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Volume 1 • Issue 1



May 01/2008


You Want To Own A Horse?


The Best for your kids

10 POPULATION Pets & Numbers


Happy Dogs





Arm your pets with Advantage. Fleas won’t stand a chance. In under 5 minutes, the only thing they’ll be biting, is the dust. Get it from your vet. (K]HU[HNLu PZ H YLNPZ[LYLK [YHKLTHYR VM )H`LY ( . 3L]LYR\ZLU .LYTHU` )(@



STAFF Gina de Rin Publisher

Tony Fernandez- Davila Art Director Marty and Gina 626-963-3626 1-877-683-1641 Ad sales CMS LLC. FAX: 877-400-4267 Address: 417-B West Foothill Blvd. #412 Glendora, Calif. 91741 PURPOSE

The purpose of Pet Reporter is to provide a venue for public and organizations to share stories, news, ideas, events, products and services that help us to keep our most treasured companions happy and healthy. Pet Reporter raises awareness, educates, and inspires by providing FREE ACCESS to information, products, and services that are helpful to owners in the responsible care of their pets.


All information provided within this publication is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified veterinarian. Consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your pet’s condition.have regarding your pet’s condition. Copyright Pet Reporter is published monthly by CMS LLC., 511 Main St., P.O.Box 98, Monrovia LA 90225, 662-924-9000 © 2008 by CMS, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material from this issue in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

EDITORIAL 3 From The Publisher

Welcome Welcome to the Premier issue of PET REPORTER We Have a Passion for Pets Welcome to the Pet Reporter, a monthly newspaper dedicated to pet lovers and owners in the San Gabriel Valley area. Each month we will be publishing articles, information and fun helpful facts to make the life of your pet long and enjoyable. Our purpose is to raise awareness, educate, inspire pet owners and pet enthusiasts and have lots of fun doing it. We will keep our readers up to date on local activities for pet while encouraging everyone to visit and support the center through membership, donations participating in programs and events,

and volunteerism. Help us build and grow by contributing your photos, stories, news, and ideas. If your pet related organization is having an event, let us know. Pet Reporter will be circulated as an insert in a variety of shoppers and community papers every month as well being placed at selected distribution points. For Information about advertising and article submission please visit our web site Thank you for picking up

Pet Reporter. Enjoy! ~Gina de Rin, Publisher



What is


zoonosis? The ‘Newest’ Pet Gift for Christmas

NEW !! Two in One PET “GOE” Economical 1 Ltr


Does not harm pets cold, and tuberculosis may also have started in man activity due to anthropologic or environor people and works pet astro-chart fectious disease thatOrder may beatransmitted from other species. mental disturbances. An example of this is the like magic other animals, both and domestic, huIn modern days, zoonoses are of practical outbreak of Nipah virus in peninsular Malaysia for wild a loved one thistoChristmas GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL mans or from humans to animals. interest because they are often previously un- in 1999, whenCHOICE intensive pig farming intruded MADE IN AUSTRALIA The word is derived from Greek wordsshop zoon @recognized diseases or have increased virulence into the natural habitat of fruit bats carrying Visitthe our on-line Retailers & Stockists (animal) (pronounced as zoo-on) and nosos in populations lacking immunity. The West the virus. Unidentifi ed spillover events caused Please Call 0411 554 430 (disease). Many serious diseases Nile virus appeared in infection of the pig population which acted as or phone – 1300 720 190 Bulk available for fall under this category. the United States in an amplifier host, eventually transmitting the Kennels & Catteries 1999 in the New York virus to farmers and resulting in 105 human The plural of zoonosis is zoonoCity area, and moved deaths (Field et al., 2001). ses, from which an alternative through the counSimilarly, in recent times avian influenza and Beautiful singular zoonose is derived by After a hard day’s work there’s try in the summer of West Nile virus have spilled overSilver into human nothing better than a nice cold beer. Australian Tiffaniesbeback-formation 2002, causing much populations probably due to interactions Desexed, vaccinated, The simplest definition of a Especially if your work consists of distress. The plague is tween the carrier host vet andchecked, domestic animals. microchipped registered. zoonosis is a disease that can be sniffing crotches, digging holes and a zoonotic disease, asShop Highly mobile animals such as&bats and birds WNCA transmitted from other animals chasing your tail. So after a dog of are salmonella, Rocky may present a greater risk of Registered. zoonotic transmisonline to humans. A slightly more tech- a week, crack open a bottle of Mountain spotted fe- sion than other animals ease with kittensdue canto bethe shipped dog beer for nical definition is a disease that PawRex non-alcoholic ver, and Lyme disease. which they can move intoAustralia areas ofwide. human habit‘E-bola virus’ best mate and drink to the end normally exists in other animals, your The major factor tion. Khristeabo Cattery of another ruff day. but also infects humans. contributing to the Diseases like malaria, PH:schistosomiasis, 02 9548 5158 river Stylish coats, dresses, Many modern diseases, even epidemic dis- appearance of new zoonotichats, pathogens in hublindness, and elephantiasis are not zoonotic, bobbi_ boots, collars, bowls, eases, started out as zoonotic diseases. It is hard man populations is increased beds, contactprams, between even& though they may be transmitted by incarriers more! sects or use intermediate hosts vectors, beto be certain which diseases from other humans and wildlife (Daszak et heaps al., 2001). animals to humans, but there is good evidence This can be caused either by encroachment cause they depend on the human host for part We are also that measles, smallpox, influenza,Phone and diph0413 199 of 741human activity into wilderness areas or by of their life-cycle. developing Call a free Golden Australian theria came to us this way. HIV, theWholesale commonenquiries movement of wild animalscolour intoforbrochure areas of hu~Wikipediation. welcome Tiffanies.

Zoonosis (pronounced zoo-e-no-sis) is any in-

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Something Fishy The

• Red piranhas, despite their sharp teeth, are relatively timid and rarely bite humans. • pharyngeal teeth ‘Newest’ PetSturgeon Gift forhave Christmas in their throats that are used to "chew" their food • Green moray eels are actually blue, but their yellow slime layer makes them appear green. • Sharks never run out of teeth. When Orderthe a pet astro-chart front teeth become worn or break off, new replace them. During its for a loved one ones this Christmas lifetime, a shark will produce thousands of teeth. Visit our on-line shop @ • The male arawana – a large Amazonian fish –orwill carry–his young his mouth until they phone 1300 720in190

are large enough to fend for themselves. • Although bamboo sharks breathe oxygen NEW !! in the water through their gills, the brownTwo in One banded bamboo shark has been known to PET “GOE” survive up to 12 hours out of the water. Economical 1 Ltr • A cuttlefish can change the texture of its .ODOUR ELIMINATOR skin, raising or lowering it to help the animal . CLEANER/SANITISER blend in with rocks or coral. Does not harm pets • Octopi are considered the most intelligent or people and works of all the invertebrates. Althoughlikethey are magic shy, they are also curious and explore their GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CHOICE APPROVAL environments. IN AUSTRALIA • An octopus has the ability to MADE change colors, Retailers & Stockists which helps the octopus hide orPlease huntCallor0411 554 430 reflects its mood.

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After a hard day’s work there’s nothing better than a nice cold beer. Especially if your work consists of sniffing crotches, digging holes and chasing your tail. So after a dog of a week, crack open a bottle of PawRex non-alcoholic dog beer for your best mate and drink to the end of another ruff day. Phone 0413 199 741 Wholesale enquiries welcome

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My cat likes to chew grass. Is it healthy? Cats need greens to provide vitamins (folic acid) to aid their digestion, assist in removing fur balls and increase roughage in their diet. Eating grass is a natural craving for cats. Healthy and natural cat grass provides an excellent source of vegetation. Grass is easy to grow. It can be grown indoors all year round on any window sill and it doesn’t need direct sunlight. Just plant the seeds and within a few days - voilà! Cats are naturally drawn to grass. They simply love it. Natural grass helps prevent your cat from eating house plants which may be poisonous. Outdoor cats can satisfy their desire for fresh vegetation, but when cats are kept indoors all the time, they have no opportunity to eat tender grass as nature intended. So they satisfy their craving by chewing on houseplants and some can be deadly to cats. Your first impulse might be to just remove your house plants but cats still need to satisfy their natural cravings.

Why are some people allergic to cats?

It’s not the cat’s fur that causes allergies. It’s a protein (FEL D1) in the cat’s saliva. When a cat grooms itself, it deposits this protein on its fur (and the protein then may be transferred to upholstery and carpets). Some cats have less (or more) of this protein. Although there is no way to predict which cat in a litter will be less hypoallergenic, females seem to be the lesser hypoallergenic. Bathing a cat reduces the amount of protein in the cat’s fur, so the human’s physical reaction is lessened. A basic home remedy that may help is to put a few drops of vinegar in the cat’s water bowl to minimize the effects of the protein. Pet dander and urine may also cause allergic reactions.

Why do dogs do these things?

Dogs live to smell, to feel good, to clarify their relationship with other dogs and with us.When you start looking at the world their way, everything falls into place. Of course they drink out of the toilet—the water is fresher. Sniffing another dog’s behind is just like reading their resume, except you know nothing is made up. Barking at the letter carrier makes him go away—every single time! And rolling in stinky stuff just smells like heaven; because what smells heavenly is, after all, a matter of taste.


What foods are unsafe for my birds?


t is strongly recommend only purchasing bird foods in original manufacturer packaging. Some vendors will buy in bulk and repackage in smaller amounts to save money. This can lead to contamination and freshness problems if proper sanitation and environmental controls are not maintained. Birds digestive systems are very prone to problems resulting from these practices. Many manufacturers will recommend against purchasing their foods if they have been repackaged, and will not guarantee freshness or safety if repackaged. Story: Benji loved peanuts in the shells. We used to give him food from our local pet shop unfortunately we were unaware of the dangers of food (especially nuts) that weren’t fresh. Benji’s favorite food eventually killed him. The peanuts we had been giving him had been condemned for human consump-

tion and were being sold cheaply to the pet shop, who was then selling them on to us.They contained fungus which released spores when the peanut was cracked open; these spores grew in Benji’s lungs and killed him. At the time we had an ordinary vet who was inexperienced at treating tropical birds and he didn’t notice the signs, by the time we all realized what was wrong it was too late. If this story even saves one life then Benji’s death won’t have been in vain.

Unsafe foods for birds: Sugar (refined) White Flour (refined) Soda Pop Alcohol Avocado Caffeine Chocolate Dairy Products Salt Fried Foods Raw Egg Whites (binds up biotin -- a B vitamin -- necessary for bird growth The following are examples of large raw beans that may have a problem of toxicity and digestive upsets when eaten uncooked: Anasazi Fava Black Kidney Lima Navy Pinto




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s you know, a horse isn’t just a horse, of course, but a new member of your family that needs as much care and attention as anyone else. And, whether your horse is for showing, sport riding, or recreation, the weight of the responsibility may seem daunting, but the challenge of tending to your horse is easily mastered. While some of us may be into simple trail riding, others take horseback riding seriously and become involved in a particular sport. English or Western, the equestrian sports are challenging, exciting and fun for participants and spectators. Horses, like other pets, are great companions. However, they do require a considerable commitment of time and money. Before buying a horse or pony, consider exactly what is drawing you to horses and ponies. Has your child been asking for a pony? Do you want to finally fulfill that childhood wish of your own and get yourself a horse? Maybe you’re looking for an investment, or perhaps you just like to ride. Whatever the reason you have for buying a horse, every prospective buyer must consider certain issues. One of the prime considerations in choosing a horse is cost, both the initial “start-up” costs and the monthly expenses associated with owning a horse. Besides buying the horse, you’ll need basic equipment, like brushes and a saddle. You should also know your options. Do you know where to buy a horse, and what to look for when choosing a horse, especially if you’ve never owned horses before? If you’re buying a horse for a child, consider the attributes and characteristics that make a horse appropriate for a child or beginner. Before moving forward with any course of action, make sure that you’re ready to own a horse. Horse ownership is a long-term commitment, financially and emotionally, and if you aren’t absolutely certain that you or your child are ready, look into options that provide regular access to a horse without the responsibility and expense of ownership.

Questions & Having answers to the following questions will help you when buying a horse: • How old is the horse? • What has he been used for? • Has he sustained any injuries? • If so, what was the location of the injury? How severe was the injury? Was it treated by a veterinarian? How was it treated? • Does the horse have any bad habits? Does it kick, crib (grab onto an object with his teeth and swallow air), or chew on things?

• Does it get along with animals? • What type of activities Arena work? Trail rides? • How recently were the remove the sharp points • Are his vaccinations an When are the next ones • Is the horse easy to loa electric clippers? • Is the horse registered




o own a horse?

& Answers

h other horses? With other

s is the horse accustomed to? Shows? e horse’s teeth floated (filed to ts)? nd de-worming up to date? s due? ad in the trailer and clip with

d? (Ask to see the papers.)


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Reprinted with permission © Morefocus Group, Inc.

MAHINDRA TRACTORS 7520 2WD 75 hp, 12 spd, fwd. & reverse, 540 & 1000 PTO. one heck of a super great chore tractor


Heavy-Duty components

Today there are hundreds of types of horses, with breeds defined by their appearance, size, temperament, and more. When you compare a humble pony to a massive Clydesdale, it’s hard to believe that they share a common ancestry. Throughout history, the horse has played a vital role in transportation and agriculture, and more recently, in sport and leisure. Horses have been bred throughout the ages to cater to changing human needs. However, in the beginning, there were four basic types of horse: Przewalski’s Horse, the Tarpan, the Forest Horse and the Tundra Horse. From these original four, time, place and horse breeders have created the wide variety that is in the horse population of today. Horse owners and enthusiasts can expand their love of horses by knowing where their beloved animals originated. Understanding the role humans have played in expanding the types of horses in the world is inspiring. You will certainly develop a new appreciation for your beloved mount when you realize all the components that went into making him the horse he is. Explore other options to ownership as well Caring for a horse involves more than a brush here and there and some hay daily. The domesticated horse relies on you for quality nutrition, protective shelter, care of his hooves and maintaining his coat. Know when to recognize health problems, when you should call the vet, and how you can protect against some common health conditions. Leg injuries are common and treatment varies according to the injury. Know what to do in an emergency. When selecting a horse go on more than your gut feeling. Have a veterinarian examine the horse thoroughly and know what you’re getting into before you buy.

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The Darkest Hour W pet shop

what’s in store

By Erin Hunter

new threat in the forest. “Only fire will save the clan” said arriors is a very old medicine cat Spottedleaf. popular 6 Book Now that Firestar knows what series. WARNthat means he will ING: these books fight side by side contain animal with his faithful violence that may be disturbing friend Graystripe, to some children. For Children wise and strong ages 10+ deputy Whitestorm, young warHe began as a pampered house rior Snowstorm, cat, but now he is Firestar, leader beloved Sandof the ThunderClan, and the time storm and maybe has come for him to face his desthe other three tiny in a climactic, life-or-death clans. battle for the future of the forest. I personEvery Clan cat dreams of ally think that Erin becoming Tantalizing Clan leader, food but former mixes Hunter wrote the kitty pet Fireheart thought New andnever improved avian foodseries mixesto arereally scientifically formulated that he would be chosen. Thun-Featuring for optimum nutrition. new flavours like mango, banana give people the and vanilla these are sure to be a favourite among birds. new der Clans former leader, Bluestar, chance to see animal lifeThe from her packaging is designed to keep the long lasting dies while resealable fighting off stray dogs perspective. It ismix a little violentand fresh. from all leading petstill stores or for phone in the forest andAvailable leaves the role but great boys and girls. It 07Fireheart. 3382 4222Now for stockists. as leader for Fireis the 6th book in the series Warstar must find a way to fight off a riors and still as exciting as the

rest so read it! ShadowClan and Riverclan, join Warrior #6: This book is the together into TigerClan to fight last book in the original Warriors and take over the forest. The series. I am an avid reader and fan other two clans have to band of the Warriors series. together into LionClan to fight For those of you them. TigerClan desperately joins Airconditioned comfort who™have notisread a clan of rogue The DUOTEMP pet bed the first petwith bed to provide both cats from or are considering outside the forest and to help them heating and it cooling. The revolutionary, air channel cushion internal fan ensures even one distribution low heat airflow purchasing of the of cool fightorLionClan. Disaster ensues, to provide relief and itcomfort. books, followsVisit the and the roguesorkill a powerful phone 03 9562 3455. of a house adventure warrior and try and take over all cat (kittypet) named 4 clans by themselves to rule the Rusty who abandons forest. Pet free zones his owners This book, and the entire series, Keep areas pet-free with(Twolegs) the to live apassive different life had action, mystery, adventure, X-mat that features in the that forest and fighting. I loved this book discomfort bumps actamong four Clans, because it engenders a feeling as pressure the points to cat condition RiverClan, Shadowthat animals have their own seyour pet to stay away from Clan, ThunderClan, cret society and hierarchy would the area where you’ve placed and WindClan. He recommend this book to anyone the mat. Even after the X-mat is removed, pets prejudice overcomes who loves adventures and fightwill associate that area with and about his non-Clan origins ing, and kids who have no trouble discomfortaand away. discovers plotwill in stay the forest with 100-200 page books or Phone 03 treachery 9415 8599 and or email involving murder. adults of all ages. –YMP for details. This particular book tells ~Reprinted with permission what happens when two clans, from

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cross Australia to look for lost pets. If you have lost call 1300 309 004 or visit

\ Country Canines Clipping & Grooming Salon Master groomer, stress free, Hobbits Knob Cat Retreat A unique, prestigious cat boarding facility personalised service, 17 years exp, 29 Estelle Rd, Currumbin Valley 07 5533 0016 129 Dales Road, Chevallum, Sunshine Coast. Ph 07 5478 9882 – EZi"[g^ZcYan VXXdbbdYVi^dc


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HDJI= 6JHIG6A>6 Keeping your pets cool 8a^ee^c\ \gddb^c\ this summer


ThisANoosa sleeps 8 adults, haswinning a beautiful bali style furniture, Wash WoofaHeads Dog house Groomers multi-award dogpool, grooming salon snooker & table tennis tables, air conditioning, gourmet kitchen and a shared ith hot daysPark and dry incorporating The Woofery 486-488 Goodwood Rd, Cumberland full-size tennis court. Centrally located in an elevated gated complex, only 2 kms already 08 8373 7792Street, close to dog-friendly beaches andconditions to Hastings with a wonderful outlook to Noosa Hill, this is a relaxing and enjoyable place forupon you and pet fourto stay. us,your your legged friends will need The menagerie products & services guide is also available online. For details please email all the help for they canlinks get to in advertisers. keeping Visit direct or phone 0433 078 671 afes 07 3397 0223 – their cool over summer. Animal Pets require many of the same Communication conditions that humans need: Class a shady spot to spend the day, Faye Pietrokowsky, access to cool water and plenty M.S. Inner Design of rest. They also require gentle When: Monday, Sure beats Windsor Castle! exercise in the coolest parts of October 2, 6PM-9PM the day and a dab of pet-friendly ($50) sunscreen on pink noses if they Where: Dane County are out in the hot sun. Humane Society Whether your pets are spending time indoors or outdoors 5132 Voges Rd., ps 8 adults, has a beautiful pool, bali style furniture, this summer, remember that they need special care at this time A Step by Step Guide to es, air conditioning,Madison gourmet kitchen and a shared of year. The Petcare Information DO-IT-YOURSELF dog grooming and Advisory Service provides Call for ancomplex, appointlly located in an elevated gated only 2 kms the following tips: og-friendly beachesment: and with a wonderful outlook to Featured breeds include g and enjoyable place for you and your pet to stay. s /NE OF THE BEST ACTIVITIES FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG DURING Maltese-Shih Tzu cross, Miniature Poodle, 333- 838-0413 Bichon West Highland Terrier, Ph 03 summer is Frise, a walk in the cooler evening so 9687 find out0299 from your email Shih Tzu and Miniature Schnauzer. local council where the best parks and open spaces are for Moon Dance hone 0433 078 671 dogs during summer. There can be restrictions during this When: October period that don’t apply during the rest of the year, so it is 14-15 28 worth Where: Bristol Equeschecking for the latest information. trian Estates, 7039 s -OST DOGS LOVE WATER BUT WITH RESTRICTIONS IN FORCE IN Hwy. N, Sun Prairie many parts of Australia, you will have to be careful about This is a Three Gait splashing the wet stuff around. Many dogs love ice cubes Therapeutic Horseand this is a water-efficient way of keeping them cool. manship Center s )F YOU ARE AWAY FROM HOME DURING THE DAY AND CAN T LEAVE benefit event. your pet indoors, ensure they have a shady spot outside 333-837-4869 with plenty of fresh water. s 3OME DOGS JUST DON T KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO SO IF YOU HAVE Wagging Tails an active dog it may be necessary to discourage high Bakery energy play on hot days. Gourmet Pet Treats When: October 7-8 s +EEPING YOUR DOG S COAT SHORT AND WELL GROOMED DURING Where: Mt. Horeb summer will help it to stay cool. Fall Festival s 3UMMER THUNDERSTORMS CAN BE A TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE FOR both dogs and cats. Ideally, your dog and cat should be kept inside with human company if there is a summer storm. Some dogs are very fearful in storms and may try to escape the yard, so take time to ensure your yard is secure and that your dog is identified with a collar and tag. In severe cases of storm phobias, your veterinarian should be consulted. s 7E ALL KNOW NOT TO LEAVE A DOG IN A CAR ON A HOT DAY ˆ EVEN A famous antique collector iswith walking payget you twenty dollarssheds for a window mice. down,I’llcars very hot. Garden through the city when he notices a smallthat cat.�also heat up quickly and can be and other spaces mangy cat lapping milk fromdangerous a saucer if a And owner to says “Sold,� dog the is confined that area. and in the doorway of a store and he does hands over the cat. s 3WIMMING POOLS CAN BE AS DANGEROUS TO DOGS AS THEY a double take. He recognizes that The collector continues,“Hey, for the canvery be to smalltwenty children. MakeI wonder sure the ifgate closed the saucer is extremely old and bucks youiscould at all times. Better still, four-legged friend to a valuable, so he walks casually into the throw intake thatyour old saucer. The cat’s dog-friendly or lake teach it to swim! store and offers to buy the cat for two beach, used river to it and it’lland save me from havs )F TRAVELING WITH YOUR PET CONSULT YOUR VET ABOUT ANY SPECIAL dollars. ing to get a dish.� The storeowner replies “I’m sorry, but And says, requirements. Ticksthe canowner be found in “Sorry many ofbuddy, the popular the cat isn’t for sale. that’s saucer. Sotofar this coastal holidaybut spots andmy canlucky be dangerous dogs. The collector says,“Please, I need I’ve sold sixty-eight cats.�and your Also a make sureweek all vaccinations are up to date hungry cat around the house to catch pet’s ID tags are securely fastened to their collar. g

pet bed The ultimate in comfort and health...

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The pet

population problem


very year, millions of unwanted dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens, are needlessly destroyed. The good news is that every pet owner can make a difference. By having your dog or cat surgically sterilized, you will do your part to prevent the birth of unwanted puppies and kittens and you will enhance your pet’s health and quality of life. Pet behavior and pet reproduction Contrary to what some people believe, getting pregnant — even once — does not improve the behavior of female dogs and cats. In fact, the mating instinct may lead to undesirable behaviors and result in undue stress on both the owner and the animal. Also, while some pet-owners may have good intentions, few are prepared for the work involved in monitoring their pet’s pregnancy, caring for the newborns and locating good homes for all the offspring. What is surgical altering? During surgical altering, a veterinarian removes certain reproductive organs. If your cat or dog is a female, the veterinarian will usually remove her ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. The medical name for this op-

eration is an ovariohysterectomy, although it is commonly called “spaying.” If your pet is a male, the testicles are removed and the operation is called an orchiectomy, commonly referred to as castration or simply “neutering.” While both spaying and neutering are major surgical procedures, they are also the most common surgeries performed by veterinarians on cats and dogs. Before the operation, your pet will be given a thorough physical examination to ensure that your pet is in good health. General anesthesia will be administered before the surgery making the procedure non-painful. You will be asked to keep your pet calm and quiet for a few days afterwards until the incision begins to heal. What are the benefits of spaying and neutering? Both operations lead to improved long-term health, prevent unwanted litters, and eliminate many behavior problems associated with the mating instinct. Benefits to your female pet

OVERPOPULATION NUMBERS 6-8 million: Number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year 3-4 million: Number of cats and dogs euthanized by shelters each year 3: Average number of litters a fertile cat can produce in one year 4-6: Average number of kittens in a feline litter In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can theoretically produce 420,000 cats. 2: Average number of litters a fertile dog can produce in one year 6-10: Average number of puppies in a canine litter In six years, one female dog and her offspring can theoretically produce 67,000 dogs. Estimates from the Humane Society of The United States

Female dogs experience a “heat” cycle approximately every six months, depending upon the breed. A female dog’s heat cycle can last as long as 21 days, during which your dog will leave blood stains in the house and may become anxious, shorttempered and actively seek a mate. Female cats can come into heat every two weeks during breeding season until they become pregnant. During this time they may engage in behaviors such as frequent yowling and urination in unacceptable places.






Lost & Found:

Items for sale:

Bob Patterson’s Ferrier Service, mule & horse training 608-822-4363

Lost: Gold Tabby cat, female named Maggie, lost on N. Carroll St. area, red collar, Call 345-2380

Vis-a Vis carriage for sale, white with navy upholstery, Amish made wheels and ta mlas lsamlsa ksan saksn ska and well made. Beautiful! For information, call 608-935-7297

Wanted: Well broke pony, 8yo or older, good w/kids. 608-778-0402 or 608568-7505

Lost: Small female German Sheppard, Lucy, lost near Camp Randall Stadium. 608-345-4953 Found: Black mixed breed dog, healed wound near left eye, found beautiful jkasjnsaksnkassjasksjasksaos kasjk ksanksnear Broadway and Monona Dr. 244-0227

Horse Hay, $2.00 a bale plus delivery 608-9245474


For Sale or trade: Registered Overo colt, dun, white socks & face, muscled. 608-537-3011

Performance Horses & mules for sale, training available, 608-822-4363 Riding Instructors and assistant riding instructors needed. Week nights, from approximately 3:30-7. Hoofbeat. Mazomanie 767-2593. Performance Horses & mules for sale, training available, 608-822-4363


Tina’s Cleaning Service: Professional service with a personal touch, 20 years experience, excellent references. Serving Dodgeville, Mineral Point area communities. 608-943-8179 Floral School accepting applications for Basic Design Course. ,ew; le.wmeOctober 9th – 27th. Call Midwest Floral Design School. 608-348-3433, 1-800510-4160 Oates Upholstery & Furniture Design. 430 4th St., Bloomington, 608994-2791

Mound City Painting & Powernterior & exterior paidew & dirt remostimates, Satisfaction guaranteed. Platteville 333-348-7495; 642-1750 Storage – 14’ x 27’ storage room. Household contents, not vehicle storage. Call 608-523-4225 Blanchardville.

For Rent

Mt. Horeb – (2) bedroom townhouse. Lower level family room, 1 ½ baths, (1) car Garage, appliances, private entrance. All utilities per tenant. $825 per month. Available now. Call 333-845-8816.


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pet reads


consideration on such a life and death decision, this is an extremely important point to consider.

How is a pet euthanased?

The euthanasiaflea procedure is simplefor anddogs is generally stress‘A revolutionary treatment free for your pet. Thewhole most usual is by -the injection of that targets the fleamethod lifecycle a very concentrated general anaesthetic specifically designed maximising protection for your pet’. for euthanasia. The drug is generally a dark green or blue colour. Usually the vet will inject it into a vein in a front leg, but Most spot-on flea treatments manage the tip of the occasionally they inject it only into the pet’s abdomen. flea iceberg. Only 10% of vein, the total flea of population are very If injected into the the onset death is usually adult biting fleas (the ofone’s can see). rest your of pet rapid — a matter a fewyou seconds. If youThe are with the flea population (90%) are in either the egg, larvae at this time, be prepared for the fact that it is quick as many or pupae stage. owners are taken by surprise. After the injection, your pet will be limp and unresponsive. It may lose control of its bowel and The Flea Iceburg occasionally, muscle contractions occur, including movement L]Vi ndj XVc hZZ of the jaw. While this does not look pleasant, the pet is feeling Adult nothing at this time and fleashas 10% passed on. TROY EASE-ON TARGETS




Bn WZa^Z[ ^h i]Vi! V[iZg h]Vg^c\ V Ndjg G:6A Larvae ÓZV egdWaZb adc\ VcY ]Veen a^[Z l^i] djg eZih! Eggs lZ h]djaY cdi Vaadl djg eZih id hj[[Zg l]Zc i]Z ZcY ^h cZVg#

Troy Ease-on contains Pyriproxofen, an insect growth inhibitor that stops eggs developing into larvae, larvae developing to pupae, and pupae developing into adult After thisthat is over, youinto have the choice asking the fleas. Adult fleas come contact withofTroy Easecareto forlay your pet’s body or taking your pet home on willveterinarian also not betoable eggs.


yourself. Be aware that council regulations may not permit you

to bury your pet in your garden. left with your The addition of Permethrin in Troy IfEase-on kills veterinarian, adult fleas. you also have the choice of the disposal of the body with a commercial collection agent, usually the council or a private

So thepet whole iceberg is – notThe justcouncil the tipcontractor (adult crematorium or targeted burial service. will flea population) you can providing a are much generally cremate the see, pet, but the ashes not more available. thorough effective flea treatment. Pet and cemeteries and private pet crematorium services exist and the latter will return the ashes to you if you wish. Be sure

Troy Ease on comes in packs of two for small dogs (2mL) to discuss the disposal of your pet with your veterinarian medium dogs (4mL) and large dogs (8mL). beforehand so you are both clear on your preference.

Pets are just so important to us all. The thought of ** Not suitable for the treatment or control of the euthanasing a loved pet is not easy at all. I faced this decision paralysis tick.

a few years ago with my very much loved Shepherd, Bacchus — the best buddy anyone could wish for. He had arthritis which was progressing and was no longer responding to medication. NOT USE ON CATS My decision came one morning when he was DOso uncomfortable that he could not rise from his bed and had soiled his bedding overnight. This was not a dignified thing for my best buddy. I could not let that happen to him. My decision was difficult but almost immediate. I decided to make his last moment as gentle and pleasant as I could. After gently placing an intravenous catheter in his vein, I connected the syringe containing the euthanasia solution. Before injecting, I gave him his favourite treat – a plate of fresh liver. I lifted the plate to his mouth and when he was half way through the meal, I injected the solution. He died peacefully with the taste of his favourite dish in his mouth. I then cried. g


Dr Cam Day is a veterinary surgeon, animal behaviour consultant and media presenter. For more information visit

Contact us for more details: P: 02 9604 6266 W: E:


QI: The Book of Animal Ignorance Foreword by Stephen Fry Published by Faber & Faber, distributed by Allen & Unwin Meet the water bears that can live in suspension for hundreds of years, the parasite carried by your cat that makes men grumpy and women promiscuous, and the woodlouse that drinks through its bottom. Marvel at elephants that walk on tiptoe, the pigs that shine in the dark, and the woodpeckers that have ears on the end of their tongues. Join the QI (Quietly Interesting) team (from the BBC TV comedy trivia panel show hosted by Stephen Fry) for an off-road safari through 120 of the most interesting members of the animal kingdom, armed with illuminating illustrations, maps and diagrams by award-winning artist Ted Dewan.

Vets Use It...

The Howell Book of Dogs: The Definite Reference to 300 Breeds and Varieties

Breeders Use It...

By Liz Palika Published by Howell Books, distributed by John Wiley & Sons

This detailed resource profiles 300 dog breeds and varieties from the Affenpinscher to the Yorkie, with hundreds of colour photos showcasing the unique qualities of each breed. The book gives current and prospective dog owners all the information they need to select the breed (including the newer mixed breeds aka designer dogs) best suited to them as well as important information on health care, nutrition, training and grooming. A must read for people seeking a serious reference about dog ownership and care, The Howell Book of Dogs presents the breeds in alphabetical order (rather than breed groups). Colour photographs throughout ensure that this book is visually appealing to dog lovers of all ages.

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Street Dogs By Traer Scott ELIMINATES INTESTINAL Published by Merrell, distributed by Bookwise International


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By repelling ticks, sand flies and mosquitoes, Advantix for Dogs helps prevent painful and potentially dangerous bites. Ask your vet for Advantix for Dogs. And zap ticks, fleas, sand flies and mosquitoes with one easy treatment.

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