Professional Portfolio 2018

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Academic Projects Pier Plumule Brooklyn Public Library Bronx Housing Complex AutoScale - S, M AutoScale - L Sjó Dreki Museo della Citta’

6 14 22 28 34 42 48

Professional Projects Tropical Tower Global Innovation Exchange Building

54 55

Yunyue Chen +1 917 916 5250 | +49 1573 2220005 | | I am a graduating M.Arch student with a combined three years of international work experience. My primary focus lies in the intersection of architecture, technology, ecology and urbanism. Ich bin eine graduierende M.Arch Studentin mit insgesamt dreijähriger internationaler Arbeitserfahrung. Mein primärer Fokus liegt im Schnittbereich der Architektur, Technologie, Ökologie und Urbanisierung.



Columbia University (GSAPP) - M. Arch Candidate

Waterloo 09.2010 - 08.2015

Rhino Revit AutoCAD Vray Photoshop Illustrator

• President’s Scholarship of Distinction for 95% or higher admission average • International Experience Award and Research Award for oversea study and work

Mandarin, English - fluent German - B1

New York 09.2015 - 05. 2018

• Multiple projects featured on GSAPP website and annual publication “Abstract”

University of Waterloo - BAS, Co-op, with Distinction

••••• ••• ••••• •••• ••••• ••••

InDesign •••• 3ds MAX •• Grasshopper ••• •• Sketchup ••• ArcGIS MS Office ••••

EXPERIENCE Perkins Eastman - Fellow for the Public Realm New York 06.2017-07.2017 (two months, full time)

• Selected as the 2017 fellow based on proposal and overall design portfolio; conducted research on the topic of advancing technology and public space; currently working towards publication of the report • Compiled and presented a urban proposal for New York; researched background information; created maps with ArcGIS and Illustrator; created drawings, renders using AutoCAD, Illustrator and Photoshop • Worked part-time on large-scale mixed-use urban project in Qatar during schematic design phase; made proposal for public spaces; worked on plans and sections using AutoCAD

Cook Robotham Architectural Bureau - Intern Architect London 01.2015-04.2015 (four months, full time)

• Assisted in design development stage of a recreational project in India; contributed to interior concept; produced drawings with AutoCAD • Worked on a competition for an office tower; heavily involved in initial concept design; responsible for office layout design

A_collective Architects - Intern Architect Singapore 01.2014-08.2014 (eight months, full time)

• Worked closely with partners on concept design for a mixed-use complex in Malaysia • Produced construction drawings for single family houses in Singapore; participated in site meetings; documented construction progress; corresponded effectively with clients, contractors and suppliers

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates - Intern Architect Shanghai 05.2013-07.2013 (three months, full time)

• Performed construction administration tasks on a high-rise commercial project in China; coordinated with client and suppliers ; worked on interior design development drawings in Revit with little supervision

Diamond Schmitt Architects - Intern Architect Toronto 09.2012-12.2012 (four months, full time)

• Worked in a large team on a university project in Canada during its construction document phase; modelled complex building components in Rhino and Revit; worked closely with team leaders on developing detail drawings for auditorium, cafe and classrooms

Atelier Zhanglei - Intern Architect Hangzhou 05.2011-08.2011 (four months, full time)

• Worked on schematic design phase for a highrise office building in China; studied complex geometry using Rhino, AutoCAD and physical model

RESEARCH GSAPP Visual Resources Collection 01.2016 - present

• Curated projects for GSAPP database, with a focus on South East Asia modern architecture; scanned, processed and catalogued images

Summer Workshop, GSAPP/Tokyo 08.2017

• Conducted field research in Tokyo on aging society; contributed to the workshop publication and exhibition

PIER PLUMULE 2015, Columbia GSAPP Critic : Karla Rothstein Pier Plumule is a dynamic living pier on the East River in New York City Modular and interconnecting, the pier network creates a recreational, ecological and educational field. Throughout the school term, floating campsites accommodate the city’s fifth graders to participate in a twoday field trip. Floating vessels with planted trees, shrubs and herbs form fuzzy edges that transform according to the change of seasons. Pier Plumule also supports marine species and provides hubs of winter retreat. The ephemeral nature of the pier encourages exploration and discovery of both nature and self.

Der Pier Plumule (Knospe) ist eine dynamische, lebendige Seebrücke am East River in New York City. Modular und verbindend erschafft das Pier-Netzwerk eine ökologische und pädagogische Erholungslandschaft. Während der Schulzeit nehmen die schwimmenden Campingplätze New York Cities für eine nächtliche Exkursion Fünftklässler auf. Schwimmende Gefäße mit bepflanzten Bäumen, Sträuchern und Kräutern bilden unscharfe Kanten, die sich im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten verändern. Pier Plumule unterstützt zusätzlich marine Arten und bietet für diese Winterschlafplätze. Die flüchtige Natur des Piers fördert die Erforschung und Entdeckung sowohl der Natur als auch des eigenen Selbst.


site plan


Construction sequence To start with, the piles and lattice form the structural framework of each pier based on a grid system. Intertidal wetland consists of modules that follow the coastline, and will be flooded on a daily basis. Fixed walkways and amenities set up the overall circulation above water level. Lastly, planter platforms and camping platforms are attached to fixed structures - they drift freely with the water.

1. piles and lattice


littoral marine habitat



2. intertidal wetland

3. walkways and amenity

4. planter platforms

5. camping platforms







2 6




marine habitat




plan 1. boat launch 2. kayak 3. boat launch / dump station


4. gathering space 5. compost WC 6. camping ground 7. admin

8. science lab 9. play area 10. picnic table 11. observation platform 12. hibernation hut

view from East River ferry

I 10 l

physical model

detail section

physical model detail

night time view

I 11 l

Hibernation hut - a winter retreat for resident artist to carry out a creative project in the solitary underwater habitat

Planter platform with native trees above and fish habitat underneath; camping platform can host two people for overnight lodging

I 12 l

Intertidal habitat with native herbaceous species that used to be a key component of East River’s estuary ecosystem; this area also hosts water sport

Wetland with platforms that follow the shoreline. It is possible to walk through this area during low tide; during high tide one will have to take a boat to reach the main pier.

site section

I 13 l

BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY 2016, Columbia GSAPP Critic : José Aragüez The project explores the concept of spatial reciprocity. The library is organized around two sets of spaces that are divided by a single, continuous, self-supporting structure. Space A is comprised of served spaces; space B is comprised of servant spaces. Those two sets of spaces are reciprocal in both plan and section, and never intersect. As a result, a clear spatial logic is created within the building. The construction process is highly automated with prefabricated units assembled by robots. Overall, the infrastructure integrates structure and services, and at the same time provides a sensorial experience for library users.

Das Projekt untersucht das Konzept der räumlichen Reziprozität. Die Bibliothek ist um zwei Gruppen von Räumen herum organisiert, die durch eine einzelne, kontinuierliche, selbsttragende Struktur voneinander getrennt sind. Raum A besteht aus bedienten Räumen; Raum B besteht aus Diensträumen. Diese beiden Raumtypen sind im Plan und im Schnitt reziprok und kreuzen sich nie. Hierdurch entsteht eine klare räumliche Logik innerhalb des Gebäudes. Der Konstruktionsprozess ist hochautomatisiert mit vorgefertigten Einheiten, die von Robotern montiert werden können. Die Infrastruktur integriert gesamtheitlich die Struktur und Dienste und bietet gleichzeitig eine sinnliche Erfahrung für Bibliotheksbenutzer.

I 14 l

existing site plan

3D printed study model

proposed site plan

I 15 l

SPACE B low ceiling can contain noise, pollutants private

SPACE A high ceiling visually, acoustically connected public

workrooms / labs quite reading room storage / sorting circulation librarian office and lounge loading mechanical bathrooms

lobby/entry circulation desk book stacks cafe reading room auditorium community space

network A - served space network B - service space net matrix

axonometric view

I 16 l


7 2

1 3


5 6 4

ground floor plan

1. lobby 2. info desk 3. book pickup 4. auto book retrieval 5. circulation desk

I 17 l

6. community space 7. auditorium 8. loading 9. exhibition




first floor plan

1. auto book retrieval 2. reading room 3. W.C.


11 10








longitudinal section 1



I 18 l

1. plaza 2. permanent stacks 3. auditorium 4. temporary stacks 5. reading space 6. quiet reading room 7. offices 8. cafe 9. children’s library 10. lab 11. community space

main reading room

I 19 l





2 4

5 5 1

second floor plan


third floor plan

1. meeting room 2. quiet reading room 3. offices 4. staff lounge 5. kitchenette

1. rock climbing 2. cafe 3. kitchen 4. storage 5. children’s library


staff office and lounge I 20 l

detail section

roof terrace I 21 l

BRONX HOUSING COMPLEX 2016, Columbia GSAPP Critic : Galia Solomonoff In collaboration with Jonelle Jerwick This project attempts to answer the question: how to create a sense of individuality and places of repose within density? Two familiar urban typologies of townhouse and tower are combined to create a viable urban condition. The townhouses maintain a street front on the perimeter, and create a boundary for the raised courtyard; the towers activate the courtyard as points of attraction. For each unit, however, a strong sense of individuality is maintained by having two entrances and designated semi-private space. At the courtyard level, a gentle hilly topography connects the two typologies, providing a playful space, and opportunities to host activities. By housing all the amenities in the courtyard, a sense of community is celebrated.

Dieses Projekt versucht die Frage zu beantworten: Wie schafft man ein Gefühl von Individualität und Ruhe in der Dichte? Zwei vertraute städtische Typologien - die des Stadthauses und Turms - werden kombiniert, um einen lebensfähigen städtischen Zustand zu schaffen. Die Stadthäuser behalten eine Straßenfront bei und bilden eine Grenze für den erhöhten Hof; Die Türme definieren den Innenhof als äußere Anziehungspunkte. Für jede Einheit wird ein starkes Gefühl der Individualität aufrechterhalten, indem zwei Eingänge und ein halbprivater Raum geschaffen werden. Im Hofbereich verbindet eine sanfte hügelige Topografie die beiden Typologien auf spielerische Weise und schafft Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten. Durch die Unterbringung aller Annehmlichkeiten im Innenhof wird ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl geweckt.

I 22 l

existing site plan

early study model

site plan

pedestrian access vehicular access to parking public path connecting Bronx waterfront and Metro Station

I 23 l

1 2



4 5


9 11

7 12

8 10







courtyard level plan / east-west section 1. market 2. playground 3. day-care centre 4. wading pool

5. cafe 6. garbage disposal 7. laundry room 8. bike storage

9. library 10. subway vent 11. bike storage 12. senior centre

13. parking 14. commercial 15. metro 4&5

tower model

tower model detail

block B section

I 26 l

view from tower

view inside the courtyard

I 27 l

AUTOSCALE - S, M 2017, Columbia GSAPP Critic : Vishaan Chakrabarti AutoScale SML investigates a future city where automobiles decrease in number by half. Within this framework, three different scales were investigated. The first project is the parking lot. Eight feet by twenty feet in dimension, the parking lot presents an unusually intimate scale in the city. A structural system of post, beam and platform is created, with the capability to host a range of programmes - in this case, water garden, electrical closet, micro library and open deck. Radically public and flexible, this project offers a new solution to provide desperately needed amenity space to the city. In the meantime, the project’s intermediate scale between a building and a furniture creates a new urban experience.

AutoScale SML untersucht eine Stadt der Zukunft, in der die Anzahl der Autos um die Hälfte abgenommen hat. Innerhalb dieses Rahmens wurden drei Projekte unterschiedlicher Größenordnung untersucht, angefangen mit dem Parkplatz. Der Parkplatz ist 2,5 x 6 Meter groß und nimmt eine ungewöhnlich intime Größe innerhalb der Stadt ein. In diesem Raum wird ein strukturiertes System aus Pfosten, Balken und Plattformen geschaffen, das eine Reihe von Programmen aufnehmen kann - in diesem Fall Wassergärten, Elektroräume, eine Mikrobibliothek und ein offenes Deck. Dieses Projekt ist radikal öffentlich und flexibel und bietet einen neuen Ansatz, um der Stadt dringend benötigte Räume zu bieten. Nebenbei entwickelt die mittlere Skala des Projekts auf dem Level zwischen Gebäude und Einrichtungsgegenstand eine neue urbane Erfahrung.

I 28 l

view from sidewalk

study model

I 29 l

1. columns

2. platforms

site plan

3. circulations

study model

The second project, Metropolitan Trellis takes three lanes of the avenue, and turns the block into a cluster of social amenities. As the area (Highline, Chelsea) is undergoing rapid gentrification and widening of class divide, the project aims to provide neutral shared space for everyday social interaction.

4. screens

Using the concept of platform plan, the design rejects the rigid floor-byfloor organizing method, and instead adopts a much freer arrangement of platforms that allow for more social interaction in section.

I 30 l



-A-Bprimary route for secondary route high foot traffic for low foot traffic


AB small steps

AA staircase

AB “social steps�

AA elevator

BB space for one person - private, secluded

stress-release cubicle

viewing platform



AB semi-public, quiet space

AA private, quiet space; including utility


generator / electrical closet



water garden/ dry garden

meeting room



A(A+B);(A+B)(A+B) social space; commercial space

A.2A;2A(A+B);2A.2A open space; nature and light; concerning ecology









eating green house

Based on the module of four feet and eight feet developed in the previous exercise, this project expands the grid to cover the entire block with much more flexibility. A series of programmes were proposed ranging from private to public, and from small to large. They are organized to form a dense, playful matrix of civic utility.

I 31 l

open terrace (e.g. for yoga)

upper level plan

lower level plan


I 32 l

exterior view

sectional perspective

sectional perspective

I 33 l

AUTOSCALE - L 2017, Columbia GSAPP Critic : Vishaan Chakrabarti AutoScale L takes on a segment of the FDR expressway. The site faces imminent gentrification around the historic South Street Seaport. In addition, unpleasant condition underneath the highway creates a barrier to the waterfront. The project sets out to tackle these problems by proposing an extension of the South Street Seaport Museum, while taking the public realm into consideration. The project reappropriates existing urban infrastructure via a parasitic approach, transforming the FDR into a building, and giving it a double life of infrastructure and cultural institution. The interconnected two tubes creates a non-conventional linear museum that is intimately situated within the context.

Auf der höchsten Größenordnung angesiedelt, bezieht sich AutoScale L auf ein Teilstück der FDR-Schnellstraße. Der Standort befindet sich kurz vor der Gentrifizierung rund um den historischen South Street Seaport. Darüber hinaus schafft ein unangenehmer Zustand unter der Autobahn eine Barriere für die Uferpromenade. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, diese Probleme anzugehen, indem es eine Erweiterung des South Street Seaport Museums unter Berücksichtigung des öffentlichen Raums vorschlägt. Das Projekt adaptiert bestehende städtische Infrastruktur mit einem parasitären Ansatz, der den FDR in ein Gebäude umwandelt und ihm ein Doppelleben an Infrastruktur und kultureller Institution verleiht. Die miteinander verbundenen zwei Röhren schaffen ein unkonventionelles lineares Museum, das eng im Kontext angesiedelt ist.

I 34 l

physical model

context plan

program axon

I 35 l

Intervention sequence Based on the premise that half of the traffic would disappear in the future, the required lanes of FDR would also decrease. The project keeps the original structural elements of the highway, including columns and beams, and constructs a new meandering threelane deck. Two tubes wrap around the highway, forming a structurally stable system, the middle of which the proposed museum occupies.

1. original FDR structure

2. original deck to be demolished

3 2



7 5


site plan 1. South Street Seaport Museum 2. Bowne & Co. Stationers 3. Titanic Memorial Lighthouse 4. Iron Sailing Ship “Wavertree” 5. Lightship “Ambrose” 6. Schooner Pioneer 7. NY Railroad Barge Pilothouse

I 36 l

3. new three-lane deck to be constructed

4. inner tube to be constructed

5. outer tube to be constructed

section perspective

I 37 l








I 38 l




upper level plan

1. temporary exhibition 2. golden age of sail 3. introduction 4. where New York began 5. life of a merchant

9 10 11

6 7



lower level plan

1. event space 7. auditorium 2. kitchen 8. cafe 3. workshop 9. entrance lobby 4. gift shop 10. staff / coat check 5. exhibition room 11. street market 6. meeting room / office 12. museum library

I 39 l

I 40 l

long section

exterior view

I 41 l

SJÓ DREKI 2015, University of Waterloo Critic : Andrew Levitt Sjó Dreki is a hiker’s lodge in Iceland. The organic form of the building is inspired by the natural elements in Iceland. It stands out in the bleak site as a symbol of life and hope. The entire building is prefabricated off-site. The building’s semi-monocoque structure is inspired by modern steel ships. All interior spaces are designed to maximize the sensuous experience with unconventional architectural languages. After a long hike in the Icelandic highlands, visitors will find themselves starting a new adventure in the futurist and high-tech lodge of Sjó Dreki.

Sjó Dreki ist eine Wanderherberge in Island. Die organische Form des Gebäudes ist von den natürlichen Elementen in Island inspiriert. Es erhebt sich in der kahlen Landschaft als ein Symbol für Leben und Hoffnung. Das gesamte Gebäude ist vor Ort vorgefertigt. Die Semi-Monocoque-Struktur des Gebäudes ist von modernen Stahlschiffen inspiriert. Alle Innenräume sind darauf ausgelegt, die sinnliche Erfahrung mithilfe einer unkonventionellen architekturellen Sprache zu maximieren. Nach einer langen Wanderung im isländischen Hochland beginnen die Besucher ein neues Abenteuer in der Futuristen- und Hightech-Lodge von Sjó Dreki.

I 42 l

site plan

I 43 l





14 12 15


13 9

1 7






5 18

lower level plan 1. outer vestibule 2. inner vestibule 3. storage 4. MEP 5. trash & recycling 6. planter 7. reception 8. kitchen & pantry 9. changing room

10. treatment area 11. dry sauna 12. wet sauna 13. storage 14. office 15. staff accommodation 16. library 17. garden 18. geothermal pool

section A-A

I 44 l

6 4



5 8

3 1

upper level plan

1. full-time residence 2. suspended planter 3. WC 4. shower 5. laundry 6. 1-person pod 7. 2-person pod 8. bunk bed pod

section B-B

section C-C

I 45 l

main atrium view

library view

exterior view

I 46 l

Construction The fabrication process takes place in a shipyard. The building will be divided into segments the size of which is based on the limitation of transportation (on sea and on land). Each segment is consist of T-bar as primary rib, flat bar as secondary rib and plate as outer skin. All elements will be welded together. After test assembly in the shop, all segments will be shipped to site and precisely put together within a short period of time.

potential unit division

primary rib secondary rib skin - steel plate rib - steel flat bar and T-bar slab - concrete slab on grade

I 47 l

MUSEO DELLA CITTA’ 2014, University of Waterloo, Rome Studio Critic : Lorenzo Pignatti In collaboration with Jeremy Jeong Museo della Citta’ represents a significant opportunity to revitalize an under-utilized corner of Testaccio in Rome. As part of the Wallwalk project, Museo della Citta’ is incorporated into a larger site planning exercise. The context of the Aurelian Walls is redefined with a greater pedestrian focus as well as an emphasis on the excavation of the walls to their original height. The museum acts as a landmark providing a narrative to a fragmented space. Within the museum, a singular path takes visitors on a journey through four chapters - landscape, mythology, image of humanity and urban form.

Das Museo della Citta’ stellt eine signifikante Gelegenheit dar, um eine ungenutzte Ecke von Testaccio in Rom zu revitalisieren. Im Rahmen des Wallwalk-Projekts wird das Museo della Citta in eine größere Standplanung integriert. Der Kontext der Aurelianischen Mauer wird mit einem größeren Fokus auf die Fußgänger und der Betonung der Wandaushöhlung auf ihre ursprüngliche Höhe neu definiert. Das Museum fungiert als Wahrzeichen, das einem fragmentierten Raum ein Narrativ bietet. Innerhalb des Museums führt ein einzigartiger Weg die Besucher auf eine Reise durch Landschaft, Mythologie, Menschenbild und Urbanismus.

I 48 l

context plan

I 49 l

1. destination

2. excavation

3. slope

4. rise

Pyramid of Cestius


public spaces artery traffic local traffic parks

landmark and identity residential green space cultural transportation landmark loose identity zone view from garden

Urban connection strategy

Formal strategy

A strategy of intervention is established to increase connectivity and activate the area. An excavated linear park is created along the Aurelian wall; two piazzas connect perpendicularly to the wall walk; the traffic circle near the pyramid is optimized. The museum will act as an anchor that gives the fragmented space a new identity.

Relating to the two nearby monuments with platonic forms - the pyramid of Cestius and the gasometer - the main building of the museum takes on the form of a cube, rising above the surrounding buildings, appearing as a new landmark.

I 50 l

site plan

site section

I 51 l

7 9



6 7










ground floor plan 1. entrance hall 2. museum shop 3. atrium 4. auditorium 5. landscape gallery 6. temporary exhibition 7. seminar rooms 8. library 9. office 10. cafe 11. garden 12. event piazza

I 52 l

top floor - urban form


I 53 l

TROPICAL TOWER 2015, London | Professional work Crab Studio Tropical Tower features a large atrium cutting into the building, acting as an effective thermal chimney and a theatrical public space. The office uses the open plan layout, and incorporates flexible breakout spaces. Plants are introduced in various locations to create a pleasant and more communal working environment in a tropical setting. Main tasks: conceptual design, office layout design, 2D drafting in AutoCAD Der Tropische Turm kennzeichnet ein großes Atrium, das in das Gebäude eingelassen ist und als wirkungsvoller thermischer Schornstein und theatralischer öffentlicher Raum fungiert. Das Büro nutzt das offene Layout und integriert flexible Breakout-Räume. Pflanzen werden an verschiedenen Orten eingesetzt, um eine angenehme und gemeinschaftliche Arbeitsumgebung in einer tropischen Landschaft zu schaffen. Hauptaufgaben: Konzeption, Büro-Layout-Design, 2D-Zeichnen in AutoCAD

typical office floor plan

atrium view

top floor plan


I 54 l

GLOBAL INNOVATION EXCHANGE BUILDING 2012, Toronto | Professional work Diamond Schmitt Architects Global Innovation Exchange Building features a large range of teaching spaces, an auditorium, a cafe and a large, light-filled atrium which allows views across and through the building. Main tasks: cafe and auditorium details, 2D drafting in Revit, 3D modeling in Rhino Das Global Innovation Exchange Building bietet eine große Auswahl an Unterrichtsräumen, ein Auditorium, ein Café und ein großes, lichtdurchflutetes Atrium, das den Blick über und durch das Gebäude ermöglicht. Hauptaufgaben: Café- und Auditorium-Details, 2D-Zeichnen in Revit, 3D-Modellierung in Rhino

atrium view

cafe ceiling plan

auditorium details


I 55 l

Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation M.Arch Candidate I 2018 +1 917 916 5250 +49 1573 2220005

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