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Noninvasive Vein Treatment:



“Medicine was one of those lifelong things because I don’t remember when I didn’t wanna do medicineit was something I always wanted to do. I was interested in helping others,” Dr. Mason Mandy, M.D., said.

Dr. Mason Mandy, M.D., DABVLM, is the Chief Medical Officer in the Midtown Manhattan clinic for Metro Vein Centers. As a board-certified surgeon, he specializes in treating chronic venous insufficiency and other vein conditions, performing over 10,000 vein procedures through minimally invasive technology.

After his undergrad at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Dr. Mandy completed medical school at the University of Alabama Birmingham in his hometown. After that, he started on the path of OBGYN but quickly became interested in surgery and chose to do a surgery residency at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. After completion, he did three years in the Air Force as a general surgeon without getting deployed. Then, Dr. Mandy worked in Nashville for another three years as a general surgeon before moving to New York to work in the Metro Vein Centers.

“I like the instant gratification of surgery in a lot of cases. For example, somebody would come in with a problem like appendicitis, and then you take out their appendix, and they get well quickly and go home, and it’s kind of a one-time thing, and they’re done for the vast majority of patients. And I also like the physical part, being able to do a procedure and use my hands and the technical aspect of it,” he said.

Opening the Metro Vein Centers combines what he enjoys most: follow-up and gratification. Most patients receive more follow-up than a routine surgery but still have that instant gratification aspect where they usually do not need another surgery to improve. So it has a perfect mix of relationship and procedure.

Dr. Mandy sees patients who most often have a different mix of common symptoms like pain in their legs, swelling in their feet, prominent varicose veins or bleeding veins, or ulcers in the skin. Treatments vary according to where the vein is located and its anatomy. Each treatment is tailored to individual patients based on what they need and what will address their needs best.

Vein disease never just goes away or gets better on its own. Symptoms may improve, but once the vein is broken or diseased, it does not reverse. Therefore, the earlier people come in when they notice symptoms, the quicker Metro Vein Center and Dr. Mandy can treat and prevent future issues. Most patients do not end up with ulcers or severe disease, but it could progress over time if not properly treated.

Lifestyle adjustments are a huge part of the treatment plans that Metro Vein Center offers. Many patients visiting Dr. Mandy are standing for long hours or are sitting behind computers without moving and getting the blood flowing throughout their bodies. When addressing these problems, he may recommend patients wear compression stockings or elevate their legs for 15 to 20 minutes. They will also recommend weight loss techniques, exercise, and healthy lifestyle changes.

3 Tips to Prevent a Visit to the Vein Doctor

Dr. Mandy has three main tips to avoid having vein issues in the future or worsening existing issues. If you can take these preventative measures, your veins will thank you!

#1 Wear Compression Stockings

If you are a person who is standing for long periods of the day, compression stockings can help you feel better and improve circulation in your legs.

#2 Elevate Your Legs

Elevation can help with any symptoms you are experiencing. Especially when you are putting your feet high in the air, not just on a stool, you will experience a relief of pressure. It also helps drain blood to relieve the pressure on your legs.

#3 Weight Loss and Exercise

Dr. Mandy suggests these two essential things to relieve vein pain and pressure. In addition, weight loss and exercise can help an array of things other than just vein-related issues. They can address underlying diseases and prevent further problems much better than any other treatment.

The thing about having problems with your veins is that it can cause significant discomfort and reduce your ability to exercise and function normally. Worst case scenarios can have significant bleeding or developing ulcers which develop infections and skin breakdown. It is important to avoid these issues while you can so symptoms do not develop or worsen. Vein treatments are now noninvasive and quick, which means more patients can access them now.

“We can do 10-minute procedures in the office with no cutting and no stitches, and patients can walk in and out on their own and get the same treatment essentially. So it’s really changed dramatically. And so I think in the past, many doctors were reluctant to recommend vein treatment because it was such an invasive and such a major ordeal to go through that. And so I think we can take care of it without the risk of the discomfort and the inconvenience of major surgery,” Dr. Mandy said.

With the ease and noninvasive surgery options, anyone experiencing vein problems should visit Dr. Mandy and his team at Metro Vein Center. Following his preventative advice should also keep you from having any vein issues, to begin with! To learn more about his office and Dr. Mandy, visit his website (https://www. metroveincenters.com).

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