Minnesota Edition 5-8-17

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5 Tips to GET NEW CLIENTS KEEPING IN TOUCH— How to Stay in Your Clients' Lives for the Long Haul



Your Secret PRESENTATION WEAPON CREATIVE MEDITATION for the Real Estate Professional








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Your Secret Presentation Weapon by Rich Levin

You are at a listing presentation, and Agent: “Do you know the number you know the seller is interviewing one complaint owners, like you, have other agents. Would you like to about their present REALTOR®? distinguish yourself as the best? Here’s how. “The agent doesn’t communicate or loses touch. It’s one of the simplest This is on an age-old and proven things and one of the most sales concept that is taught in high- important. I know some of the best level sales training in every major agents in town who sell a lot of corporation. In real estate, it is a homes and have the best intentions, subtlety that most agents simply but they just don’t follow up like don’t build into their skill set. Those they should, and you fall through who learn and use this skill stand out the cracks. and win against the competition. “I set aside an hour each day just for Have you ever lost a listing and staying in touch with my clients.” could not figure out why? The seller says that they had more confidence “You don’t want to be in the dark, in another agent. This skill is the uncertain and uncomfortable. I reason they will choose you. They want you confident that we are both may not recognize why; they just doing everything we can to get your have more confidence in you. property sold for the most money in the shortest time. “I like to make Sample Seller Script these calls between eleven and Here’s an example. After, I’ll break noon on Thursday mornings. What it down for you so that you can is the best number to reach you at apply it for yourself. that time?” 4

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Robbins was a twinkle in his AABC: The Breakdown There are four steps to this mother’s eye. Most agents miss the presentation skill. They are subtle mark on this in today’s competitive and easy to learn. You must practice real estate market. To hit a bull’s to be natural with this skill, which I eye, use AABC as your secret weapon. You will begin to notice call AABC. sellers and buyers having more • Step one is the Action you take. In confidence in you, relaxing with the example above, it’s communicating you, and trusting your judgment. regularly. Sample Buyer Script • Step two is the Advantage you “Would you like to have the bring that differentiates you. In the advantage of seeing the newest example above, it is setting aside an properties on the market, every day?” hour each day. A – The Action: “Every day—often • Step three is the Benefit to them. twice a day—I will search for propIn the example above, it is making erties that are new to the market.” them certain, comfortable and A – The Advantage: “In our area confident. there are nearly three thousand real • Step four is the Close, which is estate agents. Every day, some of asking for a decision. In the them are placing new property on example above, it is asking for the the market. Within hours, often less, specific number to be reached on a I make sure that you are aware of any and every property that even specific day and time. remotely matches your desires.” AABC B – The Benefit: “You’ll have the Action: What you do. best opportunity to find the property Advantage: Your distinction. that has the most of what you want Benefit: What’s in it for them? before you are in competition for it, Close: Asking for a decision. and you often get it at the best price. This has been taught by Fortune 500 Each year, many of the homes I sell Companies decades before Anthony are those fresh listings that have Top Agent Magazine


only been viewed by my buyers. It’s fun for me. It’s the best way to give you the competitive edge.” C – Close: “Do you want me to contact you each day as soon as we become aware of any property in which you may be interested? If I call during the workday with an excellent choice—something that looks perfect—would you be able to come fairly quickly to see it?” You will find AABC is your secret weapon. While other agents present their same old way, the buyers and sellers to whom you present see, hear, and feel something different, something more. They will more easily sign exclusive contracts with less commission challenges. They will trust you and make your job with them easier, because they strongly believe in your efforts on their behalf. A Few Subtleties I like to start with a question. Do you know? Have you heard? Would you like? The Action can be very simple. It is your Advantage—the way you do it differently—that makes the distinction. 6

The Benefit is always more money, the best time frame, and/or more ease and convenience. That is WIIFT: What’s In It for Them. The Close is critical. In addition to confirming their agreement, it makes them an active participant in the process. In my work, I occasionally accompany Agents on listing presentations—Agents who take over a hundred listings a year. Once they begin to apply AABC, they immediately express that they feel, hear, and see the difference in the way their clients responded to them. This is an advanced skill that raises your effectiveness and enhances your relationships and your results. It requires preparation and practice. It is a secret weapon that can shift your work and your career into the next gear.

Rich Levin is one of the most successful Real Estate coaches in the nation by virtue of the measurable results of his clients and creator of the Real Estate Hierarchy of Success, a working model for understanding and planning your business. Copyright©, Rich Levin. All rights reserved. Top Agent Magazine

GINA FRUNCILLO Top Agent Magazine


GINA FRUNCILLO Minnesota may be known for its beautiful lakes, but Gina Fruncillo focuses on its rivers, one of which is the Mississippi, flowing right between the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, where Gina runs her independent real estate business. “I’m really excited to be part of something that’s constantly changing,” she says, noting that she chose her company name – River Dog Realty – for that connection. “The river is always changing, real estate is always changing, and people’s lives are always changing,” says Gina, who entered real estate in 2009 and, by 2014, opened her own business. 8Copyright Top Agent Magazine

Gina has no regrets about entering real estate in 2009, during one of the most unstable markets in history. “I am so grateful I started at that time. I learned so much and gained skills to be creative with deals in ways that still help me today, even in a good market.” Real estate has fascinated Gina since childhood, when, as the daughter of a REALTOR®, her family viewed homes as a hobby, even on vacations. “I later purchased, renovated and sold four homes of my own before deciding to become a REALTOR.” She immediately found that her hands-on experience as a savvy investor and negotiator benefited her clients. Top Agent Magazine

Shortly after opening River Dog Realty in 2014, Gina and her husband purchased a building in an up-and-coming neighborhood of St. Paul. “We bought the building, renovated it and put my business in there,” she says, stressing the importance of a storefront and an active local presence. Less than three years later, River Dog Realty also has three full-time agents and an administrative assistant. “They’re all new agents, so I’m training them as well,” she says. “One of our core values is putting ethical and responsible behavior first and being the opposite of any negative stereotypes that may exist about real estate.” While she has interviewed many people about working with her, Gina’s priTop Agent Magazine

mary goal is to be the best, not the biggest, local team serving Minneapolis-St. Paul and surrounding suburbs. The vast majority of her business already comes from referrals. “It’s also amazing what you can do with social media,” she says, describing a client who found her by following her Instagram page. On her Instagram, Gina shares an assortment of candid, hilarious photos of her findings during her real estate travels. She also promotes her listings on social media, staying active on neighborhood Facebook pages in a useful, unobtrusive way. “Some of these pages have up to 6,000 members, so if I have a house in Copyright Top Agent Magazine9

“I love houses and people. Real estate is the epitome of those things together. But what I love most is the helping, the psychology and diffusing the stress.” a high-demand area, I’ll post it and people share it instantly!” She uses only high-definition photography and posts all of her images on her website in addition to the MLS. Copyright Top Agent Magazine Copyright 10

One of Gina’s most distinguishing factors is the importance she places on doing the right thing. “If I have to show someone 40 houses and talk them out of several, I’ll do that. It’s Top Agent Magazine

important they’re happy.” She continually seeks creative solutions to buyers’ needs in a hot seller’s market. “My agents and I have successfully landed offers for buyers that haven’t necessarily been the highest offers,” she says, noting that she treats every client the same, taking care of them equally, regardless of their price point. Following that theme, she also donates 10% of her broker’s commission fees quarterly to a different local charity. “It’s fun to say, ‘Who do we get to donate to this quarter?’” Top Agent Magazine

Gina also loves spending time at her kids’ events as well as reading, gardening, and traveling. In the future, she plans to continue expanding, perhaps adding a few more agents. “I love houses and people. Real estate is the epitome of those things together. But what I love most is the helping, the psychology and diffusing the stress.” For that reason, as she grows, she plans to remain independent. “That’s the best way for me to keep providing excellent, personalized service matching people with homes.” Copyright Top Agent Magazine 11

To learn more about Gina Fruncillo, visit riverdogrealestate.com, email gina@riverdogrealestate.com or call 651.470.8983 www.

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g n i p Kee h c u in To


One sign of a great real estate agent is there long list of loyal client following. Part of achieving a great referral base is being a great realtor during the transaction. But, that’s only half of the work. To truly be your client’s realtor for life and keep them coming back to you as well as referring others to you, you have to stay in their lives past the transaction. Keeping in touch with your past clients can be one of the most important parts of your business, and one that many realtors tend to push to the wayside. Do you stay in your client’s lives, or do you disappear? People refer people that they feel they know well and that they trust, people they consider friends. However, earning and keeping your client’s trust involves maintaining a delicate balance with how much you contact them. Experts recommend reaching out to your clients at least quarterly. But, it’s not just about how often you stay in touch. You also need to be mindful about how you are reaching out to them. Here are some tips on how to keep in touch with your clients for the long haul: Top Agent Magazine

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INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL CONTACT One of the best ways to keep in touch with your clients is to simply give them a call every once in a while. Follow up and see how your clients are doing. Offer them assistance if they need it. Personalized contact helps to ensure that you remain as important to your clients long after the sale as you were during the transaction. Giving your clients a call on special occasions such as birthdays or holidays also makes for a great personal touch. Of course, nothing beats face-to-face contact. Stopping by to say hello can be a great way to keep in contact. An even better way to catch up and maintain that friendship is to set up a lunch or coffee date with past clients. Giving individual clients your undivided attention goes a long way towards maintaining that bond you formed during the transaction and earning your client’s loyalty and trust. Interactions like this make a lasting impression on your clients. Of course, many busy REALTORS® may not have time to follow up with every client oneon-one. A great way to still give personal attention to your clients without meeting each and every one for lunch is to throw a client appreciation party. This allows you to get in some face-to-face time with each client and make sure they all get your undivided attention and quality time to catch up with you, even if it’s only for a short time. Now, if you have a lot of past clients, this can be difficult to manage during one party. One way to get around the numbers problem is to organize smaller events based on client’s inter-


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ests. Instead of throwing one giant party, host a pool party for the families with kids or a wine and cheese get together for single clients. Hosting special events like these ones goes a long way towards keeping your contact with past clients more personalized and setting you apart from those businesses that simply send them a calendar once a year.

PROVIDE CLIENTS WITH USEFUL NEWS PROVIDE CLIENTS WITH USEFUL NEWS One way that many REALTORSÂŽ keep in touch with their clients is by sending them newsletters. This form of contact can be a double-edged sword. You want to make sure you provide them with useful information that reminds them of your value as a real estate professional. Otherwise your communication will amount to nothing more than spam, and clients will think of you less as a trusted friend and more as a nuisance salesperson. Clients react much more positively to communication containing information that is pertinent to their lives. Update your clients on what is going on in their local community and housing market. Demonstrate your knowledge about the community and the things that are important to your clients. Include information about local cultural events, community news, housing statistics, information on the mortgage market, home maintenance advice, home design tips, and anything else that your clients will find personally useful. Your clients will always be interested in value.

SEND CLIENTS MEMORABLE AND PERSONAL CARDS Sending your clients cards related to important events in their lives and letting them know that you remember those events and care will go a long way towards building and maintaining a close personal relationship with them. You want to make sure your cards stand out, though. Sending popular holiday cards can be a mistake, as they will most likely get lost amongst all of your clients other holiday cards and will be quickly forgotten. Instead send something more personal such as: HOME ANNIVERSARY CARDS: Send cards to each client on the anniversary of the closing of their home.

CONGRATULATORY CARDS: Remember important events such as wedding anniversaries, graduations, new babies, etc.

SPECIAL BIRTHDAY CARDS: Instead of just sending your typical birthday card, add something special to yours that will stand out. Include a $1 scratch off ticket or a $5 gift certificate to Starbucks. Make sure to include a handwritten personal note. Top Agent Magazine

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GIVE CLIENTS AN UNUSUAL GIFT Make sure the gifts you send your past clients stand out. Send your past clients an odd gift at the beginning of the year or on a holiday. Think outside the box and send things like funny magnets, customized mugs, a personalized piece of wall décor, and other fun and unusual items. A great way to make your gift stand out even more is to include a funny note with it that will catch their attention as well as make them think of you. For example, one cute idea is to send clients a bag of popcorn with the note, “Real estate is popping, give me a call.” You could send a bag of goldfish with a note attached that says, “I’m fishing for your referrals.” Get creative and have a little fun with it, your clients will notice and remember you for it.


Social networking sites make staying in contact with past clients in a more informal and friendly basis much easier. Connect with your past clients on Facebook. This will help you stay up to date on the important things happening in your pact clients’ lives. In return, it provides you a great platform for keeping those past clients up to date with what is going on in your business as well as keep in contact in a more informal manner. Use Facebook to remind past clients to check their basement after a heavy rain or that they can contact you for help during tax time. 16

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You can even organize your contacts on Facebook into customized lists such as “past clients,” “industry contacts,” etc. This will help you better manage your Facebook contacts. This will also allow you to view specific news feeds based on these lists and send messages to a particular list of contacts. Don’t forget about the many other social networking sites such as Twitter or LinkedIn either. Utilize this technology to drive personal contact with your clients.


No matter how you choose to keep in contact with past clients, make sure to be consistent. Consistency will help you stay organized and diligent about reaching out to your past clients regularly. A tool used by many real estate professionals to stay organized is a customer relationship management solution. Whether you use one that is online or a computer software program, this will help you stay organized when managing your contacts and allow you to set notifications to alert you when you need to contact certain clients, send out gifts, plan a client appreciation event, and many other things throughout the year. Staying organized and consistent in your contact with past clients will help you continue to build and manage your referral base, as well as open the door to repeat and referral business. Top Agent Magazine

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5 Tips to Get New Clients If you’ve been in the industry for a while, you’ve probably built up a healthy percentage of repeat and referral business. Although it can be tempting to just maintain those relationships rather than generating new business, there’s something to be said for staying on top of Top Agent Magazine

your game by never resting on your laurels. Actively pursuing new clients is not only a way to generate more business, but depending on how you do it, it could even lead to a profitable new niche. Here are just a few ways to build up your new client base. 19


Become a referral partner with industry peers


Cold Call Expired and FSBO Listings

Everyone from mortgage lenders, to financial planners, to insurance agents, can be potentially lucrative referral partners for a Realtor®. You may already have great relationships with some that just need to be more formalized. But, you don’t just want to partner with anyone, make sure these are people you also feel completely comfortable referring your clients to - people who share your values and work ethic.

Another avenue to consider is divorce attorneys – yes, you heard that correctly. Helping people go through this difficult period actually requires a very specific skill set. You need to be able to handle the legal aspects, as well as the emotional ones. There are numerous training courses you can take if you decide to take this route, which could end up being a lucrative and much-needed specialty.

This is a route a lot of agents take when they are just starting out, that usually leads to great success. You probably haven’t cold called since you started out, and this is a great skill to build up again. It will not only sharpen your sales skills, but could generate a lot more business. People with For Sale By Owners (FSBOs) and expired listings, are usually very motivated to sell. This is a great chance for you to really hone in on why they need to hire you. Do you offer innovative marketing plans? Access to a large sphere of influence? Expired listing clients are looking for ways to sell a property that seems impossible to move. With FSBOs, you need to show them how you can get them more money in their pocket, even 20

with paying you a commission. Pursuing both will really engage your mind to think outside of the box, which will not only get you more business, but make you better at what you do. Top Agent Magazine


Partner up with a Relocation Company


Become a Builder’s Realtor® of choice

This is another niche market that you can really capitalize on if you want to pursue a new specialty. But, it is a specialty, so getting educated on the process will help you generate the business you want. It’s a complicated area of real estate, you’ll often

times be helping to facilitate dual transactions, as you try and secure a property at the same time you are helping your relocation client sell their previous home. This specialty is becoming an in-demand skill in areas that have major corporate headquarters.

This can be a real score for any Realtor®. The competition might be fierce to land a client like this, but there are numerous ways to make yourself stand out from the rest. Gain certifications and become knowledgeable about the construction process. Be wellversed on what trendy materials, features, and finishes will add value to a property. Get the builder on board with you by offering to take just a segment of the subdivision then wow them with your marketing skills. Take on properties they haven’t been able to sell. You can even offer to throw an open


house for them. This is another way to show them the level of service they can expect from you. These clients might be harder to land, but the payoff will be enormous.

Create a Website that Offers Real Value to Potential Clients

Perhaps the most useful way of getting contact information for people looking to sell is by adding a home valuation feature to your website. When people are first considering selling their home, finding out how much

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it is worth is one of the first questions they want answered. By becoming a resource to potential clients (and current clients!), you just might be the first person that comes to mind when they’re actually looking to sell. 21

Creative Meditation

for the Real Estate Professional The real estate world can be an industry of intense emotional and psychological pressure. Deadlines, meetings, employee needs, client needs and a hundred other items on which one needs to focus on a daily basis can create an environment that is not only not conducive to mental well-being, but can be outright detrimental. Learning to quiet the mind has been the focus of meditation for millennia. While those not familiar with the concept of meditation may instinctively think of yoga mats, incense, and chanting when the word “meditation” arises, there are in fact, many forms of meditation that can integrate quite 22

easily into the daily hustle & bustle world of the busy real estate agent. First, think about when you are alone each day. Here are some possible times to practice mediation during the work day: • When driving to the office in the morning • When driving to a showing or to meet a client • Before your open house begins • After the open house • Driving home in the evening Top Agent Magazine

Repeating a mantra can be very calming, particularly when you are trying to rid yourself of negative, self-defeating thoughts. These are just five examples of times when you can take advantage of meditation techniques to quiet your mind and, by extension, increase productivity. A calm mind is a more thoughtful, better tuned instrument. Here are some examples of meditations you can try.


For when you’re driving, download and listen to any number of audio Guided Meditations available on the internet. YouTube has a generous selection of these, many of which are geared towards success in business.

2 Repeating a mantra can be very calm-

ing, particularly when you are trying to rid yourself of negative, self-defeating thoughts. It doesn’t matter what words you choose, as long as you feel good about your choice. “I am a success” or “I will approach all of my clients with love today” are two examples. Whatever works for you and gets you into the desired mindset.

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3 Something as simple as listening to pleasant music in your car can be considered meditation, provided it brings you to a place of comfort as opposed to one of spiritual discordance.

4 The most important thing, however, is to take time to find gratitude in everything you do. Count your blessings, be grateful the exciting career in real estate you have built for yourself.

Once you’ve mastered some of these techniques at quieting your mind, you can attempt to find some that work even better for you. Walking, plain silence, or even exercise can have meditative qualities and benefits if practiced on a regular basis. When you’re truly feeling calm, your clients can sense this. And with this comes the feeling that you can be relied upon to stay focused and calm in any unforeseen circumstances. And in the world of real estate, that’s a highly prized commodity. 23



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