FOR EMPLOYEES GRAPPLING WITH GENDER BASED VIOLENCE By Cheryl Benadie, GBV activist and founder of Whole Person Academy Domestic violence is a complex
issue as there are different levels of abuse. Many women are in abusive relationships where they feel fear
and anxiety but console themselves
with “at least he doesn’t hit me”. If a
partner exhibits signs of manipulation, anger and control, physical abuse is almost always inevitable.
The problem is exacerbated in
instances where there are children
involved, because the woman feels like
she needs to stay for their sake. Due to the tenuous nature of the relationship, financial instability is quite common and adds additional pressure.
Working from home increases
the danger for domestic violence victims. Being able to go into an
office meant that they could escape the abuse for a while and try to
maintain a certain level of freedom. Working from home during COVID means they are forced to contend
with irrational behaviour and have
no place to hide. There is no longer a safe space and the victim will be 146 STANDARD BANK TO P W O M EN LEADERS