CG plan v01 (signed)

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CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

Circle Group (CG) Plan

速 Brain Injury Support Group


1 February 2012



Executive summary Introduction Aim, Purpose, Values & Goal Conduct Electoral Financial Action Plans (real life A-C) Action Plans (online i-iv) References Appendices

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CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

Executive summary The Circle Group Plan (CG Plan) has been formed to give a voice to survivors of Brain Injury. Its purpose is for a multifaceted organisation & Administration (Admin.) to abide by methods & conduct in varying contexts. Electoral & Financial Plans are provided for future expansion. Closing with an adaptive listing of References, Action Plan, Networking and Appendixes. Our biggest focal points are community building and digital networks. NOTE: Much of this CG Plan was formed within Online mesages: via Facebook (FB), Linked In (LI) & Google Plus (G+). Brain Injury Associations (BIA’s) will be covered during Action Plans (p.6). Introduction ‘Circle of Friends’ suggested @ Brain Injury Association Queensland (BIAQ, now Synapse) following the 2005 AGM. Official Launch – World Disability Day (3 Dec 2005) @ New Farm Neighbourhood Centre (NFNC). Following expanding groups (real life & Online), title of 'Circle Group (Brain Injury)' began to form. CG has the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities (UN 1948 & Disability Discrimination Act 1992). As a collective of numerous parties who may be ‘experts in their field’ (Medical, Counselling, Education, etc.), CG will provide this globally with uplifting manner. ‘CG Plan’ is to be regularly updated and readily available for all (p.2). In keeping CG as equal and serving all people with same rights & opportunities, Administration panels (Admin.) are formed by all Members: “Of the people, by the people & for the people” (Lincoln, 1863; Admin, p.3). CG Plan will follow both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Disability Discrimination Act (1992). As soon as practicable after updating a CG-relevant document or practice (Rules, protocol, etc.), or varying or revoking an approved code of practice, the relevant Admin. Panel must ensure that notice of the approval, variation or revocation is published in each of the CG’s Social Networks, eMail and eNewspaper circulating generally throughout the gatherings via Internet (Model Work Health and Safety Bill, 2011). Physical meetings will also refer to Internet (allowing parallel service). Mission/Aim We give a voice to the 'Invisible Disability' of Brain Injury Purpose/Method - A global Support Group for Brain Injury (ABI/TBI).


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

- We're interested in developing online assistance in existing & new Support Groups - Survivors, Family-Friends & Caregivers, through various networks. - Resources include Online Discussions, Blogs, Presentations, Grouplinking, media & References (incl. links). - Register is to be maintained of Resources, Groups, Members, etc. - Admin. panels are to decide, nominate & supervise Documents, Registers, etc regularly. - Multiple-Languages are provided in a universal manner (provide most popular 4 & translation links). Values/Ethics -

Any correspondence, which may be CG-related is encouraged to be positive. Wherever CG Admin. exchanges with negative-attitude, uplifting outcomes are encouraged.

Goal/Objective -

Establishment of an Incorporated Association (Inc. Assoc.).

CONDUCT In keeping with CG’s long-term goal of becoming a global Incorporated Association (Inc. Assoc.), initial decisions (where needed) are made within a closed-circle environment of seven (7) Members. All future editions of this Document (after 1st Ed.) shall be formed by Elected-Panels (see Electoral, p.3) as per following: Admin. Admin. Meeting interaction shall be expected to focus on Agenda. Social Networks (FB, LI, G+, etc), where able only use CG Logo once. For other entries in same listing, use alternative (e.g. personal Icon). Positions (which may be shared) are to be created within Admin. Meetings & will be listed in Appendixes (p.9). Admin. shall decide upon suitable levels, activities & standards within types of groups (e.g. varying Discussions outcomes in FB & LI). Members Online & physical discussions shall have Rules (p.10) suggested. Groups CG shall always reference information & recommendations (incl. referrals, petitions, etc.) using Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) APA style.


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

ELECTORAL Essentially, CG decisions shall be decided via democratic (majority) rule finding of Primary Votes. Should multiple selections be available, decision shall be via preferential order of Primary Votes. Due to desired simplicity of such elections/votes, following sections denote Online Methods: -

Only Members may lodge Vote (1 per Member) Where Admin. Panels have been undecided (e.g. retained votes), either an Odd number of Admin. Panels or all Members. ‘Outcome’ indicates result of votes: - Singular Choice (e.g. 1 of 5). - Multiple Choices - On events where 2+ candidates are vying for 1 Outcome, or where greater than the resulting Outcome are striving to be included in final Outcome following shall occur:

Admin. - Admin. Panels of 7 persons shall be established, either by Member Nomination, Voting (see Electoral), Admin. decision or other. - 50% Admin. Panels must be female (3+ people). - Online voting (see Electoral) - Should CG Members/Admin. have physical contact: Hidden &/OR Open Voting shall be decided in advance. - selected by 1. CG-founder > 2. nominate > 3. Vote (ALL Members) - Diversified-spread (varied countries, languages, e.g. 1 per Continent) - Signatures (messages, emails & length-permitting) - <NAME> (3 spaces) | (3 spaces) Circle Group OR - <NAME> (3 spaces) | (3 spaces) Circle Group (Brain Injury) -

Use of the CG logo is dependant on established arrangement with owner of Trademark (see Action Plans & Financial). Should a Document be necessary, it shall be included in this CG Plan’s Appendixes.

Alongside typical “president, vice president, secretary and treasurer”, Corporate Titles may be used during Admin. Meetings – Chief executive officer (CEO), Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) may also be used within Admin. Meetings. Members - self-selected (within Groups), invitations from recommendations - invited (personal, Online, etc) - referred (medical, social, culturally, spiritually, etc.) - assisted (e.g. Aide, Guide, etc.)


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

Guests & other Groups In keeping with the CG practices outlined in this document, all guests are to be treated with same respect as others. Registered Membership only have advantage of Voting rights (see Electoral, p.4). FINANCIAL Fundraising & relevant costs As CG plans to increase involvement beyond Volunteering alone, additional sources of funds need to be considered in addition to upholding Survivors’ Rights (Disability Discrimination Act 1992). <see Admin. &/or Voting> As of Jan ’12, following are planned activities which additional expenses are foreseen: <see Action Plans>


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

ACTION PLANS A. Road Safety (BBC>BNE+AusCG) > Dev. Proposal > Admin&Active AusCG 1. (BBC) various QFRS mov + talks, Tony ~5-10 min. talk & Q+A, Synapse talk/info 2. (BNE) pre-arrange (P+F/C, QEdu; QFRS; CG, Synapse/Lifeline/Headspace) Brisbane Boys' College: Parents and Friends may be contacted regarding “Road Safety Networking”. 3. (AUS) pre-arrange (P+F/C, NSW/ACT/Vic/SA/WA/NT/Tas-Edu; QFRS, CG , Synapse/Lifeline/Headspace As stage 1. (BBC) consistencies began to form & “Qld Gov expansion plans” was mentioned end ’11. Whatever these outcomes, Road Safety is heavilysupported (Edu, Community, Gov & Society). Stages 2. & 3. may run in unison, with +/- outcomes from each, permit integration with multi-modes of society. B. Synapse – BangonaBeanie Following on from attending the 2011 Launch of the ‘BangonaBeanie’ Campaign, CG can aim to integrate with Fundraising. As this is described as “Public Awareness and Fundraising Campaign”, CG’s involvement should allow for multi-faceted assistance. Thereby promotion within Survivor-based groups (e.g. Online & Road Safety schools), Organisation involvement (e.g. Charities, Online Planning i.e. LI & local BIA’s), CG’s Plan & other Online BI Support Groups (Affiliated Members with). C. Volunteering Wherever volunteering-involvement in activities for existing bodies, Insurance & Work Health and Safety (WHS; Model Work Health and Safety Bill, 2011). Examples of such involvements (location & insurer): - CG Monthly Meetings (BCC Library & Toowong Village, Brisbane Square & Roma Street Foodcourt) - Bang on a Beanie, Launch (Brisbane Powerhouse) - Fire & Safety, Presentations (BBC, Toowong)


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

i. NETWORKING Where able, CG will link with Social Networks under following:  Health OR Health & Care o Brain Injury (ABI or TBI); &/or  Support Group o Brain Injury (ABI or TBI) Where able, CG will link with Corporate listings following:  Media ii. PETITION 1. Discover Hidden Injuries – anyone could get one iii. SURVEYS 1. How did you 1st hear of Circle Group? 2. What kind of effect does Depression have with you? 3. Is 'Circle Group' being helpful for Survivors, Family/Friends & Carergivers of Brain Injuries? iv. NOTES Social Groups - Facebook CG & CG (BI), Linked In, Google Plus, You Tube, Twitter, Yahoo Groups, Hotmail/Live, Google friendconnect, et al. Specific Focus - assistivetech, TBISN, et al. Website – Apple’s Following are planned additions, not completely included in this Edition: • • • • • •

SUGGESTIONS & LINKS (Admin., Member & other groups) RECOMMENDATIONS (ourcommunity, StartupSmart & Sprout Social) EDUCATION (children, adults & retired) PLANNING (Assistance – e.g. 50 tips from australias top sme entrepreneurs 1, Thomson 2011) REGISTERS (establish Admin. Access, include in eNews & correspondance) REFERALS (Group & personal, e.g. Discussions)


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

REFERENCES Attorney‑General’s Department. (1992). Disability Discrimination Act. Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, Canberra, Australia. Australian Government. (2011). Model Work Health and Safety Bill. Retrieved 4 June 2010, from Publications/Documents/598/Model_Work_Health_and_Safety_Bill_2 3_June_2011.pdf. Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, Canberra Australia. Benson, M., Cruzata, F., Fisher, F. and Page, C. (2009). TBISupportGroupFacilitatorToolkit_June09FINAL. Retrieved 4 June 2010, from rtgroup/forum/topics/2010-brain-injury-support. University of Washington, United States. Brain Injury Association of Qld Inc. (2011). Synapse. Retrieved 27 January 2012, from and Dalai

Lama. (2012). His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India.

Dalai Lama. (2012). @DalaiLama on Twitter: The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India. Davidson, A. (2007). Body Breakthroughs for Life Breakthroughs. Retrieved 27 January 2012, from Houston, TX, United States. Fortune, N. and Wen, X. (1999). The definition, incidence and prevalence of acquired brain injury in Australia. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, Australia. Lincoln, A. (1863). Gettysburg Address. Retrieved 28 January 2012, from The Gettysburg Gospel, United States. O'Brien, P. (2012). National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO). National Mental Health: Helpful Websites and Resources, from Queensland Government. (2011). Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service. Viewed 23 January 2012, at


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

Queensland University of Technology. (2012). Site Write. Brisbane, Queensland Australia. Last modified 30-Aug-2011, from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Thomson, J. (2011). 50 tips from Australia’s top SME entrepreneurs. Our Community, Australia. Retrieved 30 January 2012, from United Nations. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved 28 January 2012, from


CG Plan

started 13 Jan 2012

updated 1 Feb. 12

APPENDIXES 1. RULES (Linked In example given – replace for other) NOTE: To avoid misappropriate postings use of a Moderation Queue is in place. Delays may result. Persistent invalid postings may result in (4.). 1. As an Open-Group, Visitors may contact Members for Personal Advice. Group Discussions are open to viewing by others. In keeping with the Philosophy of Openness & Transparency all Group-related info shall be shared, where able. 2. Brain Injury is focus of Circle Group, not permitting Promotions of Saleable Products, unrelated Information et al. Should monetary exchanges be deemed necessary – see Financial (p.5). 3. Understanding is always to be given to misunderstandings and Brain Injuryrelated Issues (Mental, Communication, Physical, etc). 4. Should Warnings have been posted within LinkedIn, any further actions are LinkedIn-related – see CG Plan. 2. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Mis-conceptions OR mis-assumptions, Mood problems, Short term memory, Depression, PTSD/stress, anxieties – these are samples of recently used topics (FB & LI).

3. Register (Groups, Members, Admin., Media, Topics, FAQ, etc.) <insert Contact Details of listed parties>


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