by Toni Vendryes
WRITER & AUTHOR www.tonivendryes.com
Hello you My name is Toni Vendryes :) After manifesting the best year of my life, there are things I've learned that completely transformed my way of thinking and catipulted me out of misery into joy. Into a life that I am slowly designing as my own. This has lead me on a path of sharing these lessons with others, who like me, may be working hard at life, not getting enough time to read, and think, and learn, and wonder. The things necessary to bring us into a more enlightened way of living. If you are interested in Manifesting, Affirming, Visualization, Chakra healing, Mindfulness, or Meditation this is for you. IÂ enjoyed writing and purging my soul so I truly hope I can add even a sliver of light into your life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Toni Vendryes jamaicangrades
Toni Vendryes
Toni Vendryes
“Enact a scene. No matter what it is. Forget good and evil. Enact a scene that implies you have what you desire, and to the degree that you are faithful to that state, it will unfold in your world and no power can stop it, for there is no other power.”
~Neville Goddard
The Rights Two years ago purpose came knocking and I had to drape myself up by the reigns, literally. I was called to quit my full-time job, quit all self defeating behavior, and delve head first into my esoteric roots. You will know when you're being called to change your ways, heal, and transform; your life starts to turn to shit. This is normally the first sign, you start to experience more and more resistance, but we weren't put here to suffer, this means its time for a change. Time to create a new future. The steps contained in this book are what have been an integral part of my journey from pain to peace delivered in a concise way so you get the basics without wasting one more day. Immediately begin CREATING your dreams. You know that our MIND's greatest purpose is to bring to us whatever we ask it for? "The whole vast world is no more than man’s imagining pushed out." ~ Neville Goddard. I want you to take a second right now and think about the last thing you really desired and got. Something that you dreamt about and prayed on and then it came into your life. Do you think that was an accident? Can you see where you literally created your universe? Life will always give you what you first give yourself, this phenomena is called "manifesting". Let's Dive In! I hold a Bachelors degree in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude with clinical & creative passions, the information contained in this book is analytically compiled from the learnings of a wide range of psychologists, philosophers, and other critical thinkers. I don’t claim the rights to any indicated quotes and have laid out all my influences in the references. If you have any questions about the rights, do not hesitate to contact me. I gratefully appreciate your understanding.
Content 5 C HAPT ER 1 Meditate. Pause. Breathe
9 C HAPT ER 2 Think Purposely
13 C HAPT ER 3 Ask
17 C HAPT ER 4 Make Your plan & Act
24 C HAPT ER 5 Program Your Subconscious
Toni Vendryes
Toni Vendryes
1 Step
Meditate. Pause. Breathe Are you taking time in your day to just pause, breathe, and sit with yourself? Meditation is basically... taking time to intentionally stop your mind. In meditation our thoughts hault thereby allowing resistance to be released. Everyone will find different techniques that allow them to engage in a meditative state, and it can be the smallest things. I sit for 20 minutes each morning listening to either binaural beats, an Abraham Hicks session, morning motivation, crystal bowl sounds, or just some good music: Here's a link to my ZEN PLAYLIST I find this helps make it easy for me to calm my mind and just sit, breathe, relax, and give gratitude. Don't worry too much if you can't stop your thoughts, you don't want to add too much force, however, everytime a thought comes in try to move it away and refocus on the sound supporting you. Guided meditations work great for me (more in step 5) and I use these every night. Use the last moments of your day before sleeping to reinforce in your mind YOUR desires fulfilled. I encourage you to develop a meditation routine that suits you - its different for everyone, breathing, guided, chanting, heart beat, all work. But do not skip this! This is crucial, you have to find time to release your mind and consciously put your thoughts at pause and to rest. It makes perfect sense since sleep is when our thoughts are able to transmute to our subconscious mind, why then would we not give them as much continued connection as we can? STEP 1
“Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation" ~ Neville Goddard In meditation we are focusing, but we are also practicing allowing, releasing the need for assurance of the outcome, and just relaxing into our wishes. You see, why I consider this so fundamental, is because "Law of Attraction" cannot work without the practice of releasing, because with focus comes TONS of fear. This truth is left out in a lot of these "self help" books and you are left wondering why you're doing all your - focusing, positive thinking, asking, and not getting. Because the flip-side of focus is fear, they cannot be separated and we need to ensure we aren't allowing it. You can have NO thoughts of fear of not receiving what you are asking for, you have to just ask and allow, and if you find yourself caught up in the outcome you need to MEDITATE. In meditation, it’s like manifesting in reverse, we can shift our mind from a state of FOCUS to a state of ALLOWANCE. Abundance, just like light, fills dark places naturally and effortlessly. All you need to do is let it in by raising your energetic vibration to a level where the heaviness of fear cannot exist.
The Law of Paradoxical Intent is the Law of Attraction’s evil and mischievous twin and it will beat you every time. The emotion of fear carries one of the heaviest, lowest vibrations that will literally eat alive any of the positive energy you’re trying to cultivate and attract. In a battle of focus vs. fear, fear will win every single time.
“Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.� ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson The greatest value of meditation for me has been the development of my 3rd eye. I think this one thing, has allowed the most to manifest in my life, most things are things that I literally see and feel as if I am in the moment. You HAVE to see it. I bet you anything you have seen in your 3rd eye, aka SEEN as if it was real, in-front of you, present in your life, even though it wasn't, has come to life for you. You have to have vision. If you don't have vision you can't get anywhere. There are many tricks I've learnt to conditioning my 3rd eye, like: looking at dream houses, consuming content aligned with my dreams, daydreaming, creative visualization, vision boarding, and chakra healing. You've probably heard this time and time again but I PROMISE you this really is important. Clear and heal your 3rd eye, 6th chakra, so you can begin to SEE the life your heart desires and thereby bring it into your present reality. You can only do this by sitting still with yourself and your wants. Your subconscious along with the universe are here solely conspiring to bring you your wishes, but it cannot do so without KNOWING what you want.
Are you dreaming? Daily we are inundated with the dreams of others, so we have to be mindful to keep our energy aligned with our own visions and dreams - your idea of happiness, because otherwise you cannot attain it. "Live out of your imagination, not your history" ~ Stephen Covey * and I would add * "not your present, nor anyone else's present."
S T E P 2.
Think Purposely
Think Purposely
“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.� ~Buddha. This chapter is essentially about mindfulness. When I started my journey in manifesting my THOUGHTS were the first thing I had to attack. If you are like me and spend alot of time in your head you're doing an even worse amount of programming. You need to make sure you're in control of what you're thinking. All negative thoughts need to be removed, and anything that causes these therefore also has to be removed, so if you find yourself diving into "less than" or "comparative" thinking, stop yourself immediately and send LOVE into the universe instead. This action will instantly cut the thought , next, exit what you're doing and quickly begin an active mind task. I call these tasks that require the use of one mind: reading, writing, work, playing a game etc.
The reason reigning in thoughts to only be positive is so important is because our lives and everything around us are created from thoughts. Thoughts with an intense dream like passion and belief, we do this unconsciously not even realizing, and you think its a surprise when the thing shows up in the world? All creation is energy, and we are the master creators in charge of cultivating it, literally forming worlds from thought, therefore, every second of our time needs to be spent on actively honing positive thoughts. ST EP 2 .
You have to mindfully incubate your
"Every material thing begins in the form of thought energy. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion."
thoughts on your dreams in such a way that you aren't distracted, that
enter because your positive ones are strong and constant. Positive thoughts keep your energy highly aligned, which is the vibration you
need to draw requests into reality. could undo, its very important to Avoid thinking on sad things, sad blast them away with affirmations news, others business, gossip, the that you've learnt and have grown. past, anything that will bring with it negative vibrations.
When negative memories come
Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking and lingering on a negative thought such that you agree with it, or it makes you sad, hurt, dismayed or ANY other emotion, simply by that action you have added belief and emotion and thereby pushed it into your subconscious realm. We have to be VERY careful not to wallow in these negative thoughts. When sad thoughts come to you, maybe from
rolling in I immediately say out loud to myself “I am BETTER now for this experience and striving to do my BEST.” Simply reminding yourself of your strength and growth is all your subconscious needs to feel your contemplative emotion, your remorse, your empathy, and gift you back with the forgiveness and strength you need to carry on. Use the LAW OF HABIT, form the habit of using positive emotions only, as even one negative in your mind can override all positive.
your past, something you wish you ST EP 2 .
Never think on fear or doubt, or after everything else fails, always think with assurance that what you imagine you shall receive, that results in the realization of it. Think about anytime you have prayed for something and received it, what was your state of mind? Belief? Or doubt? You see, the trick to manifesting your thoughts is emotionalizing them, you have to feel and believe them for them to even get imprinted on the mind.
Think and so it shall be The subconscious mind is the intermediary which translates prayers into terms infinite intelligence can recognize, presents the message, and brings back the answer in the form of a definite plan or idea in procuring the object of the prayer
(more in step 5).
Faith is one thing that gives your
thoughts a spiritual nature, a spiritual transmutation to connect with the infinite. Faith and fear cannot exist together. You only have 3 principles to apply when you wish to use your mind's broadcasting station to transmute desire into its monetary equivalent. Subconscious Mind + Belief + Creative Imagination.
No one knows what thought really is, other than it is some sort of mental action; but, like the unknown element electricity, we see its manifestations everywhere. Glance around you as you read this. In reality what you see is thoughts or ideas which have come into materialization through the creative work of some human being. Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement. The universe we live is a creation of our minds, if we are intentional about this, we can harness the power to become what we contemplate and bring anything we desire from imagination into concrete form. - The Magic of Believing Excerpt
Step 3... ...Ask for what you want. And when you ask, know. Some of us (aka ME) may have learnt that asking for things is not nice, but nothing could be further from the truth, how can you get what you want without making it known? We have to express our wishes and desires clearly. In considering your life's goals, think deeply and state them clearly and positively. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Build strong f ires under your desire. Don't wish, will.
Live as if what you desire is already here.
Assume the feeling of your wish fullfilled.
Never let your attention be directed by anything outside your highest self.
When we ask from a place of KNOWING we shift doubting or just believing to making it so. "Our doubts are our traitors" ~ Shakespeare This isn't wishing and hoping that we are doing here, this is The Law of Command. Always assert positively that everything you want from life is yours. The word wish implies something unattainable, instead take control and affirm that it has or will definitely happen, this is when your subconscious can take charge. “To desire a state is to have it.�
“With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired. When you emerge you must do so conscious of being and possessing all that you heretofore desired.� ~ Neville Goddard You have to want it and feel it in realizer of it. Most of us are pretty your gut, dream it, believe it, not resistant, so when things line up, just have faith that it will come, but we loose our minds! It's not magic, know that it is here and yearn for its certainly not coincidence, it is it. Look inside and AWAKEN your you, actively creating your life, and innate power of summoning. If you the universe orchestrating on your believe we are divine creators, then behalf daily, continuously. you must understand that gives us the power to ask for what we want If you know what you want and ask and receive it.
for it, in this knowing you get the help to experience the fullness of
When 2 things happen: 1) you get all that you are. If it wasn't for our a thought about something and determination to be so mad at ask for it and 2) you feel an emotion ourselves, or others, or dwell on all around it, it now has the power the injustices that have happened to become tangible, translatable, in life, this would be easier, because and perceivable, it got big enough, we would be more vibrationally because of your focus upon it. alert, more vibrationally ready to It's now a vibration being received interpret - which is the receptive by you, because of you and all the mode needed to get what you want. things that make you up, and all the universe around you that are Because of this, we have to be
conspiring to fulfill what you are intentional about knowing what
asking for, so that you can become we want, and asking for it with a an easy, path of least resistance,
pure heart.
Get there through relaxing, take a walk in nature, hug your pet, focus on things that matter to you, not the valiant mode, overworking, doing everything for everyone mode, but the receptive mode, the mode when you feel at your best, so that when that vibration is out there you have a relationship with it and then you get an idea, you REALIZE an idea, and when the idea comes and it feels good, you ask for it, that's the path lining up, when you think of calling someone do it, that's the vibration lining up, right at that moment is the time to ACT on it, this is the evolution of turning vibrations into things. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do or have, everything you want is vibrating for you, but are you in the RECEPTIVE mode? Are you the realized of it? This is how others are realizing what they WANT, if it shows up to you in other ways and then also in your DREAM trail, its a big sign its for you. You will have dream after dream, after dream, idea after idea, after idea. And it doesn't have to end. As more comes more can be realized, we continue to attract more opportunity to focus, feel, and live in the frequencies of well being that we were all born to be in.
Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it. Maya Angelou
I think its also important that I mention NOT asking for what you don't want. We do this without even realizing. Focusing on what we don't have, or what's lacking in our life does this, daily we should only be concered with what we want to bring into our life. An expanded version of ourself living as if all we have asked for is ours, offering a high vibration that law of attraction can respond to. The true reality of you is pulsing and attracting unto itself, unto yourself, in a really powerful way and what do we do?? Complain and not let go and let ourselves go with the flow. ALLOWANCE: Walk away from every
Envy blocks an ask: As confirmed
complaint, negative thought, and
in The Law of Increase, we must
just really revel in love and positivity.
Want to be the realizer of your life?
increase towards others, don't envy
Your vibrational reality?
success, bless it, knowing that as
you bless the prosperity of others You haveee to get in the receptive
you attract prosperity into your
mode so that the ideas can occur
own life. Don't give up before the
to you with enough momentum
realization either! This isn't a quick
that when you follow them it leads
process, its continuous, even when
it seems a prayer isn't "answered"
manifestation that you seek.
the energy spent isn't wasted. Just transmuted into bigger and better.
4 Step
Everything you want is out there waiting for you. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. ~ JACK CANFIELD
WRITER & AUTHOR www.tonivendryes.com
Plan and Act “Always do more than you are paid for. The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.� ~Napoleon Hill How are you gonna get it? Sad to say, its true, you really cannot get anything in life for nothing. I used to always wonder WHY I have to work so hard to get half as much, only to see people who do just the half come crumbling down. Effort begets effort and anything gained easily you will surely lose. So with our faith, we have to add a lot of initiative. Your achievement can be no greater than your plans are sound. Truth is you cannot get something for nothing in this world. This is a fundamental law of the universe, you MUST give to receive, anything that comes without effort, won't last without effort. There's a reason "you reap what you sow" is mentioned in some form in EVERY religion or spiritual methodology and is a fundamental universal law: The Law of Cause and Effect, and The Law of Economics - its the ONLY way to keep wealth, it is based on fact, and is a requirement for success.
You cannot get without giving. Most often you must pay in effort, whether mental or physical, you must do the work. Wherever men acquired great riches, first there was persistence. Persistence is a state of mind, it can be cultivated. It causes: Purpose + Desire + Organized Plan + Knowledge + Will Power + Habit. Riches do not respond to wishes they respond only to definite plans backed by definite desires and constant persistence. ST EP 4 .
How to develop persistence: 1. A definite purpose backed by burning desire for its fulfillment 2. A definite plan expressed in continued action 3. A mind closed tightly against negative thoughts or energy 4. A tribe appreciating your contribution All are necessary for success. We are asked to expand so we don't contract. Evading this leads to stagnation and discomfort. Do you need a new perspective? Live in the feeling of what you want, act in it, feel it, this is how you go from wishing to achieving. This is no time for reticence, whatever you want you can HAVE. NOW. Take a second and reflect on how you're managing your life. Are you doing great? Look how FAR you' ve come. Congratulate yourself, this is all your doing. If you aren't it just means that you aren't in alignment and now is the time to start planning your next move ACTIVELY. Make sure you have the space for the opportunities coming your way. So often we are asking for things we know we aren't ready to receive. How are you asking for a promotion, but you haven't stepped up and done your bosses job? How are you asking for fame and respect, but you've spent all your time laughing at what others are doing? You cannot CREATE from an empty space, FILL that shxt up, get to work, we got a whole lot to learn.
It would be remise of me not to highlight these Universal Laws in regards to desiring and acting. Hopefully this gives you a clear understanding of the importance of action.
The Law of Desire All progress and fulfillment begins with the seed of desire. In planning you make a written list of your desires and use creative visualization techniques to make them come true. Make sure your desires are of a positive nature and not intended to hurt anyone. Action based on concrete desire will make all your wishes reality.
The Law of Dynamic Action Take the first step and then follow through. This activates dynamic action and activates the entire being to propel us to attainment. Do the smallest thing you can, and then the next, and watch the universe support you to conquer difficulties fearlessly and spiritually as you become stronger mentally and physically.
The Law of Productivity Man develops and grows through productivity, we should perform our work in life as well as we can even if we encounter issues. The universe rewards those who persevere and work hard, whatever you do strive for high productivity and high quality. ST EP 4 .
" Everybody reaps the fruit of his own deeds"
~ Bhagavata Purana
The Vacuum Law of Prosperity "Get rid of what you don't want and make room for what you do want. Create a space, a vacuum, and believe and expect it will be filled and it will be." - Catherine Ponder.
Take some time to clean up and out your life. Also known as The Law of Release, basically says "nature abhors a vacuum", make space for what you want. This action includes getting rid of both unnecessary materials and negative emotional baggage. The same for relationships, if it's not good, release it! Go forth and create a definite plan to achieve your desire. I AM is stronger than I will, you must feel the state as if it is, act as if you are in it, in these experiences that you wish to receive.
Sensation precedes manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests. You have to FEEL it, a change of feeling is a change of destiny. Feel and act full even when the things haven't materialized. Once its felt it must be expressed. This will bring us to our final chapter, the subconscious. The subconscious mind is impersonal and subjective, it does not know the difference between real feeling and imagination feeling. This is why feeling what you want is so important in manifestation. Toni Vendryes
S T E P 5.
Program your subconscious
Got this far? Thank you soooo much for reading! I guess you see step 5 is missing >_< If you'd like to get this last BIG step, just reply to my email with any feedback you have on this e-book so I can keep improving for the next ones. I truly hope these pages have imparted some knowledge. Join my mailing list for live articles, poetry, and reasoning updates on everything spiritual. We made it through 2020. Let's make it count. Love & Light.
Toni Vendryes
Toni Vendryes
My References Create Your Own Future - Linda Georgian The Silva Mind Control Method - Jose Silva The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity - Catherine Ponder The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr. Joseph Murphy The Words of Paracelsus Wishes Fulfilled - Neville Goddard Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
All Regards Due