TOP Lessons Magazine: Teach Germany Fall 2020

Page 51

“How can knowing our neighbors help promote social cohesion?” by Ronald Bravo

High School Inquiry Lessons

How can knowing our neighbors help promote social cohesion? C3 Framework Indicators

D2.Civ.2.9-12., D2.Civ.5.9-12., D2.Civ.7.9-12., D2.Civ.10.9-12., D2.Civ.14.9-12., D2.Geo.4.9-12., D2.Geo.6.9-12., D3.1.9-12., D4.6.9-12., D4.7.9-12., D4.8.9-12.

Staging the Compelling Question

In this inquiry students will explore immigration, citizenship, and cohabitation by comparing Germany and the United States. Both countries offer pull factors to refugees and worldwide immigrants. Germany and the United States take different approaches in preparing their immigrants and refugees for success.

Supporting Question 1 Why do people migrate?

Supporting Question 2 Why is citizenship important and how does one become a citizen?

Formative Performance Task

Formative Performance Task

For the warm-up, students will be instructed to take out their Chromebook and go to the „If It Were My Home“ website. Once students are there, they will be tasked with comparing the United States to a country that starts with the same letter as the first letter in their first name. Students will watch a short video on push and pull factors.

Students will be asked to take a part of the US Citizenship and Naturalization Test and will review the answers and have a brief classroom discussion. Students will go back to the country they selected for the “If it Were My Home” activity and take notes on various ways one could become a citizen. They will use Lucidpress and create a brochure on the country they chose, identifying steps one needs to take to obtain citizenship.

Featured Sources

Featured Sources

Supporting Question 3 How can we incorporate and/or assimilate different cultures into society to get along? Formative Performance Task Students will be grouped in random groups of 6. Students will be given directions to create an organization/event that exposes others to another culture. Students will participate in a gallery walk. Students will display their public awareness campaign posters.

Featured Sources

Source A: Why do People Migrate? Poster Rubric (Handout 1)

Source A: How Does One Obtain Citizenship Rubric (Handout 2)

Source A: Public Awareness Campaign Rubric (Handout 3)

Source B: “Germany and Immigration: The Changing Face of the Country”(Bartsch, M. Et al.)

Source B: “100 Civics Questions and Answers with MP3 Audio“ (USCIS)

Source B: Camden Market London (YouTube)

Source C: Becoming a U.S. citizen: What you need to know (YouTube)

Source C: Smorgasburg LA: The Best Food Market in Los Angeles (YouTube)

Source D: “If It Were My Home“

Source D: “Über den Tellerrand“ (Webpage)

Source C: “Germany: 20.8 Million People with Immigrant Background” (Deutsche Welle) Source D: “If It Were My Home“ Source E: “Key Facts about Refugees to the U.S.” (Krogstad, J.)

Source E: Lucid Press Source F: The Hardest Countries to Gain Citizenship (YouTube)

Source E: 5 years and counting to make #theworldabetterplate (YouTube)

Source F: “Statistics – Germany“ (Asylum Information Database) Source G: Why Do People Migrate (YouTube) Summative Performance Task

Argument: Students can create a presentation using Google Slides, answering the compelling question. Extension: Students will make contact with one or more individuals in their community by interviewing an immigrant/refugee or conducting a small survey of their “neighbors.”

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Understand different cultures that live in your community. Assess: Assess how your community feels about immigrants and refugees. Act: Use what you have learned and take action.

Fall Newsletter | 2020 | 49

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