9 minute read
It has been a very tough ride sincewe started as a micro-business in2005. Being an Indian female in amale-dominated business world, withall its political challenges, has made“making it” more complicated. Withlimited financial resources and nosupport from any financial institution,decisions had to be made thatenabled me to slowly but surely drivemy business forward.
The last 16 years illustrates thetransition, personally and on abusiness level. Our purpose is to rewireand reignite the passion and driveto succeed by enabling a differentmindset application in business. Usingneuro-education methodology, webring about remarkable and lastingchange within any business ownerand ultimately the intrinsic benefitflows into their business.

• Panelist at the Skills Development Summit (2020)
• Co-Sponsor to SMME virtual Roadshow (2021)
• Small Business Chamber: Nominated Small Business Entrepreneur Of The Year (2010)
• Midrand Chamber of Commerce: Treasurer and EXCO member (2006/2007)
• Beneficiary trustee of the VAE ESSOP BBBEE Share Incentive Trust
Marketing & Communications: Lee O’Connor
Sales Manager: Shani NaidooHR Manager: Lee O’Connor
SCORECARDBlack shareholding: >50.1%
Female shareholding: >50.1%Black executive directors: >50.1%Female executive directors: >50.1%Black staff: 25.1 - 50%Female staff: >50.1%
Expenditure on staff skills developmentas a proportion of total payroll: 30%
COMPANY INFORMATIONFounded: 2005Founder: Shani NaidooNumber of employees: 3Branch location: Centurion
Memberships: SAIT, SAIBA, Compliance Institute SA, IACSA
Strategic Partnerships: SME project with SMART SME.
Turnover: Less than 3 million per yearOperating profit: Approximately 20%Net profit: Approximately 5%Financial year: FebruaryApprox. market share: Less than 2%Bank: STD Bank
Accountants: RKM chartered accountants
Current customer base: 20 international clients; approx. 150 local clients
Company Details
Corporate Park 66, 269 Von Willich Avenue, Network Spaces Building, Suite 13, Centurion
Postnet Suite 295, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0145083 597 27720860 512 0475
shani@nemesisaccounting.co.zawww.nemesisaccounting.co.za@Nemesis Accounting

We are an accounting practice having served businesses over the last 16 years, with over 20 years of knowledge, skill and experience. Our general services include: monthly accounting, taxation matters, management accounting, financial reviews, statutory services, project accounting and reporting, international client base services, internal audit and compliance services. But that was the past…
Now, we have expanded our service offerings and opened two more companies as a result of our own personal development and transformation, thus being an example of the power of self-investment and transformation. SME Warrior (Pty) Ltd is the business training leg, and Compliance Statutory and Project Services (Pty) Ltd is the compliance leg.

At Nemesis, we have introduced a different approachand integration methodology to our accounting,tax and compliance services. The reason for this issimple: connective thinking and integrated consultingusing neuroscience methods. This allows us to dissectthe client’s situation from various angles throughquestioning and scenario integration. There is muchmore to a business’s needs than accounting, tax andcompliance. Being in a position to provide manysolutions to one problem is what clients are looking for.We also constantly remind ourselves and our staff thatthere is always more than one way to solve a problembut also more than one way to interpret and analyse it.
The South African business landscape is very diverse. Over the years, through our diverse client base, we have seen the need for a simplified and direct understanding of business. As a result of this, Nemesis has developed a “mapping” approach when assisting and guiding a business. Clearly this type of teaching enables learning to take place within that business and the owner also has the opportunity to connect with his business on an intrinsic level. We firmly believe in enabling accountability within a business by integrating the business owner to be part of the learning and transformation process of their business.
Our additional skills-set encompasses the following: Neuro- Linguistic application based communication, GC Index implementation and profiling, mentoring and SMART- GOAL criteria methodology, strategic business advisory services and NLP problem solving techniques for business.
We bring a fresh approach to the SME sector in terms of business solutions for the future sustainability of your business. The future of business is executing differently. NOW.
Our first CSI initiative occurred in November 2021. Shani Naidoo,CEO, was approached to grace the cover of a new female magazine, 21st Century Women. Shani will be the business advisor columnist of the magazine for the next year and also provide strategic business advisory services to the magazine at no cost. We strongly support such projects and are honoured to be part of their business journey.
Our biggest highlights were being nominated for a Top Empowerment award as an empowerment and transformation leader within our sector and also nominated by Standard Bank Top Women as one of South Africa’s Top Gender Empowerment Companies.

Company DetailsCorporate Park 66, 269 Von Willich Avenue Network Spaces Building, Suite 13, Centurion
Postnet Suite 295, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0145
083 597 27720860 512 0475shani@nemesisaccounting.co.zawww.nemesisaccounting.co.za@Nemesis Accounting

Chief Executive Officer of Nemesis Accounting
Name: Shanilla Naidoo
Born: 20 December 1972
Occupation and position:CEO – Registered PracticingAccountant & Tax Practitioner
Business Rescue Practitioner& GC Index Accredited Trainer
First job: O’Keefe & Swartz– Short-term insurance company
Best advice and who gave it: Thereis very little you can’t do. Just keepgoing, your time will come - Dad
Best business book read this year:Future Next by John Sanei &Iraj Abedian
Way you relax: Kickboxing
Business philosophy:Awaken the warrior within
PLEASE GIVE US SNAPSHOT OF THE COMPANY SNAPSHOT We are an accounting practice and have been operating since 2005. Steady growth over the years enabled us to be where we are today. Our service offerings comprise accounting, tax, compliance, management reporting and payrolls. These are geared towards our SA clients. Over the last 7 years we incorporated an international client base offering, specializing in public officer services, forex management, clearing of blocked funds, bank account opening and nominated payee services, as well as loan regularisation with SARB and SARS interface. Our international clients range from Germany to France, USA, Europe and Tanzania.
WHAT DO YOU SEE AS THE KEY CHALLENGE FOR TRANSFORMATION IN YOUR SECTOR? Considering that the business landscape has been forced to change so drastically due to COVID-19, I believe that EQ, synergistic agility and mindset re-engineering will be the biggest challenges for any business owner.
Hence personal transformation becomes a vital component to every business owner. The captain of the ship must always be able to steer the ship and manage the rough waters with their crew. A well-trained and guided crew is what every captain needs to sail the waters. A powerful mindset cannot be defeated.
WHAT ARE YOUR COMPANY’S KEY TRANSFORMATION MILESTONES? In August 2018, we hosted our first women’s day event:The New Business Woman Of The Future. In November 2019, I qualified as a GCologist, with GC Index in the UK.
WHAT SKILLS DO YOU THINK THE NEW GENERATION OF BLACK LEADERS ARE GOING TO NEED? HOW DO YOU IDENTIFY THOSE LEADERS IN YOUR BUSINESS? Emotional intelligence and agility is key. Business leaders, especially the new entrants, will need to learn mind-power techniques, incorporate emotional intelligence, practice smart goal mapping and continuous learning of their crafts, unlearn old habits and relearn the problem solving techniques of the new world.

Shani Naidoo (centre) with her attorney and HR officerat Nemesis Accounting
WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHALLENGES YOU HAVE HAD TO FACE IN YOUR TRANSFORMATION AGENDA? My biggest challenge was wanting to move forward faster even though I knew that the process was already in place. I had to learn mindset techniques to manage my eagerness and glide through the transformation process.
WHO ARE THE PEOPLE YOU MOST ADMIRE, AND WHY? Robert Kiyosaki, from Rich Dad Poor Dad. He captures the essence of wealth in real terms. His board game, Cashflow, is exactly what entrepreneurs and business owners need in order to understand the language of money, flow and wealth creation. Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why, because he unpacks the intrinsic value of “why” in business. Knowing and living according to your “why” can be all that’s missing on your business journey.
DESCRIBE THE BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY THE COMPANY PRIDES ITSELF ON. “Rewired for growth” – this is what we believe in. Our ethos is based on unlearning the old habits and methods of business and finance, replacing them with new applications and neuroscience methodology. Ultimately we enable ourselves to become vessels of continuous transformation on a personal and business level, operating in a 4IR world.
WHY DO YOU BELIEVE TRANSFORMATION IS SIGNIFICANT IN SA? The South African people are wounded. Transformation is the only element that will enable all people to move forward from a place of humility. The growth of our economy and SME sector is dependent on intrinsic transformation taking place now. The COVID pandemic has just added salt to the wounds. Business mentors, transformation coaches, NLP practitioners, etc. are all needed now more than ever before.

Company DetailsCorporate Park 66, 269 Von Willich Avenue Network Spaces Building, Suite 13, Centurion
Postnet Suite 295, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0145
083 597 27720860 512 0475shani@nemesisaccounting.co.zawww.nemesisaccounting.co.za@Nemesis Accounting