CJ 2

Page 1



Project Recap


“At the end of CJ1 I had got to the point where I was starting to refine my idea. I didn’t get as far as I wanted to be (model making/prototyping) so I have made a new plan on the next page. I tried to stick to this new plan as I didn’t want to be rushing towards the end of the project.”

o carr y t d e e n , Y DONE re the game L T S O M o ensu e t g n i t s objectiv Y on te R A PRIM is fun ine idea f e r , E y to Y DON MOSTL r concept, eas ple to a sim ow and play foll half of d n o c e s ONE, NONE D project work major

half of d n o c e ONE, s NONE D project work major


Plan for Remaining Final Major Project


“As I started to get to a more refined idea after my Major Interim I found it easier to plan the rest of my work as I knew what I needed to produce for the final hand in. I stayed on track with most of this but found making my model and finishing took slightly longer than expected.�



Project Collaborators/Validators To validate the project contact had been kept with 2 former designers from Hasbro. I also had contact with my Auntie and her 2 children.

“The validators from Hasbro advised me on keeping my game fun so this became my primary objective. Their board game knowledge was vital in helping me create my final product.” “Having children play my game makes sure that my product is fun which is now my primary objective. Having approval off a parent too is necessary as ultimately they are the buyer of the product.”



Ideation Process Testing and iterating the idea.

“By going through this process it ensured that my games mechanics were kept fun as this is the primary goal of my project. I also concentrated on keeping personality as the main factor in the game to get across my message that ‘every personality trait in life has a benefit’ therefore showing children that they can be whoever they want to be.”



Major Interim/Game 5.0 Presented the most recent idea along with the other previous iterations.

“This was a turning point in my project. I realised during the interim that I needed to strip back the game more, I had overcomplicated it. The marble run I had designed was excessive and not necessary.�



Game 6.0 Stripped back the game, kept the fun elements and concentrated on personality being the main factor of gameplay.

“By this point I started to get to an idea that I really liked. The next stage was iterating and testing this to get to a more refined idea.�



Game 6.0 Testing Tested the current game with my peers. Comments were made about the game, the main ones being - collecting all the traits would be better than collecting one trait for a ‘well-rounded personality,’ adding more risk into the game would make it more fun, the character Bolt was too close to Solo in personality and the characters stories got lost as they aren’t on the board.

“By testing the game I can start to see what does and doesn’t work and move onto making another iteration to test.”



Game 6.1,6.2 + Testing Edited game from previous comments. Tested this and then changed small parts again. Main comments from these 2 tests were - fill your own character up on trait board so you start with some tokens, game board is too large to be practical for playing, make sure all power cards are harsh (adds consistency) and pick a couple of power cards at beginning of the game.

“By making small changes to the game and then testing over and over again I could see the mechanics working even more.�



Game 6.3 + Testing Reduced the size of the game board and other changes were made from previous testing. Comments made on this test arrows need to be on board to show direction of play, power cards used too quickly so change this to, ‘get given 3 of any characters power card, you shouldn’t be able to use them till you fill that character in on your trait board’, - this brings in more tactics to the game. Lastly make character islands into ‘fill up’ trait spaces.

“Changing the size of the board was a major step and made the gameplay more practical. By testing again I could then move onto making small changes and making the next iteration.”



Game 6.4 + Testing Made changes to the board with sharpie, in this test the game started to get really competitive and fun. Comments were made to add in power card pick up cards and spaces on the board as these were a really fun part of the game.

“By making these small changes it just shows how they can make a big difference as the gameplay was so much more fun than previous testing.�



Game 6.5 + Testing Made the previous testing changes, as the game was really starting to come together I filmed this testing and sped it up (scan the QR code to view). Comments were made about losing 1/2 tokens on the power cards being too harsh.

“By this point the game was very fun, all this testing was essential as I was going to start testing on children soon and I wanted to make sure the mechanics were perfect before that.�



Game 6.6 Testing 1 Changed the power cards to make sure they weren’t too harsh and then made a working prototype. This was tested by my friends and family, the video of it can be watched by scanning the QR code.

“This prototype was created ready to test with children so it felt like a ‘proper’ game. The final testing done before playing with children was to ensure that the game worked fully so there were no game mechanics hiccups in the main test.”



Game 6.6 Testing 2/3 Tested the game twice with children and asked them to comment on it. Filming of this is available by scanning the QR codes.

“This testing was essential to ensure the game was fun to play as this is my primary objective. It went really well and I knew at this point I was ready to get on with designing the final version.�



Probability Final part of my iteration process, working out the probability of risk/gain on the choice paths. For each route I have tried to get the amount of tokens you are likely to gain to be within 0.5 of 3.

“As my game has 2 sections where you can take 2 different paths by choice I needed to work out what the probability of gaining tokens is on each route. I needed to make it so that each route has around about the same amount of probability of gaining the same amount of tokens to make it fair and not have the paths be so risky they are impossible to win on.�



Problem Gender stereotype toys reinforce self fulfilling prophecy, that if you are told you should be a certain way, you act a certain way. Girls - your appearance matters. Boys - you should be masculine, being sensitive is wrong.

Solution “To tackle this issue I have designed a board game which teaches children that every personality trait can have a benefit in life, therefore showing them that they can be whoever they want to be through a fun medium! “



Branding - Initial Ideas Came up with several names, settled on Persona after a group meeting with my peers. Looked at several fonts for this comparing them on print outs. Several ideas for the strapline were proposed and discussed in the group meeting.

“Branding was essential to my game as this is the initial POS. I need to grab the user’s attention.”



Branding - Final Name and Strapline Stuck with the name Persona, using the 7 characters in the name. Towards the end of the project I ended up adjusting the look of the logo. Decided on ‘A game of fates and traits’ for the strapline.

“By using the 7 characters in the name this gets across the main factor of the game. I really liked the design of it but towards the end of the project comments were made saying the graphics were not that strong. I could not change the logo on my prototype as it was already made but edited it for my final boards so it stood out more. I was happy with the name and strapline as I feel like they get across what the game’s all about without even playing it.”



Character Design Sketched out more refined character’s and then drew them on illustrator.

“The 7 character’s are a big part my brand so needed to be designed well to be appealing to children.”



Persona Collectibles Extending my Persona brand by designing collectibles. Started off designing 2 versions of each with similar personalities to the original character.

“I quickly changed this idea as it didn’t work, they did not feel connected enough with the game, I wanted collectibles still but went a different way with the other versions.”



Persona Collectibles Changed how I was designing these to 2 other versions that connected to the gameplay. Sketched out and drew on illustrator.

“This route worked a lot better as the other 2 versions connected to events that happen in the game. By collecting the trait toys it’s like collecting the traits in the gameplay.�



Persona Collectibles Had 3 samples made from a puppet creator on Etsy. Sent over drawings and she created plush toys. Created labels for each example too.

“The reason I got these made was to help bring to life my vision of the collectibles. The labels help to introduce each character.�



Graphics of Board Drew quick sketches out and then spent a few days on illustrator drawing the graphics.

“The quick sketches helped me get a better idea of what I wanted on the board rather than just jumping straight into the illustrations.�



Graphics of Board Finished all drawing on illustrator. Had the board printed and cut by an external company.

“This took me a lot longer than I thought to draw out, however, it is the main part of the model so I wanted to ensure that it was perfect. I got an external company to make it as I did not know how to create it myself.�


Collect all the character trait tokens! e idg

u Sq


k ar Sp

lo So


ar Ro

y be



e ng



Fill in your character to start...

Token Boards and Tokens Used illustrator to design token board and tokens. Had them printed by an external company.

“These were created for keeping track of trait tokens during gameplay.�



Power Cards Went through each character and came up with 5 power cards for each. Made sure that they reinforced the character’s trait with the phrases used. Had them printed and cut by an external company.

“These were an essential part of my game as they reinforce the traits and add in the competitive element.”



Fate Cards Worked out how many of each card I wanted and quickly designed these on illustrator. Had them printed out by an external company.

“Fate cards were made to bring surprise into the game which ensures fun.�



Creating QR code spaces Looked at current events and created 4 examples to show on my prototype. Created dynamic QR codes for the board.

“The QR codes increase the longevity of product as the spaces can change. They keep the game fresh and modern compared to other board games out on the market.�



Creating player tokens - Attempt 1 Used Fimo modelling clay to make models.

“Solid works and 3D printing is not something I am confident in so this is why I decided to use Fimo modelling clay. The first attempt did not go to plan because I just made it free hand.�



Creating player tokens - Attempt 2 Used Fimo modelling clay to make models.

“By printing out my line drawings of the characters this attempt went a lot better as I followed the shapes. However, the end result was way too big to use for player tokens.�



Creating player tokens - Final Attempt Used Fimo modelling clay to make models. Also created an introduction card for each character.

“The final attempt went well as I decided to keep them simple and small. I liked how these turned out as they just needed to represent the characters for the gameplay. The introduction cards help to show the players which character is which trait.�



8+ 2-7 players

8+ 2-7 players

Work your way around the board collecting trait tokens to build up your personality first before your opponents! Will you dye your hair a crazy colour? Win the world chess championship? Go skydiving? Roll the dice and find out your fate!


Use your character traits power cards against other player to move their tokens onto your trait board, pick up fate cards to see whether luck is in your favour and scan the ever-changing QR code spaces for new situations updated weekly!

56 x fate cards, 42 x power cards, 7 x character introduction cards, 7 x trait boards, 210 x trait tokens, 7 x player pieces, 1x game board,1 x 8-sided dice Persona, created to show your children that every trait in life is beneficial!

8+ 2-7 players


8+ 2-7 players

8+ 2-7 players


Packaging Used an image of my game board and tokens to trace over as an illustration for the front of the box. The back consisted of an image of the game and description. Used an external company to get made.

“I created an illustration for the front of the box because I was following on from other board game packaging I had seen. The back of the box needed all the details of what was inside so the user knows what they are buying before opening.�



Instructions Created using previous instructions that I had written out. Designed a simple easy to read layout with plenty of imagery. Brought in the collectibles imagery around the pages. Had an external company print out.

“These were created to show how to play the game, I kept it simple to ensure ease of use. By using the collectibles illustrations this helped connect these more to the gameplay.�



Final Presentation Created a large format print with my idea and laid out my game board as if it was being played on the table. Alongside were the collectibles. Also created a design journey with my blog printed out as a book and presented 2 videos.

“This was all created to show off every part of my idea and how I got there.�



Creating Video Advert Created a video advert which showed my idea in 30 seconds. Used Premiere Pro to edit and added in some animation of my characters on Character Animator. Added a voiceover from an external company.

“The advert was created to show the idea and the fun elements quickly. By animating my characters it brought them to life more. The voiceover was originally done by me but didn’t work out so that is why I went to an external company.”



Creating Testing Video Showed each part of my testing process and the changes made through each iteration.

“This was made to help visualise my testing in an easier way rather than reading my blog. It was kept simple so it was easy to follow.�


Design Journey Exploration Project End, Final Major Project Beginning


1 1

This diagram represents my design journey from start to final product. I have marked against each one which Final Major Project learning outcome I think it comes under and also labeled them with a colour and number which corresponds to the labels on my work. The key moments have been shown in larger labels, these were all points that were important to my final outcome.


Trading card







Trait Game 2.1



Trait Game 2.0

Board Game Designing

Design Idea - The Trait Game

Existing Game Re-designs



Trait Game 4.1



Minor Interim/Creating a ‘My First’ Version



The Game of Life


Trait Game 5.0


Hasbro Correspondence


Major Interim



Persona 6.6

Persona 6.5


Trait Game 4.0

9 9


Design Idea - The Proud Parent Game




Trait Game 6.0


Persona 6.4


Persona 6.3

10 Research into Fun and Gameplay



Key Demonstrate creativity, expertise and judgement in the use of specialist skills and technologies




Designing Trays/Tokens


Creating advert

Designing Player Pieces


Trait Game 3.0

How to make my game more “addictive”?

Trait Game 1.1





Designing Packaging/ Instructions

Designing Board

The Mad Game


Working out probability of risk/gain on board paths



Trivial Pursuit

Designing Cards





1 Trait Game 3.1

Toy Designing


Persona 6.7 - Final Version Peer Focus Group

Independently plan organise and manage effective research and development in order to acquire new practical or professional knowledge of a self-determined or selected project Demonstrate independent creative thinking and judgement in the pursuit of solutions to complex design problems and issues Analytically apply design skills and techniques to produce design solutions to professional, highly creative standards To effectively communicate and present creative and complex solutions to professional standards


Persona Game 6.1


11 Persona Game 6.2

Development of Characters

Creating Spin off Toys


Creating Final Boards

Design Journey/Blog Exported all my wordpress blog which tracked my journey as a book and created a map of this journey. Each of the points were labelled with a colour and number which then correlated with the labels on my work. The colours also represented where that piece of work fell into the 5 learning outcomes.

“This was done to help show how I got to my final outcome. I cross referenced everything so it was easy to follow. By showing where I thought it fell in the 5 learning outcomes this makes the examiners life easier when marking.�



Advice from validator

Gender stereotype toys reinforce self fulfilling prophecy, that if you are told you should be a certain way, you act a certain way. Girls - your appearance matters. Boys - you should be masculine, being sensitive is wrong.

“I am a firm believer that board games for children should be


Solution To tackle this issue I have designed a board game which teaches children that every personality trait can have a benefit in life, therefore showing them that they can

be whoever they want to be through a fun medium!

primarily fun.

can happen, but that should be

secondary to the awesome experience.” Patrick Otley, Former Hasbro Board Game Designer

Persona Advert (https://youtu.be/JTRkCXyozo4)

A GAME OF FATES AND TRAITS Collect the character traits to build up your personality! Work your way around the board collecting trait tokens to build up your personality first before your opponents! Will you dye your hair a crazy colour? Win the world chess championship? Go skydiving? Roll the dice and find out your fate! Use your character traits power cards against other player to move their tokens onto your trait board, pick up fate cards to see whether luck is in your favour and scan the ever-changing QR code spaces for new situations!

Persona Testing Videos (https://youtu.be/wJbrjng_BQk)

8+ 2-7 Players GAME FEATURES

Power cards - Can be used against other players, brings in a competitive element as they can change who’s in the lead quickly


Trait tokens - to collect

An extension of the Persona Brand. Each original character has 2 other versions connected from the game. These have been created to increase the longevity of Persona and for children to collect just like collecting all the traits in the board game.

and place on trait boards

Trait boards - used to keep track of which tokens the player has collected

Hinge Open Minded

Sparks Spontaneous

Solo Competitive

Hinge - Out exploring Sparks - Dying hair Solo - Take part in a pie eating competition new places a crazy colour

Hinge - Going to see Sparks - Ride the Solo - Play persona a psychic fastest rollercoaster with your friends Examples of QR life situations - scan the codes on the game board to see these appear

Fate cards - pick up to see if luck is in your favour, adds surprise into game

QR spaces - Scan these to see new life situations, updated dependent on current events, keeps the unexpected element in the game and increases longevity of Persona

Player pieces and

intro cards - used to move around the board and learn who’s who

VALIDATION “I really like all the different characters in the game, my 2 favourites are Roar and

“The kids loved the game, they looked like they had fun playing it and I especially like the fun little characters. Sophie is not that ‘girly’ and I don’t like seeing these toys that reinforce that she should look and act a certain way. She’s at an age now where she will be worrying about the way she looks. This

“The game is really fun to play, the

power cards made it

is creative like me.”

Hip. I like the look of them both and Hip

competitive, I enjoy using them to take tokens off my sister.”

“My favourite part of the game is the


favourite character was Hinge because it’s head opens and

scanning spaces, I like how they can be changed, it keeps the game exciting. It also doesn’t feel like the

game helps

closes which is funny.”

Sophie, Age 13

“I’m really glad you decided to focus


Sharon, Mum to Sophie and Jack “I agree with Paddy - fun

has to be the primary experience, then

on creating a fun experience, that’s the most important aspect to any toy or a game.”

everything else should fall into place. I

like the iterative approach you


have taken in developing the final

approach to the game development. it sounds like you have learnt a lot and been able to implement changes quickly.”

It is lovely to think beyond the gameplay, especially when developing your own IP. Often the little spin-off products can be the ones that capture the imagination most.

approve of your testing and prototype iteration

Patrick Otley, Former Hasbro Board Game Designer

“Your character designs look

fun! The 3D versions especially so, really helps brings them to life.”

get my kids to be just be themselves.”

trying to

Jack, Age 10

outcome, with

Erin Deighton, Former Hasbro Senior Play Futurist

plenty of testing.”

Scale is very important with collectibles, as is a range - but your plush are a good starting point.”

promote that any

personality is positive which is definitely a benefit to me as a Mum

game lasts too long when your playing like some board games do.”

Roar Social

Squidge Empathetic

Hip Creative

Cubey Logical

Roar - Party at a summer festival

Squidge - Listen to your friends problems

Hip - Paint a masterpiece

Cubey - Win chess championship

Hip - Publish a creative novel

Cubey - Fool an opponent with your maths genius

Squidge - Place Roar - Throw the yourself in the shoes best birthday party of another

Final Presentation Boards Went through a few test prints of these showing my idea, problem, solution and features of the game.

“This was done to explain my idea in full, showing why I created Persona and to get the idea across as simply as possible without having to look into my blog which is the detailed part. The reason I left a gap down on the bottom right hand side was for placing my game board box against the wall.�



Validation - Children Asking children their thoughts of the final outcome, played game and showed collectibles.

“This helps to validate that my game is fun which was my primary objective. Ultimately they are the main user so I had to ensure that they liked the game. The feedback I got was really positive so I was very happy with this.�



Validation - Parent Asking a parent their thoughts of the final outcome, showed the game and collectibles.

“The parent is going to be the one that buys the game so by asking them what they thought was crucial to my project. The feedback I got was positive and helped show that my final outcome did what I wanted it too in ensuring that children should be themselves no matter what their gender is.�



Validation - Patrick Otley, Former Hasbro Board Game Designer Asking a board game designer what they thought about the final outcome.

“Getting an expert in the field to comment on my game is crucial for validating my project. I got some really positive feedback from Patrick about how concentrating on fun was the most important aspect of my game. He also really approved of my testing and iteration process which is great as it validates my design process. I have taken on board the feedback about graphics and testing with people I don’t know. This has helped with my reflection of how the project went.”



Validation - Erin Deighton, Former Hasbro Senior Play Futurist Asking a board game designer what they thought about the final outcome.

“Again getting an expert in the field to comment on my game is crucial for validating my project. Erin commented on how my iterative approach and testing was really good which I am pleased with as this was a large part of my design process. The other observations he made were valid too and something I have reflected on at the end of the project.�



Game Board Evaluation

“I am really happy with how the board turned out, by spending a long time on the graphics I got it looking how I imagined. Using an external company meant that it was printed to a high quality which I don’t think I could have achieved if I had tried to make it myself. The QR code spaces really helped to bring the gameplay into a more modern light from other board games on the market.”

“The only downfall about this was that by using an external company I had to try and get this made a couple of weeks before the deadline. This meant that I had to be very decisive on the graphics quickly. It also took me a lot longer to create than I thought, I ended up having a lot of late nights trying to design it in time to be sent off and made. If I was to do it again I would have tried to speed up my iteration process and started the graphics of this earlier.”



Tokens Evaluation

“These were easy to create and I was really happy with how they turned out. I thought the simple design was easy to follow and by using the symbols from the game board it was easy to make a connection between the tokens and spaces on the board.”

“If I was to do this again I would probably have made these into actual trays with tokens that slotted into them. The problem with having them just sat on the board means that if it gets knocked during gameplay the tokens go everywhere.“



Cards Evaluation

“The cards turned out really well, they were quick and simple to design. By getting them done by an external company they turned out looking professional.”

“One way of improving these cards could have been drawing illustrations to show what happens on the power and fate cards. This perhaps would have brought the actions more to life.”



Packaging/Instructions Evaluation

“I liked my illustration on the packaging and I think the back of the box got across what the contents were within the game. The description I wrote was fun and in my opinion got across what the game was all about. The instructions were kept simple and clean which meant they were easy to follow.”

“Unfortunately the box did not turn out how I wanted. There had been a problem with the printing of the colours and also had water marks on the front. By the time it had been made and arrived though it was too late for me to get another one printed so I had to make do. If I was to do this again I would have either made the packaging myself or got it sent off at an earlier stage to ensure that it was made correctly. One point made by Erin was to look at the experience of opening up the game, I would spend more time on this side of things if I had another chance to do the project.”



Player Tokens Evaluation

“These turned out surprisingly better than I thought considering I made them by hand and had never used Fimo before. I liked that they were more abstract at the end, the simple form represented the characters well enough to be player tokens. The cards that came alongside these also helped to reinforce which character is which.”

“If I was to mould these again I would have planned it out better rather than just jumping straight into it.”



Collectibles/Character Design Evaluation

“As I have never illustrated character’s before I was pleased with how the designs of these ended up. The collectible toys turned out amazing and I was so glad I got someone else to make these for me as I did not have the skill set to make them to that high of a standard myself.”

“The illustrations took a long time to do and upon reflection could have been even better as pointed out by Patrick in his email. If I was to do this again I probably would have looked at other character designs for inspiration. If I had more funds I would have had at least all 7 original character’s made for the collectibles examples.”



Game Advert Evaluation

“The video turned out a lot better than expected. Paying for the voiceover made a huge difference so I am glad I did this. Jack and Sophie worked really well when filming and I think using them over younger children helped as they were easy to direct. The character animations were new to me but I picked it up really quickly and I loved having the characters moving as it brought them to life.”

“I did struggle with the filming as I haven’t created an advert before and it took me longer than I thought to edit it. I had never used Premiere Pro before so had to learn things quickly. If I was going to do this again I would have filmed earlier in the project so I could have spent longer editing and learning how to use Premiere Pro.”



Testing Video Evaluation

“The video was simple and got across each stage of my testing and iteration of the final idea, it is easy to follow.”

“I feel like this part was slightly rushed towards the end of the project. If I was to do this again I would have started it earlier on and possibly done it as I went along with the testing. It is a bit boring to watch so I would have made it more fun and creative.”



Advice from validator

Gender stereotype toys reinforce self fulfilling prophecy, that if you are told you should be a certain way, you act a certain way. Girls - your appearance matters. Boys - you should be masculine, being sensitive is wrong.

“I am a firm believer that board games for children should be


Solution To tackle this issue I have designed a board game which teaches children that every personality trait can have a benefit in life, therefore showing them that they can

be whoever they want to be through a fun medium!

primarily fun.

can happen, but that should be

secondary to the awesome experience.” Patrick Otley, Former Hasbro Board Game Designer

Persona Advert (https://youtu.be/JTRkCXyozo4)

A GAME OF FATES AND TRAITS Collect the character traits to build up your personality! Work your way around the board collecting trait tokens to build up your personality first before your opponents! Will you dye your hair a crazy colour? Win the world chess championship? Go skydiving? Roll the dice and find out your fate! Use your character traits power cards against other player to move their tokens onto your trait board, pick up fate cards to see whether luck is in your favour and scan the ever-changing QR code spaces for new situations!

Persona Testing Videos (https://youtu.be/wJbrjng_BQk)

8+ 2-7 Players GAME FEATURES

Power cards - Can be used against other players, brings in a competitive element as they can change who’s in the lead quickly


Trait tokens - to collect

An extension of the Persona Brand. Each original character has 2 other versions connected from the game. These have been created to increase the longevity of Persona and for children to collect just like collecting all the traits in the board game.

and place on trait boards

Trait boards - used to keep track of which tokens the player has collected

Hinge Open Minded

Sparks Spontaneous

Solo Competitive

Hinge - Out exploring Sparks - Dying hair Solo - Take part in a pie eating competition new places a crazy colour

Hinge - Going to see Sparks - Ride the Solo - Play persona a psychic fastest rollercoaster with your friends Examples of QR life situations - scan the codes on the game board to see these appear

Fate cards - pick up to see if luck is in your favour, adds surprise into game

QR spaces - Scan these to see new life situations, updated dependent on current events, keeps the unexpected element in the game and increases longevity of Persona

Player pieces and

intro cards - used to move around the board and learn who’s who

VALIDATION “I really like all the different characters in the game, my 2 favourites are Roar and

“The kids loved the game, they looked like they had fun playing it and I especially like the fun little characters. Sophie is not that ‘girly’ and I don’t like seeing these toys that reinforce that she should look and act a certain way. She’s at an age now where she will be worrying about the way she looks. This

“The game is really fun to play, the

power cards made it

is creative like me.”

Hip. I like the look of them both and Hip

competitive, I enjoy using them to take tokens off my sister.”

“My favourite part of the game is the


favourite character was Hinge because it’s head opens and

scanning spaces, I like how they can be changed, it keeps the game exciting. It also doesn’t feel like the

game helps

closes which is funny.”

Sophie, Age 13

“I’m really glad you decided to focus


Sharon, Mum to Sophie and Jack “I agree with Paddy - fun

has to be the primary experience, then

on creating a fun experience, that’s the most important aspect to any toy or a game.”

everything else should fall into place. I

like the iterative approach you


have taken in developing the final

approach to the game development. it sounds like you have learnt a lot and been able to implement changes quickly.”

It is lovely to think beyond the gameplay, especially when developing your own IP. Often the little spin-off products can be the ones that capture the imagination most.

approve of your testing and prototype iteration

Patrick Otley, Former Hasbro Board Game Designer

“Your character designs look

fun! The 3D versions especially so, really helps brings them to life.”

get my kids to be just be themselves.”

trying to

Jack, Age 10

outcome, with

Erin Deighton, Former Hasbro Senior Play Futurist

plenty of testing.”

Scale is very important with collectibles, as is a range - but your plush are a good starting point.”

promote that any

personality is positive which is definitely a benefit to me as a Mum

game lasts too long when your playing like some board games do.”

Roar Social

Squidge Empathetic

Hip Creative

Cubey Logical

Roar - Party at a summer festival

Squidge - Listen to your friends problems

Hip - Paint a masterpiece

Cubey - Win chess championship

Hip - Publish a creative novel

Cubey - Fool an opponent with your maths genius

Squidge - Place Roar - Throw the yourself in the shoes best birthday party of another

Final Presentation Boards Evaluation

“I was really happy with my final boards, by spending time doing test prints I felt like I got the font sizes and image placement correct. I also felt like I got across what my project was all about in a simple, easy to read large format print.”

“If I was going to do these again I would get a better image for the hero image, one that reflected on the 8+ age with younger children.”


Design Journey Exploration Project End, Final Major Project Beginning


1 1

This diagram represents my design journey from start to final product. I have marked against each one which Final Major Project learning outcome I think it comes under and also labeled them with a colour and number which corresponds to the labels on my work. The key moments have been shown in larger labels, these were all points that were important to my final outcome.


Trading card







Trait Game 2.1



Trait Game 2.0

Board Game Designing

Design Idea - The Trait Game

Existing Game Re-designs



Trait Game 4.1



Minor Interim/Creating a ‘My First’ Version



The Game of Life


Trait Game 5.0


Hasbro Correspondence


Major Interim



Persona 6.6

Persona 6.5


Trait Game 4.0

9 9


Design Idea - The Proud Parent Game




Trait Game 6.0


Persona 6.4


Persona 6.3

10 Research into Fun and Gameplay



Key Demonstrate creativity, expertise and judgement in the use of specialist skills and technologies




Designing Trays/Tokens


Creating advert

Designing Player Pieces


Trait Game 3.0

How to make my game more “addictive”?

Trait Game 1.1





Designing Packaging/ Instructions

Designing Board

The Mad Game


Working out probability of risk/gain on board paths



Trivial Pursuit

Designing Cards





1 Trait Game 3.1

Toy Designing


Persona 6.7 - Final Version Peer Focus Group

Independently plan organise and manage effective research and development in order to acquire new practical or professional knowledge of a self-determined or selected project Demonstrate independent creative thinking and judgement in the pursuit of solutions to complex design problems and issues Analytically apply design skills and techniques to produce design solutions to professional, highly creative standards To effectively communicate and present creative and complex solutions to professional standards


Persona Game 6.1


11 Persona Game 6.2

Development of Characters

Creating Spin off Toys


Creating Final Boards

Design Journey/Blog Book Evaluation

“As I had been working on my blog throughout my project this was a great way to show my design journey. I think cross referencing everything against a journey made it easy to follow so the reader would not have to go through the full book to understand how I got to my final product. I cut this back even more by adding in the 7 key moments which helped show the most important stages in my project.”

“If I was to do this again the only change I would make is reducing the amount of labels in the books and in my files as there were quite a lot to look through. I could have maybe simplified this even further.”



Personal Evaluation “By researching into how to design a board game at the beginning of my project this really helped me start to get some initial ideas. The re-designs were a crucial part of this as I could start to visualise potential concepts. Considering how I have never designed a game before I feel like the process went well and I ended up with a product that I was really happy with. The advice about keeping it fun I kept on board throughout and definitely achieved this as I found out during testing. The gender side of things may not have been as obvious as I intended in the beginning but I got across a subtle message about all personalities being a benefit in life. With this I still met my goals and created a gender neutral game which would hopefully make a difference to a child’s life even if it was only small. If I was to take this project further I would have liked to have spent more time developing the graphics. This was a point made by Patrick. I spent a long time creating the actual gameplay mechanics and not very long designing the way it looked. I would have also liked to have tested on more children, specifically one’s I don’t know as (something Patrick pointed out). This is where I would get more honest answers as they would not feel like they had to please me. Overall I was really happy with the final product, I feel like the game looked professional and the collectibles added a really nice finishing touch. I learnt a lot of new design techniques which I would like to carry on progressing further. This project has made me really want to go into some sort of toy or game design after university. I have found it really rewarding and fun to complete.”


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