Python Variables: What are they?
This post aims to assist the reader with a detailed analysis of Python variables through examples.
Python Variables
Python variables are containers for storing values. The type of variables can be declared before using them. Once we assign a value to a variable, it becomes a variable. There is no static typing in Python.
Python Variable Creation
There is no command for declaring a variable in Python when we speak about variables. In the below example we have created a variable in Python. Execute
It is unnecessary to make variables of a specific type, and they can even switch types once they have been assigned. Execute
mr = 8 # mr is of type int ex = "Sally" # ex is now of type str print(ex)
Casting in Python variables allows you to specify the data type of a variable.
a = str(3) # a will occur '3' b = int(3) # b will occur 3 c = float(3) # c will occur 3.0 print(a) print(b) print(c)
Determine the type
Using the type() function, you can determine a variable’s data type.
"Elon" print(type(a)) print(type(b))
Python Variable Types
In data types, data items are classified or categorized. In other words, it indicates what operations can be performed on a particular data set. A Python variable is an instance (object) of a class, since everything is an object in Python programming.
The following are Python’s standard data types: 1. Numeric. 2 Sequence Type.
The next section of this tutorial will go into more detail about data types and casting.
What is better, a single quote or a double quote?
Variables that are declared as strings can either be declared as single quotes or double quotes. Both are the preferred ways:
x = "Elon_Musk" # Or x = 'Elon_Musk' print (x)
Case Sensitive:
As far as Python is concerned, variable names are case-sensitive. This will create two variables:
#A has a value Sally and a has digit 4 – both are different variables. print( a ) print( A )
Python Output Variables
When outputting variables in Python, the print statement is often used.
Python uses the + character to combine text and variables: The + character can also be used to add variables to another variable in Python: The + character works as a mathematical operator for numbers: Execute Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 a = 3 b = 7 print(a + b) Python will give you an error message if you try to combine a string and a number: Execute Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 a = 3 b = "Elon" print(a + b)
Python variables should follow the following guidelines.
1. You must begin a variable name with a letter or an underscore.
2. There can be no number at the beginning of a variable name.
3. In variable names, alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _) are allowed.
4. elon_musk, Elon_Musk, and ELON_MUSK are three different variables (Python variables are case-sensitive).
5. A variable cannot be named using reserved words (keywords).