November is always a crazy and fun month in the biker community. It’s the beginning of the food drives and toy runs every year and there are always a ton of them happening all over the state of Florida. We started this November off with a bang at the 16th Annual Fran Haasch FEAST FOOD PANTRY food drive. I heard we did more food than we did last year so that is awesome to hear! People were stopping by all day long to their offices in Palm Harbor dropping off food and monetary donations. I am very glad to be a part of this every year and I personally want to thank Fran and Rhett and their family and employees for hosting such a great event that helps the community!
The next big event happening is the St. Pete Bike Fest at OCC Roadhouse and Bert’s Barracuda Harley November 21st thru the 24th. They have some amazing bands for all 4 days of this event starting on Thursday night with Saving Able. Friday nights headliner is Molly Hatchet and Saturday night they have Hinder. General admission is free, but VIP tickets are still available at www.roadhousenation.com Saturday at the St. Pete Bike Fest is full of things to do also like a FREE ride-In Bike Show, Rock & Wrestling, Bikini contest and tons of vendors. For more info visit www.SaintPeteBikeFest.com
Full Throttle is approaching our 1-year anniversary of being a fully digital online magazine and our numbers are amazing. I was very skeptical of how it was going to work going digital and not printing a magazine as the prices of printing has gone through the roof. We are reaching over 100,000 each month and we just had the Best Biketoberfest bunch of Bike Shows we have ever done. We will be printing a BIKE WEEK FULL SIZE ISSUE for March so be on the lookout for those ad prices. We will print a program guide each year for the larger events like Biketoberfest and Bike Week. Please like and share our page with your friends. www.floridafullthrottle.com We also have very affordable ad prices that come with a boosted social media buy also to our hundreds of thousands of fans and subscribers. A Full-Page ad and media promotion is only $300 per month. If you would like us to help you put on a bike show or even help host your event, we can do that also and we can discuss a price that works for all of us. Contact us for any and all of your needs in the biker community at 727-9191743 or email me at tonyc@floridafullthrottle.com you will get my 100% attention to helping your event become a success!

The Diva Angels Herricane Chapter was started to reach women motorcycle

enthusiasts in North Pinellas/Oldsmar/North Tampa. We usually ride North and Northeast, but we have been known to go wherever a run we are supporting may lead us. We try not to make it about the destination but about the journey, comradery, fun, and the empowerment of riding on our own. We are a small group compared to the established chapters, but we are open to women who want to share the riding experience with us and part of a sisterhood.

We are now supporting New Life Warehouse located in Oldsmar, which helps furnish homes of families in crisis and provide home essentials to families fostering children. More information regarding drop-offs for this charity will be posted on our Facebook page and chapter website. We hope to meet you out on the road in the coming months.
Come visit our chapter meetings at 10am on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Clearwater Family Restaurant, 1844 N Highland Ave, Clearwater, FL 33755. Come have breakfast with us and find out where we plan to ride next.
Check out our website http://www.divaangels.org to find a chapter near you, visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/daherricane, Meetup, or YouTube “Lexesanity” channel to follow our events, shenanigans, and join in with us when you can. We are a 501c (7) not for profit organization.
Lexe, Herricane Chapter COME RIDE WITH US!

2024 is the most charged polarized USA political campaign I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. More is at stake now I believe than ever. I have no words of advice and I am not going to suggest “who” you should vote for. But I will share what we should pay attention to hoping it will help many to decipher through these muddy waters.
As a child, my family was quite involved in politics. I did not see the interest or the point. To me, the government and the elected officials had little impact on my life. Listening to them bored me to death. That changed when I received my very first paycheck from my first employer (McDonalds) back in the days working for $3.54/ hour. Looking at my paycheck I just about blew a gasket. $141.60 for forty hours I was left with about $70 in my pockets after tax. Just enough to pay for my gas to go to work the week after! As a young professional, my career started as a bureaucrat because I spoke many languages. Then I worked for a liberal elected official and I also worked for a conservative official. I got out of government and political career to get into the private sector in mid to late 1990s. Working in these environments on both ends of the spectrum has been the most insightful thing to me. It saddens me to see families and friendships breaking because people’s emotions get so intense they cannot process and share information anymore. I want to share about what is behind the curtains of this theater. Hopefully this will help
some people put emotional decisions aside and truly reflect and vote with confidence.
When I started to learn about politics my first step was to look in the dictionary for the definition of “liberal” then “conservative”. I figured I may as well go to the source and draw my own conclusions.
According to Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Liberals espouse various and often mutually warring views depending on their understanding of these principles but generally support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion. Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern history.
Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy and ideology that seeks to promote and preserve traditional institutions, customs, and values. The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears. In Western culture, depending on the particular nation, conservatives seek to promote and preserve a range of institutions, such as the
nuclear family, organized religion, the military, the nation-state, property rights, rule of law, aristocracy, and monarchy. Conservatives tend to favor institutions and practices that enhance social order and historical continuity.
So how is this helping? It’s not. That is, unless you know your values and unless you have the ability and the patience to carefully listen to what is actually being said, by who (if anything at all) and, what is being done as well as what is the actual track record. Your emotions can be your worse enemy and politicians of all stripes including media relish on triggering the masses. Its good for ratings. You have to look beyond appearances and listen with greater discernment than average. Take context into consideration. Then and most importantly, you must look at the actual policies. What is the plan? What are the promises? Does it make common sense? Does it lineup with my values? Policies, track record and common sense is where it’s at my friends. That is where and how you know their game.
we observe lobbyists with studies sent to our elected officials who in turn burden us all with more laws, taxes etc… all for our own good of course. Both sides of the isle push our emotional buttons and in the mean time attention to details is quickly forgotten by us all.

One of the things I enjoy doing is following the money. That is usually a tell-tale of who controls who or who influences who. I enjoy looking at lobbyists and who pays them. The big pharma is a pretty obvious one. The insurance industries as well of course. We have these ominous entities of business communities “donating” to political campaigns then
The game of politics is indeed a game of “values” and I would even say “emotions” as well now. Sadly. It's crucial to remember that beyond the rhetoric and the spectacle, what truly matters are the policies and the principles that align with our personal values. We must strive to listen with discernment, look beyond appearances, and evaluate the actual track records and plans of those seeking our votes. By doing so, we can make informed decisions that reflect our beliefs and contribute to a more thoughtful and engaged electorate. Let's approach this election with a commitment to understanding and respect, recognizing that our choices today will shape the future we all share. What are your values? If I take a hard look at this most amazing country of USA, I look at the values it was built upon. I may not like all of them values but they are nevertheless the foundation of why we live in the best country in the world. Do we want to honor the values that gave us such a quality of life or do we want to risk the erosion of our foundations hence opening the door to our enemies? Use your freedom wisely. It came at a high cost.