The Vital Role of the Partner Portal
This document is about the importance of using partner portal and how this program contributes to the center of management of any business types.
A manufacturing company or parent company would do well to follow some simple leading practices in order to have a successful channel network as well as sales and other promotion programs. However, this can be achieved mostly through the use of good partner portal software that will let the programs extend toward the channel partners for their own sales and marketing division. Automated portals will not only facilitate this process, it will also make it go much faster since monitoring the
results and capturing data will be automated. Those companies who still use basic spreadsheets for their relationship management even at this age where fast technology determines success have most probably decided that their MDF programs and cooperatives are only minor engines for their business success. However, these companies would still be in danger of noncompliance since an automatic portal is integral to ensuring compliance among one’s cloud. A channel portal is something that is necessary to all businesses since it holds the key to leading practices. A good partner portal that operates online is an application that enables the parent company’s channel to have more accessibility to the resources and information regarding pricing, sales, distribution, and resources. Of course, since the partners is the installers, distributor, resellers, marketer, etc., then this is accessibility of the utmost importance. A good use of this application is that the company’s pipeline will be privy to lists of discounts or other promotional programs. It will also enable the cloud to study the service memos and to connect directly with sales support reps from the parent company. This portal in the parent company’s main site protects this access through secure log in requirements. In the last decade or so a great schism has occurred in the global business community. Those that used to
cut off the budget for trade programs are now turning over a new leaf and realizing that it is a powerful avenue to gain larger return on investments. The new goal that came about from this schism is to determine the best place and way to invest on distributors and resellers in order to get the best revenue for the investment cost. Now, knowing just how to grow, and manage the joint business venture and the programs associated to it is tantamount to surviving economic curve balls such as the recent economic recession or the legal requirements that all companies have to comply to. This hub called the partner portal is the center of such management since it helps the parent company to answer the following by capturing data. How and how well is the pipeline promoting the company’s product and brand? What is the return on investment of the company’s programs? Which products are being advertised by the channel? Which programs are most successful and why? Are these programs able to comply with the financial laws? Answering these important issues is the way to a very successful network engine that, in the end, creates more revenues for the parent company.
The Vital Role of the Partner Portal