4 minute read
Interview with Elite Risk Acceptences MD, Tatrina Vlok
Bespoke Wealth Asset Insurance for The Discerning
In 2017, Christelle Colman (former Managing Director of Elite) and current Managing Director, Tarina Vlok approached Old Mutual Insure to propose a non-life insurance solution for its wealthy clients. In August of 2018 the product was launched after the realisation that offering the option to the existing and new intermediary base would contribute to growth.
Elite Risk Acceptances (Pty) Ltd wrote R100-million in premium income after the first year of operations, thanks to the support of its broker and advisor partners. Here Managing Director Tarina Vlok takes us through what sets the company apart, the milestones it’s reached and more.
What Differentiates Your Company From Competitors?
• We are part of the Old Mutual Group, with strong support from the blue-chip company.
• We offer specialised, niche services and products to our high net-worth target market. Our product provides some of the widest cover available in the market.
• We have a team of highly-skilled underwriters looking after the needs of the most important clients of our brokers.
• We have an all-female board.
• We pride ourselves in the development and continued support of our staff.
• We guard our culture and deliberately develop it.
• We maintain close relationships with our intermediaries and have an open door and always available approach to engagement.
• Backed by Old Mutual Insure, we have capacity to insure large domestic risks and have access to favourable reinsurance terms if required.
How is Elite Risk Acceptances Aligned With The Needs of The Top 500 Best Managed Companies?
Elite embraces female empowerment and diversity. We respect and honour our diverse staff, partner and client networks, as well as the communities we serve. At Elite, we believe that focusing on the mental and physical health of our staff allows us to retain and nurture talent. This goes hand-in-hand with treating our staff with respect and trust to harness and protect the amazing culture of the team.
We continue to support personal development plans, including formal and informal training, leadership development, as well as learnership and mentorship programs. This is incredibly important in ensuring not only top performance, but also that each employee remains connected and focused. The entire Elite Risk team is already a top performing and connected team - we aim to maintain this in 2023.
Embracing the hybrid work model, we have moved towards a work environment of partial working from home and inperson connection, collaboration, and brainstorming. All while supporting our staff and creating an environment with trust and accountability at its heart. This allows each person to thrive, and ultimately allows our business to grow and attract the best of breed.
In Your Opinion, What Have Been Some of Elite's Most Important Milestones To Date?
•R100-million premium income after the first full year of operations (December 2019)
•We have provided employment to 35 staff members to date
•We have provided employment to 35 staff members to date
•When COVID lockdowns were introduced, we effortlessly moved off site in 24 hours and are continuing to effectively work from home
•After the resignation of our previous MD, there was a seamless transition to new leadership with tremendous support from our shareholders and staff.
•Appointment of Tandiwe Cimela as COO in 2022.
Do You Have Exciting Plans For The Coming Year?
Yes, one of the most important exciting plans we have (and that we can share at this stage) is the opening of our own offices in 2023. When the COVID lockdown hit in March 2020, Elite was still a start-up and we rented office space within the group. since then, we have developed our own very distinct brand and we will be opening our own offices hopefully early in 2023.
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In today’s service economy, it is important for organisations to embrace diversity, including female empowerment. This will enable us to serve our staff and clients in a holistic and well-rounded way. This is especially true in the financial services industry, where traditionally insurance is considered a grudge purchase and there can be a lack of trust of insurers.