Best Antivirus Apps and Best Anti-Malware Apps For Android
The malware and viruses are one of the topics that always raise blisters that relate to Android, is that these malicious code programs are present in our daily lives, but do we really be afraid? Is Android App as vulnerable as it sometimes seems when we read certain articles? For me, the answer is clear: neither have to be afraid, nor Android is so vulnerable. It’s just about being careful and a lot of common sense.
And to help us, we can have an antivirus on our device, something useful, but not really essential if we have the necessary care. However, here is a list of the Best Antivirus android apps for this purpose:
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1. Norton Security Antivirus: Norton is, without a doubt, a brand of confidence in security. We have a free version (with some peripheral protection, such as scanning of the SD card), as well as a subscription of $ 29.99 per year (with all features, including phone lock through SMS in case of loss or theft, not available in its free version).
2. BitDefender Antivirus Free: