Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Summer Edition

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Volume 2 , Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness

Summer 2012

Inside this issue: A Word from the Publisher: Aurora Paradise Physical Advantage: Good Day Sunshine Yoga: There’s No Place Like OM Patricia Martin Detox Diva: Dandelion Tonic Nutritional Bites: Nutrition On the Go Meditation Express: Wellness Days Reflexology: Struggling with Diabetes? Dream Work: Dreaming and Whole-Brain... Healing Scents: Essential Oils for Pregnancy... Alexandra’s Insights: Tips to Creating a Life That’s... Chiron Files: Pholus the Centaur:Small Cause.. Daily OM: A Good Turn Daily Welcome NEW Columnist: Nicole Cutler, Health on Point, Elise Muller, Notes from the...

A newsletter dedicated to your well-being

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Special Guest Columnist: Elizabeth Driano “Living With a Chronic Illness: How I Cope” PLUS: Healing Innovations, Healing Circle, and Topricin In the News President and Chief of Research: Publisher: VP: Managing Editor: Creative Director: Media Director: Contributors: Joan Apter Annie B.Bond Debbie Burklund Nancy Butler-Ross Nicole Cutler Elizabeth Driano Topical BioMedics ©2011

From the makers of the Topricin® family of healing pain relief products


Lou Paradise Aurora Paradise Steve Duricko Patricia Martin Elizabeth Chen Elizabeth Paradise

A Word from the Publisher


ummer is officially here! I hope you are enjoying fun in the sun and have more good times planned for the weeks ahead! We have a jam-packed issue featuring lots of great, informative articles to help you make the most of the season in vibrant good health. Laurie offers safe sun tips in her Physical Advantage column; in “Nutritional Bites,” Roufia provides lots of healthy eating options for when you’re on the road; and Alexandra’s insights in living a more delicious and vital life will enrich your days—along with a recipe for a delicious raw soup with amazing detox benefits. For more detox benefits, you’ll want to read about Annie’s dandelion tonic. And if you’ve ever wondered about why/how to incorporate yoga in your life, Patricia Martin’s feature will enlighten you.

I want to say a special welcome to our two new columnists, Nicole Cutler, L.Ac. and MTCM, who discusses acupuncture in her “Health on Point” column, and Elise Muller, who writes “Notes from the Natural World” based on her knowledge of working with plants and creating the all-natural line of Mountain Spirit Botanical products. I would also like to “introduce” you to a special young lady, Elizabeth Driano, who is our guest columnist. You will find her article on how she copes with living with a chronic illness very inspiring.

This is a perfect time of year to practice What more could you possibly want exNancy and Michael’s meditation that cept a tall, cool drink to sip as you read? makes you more mindful of the benefit of “Wellness Days,” while DailyOm reWishing you a wonderful season and veals being our true authentic selves and good health, doing a good turn daily helps make the world a better place. Aurora Paradise,


Eric’s Chiron Files explores the roots and science of homeopathy, and Doug Eric Francis discusses dreaming and whole-brain Doug Grunther Alexandra Jamieson thinking. Elise Muller Lou Paradise Roufia Payman Michael Suib Laurie Towers

If you or someone you know is pregnant or has little ones, Joan’s column on essential oils for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare is full of helpful information. For those suffering with diabetes, Debbie Burklund’s column on how reflexology can help will be of great interest.

Chief Operations Officer and Publisher

Aurora Paradise is Chief Operations Officer of Topical BioMedics. Besides publishing the monthly newsletter, Aurora oversees the day-to-day operations of the company.

Feature Summer Article There’s No Place Like “OM” Yoga for Health and Wellness --by Patricia Martin, continued on page 5

PO Box 494 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845.871.4900

**May be excerpted or reprinted by permission.

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Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness


A Garden Blooms --by Elise Muller


omfrey has come up in the garden, abundant with tender leaves and healing properties. I’ve worked these plants for numerous years – composting from my bin, carefully cutting back and harvesting, visiting each plant early mornings to whisper words of encouragement and to give thanks for the blessings they bestow. May is also the month that I celebrate my daughter’s birth. When Lily was young I began an in-depth study of plants and the numerous ways to work with their medicinal qualities. Mountain Spirit Botanicals is one result of my endeavors to explore the wisdom of our Natural world. I will tell you (in short) how Mountain Spirit came about. Although it is a long story, one that has evolved over our years together, it began when Lily was born and I first held her. Most of us have held a new born child; their skin is beautiful and their spirit is wide open, susceptible to whatever comes their way. In holding my new-born I resolved to never let anything touch her skin that wasn’t as pure as she was … thus the beginnings of Mountain Spirit. In turning to the Natural world our lives have been enriched in more ways than I can express. Mountain Spirit is a gift from Lily and I—it has been my hope that our products would heighten an awareness of the abundance offered by our Natural world, and that we become thoughtful stewards of our precious resources. To give thanks and celebrate the blossoming of comfrey and Lily, I created Comfrey Facial Cream.

Custom formulated with pure botanical ingredients known to heal tissue damage, this is a superb ally for dry, sensitive complexions. Along with its natural anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, Comfrey stimulates blood circulation to firm the skin. The cream’s organic ingredients: Comfrey root & leaf infusion; unrefined peanut oil; avocado oil; extra-virgin olive oil; apple cider vinegar; vegetable glycerin; bee’s wax; essential oils of Spanish rosemary and Nepalese lemongrass. “Back in the day” comfrey root was used in the curing process to soften leather. If comfrey has the ability to soften leather, imagine what it offers to our complexions. Blessings from our Natural world to be sure…And one I am delighted to share with you. Please visit for more information. ELISE MULLER BIOGRAPHY: Elise’s understanding of the medicine and wisdom of plants was passed on to her in folkloric tradition by people who held onto their customs, beliefs and stories. She received standard education in related fields as well—including Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, and Plant Spirit Medicine – but her mentors and main influences have always been “the people” and the traditions she feels blessed to be a part of. Her company, Mountain Spirit Botanicals, is a reflection of these traditions. As an alternative to products that are chemically mass-produced, Elise has created a product line exclusively from plant material, with every ingredient either a plant or by-product of a plant/ tree that has been organically cultivated or ethically wildharvested. She works only with companies that adhere to Fair Trade agreements and organic and sustainable practices. She believes that the song of birds, the buzz of bees, the caring intent of the farmer, the manner in which she “stirs the pot” all go into the end result: products born of integrity and love. For more information visit

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Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness


“Good Day Sunshine....”--by Laurie Towers The transition from winter dry skin into the environment where the sun’s harsh rays will be both felt and seen calls for a proactive, well thought out investment. Moisturizers will become a staunch ally for all skin types, even if your skin is not particularly dry. Carrying a moisturizer with you “just in case”—as there is no such thing as true climate control—will help you be in the driver’s seat, enabling you to initiate proper “damage control” with skin that’s working in concert with the environment.


t illuminates our lives, creates growth for our greenery, and is the perfect backdrop for those memories right out of a Tennessee Williams’ summer south: The sun.... Wonderful and beautiful, its presence in our lives has a place second only to the air that fills our lungs. As is often the case with beauty and majesty, there is a double edged sword and it is with caution that we now have to enjoy the sun’s offerings, unfortunately due to the compromised state of the ozone layers after years of man-made abuse. The price—in addition to many others—is the physical one what we pay, which is the damage it can do to our skin. This sad circumstance has been the source of arguments between myself and my faithful cohort and partner in crime in one of my businesses (“The Bridal Body Shop”), as well as someone who has become very near and dear to my heart: Elite Ziegelman.

As nothing gets you more in step with making sure that you’re your body’s reaction to a situation is on point and of a healthy reflex, taking stock of what we provide our internal environment is crucial. Loading up on foods—particularly fruits that are full of antioxidants, such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries—will help keep the skin and tissues resilient and prevent damage. Carrying water with you at all times allows you to rehydrate as often as needed to keep your level in proper balance. Whether you are in areas of higher temperatures or not, your body needs its fluids to keep its system running effectively. And since your skin is considered a system, hydration is absolutely vital to its health.

Now assuming that all of the above practices are already a part of your daily routine, A sun worshipper most of her life, Elite rewarded an important point her fit body with a bast of tanning to support the to keep in mind definition of each exercise. As everything has its as you go out into consequence, this presented itself in a bit of a scare the sun is that your as far as her skin was concerned, and led to some suntan is just an disputes between us. How best to guard our skin, outgrowth of your and have fun in an environment that poses a few sun BURN. more threats to our skin than in years past? continue on next page Page 3


Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness


“Good Day Sunshine....”...continued from page 3 The word “burn” being the operative one here, and a word that is never aligned with any positive connotations that I know of. But let me not be a total killjoy. So let’s ask: how do we have fun and be better protected we’re out in the sun? The basic rule of thumb in skin protection depends on the good ol’ gene pool. Easy enough. People who have lighter eyes often have lighter complexions than their darker counterparts. Case in point, me being an example of someone with light eyes and a more Scandinavian background would need a higher block of sunscreen than Elite, who is of Israeli heritage, providing her with darker complexion. In general though, everyone should wear a sunscreen with SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or higher. As it takes the skin up to 30 minutes to absorb sunscreen and allow it to become effective, you should apply it before leaving your house instead of when you get to the beach. Since it’s effect won’t last the entire time you are there (due to perspiration and activity), reapply it every few hours. Also be sure to reapply it right after swimming, even if it’s the water proof kind. Keep in mind that sunscreen works by either reflecting the UV rays away from the body, or absorbing them partially, it is only as effective as its application. A prudent thought would be that even if sufficiently armored with sunscreen, getting out of the sun now and again would be a good practice.

Drinking coconut water has become a popular adjunct as it is full of antioxidants and rehydrates you simultaneously. Another thought might be that when you have your yearly physical, you may want to check your Vitamin D levels as any deficiency there leaves you more subject to skin damage.

Sunburn Care…

Okay so let’s imagine you completely disregarded all of the above suggestions and are now miserably suffering the aftermath of the noon-time sun kissing you. Here are some easy and effective after care steps. • Apply cool (not cold!) cloths to the affected areas, or take a cool shower. • Drink plenty of water and stay away from alcoholic beverages and coffee as they can be dehydrating, and that’s the last thing you need right now. • Lotions with lavender, chamomile, and aloe are a wonderfully natural way of repairing damage and relieving symptoms. Topricin original formula and Topricin Junior in particular are helpful for relieving the discomfort of sunburn. • When using any lotions or moisturizers make sure you check to be sure they don’t have any alcohol which will further dry out the skin. As I had mentioned before, in general a sunscreen with • A sunburnt face responds wonderfully to the antiSPF level of 15 is fine, but when there is a history of inflammatory agents in potatoes, cucumbers and skin cancer, conditions such as Lupus, or medications tomatoes. Slicing pieces and placing them on areas of that increase sun sensitivity, you must increase the discomfort will produce amazing results in very little levels to 30, or stay out of the sun all together. time. Wearing a hat is another good idea, particularly to • Consume fruits that are high in water in the ensure that the head as well as the sensitive skin of the days following, such as watermelon, oranges and ears are well protected. cantaloupes.

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“Good Day Sunshine....” ...continued from page 4 Certainly these are simple symptoms that can be easily treated over the counter or within your own home, but always be advised that anything that produces symptoms that are more profound such as dizziness, disorientation, or nausea should not be waited out, and health professionals need to be brought into the mix for the proper care. In closing, summers are truly a time for fun, beautiful landscapes and wonderful memories to be made. All things in moderation and all things safely. Enjoy in the best of health as will I...and just to be sure I am getting Elite a sombrero. FEATURE ARTICLE

There’s No Place Like “OM” Yoga for Health and Wellness

--by Patricia Martin

it is also a wonderful source of exercise and stress reduction.


eveloped thousands of years ago in Indus Valley, yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” meaning “to unite.” In essence, yoga unifies the body, mind and spirit, bringing them into balance, and devotees use postures—or “Asanas”— as part of their spiritual practice in their quest for enlightenment. Brought to America a little over 100 years ago, yoga is a relative newcomer to the west. The most widely practiced disciplines here are generally some form of Hatha Yoga, which is “the yoga of physical process.” The foundation of most all yoga styles, Hatha incorporates the Asanas, Pranayama (regulated breathing) meditation (Dharana & Dhyana) and kundalini (Laya Yoga) into a complete system that can be used to achieve enlightenment or self-realization. Here in the U.S., many find that

Through a series of poses, Hatha Yoga helps quiet the mind by guiding us to focus on the movement of the body and deliberate, controlled breathing. While all Hatha Yoga approaches utilize movement and breathe, classes can range from gentle and soothing experiences to hot and sweaty power sessions—and everything in between. And of course when Topricin is applied both pre-and postyoga, your body will be extra happy and comforted, and you’ll benefit from all the gains of movement, stretching, and release.

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Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness


There’s No Place Like “OM” Yoga for Health and Wellness ...continued from page 5

TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS Our society tends to be results-oriented, focusing on performance and achievement, which can make some yoga sessions feel more like a competitive sport than a serene, focused activity. According to instructor Lydia Smith, who was certified by Manhattan’s famous Yoga Zone and now teaches in Florida, “In many western yoga studios, it’s all about form, form, form—put this leg here, put that hand there. There’s lots of sweating, pumping, pushing, straining. Yoga is a beautiful process, but we can make it tortuous.”

This western approach is different than most eastern yogic traditions, where emphasis is placed on an individual’s movement potential, and poses are adapted to each practitioner. Lydia explains, “You’re encouraged to strive, but should never force yourself to go beyond your limitations. Once you’ve reached your limit, you breathe through the discomfort to the sweetness of surrender, release, and ease, and become really present.” Linda Blick, a respiratory therapist and yoga and meditation instructor in Connecticut, says she loves teaching yoga to beginners because it can be such a transformational process. “Yoga isn’t about the end result of getting a posture perfect,” she says. “The beauty is that by loosening up the body, the mind expands, and we can then become more open and aligned physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Everything flows more easily.”

balancing hormones; aiding digestion and elimination; improving respiration; and releasing tension and soothing the nervous system. If you have never done yoga before, please keep in mind that not all yoga classes are created equal! Be sure to research the studios in your area, and talk to the instructors about their particular approach and orientation. That way you can get a feel for their style and sense if there is any “chemistry.” After all, if you’re looking for a soothing and mellow experience, you’ll want to stay away from a more aggressive class, or if you are seeking a demanding challenge, you won’t be satisfied with more peaceful, flowing movements. When you take a class, let the instructor know if yoga is new to you, and if you have any physical concerns or limitations, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, hip or knee replacement, and so on. This will enable them to give you more guidance and instructions for altering poses so they will be less demanding on your body and avoid any potential injury.

TYPES/STYLES OF YOGA Here is an overview of the various types of yoga you may encounter in your search for a place to practice. There’s sure to be at least one style that is perfect for you!

HATHA: As previously mentioned, Hatha is a very general term that encompasses many different styles of Besides nurturing a sense of wellbeing, yoga offers yoga. If a class is described as “Hatha,” it is most likely significant physical benefits, as well. These include: going to be slow-paced and gentle, and provide a good Stretching and toning muscles; articulating joints; foundation to basic poses. Again, ask instructors for a strengthening the spine and skeletal system; increasing description of their particular class. circulation and flushing toxins; stimulating glands and continue on next page

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Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness


There’s No Place Like “OM” Yoga for Health and Wellness ...continued from page 6

SVAROOPA: New students or those less flexible will find Svaroopa yoga very approachable, as it often begins with “chair poses” that are comfortable and non-demanding. IYENGAR: Based on the teachings of yogi B.K.S. Iyengar, this approach is concerned with proper body alignment and promotes strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. Iyengar practice usually emphasizes holding poses for a period of time and encourages the use of props, such as yoga blankets, blocks, and straps, in order to bring the body into alignment. These props enable everyone—even the elderly, disabled, or inflexible—to practice. Because of its slow pace, attention to detail, and use of props, Iyengar yoga is beneficial for individuals who are recovering from an injury or anyone looking for a comprehensive yet gentle yoga experience.

involving synchronized breathing with a progressive and continuous series of postures. Practitioners believe that this flowing movement produces intense internal heat and a purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. Ashtanga is the inspiration for Power Yoga, which is based on a similar flowing style of movement but does not strictly follow the more formal set of the Ashtanga series of poses.

HOT YOGA: Hot yoga is growing in popularity here in the west. It’s performed in a heated room (95F – 100F) with movements that are similar to a flowing Vinyasa style of yoga or the demanding Ashtanga yoga. Consequently, practitioners get very warm and sweat profusely, which they believe to be cleansing. (CAUTION: Because any “Hot yoga” is extreme, make sure to drink plenty of water before and after class to avoid dehydration. It is not advisable to eat two hours before class. Also, because hot yoga raises the core body temperature, it is not recommended for pregnant women.)

KUNDALINI: This practice concentrates on awakening the “energy” at the base of the spine and allowing it VINYASA: Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized” to move upwards. Along with postures, a Kundalini movement and is a very physically active and flowing class will typically include chanting, meditation, and form of yoga. It tends to be a more vigorous style, with breathing exercises. ongoing movements and poses performed one right after the other. You may also hear this style of yoga referred to as “Vinyasa Flow.” ASHTANGA & POWER YOGA: Ashtanga is a fastpaced, intense, physically demanding style of yoga

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There’s No Place Like “OM” Yoga for Health and Wellness ...continued from page 7 KRIPALU: Originated at a yoga and wellness center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, Kripalu has been referred to as “the yoga of consciousness.” This gentle, introspective practice emphasizes meditation, physical healing, and spiritual transformation that overflows into everyday life. Goal-oriented striving is discouraged and precise alignment is not as important as in some other traditions. Rather Kripalu focuses on looking inward and moving at your own pace. RESTORATIVE: Restorative yoga feels like a vacation for your body. In this class you will spend long periods of time using blocks to assist you in achieving poses, and lying on blankets and bolsters—all of which eliminate straining and passively allow muscles to relax as your body opens up and sinks deeper into the stretch. Restorative is very soothing, and perfect for beginners/ those who are less flexible; it’s also just what the doctor ordered if you are seeking a little oasis of peace in your week!

PRACTICE TIPS Yoga is intended to be a nurturing practice, not rigid in forcing you to achieve “perfect poses.” Never try to force yourself into a position your body is simply not ready for. The best rule of thumb: listen to your body, and honor its limitations—you want to bend, not break! Here are some basic tips to help you get the most out of your yoga experience with the least amount of discomfort/potential injury. • Pick the style of yoga that best suits your interest and physical abilities, with an instructor you trust to look out for you and provide proper guidance. • Inform your instructor of any physical issues/

conditions/concerns so that he/she can offer you alternate postures when necessary to avoid pain or injury. • Comfort is key to having a fulfilling yoga session. Wear loose, comfortable clothing so you can move without restriction. • Take a few minutes before each class to gently warm up, which will increase your circulation, lubricate your joints, and prepare your muscles for stretching. • If you are not flexible/have physical concerns avoid poses that place strain on joints and disks, which include “The Plow,” full shoulder stand, headstand, and full Lotus. • To protect your back, keep knees slightly bent and hinge from your hips when you bend forward from any standing position. When arching backwards, be careful not to over-arch your lower back as this will compress the lumbar disks. • Never lock your knees when standing. If you feel strain during sitting or kneeling postures, place a cushion or folded blanket under your buttocks/knees to provide assistance and extra cushioning. • Keep your neck in alignment with your spine, being careful not to allow it to drop back or down. • Be good to yourself. Do not judge your abilities or compare yourself to others. • Yoga should NEVER hurt. If a movement or posture is causing you pain, stop immediately. When it comes to yoga, consistency is the key. You’ll be amazed how good you’ll feel becoming more flexible and supple. Allow yoga to give you a “break” from the outside world, and give your body a chance to say “Ahhhh! There’s no place like Om!” Page 8


Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness




s an herbal remedy, dandelion is famous for helping the liver and gallbladder. The traditional spring cleanse coincides with dandelion season, and if you have an organic lawn, you most likely can go outside and gather your dandelions right in front of your house. Harvest roots especially in the fall. You can also buy the root at health food stores.

--by Annie B. Bond

You’ll get the most from your dandelions if you use leaves, flowers, and roots. Dandelion salads made with the greens will bring lots of vitamin C to your plate. Tea made from dandelion roots is a strong tonic.

Dandelion Root Tea Simple

1 teaspoon dandelion root Steep the root in one cup of boiling water. Cool enough to drink. Herbalists recommend not to sweeten the tea, but drink as it is, in its full bitterness.

Dandelion Tonic Two fresh parsley Makes 1 1/2 cup 1-cup tomato or V-8 juice 1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice 1/2 cup strong dandelion root tea 1 tablespoon chopped

Worcestershire sauce to taste Combine ingredients, shake or stir to blend. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

Dandelion Buds and Butter A large handfull or two of small flower buds Boil water on the stove and drop the buds into the water until tender. Drain well, then saute in a small amount of butter. Add salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste.

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Volume 2, Issue 4

NATURAL Wellness




--by Roufia Payman

t’s that special time we look forward to all year long: summer vacation! And while it’s fun to unwind and “get away from it all,” we have to be careful not to drop good eating habits and sabotage our health by over indulging. Here are some tips to help you avoid the pitfalls of “road food” and make healthier choices when you’re away from home. Don’t just “grab and go” when you’re on the road-take control by planning ahead. Convenience stores, food courts, and fast food restaurants offer a plethora of processed foods and treats that are nutritionally poor and loaded with fat, sugar, salt, chemicals, and calories—not to mention leaving you feeling fatigued and bloated. Whether you’re flying off on a business trip or driving to a beach house, packing healthy snacks ahead of time should be at the top of your todo list.

cheese, hard boiled eggs, or raw veggies and humus. • For a punch of protein that doesn’t require refrigeration, take along sardines or single-serving packets of tuna and whole grain pita bread to make a simple, satisfying, and healthy sandwich. • If you want something crunchy, pop natural popcorn, put it in a container or bag, and take it with you. Here are the foods you should be vigilant to avoid when you’re on the road: • Refined grains/simple carbohydrates (bagels, hard rolls, or anything else made with white flour).

Some simple and perfectly portable choices include:

• Bags of salty, greasy potato or corn chips

• High glycemic foods such as fruit juice, soda, and • Natural peanut butter, raw almond butter, and baked sugary snacks, and forget about diet soda with its wheat/multi-grain crackers or rice cakes. Or pack toxic artificial sweeteners. some road-friendly nut butter sandwiches made • Anything with partially hydrogenated oils (this with whole wheat or multi-grain bread. includes most processed/prepackaged baked goods • Nuts, fruit, and a high quality natural dry cereal and even nondairy creamer, which is heavy on the to munch on, or trail mix that is chockfull of your chemicals). favorite healthy goodies. • The usual high-calorie, high fat, • A “power,” protein, or granola bar. Check the label high carb, nutritionally-void culprits to be sure it doesn’t have any chemicals, at fast food places (remember the movie hydrogenated oil, or high fructose corn syrup “Super Size Me?”). French fries, burgers, lurking inside. Also watch the calorie count and processed and fried chicken patties/ check the fat and sugar content, and opt for one nuggets, and in fact most other menu offerings are with the best nutritional profile. big nutritional offenders and should not be consumed. • Pack a little cooler with yogurt, berries, low-fat continued on next page Page 10


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STRATEGIES FOR THE SAVVY TRAVELLER While snacking on wholesome foods will help keep your blood sugar levels from spiking and dropping, avoid eating full meals in the car. Take a break to relax and enjoy your food—it’s better for your digestion and will also enable you to pay attention to satiety signals and realize when you’re full. Don’t skip meals, and don’t go more than four or five hours without eating. This will keep your energy level up and enable you to resist the temptation to overeat at your next meal.

some positive steps you can take to avoid weight gain and enjoy maximum energy. • Hotel mini bars are filled with all sorts of temptations, from alcoholic beverages and sodas to candy—and often at an inflated price. Refuse the key to save calories and cash.

• Power up with a good breakfast. It gets your day off to a high-energy start and helps fight hunger all day, especially if you start out with a high quality, lean protein. Some good choices include a vegetable omelet with whole wheat If you don’t have the time (or the budget) for a lot of toast, or Greek yogurt with sit-down restaurant meals, you can avoid the pitfalls fresh fruit. Oatmeal and of fast food by visiting a grocery store or—better whole grain natural yet—a farmer’s market. Pack some eating utensils, cereals with skim, plates, and cups and enjoy a picnic of fresh green coconut, or almond milk salad, rotisserie chicken, and other healthy choices. are also good choices for If you opt for deli food, ask for mustard or oil and lasting energy. “Smoothies” vinegar instead of fatty, high calorie mayo and are another great option at special sauces. breakfast (or actually a meal substitute at any time). Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, help flush toxins, and avoid travel/jet • Read menus carefully to make health-wise lag. Water also helps curbs food cravings and keeps selections. Focus on vegetables and lean you from eating too much. protein—think grilled, broiled, poached, roasted or baked. • To avoid temptation, refuse the bread basket, or take one roll and ask for the rest to be removed. Start with light, lower calorie foods first, such as soup or salad, to help curb your appetite.

Even if you’re in a hurry to get to your destination, be good to yourself by allowing ample time for rest stops. Take breaks to stretch and walk around in the fresh air. You’ll feel more alert and energized when you get back on the road. Don’t leave your good eating habits behind when you arrive at your vacation destination. Here are

• Most restaurants are very accommodating to special orders. Ask for an entrée without the sauce, or with sauce on the side; substitute salad or vegetables for potatoes (especially French fries and mashed). If you do want a higher calorie treat, eat just a small portion. • Speaking of portion control, ask to have half your order packed to go, or split a large entrée and order an extra salad. Also, a little medley of appetizers is a nice way to get variety without the heaviness of a full dinner entrée.

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Remember—nutritious, healthy eating doesn’t mean Ingredients: deprivation; with a little planning you can enjoy foods ~ 4 navel oranges that are deliciously good for you! ~ 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed orange juice SPRING INTO SUMMER RECIPES ~ 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice ~ 1 tablespoon of Agave (or to taste) Try these light, healthy, low calorie recipes to add some ~ 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (or to taste) sweet and savory flavor to your summer! Directions: CHOCO COCO BANANAS Remove rind and white pith from oranges. Cut each into 5 or 6 slices and arrange on plates. Whisk together orange juice and lemon juice, agave, and cinnamon and spoon over orange slices. Note: cinnamon is delicious sprinkled on apple and pear wedges, too—and so simple to do! SAVORY YOGURT DIP (4 servings) Ingredients: ~ 2 teaspoons cocoa powder ~ 3 teaspoons coconut (toasted or untoasted) ~ 2 small bananas, cut on the bias Directions:

(per single serving) Place cocoa and coconut on separate plates. Roll each banana slice in the cocoa, shake off the excess, then Ingredients: dip in the coconut. ~ 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt CINNAMON ORANGES ~ salt and pepper ½ teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs (dill, basil, cilantro, tarragon) and/or a few pinch of dried oregano ¼ teaspoon lemon zest Directions: (4 servings)

Mix together and serve with assorted raw vegetables (baby carrots, raw zucchini, slices of red/ green/ orange/yellow pepper, celery sticks, radishes, scallions, etc.). continued on next page Page 12


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Ingredients: ~ 1 pound cooked shrimp, prawns, lobster, or crab meat ~ Cellophane noodles (Bean thread noodles) ~ 1 tablespoon seasoned rice vinegar ~ Red or Boston lettuce leaves, leaves separated, rinsed and dried (tough ribs discarded) ~ Fresh mint leaves, washed, dried, and coarsely chopped ~ Fresh basil leaves, washed, dried, and coarsely chopped ~ Fresh cilantro leaves, washed, dried, and coarse ly chopped ~ Coarsely shredded carrot ~ Spring roll wrappers (rice paper rounds) 8-1/2” in diamter Directions: If using shrimp or prawns, sliced them in half lengthwise. Cover bean thread noodles with boiling water and let soak 15 minutes; drain well in a sieve or colander. Pat dry between paper towels and toss with rice vinegar. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill a pie plate or bowl with lukewarm water. Immerse rice paper in warm water for a few seconds to soften them up just until soft but still flexible (work with one rice paper at a time, being gentle as they break easily when brittle).

Remove from water and place rice paper on a kitchen towel and let rest approximately 30 seconds until it’s more pliable Arrange one piece of lettuce on bottom half of soaked rice paper, folding or tearing to fit and leaving a 1-inch border along edge. Top with some of the seafood, noodles, mint, basil, cilantro, and carrot (don’t overfill). Make sure the ingredients are not clumped together in the center, but evenly distributed from one end to the other.

Pressing down on the filling with your fingers (pressing down on the ingredients is particularly important because it tightens the roll), fold the bottom end of the sheet (side nearest you) over the top of the fillings and roll into a cylindrical shape halfway. Fold the left and right sides inward and complete rolling the remaining half (If rice paper is too dry to seal, moisten unsealed edges with a little more hot water). Transfer summer roll to a plate, seam-side down, and cover with dampened paper towels. Make additional roll in the same manner. Bring rolls to room temperature before halving and serving. To serve, halve rolls on the diagonal and place the rolls upright on your serving platter. Serve with your favorite dipping sauces. NOTE: Spring rolls can be made a day ahead. Cover them with a damp paper towel, then wrap well in plastic wrap, and refrigerate. Refrigerating firms and toughens the wrappers and noodles slightly (if they are a little dry, wipe them gently with a damp cloth). continued on next page Page 13


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...continued from page 13

HOISIN-CHILI DIPPING SAUCE Ingredients: ~3/4 cup prepared hoisin sauce ~1/4 cup minced onion ~3 tablespoons rice vinegar ~2 tablespoons water ~2 to 3 teaspoons Asian Red Chili Paste ~2 tablespoons minced salted roasted peanuts Directions: In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine Hoisin sauce,

onion, rice vinegar, and water; heat and stir approximately 3 minutes until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in chili paste. Let sauce cool at least 30 minutes. Just before serving, stir in peanuts.

SPICY PEANUT DIPPING SAUCE Ingredients: ~Bunch fresh cilantro leaves ~1 cup smooth peanut butter ~1 tablespoons sesame oil ~1/2 cup soy sauce ~2-1/2 tablespoons sugar ~3 cloves garlic, minced ~1 tablespoon hot chili sauce ~1 tablespoon rice vinegar

Directions: In a food processor or blender, place the cilantro leaves, peanut butter, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, chili sauce, and rice vinegar. Process until smooth. Serve at room temperature.


Wellness Days --by Nancy Butler-Ross & Michael Suib

“Days off.” –Spencer Tracy, when asked what he looked for in a script.

Take a deep breath and center yourself. Ask your mind, “What would bring me joy?” Repeat this question again to your heart, then to your body. Listen. Smile and explore how you might incorporate some aspect of your answers into your day. We encourage you to enjoy a Wellness Day whenever possible!


f your days off are as busy as your workdays, you may have forgotten how to have a true “day off.” Before your stress turns into an illness, treat yourself to a wellness minute.

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Common Acupuncture Concerns Addressed --by Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM


growing number of Americans recognize acupuncture as a viable therapy for treating pain, but many more are dubious of this fear-invoking practice. How can poking needles into the body possibly relieve someone’s pain? Based on empirical evidence, various clinical trials, countless case studies and testimonials over thousands of years, there is little doubt that acupuncture treatments are capable of relieving a wide range of chronic pain issues.

Originating over 2,000 years ago, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin at specific locations in the body. Acupuncture theory asserts that stimulating certain points encourages blood and energy circulation, creating movement that flushes out pain-inducing stagnation. Modern studies investigating the validity of acupuncture treatment have found that acupuncture may relieve pain because it causes the release of endorphins – our body’s natural painkilling chemicals. To help eliminate fear and clear up some of its most common misconceptions, three typical anxieties about acupuncture are addressed below: 1. Acupuncture rarely hurts – An experienced practitioner can insert an acupuncture needle with little to no discomfort. Although everybody is different, acupuncture recipients often feel comfortable sensations akin to warmth, buzzing or pulsing. If an acupuncture needle is uncomfortable, patients are encouraged to speak up so it can be adjusted or removed. In fact, a majority

of recipients completely relax or fall asleep during treatment. 2. Acupuncture needles are tiny – Most people have a fear of needles, but their fear is based on needles typically used to dispense medication or withdraw blood. Unlike a doctor’s needle that is large, hollow and used to administer or remove fluids, acupuncture needles are solid, extremely thin and designed to painlessly pierce the skin and fascia. The diameter of an acupuncture needle is comparable to a human hair. 3. Acupuncture needles are safe – Concerns about blood-borne pathogens could discourage some people from receiving acupuncture; however, today’s single-use, sterile, sealed needle packages have all but eliminated the risks of blood-borne infections such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV. State laws mandate the use of single-use, sterile acupuncture needles, so acupuncture from a licensed acupuncturist is extremely safe. For those who are suffering with some type of chronic pain issue, acupuncture could be a therapy that brings a surprising amount of relief. The use of needles in Western medicine can be painful, and the source of many “needle phobias.” Unfortunately, this fear prevents some from experiencing and benefitting from acupuncture. Knowing that the needles rarely hurt, are the size of a hair and are very safe could help some people overcome their apprehension so they can receive a relaxing, pain-relieving acupuncture treatment. Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM is a long time advocate of integrating perspectives on health. With a Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute, Nicole has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. She has gathered acupuncture licenses in the states of California and New York, is a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association and has earned diplomat status with the National Commission of Chinese and Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. In addition to her acupuncture practice that focuses on stress and pain relief, digestion and immunity, Nicole contributes to the integration of healthcare by writing articles for professional massage therapists and people living with liver disease.

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Struggling with Diabetes? Reflexology Can Help

n my reflexology practice I’ve seen my share of clients who are either pre-diabetic (their cells are insulin-resistant, but their A1C levels—their quarterly glucose readings—are not yet in the diabetic range) as well as type 1 (juvenile) and type 2 diabetics. And while reflexology is never a substitute for medical care, and is certainly not a substitute for appropriate diet and exercise, there are several ways in which it can be a tool in control of this disease. Stress can cause the bloodstream to be flooded with cortisol, a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. The endocrine system responds by flooding the bloodstream with sugar. One of the most noticeable and immediate benefits of a reflexology treatment is that it can significantly lower a client’s stress levels and, as a result, ameliorate the body’s chemical and hormonal reactions.

--by Debbie Burklund

Reflexology is not a one-time panacea, but I have had a good sampling of clients who added regular reflexology to their self-care, and experienced significant drops in their A1C levels. Neuropathy—a painful numbing of the nerves in the foot—can be a side effect of diabetes as well, and reflexology can help alleviate a long-term case of neuropathy, and can even reverse a new one. And of course the blood circulation and foot discomfort issues associated with diabetes can be immediately eased with reflexology. I often use Topricin Foot Therapy Cream to help with neuropathy issues.

And let’s not forget the very real benefit of well-being and quality of life. We all experience the “domino effect” in our self-care at some time or other. For example, when we’re exercising well, we naturally want to support that effort by eating properly. People who have chronic conditions or illnesses can quite naturally feel hopeIn tandem with general stress relief, a client’s less at times. More than once, I’ve been told that pancreas and liver reflexes can be gently detailed. reflexology has helped alleviate such feelings. And This will revitalize, stimulate and activate the actual certainly, our emotions can play a big part in our pancreas to perform its function in insulin and treatment and recovery. glucose control. DREAM WORK


Dreaming and Whole-Brain Thinking --by Doug Grunther

or a number of decades now it has been well documented that our brains are divided into a left and right hemisphere. The basic skills used by the left side of our brains are logic, sequence, and rational analysis. This is how we speak—putting together a logical sequence of individual words and sentences.

This is how we feel and sense the overall meaning and context of a situation. The left side solves problems by breaking them down into smaller parts and analyzing them. The right brain “sees” larger patterns of meaning. The left side is literal. The right side is metaphorical.

The basic skills used by the right side of our brains are visual, symbolic, and intuitive. continued on next page Page 16


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Dreaming and Whole-Brain Thinking ...continued from page 16

When we dream, we are primarily using the functions of the right brain hemisphere— for while we sometimes hear words spoken in our dreams, they are mostly visual and chaotic. Most of our dreams feel much more irrational and emotional rather than logical and sequential.

As I re-played the dream visually I felt two different emotions. First I was alarmed that such a creature, was once inside of me. Then I was shocked that these women would play around with such a dangerous creature. If at this point if I tried to rationally understand what was going on and tried to logically grasp the sequence of events (left brain skills), I would get nowhere.

Instead I focused on my emotional reactions. I remembered from previous dream work experiences This is why in previous columns I have emphasized that one of the main advantages of dreams is that that to get to the deeper meanings of our dreams we they show us on the outside important life issues need to see them “metaphorically” and not literally. which were previously only contained inside, where And it’s why we can gain so much more meaning we can’t consciously see them. This felt like one of from our dreams when we re-play them visually and the meanings of the giant mite appearing only after take note of emotional feelings which arise as we do it was taken outside of my body. Another sense I so. got is that the dream was pointing to a “large” issue which I was taking too seriously (the women playing Our waking attention is most often focused on around with what I considered a dangerous crea“what” is being communicated by words and their ture). rational meaning. At the same time, but usually more unconsciously, the non-verbal, right side of our brain gets a deeper sense of meaning to what’s being said. When we dream, the visual, non-verbal, intuitive functions of the right brain are primarily at work. DREAM LANGUAGE The language of our dreams is very much connected to the language of our waking lives, but without the words and rational sequence. This dream language offers us the potential to get fascinating, creative, and healing information otherwise unavailable in our waking lives. But to get to the deeper meanings, we need to call upon our intuitive, non-verbal skills. Here’s an example. Recently I had a dream where a woman reaches into my left ear and pulls out a tuft of hair. Suddenly the tuft of hair turns into a giant mite with snapping fangs!!! A few other woman start playing with the mite, like children playing with a harmless insect. I tell them to “take it outside.”

And as I pointed out in a previous column, our dreams love to “play around” with conditioned thought patterns which no longer serve us. This is how they open us up to larger meaning and understanding. So as I re-played the dream I considered what important area of my life needed to be “played around with” rather than feared. continued on next page Page 17


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Dreaming and Whole-Brain Thinking ...continued from page 17 And again as I pointed out in the previous column, our dreams often use puns and hidden jokes as ways to play around. So I considered the giant “mite” as a giant “might:” both a “might have been” regret that was holding me back and a large part of my strength (might) which was being weakened by unnecessary fear and anxiety.

To do so we do well to practice using the creative, intuitive, non-logical skills of the right side of our brains. It can be deeply meaningful. And it can often be fascinating and playful.

When I told the dream to a colleague of mine, her projections as to what these images would mean to her emotionally if she had the dream gave me further insights. By re-playing our dreams and noticing our emotional reactions to them, we can discover deeper patterns of meaning in our lives and receive powerful, healing insights.


Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare --by Joan Apter Essential oils are the subtle, volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and even seeds. They are literally the “life blood” of the plant. Like our blood, the essential oil has the function of carrying nutrition to the plant cells. In our body, they contain oxygenating molecules that transport nutrients to our cells. Essential oils are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and antiseptic. They increase oxygen, negative ions and ozone. They are antioxidant and stimulate the immune system. Oils enhance brain wave funcor those of you new to my column and aromather- tion, improve spiritual awareness and bring about a apy, here’s a background primer. And for those of beautiful balance to the body. Essential oils contain a you already familiar with essential oils, there may be frequency that is several times greater than the fresome information below that is new to you and will quency of herbs and food. be of interest.


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Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare...continued from page 18 Essential oils are absorbed and go to work in the body within seconds. They can affect an organ in 3-5 seconds from contact to results. Essential oils stay in the body about 20 minutes to two hours, and leave no residuals. While oils are not accumulative in the body, their frequency and effect is cumulative. The effect can last up to 5 months. It is of primary importance to know the quality of the essential oil you are using. Essential oils must be distilled with low temperature, low pressure, and absolutely no synthetic adulterants, if they are to maintain their therapeutic benefits.

SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT Essential oils are, without question, substances that deserve the respect of proper education. Users need to be fully aware of the chemistry and safety of the oils. Most essential oils are perfectly safe for topical use. However, oils high in the constituent phenol, such as oregano, thyme or cinnamon, are highly caustic, and can burn if applied directly to the skin. There is a disturbing lack of institutional information, knowledge and training on essential oils. Until recently, adequate instruction has been available only in Europe, which has had a far longer history of using botanical products.

However, which instruction to follow? There are three If you are not sure of the purity of your essential oils, separate and quite different philosophies on the use you could have allergic reactions to the synthetics, inand application of essential oils; the French, German cluding rashes or burns. Make sure the company you and English. choose knows the source of its oils, and can produce gas chromatograms from independent labs as proof of their purity. The essential oils I use in my practice are from Young Living Essential Oils. Essential oils, like herbs and good nutrition, are Godgiven tools to help heal, rejuvenate and maintain our bodies. Clinical aromatherapy is practiced in Europe and is increasingly being integrated into conventional health care. Aromatherapy is now recognized as one of the “top ten� therapies by the British Medical Association.

The English model advocates diluting a small amount of essential oil in a vegetable oil and massaging the body for the purpose of relaxation and relieving stress and pain.

The German model recommends inhalation of the Here in America, many hospitals have started comple- essential oils. Research has shown that the effect of mentary health care services. I am part of a team that fragrance on the sense of smell exerts strong effects on is currently teaching the nurses and staff of a Kings- the brain-especially the hypothalamus (the hormone ton, New York hospital the use and application of command center of the body) and the limbic system essential oils in their birthing center. (the seat of emotions). continued on next page Page 19


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Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare...continued from page 19 The French prefer the ingestion (oral administration) of therapeutic-grade essential oils, including aromatic prescriptions of suppositories or diluted aromatic rectal injections. Essential oils are often applied directly on the skin (neat) for faster penetration through the skin and into the bloodstream. Here, essential oils are used aggressively in the treatment of disease.

In my own practice, I have used essential oils for eliminating stretch marks, reducing swelling, morning sickness, fatigue and depression. Essential oils can help with tiredness, aches, pains and all kinds of minor ailments that accompany pregnancy and childbirth. Babies and children respond very well to therapeutic essential oils. The amount and dosage is less than for adults, and the oils can safely be applied on the feet, or diluted with a pure massage oil base.

Taken together, these schools show how powerful and versatile essential oils can be. However, students of only one school are often dogmatically opposed to Essential Oils can offer an extremely beneficial and using essential oils to their full extent. enjoyable means of treating the many physiological and psychological discomforts of pregnancy, labor Many of the books available on the topic of and early parenthood. And aromatherapy offers a pregnancy, birth and the use of essential oils on wonderful benefit during the entire precious process infants and children do not include a full spectrum of of pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum care. Use approaches. In fact, many myths about essential oils of therapeutic essential oils allows mother and child are repeated over and over in books that are mostly to feel their very best and creates a special feeling of rehashed information gathered from other books. peace and joy. For instance, many people mistakenly assume that Here are some of the essential oils that I recommend the sclareol in clary sage (Salvia sclarea) acts like for use: (Please note: all products mentioned are estrogen, even though it does not. Sclareol is not an from Young Living Essential Oils.) estrogen, although it can mimic estrogen if there is an estrogen deficiency. If there is not an estrogen Pre-Natal: deficiency, sclareol will not create more estrogen in • Apply Valor blend topically on spine and feet the body. morning and evening for deep central nervous system FOR MOMMY AND BABY relaxation. Valor blend is nicknamed “chiropractor in a bottle” as it can align the spine and balance the electrical (nervous) system. • When immune system needs additional support use Thieves blend on feet at bedtime to enhance immune function. Thieves is an anti-bacterial blend that is considered the essential oil antibiotic. • For nausea or morning sickness take one drop of Peppermint on the tongue, followed with water. Drinking lemon or other citrus oils in water - 5 drops to a quart - all day long, purifies the lymph system.

As a rule, essential oils bring balance to the human body, but they must be chosen with great care and used sparingly. In aromatherapy, when using therapeutic quality essential oils (that have not been • To support circulation, massage legs every day with extended with synthetics or adulterants), less is more. Cypress, Helichrysum and Tangerine oils mixed with a couple drops of carrier oil. continued on next page Page 20


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Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare...continued from page 20 • If blood pressure is too low or too high during pregnancy or birthing, use one drop of AromaLife on heart and one on inner wrist; Clary Sage lowers blood pressure if too high. • For edema, massage 1 drop each of Cypress and Tangerine into area many times a day and drink several cups of Dandelion Leaf tea throughout the day.

Water Retention Massage Oil Blend: 2 drops Tangerine, 1 drop Lemon, 4 drops Cypress, 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Geranium mixed into 2.5 T almond oil, 1/2 T jojoba oil, and 1 Evening Primrose oil capsule. This can be used throughout pregnancy. Relax on the sofa with your legs raised on pillows. Apply the oils to your feet, ankles and legs, massaging toward your heart to help circulation.

• For emotional support, use Forgiveness when holding onto the past; Surrender to help with letting go. To strengthen energy, apply one drop Energee to each kidney or on bottom of feet and 1 drop of Rosemary on neck. • For perineum care and to avoid a possible episiotomy, use this blend for perineal massage prior to labor.

Perineum blend: 5 drops Clary Sage and 2 drops Rose in 1 oz. wheat germ oil. Apply Myrrh on the perineum-diluted 1:10 with carrier oil. Apply Claraderm Spray several times a day on the perineum. • Three weeks before delivery, mix and rub on the perineum three times a day: 8 drops Geranium and 5 drops Lavender mixed with 1 oz. almond oil. This helps to soften the cervix and thins the membrane to get ready for delivery. • One week before delivery: apply 8 drops Geranium, 5 drops Lavender, 5 drops Fennel mixed in 1 oz. almond oil on the perineum to further prepare. For perineal tear and trauma, apply Claraderm Spray several times daily to hourly, and apply a few drops of Myrrh or Melrose diluted 1:10 in carrier oil. Sitzbath with a blend of 2 drops Cypress, 3 drops Lavender and 1/2 tsp of sea salt mixed into bath water. • Skin blend during pregnancy: Add 4 drops each of Tangerine, Geranium, Lavender, Cypress and Lemon to 2.5 T almond oil, 1/2 T jojoba oil, 1 Evening Primrose capsule and 1 Vitamin E capsule. Use this blend daily during pregnancy. Apply to wet skin after showering, especially on growing belly to reduce stretch marks. • Stretch mark prevention: Apply Tender Tush Ointment a few times per day where needed. Also mix Lavender and Gentle Baby with carrier oil and apply liberally. Gentle Baby and Prenolone Plus cream also work well on stretch marks. • For tiredness, take a bath with 10 drop of Rosemary and a 1 tsp of salt. • Invigorating massage oil pregnancy blend: 17 drops Rosewood, 6 drops Orange, 2 drops Geranium added to 50 ml carrier oil.

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Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare...continued from page 21 • For chest congestion during labor, diffuse/inhale Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary. • Apply Myrrh to end of umbilical cord for bette healing.

During Labor:

• Uterine tonics: Jasmine, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Nutmeg.

• For mother’s back pain, use Pan-Away topically on area of pain, neat or diluted with a few drops carrier oil; use Valor on shoulders and feet; use AromaSiez topically on area of pain.

• After birth, anoint your baby with Frankincense. Apply on whole body diluted: 30 drops in 1 oz. carrier oil.

After birth – For Mother and Child:

• For fear or panic, diffuse Peace & Calming during labor or apply to wrists and chest; add Lavender to bath water or diffuse in delivery room.

• For breast infection, ‘milk fever’ or mastitis (when breasts aren’t emptied completely, when milk ducts get clogged, or if breast-feeding stops abruptly), use a cold compress hourly with 1 drop Geranium, 1 • Diffuse this blend in birthing room: drop Lavender, and 2 drops Rose in 1.5 pints cold 40 drops Lavender, 37 drops Frankincense, 21 drops water. Dip washcloth into water, squeeze excess out Ylang Ylang, and 20 drops Roman Chamomile. and apply on breasts. If fever accompanies infection, • For water births, mix 10 drops Peace & Calming or add Eucalyptus Globulus. Lavender to bath with salt added to water. • To encourage lactation take 2 drops Fennel in honey • During labor apply this blend topically only after water every 2 hours. labor starts: 4 drops Helichrysum, 4 drops Fennel, 2 • For colic, make a compress with one drop Roman drops Peppermint, 5 drops Ylang Ylang, 3 drops Chamomile and warm water, and apply on baby’s Clary Sage in 1/2 oz. carrier oil. Massage inside belly. ankles, on little toes, little fingers and lower tummy and back. • For Cesarean section, use Trauma Life or Rose • Washcloth blend: Place 10 drops Jasmine, 5 drops Roman Chamomile, 5 drops Geranium, 20 drops Lavender in a bowl of water, swish a washcloth and use to cool mom’s head and face. • Jasmine and Clary Sage can also be helpful to encourage labor. Amount varies from case to case. Take a drop of Clary Sage internally, for example, once every 15 minutes to an hour. Only use Jasmine externally as a fragrance, don’t use it internally. • Use White Angelica on shoulders to strengthen and protect auric field; apply Harmony on chakras and/ or the spine; and apply Valor to feet/spine for grounding.

to heal emotional trauma; Gentle Baby to heal and rejuvenate skin/tissue; Helichrysum topically to stop bleeding.

• For heartburn, take one drop of Peppermint internally as needed; apply three-four drops of DiGize on belly; or a combination of both works best! Dilute these oils 1:10 for topical application on your baby’s feet to relieve colic. • Take a sitzbath adding 1 drop Rose, 1 drop Peppermint and 1 tsp sea salt to bath water. • For diaper rash, dilute Gentle Baby 1:30 with carrier oil - apply as needed.

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Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childcare...continued from page 22 • Dilute all essential oils for babies 1:30 with a high quality carrier oil. • Using oils ‘neat’ (undiluted) tends to dry out skin. Use a carrier oil to slow down absorption and re duce possible skin sensitivity.

• For muscular pain, apply AromaSiez on location several times a day with a squirt of carrier oil or use OrthoSport Massage Oil for muscular and skeletal pain. Apply Rosemary directly on muscles, and Valor directly on sore areas, bottom of feet, and spine.

• Oils to avoid during pregnancy: Basil, Birch, Cala mus, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Lavandin (a form of Lavender often sold in stores), Rosemary, Sage & Tarragon. I only speak of, write about, and recommend YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS because they are the only ones that have worked for me and that I trust are of medicinal quality.

• Post Partum depression often arrives with onset of lactation, 1-4 days after birth. Take 2-3 capsules of Thyromin at night to support thyroid gland function or Ultra Young sublingual spray to jumpstart pituitary. Add a few drops of Jasmine to bath with 1/2 tsp. sea salt. Alternatives include using YlangYlang, Clary Sage, Rose or Frankincense diffused or applied anywhere on the body, neat or diluted. Blend 2 drops each Bergamot, Ylang Ylang and Clary Sage with 1/2 tsp of salt mixed into bath water will help.

HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Information provided here is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and is in NO WAY intended to replace proper medical advice. IT IS NOT for diagnostic or prescriptive use or to be construed as instruction on how to cure or treat any condition, illness or disease. Every individual is different, thus what may work for • For emotional support: Rose invokes self-love. one may not work for another person. The writer will not Apply topically on chest to strengthen spirit. For be held accountable in anyway if and when the recipients self-esteem use Believe on forehead. Use Trauma choose to apply the information they read for their own Life on back of neck for physical and psycho emo personal use. Consult with the professional health authoritional trauma. Apply to mother or child after birth, ties of your choice. Remember, taking responsibility for your diluted 1:30 for baby. health is your own personal decision: do your research and • For dry, itchy skin in infants, gently massage with 1 choose wisely.

drop Rose in 50 ml almond oil.

• For sleeplessness, put a few drops of Lavender on pillow or in bath. Then apply Valor on feet before bedtime.

(Thanks to Hasso Wittboldt-Mueller, Naturopath for his invaluable research!)

*Precautions: • Avoid citrus oils on skin areas exposed to direct sun light. Page 23


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Tips to Creating a Life That’s More Delicious and Vital --by Alexandra Jamieson

3. Make a Plan Do you want to eat more vegetables? Less sugar? Kick your caffeine habit completely? Do you want to lose 20 pounds, or clear up your skin? Focus on specific, actionable goals.


What is the first step towards your goal? If it’s eating less sugar, maybe it’s time to learn about natural foods that give you the sweet sensation you’re looking for without robbing your energy (more on that in a minute). Or maybe there’s something in your lifestyle that triggers your sugar cravings that you can address in a non-food-way.

hile we can’t wave a magic wand to make all our wellness goals instantly come true, there are some positive steps we can take that will help transform our health, energy and body in the ways we Whatever the issue is, there are steps you can take to desire and deserve. make it a non-issue: start brain-storming on what to Here are nine key steps I’ve discovered that will help do first, then what you can do tomorrow, and in no move you forward along the path to creating a life time you’ll be free and clear. that’s more delicious and vital!

1. Get Clear In order to transform your health, energy and body, you need to take stock of where you are now, what you’re eating and what you want to change. Write down everything. How you feel when you wake up, what cravings you have, what your diet is like, your exercise routine (if any), and what you would 4. Be Seasonal like to feel and look like. Use seasonal, local produce as much as possible.

2. Get Support

Talk with someone who has been there before: read the blogs of experts, watch inspiring movies online or listen to radio shows on the area of health that interests you the most. Find a “tribe” of people who are dedicated to making the same changes you want to accomplish. There is power in joining forces – they’ll inspire you and pull you along, and you’ll help them at the same time.

When you eat produce from a nearby farm, it offers you the energy and nutrients that support you where you are and when you are. Happily, this time of year there are lots of varieties of fruits and vegetable to choose from. Regardless of the time of year, our bodies benefit from regional fruits and veggies that provide great, fresh nutrition rather than arriving depleted from half way across the world. continued on next page Page 24


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Tips to Creating a Life That’s More Delicious and Vital...continued from page 24 You might notice that a protein rich meal keeps you filled longer. Or perhaps you find that a light meal of fruit and herbal tea is perfect.

5. Sleep More The human body is built to follow natural rhythms. Our inner body clock, called circadian rhythm, triggers the natural impulses to wake up with the sun, sleep when it’s dark, as well as a host of other natural body processes. When your natural circadian rhythm is thrown off, due to jet lag or just staying up too late night after night, your body and brain work at half-speed, and your body feels off balance. Years of staying up late and not getting enough sleep makes caffeine necessary, and cravings for sugar more intense.

With each meal, be sure to take note of what happens during the day with your cravings. Your first meal can determine your energy for the rest of the day, so you want to be sure to make the best personal choice for your body.

7. Skip the White Foods Any white, refined food is going to steal nutrients and energy from your body. This includes white flour, white sugar, and white table salt. All of these foods are stripped of nutrition, vitamins and minerals, and offer only the jolt of carbohydrate or sodium. Without any supportive nutrients, your body must draw on its own precious stores to metabolize the refined food, leading to depleted energy over time.

Try an experiment: go to bed early and wake up early. Get into bed by 9pm – 10 pm and wake up at 5am or 6am. Even a few days a week of this pattern will help you feel more refreshed, healthier, and those intense food cravings will release their hold on 8. Sweeten the Deal you just a bit more.

Use more naturally sweet foods instead of relying on white foods, candy, and soda for energy. Include sweet root veggies, fruits and even whole grains to satisfy your sweet cravings.

6. Make Breakfast a Priority

Sweet potatoes offer carotenoid antioxidants, and help your body respond to insulin better. Parsnips Now that you’re sleeping better, you can wake are high in silicon and fiber, and are high in calcium. up earlier and get a good breakfast in your body. Everyone is different and you might need something Beets are high in boron, a mineral critical for the production of human sex hormones. that your partner or child doesn’t like or desire. Experiment with different types of food for your Adding daily doses of sweet veggies, you’ll crave morning meal, alternating savory, sweet, liquid or less sugary treats, and you’ll be giving your body combination breakfasts. necessary nutrients for long-term health. continued on next page Page 25


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Tips to Creating a Life That’s More Delicious and Vital ...continued from page 25 9. Move Your Body Like Your Life Depends On It – Because it Does

SPECIALSUMMER RECIPE Alexandra’s Raw Soup—Detox in a Bowl!

I love this recipe because the avocado is high in essential Whatever form of exercise you choose--running, fatty acids and you can easily change the flavor by mixing walking, swimming, biking, dancing, weight lifting or up the herbs and spices mentioned or by alternating machines – just move. Daily. As if it were your last day between lemon and lime. This also makes a great on earth. breakfast! Just trust me—starting your day with raw vegetables instead of a sugary refined carbohydrate will If you incorporate anything from the list above you will change your energy in a major way. be on your way to preserving or regaining your health and vitality for the years ahead! Why not start today? INGREDIENTS:

1 ripe Haas avocado, pitted and cooped 2 scallions, diced green and white parts 1 red pepper, seeded and chopped 1 cucumber (peel if waxy) 2 handfuls of spinach 1 small clove garlic 1 teaspoon Bragg’s Liquid Aminos Juice of 1 lemon or lime Optional: fresh parsley, basil leaves, cilantro, cayenne powder, almonds soaked overnight in water and drained, etc. Blend all the ingredients together until creamy—enjoy! CHIRON FILES

Pholus the Centaur: Small Cause, Big Effect --by Eric Francis


n prior editions of this column I have mentioned Chiron, a planet orbiting our Sun that was discovered in 1977. Chiron, named for one of the wise (as opposed to rogue) centaurs of Greek mythology addresses matters of holistic healing and is therefore directly related to homeopathy and all forms of alternative medicine.

In 1992, though, a second planet was discovered in this class — called Pholus. Named for another of the wise centaurs, Pholus has different properties than Chiron. It’s action is quicker. There is often a connection to curiosity. Pholus can address issues of intoxicants or toxins. Yet one of the astrologers to do early work on this point, my friend Robert von Heeren, came up with one of the most brilliant astrological key phrases I’ve ever worked with. He said that Pholus is the small cause with a big effect. For example, Pholus can represent seemingly minor turns of events that set off bigger developments. It represents the catalytic agent (used in a trace amount, but indispensable to the reaction). Pholus is often involved when circumstances run out of control. continued on next page Page 26


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Pholus the Centaur: Small Cause, Big Effect ...continued from page 26

One of the criticisms that people have of homeopathy is that “there isn’t any of the actual stuff in the remedy.” Were you to analyze a potency of arnica, you would not be able to find the arnica. What you get in those little white pellets is the energy picture of arnica. Yes, doctors around the world are rolling their eyes in their heads. But speaking of heads, if they bumped theirs on something, we all know that arnica would help ease I have to say this just warms me heart. Anyway, it was the pain and speed the healing process. when he was working as a translator that Hahmenann I think of homeopathy as being related to Pholus bebecame curious about cases of poisoning and started cause it’s the perfect demonstration of the small cause developing his theory of how like cures like. But for with a big effect. True, that depends on the talent of that to work, he had to invent potentization, which the practitioner, but one nice thing about homeopameans liberating a substance through the process of thy is that generally the wrong remedy won’t hurt you successive dilutions. The result of this invention was because it’s not toxic. Samuel Hahnemann way back a very small cause with a potentially fantastic effect: in the 18th century set out to invent a way to preserve healing. the medicinal qualities of substances but without the It turns out that Samuel Hahnemann has Chiron negative effects. conjunct Pholus in his natal chart. This is a conjunction so rare that it only happens once every 110 years. This is in the sign Capricorn — one of the most dense and grounded signs there is (energetically speaking). It’s about the structure and nature of matter. It’s as if Hahnemann was tapping into the nature of matter itself in inventing his new branch of medicine. Capricorn is also about tradition. With Chiron and Pholus in this sign, you can be sure that he felt a calling to both honor tradition (like cures like is a very old concept) but that also he was in a position to directly alter Then as now, conventional medicine was toxic. He the tradition of medicine. considered it so harmful that he quit practicing medicine and supported his family of 11 children as a This he did, and for that we who value homeopathic translator. At the time, he wrote: remedies are eternally grateful. “My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with chemistry and writing.”

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--by Elizabeth Driano

Another great way to work the pain away is yoga. Yoga is all about stretching and relaxing, which is key when trying to recover from injuries or when experiencing arthritis pain. You could either attend a class or buy a yoga DVD.


iving with a chronic illness is very hard on our bodies and our spirits. That is why it’s important to relieve pain and relax. I know how difficult this can be because I was recently diagnosed with arthritis, at the age of 14! Being a freshman in high school and having a chronic illness is very challenging. I have to balance my school and social lives with making decisions of what will outdo me. You may be able to relate to this, but you might be dealing with work instead of school. This is why I have compiled these tips to help me enjoy life and stay healthy. I hope they will also help improve your quality of life, too. First off, use heat. Heat stimulates the blood circulation and helps alter the perception of pain, so it is a great, quick way to lessen any pain. I use a microwaveable heat pack that only takes a minute and a half to warm-up. If you bring a heat pack to work you could always heat it up over lunch and use it while you eat. Heat is a great way to relieve pain without the use of medicine. Another great way to help with arthritis pain is, unfortunately, exercise. I have many days when all I want to do is lay on the coach and watch Mythbusters, but that is a great way to not feel better. When these days occur my mom drags me off the couch and (lovingly) forces me to walk my dog around the block. At first it may be extremely painful, but I have never once regretted exercise when dealing with pain.

Most of you have probably used Topricin, but you may not realize how helpful it is to some consumers. When people have pain daily anything that helps is used, well, daily! Topricin is great for not only muscle pain, but also joint pain. I rub it on my fingers after a long essay, and my knees after a long day. It can be used in many ways and is extremely effective. Not only is taking care of our bodies important, but also taking care of our emotional states. Getting stressed out from work is only going to cause more tension, which can lead to pain. This is why you should try to do something everyday that relaxes you. Whether it is a hot bath, watching your favorite TV show, or even something more extravagant like getting a massage, it will benefit you in many ways. I personally like to just play with my dog in the backyard. His persistently wagging tail and his slight smile always cheers me up and helps me clear my head. If you don’t have a dog, but love animals, humane societies are always in need of volunteers.

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LIVING WITH A CHRONIC ILLNESS: HOW I COPE...continued from page 28 Sleep is another less obvious way to relax. Curling up under the covers and getting a little shut-eye is becoming more and more rare. Facebook is always awake, and our cell phones never have to be turned off. Sleep deprivation can lead to tension and less energy to fight off pain. Maybe once or twice a week you will promise yourself to close the computer, turn off the phone and get at least 10 hours of sleep. Your body will thank you for it. I hope these tips will help you or a loved one relax and live pain free. Having a low quality of life is not fun, so set time aside daily to help improve life. As for me giving up a sleepover for having less pain the next day is the trade-off, but I know I am making the right decision. While the greatest evil may be physical pain (Saint Augustine), it is worse when we let the pain beat us.

GUEST COLUMNIST BIOGRAPHY: Elizabeth Driano is a freshman at her high school in Minnesota. She stays busy year round with soccer, swim team, speech, band, orchestra, and art classes. Elizabeth aspires to attend college and become a doctor. She can be found on the arthritis website at



Helping the World Every Day

We can all vow to make the world a better place one day at a time by being our true authentic selves.


ach of us is more than capable of helping the world, despite our fears and limitations and the uncertainty that holds us back. It is commonly accepted that it is impossible to make a difference without unlimited funding or free time, yet most healing, cleansing, and spreading of joy is accomplished in a matter of minutes. If we vow to make the world a better place one day at a time, the true significance of small good deeds reveals itself to us. We come to see that we can be of service without dedicating our lives to recognized charities or giving up the pleasures we enjoy. The warmth we feel when we help the world is only a tiny part of the affirmative transformations that take place when we make altruism a part of everyday existence. continued on next page Page 29


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A GOOD TURN DAILY ...continued from page 29

We make our homes, workplaces, communities, and countries better and brighter when we think positive thoughts that echo outward, give donations of time or money, smile at everyone we meet, and lend those in need of aid our assistance. As we learn, we inadvertently improve the universe because we can only be truly involved when we are informed. Even enthusiastically sharing ideas with others generates positive energy that then serves as the motivation for more tangible change. Selfless and helpful deeds remind us that we exercise some degree of control over a world that can seem chaotic at times. Even the smallest of such deeds is a demonstration of the fact that we are capable of changing the world in a positive way. So much negative energy is generated by the suffering, pain, and closemindedness we are regularly exposed to, but we can counteract it in a constructive way by thinking and acting altruistically when opportunities to do so arise. Helping the world often takes no more than a moment, just a wish for the world is a beautiful gesture and can be done by even the busiest of people effortlessly. The gift you give each day need not be grand or attentionworthy because the broader benefits are the same no matter the literal repercussions. Once a day, you can affect reality, and you can reap the rewards of knowing that you are making the world a better place, day by day.

Reprinted from DailyOM- Inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. Register for free at

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on’t let injuries get between you and a good time! ‘Tis the season we’re spending more time outdoors—and that means dealing with bug bites, sunburn, poison ivy, blisters and recreational injuries that can derail our summer fun! Just remember the season’s most versatile and important companion: Topricin! Topricin comes to the rescue for all kinds of summer aches, pains, injuries, and ouchies.

• Be sure to stretch to warm up muscles and apply Topricin before biking, hiking, golfing, gardening, or any other summer activity to help prevent/ minimize injuries, and then after for relief of symptoms associated with sprains, strains, cramps, and other muscular or joint discomfort. One more hot-weather tip: Remember to drink lots and lots of water to stay hydrated! And enjoy your fun in the sun!

It helps: • Minimize the discomfort of bug bites and poison ivy (and apply Topricin BEFORE doing yard work or hiking to help provide a protective barrier to keep poison ivy’s urushiol oil from penetrating your skin). • Topricin helps soothe sunburn and blisters (do not “pop” a blister as it’s nature’s own bandage, protecting the injury; let it drain naturally). HEALING CIRCLE


e love hearing your Topricin stories, and here’s a new one for the books!

Elizabeth from Hawaii called to tell us that she was visiting a friend’s farm and got charged by an angry 300LB cow. Thank goodness she is OK but she got pretty banged up, and wanted us to know that she’s happy that Topricin is really helping her pain and bruising. What an experience!

Dancing is in my soul. I have been dancing since I could walk, and am now performing professionally. Topricin has been with me every grand allegro, adagio, and arabesque along the way! --Dorothy Mindur, Equity Dancer, Teacher

We hope you’ll share YOUR Topricin story with us! Please send to I like mail! -- Patricia Page 31


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reat news for travelers: Topricin is now included in “Wellness in a Box” vending machines by Max-Wellness! They are located in airports nationwide, including Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma, with more locations to be added each month. Here we are at JFK in New York--our “maiden flight!”




ne beautiful Saturday in early June two of our West Coasters, Suja and Starr, were excited to be exhibiting Topricin Junior and our Boo Boos Happen First Aid Kit at PLUSH: The Posh Little Urbanites Show—a one day event in Los Angeles where mommies and daddies can experience all the best, luxurious, innovative and eco-friendly baby products and services. The venue was the magnificent 35,000 sq. ft. Vibiana, which was initially a cathedral called St. Vibiana, built in the 1870’s. It was our first time at this fabulous annual event, and Suja and Starr had a great time introducing parents and parents-to-be to Topricin Junior!




e’ve been busy this past season with other events across the country! Here are a few highlights.

pete in teams of five, in costume and carrying softsided briefcases. This year’s event raised $50,000 to support the important work of the Breast Center!

In March, Topricin had the pleasure of sponsoring— once again—“The Briefcase Race” which is an annual event organized through Brigham and Women’s & Faulkner Hospitals to benefit the Faulkner Breast Centre. This annual ski event is held at Loon Mountain in New Hampshire, and is a fun day for skiers and snowboarders of all ages and abilities as they com—

(Above, team “Fruit of the Loom”) continued on next page Page 32


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...continued from page 32



n late May, we sponsored the “Naked Foot”5k Race in Salt Lake City, and our West Coasters Richard and Suja were there to hand out Topricin and cheer racers on. The event benefited Souls4Souls charity, which donates shoes to adults and children in need all over the world. Our office took up a collection to send to them, as well. If you have any gently used shoes hanging out in the bottom of your closet that you never wear, why not donate them? For details visit




e were proud to sponsor yet another very worthy cause on a gorgeous day in May at South Street Seaport in NY to celebrate the “Take Steps for Crohn’s & Colitis” event where teams walked and “Made Noise to be Loud, Proud, and Heard!” Our very own Lou Paradise (president, chief of research and Topricin inventor) was thrilled to see his young friend, the lovely Caitlin Merrill, applauded as this year’s “Honored Hero.”




ther events we sponsored closer to home included our regional Health & Wellness Relay for Life and the Autism Walk, both held at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, NY, with our Loraine and Linda manning our booth. (Left, Loraine Greene with her new friend “Elmo!”)

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Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors Lou Paradise. Lou is the President and CEO of Topical BioMedics and the inventor of Topricin. He frequently serves as an expert speaker on the use of natural medicines, and has participated in addressing compliance issues related to the regulation of natural medicines as a member of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP). He is especially interested and active in issues regarding the care and treatment of the elderly, women and children, and his fellow veterans in VA medical centers around the country. Lou is a Marine Corps helicopter combat and rescue veteran who served two rotations in Vietnam. He is very modest about his combat service but his many decorations are for bravery in combat and the rescue of wounded solders, sailors, and fellow Marines and the humanitarian rescue of Vietnamese civilians. *contributers in alphabetical order

Joan Apter.

A sought-after public speaker, Joan Apter, licensed massage therapist, offers aromatherapy massage, Young Living Essential Oil products, health consultations and classes. Contact Joan at Visit and

Annie B. Bond. Best-selling author Annie B. Bond has been called “The foremost expert on green living” by Body & Soul magazine. Honed by her own experience with chemical poisoning, Annie now offers others information on pursing a healthy way of life that is in harmony with the earth. Her books include Clean and Green, Better Basics for the Home, Home Enlightenment, and the most recent release True Food, published by National Geographic. For more information, visit and She is also Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire,which is a site for day-to-day, handson inspiration and help for detox, relaxation, menus and recipes, spa remedies, personal care solutions, fitness and wellness-related articles from around the world, at Nancy Butler-Ross and Michael Suib. Husband and wife team Nancy and Michael wrote Meditation Express: Stress Relief in 60 Seconds Flat (McGraw-Hill, 2001) while living on their small houseboat in Key West—living proof that their simple and easy stress relief methods work. Both are former Miami Herald columnists. Michael is an award-winning poet, and Nancy is the creator of

Eric Francis. The founder and editor of Planet Waves, Eric is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets. For more information visit and

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Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors Doug Grunther. Doug is a certified dream work facilitator and regularly holds dream work study groups. He has been Woodstock, NY’s most noted radio talk show host for over 25 years. His popular program, “The Woodstock Roundtable,” can be heard over 100.1 WDST-FM and over the Internet at To contact Doug, email or go to Alexandra Jamieson. Author, chef, and certified health and nutritional counselor, Alexandra is an advocate of holistic nutrition and healthy living. She has been seen on Oprah, The Final Word, 30 Days and the National Health Test with Bryant Gumble, and was featured in the award-winning documentary Super Size Me. In her books, Living Vegan for Dummies (Wiley, 2009) and The Great American Detox Diet (Rodale, 2005), Alex offers sensible and tasty advice on how to detox, live healthfully, and feel fantastic. Though she shares her message with all, her passion is helping professional women enhance their ability to excel and achieve using healthy food as a catalyst. For more information, visit Roufia Payman. Roufia is the Director of Outpatient Nutritional Services at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck, NY, where she directs the Bariatric Support Group, “New Leaf,” and “Get Real Weight Results” programs. For more information call 845-871-3600 or visit Patricia Martin Patricia Martin is the managing editor of Natural Healing, Natural Wellness and the director of marketing for Topical BioMedics, Inc. She is an author, poet, copywriter, journalist, and lifestyle columnist who frequently co-hosts Doug Grunther’s Woodstock RoundTable radio talk show on WDST 100.1 fm, Woodstock, NY.

Deborah Burklund

Deborah Burklund, certified reflexologist, has had a lifelong love of complementary alternative health care. She treats people who have a range of health issues, and her favorite word is “wow,” because she hears it often while giving a treatment. One of her tag lines is, “Your feet don’t lie.” Laurie Towers. Founder and CEO of Physical Advantage, NY, NY, Laurie is a fitness expert, former professional bodybuilder, and now Manhattan’s main massage maven. Perennially listed in New York Magazine’s “Best Of ” issue and featured on numerous television news shows and radio programs, Physical Advantage has established itself as the premier “serious” rehabilitative massage center in New York City, with a clientele that includes professional athletes, marathoners, dancers, actors, and singers. She is also the creator of the “Bridal Body Shop,” which helps brides-to-be get in shape with personal training sessions in their own home, and was recently named one of the top businesses primed for success in 2011 by Business News Daily. For more information visit

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