Guide to find your new job Better Resume

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Guide to find your new job Better Resume 1) A resume is a written tool to market yourself to a prospective employer. Make sure that proofread your resume and ask your friends also to proofread your resume. 2) Look at your email address and make sure that it looks professional. Avoid email addresses like “” and use addresses that can present your profession or your name. Use simple email addresses like“” 3) Try to tailor your resume to fit the job description. 4) Make sure your resume looks as clean as possible. Avoid fancy graphics and fonts. 5) Use a phone number that you can attend always. 6) Make sure your employment history and contact information is current. 7) Make sure that you have proper knowledge of skills that you have added in your resume. If you have mentioned that you are expert in a particular skill , then better be well prepared for that.

Job Portals 8) Almost all job portals provide jobs by email feature where you can add your email and skills and these job portals will provide you email notifications. So go to these job sites and register for job email alerts. 9) Don't just rely on top job portals. Check similar niche sites and job sites that are just focused on specific geographic locations. Try classified sites also like or 10) Check job aggregation sites also, like is good to visit these sites and find many jobs from a centralized location. Try aggregation also, it has unique way of getting job requirements from twitter feeds, RSS feeds, discussions and email groups and you can easily apply to all jobs without registering in multiple sites.

Networking 11) Network , Network and Network!!. Try to network with recruiters, job seekers and friends who are working in companies. Many times, companies ask their employees to refer candidates to fill vacant positions instead of publishing it outside. So make sure you are in touch with all friends and contacts and tell them that you are looking for a job. 12) Social Networking Sites- Make sure that you have good presence in top social networking sites. -Create a neat and professional profile in and connect with recruiters socially. Present yourself as an expert of skills by providing useful information in discussions and groups. - Create your profile in professional social networks from and and provide useful information to others. Make sure that you mention that you are looking for a job. - Complete your social profile in also and connect socially with recruiters and job seekers. There are no restrictions and totally free to connect.

Other Ways: 13) Temporary/Freelance positions : If it is taking time to find a job, then according to your conditions, you can also try freelance or temporary positions. This will keep you working and in touch of your skills and knowledge. Sometimes, these freelance or temporary positions can turn into full time positions. 14) Corp-Corp/ Contract to hire : Many companies prefer corp to corp or contract to hire or project based employment. Even these positions can turn into full time positions. 15) Instead of simply posting your resume on a Web site, take it one step further and design an easily-navigable simple web site or online portfolio. Showcase your skills, achievement and goals.

Interview Skills 16) Brush up your interview skills. Many golden opportunities have been lost in the interview office. Study hard and always be up to date with your skills. 17) Research about the company prior to interview. Interviewers are always impressed when you have conducted your research thoroughly and can ask informed, intelligent questions about the organization and the job. 18) Develop an elevator pitch to use at job interviews, career fairs or networking events. 19) Arrive 10 Minutes Before the Interview: Arriving early relieves the stress of possibly being late and demonstrates that you are responsible and dependable. 20) Be honest. Don’t try to answer interview question with the answers you think the interviewer wants to hear.


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