5 Useful Must-Know Tips for Your CS-Cart Theme Organization
In this article we will review some useful features which any user of cs-cart should know. Current version for the moment of article writing is 4.3.1, but maybe the same features are already included in some previous versions or also will be placed in next versions. 1) Theme editor panel. Appeared in earliest version. So, most of cs-cart users know how to use it. But we will say about it once more to pay your attention to field Custom CSS of the panel. Go in admin: Design -> Themes and near active theme press the button Visual Editor. After this you will see your site and panel with options in left part of screen. Press the button Customize and set options what you need. Here you can change / add new logo, favicon, set some colors of texts, backgrounds, font sizes and font types. Also you can find such useful thing here as Custom CSS block. Here you can write your own css styles without opening files via ftp or in cpanel.
2) Online editing of texts. This feature has been placed in some previous versions. Using it you can edit texts for each language directly on your site and save all of them. Go in admin: Design -> Themes and near active theme press the button Edit content on-site.
3) Cleaning of full cs-cart cache. Sometimes you have to change template files of your theme: change position of some elements, remove fully some element, “hardcoding” in files etc. After any changes making you have to clean full cs-cart cache to see changes. But don’t be afraid it’s a simple action. Firstly, you have to be logged in your admin panel. Then you write such link. For example, if you haven’t renamed your default
admin.php file. your_site_link/admin.php?ctpl And press enter. Finally, go in admin: Administration -> Storage -> clear cache. After some minutes you full cache will be cleaned. 4) Editing files directly in admin. Very useful and quick working feature is editing files directly in admin panel. It saves your time of creating ftp connection or entering cpanel to edit some file of your theme etc. To achieve this go in admin: Design -> Themes press folder name of your current theme.
You will be redirected to the list of all theme’s files. Clicking on some file you will see content of it. But be careful! To make changes directly in code you should have at least basic css, html and php skills.
5) Install in admin Basic theme. Maybe you will need this to do if you use cs-cart from version 4.3.1 because from this
version there is no installed Basic theme in admin. But this theme is located in files for default cs-cart package. Find basic theme in the path:\var\themes_repository\basic\. Create zip package of this folder. Then go in admin: Design -> Themes and in top right corner press button “+” “Upload theme”. Choose your local package.
Press button “Browse all available themes” near with button “Installed theme”. If you don’t see for some reason basic theme here you have to rename package with it to some other name, create package again and upload again this package. For example, let’s name it your_basic_theme.
So, after this basic theme will be installed. Make it active and enjoy. Source of the Article