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Health Challenges as We Age

Health Challenges

As We Age

We have all heard the term, “aging gracefully.” That is what we all aim to do. You exercise. You eat right. You are in decent shape. Still, getting older can have its challenges and bring on health issues as we age.


Alison Cardoza, B.S. Exercise Science and Sports Medicine. Minor in Health Promotions. ACSM Certifi ed Personal Trainer and Fitour Group Exercise Instructor at Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center. Former University of Louisville Ladybird and NFL Indianapolis Colts Cheerleader.


Baptist Health/Milestone wellness

Many of us will experience or are experiencing weight gain/weight loss, arthritis, sleep deprivation, fragile bone (osteopenia/osteoporosis), and balance issues. These are normal signs of aging, however, they can surprise us and come on very quickly. To slow down the aging process, there are a few things that you can do to help this process go a little smoother.


It is important to fuel your body with healthy nutrients. I advise my clients to eat breakfast every morning. You have been fasting all night and breakfast will help break that fast. Aim to eat a protein and a complex carb to start your day energized in a healthy way. An example would be eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast. Eat snacks in between your main meals. Aim to get the colors of the rainbow, (great antioxidants) fruits and vegetables for snacks. Lunch and dinner should consist of a protein and a green. An example is bean soup and a salad. Stay hydrated and drink water. Exercise everyday for 30 minutes. Stay active!


Also called joint infl ammation can cause pain and stiffness that can worsen with age. Staying active is the key! Don't let your muscles get stiff. It may be as simple as squeezing a therapy ball everyday to improve wrist strength or doing simple neck and shoulder stretches, such as shoulder shrugs and rolls to release stiffness. This release can help you in day to day activities, such as turning your head when driving your car. Applying ice for 30 minutes and applying heat can help with joint stiffness. Massages also help release tension and muscle soreness.

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The primary signs include excessive daytime sleepiness and daytime impairment such as reduced concentration, slower thinking, and mood changes. Keeping the mind and body active during the day with positive activities can help the body fall asleep faster at bedtime. If you struggle, try falling asleep or tricking your body and lying down in a spot that you normally do not sleep in. Try reading to relax or have the television on in the background at a low volume with a relaxing show such as Planet Earth. Listening ing show such as Planet Earth. Listening to sound wave music, lavender scents and to sound wave music, lavender scents and warm baths help the body relax before warm baths help the body relax before bedtime as well. Wind down and keep a bedtime as well. Wind down and keep a set routine every night. set routine every night.


Osteopenia is a condition where the body does not make new bone as quickly body does not make new bone as quickly as it reabsorbs old bone. Osteoporosis is a as it reabsorbs old bone. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak condition where the bones become weak and brittle. New bone creation does not and brittle. New bone creation does not keep up with old bone removal. keep up with old bone removal.

Weight bearing exercise can help preWeight bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss or strengthen already vent bone loss or strengthen already weak bones. Women, in particular (priweak bones. Women, in particular (primarily small boned, 65 or older, and who marily small boned, 65 or older, and who are postmenopausal) are most at risk. are postmenopausal) are most at risk. Aim to consume calcium and vitamin D. Aim to consume calcium and vitamin D. Get a Bone Mineral Density test at your Get a Bone Mineral Density test at your doctor to stay on top of your bone health. doctor to stay on top of your bone health.


Incorporate balance exercises into your daily routine to prevent falls, imyour daily routine to prevent falls, improve coordination, and prevent injury. Simple exercises such as balancing on one leg everyday for 30 seconds can improve your balance coordination. As we age, many may experience vertigo, a sensation of feeling off balance. Dizzy spells can occur. By practicing balance exercises, we are more apt to recover or catch ourselves from falling. Balance boards and Bosu balls are great pieces of equipment to test your skills. At Baptist East Milestone, we have the trainers and equipment to help you safely secure your balance. 

As you age, you may refl ect on your youth.

Did I take care of myself? Did I make healthy choices to live a healthy retirement? The choices you make today will refl ect on your future. Choose wisely. Make a life for yourself that you truly want to live.

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