Design and the role of designer in society

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“Design and the Role of the Designer in Society” Episode #000

Written by Tony AKA Anton Drachuk

Production Draft – 12/12/16

TONY BERG / ANTON DRACHUK © 2016. This script heavily based on TV is sort of a personal reflection for Design in Society course. The story, settings, characters and events are fictional, but opinions aren’t.

COLD OPEN LECTURE CLASSROOM - AFTERNOON (DAY 1) Classroom full of students looking at a projection. Trump’s voice I have these friends, that wanna get… And they think I have, like this great influence, okay, they’re wrong. (sound unnaturally speeding up) They’re wrong, they’re wrong, they’re wrong, they’re wrong. EXPLOSION SOUND GradeAUnderA’s voice Donald Trump just said, that he, Donald Trump, doesn’t have great influence. Do you realise what this means? Donald Trump is gonna sue Donald Trump. [1] HIGE I have a better one, go to related videos. PROFESSOR BAUMAN Uh-huh. Good. CAROLINE Professor? PROFESSOR BAUMAN Oh, Caroline. Don't start, we've been through this. Design in society includes politics, Trump’s won, nothing is off-topic. CAROLINE No, it's just, I've seen that other one. Put in "Trump CHOKES trying to Answer" LEYLA Oh, wait, wait, wait, "Trump Hair Fails." PROFESSOR BAUMAN (typing) …Hair Fails. LEYLA Skip to the top 3 V.O. The tsunami! [2] ZYGMUNT What happens if you type in "Design"? Everybody boos (minus Zygmunt)

HIGE Unbelievable, just as the class was actually getting…

PROFESSOR BAUMAN Do not boo him. This subject's lack of definition cuts both ways. If fails are fair game, so is design. Bauman typing. PROFESSOR BAUMAN Top hit, "World's Funniest Design Fails Ever" Yeah. LEYLA You asked for it. HIGE It balances out. ZYGMUNT Oh, come on, who wants to see that? PROFESSOR BAUMAN Seven million people. ZYGMUNT Oh. There were 2 comments on the recent Spiekerblog post explaining the connection between new and old design. [3] CLASSMATE #1 Oh. CLASSMATE #2 (turning to Hige) What’s Spiekerblog? A moment of silence, people looking down. Leyla raises her head and hand up with an idea. LEYLA "22 Epic Design Fails?” PROFESSOR BAUMAN Way ahead of you. Bauman plays the compilation, everybody enjoying the compilation, Zygmunt looks around and down disappointed. FADE OUT. END OF COLD OPEN

ACT ONE SCHOOL CAFÉ - DAY (DAY 2) Zygmunt and Leyla meet for a coffee. Both notice a considerable line and wait at the end of it.

ZYGMUNT Guess who's got a career opportunity for you? (pointing two thumbs up) This dude. I'm pointing my thumbs at me. LEYLA (putting thumb ub) One thumb to say, "That's great." ZYGMUNT I told our Director of studies about YouTube and how there's no light there. So the school wants to sponsor the making of a short video, with a design message for the future of society. MICHEL Ha. What, designer interviewing designers? No-one else would have the patience. ZYGMUNT Please let us talk about something actually creative. MICHEL Whatever. ZYGMUNT Leyla, would you like to make a design YouTube? You're a designer. LEYLA As a designer, I'd be happy to. As a filmmaker, no way. I'm a storyteller, not a preacher. ZYGMUNT Well, there is another Leyla who names storytelling as one of the core tactics for change – and that’s just one book from all my wonderful course literature I’ll send you. She also said: “Humans are inherently storytellers, as we experience and then relay our lives through the mediums at our disposal.” I just want you to help one medium get out the other, human to human, for the sake of design and better society. [4]

LEYLA I should read that, but still, I don’t see why would anyone think of writing a script to explore the role of design. All the new fields, lead by my millennial fellows, claim to

reinvent the wheel, while if they actually got the basic fields they’d know it’s all there and you can have a foundation before going deeper and wider. Speculations and innovation are overrated. ZYGMUNT Then you’d love Tschichold! Ausgewählte Aufsätze über Fragen der Gestalt des Buches und der Typographie is said to be worth learning German for. LEYLA Did you really expect this to work? I’m not learning German.

ZYGMUNT You’re in luck, because it’s translated in English: “The Form of the Book: Essays on the Morality of Good Design”. LEYLA So kind of a design bible? Not a preacher. ZYGMUNT No no, just a book giving a glimpse into design. Or I could just send you a folder with all my course literature, maybe you’ll find something relevant, inspiring. LEYLA I need a moment to think about it. Leyla leaves, forgetting to buy the coffee. Michel is in front of Zygmunt in the line ordering a coffee. ZYGMUNT (noticing Michel) Wow. MICHEL What? ZYGMUNT (CONT’D) That’s your fifth coffee today. MICHEL I’ve had quite a lot of reading to do and I’ve got to write the reflection apart from our group work. ZYGMUNT Everybody does, but you need some rest or you’ll be harassing people by the end of the day. MICHEL But we’re meeting to discuss the reading in the evening. ZYGMUNT As long as you’re not too shaky.

SCHOOL CAFÉ CORRIDOR – DAY CAROLINE Michel’s been overworking himself lately, maybe you should talk to him, ask him to stay home for a day, I think we could manage at this point. CAMERON How is that my job? CAROLINE Aren't you, like, the dad? CAMERON Would the dad walk away from this conversation? CAROLINE (uncertain) No? Cameron walks away. CAROLINE Uh SCHOOL CAFÉ – DAY A group of business and law students (JACQUES, CHRISTIAN and others) sit at one of the tables, Michel passes by. JACQUES Ay Michel, you gonna sit down or what? MICHEL Oh, no, I usually sit with my group. CHRISTIAN Well, la di da. MICHEL No, no, we do cool future design stuff. JACQUES Please. MICHEL Why aren’t you guys at business school anyway? JACQUES We had a lecture here today.

GABRIELLA Michel, looking for us? We're sitting over there.

MICHEL I can see. Jeez. GABRIELLA Did you sleep at all? JACQUES Ooh. CHRISTIAN Meet Mama's boy. MICHEL We're having a private conversation here. GABRIELLA Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. (turning to the business students) Hi, I'm Gabriella. Michel's group mate! Nice meeting you guys. JACQUES (mimicking) “Nice meeting you guys." (laughter) Gabriella leaves. MICHEL She’s a hippie. Everyone laughs. JACQUES Wanna meet tomorrow for a beer? FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE

ACT TWO DESIGN CORRIDOR - MORNING (DAY 3) LEYLA Zyg, I read your course literature and “the Form of the Book” book. ZYGMUNT (baffled) All of it?

LEYLA (CONT’D) Coming from a family of academics and raised by films and classic design books, I thought design is just for function

plus aesthetics of things, but it's so much cooler than that. It’s like planning, systems, analytics, sociology, politics, power and art combined. And storytelling makes sense here, what with the avant-garde theatre used in Russia [5], 
 dystopian/utopian sci-fi [6] and other future scenarios. I'd love to make a design movie. ZYGMUNT Leyla, that's wonderful! What do you think we should do? Needs to be cool and addictive. Like that Breaking Bad series, but shorter. LEYLA (CONT’D) The word and topic is ubiquitous and too broad, Google responds to “top designers” with fashion designers, I wanna approach it in a new way. We need a design movie for the post post-modern world. ZYGMUNT Like designers from all fields interviewed? LEYLA (CONT’D) No. I want to tell the story of Design from the perspective of a filmmaker exploring Design through designing the film. ZYGMUNT That sounds very appealing to filmmakers… LEYLA (CONT’D) See, in a filmmakers film, Design is a filmmaker trying to find Power with his camera. Leyla points at a hand drawn system map. [7] ZYGMUNT (suspiciously) How do you know our methods? LEYLA (CONT’D) Oh I’ve seen your whole Dropbox folder, quite useful by the way. So, the filmmaker realises that he's not mere human, but a representation of Design in unity and he's being filmed by camera of Power. It goes like that forever because the filmmakers are Design and the cameras are Power. Zyg looks at a myriad of Acaroglu’s causality loops filled with post-its. LEYLA (CONT’D) If we say “design", we already have too many theories and prejudices in advance about what it means. [8] So the movie is called: LEYLA. All caps. Leyla points at the bottom post-it on one of the cards.

LEYLA (CONT’D) Story of Power, design tools for filmmaking. Filmmaking beyond film. A meta film. My masterpiece. ZYGMUNT (looking down confused) I don’t… like it. LEYLA (after a slight pause) It’s okay. You're reacting the way Foster did to Design. [9] ZYGMUNT I’m not blaming design for advertising, I’m reacting as anyone would to a film about design about a filmmaker 
 deciding he’s Design. Come on, Adam Curtis, some of us have work in the morning. LEYLA (talking fast) “Hypernormalisation” showed just how well design among other media is used for power, so I guess it’s a compliment and not necessarily the best comparison. So… (talking normally) does it mean you don't wanna work on the movie? ZYGMUNT I didn’t want a movie, but a clip, series at best. This means there is no movie. Zygmunt storms out. LEYLA “Each force constitutes for the other a kind of permanent limit, a point of possible reversal…” [10] (to camera) This is the movie.

SOME PUB – EVENING Michel and Jacques are having beers in a booth. JACQUES What do you do in your ridiculous studies? Navigate a dream, really? MICHEL Now we’re trying to explore what’s design’s influence or role in society…

JACQUES (interrupting) Well it definitely has some role, it’s out there: in fashion, ads, cheap IKEA stuff; can be quite profitable. But then again any other field has a role in society, as any professional field allows people to contribute to society through it. The question is, how do we stay ahead of the pack. MICHEL Oh, I was going to stop you there and clarify it’s not about mere fashion or graphics… but I feel a big picture thought here, so go on. JACQUES (CONT’D) Right, if we’re talking influence, then I guess the same could be said. But it is more about strategy and power, design is secondary. MICHEL Ok, but how much could designers or others using design influence society? JACQUES Apple focuses on design, the influence is huge, whoever puts eggs in that basket isn’t wrong, at least for now. They did break the paradigm some times, but it mainly boiled down to a hard sell, smart business decisions and networks. MICHEL What about manipulation? JACQUES Yeah, it feels like it can be used for manipulating society, sure. Still, you seem like a positivist. I think you overrate it and try to direct me into a certain perspective. MICHEL What you said is not untrue, but design is so much more than that, there’s future design, speculative design, transition design, service design, design of infra… JACQUES Hold up, you lost me, it feels like you just repeated design with some random words. There’s fashion, architecture, advertising, products – yes. So what are you on about? MICHEL Well that’s maybe another issue – awareness. I myself didn’t know about most of those not so long ago, and it’s still not super-easy to grasp. In short – all of those are very useful fields for shaping better today and tomorrow for every person who comes into contact with a service, infrastructure and even culture or society. They’re very broad, yet inclusive and, some believe, very powerful for crafting change.

JACQUES Let’s meet tomorrow, I’ll be in a better mind for this. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO

ACT THREE CORRIDOR BY THE MAIN HALL Hige and Gabriella hold cards, Zygmunt stands 
 behind a camera, filming. HIGE (mumbling) “This documentary interview series takes on a journey of discovering answers and different faces of design itself and it’s practitioners from those who succeeded at making function and aesthetics work…” I don’t know, I’d like to help you film, but this sounds a bit boring… ZYGMUNT Come on, just try to read out the questions you’d ask the designer, the VO is for Gabriella anyway. GABRIELLA Why should I do the voice over? ZYGMUNT Because you have a strong female voice and there are far too many voice overs done by men. HIGE Might not be “likeable”. GABRIELLA (shocked) Unbelievable, so let’s contribute to “training to empathise with white men”, great! [11] HIGE Caroline Seider has some good points [12], but just like she’s overlooked Lena Dunham failures in likability, which are rather connected to millennials and narcissism, [13] she might’ve overlooked some bigger issues with Hillary. GABRIELLA Lena Dunham did an amazing attempt to portray the girls coming to NY conned into believing “Sex in the city” HIGE And Hillary is very qualified and it would be amazing to have her and yet she did flip-flop too much (but just like Trump to be fair) and her no-fly zone was overly confident [14]

GABRIELLA Ridiculous and unrelated… LEYLA’S VOICE (coming from main hall amplified by speakers) I have arrived. I am watched as I am watching. I am audience and creation. The Earth shall know my power. Zygmunt rushes into the main hall and sees it full of people surrounding Leyla in a long simplistic white robe with a tranquil expression on her face. High and Gabriella stay in the corridor, but listen. ZYGMUNT (stepping in front of a camera in the hall) Leyla, what are you doing? CAMERA PERSON Oh, great. You blew the take. LEYLA No, no, keep rolling. This can all be part of it. Crowd gasps in awe. LEYLA There are no takes. There is no viewer. The film is the story, the story is us. We are the film. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #1 This is totally meta. Hige and Gabriella step into the hall as well and stare at Leyla. ZYGMUNT (to Hige and Gabriella) Let's get back to our non-meta production, shall we? Come on. HIGE No, I wanna watch this. ZYGMUNT But the video must be done… HIGE Oh it must? Then we quit. Right, Gabriella? GABRIELLA I don't even want to aim to Lake Bell, but I love some Leyla.

ZYGMUNT (turns away, takes a leaflet with Leyla’s portrait and reads the title) “Design by Design’s Design”. Sure, that’ll get a red dot. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #1 I heard some theaters are gonna show it in reverse. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #2 I heard it's the same movie backward and forward. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #3 I heard the deleted scenes are the scenes and the scenes are the deleted scenes. CAMERA PERSON Guys, the director will be answering questions in the cafeteria. And it both is and isn't part of the movie. Leyla and part of the crowd moves to cafeteria. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #2 Leyla, how did the movie begin? LEYLA Man is a beginning and a beginner. [15] STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #1 Does design do miracles? LEYLA “It is men who perform them, men who because they have received the twofold gift of freedom and action can establish a reality of their own.” [15] STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #3 When will the movie be released? LEYLA When is life released? Every minute is a world premiere. And the one upstairs has already bought the popcorn. Crowd’s ecstatic. ZYGMUNT Excuse me, Leyla? But you aren't actually trying to say that you're some design deity, are you? LEYLA I am who you say I am. VOICES FROM THE CROWD So meta ! ZYGMUNT Just because people like you, doesn’t mean you work well.

LEYLA That’s true, “Design works not because people understand or even appreciate it but because it works subliminally. Just like background music in a store.” [16]

ZYGMUNT Okay, yeah. Whoo. It's meta now, music in a store… Except here is a thing: I am a real designer, and you guys are feeding into this poor girl's delusions. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #1 So cool. A traditionalist designer who knows less than business people after a crash course. STUDENT FROM THE CROWD #3 Hey, oldie, come back to your cave, ok? Others nodding and humming in support. ZYGMUNT Why don’t you stop endorsing a lunatic using the ideas and the devices of our political rationality in spite of her internal madness? [10] Everyone gasps and awaits Leyla’s reaction. LEYLA I forgive him. People cheer.

CAMERON’S APARTMENT – EVENING ZYGMUNT So how's your film going, Leyla? Happy to mislead? LEYLA I’m not misleading, just using power to solve a problem. ZYGMUNT It’s a problem, because instead of making something indeed valuable, you just promote yourself and play politics. LEYLA I’m only taking a political approach to show what design truly is and to let people be free. “The field where freedom has always been known, not as a problem, to be sure, but as a fact of everyday life, is the political realm.” [15] ZYGMUNT That’s totally out of context, have you even read the whole thing? What you’re doing is not politics for freedom. Instead of giving design as a tool for people to comprehend or use,

you use the tool for its lowest purpose – propaganda, turning sun into Hakenkreuz. CAMERON (staring at his tablet) No school talk. Michel walks in. GABRIELLA Somebody’s late. CAROLINE What is that in your pocket? Cam, Gabby, Michel is smoking. MICHEL I do what I want. CAROLINE Look at your eyes, your pupils are dilated. Did you spend all night with the business people? MICHEL At least they’re not obsessed and are actually cool. Some gasp. GABRIELLA Take a break from these new friends of yours. They've got you riled up. MICHEL That's what Jacques said you'd say. CAMERON Well, Jacques is not a part of this group. So you apologise right now to… What? I'm not your father. MICHEL I never said you were. CAMERON Where are you going? MICHEL Out. Michel walks out, Zygmunt turns to Leyla. ZYGMUNT I'm gonna shut you down, know that? LEYLA I do.

ZYGMUNT Oh, I'm supposed to shut you down. I'm not gonna do it. LEYLA Don't. ZYGMUNT I won't. LEYLA Good. ZYGMUNT I am gonna shut you down. LEYLA Good. Zygmunt grunts and turns away.

SOME PUB — LATE EVENING Michel and Jacques in a booth. MICHEL There’s even something like “policy designer”. JACQUES What? Policies aren’t designed. MICHEL According to Bason, this big guy in design for public organisations and beyond, policy designer is “Orchestrator of transforming societal challenges into public outcomes.” [17] JACQUES If you tried to confuse me even more – good job. MICHEL The point is, before a policy is made, someone actually does research, talks to people who’d be influenced by it, tests, measures outcomes and so on. This person is engaging through design towards an experimental mindset to localise current hick-ups and create new practices that one by one bring us closer to a human-centred government. [ibid.] JACQUES The government IS centred on humans – themselves; politics is a sick game of power and mischief. Take a line, will you. MICHEL I think I’ve had enough. JACQUES Come on, don’t be a wuss.

MICHEL (snorting) Well, as much as it’s often true, some people are working to build this relational, networked, interactive, reflective government that benefits both sides. But well, that’s a mission, maybe a utopia, but that goes to show that we live in pretty exciting times. JACQUES Yep, the times of constant glocal fear [18] of war or invasion. [19] MICHEL Like that has ever been different. (neurotically shaking head) What is different, is the growing power of a person and an ever widening set of tools and possible networks, less and less is it exclusive. JACQUES Or it is still exclusive, just on a different level – at the end of the day, everyone is trying to get something: recognition, money, influence – at the cost of others – that’s just life.

MAIN HALL – EVENING LEYLA Okay, everyone, this is the last scene. I wanna thank you all for contributing to the greatest film ever made and the first one to be truly designed. Zygmunt enters with the DIRECTOR OF STUDIES. ZYGMUNT And on the seventh day, Zyg shut down production. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Leyla, Zyg has informed me you are using school equipment on school property to make a commercial film without proper releases. He has filed an official complaint. ZYGMUNT Shut it down. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES (CONT’D) Leyla, are you going to sell the film? LEYLA Selling isn’t about money, selling is about getting across. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Nice. But does this movie break the rules?

LEYLA Did the first talkies? Did Annie Hall [20]? 
 Did Pulp Fiction [21]? All stories are about breaking the rules and some even shift the paradigm. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES I've got one, When Harry Met Sally. [22] LEYLA That's a good one. Documentary-like interviews based on real couples stories. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES How captivating was Meg Ryan in that? ZYGMUNT Except in Leyla's film, the character's name isn't Sally. LEYLA That's true. It's Leyla. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Oh. I'm getting creative goosebumps here. LEYLA I need to run into editing, grab a chair and you 
 can watch a take. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES I would love that. I've never watched a take before. 
 This is exciting.

SOME PUB – EVENING As before. MICHEL Tech people constantly claim to “make the world a better place”, be “drivers of change”, yet most of the keynotes made by those people are usually clueless copies of the very much design-centered Jobs… [23] JACQUES Please don’t go down that road MICHEL Ok, but still, the point is, tech people usually put themselves on a pedestal and exclude or disregard many other fields, design and art being predominant examples. Design, however, is more and more of a multidisciplinary glue, and so are designers. [24]

JACQUES And yet still design has often an almost religious-like thing around it, designers tend to take it all way to seriously. MICHEL Or maybe some people just don’t take it seriously enough, because it is not as easy and accessible as the success of tech companies. In a broad context, “branding is energised and problematised by shifts in the global flow of capital and labour” [25]. Facebook and Google, however, are the ones making most of the capital. They actually even claim to care about and even know and do design, but come on, they still aren’t designed properly – and they honestly have no excuse for it except for not actually caring, not putting design to work where it’s needed and not just where it’s convenient. JACQUES Just goes to show how overly serious you take design, this course influenced you more then I thought, chill. MICHEL What I said just goes to show how more serious global companies take marketing and selling then creating something indeed well-designed. I’m not saying design is the most important thing, but it is important, it is a powerful tool. JACQUES And we’re back on religious FM. MICHEL Look, if design is a religion, then tech definitely is too, the difference being, that tech is more like Christianity and design is more like Buddhism. JACQUES And now you are too high. MICHEL Or maybe not enough…

MAIN HALL – EVENING Leyla reviews the final scenes on a monitor aside a camera person. CAMERA PERSON So, what do you think? LEYLA I need to take a walk. Leyla walks out of the school, sits on a bench, looks up. LEYLA Dear God.

My movie is the worst piece of crap I have ever seen in my entire life. How could I have been so blind? It's a selfindulgent, adolescent mess. I can barely sit through it. And now with all this hype, it’s a situation. Zyg overhears while smoking on the other side of the entrance. LEYLA (CONT’D) Critics are gonna crucify me, designers will hate me, my career will be over before it begins. God, if you're out there, I know I don't deserve it, but I need your help. Please take this project away from me. Make it rain. Send a meteor. Anything. Please? Now? Okay, I get it. This is what I deserve. I'll finish it up.

EMERGENCY CLINIC – EVENING CAMERON Hi. I'm Michel LeTraux's emergency contact. NURSE Here to pick him up? CAMERON No. I'm here to be removed as his emergency contact. NURSE One second. Ok, he’s stabilised, it wasn’t as harsh as it could’ve. But he needs rest and prescribed treatment. Are you able to get him home? CAMERON All right, bring him out. NURSE Come here, Michel. CAMERON (to Michel) Go wait in the car. But it wasn't my fault. CAMERON (pausing in-between words) Go wait in the car. NURSE You still want me to change that or not? CAMERON I guess not.

MAIN HALL – DAY (DAY 4) Production being shut down, legal team walking around, investigating. Leyla sits in the corner, observes and 
 mumbles to herself. LEYLA This is all some obscure homage, a spoof, a déjà vu. Just like design, just like TV, all is there – the good, the bad, the ugly. The roles can be assigned, changed and mixed up, yet somehow it’s all a reflection of my own reality. The influence may vary, but it is there. Whether we speculate, imagine, design with subjectivity or seeming objectivity, we wield something powerful, creative and destructive. Design can help, but is constantly constructed by us, is used for the ever changing flux of constructed reality, so there’s no fixed definition or estimation. The biggest role is our own role, as we’re the authors and we’re the actors. And yet it is also the smallest and exaggerated by self-destructing ambition, contributing to the oxymorons of life. What we can do is at least learn to be true to ourselves. What we should do is be responsible even beyond. Know the limits, screw perfection, go step by step.


TAG LECTURE CLASSROOM Leyla and Zyg sitting side by side. LEYLA Everyone thinks what you did was destined to happen. That it was proof God was making my movie. A movie so good it could never exist. They think I'm a genius, and they think you're a villain. ZYGMUNT Hmm. LEYLA You heard me praying. ZYGMUNT I don't know what you mean. PROFESSOR BAUMAN Oh, this is gonna be good. Leyla sent me a new link and oh does she know her video virality.

CAROLINE So we’re officially switching to youtube instead of actual lectures? PROFESSOR BAUMAN Yep. Here we go. Intercut footage appears on screen. GABRIELLA’S VOICE What is design? Is it fashion, furniture, something too expensive, glamorous, overrated? Is there any use for it and what does it take to be a designer?… ZYGMUNT (surprised) You finished my video. LEYLA Don't know what you mean. GABRIELLA’S VOICE An immigrant student and practitioner, full of questions, comes to designers in their studios… LEYLA You humble me. ZYGMUNT You humble me too. GABRIELLA’S VOICE …to find out what is it that they do, how they learned it and how they create value for clients.# PROFESSOR BAUMAN Class, thank Leyla for ruining YouTube. (turns off the projector) Time to kill the darlings.


List of references: [1] GradeAUnderA (2016) Donald Trump EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - the worst of the presidential elections. Available at: v=wHvb7WjDHfw (Accessed: 1 December 2016). [2] Oxycontent (2016) Trump hair fails. Available at: https:// (Accessed: 1 December 2016). [3] Spiekermann, E. (2016) Spiekerblog. Available at: http:// (Accessed: 10 December 2016). [4] Acaroglu, L. (2014) Make change. Self-published. [5] Hamblin, J. and Pomerantsev, P. (2014) The hidden author of Putinism. Available at: hidden-author-putinism-russia-vladislav-surkov/382489/ (Accessed: 3 December 2016). [6] Olshammar G. (2015) “To dock in on the future: Dystopic science fiction scenarios and urban sustainable visions” in Journal of Urban Cultural Studies [7] Strategic design scenarios (2013) Available at: http:// (Accessed: 13 December 2016). [8] Heidegger, M. (1978) Being and time: A translation of Sein und Zeit. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. [9] Foster, H. (2010) Design and crime: (and other diatribes). 2nd edn. London: Verso Books. [10] Foucault M, 1982, “Subject and Power“ afterward to Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982. [11] Fruneaux, C. (2016) FUTURES READER 2. Available at: http:// (Accessed: 10 December 2016). [12] Siede, C. (2016) Don’t find Hillary Clinton ‘likable’? Here’s why. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2016). [13] Van Arendonk, K. (2016) Hannah Horvath, why do we (still) hate thee so? Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2016). [14] Marans, D. (2016) Hillary Clinton goes all-in on Syria no-fly zone. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2016). [15] Arendt, H. (1961) What is Freedom? in Between past and future: Six exercises in political thought. United States: Faber & Faber London.

[16] Nataf, E. (2015) Learning from a world-class designer and typographer, Erik Spiekermann. Available at: learning-from-a-world-class-designer-and-typographer-erikspiekermann-1801eac729ac#.7uyndyw6f (Accessed: 2 December 2016). [17] Bason, C. (no date) Policy design. A new role for the designer in public organizations? Available at: sdmgirazw9crrd3/Bason_Gothenburg_policy_designer_PDF.pdf?dl=0. [18] Franko Aas, K. (2013) Crime, Fear and Social Exclusion in the Global Village. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. [19] Khodarkovsky, M. (2016) Playing with fear: Russia’s war card. Available at: (Accessed: 11 December 2016). [20] Becker-Parton, B. (2014) ‘Annie Hall’ and Woody Allen’s experimental visual film style. Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2016). [21] Buffam, N. (2016) Top 10 movies that broke the rules. Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2016). [22] Passafiume, A. (2016) When Harry Met sally. Available at: http:// (Accessed: 1 December 2016). [23] goodlaugh182 (2014) Silicon valley, TechCrunch disrupt parody. Available at: (Accessed: 13 December 2016). [24] Kimbell, L. (2011) “Rethinking Design Thinking: Part I.,” in Design and Culture (3:3), pp. 285-306. [25] Julier, G. (2013) The culture of design. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

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