S7 broshure 2013 byti

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s7 airlines 每天 个航班




The airline company was founded in 1957, with the first civil aviation flight from the Tolmachevo United Squadron military airfield in the Novosibirsk Region. The Siberian Airlines was established on the base of this squadron. Since 2005, the Siberian Airline OJSC has been operating flights under the S7 Airlines brand name. In 2007, the company received official notification from the IATA about its inclusion in the register of IOSA operators (IATA Operational Safety Audit), becoming the second airline in Russia to successfully pass a complete international audit for compliance with operational safety standards. S7 is one of the most reliable flight operators in Russia, using the latest advances in the aviation industry for servicing its passengers, while actively expanding its range and quality of services. All S7 Airlines flights are carried out using modern airliners manufactured by Airbus and Boeing. The S7 Airlines fleet consists of medium-haul aircraft such as the Airbus A319 and A320, Boeing 737-400 and 737-800, as well as the long-haul Airbus A310-300s and Boeing 767-300ER.  S7 Airlines has one of Russia’s largest domestic route networks, based at the 2 major air transport hubs in Moscow (Domodedovo) and Novosibirsk. S7 Airlines operates regular flights to CIS countries, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. S7 Airlines is a member of the oneworld  The route network of the international alliance. alliance encompasses 850 destinations in 150 countries* around the world.

今天的 s7 airlines   02 |  03   s7 airlines today


S7  Airlines 在达马乔瓦航空舰 队的基础上于1957年由军用 航空转为民用航空,成立了《西伯 利亚航空公司》。2005年正式更名为 S7 Airlines。    2007年S7 Airlines 正式 注册成为IOSA(国际航协运行安全审计局) 的成员之一,成为俄罗斯第二家完成安全审 计的航空公司。这标志着 S7  Airlines 已达到国 际航空安全运行标准。     S7  Airlines — 作为俄罗 斯境内最大的承运人之一,采用世界上最先进的 航空技术为乘客提供优质的服务,并不断 扩大服务范围、提高服务质量。     所 音机 型 。 公 司 有 S7  Airlines 的航班均使用空客和波 机队分别由空客319、320、波音737400 、 737 -800 、 以及空客310-300和波音767-300组成。    S7  Airlines 以莫斯科、 新西伯利亚2个基地机场为中心开通庞大的俄罗斯境内航线网络。拥有飞往独联体国 家、欧洲、近东、中亚、以及亚太地区的定期航班。    S7  Airlines 作 为 《寰宇一家》航空联盟的正式加盟成员,将联盟的网络 航 线扩大到850 条、 覆盖全 球 150* 个


* 2012年统计数据 | Data for 2012.


今天的 s7 airlines   02 |  03   s7 airlines today



飞行控制中心 Operation Control Center (ОCC) 使用现代技术,实现飞行器及地勤的实 时控制,取得实际业载数据,收集可用 的资源(包括时刻,飞机,机组人员, 地面设备,天气预报),控制燃料成本, 为确保准时执行航班时刻快速计算并采 取高效的解决方案。 飞行控制中心的职能包括:空中交通计 划的管理及批准,协调国家部门审批最 优航线及空域的相关工作。

S7 Airlines旗下有两家客货一体航空公 司: 《西伯利亚航空公司》及《环球航空》 。

今天的 s7 airlines   04 |  05   s7 airlines today

Siberian Airline OJSC and Globus Airlines LLC offer passenger and cargo transportation under the single brand of S7 Airlines.

The modern technology and mobile solutions applied in the work of the OCC allow us to monitor aircraft movement and ground handling in real time, receive data on the actual traffic load, the status of available resources (including slots, aircraft, crew, ground equipment, forecasts), limitations on fuel and its cost at airports; quickly calculate and implement effective solutions to sustain the aircraft’s destination schedule so that the flights are performed on

S7 CARGO — S7 Airlines 及合作伙伴的 航班货运业务、办理莫斯科地区及新西 伯利亚的清关手续。

S7  机票 — 俄罗斯最大的客票销售网络, 包括飞机票、火车票、旅游及相关服务产 品,在全俄45个城市设立100多家门店。

S7 CARGO specializes in the sales and organization of cargo transport on S7 Airlines flights and the flights of our partners. S7 Cargo has a customs broker license, and can provide customs registration services for cargo at airports in Moscow and Novosibirsk as well as at customs points in the Moscow Region.

S7 TICKET are Russia’s largest network of retail travel agencies, offering ticket sales, tourist services, and related assistance in more than 100 sales offices in 45 cities across Russian Federation.


S7 集团 S7 Group 机组人员调配 Crew Planning Directorate 目前通过飞行控制中心的安排可有效 的管理机组人员。通过在6个基地机场  (莫斯科、新西伯利亚、伊尔库茨克、 彼尔姆、车里雅宾斯克、鄂木斯克)建 立e-Crew系统,每个机组人员必须通 过此系统领取飞行任务及交接工作。 《 C h e ck  –  I n 》— 关 注 复 杂 的 法 律 法 规及公司员工及机组人员的有关劳 动及休息的相关法规,使公司不会 违反法律法规。该系统可评估不同 的飞行方案,预测所需的飞行人员数 量。通过系统精确计算飞行绩效工资。 time. OCC functions also include framing and agreement on favorable flight profiles and routes with the Department of Internal Affairs, state bodies and the crew; receipt and approval of permits for the use of airspace.

S7 服务—负责乘客的服务及多莫杰多 沃机场达马乔瓦机场的航班运营业务。  在以上两个机场行使公司代表职能,为 乘客办理值机、证件检查、登机、机舱 清洁整理、飞机装载等业务。 S7 SERVICE performs a range of passenger and aircraft services at Domodedovo and Tolmachevo airports, namely: representative services, passenger documents registration and checking, boarding control and passenger pickup, cleaning, washing, equipment of aircraft, etc.

The Crew Control and Operational Management Department jointly with the OCC controls the daily operations of the company. Every crew member shall undergo the mandatory Check-In procedure through e-Crew terminals installed in all six S7 hubs (Moscow, Novosibirsk, Perm, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk). Directorate can perfectly observe the complicated legislation and all corporate regula-

tions as related to the observance of standards for work time and rest of crew members, preventing any deviations from the established standards because of these technologies. The system makes it possible to clearly assess various flying scenarios and forecast the required number of crew staff. The actual flight hours data contained in the system is used for payroll accounting.

S7模拟飞行培训中心—俄罗斯及东欧最 大的飞行培训中心。S7航空的机组人 员在此培训中心接受飞行培训。该中心 拥有现代化的设施,包括最新的合成飞 行训练器(全飞行模拟舱),机型包括 A320系列飞机、波音737 Classic&NG。 S7 Training — the largest training centre for pilots in Russia and Eastern Europe. S7 cabin crews are trained at the same training centre. This training facility is state-of-the-art, featuring a Full Flight Simulator, spe-


cially designed for preparing pilots for service on the Airbus A320 series of planes as well as the Boeing 737 Classic and NG.

S7优势 S7 unique FeATureS ONE WAY 票: 提供该航线的 最低票价组合 ONE WAY fare concept: Finding the optimal ticket price by combining the cheapest available fares

通过客服中心 修改行程 Changes in flight conditions are available by telephone through our Сontact Сenter

所有机票均可办理 改期及退票业务 (如乘客通知航空 公司改变出行计划)

s7 airlines 官网 可购买机票、保险、 预订酒店、租车

All tickets at all fare levels can be returned or exchanged (assuming advance notice of changes in plans)

On the S7 Airlines website, it is possible to purchase airline tickets and insurance, make hotel reservations, and register for car rentals at the same time


s7 airlines сегОдня 0

Our flight schedule for the major cities of European part of Russia allows business trips with same-day return flights:



叶卡捷琳堡 Ekaterinburg

车里雅宾斯克 Chelyabinsk









喀山 Kazan

顿河畔罗斯托夫 Rostov-on-Don

莫斯科多莫杰多沃机场 Moscow, Domodevo airport


今天的 s7 airlines   06 |  07   s7 airlines today

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俄罗斯欧洲区飞行时刻为  商务人士提供便捷的  当天往返飞行体验:



S7航空公司成为俄罗斯第一家获得 英国《国际飞行》杂志所设立的  《飞行国际空间奖》的航空公司。

S7航空公司成为俄罗斯第一  家在自己的官网上销售  机票的航空公司。

S7 Airlines was the first Russian airline to become a laureate of the Flight International Aerospace Awards Prize — Awarded by the UK magazine «Flight International».

S7 Airlines was the first Russian air carrier to offer ticket sales over the Internet through its own web-site.



俄罗斯第一家开始使用 电子客票的航空公司, 到2008年实现技术完全化。

S7航空公司成为俄罗斯第一  家推出手机上官网业务 的航空公司。

S7 was the first airline in Russia to use electronic tickets, and had completely passed to this technology in 2008.

S7 Airlines also were the first Russian air carrier to offer a website optimized for mobile devices.

B737 俄罗斯第一家使用波音  737-800NG的航空公司。

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And the first in Russia to implement the brand new Boeing 737-800NG airplane.


1/2 是俄罗斯两大参加国际航空 联盟组织的航空公司之一。 One of two Russian airlines to become a member of an international air-carrier alliance.

8,3 м


2012年使用S7航空公司 集团服务的乘客 人数达到8.294万人。

S7航空公司拥有俄罗斯航空运 输市场最现代的和最年轻的航 空队伍。S7航空公司的飞机平 均飞行时间为8年。

In 2012, the services of airlines within the S7 Group, took advantage of 8,294 thousand passengers.

20 2012年5月份西伯利亚航空公 司成立20周年。 In May 2012 marks the 20th Anniversary of the airline «Siberia» as an independent organization.

S7 posses one of the «youngest» modern fleets in the Russian airline market. The average age of S7 aircraft is 8 years.


《S7培训》自有的训  练中心是俄罗斯, 独联体和东欧地区 最大的训练基地。

S7 operates its own education center S7 Training — the largest of its kind in Russia, the CIS, and Eastern Europe.

S7航空公司在俄罗斯航空运输市场 是推广并且运用革新技术的领头人 S7 Airlines is a leader in the introduction and use of innovations in the Russian air carriers market 09

新西伯利亚达马乔瓦机场 乌拉尔山脉外最大的欧亚大陆主要航线的交通枢纽。国内航 线吞吐量达到每小时1800人,国际航线吞吐量达到每小时 750人。机场拥有两条跑道。 机 场 服 务 设 施 齐 全 : ViP室 , 公 务 舱 休 息 室 , 货 币 兑 换 处,ATM机,商店,咖啡店,酒吧,药店,免费WiFi的候机 大厅。机场旁边建有设施完善的《空中场地》酒店。机场快 线从达马乔瓦机场直达新西伯利亚市中心。

Tolmachyovo Airport, novosibirsk The busiest air-transport hub beyond the urals, servicing routes between europe and Asia. Passenger capacity for domestic airlines: 1800 per hour. Passenger capacity for international airlines: 750 per hour. Tolmachyovo airport features two runways.

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Tolmachyovo airport features the following services for passengers: spacious ViP and business lounges, a currency exchange desk, ATM machines, shops, cafes, bars, pharmacies, and waiting areas with wireless internet connectivity (Wi-Fi). The comfortable «Skyport» hotel is located adjacent to the airport. express shuttles run between the Tolmachyovo Airport and the city centre of novosibirsk.


S7 的航空基地 S7 Airlines hubs


Check-in kiosks at airports In airports, S7 Airlines passenger self-registration kiosks which are easily recognizable by the brand colors are installed in the check-in areas. This service is convenient for passengers traveling without luggage. The process of check-in via kiosks consists of simple steps and takes only a few minutes. This service is avaible in St. Petersburg, Sochi, Novosibirsk and Moscow (Domodedovo airport).


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在机场S7航空公司登机柜台区域设立有自助登机牌换领机。 这些机器很容易找到,因为颜色是航空公司特有的绿色。自助 登机对不托运行李的旅客来说极大的节省了时间。通过这些机 器获得登机牌既方便又省时。在莫斯科(多莫杰多沃机场),  圣彼得堡,新西伯利亚和索契都可以自助办理登机牌。


莫斯科多莫杰多沃机场 俄罗斯客流量最大的机场。根据2012年的统计数字,该机 场共接待2千8百20万人次,按照ACi分类级别该机场已跨入 欧洲最大的机场行列。 根据英国 SKYTrAX reSeArCh 自由调查公司的调查结果, 从2009年开始该机场在服务质量上也位于东欧机场排行榜 的前列。 对于各大航空联盟的成员公司来说,多莫杰多沃机场是其 俄罗斯境内最大的基地机场。多莫杰多沃机场为乘客提供 各类服务:公务舱休息室,母婴室,ViP服务。机场有残疾 人服务团队。为乘客开放商业街,咖啡馆,餐厅,SPA美容 院,DVD电影候机厅,WiFi候机厅。飞往国外的乘客可以在 免税店购物。 隶属于机场的《机场酒店》是四星级酒店。从机场到市中心 可以坐便捷的《机场快线》,只需要45分钟。

Domodedovo Airport, Moscow Busiest airport by passenger traffic in russia. in 2012, 28.2 millions passengers came through Domodedovo, making it one of europe’s busiest airports according to ACi classifications.

The airport is the main russian hub for the members of two major international airline alliances. Domodedovo offers business lounges, rooms for mothers with small children, ViP services, as well as assistance for disabled individuals. Other airport services for passengers include a shopping area, cafes and restaurants, a spa-salon, a waiting area with DVD entertainment, and zones with Wi-Fi connectivity. international passengers have the opportunity to visit duty-free shops.

The airport also features the category 4* hotel «Aerotel». The comfortable «Aeroexpress» train ferries passengers to and from the city centre in 45 minutes.


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in 2009, Domodedovo ranked first in quality of service amongst eastern european airports, according to a yearly survey by independent research firm Skytrax research (Great Britain).

S7 AIRLINES —《寰宇一家》成员

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S7 Airlines is a participant of oneworld global airline alliance


2010年,S7 AirlineS 正式加入《寰宇一家》航空联盟。 《寰宇 一家》是由世界上许多一流的航空公司组成、其成员包括: 美国航空公司、英国航空公司、国泰航空公司、芬兰航空 公司、西班牙国家航空公司、日本航空公司、智利国家航空 公司、匈牙利国家航空公司、澳洲航空公司、约旦皇家航空 公司以及近20个下属航空公司。加入《寰宇一家》标志着 S7 AirlineS 的服务水平和航空运输的安全性已经达到国际 要求,同时也是俄罗斯参与全球经济重要体现。 《寰宇一家》 网络航线遍及全球。S7 AirlineS 的加入为《寰宇一家》带来 55条新的航线,使联盟的网络航线达到850条。可以飞往9 个新的国家—阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、 吉尔吉斯共和国、摩尔多瓦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌 兹别克斯坦。 S7 AirlineS 的基地机场:多莫杰多沃机场-莫斯科最先进的机 场之一;达马乔瓦机场-西伯利亚地区最大的机场。在多莫杰 多沃机场运行的《寰宇一家》成员航空公司还有:柏林航空、 美国航空、英国航空、西班牙国家航空、日本航空和约旦皇 家航空。S7 AirlineS 的国际航线覆盖了马德里、曼谷、香港 等国际空港中转枢纽。除多莫杰多沃机场之外、 《寰宇一家》 成员航空公司的航班还在俄罗斯的其他三个机场运行:谢列 梅捷沃机场(莫斯科)、普尔科沃机场(圣彼得堡)和克里 措沃机场(叶卡捷琳堡) 。

S7 Airlines is based in Moscow’s Domodedovo international Airport — one of Moscow’s most modern airports, and in novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport — the largest airport in Siberia. Domodedovo Airport is served by several members of the oneworld alliance — Air Berlin, American Airlines, British Airways, iberia, Japan Airlines and royal Jordanian. international destinations of S7 Airlines also include oneworld alliance hubs in Madrid, Bangkok and hong Kong. in addition to the Domodedovo Airport, members of the oneworld alliance currently operate flights to three other russian airports: Sheremetyevo (Moscow), Pulkovo (St. Petersburg) and Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg).


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in 2010, S7 Airlines became a full member of the global oneworld® airline alliance. This alliance includes the largest airlines in the world — Air Berlin, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Finnair, iberia, Japan Airlines, lAn Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, qantas and the royal Jordanian, as well as 20 affiliated airlines. S7 Airlines’ participation in the oneworld alliance confirms the company’s compliance with international standards for quality and safety of air travel, thus playing an important role in russia integrating into the global economy. Member companies of oneworld airlines are based on all continents, with S7 Airlines adding 55 new destinations to the alliance’s route network, as well as 9 additional countries — Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and uzbekistan. Together with S7 Airlines, the route network of oneworld has increased to a total of 850 destinations*.

相比单一的航空公司,《寰宇一家》航空联盟可以为乘客 提供更多的服务和便利条件:包括遍及全球150个国家的 850条航线 *,以及联盟成员航空的常旅客将享受更多的特 权和优惠。《寰宇一家》航空联盟以为全球乘客提供高品 质的服务为宗旨。针对不同类型的客人提供个性化的服务: 针对高级经理人的商务乘客,提供完善舒适的服务,针对游 客公司设计了便捷的航线网络。

加入《寰宇一家》航空联盟之后、 S7 Airlines可以为乘客提供更多的服务: 借助联盟资源扩大对常旅客的服务范围;** 提供遍及全球的联盟成员航空的公务舱休息室; 提供联盟的特殊行程套票(《环球行程套票》、  《跨大洲环游套票》; 全球客户支持; 采用最先进的订座和值机系统。

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The alliance offers more services and benefits than each airline could offer individually — including a global route network to 850 destinations in 150 countries*, as well as more privileges and benefits for participants in the frequent flyer programs of airline alliance member companies. oneworld offers services for all types of travelers, providing organizations with services for executive business travel, as well as to tourist destinations. oneworld’s strategy is aimed at caring for the needs of passengers anywhere in the world.

The participation of S7 Airlines in the global oneworld airline alliance brings to passengers the following advantages: expansion of the frequent flyer program to the entire network of the oneworld alliance;** using the business lounges of partner airlines around the world; Special rates from the alliance (round-the-world, continental fares); Global customer support; Access to new technologies for booking, transportation and check-in.


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** 2012年统计数据 Data for 2012. ** 参加《S7 PRIORITY》常旅客计划、旅客可累计或兑换里程、 享受《寰宇一家》、优先服务、所有联盟公司里程均可通用。 Participants of S7 Priority frequent flyer program can earn and spend miles, as well as receive all benefits under the rules of oneworld, flying with all airlines of the alliance.


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s7 Planet. 世界尽在掌握之中 S7 Planet. The entire world — convenient and simple

* 通过与其它航空公司签订的各项协议,乘客可以在s7 airlines 购买到价格低廉的中 转联程客票,此种联程客票的价格比单独购买各个航空公司的分段机票价格便宜很多 (合作航空的特价机票除外)。 Due to special agreements of S7 with airline companies we guarantee a lower cost of S7 Planet flight than the cost of separate flight legs that include an S7 flight and the flight of the respective partner airline (if the partner airline offers no promotional fares).


** 此项服务并非适用所有合作航空公司。 This service is not available on all partner airline’s flights. *** 如果乘客需要更改航班,可能产生一定的附加费用。 Additional fees may apply in accordance with the conditions of the carrier’s fares if changes are made to the flight route.

033°56’46”S 151°10’38”E

040°04’48”N 116°35’04”E

056°45’00”N 060°48’00”E

通过近几年的发展,S7 AirlineS 和全球60多家企业建立了 合作关系。基于此,公司为乘客制定了独一无二的、更加优 惠的计划 — S7 PlAneT. S7 PlAneT  — 为环球旅行者量身订制的票价套餐。

什么是 S7 PlAneT: 特殊票价 — S7 PlAneT提供的票价套餐 * 低于单独购买各个航段的总票价; 近千条航线可供选择; 更加合理的转机时间; 一站式值机手续和行李直挂到目的地;** 可以选择合作航空公司提供的中转联程票价及中转机场; 多种付款方式:银行卡支付、电子货币支付、现金支付; 通过官网上的《MY TiCKeT》系统和  *** S7 AirlineS 的客服中心更改任意航段。

Over the past few years, S7 Airlines has partnered with over 60 airlines around the world. Thanks to this, the company wishes to present its passengers with the company’s new, unique and lucrative offer — the S7 Planet. The S7 Planet is a family of airfares, especially created for travelers making flights all around the world.

S7 Planet special fares are much cheaper than purchasing separate flight components for a trip;* Thousands of routes available across the globe; Tailor-made flight connections with optimal timing; Through check-in of passengers and luggage for all itinerary segments;** Options to choose from: transfer airport, airline company and ticket fare; Various ways of payment: bank card, e-money, cash; The possibility to make changes to any part of the route through «My Ticket» on the www.s7.ru website, and via S7 Airlines’ Call Center.***


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What is the S7 Planet?


新乌连戈伊 纳德姆

芬兰 挪威





爱丁堡 格拉斯哥

莫斯科 明斯克

柏林 伦敦 杜塞尔多夫 法兰克福






维罗纳 米兰 热那亚


维也纳 慕 尼 黑 普拉 扎达尔 斯普利特 杜布罗夫尼克 迪瓦特





罗斯托夫 阿斯特拉罕 敖德萨 罗马尼亚 辛菲罗波尔 阿纳帕 斯塔夫罗波尔 克 索契 矿水城 拉 瓦尔纳 弗拉季卡夫卡兹 斯 普罗夫迪夫 诺 第比利斯 布尔加斯 库 达 巴 塔 尔 塔 伊 埃里温 巴库 米西


阿拉木图 奇姆肯特 乌尔根奇











杜尚别 库利亚布


埃及 迪拜

沙特阿拉伯 毛里塔尼亚


比什凯克 费尔干纳 奥什









尼日尔 苏丹

乍得 尼日利亚

遍及俄罗斯及全球庞大的航线网络 Broad route network in russia and around the world S7 Airlines 基地机场 S7 Airlines hubs

oneworld基地机场 oneworld hubs

S7 Airlines

Air Berlin

American Airlines

British Airways

Cathay Pacific

S7 Airlines 航线 S7 Airlines destinations




Japan Airlines

代码共享航班 Codesharing


Malaysia Airlines

季节航班 Seasonal flights














西班牙 马拉加

托木 鄂木斯克


瓦伦西亚 帕尔马马洛卡



车里雅宾斯克 乌发

波兰 利沃夫






彼尔姆 叶卡捷琳堡


贝尔法斯特 曼彻斯特 都柏林



Royal Jordanian





木斯克 克拉斯诺雅尔斯克 布拉茨克

克麦罗沃 新库兹涅茨克


阿巴坎 伊尔库茨克




克 哈巴罗夫斯克 南萨哈林斯克

蒙古 札幌








大阪 名古屋 福冈





达拉斯 香港






泰国 曼谷


哥伦 比亚

菲律宾 基多






巴西 玻利 维亚


阿根廷 印尼





悉尼 墨尔本



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S7 AirlineS 的常旅客可以通过乘坐S7及其合作航空公司的 航班累积里程,参与换取机票活动或得到其它奖励。普通会 员可以通过累积里程成为更高一级的银卡会员、金卡会员, 或者铂金卡会员。高级会员可以享受更多的优惠待遇。此待 遇同时适用于《寰宇一家》其他成员航空公司的定期航班。

会员可以通过以下方式累积里程: 乘坐S7及其合作航 空公司的航班; 刷S7 AirlineS和银行推出 的联名卡购物;

使用合作商户的产品(旅 行社、酒店、购物网站、 租车公司及其他公司) ;   参加促销活动。

累积的里程可以兑换: S7 AirlineS定期航班的经 济舱和公务舱机票;

S7 AirlineS定期航班的升 舱服务。

《寰宇一家》成员航空公 司的定期航班的机票;

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S7 Priority is a convenient frequent flyer program. By flying with S7 Airlines and with partner airlines, members earn miles rapidly and spend them easily on award tickets or other rewards. With the milesbalance growth frequent flyers obtain an elite tier: Silver, Gold or Platinum, that brings new privileges and benefits. Privileges also extend on the oneworld alliance airlines.

Members earn miles for: Flying with S7 and oneworld alliance partners; Paying for purchases via cobranded credit cards issued by partner banks;

using partner services (tour operators, hotel and shopping chains, car hire and other companies); Participating in special promotions.

Members can spend earned miles on: Award flights on S7 in economy or business class; Class of service upgrade on S7;

Award flights on any oneworld airlines to any of the countries they fly to.


— s7 airlines 所有定期航班享受优先权 available on S7 Airlines only; — 寰宇一家联盟航空公司的定期 航班享有优先权(包括s7) available on all oneworld alliance airlines (including S7) * s7 银卡等同于《寰宇一家》 红宝石卡,金卡等他于蓝宝石 卡,白金卡等同于祖母绿卡。   Silver tier corresponds to ruby oneworld, Gold tier — Sapphire oneworld, Platinum tier — emerald oneworld.

一卡在手,畅游天下! The whole world in your hands with S7 Priority card

高级会员可享受的待遇 | Benefits of elite tiers S7额外飞行里程奖励(%距离) Bonus miles for flights with s7 (% of distance)

额外行李额 increased baggage allowance

允许在公务舱值机柜台办理值机手续 Check-in at Business Class counters

允许在头等舱值机柜台办理值机手续 Check-in at first Class counters

优先候补权 Priority in standby & waitlisting

优先选择机上座位 seating preferences (on s7 and oneworld flights)

允许邀请偕行人使用《寰宇一家》休息室 lounge access with one fellow traveler flying on oneworld

允许使用头等舱休息室 access to first Class lounges


银卡 | Silver tier*

金卡 | Gold tier*

白金卡 | Platinum tier*




+5 kg

+15 kg

+25 kg














今天的 s7 airlines    24 |  25   s7 airlines today

S7 公务舱

S7 Business Class


s7 airlines сегодн

S7 AirlineS 的每架飞机上都配有公务舱。公务舱位于飞机 前部,靠近驾驶室。公务舱配有宽敞舒适的座椅,座椅与 座椅之间的距离不少于89CM,保证飞行途中的舒适性。 椅背可以调节到客人感觉舒适的程度。某些飞机上的座椅下 方还安装有脚踏板,椅背上具有可调节头枕。公务舱配有单 独的洗手间。 在登机的时候,细心的乘务员会帮助公务舱乘客把外衣挂 到衣柜中。并为乘客准备好有独立包装的毛毯和靠背垫。

S7 Business Class is for those who are demanding about their surroundings, and expect a high level of service at every stage of their journey.

each airliner in the fleet is equipped with an S7 Airlines business class cabin, located in the front of the aircraft, immediately behind the cockpit. This cabin has wide and comfortable seating, with the distance between seats being not less than 89 cm, thus providing maximum opportunity for a relaxing and comfortable trip.

The seats are adjustable so each passenger in business class can relax on a holiday or focus on important issues. in some aircraft, the seats are equipped with footrests and adjustable headrests. Business-class passengers also have access to a separate washroom.

During the seating of passengers onto the aircraft, our attentive flight attendants help passengers place their coats in a special business class dressing room. For sleep and rest, we offer blankets and pillows in individual packaging.


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S7 公务舱—能够为乘客提供更舒适的 候机环境和更贴心周到的服务。


s7 airlines сегодн

为乘客提供特制的菜单是机上的服务亮点。专业的厨师团队 为公务舱乘客烹制健康,精美的食物。 机上的菜单每年作两次变更(冬季和夏季),每周根据时令 食材作小的调整。机上还为乘客准备了各种冰镇饮料酒水以 及餐前冷菜及热餐。 为了使乘客的飞行旅程不枯燥,机上还准备了经济、娱乐杂 志供乘客阅读。

Before they start working in the business class, our flight attendants must have considerable flight experience and undergo special training. every passenger in the business class compartment always feels this special care and attention.

A special part of the on board service are the meals for business-class passengers. A large team of professional chefs are employed to create meals for business-class passengers. in creating these meals, the chefs of S7 Airlines strive to make every dish not only healthy and tasty, but that it also corresponds to the most demanding requirements in its design and presentation.

The catering menu for business-class passengers is updated twice each year (winter and summer). To provide choice, every menu offers several food combination options, and these change from week to week. Business-class passengers are offered soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, various snacks, and a choice of hot dishes.

To pass the time in flight, and to keep abreast of the latest developments on board the S7, we offer multiple business and entertainment publications.


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公务舱空乘人员不光要接受专业的培训课程,还拥有多年的 服务经验,乘客总能享受最贴心的服务。

在莫斯科的多莫杰多沃机场和新西伯利亚的达马乔瓦机场 均有 S7 AirlineS 的公务舱休息室。达马乔瓦机场的公务舱 休息室位于国内候机区。多莫杰多沃机场在国际和国内候机 区都设有 S7 AirlineS 公务舱休息室。公务舱休息室采用 S7 特有的装饰风格,为乘客提供舒适的休息和工作环境。

S7 AirlineS 公务舱休息室分成以下区域: 公务休息区-配有舒适的沙发、座椅和会议房间; 酒吧休闲区; 商务中心- 提供高速宽带和Wi-Fi无线上网服务 。 S7 AirlineS公务舱休息室为乘客提供最新鲜的资讯,同时 还配有按摩椅(达马乔瓦机场)、淋浴室、吸烟室和商务中 心,可以进行商务会谈、收发传真。专业的厨师为您精心准 备美食,让您在工作休闲之余还可以品尝美味。

S7 Airlines provides business lounges at Domodedovo and Tolmachyovo airports for departing and transit passengers in Moscow and novosibirsk. The S7 business lounge at Tolmachyovo airport is located in the domestic departure area. At Domodedovo airport, S7 business lounges are located in the domestic and international departure areas. Our lounges are decorated in S7’s original style and offer passengers various services to ensure a calm atmosphere for relaxation or work.

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Business lounges are conveniently divided into the following areas: «Office – home» recreational area: featuring comfortable couches and armchairs; «Cafe – bar» recreational area; «internet room» featuring high speed internet access and Wi-Fi coverage.

in the S7 business lounges guests can catch up on the latest newspapers and periodicals, relax in the massage chair (Tolmachyovo airport), take a shower, use smoking rooms, carry out negotiations, send a fax or sample the chef’s culinary mastery and the buffet.


S7 公务舱休息室 S7 Business Lounges

S7商务休息室在 多莫杰多沃机场的国际航班区 S7 business lounge in the international flights area at Domodedovo airport


S7航空公司为乘客提供了现代化的在线预订和购买机票的服 务,可购买S7及合作航空公司的产品。购票后乘客在官网可 以办理值机手续、管理自己的订单、租用汽车,预订酒店, 预订S7航空中转航线产品,购买保险和管理托运行李。 作为俄罗斯网上售票的主要倡导者之一,S7 AirlineS 的网 上交易量位于业界首位。公司不断优化查询、订位和支付系 统,为乘客提供更多的便利。S7 AirlineS 的官方网站会给 乘客提供更多优惠,经常公布一些特价机票,而此类特价 机票只在官网上有售。

网上购票的优势: 便捷的票价查询; 根据运价规则选择最合适的机票; 自主选择中转城市; 根据搜索条件显示全部票价; 创建自己的账户建立订单。

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S7 is pleased to offer passengers modern online services for reserving and purchasing tickets (including tickets for our airline partners), flight registration, management of purchased flights, hotel and car reservations, flight transfers in the S7 route network and obtaining travel insurance policies.

S7 Airlines is russia’s largest air carrier in terms of online ticket sales. The airline is constantly optimizing the procedure for searching, booking and paying for tickets in order to offer passengers the simplest and most convenient service. Website features a convenient system for searching for fares, incorporating our customers’ specifications for travel conditions.

The advantages of buying online: it is more convenient to search for affordable fares;

The indication of the total value of airline tickets;

The possibility to select from the complete fare range;

The possibility to access and manage your purchases in the “Manage my booking” section on s7.ru

The possibility to select transfer (connecting) flights;


网上购票和跳闸管理 Online purchase and trip management

银行卡网上支付 (ViSA, MASTerCArD);

通过以下终端支付现金:qiWi, SVYAZnOY, eurOSeT 及S7 票务中心;

通过YAnDeX, WeBMOneY, MOneTA.ru 等网上支付系统支付;


S7 Airlines offers a variety of ticket payment methods for those who make purchases on the internet: Pay online by credit card (ViSA, MasterCard);

Payment of booking by qiwi cash payment terminals, or Svyaznoy or evroset cell phone/telecommunications store networks, or S7 Ticket Office;

Payment by various money payment system such as Yandex.Money, Web-Money, Moneta.ru, MoneyMail;

Payment by bank transfer.


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s7 手机终端

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S7 Mobile


Flight status notification

免费短信可以在手机上随时关注S7航班 动态。SMS短信服务对那些赶往机场途 中的旅客或者是由于其他原因无法在官 网或者是其他相关网站上查询到航班起 飞降落信息的旅客来说是非常方便的。

Flight status SMS / text notification is a new free service that allows passengers to quickly obtain S7 flight status updates on mobile phones. SMS notification is especially convenient for the passengers that are on their way to the airport and can not check the arrival and departure board online on the S7 website.

具体开通服务程序可以拨打 客户服务电话进行咨询: +7 (495) 777-99-99

Information about connecting to this service is available at our Call Center: +7 (495) 777-99-99


S7航空公司作为俄罗斯航空运输市场现代化技术的领军 人,2009年在俄罗斯所有航空公司中第一个推广手机终端 服务。2012年推出针对IPHONE的从PASSBOOK升级的更 新软件。运用S7手机终端服务可以进行以下操作: 购买机票; 购买《机场快线》车票; 《我的订单》服务; 起飞/降落时刻查询;

S7常旅客计划参加者 私人登陆; 在线办理登机牌 (包括手机登机牌)。

在线办理登机牌和手机登机牌 可以在官网S7.ru上办理S7航空超过60座城市的登机牌的业 务。在线办理登机牌,乘客需要在官网上注册。S7航空推 荐使用全新的移动登机牌-登机牌发送至乘客的手机里。此 服务已在莫斯科(多莫杰多沃),叶卡捷琳堡(科尔措瓦), 新西伯利亚(达马乔瓦),索契,慕尼黑,法兰克福等城市 开通。要拿到移动登机牌,首先要在官网S7.ru或iPhOne上 注册—见附件*。在线注册后就会生成移动登机牌。这个移 动登机牌可在移动手机上显示所有与乘客相关的信息以及 20个编码组成的航班信息。

As Russia’s leader in implementing modern technology to the air travel market, in 2009, S7 became the first Russian airline to release a mobile version of its website. In 2012 was launched new iPhone app integrated with Passbook. S7 Mobile offers access to the following electronic services: Flight booking

«S7 Priority» account

Purchase tickets for «Aeroexpress» high-speed trains Manage my booking

Board of arrivals and departures On-line check-in (and mobile boarding pass now)

Online check-in and mobile boarding pass


iPHone手机更新软件已经可以在 aPPle-aPP-store上得到。 renewed iPhone application is available now.

Online check-in service is avaible in more over 60 cities S7 Airlines flies from. You can also check-in online at s7.ru. All that is required is internet access. S7 Airlines offers a new, mobile format for boarding passes — directly from your mobile phone. This service is available in Moscow (Domodedovo), Yekaterinburg (Koltsovo), novosibirsk (Tolmachyovo), Sochi, Munich, and Frankfurt. in order to receive a mobile boarding pass, register online on our website at s7.ru, or with our iPhone application*. After online registration, your mobile boarding pass will be created for your flight. it is adapted for display on your telephone and contains all necessary passenger and flight information in a special, 2D barcode (qr-code).


s7 航空公司机队

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S7 Airlines fleet

airbus a320

airbus a319

座位总数 | Total seats .......................................................................158 公务舱座位数 | Business class seats ...............................................8 最高时速(公里/小时)| Cruising speed (km/h) .....................845 最远飞行距离(公里)| range (km) .......................................4 000

座位总数 | Total seats .......................................................................128 公务舱座位数 | Business class seats ...............................................8 最高时速(公里/小时)| Cruising speed (km/h) .....................845 最远飞行距离(公里)| range (km) .......................................4 200


s7 airlines сегОдн

空客A320是现代窄体飞机。拥有宽大的内舱面积和让乘 客更觉舒适的手提行李架。机舱可乘坐158名旅客:8位 公务舱旅客和150位经济舱旅客。机舱内设置了德国品牌 reCArO制造的乘客坐椅,使乘客的旅程更为舒适。 空客A320在销售方面的成绩是可观的。已经售出约8300架 次、并且还有超过340家订购商和用户预订超过5000架次。 在生产制造这些飞机的时候运用了最先进的空气动力学技 术,引擎技术以及航空技术。 除此之外,在同类机型中A320还拥有最宽敞和舒适的内舱 设计,是同类机型中是最经济节约的机型,而且是飞行规律 指标最高的机型之一(约99.7%)。这个系列的飞机在驾驶 和维修方面具有统一性,因此节约了运营成本。

The A320 family aircraft form the basis of S7 Airlines’ fleet. The airline schedule has many routes where these aircraft demonstrate the highest efficiency.

Airbus А320 is a modern narrow-body plane, having a spacious interior layout and overhead compartments with lots of room for carry-on luggage, which provide increased passenger comfort. The airliner’s capacity is 158 passengers: eight business class seats and 150 economy class seats. The cabins are equipped with modern recaro (Germany) passenger seats, ensuring flight comfort.

The A320 family aircraft are the recognized leader in sales in their segment. A total of over 8,300 planes of this type were sold and more than 5,000 airliners were delivered to 340 customers and operators. The most advanced technology in the field of aerodynamics, engine building and avionics was applied in the design of these aircraft.

Moreover, the A320 family aircraft have the most spacious and comfortable cabins in their class, have the lowest operating costs, as well as one of the highest regularity of departure rates (99.7 %). All aircraft in this family are similar in terms of piloting and servicing, which further reduces operating costs.


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S7航空的主要机型是空客A320飞机。在航空公司多条线路 的时刻表中这种机型占据了大多数。

波音家族的737nG(neXT – GenerATiOn)是波音737系列 飞机的改进型。通过采用新技术实现延长航程、增加载重。 同时,在737-800 nG上加装了翼尖小翼,降低飞机在巡航 模式下需要的牵引力,从而降低油耗,优化了发动机的维护 成本,并减少有害气体的排放。737-800已经成为737-nG 系列中最受欢迎的机型。 波音737-800在两等级机舱配置下,可载160人:其中,公 务舱-12,经济舱-148。客舱内配备了由reCArO公司制造 的现代化乘客座椅reCArO(德国),让您的旅途更加舒适。

Boeing 737 family aircraft next-Generation (nG) are modern airliners with improved features as compared to the previous versions. They have extended range capabilities and an increased lifting capacity. Wingtips called winglets and installed on the new Boeing 737-800nG, allow us to reduce fuel consumption due to lower cruise thrust, and consequently optimize engine maintenance costs and reduce the amount of harmful emissions. The Boeing 737-800 is the bestselling version of the successful next-Generation 737 family.

今天的 s7 airlines 36 | 37 s7 airlines today

The airliner’s capacity is 160 passengers: 12 business class seats and 148 economy class seats. The cabins are equipped with modern recaro (Germany) passenger seats, providing maximum flight comfort.

S7 AIRLINES 拥有俄罗斯民航领域最先进、最年轻的机队, 所有机型均为空客和波音。整个机队由52架飞机组成: 20架A319,16架A320,两架波音长途客机767-300, 4架波音737-400和9架波音737-800NG。 Right now S7 Airlines has one of the most modern and «youngest» fleets in the Russian air transportation market. S7 Airlines flights are carried out only on airliners from the leading manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing. The S7 Airlines fleet consists of 52 aircraft: 20 Airbus A319 planes, 16 Airbus A320 airliners, 2 long-haul Boeing 767-300 airliners, 4 Boeing 737-400 and 9 Boeing 737-800NG.


s7 airlines сегОдн

ня 37 | 37 s7 airlines today

今天的 s7 airlines 36 | 37 s7 airlines today

Boeing 767–300er 座位总数 | Total seats .......................................................... 240/252 公务舱座位数 | Business class seats .................................. 18/12 最高时速(公里/小时)| Cruising speed (km/h) .....................850 最远飞行距离(公里)| range (km) ....................................11 065

Boeing 737–400

Boeing 737–800

座位总数 | Total seats .......................................................... 154/157 公务舱座位数 | Business class seats ...............................................8 最高时速(公里/小时)| Cruising speed (km/h) .....................840 最远飞行距离(公里)| range (km) .......................................5 000

座位总数 | Total seats .......................................................................160 公务舱座位数 | Business class seats ...........................................12 最高时速(公里/小时)| Cruising speed (km/h) .....................850 最远飞行距离(公里)| range (km) .......................................5 665


畅游俄罗斯! Welcome to russia!



dePartUre froM BeiJinG

dePartUre froM HonG KonG

目的地  route

航班号   flight number

出发时间   departure

到达时间   arrival

班次 days of departure

目的地  route

叶卡捷琳堡 / eKaterinBUrG

s7 520




哈巴罗夫斯克 / KHaBarovsK

伊尔库茨克 / irKUtsK

s7 510




哈巴罗夫斯克 / KHaBarovsK

s7 516




新西伯利亚 / novosiBirsK

克拉斯诺雅尔斯克 / KrasnoyarsK

s7 508




新西伯利亚 / novosiBirsK

s7 874




符拉迪沃斯托克 / vladivostoK

s7 864




鄂木斯克 / oMsK

s7 524





乌兰乌德 / Ulan-Ude

s7 522




dePartUre froM UrUMQi

符拉迪沃斯托克 / vladivostoK

s7 506




新西伯利亚 / novosiBirsK

雅库茨克 / yaKUtsK

s7 528




Broad route network in russia and Cis


航班号   flight number

出发时间   departure

到达时间   arrival

班次 days of departure

s7 548




s7 548




s7 832




s7 832




s7 546




s7 854




s7 854




、 (+) indicates following day. the schedule is commercial, subject to change.

S7 Airlines 北京代表处地址 北京朝阳区亮马桥路 50 号燕莎中心写字楼 S 102 a S7客服 400-007-07-25

www.s7.ru | s7@s7.ru

莫斯科 | Moscow


s S7 客服中心:

S7 Contact Center:

支付方式:银行卡支付、现金支付、 自助服务终端支付、银行汇款;

Purchase tickets using a credit/bank card, cash, at mobile service stores and self-service terminals, and by bank transfer;

订票和改票; 支持网上购票:www.s7.ru;

registration for groups of travelers: attractive fares, fast service; Purchase support for ticketing at www.s7.ru;


attentive consulting regarding all of s7’s services;


Consultation in the case of problematic situations.


24小时热线 俄罗斯境内拨打免费

Call center in Moscow:



+7 (495) 777-99-99

* 2012年统计数据。| Final data for 2012.

reservations and ticket changes;


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