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Successful mind transformation coach and mentor for the most influential personalities in the world!


She makes people to reach their financial goals without limits! Monaco based psychologist running online courses and private sessions. She is successful and her time is expensive! She is one of a kind who would better be choosing new model of Bentley until late than wasting her time for a “good” night sleep.

Kateryna started her active trading journey two years and since that time this highly valued Expert was able to make 1,5 million euro of net profit!

Tell us your story. What brought you from being mental transformation coach to active crypto trading?

Finances has always been my niche. I love money and luxury lifestyle! I would say that I have a lifetime romance with everything what is expensive! I h elped thousand of people to earn their first million by the way of using my own methods for mental transformation based on unchangeable laws of classical psychology.

Two years ago, I was mentoring one of the biggest crypto investors in the world. He had so much success that, as a gratitude gesture, offered me seven bitcoins in addition to my salary. I kept them in my wallet as a long-term investment however, seeing how its value is changing day by day, the strong decision to explore psychology of crypto trading was taken!

Why have you chose crypto currency among all trading assests?

While learning the basics of trading I eventually started to practice and I would emphasize t hree main reasons why I have chosen crypto:

First of all, this is a limitless source of income. Secondly, I can work from anywhere in the world. And the third reason that crypto currency and, especially its technologies build our future, therefor we need to understand those technologies and how, basically, they are working. I can assure you that very soon it will become our reality.

All these components made me move deep into this topic and with experience of testing different strategies I became an Expert. I believe in cryptocurrency growth and developing and I’m very much interested in it. Today, I have an amazing opportunity to regulate my income myself, the time I devote to my work and, the most important thing, I constantly improving my skills and knowledge!

What is the link between psychology and trading?

There is direct connection between trading and psychology. I have been exploring and learning this field for more than two years and I have already been trading actively for one year. From my own experience I can assure you that 90% of success in the cryptocurrency market depends on Trader’s psychological state of mind. According to official statistics, there are only five percents of traders who trade successfully, the rest of participants are simply amateurs who give up after the first fail.

My mission is to insert a psychological component into trading. This combo gives the opportunity to become successful and pumping in other areas via massive mental transformation!

At my opinion crypto market and, especially, active trading is the best place for mind sets transformation and self-developing!

Tell us more about your massive crypto trading course.

Well, as I mention before, successful trading depends on a total mental health which could be reached only by passing a therapy. Therefor, my course is essential, as it gives everything you need to know about crypto market and its currency, obtain new skills and, at the same time to pass a long-term psychological therapy which will bring you to full mental transformation in all fields of life!

With the group of very influential Experts and Professors my students are also learning the basics such as, technical analysis, economics, investments, and psychology of finances!

The funny thing is that all beginners are doing completely the same mistakes and its very complicated to handle and accept that “first lost” and not to give up! However, when they are passing through this hard period with a group of same level students, supported by highly qualified mentors, in a few weeks’ time the first profit and confidence are coming!

Moreover, by the end of the course all students multiply their initial deposit at 100% minimum!

Afterall, those who want to move further have opportunity to our “Crypto Channel” where I personally navigate their activity in order to earn and not to lose!

What are your plans for the nearest future?

Well, the most important for me now is to insert psychological factor to trading activity on a g lobal level! People should realize that the roawd to their billions will be the way more easier with a right mind sets and absence of psychological blocs!

Apart of this, I am planning keep my personal growth in active trading and make another few millions of profits!

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