What are Wildlife Photographer Career Requirements? | Tony Henrik Halttunen

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What are Wildlife Photographer Career Requirements?

Introduction Wildlife photography is an exciting and potentially glamorous career. If you’re a photographer who is fascinated by animals and enjoys travel, this is the ideal career for you. But, you have to balance that against the cost of travel and equipment and the challenges of earning an income in a very competitive market.

Attributes It’s important to consider if you’ve got the attributes to be a successful wildlife photographer. Naturally, you’ll have to be a competent photographer, but, more importantly, you must understand animal behavior so you can track down your subjects and photograph them in their natural habitat. You must be physically fit because you could be spending long periods in very cold, hot, or wet conditions waiting for the right shot.

Qualifications You don’t need formal qualifications to enter the profession, but education or training in photography will improve your technical competence and help you take better shots. The career website Education Portal describes a series of courses or programs at the certificate, associate and bachelor’s level that incorporate modules on wildlife photography. You can also gain practical training by taking part in photographic workshops organized by wildlife parks.


In the early stages of your career, you will probably be working on a freelance basis, selling your shots to publishers or photo libraries. Visit your local library or look online to find the magazines that feature wildlife photographs. Read them regularly and keep up-to-date with the type of images they are publishing. Magazine and book publishers source material from photo libraries, as well as using material directly from photographers or their agents. Check the photo library websites to identify the type of wildlife photos they include.

Portfolio To gain assignments from editors, you must be able to demonstrate your ability and experience with a strong portfolio of wildlife photographs. Take opportunities to photograph animals in nearby locations such as wildlife parks, rivers, forests or national parks so you can develop your technique and familiarize yourself with using your equipment in different environments. Arrange your photos in a portfolio on your website so you can send links or sample photographs to your contacts.

Contacts To increase opportunities to sell your work or gain assignments you must build a network of contacts and increase your profile. Contact photo editors of magazines and newspapers with details of your service and links to your portfolio. Let the editors know when you are planning a trip; they may commission photos from you in advance. You can raise your profile by entering photographic competitions run by wildlife magazines, nature channels or conservation groups.

For more information visit at: http://www.tonyhalttunen.com/ http://tonyhalttunenphotography.com/ http://tony-halttunen.blogspot.com/ https://twitter.com/TonyHalttunen/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+TonyHalttunen/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/tony-halttunen/ http://www.slideshare.net/TonyHalttunen/ https://tonyhalttunen.wordpress.com/

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Tony Henrik Halttunen Hallitie 1, 06400 Haikkoo, Finland

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