Welcome to Sales Masterclass
Waits for someone to ask if they can buy ‌
Talks about nothing more than the product ‌
Promises the World just to get a sale ‌
Helps the customer find what they need ‌
TRUST... 1. Preparation 2. Build rapport 3. Positioning/Purpose statement 4. About us NEED… 5. Questions – find the pain/challenges/areas of concern 6. Summarise - and get feedback HELP… 7. Answer any questions – pre-empt objections!!!!! 8. Offer solutions – what’s in it for them! 9. Answer any questions – more information HURRY… 10. Closing 11. Overcoming objections 12. Get started
Therefore 70% of your time with a prospect is not selling!
Little things that are quite inessential but play a great part in pursuading people you are good at what you do? ...
Within 3 seconds of meeting your prospect, you can lose the sale Present yourself in an appropriate manner EVERY TIME!
Suit Shoes Always be On Time ... Keep in Touch ... Always follow up… Remembering teams names… Quality of sales material.. Samples... Delivery...
Words = 7% Price/Cost
Down Payment
Get started
Sign here
Area of concern
Future client
Body Language = 55% Arms/Legs crossed Foot tapping Tutting Rubbing eyes Head in hand
Open gestures Smiling Nodding Chatting-partners
Rubbing bridge of nose
Asking questions
Eyes closed
Leaning forward
Looking down/away when talking
Steeple gestures
Tugging Ear
Elbows on the desk
“ Can I just explain how I would like to make the most of our time together today. What I would like to do is outline what it is that Toluna do and how we help individuals such as yourselves. Then I would like to ask you some questions so that I can get a real understanding of your needs and specific requirements. Then I will run through the choice of solutions that we have and if we can both see the benefits to you and us I am going to ask you to make a decision today. Would it be OK if we worked along those lines ?�
End of X your work
Features – explain what the product/ service is or does – like facts Benefits – explain what’s in it for the buyer (WIFM)
Want benefit related statement which turn features into benefits: Which means that ….. So obviously….
Write down 5 facts about your service What are the benefits to the seller Use a benefit related statement in your sentences
Fact - 96% of all sales are made after the 6th close. How many sales people give up after 1. How many don’t even use 1? Between 62 –70% of sales people DO NOT ask for the sale
Silent – ask for the business and then keep quiet Alternative – either or Assumptive – what will happen next is.. Direct – do you want to proceed or not Fear – eg limited offer, one left