Ret • Sen for ove ail and in ior r Reside Comme Com Leadershi rcia ntial mittee p Boa proper l, of CBR rd • CBR ty; E, Aus and Execut E Circ tralia; le of ive • Sal Exc vo’s ellence Legal award • Syd – Adv s – 200 ney isory Sixers Board; 4, 200 – Adv 7 and isory 2010; Board.



2 1 1 1 0 E 2 YEAR IN R VIEW 02

g kin Ma ark am

THE HO Direct N KRISTI NA KEN or EALLY • Chi ef Exe cutive Basket Offi ball Austral cer of • 42n ia; d Pre mie Wales , from r of New First South woma 2009 unt n to il 201 • Ser hold 1. ved that as the office; • Ser Memb ved er for Servic as Ministe Heff ron in es, Age r for the NSW Pla • Am ing, World nning, bassad Parliam Youth Infrastruc or for • Pat ent; Day Oppor ture, ron of and tunity Redfern Disability The Stillbir Interna Water th Fou tional loo; ndation Austral . ia; SHA NE Direct RICHARD SON or • Ove r 20 years an NR exp L Chi with ef Exe erience as Cro cutive years) nulla (5 years) Officer South Penrith (3 Hull years) Sydney (3 • Pre and (9.5 viousl years). y 13 Corp, yea State rs Manag with Aus tral er of Queen ian Gua rantee slan d.




Health oNEuRAsLOral M IndigenGEAG ER’s RA


our launched with d and Program develope re Health • We s Oral th- Cent ate. Indigenou of NSW Heal and Colg ort great Strategy kshops the supp many able to of the Health Wor have been A few for Oral were Health ents we urces 3, Oral include: y reso her In 201 achievem this year citing the ents lementar sh star 0 stud been anot ul withd our and supp to over 2,60 accomplithe ex NRL ingjoine 013 has usly successf leav ols. who n with , ents and scho ided sitio s te area prov students Worlar of stud tremendo k Tran hs Cares of the dingoloftoregu rtance ort. impo90% l and remo Sout nt 1, ts. for s’ Indigenou in loca • rstan weissupp habi year s Scho ene i’ in 201 importa t unde s Care munity Marr enou ts r hygi hs mos ram 3. good Mai outh a Indig com oral ga Sout The many othe studen theHeal th Prog and ‘Nan re the in 201 r with the nershipg milia Oral unfa their HSC t to ensu ible Programrtanwith brushing and ourthat s h in part s brus e hes Thesesagesmade possare hs toCare explainin impo d Centrefor“It’s For thos graduate mes s are theort delivered graduate sage reac m Sout star t by th’s not, 2 HSC entate . let me NSW Heal sitiodned Well mes 201 ly. well supp successee with pend Clean84% of,”our Cares, withan inde y, eat s fami tution, , Colg said Rhys ully tranorte ime tak of the Rabbeitoh dail are Strategy nt insti • ents enous ey e than also supp because successf vole or fullt tap t twic ly is mor NRL all stud that we Health benere h Sydn for Indig ted leasthe Rhys was have3,now itohs’ are t , l aty from ridaour education for Oralt public by Sout Cent family enjo well fluo lts In 201 tertiary itohskfami the Rabbresu profi Poche in 2006“Cleanthe loca Rabbdrin staff; poss ible. ols talk abou into ber of the ort l scho Both Theand and theblished nts, ols tog for these a num loymlent. takesto supp ers and h as need pare loca by esta scho al and play to ene In emp h and ifyinhygi hs ’ as muc sage ess soci in loca gratoral Health,ball!”Club just the lations. addr squad Footwell mes water mely local yout members, on. ce of nd fors’Sout s popu Teachers extrertan ity and ey regi Drink munIndig enou and includes h…a Care rams tyle on the h Sydn , teachers the impo com yout orters renessort and e Lifes Souths s Prog local ut the Soutawa with high enou Activ our supp and sponsors e a few. supp th througho across rs s Indig thy and ser. thanks rt to raise ter is tooral heal Care to nam ents Wesll part ams orts an effo employe and Heal ginalised ….just Rhys Our char theted r ous progr ce of good Aide Men icipa supp ols no sma tor d, mar local stud and ly thei in rtan h, Indigen part – is scho r, ate tage ity impo dvan ng yout s fami h and andRhys Wesse itohinator Colgd mtime e of squa programs tanc disa duri us yout NRL ramht Commun are. r Brig a Drea focus on Prog entire geno The Rabbcoord s assis hygiene of thei usinagspecific , Our because s Oral itoh . to •the and indi herssAide 201 ated odile enou 3, to Rabb Cares Teacurce crocheal th and withthe Indig al reso ityg g in ative ge our are educ anthe Souths who enin tion mun ress initi basi hs e alon t of ated addiin families,uringtraining,snak ed Futu h scre rpor htkly hear to enga y, Sout teetcom n, wee thank of our inco and marfacil olsvisit itate story feat who at sthe es, aBrig p, lffree scho theto visit like beha , turtle In sum Smilon educatio to itohs NRL and onksho playlers ded; .Greg ort wou, ld ent. media,Rabb orts loca itoh s, Ients incluation th Wor Care kangaroo suppth r educ supp Rabb HealThus culturally and 201 thei3 Mitch employm ractive s theand Oralr Heal year. hsthe stud ly fors thei repo, rted ols in ly of Sout munity ents ul olsKing with inte h leverageging hs Care g essf scho fami s fami rge er ll, Matt forand localstud Caresmic, engage the com s, deep a Sout succ toot ronment. ting scho ofitoh n Farre rateGeo ge. Rabb icipa kerceand (inclaudin wall a dyna to engaing envial chan bigger theision 3 such s, Dyla ndan Bag prov Croc 201 the key and and th IngliPart team learn atte an even n Gift hasised tive soci toHeal ed on , asedael otioing relevantt posi empwork Oral in mak ett, Mich r 3. inmclass Prom poster, forwe,ard Buckincre affechasis is plac well, Eat well d in 201 who le, ully essf h past ltsafte ofent look ing bott succ gem h all toot r Emp resu We look of h, 2014. ess, force Brus enga of e LAN s wate brus year Burg s of; ity sinalso NAP itoh the all rein visit mun better ovedtanc . The Given Lifestyles t, Rabb message , which are com and imprrtan , ball) nce g the gums. ActiveProgram1,500 char the impo well ortin barbeque h and and foot the to over s thy and maintena s. er ity Drink of supp teet Heal the mun stick ess ered hs Care your ote gum player • Our ing succ a com ols. The was deliv to prom e, Sout h and l schoof having included ball clinic and maximum phasloca outstand Program thy teet the Program y sed on re foot anlsearly of heal of from 30feasibilit l, over year, to ensu junior at such tos a5 and target the again focu pupiorin g once session ato ent. In tota ents In its first ambitious r med live Yearvirtu al signing its 600 stud are expl involvem ents and thei program g lead a ents in ions strea ity Don non s sess exceeded and educating to over mun ols usin Shan ired to hip t ating stud s stud ager com schorequ hs Care future educof enou NSW ral Man partners e Sout importan factorsgy, in very 0 Indig engaging g its message over 1,500 Gene ts. s thes 1,50 number nded erin ation 6 on the Care n even and tyle. All technolo hsatte Educents 2013. ly’s by deliv l students Sout room Promotio ambitious thy lifes ent of fami end of e studate. t classheal loca Health ols by the Departm set an Colg rtan s as thes 1,000 the sage ic Scho Regional Cares have with mes students ating ities and r all impo years. l Publ ol regional and educ Commun al Souths into thei from loca student Scho ging ion and head ents s Reg et, of enga Stud students l es High Carand target Indigenou Bourke Stre 1,200 gram thsage loca s r tional Souteen with high ns – such as hs Care nal and lth Pro Chifley an addi particula Sout regio and a Hea y r 3, l latio with nal othe r 201 Ora popu Perouse the man 2014, across to regio on, La Decembe among ities in NSW. hs Program munities During Darlingt – were commun ram. Sout h-eastern nded the Schools ol com on sout the prog ge local Public also exte ing the scho rgambone, focus ries of enga e 4. . Thes beneficia continue to NSW, visit Walgett, Gula s in 201 will Toomelah rell, lar basi former Cares a and of Inve on a regu and Boggabill delivers students Cares mentor, Moree, Wesser l Rhys Souths er, the loca s play ughout Rabbitoh ram thro the Prog




02 08


We would love to help you through the design and development of your next design project. Contact one of our design experts today: 94 McEvoy Street, Alexandria NSW 2015 +61 2 9698 5510 +61 2 9698 5512

What makes Tonic Connective unique is our refreshing attitude, our passion for exceptional design that works, and the enthusiasm with which we embrace your brand. Backed by a team of experienced professionals and a procedural methodology that has been proven over time, we apply a considered, strategic approach to our creative processes. Just ask one of our satisfied clients: –– NSW AECG Inc –– Aboriginal Studies Association –– Aboriginal Legal Service –– South Sydney Rabbitohs –– Department of Human Services NSW –– Redfern Waterloo Authority –– Supply Nation –– Souths Cares –– Housing NSW

94 McEvoy Street, Alexandria NSW 2015 +61 2 9698 5510

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