DEDICATED TO ADVANCING PRODUCTIVITY The Productivity Hub is an online initiative designed to shift the thinking around productivity in the current business and social context. The steady decline in productivity performance in world economies can not be ignored and requires more than public policy reform. More active participation from business, individuals and government to improve productivity is increasingly important to lift a nation’s economic performance and living standards. We all play a role in meeting the productivity challenge. We need to know what to do at an individual and company level to improve our own productivity and in turn lift the nation’s. The burning question is not “do we have a productivity challenge?”, but rather “what are we going to do about it?”.
Newport Consulting © 2013
Founded by Newport Consulting, The Productivity Hub encourages engagement and involvement from business, government and community in an online environment of learning, best-practice, knowledge sharing and discussion. It is driven by a concern that productivity is suffering as well as a passion and belief that productivity is essential at an individual, company and national level.
FRIENDS OF THE HUB “The Productivity Hub aims to be a ‘clearing house’ for ideas to boost productivity in individual workplaces, and can only assist in one of the most important challenges world economies face – to reverse the decline in productivity performance.” – Saul Eslake, Chief Economist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
BECOME INVOLVED! JOIN THE DISCUSSION. Have your say about productivity, what your experiences are and what needs to be done by posting a comment to the site. Comments are published on the site after submitting them. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
SHarE yOUr STOry. We are interested in case studies and stories from others who are doing something to address productivity, or one of the many issues that impact productivity. What does it mean to you or your business and what are you doing about it?
BECOmE a HUB FrIEND. Show your support for advancing the discussion on productivity. Hub friends can share their research and insights on productivity on the site. They also get their logo displayed on the site as well as a blurb on what they do.
BECOmE a HUB CONTrIBUTOr. Get on board and share your thoughts...
rEgISTEr wITH THE HUB. When you join the Hub, you will receive login information which gives you access to additional resources, papers and a Productivity Hub news update. Newport Consulting Š 2013
CONTACT THE HUB @HubProductivity ProductivityHub Channel