Writer Silusapho Nyanda
The power of engineering and technology
he advent of new tech-
we use here pushes the envelope,”
nologies, coupled with the
he said.
merger of information and
Dr Tlotleng’s job includes using
communications technology and
3D printing technology to create
engineering, is presenting oppor-
materials that have various real-
tunities to advance new tools that
life applications. These materials
can be used to better our world.
could be anything from titanium
To be a world leader in the advancement of technology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
and aluminium plates to solid steel products. “A doctor of engineering is
(4IR), South Africa needs to groom
someone who validates the sci-
the best brains in the field and
ence aspects but they must spin
Doctor of Engineering in Materi-
the applications of the science
als Science and Engineering
and come up with a prototype to
Monnamme Tlotleng (34) is the
show that they have satisfied the
embodiment of that.
science,” said Dr Tlotleng. Dr Tlotleng, who completed his
Pushing the envelope
doctoral studies in 2014 – within a
Dr Tlotleng is a senior researcher
year and nine months of regis-
at the Council for Scientific and In-
tering, was ranked number one
dustrial Research (CSIR). His job fo-
by the Materials Science and
cuses on laser materials process-
Engineering: C journal for work he
ing with a specific focus on laser
published in 2014.
metals 3D printing, laser in-situ
His doctoral studies, done
alloy development and functional
through a partnership with the
graded material structures. As
University of Johannesburg and
part of his job, Dr Tlotleng works on
the CSIR, discovered how titanium
laser engineered net shaping and
implants can grow human tissue,
other directed energy deposition
thus avoiding corrosion over
laser platforms. “The technology
time. He said the technology and
Dr Monnamme Tlotleng holds a trophy t hat he printed using a laser 3D printer.
Public Sector Manager • November 2019