Vipmagazine 2018 january issue

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Then & Now The thirst for social media attention

Are Smartphones Ruining our Relationships?

Top 10 reasons to get kicked out of the club


STAFF CEO & PUBLISHER Herbert Hernandez CONTENT MANAGERS Lindsey Wright Vanessa Heisenberg ART DIRECTOR Tony Fernandez-Davila DIRECTOR OF MOTION AND VIDEO PRODUCTION Erendira Parra STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Lonnie Gardner CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Igor Argibay – Miami Elizabeth Real – Bay Area Alice Trellakis – Illinois Heather Huggins – Bay Area Roxanna Ramos – Los Angeles Kristina Johnston – Los Angeles Ian Dinsdale – New York City ADVERTISING SALES Cindy Choi


s we said good bye to the year 2017 with a celebration that will forever be engraved in our memories. I look back for few minutes at all the ups and downs and all arounds that were had, and I say damn! I learned a lot… My head feels empty and my ears are still ringing from the awesome untz, untz untz… banging all night. What a celebration it was, waking up to a brand-new year. As I leave 2017 behind and continue onto this new journey (Chapter 1 of 12) I have time to reflect on what was a wonderful year. In this issue we have some great articles for you, our readers. Let’s start by saying that I had a great time reading the article “The thirst for social media attention” and the “Break Up Season.” Now the break up season article is funny because it takes you into the later seasons and gives you a visualization of how relationships with your significant other are during the holiday season and how it changes after the holiday season is over. For instance, people who pair up when it’s cozy weather and how they break away when the warmer weather starts to sail in onto the dock. I highly recommend reading the “Break Up Season.” “That couple in the club” I have mixed feelings about this article, but you be the judge. I wonder who the couple is that she is talking about. Hmmmm, hahahaha. Read the article and let me know what you think let me know if that is you or was it you at one point. Our spotlight feature is “Facebook: Then and Now” it’s kind of crazy how the original social media giant changed the way we connect in the new world. This article pertains to everyone who uses social media as a temporary escape from the real world into the cyber world. From the UK to US we are all connected via the web, all the exciting and fun events that are happening hundreds of thousands miles away we are informed with just a click of a button. The article gives you an inside to the college dorm of the Harvard student who developed this billion dollar company from his Harvard dorm room to establishing this energy inspiring entity in the fertile dirt of Palo Alto. “Top 10 reasons to get kicked out of the club.” Yup, this article says it all. I don’t want to spoil anything, so get to reading. All of our articles have some awesome goodies for 2018 inside. Enjoy! Herbert Hernandez Publisher & CEO

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32-37 39-43

Anything for the




50-54 4 |VIP CLUB SCENE | JANUARY 2018

By Elizabeth Real VIP Club Scene Magazine



The thirst for social media attention is real. It’s no secret that getting complimented feels good, though. Unless you’re being harassed, when someone calls you beautiful or says they like your outfit, it instantly boosts your confidence and self-esteem. That’s because there’s no question about it: we like to feel good about ourselves and we like being liked. People want the views, the likes, and the followers because it gives them a self-esteem boost, a sense of accomplishment, validation, and in some cases, a high-paying career—at least, temporarily. I know what you’re thinking: do people

really care that much about likes and followers? The answer is, yes. It seems to be such a big deal that there are articles updating us on who has the most liked picture on Instagram and who has the most followers. Hint: Beyoncé and Selena Gomez top those lists, respectively. Of course, it’s unrealistic for the rest of us (or anyone, really) to compare ourselves to Beyoncé. Still, it doesn’t stop us from comparing ourselves to everyone else. It’s important, though, to keep in mind that people show the best version of themselves on social media, so when we see an Instagram model




having drinks with her friends on a yacht, it seems like she’s on top of the world. She’s beautiful, she has lots of friends, and she’s living The Life. Naturally, her post gets thousands of likes. Girls comment on her picture saying how they wish they looked like her and guys comment how they wish they had a girlfriend like her. This type of jealousy or sense of insecurity can be expected, but more commonly, seeing the best versions of everyone all the time can trigger anxiety and major FOMO (Fear of Missing out). According to an article titled, “Is Your Online Addiction Making You Anxious,” on, “A large item contributing to social media anxiety is the compare-and-despair factor.” So, compared to the Instagram model’s yacht trip, your lowkey, laundry-filled weekend seems mediocre

at best. At the very base of it, getting likes on social media seems simple enough. Signing up for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram is free and easy. All you need to do is post pictures of yourself in the most flattering angles, maybe post some funny videos, and top it off with some hash tags. Unfortunately, getting likes and followers is addicting. The more you get, the more you want. In an article titled, “Social Media, Loneliness, and Anxiety in Young People,” published on, they state, “Social media such as Facebook and Twitter provide constant updates which can turn a mere interest in social networks into an unhealthy, stressful compulsion that not only affects stress levels, but leads to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.”





Feeling inadequate is common, could mean more money. especially when one of your posts We’ve all seen popular doesn’t get as many likes as you Instagram models and, of thought it might. So, it felt great to course, the Kardashians, get hundreds of likes on that picture advertising various teas and Some of you of your trip to Las Vegas, but your supplements on their pages. reading this might It’s been rumored that these other pictures after that haven’t produced the same results? Oh, argue that nobody types of posts can pay thouc’mon, I thought people liked me, sands of dollars, depending actually gets this you might think. on the popularity of the Instaupset over likes, Some of you reading this might gram user. but think again! argue that nobody actually gets this Branding deals, marketAustralian model, upset over likes, but think again! ing campaigns, and merchanAustralian model, Cassi Van Den dise sales all help bring in Cassi Van Den Dungen, made headlines for getting the big money. In December Dungen, made upset over the lack of likes on one headlines for getting 2017, YouTube gamer Daniel of her posts. So, in typical petty Middleton, who goes by upset over the lack DanTDM, topped Forbes’ list fashion, she posted a screenshot of of likes on one of her as the highest paid YouTuher original post, highlighting the fact that she only got 14 likes. Part posts. So, in typical ber in the world after raking of her caption also said, “All I have in $16.5 million. Unsurpetty fashion, she to those people who didn’t like my posted a screenshot prisingly, he has a massive post and don’t like having fun is… following with nearly 17 of her original post, million subscribers on YouYOU ALL SUCK!!!” She reporthighlighting the fact Tube. Also on the list was edly later claimed that she was just having some fun with her post, but that she only got 14 6-year-old Ryan ToysReview behind every joke is a bit of truth, who earned $11 million for likes. right? reviewing toys on YouTube. I’ll say it again: people are WHAT?! thirsty for likes and followers. That feeling that you just They’re so thirsty that they’re willgot after reading that—jealing to go to dangerous and fatal lengths. In June ousy and bitterness towards this 6-year-old—is 2017, a 19-year-old woman named Monalisa exactly what I’m talking about. We’re all very Perez, shot her 22-year-old boyfriend, named jealous of little Ryan now and wondering if we Pedro Ruiz III in the chest in a YouTube stunt should start reviewing toys on YouTube. Of gone wrong. The plan was for Perez to shoot course, we might not be as cute as him, so we Ruiz in the chest while he held a thick book in might have to borrow someone’s child. front of him. He thought the book would stop But before you go kidnapping your nephthe bullet. Why did they do this? They wanted ews and nieces, keep in mind that there can more views. They wanted their video to go be a dark side to trying to obtain all the views viral. and likes necessary to get on Ryan’s level. Going viral has become the new social The entire internet is your competition and we media goal. It’s the best way to instantly gain all know the internet can be brutal. We’re not more likes and followers. Besides wanting an discouraging you from continuing your hustle, ego boost, what do people gain from all the sobut don’t let any comments or lack of likes or cial media attention? For many, more followers followers bring you down. 8 |VIP CLUB SCENE | JANUARY 2018




I am that person! A

t any restaurant or coffee shop, it’s not uncommon for two people to be on their phones, not speaking or even looking at each other. Responding to phone sounds by salivating like Pavlov’s dog is not only a little sad, it’s also allowing your phone to be a security blanket that keeps you from having to socialize in the real world.

On Dateline, they interviewed four girls in an eye-opening detox of social media and cell phones. Not only did the girls not know how to read a map or sit in traffic without texting (which is dangerous and illegal), many of them did things they’ve never done before, like talk to strangers in a restaurant. They insisted that it was so hard “not knowing what’s going on in the world,” yet they never cracked a newspaper. People’s worlds have in fact become smaller thanks to social media, where they consider their friend’s microcosms to be the world, but they can’t look up from their screen to see what’s actually happening around them.

Don’t be that person! 10 |VIP CLUB SCENE | JANUARY 2018




Ruining our Relationships?


By Heather Huggins

hink about it. Majority of people in the present day have phones that basically do everything for them: Internet, email, music, and an endless variety of apps. We probably spend more time using up our “unlimited” data than we do interacting with our family and friends in person. The worse thing about it is I don’t think we realize just how much we let our phones run our lives. Of course owning a Smartphone has a ton of advantages. You can look up any website and do research, check email away from a computer, can tell your phone an address and you will be provided with directions, play thousands of games from the app store, and even look up reviews of new restaurants you want to try. Oh yeah, let’s not forget these phones still have basic features, by that I mean calling and texting. I think we rely on these phones too seriously in our life, and I am guilty of this too.



Again, think about it. w You’re bored home alone, on your phone. w Awkward conversation at the bar, you pull out your phone. w Your parents are rambling on and on while you are talking on the phone with them, you begin texting and pulling up apps while they are on speakerphone. w You are in the car with your significant other, instead of talking; both people are simultaneously on their phones with the music blasting (driver, put the phone down!).

socialmedia Some people, at least in my life, aren’t bothered by the fact that I’m on my phone 24/7, because they are doing the same thing. They don’t even notice. I definitely spend more time texting them than I do face- to-face. Don’t get me wrong, our phones are super convenient, but pretty soon it feels like we will have zero faceto-face connections with people. Real connections.

There are so many situations where we should be interacting with the significant people in our lives without the use of our phones. Pretty soon we will be texting each other from other rooms in our homes….oh wait, I already do that! We don’t realize how much we are attached to our phones because we are so used to having them there. You know when you reach into your pocket or purse and you don’t feel your phone right away a little wave of panic rushes through you. We click the home screen button just to make our phones light up even though we know we haven’t heard it ring or vibrate for any notifications we need to check. They should just sew these things into our hands so we never have to put them down! Some people, at least in my life, aren’t bothered by the fact that I’m on my phone 24/7, because they are doing the

same thing. They don’t even notice. I definitely spend more time texting them than I do face- to-face. Don’t get me wrong, our phones are super convenient, but pretty soon it feels like we will have zero face-to-face connections with people. Real connections. Remember that your relationships and the people in your life are way more important than having the highest score in Super Mario Run or Threes (even though those games are super addicting!). So the next time one of the few people in your life asks that annoyed question, “Can you please get off your phone and listen to me?!” do it. The people in your life won’t be around forever, unlike the rapid and continuous growth of technology. We should give them our full attention and maybe we will learn something about them or hear a story that we never knew before.



New Blu New Year

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ys and a D d l o C Ways? Parting

onships g of relati say in d n e e f th rts en onset o ship expe This sudd ppening. Relation el le peop fe dom ha on, most s a e ir s e s th y isn’t a ran a in d e people g the holi that durin nally attached to th ant to stick things tio xactly w ing a more emo ey don’t e ad of say th te s if In n . e v rm e g te days lives, in the lon g the holi in m d e n th e p h s it e and tend that out w ier to pre g goodby s in a e k a h c re u b m ing comheart alone, it’s ke of hav e a s s u e o h th r r u y fo ys also in yo going oka elp that the holida is g in th tives n’t h every ts and rela y. It does n n a re p a p m o c to get marsure mon ns are to avy expo e la h p n r o u o s y g hat job en brin asking wh elf in five years, w e b l il w ly Christwho ours hy the ug you see y w re d e n h a , w , to d Drake ried g promote wear has dancing in tt e g e ’r to ’t stop you you chose life doesn r t a te a th e w is s eone who mas reality on to som f time ever, the g w in o ld H o . h it on riod o s, and longer pe rly on. So e holiday around th working out for a s y wa ea tly n parting a th isn’t exac ars as a e rs o d New Ye d up w n n e e at p t s s ju to l g wil ttin urprise th e been plo than later, it’s no s Even if v a h u o y if ner lug now. helor soo pull the p to r single bac up being ie h lt a ch he the break u t u r m o t b s a ju d it’s rrie pen eithe emely wo ence, it has to hap tr est x e n o e h ’r g u yo experi re bein a to u o le y b a t a rt d th about uncomfo el relieve er as well fe n l rt ’l a u p o r y u way and elf, but yo nly yours tually are. o t o n h it w s ac ur feeling where yo

Starting Off Strong If you are in a relationship that does survive the huge holiday road block, all hats off to you. Considering that there will be many big events coming up with the spring and eventually the summer, we have a few tips in store for keeping things as hot as they are loyal. All of those sappy holiday movies have definitely skewed the expectations of couples during before and after the holiday season. Every relationship will face its ups and downs, tests and rough spots. The key to making it through the new year and warmer months is taking on any challenges together as a team and working toward the same end goal. Successful relationships are built upon shared personal values like open communication and consistent respect, but are also nurtured by things like making time for special dates together and fostering improving in each person.

Instead of immediately comparing your relationship to what drama you see on Netflix or your Instagram feed, let it exist as its own. Every personal relationship will change and grow with different environments, factors, and paces no matter what. Going after what one person’s relationship strives for won’t exactly bring true happiness, satisfaction, and loyalty to yours. Be honest with your partner about how you want to feel cared for, what you seek in the relationship, and where you want to be in the future. If there are bitter feelings from previous events or arguments you shared in the past, work it out until you find middle ground and no negative feelings are left moving forward. See any challenges present as opportunities to grow stronger as a pair and celebrate what makes you two who you are!



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DITCH the Nice Guy


By Elizabeth Real VIP Club Scene Magazine – January 2018 issue


ice guys are the worst. Don’t look at me—er this page—that way. Genuine nice people are awesome, but that’s not who I mean. You know which guy I’m talking about: The self-proclaimed nice guy. The guy who pouts and says things like, “Nice guys always finish last” every time he feels he’s not being “appreciated.” A lot of guys may be offended by this and will automatically think, “B*tches don’t appreciate chivalry anymore,” or something really stupid like, “Feminists ruin everything.” First of all, you’re the guy I’m talking about. You’ll find “nice guys” all over social media posting memes about how all women are hoes nowadays and how they can’t be trusted. They might even rant about how so many women have broken their hearts or simply don’t want them because women clearly prefer guys who are jerks. The “nice guy” will refer to women as sluts, whores, gold diggers, b*tches, and c*nts. Their misogynistic posts will usually be followed with something about how much they love their mothers and how they’re proud mama’s boys. Any guy who boasts about his love for his mother is automatically a nice guy, right? “Nice guys” can go from zero to total d*ck in less than a second. They’ll slide into your DMs and say things like, “Hey, you’re absolutely beautiful. I love your lips. We should get together some time. I would treat you like a queen. Give you everything you deserve. I would do anything for you.” If you don’t reply, they’ll message you something like, “Ignore me then whore. B*tches like you don’t deserve nice guys like me. You’re not even that hot.” Even if a woman does reply and respectfully declines his advances, it will be met with the same type of aggression. “Nice guys” might say something like, “You’re





such a liar, just like the rest. I was just trying to give you a compliment, but I guess you’re not into nice guys like me. Get over yourself. You’re not even that great.” It seems to be important to the “nice guys” to insult a woman’s looks. Let’s say he takes you out to a nice dinner. He orders wine and listens to you talk about your work. It’s going great. He gives you a ride home afterwards. You thank him for dinner and kiss him good night. He says, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” You smile and say, “I had a great time, but we should take things slow.” There’s no reason for you to think he’ll take this negatively since he’s been great all night, but he takes your answer as a personal attack to his manhood. He might even roll his eyes and say, “Really?” That’s because in his f*cked up mind, he thinks you owe him. You thought that dinner was free? Oh no, honey. You thought he asked you about your family because he was truly trying to get to know you? Think again. It’s also possible that you’re already dating one these guys without knowing it. Let’s say he surprises you with flowers at work “just because.” You’ve seen this kind of stuff in the movies, but never in real life, so at first you’re excited. You’re even blushing because oh my God, you can’t believe he did this. #relationshipgoals But, wait! He immediately texts you to ask what your coworkers and friends—not you—thought about his “selfless” gesture. He wants you to tell him exactly what they had to say and thrives off comments like, “Aw, I wish




my boyfriend was this sweet,” and “Aw you’re so lucky to have a boyfriend like him.” This is the kind of stuff he lives for. Never mind that you’re not much of a flower girl because this isn’t about you. It’s about making him look good. Bonus points if you post it on social media, but let’s be real, that’s the first thing you’re going to do and he knows it. “Nice guys” are so “nice” that they just have to let the world know. All. The. Time. You know those super charitable people who constantly post on social media about how charitable they are? In other words, if they don’t post on social media about their acts of charity, did it even happen? I mean, what’s the point of doing something nice if you can’t tell the whole world about it, right? Like these seemingly charitable people, the “nice guy” is not so nice. The reality is that he’s a narcissistic, entitled as*hole who just wants to feed his own ego. The cute, romantic gestures aren’t really for you. He wants everyone to see him the way that he sees himself in his big ol’ head: A chivalrous, generous king who’s entitled to a bl*wjob just because he didn’t violate you that one time you were drunk at that one party. He’ll constantly remind you that he totally could’ve, but he’s not that kind of guy! In a way, he saved you, so you are forever indebted to him. Now, some of you may think I’m encouraging you to date a jerk instead, but I’m not. They’re also bad news. I’m also not telling you that all guys who do nice things will fall into the fake “nice guy” category. But, again, that’s the tricky thing about the “nice guy.” Date a guy who does nice things because he wants to not because he expects something in return. No one is entitled to anything. If a guy is more interested in what he’s going to get from you at the end of the night, run. If he’s constantly reminding you that he bought you tickets to see your favorite band on your birthday just so he can guilt you into doing something that you don’t want to do, dump him! Find the Jay-Z to your Beyoncé because you deserve to be part of a power couple. Ladies, do yourselves a favor and ditch the “nice guy” this year because VIP ladies 26 |VIP CLUB SCENE | JANUARY 2018 deserve VIP guys.


RELATIONSHIP By Elizabeth Real VIP Club Scene Magazine – January 2018 issue


ears ago, I was on my way to the club with my boyfriend and a few friends. We pre-gamed before heading out, so once we got there, we were ready for a wild night out. I don’t even know how it started—I can almost assure you, it was something stupid—but my boyfriend and I started arguing. Yeah, we were that couple. So I did what any other mature twenty-something-yearold would do in that situation: I inhaled my drink out of anger. I was convinced that my Adios Motherf*cker would make things better.

Spoiler alert: it didn’t.

My boyfriend and I thought we were being discreet about our argument, but I’m almost positive that we were not. I might’ve cried at some point, but because it was dark in the club I thought nobody would notice. I don’t even remember if I had discovered waterproof mascara yet, so it’s possible that I looked like a hot mess. One thing that I’m proud to say is that we never threw drinks at each other. To be fair, though, that might’ve been because we didn’t want any alcohol to go to waste. After our argument about who knows what, I finally had enough. I rolled my eyes, grabbed a friend, and went to dance. Have you ever tried to drunk-dance your anger away? Oh, and in between dance moves, you bet your ass I was shooting dirty glances at my boyfriend who was sitting at the bar with his friends. We were always fighting, though, and as much as I wanted to keep it discreet, it just didn’t seem to happen that way. He would yell at me in front of friends, I would start sobbing, and then I would yell back. Sometimes, I would even smack him. One time, he accidently stepped on my foot and I punched him in the leg. It was a reflex! What was I supposed to do? It’s not like it actually hurt because I’m small and weak, but of course, it led to an argument. That was in his living room, though, not in the club. The point is: yeah, we were DEFINITELY that couple. We were no better than Ron and what’s-her-name from the Jersey Shore. You know which one I’m talking about. I hope they got some therapy afterwards because they were all sorts of crazy. (Does anyone remember that show? Am I alone in this reference?) Years later, after I had finally dumped that terrible boyfriend (good riddance!) and I had actually matured (for real this time), I learned that not only was that a toxic relationship, we had made things awkward as hell for our friends. Of course, this never crossed our minds because




We were always fighting, though, and as much as I wanted to keep it discreet, it just didn’t seem to happen that way. He would yell at me in front of friends, I would start sobbing, and then I would yell back. Sometimes, I would even smack him. One time, he accidently stepped on my foot and I punched him in the leg. It was a reflex! What was I supposed to do? It’s not like it actually hurt because I’m small and weak, but of course, it led to an argument. That was in his living room, though, not in the club.



we were too busy fighting. Remember when you were a kid and you would awkwardly sit there on the couch as your friend got yelled at by their parents? Having your friends fight in front you is sort of like that. You don’t really know what to do. What can you do? Leave? Stay? You can’t really interfere because it’s not necessarily going to make things better. It’s not your fight anyway, so you won’t know what you’re talking about. In fact, it might make things worse. So, instead you’re stuck in this awkward place, watching it all fall apart, but being careful not to make any eye contact with the wrong person, and all you want to do is to get the hell out of there. I’m sure all of our friends rolled their eyes and thought, ugh there they go again, that night at the club. The funny thing is that back then, when my boyfriend and I saw other couples fight, we would tell each other, “Wow, well, at least we’re not like them.” We were completely unaware that we put on the same sh*tshow all the time. We were not better than them in any way at all. In that moment, though, when we weren’t the ones fighting, watching others fight sort of made us feel better about ourselves because it gave us the false sense that our relationship was in a much better place than it really was. That’s one of the weird things about people: a part of us enjoys watching other people fight. We love drama. That’s why we watch all those trashy reality TV shows. Sure, part of us does feel guilty and awkward, but if we’re removed far enough from the situation, it actually makes us feel better about our own lives. In a way, it puts things into perspective. For example, that night at the club, our friends might’ve felt awkward, but other people at the club were probably relieved that they

weren’t the ones fighting. They probably spotted us from across bar and although they couldn’t hear us, they could tell from our body language that we were arguing. One friend probably pointed us out to her other friend and they watched the drama unfold like a silent film. They may have even laughed at us. Later that night when they went home, they probably said something like, “Oh, remember that one couple that was fighting at the club? What was that about? I’m so glad we’re not like that.” People love to compare each other as if we’re all in some big secret competition. Who has the better job? Who has the better friends? Who has the better boyfriend? Who has the better life? We love to know that we’re doing better than at least one person because it gives us hope. What kind of hope? Hope that we’re not as f*cked as the rest of the people. It might not be the best way to make ourselves feel better, but when we see very clear examples of people who are not doing so well, such as couples fighting in a club, it tells us that maybe we’re not doing so badly after all. Of course, if you can, try to have your arguments at home. The club is not the place to fight. It’s the place you go to after fights are resolved and you can dance happily instead of angrily. So, here’s to you not being that couple in the club this year.


I’m sure all of our friends rolled their eyes and thought, ugh there they go again, that night at the club. The funny thing is that back then, when my boyfriend and I saw other couples fight, we would tell each other, “Wow, well, at least we’re not like them.” We were completely unaware that we put on the same sh*tshow all the time.




Then &Now




rom what was once a constant stream of status updates after its early launch, Facebook is now a never ending scroll of viral videos, laughable memes, and promotions from your favorite friends and stars. Facebook went live on February 4, 2004 from Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard University dorm room and was initially called “The Facebook.” Fast forward thirteen exciting years later, the social network has more than 1.23 billion users who use the service online or mobile each and every month. The giant social media platform has connected people in almost every country all over the world like never before, and businesses are loving the way they can easily get their name out there. Day clubs and the nightlife industry in particular have been extremely benefiting from this technology with its ever changing features. We’re diving into just how Facebook has changed and how nightlife is constantly evolving with it.




What is Facebook? That’s definitely a question that will turn almost every head in the room. We check the app several times a day, use it to message our friends, or simply to avoid doing work that actually matters. Just about every celebrity, politician, campaign leader, social media influencer, business, and personal user relies on it for their normal activities. We have seen the best and worst of Facebook after what seems like never ending updates and changes to how we can see our news feed, set up our profile pictures, and share information with the rest of our busy network. The platform you see now is almost unrecognizable compared to the ancient version that debuted so many years ago. Even just half a decade ago, “liking” hundreds of pages and posting daily statuses about what we were having for lunch was the norm. We used to depend on it for what we thought was easy photo sharing, get to it only on computer desktop, and scroll mindlessly to keep up with our friends lives. Today, streaming personal “live” videos, creating moving profile pictures, tagging friends in endless food videos, funny gifs, and


inviting half of our friends to events pages happen each and everyday. Our whole entertainment and political sphere has completely changed in every way because of it as “fake news” and extremist pages about current events and figures are almost impossible to escape. As Facebook has changed over the past years, so has the whole competitive environment online for businesses. For brands and public figures alike, Facebook is a go to tool for marketing its services, communicating with customers, and elevating awareness to thousands of people. With the ability to make pages for free, create targeted ads to different demographics customers, launch videos, and measure insights for an affordable price, many have been tapping into the platform to benefit. Facebook has also changed up its algorithm which could be compared to big search engines like Google to help customers and businesses. Depending on what pages or stories people may like, Facebook determines which search results to show a user which can include strings of posts from their most favorite brands.

SPOTLIGHTFEATURE Things are heating up for day clubs and the nightlife industry especially as they ride the wave of all of Facebook’s innovations. Certain clubs can create their own pages to market their special happy hour promotions, drink specials, and holiday parties to their loyal party goers. They can also take advantage of the newer insights features like tracking page like growth, post reach, and user engagement. There is also a feature for time tracking, which maps which times during the day and week their customers are on Facebook and engaging with their posts. This allows clubs to test how well their pages and advertisements on Facebook are performing over a period of time, which is helpful for them to find out what doesn’t work and what really hits the nail on the head for attracting new visitors. As a club, providing interactive media of its venue, raging parties, tasty drinks, and celebrity endorsements is crucial to its success as an entertainment hub. They want to attract visitors who are the best, the loudest, and the most willing to go all out when they party. Bundling their brand into a page that’s exhilarating to scroll through is key to doing that! One prime example of a nightclub that has successfully leveraged the features on Facebook is XS Nightclub Las Vegas. As one of the most sophisticated nightclubs in the world, XS is able to communicate their elegant yet passionate club environment that’s located in the Encore resort to millions of fans. Unlike a traditional website, they can post what hours during the day are most popular to visit on their page, links to their other social media platforms, positive reviews from visitors, as well as professional videos shot at their headlining concerts throughout the year. All those forms of entertainment tied into their business page makes them extremely appealing, so there’s no wonder that they are one of the premier clubs in the country.




FUTURE OF FACEBOOK Facebook will continue to change, as well as how the nightlife industry markets itself on it to the most eager partygoers all over the world. Each year, they are releasing new entertainment features to improve their platform and make digesting information even easier than before. With their acquisitions of WhatsApp, Oculus, and other niche social media platforms in the future, they will be reaching to the eyes and ears of almost anyone in the world with a phone. While we won’t know exactly what their next new innovation will be, we can assure you that every business and nightclub that knows how to connect to their market will be on top of it.



Blue Monday

& Mental Health

You may not know it, but the third Monday of January every year is hailed as “Blue Monday”, the officially most depressing day of the year. The day has been awarded this title from being post-Christmas, one of the coldest and darkest nights of the year, marks abandonment of New Year’s resolutions, and often comes with unwanted taxes and bills to file. Not exactly the best day to go out and celebrate! While most people treat this day as an “anti-holiday”, the team at V.I.P hopes our readers can avoid participating in the gloomy trend. From improving your daily lifestyle habits to practicing mindfulness, you’ll feel more prepared so your mental health doesn’t fall off the bandwagon by the time this day comes.

Neat Nutrition

There’s no doubt that the saying, “You are what you eat” is true. Not having enough resources for the body to fall back on is the reason why so many people feel their mental health take a plunge. For anyone who is trying to jump start a healthier lifestyle for the new year, taking in the right food, vitamins, and minerals each day plays a big role to becoming fully energized and

ready to take on what life brings. Focusing on foods that are fresh, organic, and unprocessed is key to making it through the winter. Sure, that bag of leftover Christmas cookies looks super appealing, but you will regret the decision and feel a huge sugar crash after inhaling half of it for dinner. Stick to eating healthy complex carbs, high protein meats and veggies, and drink plenty of




water throughout the day. Your mind will thank you for giving it the right fuel it needs. Since neglecting clean food for long periods of time causes a loss of vitamins A, B, C, and D, taking a daily dose after your meal in the morning is also extremely helpful. Vitamin B and D are usually deficient in people struggling with low energy levels or the winter blues, and they’re easily found at any local store. Taking specifically Vitamin B5 and B6 has also been shown to lower levels of stress and anxiety that may arise during the detoxification period. Vitamin C boosts energy levels as well as the immune system to combat anything toxic still circulating in the body. It also helps elevate your mood over the long run, which is just what you need during these cold and dark days!

The Importance of Mindfulness Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of life and finding any way you can to cope with them, whether it is a healthy choice or not. Some people turn to their shot of Svedka, binge watching Netflix, or endless cups of Starbucks to boost them through their hectic day of presentations and meetings. Others may turn to other substances to free themselves from the cage they feel trapped in from their everyday life. However, these are unnecessary and can be eliminated if we just take a step back sometimes to think about the bigger picture and reflect. One healthy way deal with high levels of anxiety and stress is a method called awareness meditation. To do this, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. If your mind wanders, shift your focus back as you notice it, without judgment. Observe your emotions, but don’t judge them. Having these types of experiences and meeting them with nonjudgmental thoughts will allow you to see the anxiety more clearly and pinpoint the root of the problem, making the adversity of stress easier to overcome. For example, being in touch with your anxiety and allowing it to move through your body without resistance is a key stepping stone in overcoming! Another help way to being mindful during stress is tapping into holistic therapy. This can be performed by a specialist and promotes the overall wellness of you as a participant. Instead of isolating your stress by yourself, it tackles the issue holistically taking into account their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It looks at every aspect of your life and gives you the chance to live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle after the treatment. Key activities promoted in holistic therapy are all also fun to get involved in, like group exercise classes, music therapy, aromatherapy, and daily yoga as well. All like will help you monitor your thinking and stay in touch with yourself.





Achieving an Active Lifestyle We get that bumming it on the couch and ordering food is the perfect night in during the winter time. But don’t let go and treat yourself every day, because you’ll feel sluggish even during times you want to be productive and go outside! One of the most effective ways to feel happier and more energized during cold days is taking part in daily exercise and sports with others. Not only will you reap the benefits of better physical and mental health, but you’ll feel stronger and more disciplined in the long run. It’s also proven that consistent physical activity releases endorphins that elevate your mood and energy levels throughout the day. Another pro for using exercise to


combat winter blues is that it fights any type of unpleasant symptoms like depression, weight gain, or restlessness too. Start small by tracking your steps each day, and aim for a daily goal to keep your activity in check. FInd a few friends to go on a morning jog before work, or join a fun Zumba class when you get off. Better yet, skip the elevator and use your car less if you can. Making little changes here and there will help you burn extra calories without feeling like you have to hit the gym for several hours. Working out doesn’t have to be painful or boring, you just have to find what’s right for you!





BIG APPLE New York: The City That Never Sleeps When people think of the most iconic city in the United States, New York City is usually the first city that comes to mind. As the largest city in the country just shy of around 8.5 million people, New York City has the world’s largest stock exchanges, shopping centers, and nightclubs that people all around the world are dreaming to see or are planning to come back to. New York City is full of action-packed entertainment attractions that are constantly hosting concerts and other live shows, attracting millions of visitors every year. As a city that is so huge and full of life at every possible corner, it can be mind numbing to process all the incredible opportunities it has to offer the world.We’re taking a look into why the exciting and bustling city is like none other, and what hotspots are best if you’re looking for a memorable night out.


The Big Apple Difference

There’s no doubt that the people, the culture, and shared love of breathtaking entertainment is why the nightlife in New York City just feels so much more alive. The metropolis is one of the most diverse cities in the entire nation, with generations of immigrants from all over the world who have made their mark throughout downtown. As a host to the most successful sports teams, a global business center, and hub for headlining performances, almost every celebrity has made a pit stop or bought property in order to take part in exploring and enjoying what the city has to offer. If you’re looking for a fun time as the sun goes down, you’ll find endless choices of upbeat and luxurious clubs to hit with beautiful clubs to match. You don’t have to be a regular night owl to enjoy all the posh parties, DJs, and lounges that are available in the Big Apple nightlife scene. While big cities in Europe like London or Berlin originally hailed as the club center of the world, New York City has taken the crown with its cant miss parties and legendary club and hotel establishments.




Whether you’re visiting the city for just the night or an entire weekend, there’s a few select hotels that are known to always impress. If you want to be as centralized as possible during your time in the Big Apple but dread the constant noise from public centers like Times Square, the W Hotel by Union Square is the perfect choice. As a calm escape in the middle of the city bustle, the hotel is an upscale lounge with beautiful interior design and celebrity choice chefs providing savory meals in its in house restaurant. Order luxury bottles of wine and delicious desserts to start your night out right with that special someone. Or, start more lowkey in your suite to take in the breathtaking view of Madison Square park and the rest of the neverending skyline stretched out before your eyes. If you’re looking for an even more upscale destination during your visit to New York City, check out The PIerre that shows off its own kind of old world charm to its visitors. Fear not, because we don’t mean being stuck with dusty couches and web covered bars here. While old, the hotel is the royally extravagant and has attracted a variety of celebrities and real royalty to stay in its quarters. The five-star hotel is located right on the southeastern edge of Central Park, wedged on Fifth Avenue and 61st Street which is right by some of the best clubs in the city. Before you make it to your room to admire the beautiful view, white-gloved attendants will ride the elevator up with you and assist you with your just bought souvenirs. Expect on the dot housekeeping to drop off complimentary water bottles, a NYC chocolate display, and offer freshly made cocktails to keep you settled in a cozy buzz.



Let’s Dance

Timing Your Trip

If you’re convinced to take a trip to party hard at New York City, its best to come when the weather is still mild and the tourists aren’t taking over all the downtown streets. Depending on what your trip is centered around the most, visiting around off seasons and weekdays is your best shot to get into the most popular shows, not be stuck behind long lines at shops or bars, and truly enjoy your experience. However, if you are definitely geared to savor the nightlife to its fullest potential, coming around holidays and weekends is prime to take advantage of amazing drink deals, decadently dressed crowds, and world renowned DJs who will keep your blood pumping all night long. One tried and true tip to get into the better nightclubs is to come earlier, while happy hour is on the tail end and before shows start to really heat up. Our heart will always be nested in the nights from the city that never sleeps, and we hope that when you visit you’ll know just what we mean.

There’s no doubt that the people, the culture, and shared love of breathtaking entertainment is why the nightlife in New York City just feels so much more alive. The metropolis is one of the most diverse cities in the entire nation, with generations of immigrants from all over the world who have made their mark throughout downtown. As a host to the most successful sports teams, a global business center, and hub for headlining performances, almost every celebrity has made a pit stop or bought property in order to take part in exploring and enjoying what the city has to offer. If you’re looking for a fun time as the sun goes down, you’ll find endless choices of upbeat and luxurious clubs to hit with beautiful clubs to match. You don’t have to be a regular night owl to enjoy all the posh parties, DJs, and lounges that are available in the Big Apple nightlife scene. While big cities in Europe like London or Berlin originally hailed as the club center of the world, New York City has taken the crown with its cant miss parties and legendary club and hotel establishments.


Top 10 reasons to get

kicked out of nightclub



es, it’s true that some of us tend to party too hard. We have a couple drinks or talk to people with a mutual attraction and all of sudden

we become primal and riley and just let our inhibitions fly. We turn into jerks and just allow for the worst part of us to come out either to win over the limelight or because we have deep-seated issues that we tuck away until a couple drinks unleash the kraken. It does happen and more often than not. We can’t all control ourselves in the twilight zone that is the dance floor. So whether you’re getting booted by the bouncer for getting in a fight or because you’re throwing beer bottles from the bar, if you made it onto our list, you need to reconsider your actions and realize you’re the party-pooping, Buzz Killington that’s messing with the vibe.



Passed out- Technically speaking, this is the bartender’s bad. Most state laws don’t allow for bars to over serve their clients, but, of course, who the hell follows that. It’s just hard to keep track of who’s drinking what and how much they’re consuming. That’s why if you drank more than you can handle and passed out, they need you to leave. Other than the simple fact that you can’t have people passed out at the bar, signs of inebriation are red flags at nightclubs and you have to go before you ruin the flow.

2 3

Throwing up- It’s nasty and you can’t hold your own. That’s exactly what everyone is thinking as you’re being escorted out on the puke carpet. Beer before liquor, people! We even made it rhyme for you.

Throwing down- Probably the most common reason people get kicked out of a nightclub. It’s just an environment that is conducive to that type of behavior. It’s more common that men will fight, usually because they are drunk and want to show their dominance within the nightclub’s animal kingdom, but girls can get nasty too. Either way, stay clear and enjoy the show. As much as we say we hate people like that, we will probably have our camera phones on while narrating in an instigating tone.

4 5

Drugs- It would be stupid to ignore that there are copious amounts of illegal substances bouncing all over the place. People are on all sorts of stuff when they go out and they’re tacit rules about having anything on you in the nightclub. There are also tons of undercover cops specifically looking for anyone on it. So, if you get caught, you get caught. Physical harassment- Keep the creeps out. Again, mostly something a guy would do. To go bother someone, unwarranted, and then penetrate their personal space is one of the worst things someone can do at a nightclub. Keep your hands to yourself, unless if they don’t want you to, which is always nice when welcomed.




Altercation with an employee- Here in the United States of America, we live in such a catered society that we expect certain services to satisfy our every need. When we go out and spend an absurd amount of money, we also expect for the ones serving us to bend to our will. Well, that

doesn’t always work out your way. You don’t like something, try to not become an ass and use your “I’m going to talk to your manager” voice because certain people will just not put up with you and motion for security to take out this unruly customer.

7 8

Trying to DJ, when you’re not the DJ- This can come in many forms other than just DJing. Trying to serve drinks behind the bar; checking IDs at the door; sneaking to VIP and blending with the crowd; and just pretty much anything else that you thought you could get away with so you could look cool in front of your friends. Being mistaken for someone else- Yep. This one sucks, because you did nothing wrong, but it happens. Every now and then you fit the description and you get kicked out for something someone else did. That’s right bouncer at the Clevelander at Marlins Stadium, just because I’m a tall dude wearing his orange hat backwards does not mean I did it. They won’t even give you a chance to argue that they got the wrong guy.

9 10

Taking off your clothesHell, things can get feisty when you’re dancing and drinking, but not everyone wants to see your naughty parts. Even if you have a rocking body and are desirable, you still need to keep your clothes on. It’s what separates us from the animals. When you get home, though, you can be all the animal you want. Being Kevin SpaceySeriously, man. Apparently, you don’t know what happens when you get drunk, so we rather not...






Raya. There have been rumors about an exclusive dating app for celebrities for some time now and well, the rumors are true. By now, most people have heard about this app, but of course, not just anyone can join. This dating app is reportedly for those in a creative field (actors, producers, directors, Instagram models, and even some Youtubers). According to their website, “anyone interested in joining must fill out an application. [Applications] are assessed based on algorithmic values as well as input from hundreds of members of the committee spread throughout the world.” It helps if you have an existing member give you a referral. The website also says that you could be on the waiting list—because of course there’s a waiting list—“anywhere from a day to a few months.” Once you’re in, you’re expected to follow strict rules or risk getting kicked out. That, allegedly, means that you can even take screenshots of your matches.


By Elizabeth Real VIP Club Scene Magazine – January 2018 issue


ave you ever been told that your standards are way too high when it comes to dating? Most single people are on dating apps nowadays, but the options on there can be…disappointing. Have you ever been swiping through a dating app wondering where all the successful, driven people are at? You don’t want to date just anyone. You want someone who is going to be on your level. As a VIP yourself, you’re looking for that special someone who’s going places, so that you can become power couple. Dating apps have become one of the most

popular ways of dating. Why bother trying to meet someone at a bar when you could browse through seemingly endless lists of potential dates from the comfort of your own home? Of course, dating apps are also a good option for those who are simply too busy. It takes a lot of time and dedication to build your empire, so it’s nice to have dating apps accessible at your fingertips. We get it, you want the best. You’re into all things luxury—from clothing to cars to people. Maybe you want to date a fellow CEO, actress, model, or you just want someone who is also a millionaire like yourself. The good thing is that there are several exclusive dating apps that are fit for VIPs. Below are 5 elite dating apps for you to meet your future Mr. or Mrs. VIP. The question is: will you make the cut



The League. This app markets itself as a place to meet people who are serious about relationships and their work. While it is exclusive, this app welcomes all professions—well, only if they’re cool, of course! Their website reads: “We’re not saying Tinder doesn’t have its uses (hello Vegas!) but why not spend your time a little more… intelligently?” The app doesn’t judge you for being picky or having high standards—in fact, they encourage it. This is the place for educated, successful professionals. You’ll find CEO’s, attorneys, and app founders on here. The app wants you to find someone who is just as driven as you are and as attractive as you are. Most of the people you’ll find on this app have graduated from some of the best universities, have great photos, and great professions. You don’t necessarily need a referral to join, but it will help. Their algorithms determine who is accepted and when. Like Raya, it could take anywhere from a day to months to get accepted.


Luxy. If you’re looking for a millionaire, Luxy is the place for you, but this app also takes a look at your finances to make sure you make enough money to join. To sign up, you have to make at least $200K—presumably per year. The first thing you’ll read on their website is: “Connect with Luxy verified millionaires.” This is not the place for a sugar baby or daddy, though. Their




website promises that “one out of every two active members on Luxy earns more than $500k” and 41% of their “income-verified” members earn more than $1 million. If you are a millionaire yourself, then you might want to check this one out.


The Inner Circle. This app was founded in Europe, but quickly made its way to the United States, gaining lots of popularity. Signing up for this one is simple: connect with your Facebook or LinkedIn account. Then, the waiting starts. Like the previous apps, it helps if you know someone who can recommend you to join. There are no clear requirements other than being successful in your field. Their website says: “The Inner Circle helps create great opportunities for members to interact online, through the app and meet up at exclusive events that we host around the world.” One thing that makes this app worthwhile is that it puts on events around the world for its members. Tickets can be purchased on their app. Members can also plan to meet up with others abroad by letting people know ahead of time when and where they will be traveling.


Tinder Select. If you’re a fan of the Tinder system, but wish that you had better selections, then Tinder Select might be for you. Rumors have spread about a secret part of the app that only some are allowed to access. Of course, as the name suggests, only a number of selected members are invited to join. This isn’t a separate app, though. You have to be a member of the existing “regular” Tinder first. From there, people from Tinder (whomever is in charge of this kind of stuff) decides who will be the lucky member to receive an invitation. Like the rest of the apps, you could also receive an invitation from another Tinder Select member. So, who exactly gets to join this exclusive side of Tinder? No one is quite sure how the app decides who gets an invitation and who doesn’t, but based on all the other exclusive dating apps, we have an idea of who they might be looking for. 58 |VIP CLUB SCENE | JANUARY 2018


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