MiroVerve Reviews

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Close Look at Breast Implants... &

their Secret but Devastating Side-Effects!

Intro My name is Susan Bird and I have been an critic of cosmetic implant surgeries for many years. I am by no means a hater of the industry, but my indepth research and understanding of it has lead me to become an active spokeswoman against it. I believe that with enough right information, it is easier to make the right decision when it comes to breast enhancements or anything else for that matter. It is my sincere wish and desire that this short report will be informational and educational for you and that it will help you make the right decision.

Can Plastic Surgery Become Addictive? A couple weeks ago the cover of a "her world" magazine caught my eye and I ended up taking a picture of it. As you can see, I zoomed in to the part that caught my attention. It was quoting an "anime babe wannabe" who apparently had said "I had plastic surgery 10 times and won't stop!" This lead me to a question I get all the time: Can one really get addicted to plastic surgery? I have watched numerous documentaries and read dozens of stories of women who just wanted to get a minor plastic surgery with no intentions of getting any ongoing surgeries but after recovering from the first one, they ended up going back for dozens more. There are two simple factors at play here that we need to take a closer look at: 1. I find it interesting that women keep going back for more surgery after the first one. Is this to fix the damage that was done with the first one?

Look at movie stars and some of the famous singers who have gotten dozens upon dozens of these surgeries. It is obvious that they would not have gone with the cheapest surgeons around because if anyone has spending power, they do. My point is: even if rich and famous people get their appearance messed up by plastic surgeons, how much more so would this be the case for the average person? Even if plastic surgery itself were not addictive, chances are great that patients will get many more surgeries after the first one to recover from the damage done in the first one. And then more surgeries to fix the damage done in the followup surgery etc. It quickly turns in to vicious snowball effects at this point. 2. If you have studied human psychology at all, you will know that there is indeed a psychological factor at play where people have a hard time accepting the changes made to their appearance. This too leads to them getting more and more surgeries in hopes to gain an image of themselves that they can live with again. It is a slippery and downright dangerous path to thread on for sure. This is exactly why I always encourage the enhancement of natural beauty rather then changing of it. In conclusion: Is plastic surgery addictive? I don't think it is as much addictive as it becomes "neccessary" in the patience view. No one likes to get cut on, but many will let themselves get cut up for a glimps of hope that they will be prettier afterwards. In either case, plastic surgery is dangerous and unless it were for major reconstructive surgery, I personally would advise strongly against it. You are beautiful as you are. Naturally enhance your beauty if anything and you will not have to permanently live with the potentially devastating side effects of plastic surgery.

Psychological Side-Effects of Breast Implants With famous celebrities (like Kourtney Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, Sharon Osbourne, Britney Spears, and many more) having their breast implants removed – anywhere from a few days to a few decades after they got them – one can’t help but ask the question “why?” You can’t argue that these women made rash and uneducated decisions in the first place because that is simply not the case. There is no doubt that they did their research, had a pretty good idea of everything involved (ridiculous costs, pain, scaring, etc), and were determined to get them anyways. Just for the record: I honestly don’t think any sane person would let themselves get operated on just to test implants out. No, I think it is fair to say that you only commit to getting them if you are serious about having and keeping them. Having said that, statistics show us that approximately 43% of all women who got implant surgeries, regret getting them. A lot of them even spend fortunes to get them removed again. Shocking, isn’t it? The argument is that “it is not so much the fact that these women get depressed and miserable as a result of having implants, but much more the fact that they were unhappy with their self image to begin with”. Interesting though that a lot of women prefer to go back to their saggy breasts instead of keeping the firm implanted ones. After studying dozens upon dozens of cases, here is my conclusion: it is nearly impossible for our minds to comprehend and appreciate things that change drastically overnight. Let me demonstrate: my husband recently shaved off his beard which he had been faithfully trimming for 8 months. After all the shaving cream was washed off, he nearly started crying in front of the mirror because he did not recognize himself anymore. In fact, he was practically depressed for a few days as a result. With time, he adjusted to it and all is good, but it was a psychological mind-battle for him for sure. Just imagine how much more this happens when something on your body drastically

changes over night. Your conscious and subconscious mind watched everything develop over a period of many years, and as soon as the implants are in, your mind practically rejects the body because it does not recognize it. It sounds silly, but that – in layman’s terms – is exactly what happens. How should you go about improving your breasts then? How can you make them perkier, larger, more even, etc? Whatever you do, do NOT get an implant surgery. It really is not worth the pain, risk, and cost. What I do recommend though is a product called MiroVerve (click here for details). It is a 100% natural breast enhancement product that I use, love, and recommend. Do things right. Save yourself the trouble, pain, and frustration, and make sure you have absolutely no regrets afterwards. You have only one set of breasts and can not afford the risk of getting them screwed up!

Do Breast Implants Pose Serious Health Risks? I recently read a news article in which "experts" tried to argue there were no serious long term health risks to silicon breast implants - despite the fact that a very high percentage of implants will start to leak within the first decade. Now, as I explained before, I am not a hater when it comes to implants, but I honestly have a hard time believing that there would be little to no side effects if an implant ruptured behind the breast tissue or worse, behind the breasts pectoral muscle itself. In other words, there is a law of cause and effect that operates in every aspect of this universe. In the case of breast implants it is no different. If they rupture, something is bound to happen - and whatever that is, it can't be good! For example: It seems that everything we eat these days can cause cancer - or so we're told. Heck, every time I darken toast to my liking, someone tells me "you do know you can get cancer from that, right?"

I doubt it has ever been proven to cause cancer. Why is everyone buying in to the theory though? There are certainly limits to everything, even to what we can safely consume. Some things we eat right out have absolutely no health benefits and do our body more harm then good. This is true, and I am not going to argue against that. It simply is "a true fact" as George W. Bush would put it. How much more do you think this would be the case then if a non-eatable silicone matter (something the body can not naturally break down) started mixing in with our God given body tissue? A little common sense tells me that this can not do any good at all! And yet we have "experts" expecting us to believe that ruptured silicone implants have no serious long term effect on our health? Who paid them to do the research, the implant makers? That is about as far as I will go with that rant. Truth be told, there are serious risks to getting breast implants. No question about it - and I think we can all agree on that. Whether they rupture or not does not really matter. Stuffing a piece of silicon behind each of your breasts simply is not a good idea - any 3 year old with a little common sense could tell you this. Which is exactly why I keep recommending MiroVerve as a healthy and natural breast enhancement alternative. No need to spend thousands of dollars to put our health at risk. At least not for something a natural breast enhancement product can handle just fine.

PIP Breast Implant Scandal vs. MiroVerve As pointed out before, I have been critical of the whole cosmetic surgery industry for years now, simply because of all the questionable stuff happening in it. It appears nobody was ever holding them (the practitioners and the product developers) accountable for any of it - until now!

Bruce Keogh, the medical director of the National Health Service in Brittain, announced that they will be investigating all cosmetic practices in the UK and raise the bar for a lot of them. This was mainly due to the PIP scandal but also due to the fact that a lot of patience never do proper research themselves before getting a cosmetic procedure done. NOTE: The PIP scandal basically comes down to this: hundreds of thousands of women ended up getting silicon implants between 2001 until now that were partially made from medically unsafe material – causing an abnormally high rupture rate among patients. I highly recommend you look up PIP Scandal on wikipedia. It was said that for the majority of the patients, cost was a huge determining factor. Only for half of the patients was the qualification of the surgeons a concern. This alone is a disaster waiting to happen! Bruce Keogh also said that most women never took the potential consequences of cosmetic surgery seriously. Meaning a lot of women suffered major negative sideeffects after the operation that they never even thought could happen. Fact remains: once you get off the operating table, there is absolutely nothing you can do should things go terribly wrong. Once you signed the agreement to get the procedure done, you accept all risk and responsibility. This raises the question: If cost is really the main deciding factor, why not go for a cheaper and natural alternative like MiroVerve or Triactol? They both have a proven track record and are far safer and far more affordable then a cosmetic implant surgery could ever be. Just for the record, MiroVerve and Triactol are the exact same product. The only difference between them is that MiroVerve is sold only in the USA, while Triactol is sold worldwide. If you would like more detailed information on this life changing breast enhancement serum, I recommend you check out my review and testimial here! Like I said before: You only have two breasts and one lifetime to enjoy them. I'd hate for you to get them butchered up beyond repair when there are safer (yet cheaper) ways to get exactly the results you are after.

Fake Breasts vs. All-Natural Breasts: Facts Reviewed! After reviewing a number of surveys, I realized that the average guy does not care for huge fake boobies. There, I said it! In most cases, guys will agree that breasts on their ideal woman do not have to be perfect, as long as they are real and not stuffed with fake silicon. Hard to believe, no? I thought so too! It is interesting that with so many things we do, we do them because we think guys will be flattered by them, but more often then not, they could not care less. I call that "doing things for all the wrong reasons!" For example: A friend of mine likes to paint her finger nails and she pays good chunks of cash each month to have manicures etc, but her boyfriend does not care for any of it, and he DOES remind her of that all the time. She does not believe him though, and keeps getting them. Her excuse? I do it for him! Here is a bit of reality: most REAL guys want REAL women. If we go all fake on our men - how can we possibly expect them to stay real with us? I think I made my point so I will move on ... :) Since guys do not like fake boobies (and - from independent survey reviews - this is for the most part true), we ought to do ourselves the favor and keep things real. By that I mean: who says we can not enhance our natural God given sex appeal naturally? Let me qualify what I mean with enhancing breasts naturally: You know how guys lift weights at the gym or do various kinds of exercises to build their muscles? They are naturally enhancing their muscles. Now imagine if guys started to get silicon implants beneath their muscles just to appear more buff. Would you find them more attractive as a result? I'm fairly certain if you found out (and you would) that their muscles were fake, you would quickly loose all respect (not to mention sex appeal) for them. I mean really - what is there to desire about fake muscles?

I am not saying this lightly and I am not disrespecting either gender here. It's not how I roll. I just appreciate it when people are 100% real with me and as such I want to be 100% real with you and pass on the truth as I have come to see it. So, using my example above, I think we can all agree that fake-ness on a guy just does not work. Simply because... it's fake. A lot of women do not care much for huge muscled guys (just like a lot of guys don't care much for big boobed women), but truth remains: if a guy works out regularly he will have a lot more sex appeal then a guy who never works out. Fact also remains: most guys who hit the gym regularly also consume a muscle enhancement product of some kind... be it protein, creatine, or any other muscle concentrated product. What is my point? Simple! We too - as a female gender – can also increase our sex appeal, naturally. You say "Great idea Susan. How do you suppose we do that?" I am not going to go in to all the details on this page simply because I do not have time for it right now, but check out one of the reviews I wrote a while back of MiroVerve, an all natural breast enhancement product. There is no need to not have the breasts you desire, but from my experience I will say: there is no need for you to spend $5000 or more to get them. Not to mention the risks and dangers you expose yourself to in the process. Natural breast enhancement products have come a long way these last few years, and with the right one (as you will see from my testimonial) you can make amazing things happen. Here is to a sexier you, Susan PS: - for more information, I strongly recommend you check out my indepth testimonial at: http://miroverve-review.com

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