4 October 2013
Introduction Overview of eNews #3 By Tony Harewood
Our Circle Group (Brain Injury) is truly building on our “biggest focal points are community building and digital networks” (CG Plan v.1), whichever way we see the current age - Information, Social, Relationship, Digital or other. As a Support Group of Brain Injury (ABI/TBI/ND),
we're interested in developing online assistance in existing & new Support Groups. Focusing on BI Survivors, their FamilyFriends & Caregivers – CG(BI) make lasting impressions throughout our world. This 3 rd Edition of ‘CG.eNews’ presents some examples of Awareness, Poetry, Statistics, Communities, Representation & Previous
Introduction _ _ Louise Mathewson & Synapse BOAB _ "Miswired" Brain Circuits Google +
Pinterest Meaningful Quotes g+ Communities Admin (LI & FB) Postage
Elections (2012). Our membership holds creativity, motivation & uplifts spirits of any belief. N OT E : A s C G ( B I ) a re a growing Community Group, underlined links will open onto one of our themed pages.
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CG ENEWS #3 4 October 2013
G’DAY LOUISE MATHEWSON. Brain Injury does not discriminate by geography. I'm pleased to announce my new role as ambassador to U.S. for Australia's Synapse. Louise Mathewson Author & Award Winning Poet
Synapse began with a group of parents who recognised an unmet need and wanted to bring about Synapse - reconnecting lives raised awarenes for the needs of synapse.org.au individuals with and ABI and Synapse (trading name for the Brain Injury Association of Qld Inc.) improved services. This is an is a non-profit organisation, objective that still undepins our dedicated to improving the quality service today, being the peak of life of people living with and organisation supporting people with affected by Acquired Brain Injury or Acquired Brain Injuries and people whose behaviour... Complex and Challenging Behaviours.
Fusce ac leo Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.
CG ENEWS #3 4 October 2013
"Miswired" Brain Circuits May Lead to Development of Brain Disorders
Several experts say the future looks promising for approaches... Read more about that in Psychiatric News here.
(LI, CG & Leela Alvarez)
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical School say they have uncovered a mechanism that guides the exquisite wiring of neural circuits in a developing brain and gained unprecedented insight into the faulty circuits that may lead to brain disorders such as autism. Reporting in the June 6 Cell, the study’s senior author Samie Jaffrey, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of pharmacology at
Weill Cornell, and colleagues described the process by which faulty wiring occurs when RNA molecules embedded in a growing axon are not degraded after they give instructions that help steer the nerve cell. The researchers say Google Plus Communities Cheryl O'Brien - 19 Jun 2013 originally shared to Brain Injury Recovery:Discussion, Experience, Info (Information): This is definitely worth sharing! Please share this on to anyone who interested that will be in Sydney Australia…
CG (BI) Google Plus Communities
Angela Ronson - 19 May 2013 Neuroplasticity, rewiring, yrs later. #braininjury http:// braininjuryknow.blogspot.com/
their description is of a process of brain wiring that is much more dynamic than was previously known, and thus more prone to error. And they believe that understanding the basis of brain “miswiring” can help scientists devise new therapies to 2013/05/the-face-ofneuroplasticity.html The Face of Neuroplasticity http:// braininjuryknow.blogspot.com/ 2013/05/the-face-ofneuroplasticity.html Mina Kitty - 23 Feb 2013 After a brain injury, cooking is a cognitive challenge ... http:// www.thebrainfairy.com/?p=902 Cooking is a Cognitive Challenge
CG ENEWS #3 4 October 2013
Pinterest is where you go to discover new things and collect stuff you love. If you find something online you want to build, cook, buy or do, just Pin It to your board ... Google description http://www.pinterest.com/ circlegroup/ Visit, Pin & Share something today!
Meaningful Quotes Google Plus Communities
Cheryl O'Brien
Andrea Anderson
Discussion - 26 Jun 2013
Discussion - 7 Aug 2013
Living with a brain injury is made easier when we have a good understanding of the human brain and how it works. Once we know how a brain should work we will have a better understanding of dealing with an injury to any part of the brain. This easy to understand article will arm you with information that helps understand the processes of the human brain.
Andrea Anderson originally shared: New blog post on The Speech and Language Connection
CG ENEWS #3 4 October 2013
2013 Admin Team Tony Harewood Empathy towards our youth, with natural attention to those with special-needs. Leela Alvarez
Collaborating with the most wonderful people the World has to offer... that our efforts will bring about great opportunities in our Global Communities where healing abounds day after day. John Hatten
My motto is "Let's Get To Work!" (cognitively, emotionally and vocationally); I go full out to help my clients reach for their maximum potential. Michael Idell Using my experiences, I support individuals as a peer counselor. I assist individuals using my past educational and professional resources to assist others in a medical environment to better lives.
2013 Admin Team
Tony Harewood, Leela Alvarez, John Hatten, &
Michael Idell
Circle Group (Brain Injury) circle_group@bigpond.com @circlegroup
Circle Group (Brain Injury) ATTN: Tony Harewood PO Box 963 Toowong BC, Qld 4066 AUSTRALIA