City of Happy Valley April Newsletter

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APRIL 2012

Happy Valley

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16000 SE Misty Drive

 Happy Valley, OR 97086  Telephone (503) 783-3800


A monthly publica on provided to the Community


Business Spotlight ‐ Stacey Blacker RE/MAX Equity Group Sidewalk Work Slated for July Open House‐ Community Skate Park

Calendar of Events & Mee ngs WES News ‐ Join SOLV Clean‐Up Clackamas County Energy Fair HV Camp Quest 5K Run Community Service Recogni on

Sunrise Water Authority‐ Consumer Alert Turn in Old & Unused Prescrip ons‐ Sat. Aug. 28 Help Block Cyber Bullying with HV Youth Council

April 27th ‐ Arbor Day Observed Arbor Day is an international tradition that began in 1872. J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of the Nebraska Territory, first proposed a treeplanting holiday called Arbor Day to the State Board of Agriculture of Nebraska in January of 1872. April 10, 1872 was declared the first Arbor Day. It is estimated that more than one million trees were planted in Nebraska on that first Arbor Day.

COUNCIL’S CORNER by Councilor Tom Ellis

Here We Grow Again As many of you may have noticed, residential and commercial construction activity in Happy Valley has increased substantially. It is most noticeable along the Sunnyside Road corridor where many new businesses have opened or are under construction and where even more are in the permit process or on the drawing board.

During the 1870’s, other states began passing legislation recognizing Arbor Day, which is celebrated in many states in April. The State of Oregon recognizes Arbor Day during the first full week of April.

I know some are probably wondering if all of the new development will be fast food restaurants. The answer to that is “No”. As time goes by you will see a diverse group of businesses that are aesthetically pleasing and a great addition to our city. The city does not try to control what type of businesses come in as much as we try to control what they will look like. We have a Design and Review Board that reviews all commercial buildings before they are built to ensure we get a quality product.

For the eighth year running, the City of Happy Valley has been named a Tree City USA. Part of being a Tree City USA means celebrating Arbor Day. As a result, in 2009 the City Council declared the City’s annual Arbor Day celebration to occur on the last Friday of April. This year’s observance will take place April 27th. when the City will plant several 1.5”-2” caliper deciduous trees on April 27th in the City’s park, near the off-lease dog area. In addition to its annual Arbor Day celebration, the City also holds an annual tree planting event at Happy Valley Park. This year’s tree planting event took place on February 18th as volunteers planted over 1,000 trees and shrubs along the banks of Mt. Scott Creek and in the City’s wetlands. For questions regarding Arbor Day, contact the City’s Planning Division at (503) 783-3800.

Residential construction is also on the rebound. The high point was fiscal year 2005-2006 when 595 single family permits were issued and the low point was fiscal year 2008-2009, when only 60 single family building permits were issued-- a 90% decrease. Fiscal year 2010-2011 saw 110 permits issued and fiscal year 2011-2012 is on track to see an even higher increase. I don’t think we are returning to the so called “boom” times of the mid 2000’s, but rather to a more stable market. Commercial and residential construction, when done well with good planning and good design, is healthy for the city and its citizens. It creates jobs both during the construction phase and then again once businesses are open. I encourage everyone to support Happy Valley’s local businesses, as this will enhance our city’s strength and our quality of life.

Our New Library ‐ Read All About It!

More Library News at

The new community library, located in the Sunnyside Village Community Center at 13793 SE Sieben Parkway just south of Sunnyside Road off 147th, is ready to open its doors! The community is invited to the Dedication and Grand Opening ceremony on Thursday, April 19th, with activities and events planned for the whole family. Come share the fun and enjoy this long awaited and beautiful new library! Thursday, April 19 th from 2 to 4 pm


Open House and Dedication Ceremony

Come tour your new library! Please join us for a short dedication ceremony followed by an open house and refreshments.

April 19 th through April 22 nd


Passport Adventure

Pick up a passport and explore your new library. Visit at least four locations listed on the passport and enter it for a drawing! All ages are welcome to participate. Random drawing for grand prize in each age category. Sunnyside Library 13793 SE Sieben Parkway

Friday, April 20 th from 4 to 6 pm Teen Mixer Munch on pizza while you get to know your new library and other teens. Play character charades, book BINGO and more!

Saturday, April 21 st from 1 to 3 pm


Spring Fest

Plant some roots with the library. Local experts from the Office of Sustainability will offer presentations every half hour on composting, recycling and natural gardening. Kids can enjoy nature crafts and activities in the park. Fun for everyone!

DID YOU KNOW ? The Guild of Oregon Woodworkers designed and built 13 gondola style book shelves. These beau ful oak shelves took well over 1000 hours to make. Material costs were provided by The Friends of Clackamas County.

Happy Valley TODAY

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Business Partner of the Month

Sidewalk Work Slated for July

STACEY BLACKER, Real Estate Broker

Work scheduled on ‘Superblock’ project

9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd ‐ Ste. 100 Community is Our Business

PHONE (503) 495‐3717 Mobile (503) 706‐1517

Stacey Blacker RE/MAX Equity Group

HVBA Member Stacey Blacker is in a select group of acknowledged professionals. She has been named to the 2012 list of Five Star Real Estate Agents that will soon be posted in the April Portland Monthly magazine. Less than 7 % of real estate agents in the Portland area receive this recognition for exceptional service and overall satisfaction as indicated by clients, peers and industry experts!

Stacey Blacker sees positive signs that are pointing to better times for the housing market. Foreclosure inventories are dwindling, unemployment numbers are down as evidenced by over 700,000 jobs that grew the economy over the last 3 months, and low interest rates, affordable prices, population growth and renter demand are steadily building sales momentum. Her expertise covers all areas of service - Buyer and Seller Representation, Foreclosures/Bank Owned properties and short sales, new construction and condominiums. Stacey can easily meet the needs of the novice first-time home buyer, experienced investors and everyone in between. Stacey places great value on building relationships with her clients. Working by referral, she believes it is all about trust. “Relationships are more important than transactions,” notes Stacey. “Let’s face itwhen you look for service, you look for someone you can trust. A referral tells my clients that I am someone with a proven track record that they can trust. I’m always on their side because it’s about people, not houses.” Be sure and follow Stacey on her Business Facebook Page: Stacey Blacker, Real Estate Broker.

Coming Your Way Soon A new Farmers Market every Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm in the parking lot of the Sunnyside Foursquare Church at 132nd & Sunnyside.

Beginning June 2nd. Details at

Happy Valley Business Alliance meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at New Seasons Market. Businesses around the City are encouraged to join the HVBA to connect, share ideas, resources and experiences with other local business members. Visit the HVBA website at

The City was awarded funding through the Federal Safe Routes to School Grant Program to construct a sidewalk on the north side of SE King Road, east of the Bap st Church, and on the west side of SE 145th Sidewalk construc on will take place on west side of Avenue, SE 145th from SE King Rd to the Wetland Park from SE King Road to the Wetland Park. City staff has been working with ODOT and design consultant David Evans and Associates to design the project. The project completes a cri cal gap in the City’s “superblock” area and will provide safe access to school for approximately 250 children at Happy Valley Elementary and Middle Schools. Bids for construc on of the project will open on May 17, 2012. Construc on work will begin a er the 4th of July. The majority of the work will be complete in approximately 6 weeks, with a few weeks of clean up. If you have any ques ons about this project please contact Economic and Community Development Director Michael D. Walter (michaelw@ci.happy‐ or Engineering Manager Carol Earle (carole@ci.happy‐, via e‐mail.

Open House‐ Community Skate Park Ci zen Input Invited at April 26 Mee ng Happy Valley City Council is looking for your input on a community skate park. A community Open House is scheduled to start promptly at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 26th at Happy Valley City Hall.

The overall area design takes into consideration an amphitheater-type seating component. The goal is to use the gazebo as a focal point providing better visibility and acoustics during community events.

On December 6th, the HV Parks Advisory Committee presented its recommendation to City Council for the construction of a skate park where skate boarding enthusiasts can recreate. Council recommended further review before moving the project forward and directed City staff to compile findings relating to size, partners, asset management, design components and insurance implications. The City Council Work Session on February 21st focused on answering those questions. The Council now wants to hear from you.

Design elements include an 8 foot grass area, sequentially raised 3 feet leading up to the skate park. It is anticipated that HV Park Gazebo would serve three tiers would as focal point for events with complement the amphitheater type sea ng topographic layout of the area.

Site placement limitations have the conceptual size set at approximately 3,500 square feet. The proposed facility will present beginner type levels of difficulty, with the largest structure within the skate park area estimated to be 4 feet high. Younger skaters will be drawn to the facility due to its limited complexity and the reduced pressures associated with a larger skate park. Although North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District (NCPRD) has plans for an approximate 2 acre destination facility at Hood View Park, these major capital projects require a large contribution from system development charges (SDC’s). Given current collection rates, it is anticipated that this large scale project is more than 5 years out. The Parks Advisory Committee is hopeful that this small pocket park will help bridge the gap until the larger facility is constructed, while in the long term provide a dedicated facility for the beginner skater.

Funding is always an important factor for capital project discussions. The major source of revenue for the skate park will be the remaining SDC funds collected prior to the annexation into the NCPRD. These funds can only be spent on capacity-increasing projects, and per state law cannot be spent on replacement of aging equipment or infrastructure. City Council encourages all interested parties to attend the Open House on April 26th. This community forum will give the Council a better understanding of what Happy Valley residents think about the skate park proposal. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact Chris Randall, Public Works Director at (503) 783-3842

Happy Valley TODAY

page 3 City of Happy Valley Community Policing Center The Mission of the Happy Valley Police Department, in partnership with the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, is to be a progressive and innova ve organiza on that promotes, delivers and preserves an assurance of security, safety and quality law enforcement services to all people of the City of Happy Valley.

Water Line Service Insurance:

Join the HV Youth Council for the 2nd Annual

Proceed with Cau on

Bully Block Day

A Message from A le er from USA HomeServe is circula ng in the community encouraging homeowners to buy water line repair and replacement insurance. Some of our customers have been confused by this le er and have called asking about it.

This event is open to Teens and Adults who want to ight against bullying. Participants, via computers, will visit social networking sites and block, report and speak out against any instances of bullying to be found.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sunrise Water Authority is in no way affiliated with this company and doesn’t offer or require water line repair or replacement insurance, nor do they endorse any par cular company that does. Water line repairs or replacement can be expensive and are typically the responsibility of the homeowner if they occur between the meter and the house, in the irriga on system or inside the home. Ul mately, it is up to the homeowner to determine if the coverage offered is right for them and their par cular circumstances. The coverage may be unnecessary if the repairs are already covered by your homeowners insurance.

LaSalle Prep Library 11999 SE Fuller Road, Milwaukie, OR 97222 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Homeowners should inves gate USA HomeServe as they would any other insurance carrier or service provider. It is especially per nent in this case to read the fine print carefully, especially as it relates to the General Exclusions por on of the le er. The Be er Business Bureau is a resource for informa on on businesses. If you have any further ques ons for Sunrise Water Authority regarding this le er or water line insurance policies in general, please call 503‐761‐0220.

Bullying... any way you look at it, it’s wrong. And some mes, silent disapproval isn’t enough. Cyber‐bullying is more than mean words and the vic ms can’t fight them alone. Together, we can help.

HV Youth Council Holds Rx Drug Turn‐In Day Youth Councilors Con nue the Fight Against Drugs in their Community Our Youth Council members, in partnership with Happy Valley Police, Sunrise Water Authority, WES, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, Providence Health & Services and the DEA will once again participate in this national effort to keep unwanted and outdated drugs out of our water supply and the hands of unauthorized or recreational users. This is the third turn-in event our teen councilors have organized. Please take advantage of this opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinet and SAFELY dispose of your discards!

Happy Valley Prescrip on Drug Turn‐In Day DATE: Saturday, April 28, 2012 TIME: 10 am to 2 pm PLACE: City Hall Parking Lot 16000 SE Misty Drive, Happy Valley, OR Drive by and drop off your unwanted or outdated prescrip ons, over‐the‐counter medica ons or drugs at this ‘No Ques ons’ asked event.

Most of us have outdated or unwanted prescriptions or over-the-counter medications that are expired or unwanted. Safely dispose of them on Prescription Drug Drop Off Day with a quick drive by City Hall.

Happy Valley TODAY

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WES is working to preserve and enhance


Community Blood Drive

2 to 7 pm

HV Evangelical Church

the nature areas in our communi es.


City Council Mee ng

7:00 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Community Garden Mee ng

7 to 8 pm

City Hall


HV Youth Council Mee ng

7:00 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Planning Commission


Juvenile Diversion Panel

5:30 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Traffic & Public Safety Comm.

7:00 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Bully Block Day


City Council Mee ng

7:00 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Sunnyside Library Dedica on

2 to 4 pm

13793 SE Sieben Parkway


Skate Park Public Mee ng

7:00 pm

City Hall Council Chamber


Arbor Day Tree Plan ng


SOLV Clean‐Up Event

10 am ‐ 2 pm

Meet at HV Park Area “A”


Prescrip on Drug Turn ‐In

10 am ‐ 2 pm

City Hall Parking Lot

You are invited to join us for a clean‐up event of

HAPPY VALLEY WETLAND PARK and MT. SCOTT CREEK TRAIL Saturday, April 28, 2012 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Volunteers are advised to bring your boots, work gloves and rain gear. Adults, youths and families are welcome! Meet at Happy Valley Park ‐ Area ‘A’ To register or volunteer, please call Lyne e Garbarino at (503) 783‐3832 or visit

Community Service Recogni on HV Middle School student Cole Hegar had an eye‐ opening experience when he recently performed his Leadership class service project. Choosing to pick up li er for his service hours, he surveyed the city park, wetlands and a few neighborhood parks. “I was surprised at how much garbage was thrown on the ground, even right next to the trash cans. We need to be more responsible and take care of our parks and neighborhoods.”


11 am ‐1 pm

LaSalle Prep Campus

Day Event

Happy Valley Park

Clackamas County Energy and Sustainability Fair Saturday, April 28, 2012 9 am to 3 pm

Cole Hegar

Well stated, Cole and thank you for your service! Cole is the son of Chris and Kris ne Hegar of Happy Valley, and a student in Mrs. Lute’s 6th grade classroom.

There’s still time to register online at www.

Clackamas County Development Services Building 150 Beavercreek Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 Meet with local vendors about installing solar panels at your house, capturing rain water to use in your garden, energy efficiency and more! See the inside of an electric vehicle and learn a how a solar cooker works. A Kids Zone will feature ac vi es and fun projects to learn about renewable energy and sustainability. Some ac vi es will count toward Boy Scout and Girl Scout badges. Workshops will be held throughout the day:

Community Garden Meeting

9:00 am

Low‐Cost and No‐Cost Ways to Save Energy

10:30 am

Home Energy IQ for In‐Depth Energy Retrofits

12:00 noon

Rain Water Harves ng

1:30 pm

Low‐Cost and No‐Cost Ways to Save Energy

April 5th 7 to 8 pm at City Hall

For more details, visit or call 503‐650‐3334

CITY DEPARTMENTS HERE TO ASSIST YOU General Assistance - Business Licenses, Dog Licenses, (503) 783-3800 Alarm Permits, Burn Permits, Tree Cutting Permits Administration

(503) 783-3831


(503) 783-3809

Code Enforcement / Animal Control

Happy Valley City Council

(503) 783-3800

Community Services Event Information, Park & Sports Fields Reservations, Passports, Sponsorship Information, HOA Assistance


(503) 783-3813


(503) 783-3827

Human Resources / City Recorder

(503) 783-3826

Municipal Court

(503) 783-3848

Economic Planning / Community Development

(503) 783-3812

Public Works

(503) 783-3842

(503) 783-3800

A monthly publica on provided to the Happy Valley Community Contact: Becky Micciche, Community Services (503) 783‐3823 beckym@ci.happy‐ Lori DeRemer, Mayor 503.783.3800

Markley Drake 503.290.6023

Tom Andrusko 503.783.3800

Michael Morrow 503.347.2020

Tom Ellis 503.783.3800

Happy Valley Today is also available online. For this and more informa on

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