Blockchain spreads

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OVERVIEW To familiarize ourselves with the potential implementations of blockchain technology, we must explore the concept through three separate paradigms: technology, business, and user experience. Bellow are questions whose answers are integral to understanding and applying blockchain. We hope to answer through graphic visualizations of conceptual systems


What is a distributed vs centralized ledger? What is a blockchain? How does it work? How is it maintained?


How will blockchain inpact business enterprise? What businesses should adopt blockchain? What are the advantages of switching to a blockchain platform? How can blockchain enterprise be integrated to current systems?


What design opportunities does blockchain open? What constraints does it set? How should an experience designed on blockchain look and feel?

Currently, most transaction computing is managed in a centralized infrastructure, wherein all computing resources reside in a primary data-center. The alternative to this is a distributed ledger, in which components are located on individual, networked computers.

Centralized Database Internal and external reconciliation required No restrictions Single point of failure Single point of control Unnecessary gateways and middlemen Cryptography must be added as afterthought Backups must be set up manually

Distributed Ledger

Blocks are records of transactions whose content has been pushed through a hash function. This hash function creates a cybercriptic hash (a unique fingerprint) for that file.


transaction #1 This hash is now assigned to the transaction and is a direct result of the document’s content. Because of this, no two hashes are the same.

hash: e03fswe4


Proof of ownership of modules in app development

Digital content:

Proof of ownership for digital content storage and delivery


Points-based value transfer for ride-sharing

Decentralized storage using a network of computers on blockchain

dk ee p Re co r

Valuable assets Digital content:

P2P transction

Company incorporations:

Digitizing company incorporations, transfer of equity/ownership and governance

Digital security trading

Decentralized Internet and computing resources:


Decentralized Internet and computing resources to cover every home and business

Prediction platform

Decentralized storage Digitization of documents/contracts

Home automation:

Platform to link the home network and electrical devices to the cloud Marketplace for sales and purchases of digital assets:

Digital identity:

Company incorporations

Provides digital identity that protects consumer privacy

Digitizing assets

Escrow/custodian service:

Escrow/custodian service for the gaming industry; loan servicing and e-commerce

App Development

Decentralized Internet and computing resources Digitizing assets

IT portal:

A smart contract IT portal executing order fulfillment in ecommerce/manufacturing

Patient records Home automation

IT portal

Patient records:

Decentralized patient records management

Digitizing assets:

Improves anti-counterfeit measures

Reputation management:

Helps users engage, share reputation and collect feedback

Prediction platform:

Decentralized prediction platform for the share markets, elections, etc.

Digital identity

Reputation management

Enables authenticity of a review

Enables authenticity of a review:

Enables authenticity of a review through trustworthy endorsements for employee peer reviews

Marketplace for sales and purchases of digital assets: Proof of ownership and a marketplace for sales and purchases of digital assets

Valuable assets:

tracks and protects valuable assets throughout their lifetime journey

P2P transction:

Makes the transaction entire process easier and cheaper without mediator.

Information Reliability


Decentralized storage:

en m ay

Digitization of documents/contracts and proof of ownership for transfers

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Digitization of documents/contracts:

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Ownership and transfer

in g

Digital security trading:

Small Merchants in lieu of cash

Data Ownership + Sales


Personal Data

Bearer Instrument Supply Chain

Rent Shipping Music Distribution

IoT Logs Copyright

Smart Contracts Auditing

Antifraud Travel

Consensus +Truth

Information Reliability



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There are considered opportunities for organizations that adopt blockchain technology internally using bespoke blockchains or so-called side-chains, which provide some interoperability with public blockchains, like Bitcoin. while adding new functionality. Perhaps the most significant opportunity, though, comes from blockchains that link currently disparate parts of one enterprise together or even many different organizations from within the same sector. -From Deloitte UK



Blocks are connected in a chain to other blocks which each have individual hashes. They hold this and the hash of the previous block in the sequence.


transaction #1 hash: e03fswe4

transaction #2 previous: e03fswe4

hash: we832fw1


transaction #3 previous: we832fw1

hash: ff94023a

If any document is changed within the blockchain, it will produce a new hash that will not correspond to what the subsequent block had encrypted as the previous. This makes any apparent tampering of documents immediately identifyable.

transaction #1 hash: e03fswe4

transaction #2 previous: e03fswe4

hash: we832fw1

transaction #3 previous: we832fw1

hash: ff94023a

transaction #4 previous: ff94023a

hash: q129f2w1

transaction #5 previous: q129f2w1

hash: f28h39fs

transaction #6 previous: f28h39fs

hash: bl90s8v

we832fw1 == we832fw1

Within this blockchain, every hash corresponds to what is indicated as the previous hash on the next block. The blockchain is valid.

transaction #1 hash: e03fswe4

transaction #2 previous: e03fswe4

hash: pp21ef8

transaction #3 previous: we832fw1

hash: ff94023a

transaction #4 previous: ff94023a

hash: q129f2w1

transaction #5 previous: q129f2w1

hash: f28h39fs

transaction #6 previous: f28h39fs

hash: bl90s8v

pp21ef8 != we832fw1


In this blockhain, the original file within a block have been altered in some way. When pushed through the hash function, the different data will generate a different hash. However, this new hash does not correspond to what is indicated as the previous hash on the next block. It is clear data was tampered with.

This unique characteristic of the blockchain, in addition to the distributed infrastructure, creates a system in which if one server is fails, the system stays in tact, and if any document is altered, it is immediately identifiable.

CAR LIFE CYCLE RECORD: BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM This diagram shows how a blockchain system could keep a record of each event along a vehicle’s life cycle. Each of these touch points represents an need for interaction designers to create an interface or system to facilitate the recording.













CAR LIFE CYCLE RECORD: BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM While the task in every touch point is to upload transaction information onto the blockchain, the context, content, and user will differ in each. This means each have unique design considerations.











User: worldwide parts manufacturers Content: proof of part production Context: shipping stage of manufacturing

User: car salesman Content: proof of sale Context: auto dealership facilities

User: car manufacturer Content: vehicle certifications Context: car manufacturing facilities

User: service engineer Content: proof servicing Context: auto service facilities

User: insurance company Content: proof of sale Context: insurance purchase platform

User: used car salesman Content: proof of sale Context: used auto dealership platform

User: police officer Content: evidence of collision Context: on-the-scene location

This diagram describes the current system of recording transactions between a customer, mechanic, and manufacturer in the process of servicing a car.


#1 #1 #1

request for parts cost of parts*

broken car cost of parts* cost of labor


parts labor




The manufacturer and the mechanic both receive the same record of the transaction that occurred between them



#2 The customer and the mechanic both receive the same record of the transaction that occurred between them



This diagram describes a system of recording transactions between a customer, mechanic, and manufacturer in the process of servicing a car through a blockchain platform.




request for parts cost of parts*

broken car cost of parts* cost of labor


The transaction between the manufacturer and mechanic is recorded as a block within a distributed ledger


parts labor

the transaction between the mechanic and the customer is recorded as the next block in that ledger



*The blockchain platform, wherein one transaction is built on top of the other, links the data within the interactions and makes it impossible for information from the previous one to be altered. The mechanic cannot alter the cost of parts.

MUSIC SALE RECORD: BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM This diagram shows how a blockchain system could keep a record of each event following the making and sales of music. Each of these touch-points represents an need for interaction designers to create an interface or system to facilitate the recording. tr acking ownership


rough cuts


tr acking numbers

t akes

post produc



record sales

money f lo w



preventing theft

MUSIC SALE RECORD: CURRENT SYSTEM This diagram describes the current system of tracking music between the artists, producers, and the customers in the process of writing and selling songs.


#1 #1 #1


lyric and composition


the contract between writer and producer ensures a strict record of what music gets released and the copy-write of that music.




rights to the music





#2 the customer and the producer both have a receipt of the sale.

*because there are so many directions that a song can travel once it leaves the hands of the writer, there is a vast margin for copy-write infringement, contract abuse and illegal use of the song

MUSIC SALE RECORD: BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM This diagram describes a system of recording transactions and tracking the journey of a song between a writer, producer and customer in the process of writing and selling songs.


#2 contract

lyric and composition

the transaction between thewriter and producer is recorded as a block within a distributed ledger



PRODUCER rights to the music

the transaction between the producer and the customer is recorded as the next block in that ledger



*the blockchain platform, wherein one transaction is built on top of the other, links the data within the interactions and makes it impossible for information from the previous one to be altered. Every transaction is recorded and linked to the consumer – therefore preventing theft.

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