Topstarmagazine 2018 July GLOBAL

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2018 July

DIY(Do It Yourself) Event

Remember Topstarmagazine

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Happy birthday to you


of love”

Jang Hyuk, Jung Ryeo-won, Lee Jun-ho

April 2017


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DIY(Do It Yourself) Event


Remember Topstarmagazine




“Wok of love” Jang Hyuk, Jung Ryeo-won, Lee Jun-ho

happy birthday to you


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DIY(Do It Yourself) Event

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the best Chinese restaurant but ended up in neighborhood Chinese restaurant.

Lee Junho explained why he chose to appear in this drama, “I wanted to play a different role from previous work. I trust Seo Sook-hyang scriptwriter and moreover, the script was so funny. Whole cast is great and gorgeous, so the rest is up to me.”

‘Wok of Love’ is Lee Jun-ho’s first romantic comedy drama that he’s ever played. “I didn’t prepare anything specially just because it is a romantic comedy drama. Seo Poong is a pathetic character at the beginning of the drama. This drama includes every element of traditional drama, thriller, comedy and romance. So far it is most close to traditional, but it will be different as story plays out.” commented he about the drama.

CN “忘掉前作” ‘油腻的浪漫’ 李俊昊X郑丽媛X张赫 ‘好吃的’ 变身 ‘油腻的浪漫’讲述的是以村庄中餐厅为背景,描述三个男女的火热 恋爱经历的厨房爱情喜剧。

李俊昊 在‘油腻的浪漫’演热血中餐厨师‘徐风’角色。剧中,徐风从 最高级酒店中餐厅落到快要倒闭的村庄中餐厅厨房,生活得就像 跟过山车似的人物。

“Forget the previous work!” ‘Wok of love’ ‘Delicious’ Change of Lee Jun-hoXJung Ryeo-wonXJang Hyuk ‘Wok of Love’ is a romantic comedy kitchen action drama that describes a trendy love story of 3 characters in a Chinese restaurant.

Lee Junho plays a passionate Chinese chef, ‘Seo Poong’. In the drama, his life is like a rollercoaster. He once worked in

李俊昊说了出演的理由 “想演跟前作有差别的角色。并且,对徐 淑想作家有信赖,剧本也非常有趣。大家都是非常出色的演员所 以我一直想着只要我做好就行。”。

‘油腻的浪漫’是李俊昊的第一部爱情喜剧片。李俊昊说到“因为是 爱情喜剧片所以没有各别准备什么。我演的徐风角色一开始有点 儿‘吝啬’。这部电视剧都包括正剧,刺激片,喜剧,爱情片。到现 在为止,还接近正剧,越分析故事会使观众有别的感觉。和段赛 雅(郑丽媛)开始见面后,会出现新的场面。”

Jung Ryeo-won

Lee Jun-ho

Jang Hyuk topstar magazine 21

Jung Ryeo-won plays as ‘Dan Sae-woo’ who is a daughter of broke chaebol. She’s a weirdly pure character who doesn’t fall into despair even though she’s totally broke and became a poor from a rich lady whose hobby was horse riding and specialty was fencing. She stretches viewer’s imagination by saying “Dan Saewoo is a character whose life is changed after meeting two characters of Lee Jun-ho and Jang Hyuk. A bowl of jajangmyeon changes her life. She lost a lot of things, but she never loses her hopes and dreams. She’s so pure and has positive energy in herself. So that I’m also very positive when I play her character. I hope everyone to enjoy watching the drama. She’s just impossible.”

CN 郑丽媛演的是崩溃的财富的女儿‘段赛雅’角色,段赛雅的爱 好是骑马,击剑是特长的财富之女,虽然一大早倒闭了,绝不 失望并拥有独特的纯粹感的人物。

她说“我演的段赛雅,这人物碰到李 俊昊,张赫两个人吃炸酱面后人生 就开始变了。 失去了很多,但绝不失去理想和希 望的纯粹,拥有明亮活力的朋友。 每次演的时候都变得非常‘兴 奋’(UP)。希望你们享受,角色真是 不可形容”说着起动了好奇心。

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Why does she describe the character Dan Sae-woo as ‘Impossible’? Dan Sae-woo is a character totally different from her previous character Ma Yi-deum of ‘Witch’s Court’, her previous work in KBS Drama. About the question, she explained, “At previous work, my character was a prosecutor and she was wild. So, I tried to find ‘reasons’ on my character in this drama, too. But this Dan Sae-woo is so simple and there was no need of any formula for her. It was so refreshing because she’s a character that any of my formula which I’ve been built doesn’t fit for her at all. She’s just extraordinary. She’s like a fantasy and I think there’s no real person like her in real world but somehow the script makes sense.” 郑丽媛为什么说‘角色真是不可形容’呢。段赛雅跟郑丽媛演的前作 KBS‘魔女的法庭’的检察官马利盾角色完全不同。 CN

郑丽媛说到“在前作演的是检察官是一个热情宽厚的角色。 这次角色非常新鲜是因为到现在为止我想的公式都没法代入进去。 想着演出乎预料的角色会怎么样。听起来就像幻想人物,不存在于现实, 可是随着剧本演的话会很自然的。”

Jang Hyuk plays as Doo Chil-seong, a former loan shark gangster. He was once a legendary swordsman but now he is just an owner of dying Chinese restaurant. He’s having totally different charm from previous character Kang Pil-joo of ‘Money Flower’ in MBC Drama. 张赫在剧中演的是出身于黑社会的高利 贷业主斗七星。他是一个被叫’传说中的七 星剑’的刀手,但现在是苍蝇嗡嗡的小中餐 厅的老板。 CN

跟前作MBC’金钱之花’的又沉重又沉稳的 姜必洙角色相比以完全不同的魅力见到了 观众。

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“Because of the differences from a previous character, I had a lot of worries on this character and sometimes took a retake. I felt something’s off but then the scriptwriter told me that ‘Do it like a variety show.’ Little by little, I think I’m getting into a character.”, “I have a feeling that it’s going to be different from my previous romantic comedy works. As Seo Sook-hyang scriptwriter has her unique tone in her script, so that I think I must be going to make a good script connection.” said Jang Hyuk. Director Park Seon-ho said, “I wanted to make a show which delivers easy and pleasant vibe at 10 o’clock in the night, rather than sending a heavy and gigantic message. Wok of Love is a drama that you can watch while relaxing and having late night snacks. It will give you much fun with various elements as delicious drama, passionate romantic drama and so on.” 张赫说到“因为跟前作的密度不同,对角 色的考察频发,重拍的记忆也多。 不应该调整气氛,作家对我说演的就像 ‘娱乐’一点。好像角色在渐渐地融入到 我。”, “并且会有跟以前的爱情喜剧相比不一样 的气氛。徐淑想作家的笔体独特,我想了 要演好连接构成。” 做演出的朴善浩导演说到“除了传达重要信 息以外,我想演出的是晚上十点钟放的又舒 服又好看的电视剧。这是一部在旁晚会一点饿 的时间一边吃零食一边看的电视剧。香甜的电 视剧,火热恋爱电视剧等,以各种各样的要素会 向您们保证有趣。” CN

editor, news1 : YUN Hyojeong photo, news1 : Kwon Hyonjin

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倀栀漀琀漀 戀礀 匀䴀 䔀渀琀攀爀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀   䐀攀猀椀最渀 戀礀 䬀愀礀

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< 李泰容-舞台 >






1995 0701



文 案 吸: 糖 鬼

Lee TaeYong Day

制 图 可: 可  李 小 绒 妈 咪

07 01 谁都知你如蒲如刃 辛辣恣意 可我却想捧住你肩头落降的 纷繁星河

Happy Birthday





Ko-fun News

Ko-fun 플랫폼 업무제휴 협약 체결 현장

다윈KS, 한류팬들의 창작 놀이터 “Ko-fun 플랫폼 공동사업” 제휴협약 체결

2016년 6월부터 전세계 수백만명의 한류팬들이 참여한 창작 매거진을

매월 출간해 온 다윈KS(이종명대표)는 아바타뱅크를 구축하여 다양한 감정을 표현할 이모티콘, 아바타 등 컨텐츠를 개발, 제작, 공급하여 전세

계 한류팬들이 사용하게 하고 Ko-fun 플랫폼의 매거진 VR을 활용하여 전세계 인디 한류 발굴과 동호회 조사, 인터뷰, 창작력을 복돋우고 미디 어 프렌챠이저, O2O 가맹점을 모으는 에이전트를 맡는다.

다윈 이종명대표는 “K-pop 한류팬은 매년 계속 증가 추세로 전세계 140여 개국에 이르고 동호회 수가 2천개 가까이 달하고, 동호인이 무려

1억명에 육박합니다. 이미 거대한 시장이 형성되었고 놀라운 것은 계속 핀테크 강소기업 ㈜다윈KS(대표 이종명)는 사단법인 한국핀테크연합회

(의장 홍준영)와 신개념 한류(韓流) Coin & DEX, "Ko-fun" 공동개발사

(다윈KS, 하렉스인포텍, 나무플래닛, 코아텍, 테크스토리) 계약을 체결 하고, 홍콩소재의 Ko-fun 재단설립과 Ko-fun 플랫폼 개발 및 해당 추진 사업에 본격적인 박차를 가하기로 했다고 밝혔다.

Ko-fun 개발 및 서비스 일정은 금년 12월 이전에 오픈베타를 목표로 하 고,가상세계 월드 기반의 Crypto Chain 개발 연결은 코아텍(김성모대

표)이,Ko-fun 토큰 기술과 연결되는 한류 Base Coin Engine은 하렉스 인포텍(박경양대표)이, FDS(Fraud Detection System) 개발과 인공지

능 BigData Agent 기술은 나무플래닛(공경식대표)이, 가상세계 클라우

드 및 토큰 ICO서버 구축과 유지보수는 테크스토리(김해가득대표)가, 경희대랩의 한호현교수와 아주대 김종현교수 랩(Lab)에서는 블록체인

과 인공지능 기반의 Voting API, Ranking, 저작권 Assign API 고안 설 계와 개발 연결지원 및 검증테스트 베드를 맡는다.

증가하고 있다는 것입니다. Ko-fun은 1천조 이상의 거대한 한류 디지털 콘텐츠 창작 저작권 마켓을 창출하기 위한 글로벌 K-pop 한류팬 대상의

가상세계와 블록체인 융합·연결한 창작놀이·축제 플랫폼으로 전세계 한 류팬들에게 마음껏 뛰어놀 수 있는 창작 놀이터를 제공할 것입니다.”

한편 연합회 홍준영의장은 Ko-fun은 기존 글로벌 주도의 가상화폐·거래 소의 판을 한류크립토전사중심의 신개념 한류 생태계로 재편하고, 해당

프로젝트에 참가하는 연합회 초연결 스타트업들을 2년 내 유니콘(가치 1조원 스타트업)기업으로 성장할 수 있도록 집중 육성을 위해 본 협정을 체결한다고 그 취지를 강조했다. [파이낸스투데이] 박재균 기자

Korea to launch K-pop coins, blockchain platform for hallyu fans


NamuPlanet, an IT firm with specialty in fraud prevention, will set up a fraud detection system for the platform, as well as create a big data center to collect data from the transactions to provide better user services, including recommendation of products and stores for hallyu fans implementing artificial intelligence.

Korea Fintech Industry Association Network Alliance on June 20 said it will out a blockchain platform targeting K-pop fans around the world. On the app platform called Ko-fun K-pop star fans can sell their goods ranging from fan-fiction to images and videos, and also purchase materials from other sellers. Fans can also celebrate their favorite celebrity's birthday on Ko-fun.

VR firm CoreTec will implement virtual reality technology into the blockchain platform and work on the communication system. Dawin KS, which also publishes monthly entertainment magazine TopStar, will utilize its contents and data to create online contents, and discover hidden K-pop groups and fan groups across the world.

All this can be done using using cryptocurrency especially dedicated to the platform. The association plans to join hands with talent agencies to create individual cryptocurrencies for each celebrity, such as the BTS coin or the EXO coin. An open-beta service will be launched by December.

“Ko-fun is a breakthrough for blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. It will become a playground for hallyu fans to network, create and share their contents, with copyright protection,”

said Hong Jun-young, chairman of K-FiNNeT. “This will create huge opportunity for hallyu digital contents for more than 100 million fans in more than 140 countries.” K-FiNNeT is partnering with five firms to develop the platform, including NamuPlanet, CoreTec, Dawin KS, Harex Infotech and

Harex Infotech, in connection with its own mobile wallet UBpay, will develop the Ko-fun platform, and technology for coin transaction and authentication. TechStory will establish the server for ICO and be in charge of maintenance. The association is also setting up its flagship cryptocurrency exchange called Cheonjiyin, where transactions of Ko-fun coins will take place. The association is planning to kick off initial coin offerings for the project beginning in July, after it successfully establishes its Hong Kong unit later this month. The association hopes to raise 20 billion won (US$18.02 million) in the first round, with plans to raise capital of up to 400 billion won in the next two years. [THE INVESTOR] By Ahn Sung-mi

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