6 minute read
Rand Water - Bringing A Sustainable Water Supply To Customers
Rand Water – the largest bulk water utility on the African continent – continues to invest in infrastructure and make repair and maintenance a priority.
Access to clean water for every South African is a constitutional right. But for this right to be fully realised, there must be effective and comprehensive infrastructure development, with a focus on its upkeep. Unfortunately, the larger part of South Africa’s water infrastructure, which was built more than four decades ago, must be replaced to reduce the high rate of wastage through pipeline leaks. Fortunately, Rand Water has continued to focus on infrastructure maintenance as well as investing in new infrastructure like water purification plants, reservoirs, pump stations, pipelines, pump stations as well as automation and electrical equipment.
Rand Water could have faced the stark reality of not adequately providing water to its customers in line with its mandate if it did not invest in infrastructure. In the last financial year, Rand Water spent billions of rands as part of its capital expenditure plan.
This entails the upgrading, refurbishment, and replacement of assets across the entire Rand Water network. During this year alone, the water utility unveiled two noteworthy projects: the 210 Mℓ Vlakfontein Reservoir in Benoni, and Phase 1 of Station 5A at the Zuikerbosch Water Treatment Plant.
The Vlakfontein reservoir is the biggest posttensioned reservoir in southern Africa and is set to provide additional water to some parts of Gauteng. Vlakfontein reservoir is part of the Mapleton System which receives water from the Zuikerbosch purification and pumping station via two pipes, which are both 2 100 mm in diameter and distributes potable water to various municipalities through two outgoing pipelines which are also 2 100 mm in diameter.
Station 5A is a 600 Mℓ water purification plant, located within the Rand Water Zuikerbosch Water Treatment Plant in Vereeniging. It is one of Rand Water’s multimillion rand flagship projects aimed at augmenting water supply into its systems.

When projects of this magnitude are implemented, it is worth noting the benefits that will be derived upon its completion. On top of the list of benefits is the initial addition of 150 Mℓ/day of water into the system, serving an additional 2.4 million consumers. The final phase of Station 5A will add another 450 Mℓ/day which significantly contribute to the region’s water supply security, sustainability, and ultimately created a positive socio-economic condition for communities.
This project is a major milestone in accomplishing Rand Water’s augmentation strategy and is part of the future sustainable water supply envisaged by Rand Water. However, that addition of large quantities of water in Rand Water’s system should not encourage consumers to waste water. Consumers must continue using water sparingly because South Africa is a water scarce country.
In its effort to implement the mandate, Rand Water encounters numerous serious challenges that have the potential to compromise or even derail either the development or refurbishment of water supply infrastructure. These include, but are not limited to, vandalism, encroachment on its servitudes, non-payment of water services by local municipalities and actual corrosion of its pipelines after many years of performance.
Although the water utility has enlisted the services of security companies to protect its infrastructure in some areas, these pipelines are still vulnerable, and this is where thieves can damage the pipelines, valves, and steal valves and in some instances water itself.
Encroachment of Servitudes
Formal and informal encroachment are some of Rand Water’s challenges that may delay the replacement of worn-out infrastructure. Formal encroachment is a situation where a formal housing project has been developed, and informal encroachment refers to a situation where an informal settlement is built on top of Rand Water’s pipeline or Rand Water’s servitude. These situations have the potential to impede Rand Water from having free access to the land for maintenance purposes.
Or late payment by municipal customers may negatively affect Rand Water’s financial stability
The gradual loss of material from a metal surface, is one of the major causes of degrading pipeline performance. As the coating of pipes wears out, corrosion starts due to moisture in compressed air, and these steel pipelines need to be replaced
Despite these challenges, Rand Water is committed to providing clean and sustainable water to millions of South Africans. There is no better way to celebrate its 120-year anniversary than to witness the implementation of infrastructure projects like the Vlakfontein Reservoir and Station 5A.

Rand Water: Fast Facts
Rand Water was established in terms of Chapter 6 of the Water Services Act (108 of 1997) and listed as the National Government Business Enterprise - sole shareholder
Largest water utility in Africa
Rand Water has a global reputation for providing water of high quality and had consistently exceeded National Standards and International Guidelines on water quality
Rand Water abstracts raw water from the Vaal Dam and conveys it through pipelines to the two purification systems: Zuikerbosch Water Treatment Plant and the Vereeniging Water Treatment Plant
Purified water is distributed to the secondary booster systems: Palmiet Booster Pumping Station, Zwartkopjes Booster Pumping Station, Mapleton Booster Pumping Station, and Eikenhof Booster Pumping Station
Provides bulk potable water to over 16 million people
Supplies Gauteng, parts of Mpumalanga, the Free State and North-West provinces
Besides municipalities, some of its customers are the mines and farmers
Pipeline infrastructure spans 3 600 km
59 reservoirs
Been in operation for 120 years (since 1903)
Station 5a Project Scope

A raw water abstraction pipeline that feeds Station 5A from the Zuikerbosch Forebay / Intake Dam
An array of chemical dosing plants (Lime, Poly, Silica and organic for coagulation and flocculation)
Horizontal flow sedimentation tanks with desludging bridges - for settling and removal of precipitates/dirty particles
A carbonation bay – pH correction and/or stabilisation with CO2
A filter plant that consists of rapid gravity sand filters – for removal of suspended matter
A chlorine disinfection plant - for elimination of pathogenic organisms
A reservoir and pump engine room – for pumping potable water to consumers
Outgoing pipelines connecting to the distribution network

Address: 552 Impala Road, Glenvista
Contact Number: 0860101060
Email: customerservice@randwater.co.za
Website: www.randwater.co.za