8 minute read


There are millionaires in the world today that have been alive for many years from Business magnates to School dropouts, and one in particular, as one of the youngest millionaire at the age of 27 years who amassed his fortunes in ways different from another but resulted in similar financial status.

EVAN Luthra currently shaping the economy with over 2 million instagram followers and spoken to 200 events in 25 countries and named in Forbes 30 under 30 Entrepreneur is the Man.


Evan an inspiring personality who started his journey building 30 apps for iPhone at the age of 13 years old, created his 1st company and made his first 2 million at 17 years old and never look back.

How did you do it? How did you choose your field of Work? You Inspiration?

I have found my passion and just focus to grow. My primary goal is not really to make money but to create a lot of value for others and along the journey I realised that money and success is by product of creating value for others. I would say the backbone of what I believe and my goal in Life.

On the other hand in the world of Crypto, I bought my first bitcoin way back in 2014. Two years later, my own company started reaching out and expanded in the world of block chain. My wealth is growing by investing 300 Crypto companies specially in the last 3 years.

Today, I spend some of my time travelling to give and share my insightful comments on crypto currency and block chain technology. I have spoken to 200 events in 25 countries in person.

One of my main focus is social media and I have a community of more than 2.4 million followers. If you visit my account on the platform, you will come across multiple reviews, articles and other valuable pieces on cryptocurrency, which is especially useful to anyone who wants to understand cryptocurrency and blockchain better.

Right now I want to invest where I see there’s a potential to create technology and to help the industry.

How do you analyse if the token will Grow or not? What are your key points in terms of investing?

I always want to analyse and see how much value a project brings.

I believe if you have a big community, literally anything can grow as we have seen it with the main coins like Dolce and Shiba. It is important in a long term to have substance in order to grow your investment and to provide a significant value to all your stakeholders holding the coin.

Two things I take into consideration when investing, first I look for community and second value generation.

Recently you are connected with the NFT’s? Any few Words about this meaning — are you investing? Help to create? Sell?

I believe in NFT’s community and I invested a lot and technically its like the same concept as Patek Philippe Watch. Patek Philippe has a watchmaking history behind it, showcasing Elegant, Beautiful timepieces with the most complicated mechanical watches as well as movements. Therefore, a lot of people would want, and supplies are limited. NFT’s allows distance and cursory ”DEMAND and SUPPLY”. There can never be 10K Board Apes. The more people use it, the more price goes up. It is strictly DEMAND and SUPPLY and this has always been my focus. I invested about 5 millions over the last 2 years. I believe in NFT’s and its like collecting tangible Art and I have a lot.

NFT’s have made it possible for everyone to own original work. This even extends to works that are too costly for most people to afford individually, as buyers can fractionally invest in creators’ pieces and it is easier to trace on the block chain.

I give a lot of free advice and information especially on my instagram platform and twitter and anyone can follow me there as they can see everything what I’m investing, what I’m doing and currently involved and we go from there.

What do you think of the bitcoin right now due to current situation?

I have been in this business for a while, and I’ve seen it all and I also know that in the long term it will go up and just keep your pace and it will. The fundamentals have not changed.

What do you think of Shiba?

I have to admit it has been a roller coaster ride for Shiba and although the current value is not very high, it is still proving itself an excellent choice for investors. Shiba is a main coin and as long as the community and organisations working together to create value and will hold on to it then in the long run “Who Knows? Fundamentals of Shiba are not Strong but Bitcoin is strong.

Do you have Bitcoin?

I have a lot of bitcoin, bitcoin is my number one portfolio asset.

You made a name for yourself as one of the under 30 millionaire entrepreneurs, what can you recommend to any young individuals who has the desire to achieve the same level as you in life?


Do you think now the best time to invest NFT’s better than Real Estate?

I believe in digital investment, and when it comes to digital investment the key point is that you need to diversify and do as many different industries as much as you can.

I have to say that the cyrtocurrency and the blockchain have made their way into many industries. And as more of our lives move into the digital arena, the ways we buy and sell products are continually changing. Real estate is seeing its own shift toward the block chain with the creation of no fungible tokens that represent physical properties. This technology is no doubt to have a tremendous impact on the future of commercial real estate.

In Crypto space you can focus on defy, on infrastructure and communities the more diversification you do the better for you in the long run.

You mention you Educate people, do you have online course, summits perhaps, or is it just participating block chain events or crypto trading? How does it work?

In my business there is no Selling of courses and No Trading Programs!

As a matter of fact, I don’t recommend to trade, I recommend to buy cryptocurrency holding to profit from its long term value appreciation. Trading is not something I would recommend to anybody, 90% people lose their money.

I usually a speaker to these events, I find this action as a way of giving back to my community. I don’t believe anyone selling a course or get rich quick is really beneficial because you can actually get information available free online.

Can you give advise and guidance about investments?

Will you give advice, mentorship or just friendly advice?

• Find your passion

• Focus on adding value to others

• With Crypto You can join with zero dollars and the Will to learn and to add Value

Natalia Emelianova, well known worldwide as a Crypto Queen, did a long way from a simple girl from small village with a family budget of 100$ to a successful independent woman, who does not deny herself anything. Reaching her goals in professional field she got the point where was no way to stay at a regular job! She had chosen to become a trader and now teaching her audience how to reach successful independent life!

Over the past 4 years I have been in 30 countries, every one -three months I choose a new location for comfortable life and work.

Crypto market is a playground for many young traders where even students are trying to take part there. Do you think it’s essential to have relevant education before to to start trading?

First of all, based on the experience of successful traders and mine I would say that, like all the others, also this profession requires education.

As in any monetary sphere there is a lot of fog and a lot of scammers around trading, that promises to make you millioner in 1 day. So, among the huge amount of garbage in online education, it is very difficult to find something worthwhile.

Looking at the Forbes list, you can see that many of them that billionaires are investors or traders, and they are mostly Americans.

That’s why I chose to study at one of the best American trading academies.

What is your strategy? Would you prefer trading or long-term investments?

Depends on the economic situation; In good times I work with technical and fundamental analysis on the stock market, and during the bear market I prefer to earn on short sales of cryptocurrencies.

Basically, the stock market is a more stable market crypto is riskier, because there is a lot of volatility in this market and is not regulated yet by the governments.

That’s why I don’t recommend investing all money in only one asset.

What is your personal prediction about market developing nowadays?

In this particular moment, I think it is very difficult to make predictions about the future, because there are too many uncertainties that do not allow you to make an easy decision. Inflation is rising, the biggest companies are losing capital, which makes the overall picture even more dramatic.

People who want to invest are looking for something to protect their money from the negative effects of inflation. I bel ieve that the serious and solid projects will be even stronger in the next period, because I think in the next months, we will see a natural selection that will make those projects that are not solid fall. And only those that have strength and credibility will remain. Of course, the hard part of this job is figuring out which assets are strong, and which are weak.

Which educational services do you provide?

After a year and a half of training and 3 Years of successful investment in crypto and trading Forex I decided to do my own classes in which I teach in one month how to understand the market, smart investment, technical analysis, psychology of trading. Also, I teach my student to understand the strategy of big players, what helps them to become part of this community and to move in right direction with the market.

I organize online sessions for individuals and for groups, as well as managing capitals for people who don’t have time for do it on their own

You can learn more from me on Instagram.

What is the biggest success on the market you proud of?

My biggest success 15000 $ for 30 minutes in shorting gold. I think that was my point of no return in which I realized I could never back to do a “regular” job again.

If we are talking about investments what could you recommend?

My answer is simple, because I believe that bitcoin and etherium from the beginning were created to change the present status quo and almost everything that was created after was just for make money. Probably, you can’t make x100 with investment in Bitcoin like is possible with other small coins, but at least you can be sure that these projects are safe for long turn, and they will not fall to 0.

And gold is always a good idea. But first of all I recommend you to study the basic technical analysis for better understanding when is the time to invest and when is the time to keep your money for catch better opportunities in the market.

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