The Hell Ops Mudra

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The Joker Intelligence Agency Presents

Hell Op Mudra System 1. Dracos

and Lumin Hell Ops

INDEX Page 1: Title / Index Page 2: Activating the Hell Ops System Pages 4-10: The Mudras Page 11: Final Notes

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Activating The Hell Ops System This spell will only work if go through the appropriate ritualistic, magickal or religious practices required in order to make this system work for you. The fastest way to do this is not necessarily the wisest, but will be given here to yield maximum power quickly. This shit is satanic, dangerous and real. These are not gang signs. These are Mudras. A Mudra is an Eastern term for hand signs which are not only hand signs but are used to activate religious and / or magickal abilities. Mudras always require practice to activate the power of their magickal energy and sometimes require some form of ritual such as the one described below to activate their power. If someone who has not gone through these steps attempts to use Mudras some Mudras will work and others will not. Either way a person has to practice Mudras repeatedly to activate their full power. The fastest way to obtain this power is to take a $100 bill of USA currency, place a dab of blood on the front and back of it, light it on fire and pray to Azaz'el for the light. Then do the same on a second one and pray to Azaz'el to activate the Hell Ops technique in this manual. Following these instructions is illegal and is a felony crime in the USA. US Currency is property of the Federal Reserve (a private banking institution) not the federal government or the person who is holding the money who thinks it is theirs. Just like the US Government is borrowing this physical printout of money from the Federal reserve and has to return it at some point so is the US Citizen holding the money borrowing it from the Federal Reserve and does not own the physical dollar bill. Burning their money is literally a felony charge. If you and people you wish to share this technique with want to do the same thing without breaking any laws this is possible as well. Simply visit the Federal Reserve on a vacation, and buy a whole bunch of shredded $100 bills at the gift shop or you might get them for free on your visit. If they give it out for free to everyone on a visit you can also buy this money from people who got it for free on their visit at the gift shop since a lot of them would rather have the money to buy gifts than the shredded money. This money is being discarded by the Federal Reserve which means it is no longer their property, but yours and you can legally burn it. The shredded money is basically useless for anything except this particular kind of ritual. Burn a small handful of these instead of a $100 bill. This is not only the legal way to do these kind of rituals, but also way cheaper since the money is being discarded anyway. If you want to give a whole bunch of people the power of this technique only one person has to go to the gift shop and pay for transportation and gift shop fees to take care of everyone else which is one more reason to do things the legal way, which is the way we recommend. In this case a little blood needs to be on each strip. All blood placed on the dollar bill should be the blood of someone who wishes to instantly gain access to the power of Hell Ops Mudra systems designed in this manual and be able to activate and learn it quickly through following these instructions. The blood of a sacrifice will not work for this ritual, and the blood of the person who wants the power is mandatory. If you do not understand how to safely shed blood without injuring yourself and do not feel confident in your ability to do so safely please do not participate in this ritual as you obviously lack the most basic survival skills required to Page 2

use this technique without being serious hurt just by using it. This technique is satanic and is very dangerous to use. Instructions for this technique are very simple and will be explained while each Mudra is shown as an image. Simply repeat the Mudras (hand signs) as shown in order and follow the instructions if additional instructions come with a Mudra in text under the description. Do these Mudras slowly when you are first starting out and as you form each one focus on the concept of activating energy connected to your intentions to use this technique and try to focus your will power and intention on the concept of activating the energy until you feel a strong level of success in this technique before moving on to the next one. Spend several minutes with each Mudra focusing on the name of the Mudras and what they mean. You will need to repeat this technique slowly and patiently again and again to fully master it. Spending a total of an hour a day repeating the instructions for a week should be enough to master the technique. The technique is not mastered by learning the Mudras, but by repeating the process as instructed one hour a day for a week immediately after the price is paid so that the energy remains strong and potent later. The physical act of making the Mudras is not mastery of the technique in itself if you have not followed all the instructions given here as well. The technique will only work if you pay the price of blood and fire and pray as described above. After paying it you also need to spend time practicing the technique and mastering the energy being given to you as a result of following the instructions.

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Dracos and Lumin Energy Activation

Dracos is Dragon Magick which has been bestowed upon a human being and is thus being used by a human being. This is the magick of The Red Dragon combined with the power of Lumin which is the power of Light.

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Greek Letter L

This is the Order of the Golden Dawn of the Eastern Star's Thelema Mudra for the Greek letter Lux (or L.) This is the first of three letters which activate the power of Dracos Lumin's ability used in sequence.

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Greek Letter V

This is the Order of the Golden Dawn of the Eastern Star's Thelema Mudra for the Greek letter V. This is the second of three letters which activate the power of Dracos Lumin's ability used in sequence.

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Greek Letter X

This is the Order of the Golden Dawn of the Eastern Star's Thelema Mudra for the Greek letter X. This is the final letter which activates the power of Dracos Lumin's ability used in sequence.

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Greek Letter X (Charge with Energy)

This Mudra slightly alters the pinky position which charges the energy of the previous X Mudra. When using this Mudra focus on the charge of all the energy of all of the previous Mudras you have used, and attempt to focus on your will and intention to create your desire with the Hell Op Mudra system.

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Greek Letter X (Energy Release)

This is the third Mudra which uses the Greek Letter X and also the final Mudra which is the Hell Op Mudra now shown facing Upward. All the previous Mudras must be used first before making this Mudra at which point it's Hell Op ability is manifest. This is the Greek Letter X releasing the charged energy from the previous Mudra after activating the power of LVX from the previous 3 Mudras after activating the power of Dracos Lumin energy from the first Mudra. If you have made all the previous Mudras in order and ended with this Mudra as instructed you have now activated this Hell Op system of Red Dragon Hell Ops Magick.

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Hell Op Mudra Activating Hell

To activate the Hell Op magick simply place your hand downward as if limp from the wrist maintaining the final Mudra. Spin your hand clockwise send energy outward and counter-clockwise to pull energy inward. Once the sequence of Mudras has been activated you can simply remake the hand sign and use it again and again within about a one hour period after which the energy of the initial mudras should have died down and you will need to make them all over again in sequence.

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Final Notes: Those who practice magick will mostly find this useful during rituals in ways that should be obvious if you actually know what you are doing in magick to begin with. This technique can be applied before any ritual involving necromancy, demons, hell, left hand path practices, infernal deities or simply for spells where some powerful Lumin Dracos Hell magick energy feels useful. The Mudras can easily be done in sequence so quickly that you can do them right in front of people without them even noticing that you are doing it. This appears to be a quick movement of the hands as you flow from one Mudra to another. If you practice them as instructed so as to gain the maximum amount of satanic red dragon power then you will find it is very easy to do them quickly and easily. The spinning clockwise or counter clockwise part is much more noticeable. If using these Mudras in public it's recommended you hide your hand in your pocket or otherwise make yourself seem less visible. Although this is basic hell ops system magick combined with some Thelema and Dracos magick this particular system of hand signs resembles gang signs used by gangsters who literally worship Satan and do not seem to understand the difference between a hell op Mudra and a gang sign. These Mudras can also be mistaken for gang signs by people who are familiar with the concept but aren't in a gang themselves including just regular people and law enforcement. For these reasons this recommendation exists. If you use this hell op activation system when standing close to people who worship or work with demonology, dark spirits, necromancy or demons you can interact with their energy and will. This also applies to demonkin, people whose souls are owned by hell, and also people who are controlled and influenced by these types of people I just described. This applies to Satanists who pretend to not be Satanists including gang members who can be very dangerous immoral people who don't give a damn about your religious beliefs. If any of these people described are influenced by these Mudras and they don't like you and you don't fit into their circle this interaction may become a very painful lesson of suffering and trauma or even death. When you are killed by hell you go to hell no matter what you believe and if you didn't go there by choice it often does not start as a very easy experience. Don't play with satanic fire if you're not ready to get burned. This is your last warning.

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