Journeys Through the Alef Bet

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ISBN #1-891662-65-1 Copyright © 2005 Torah Aura Productions Photographs by Mark Robert Halper and Josh Barkin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Torah Aura Productions • 4423 Fruitland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90058 (800) BE-Torah • (800) 238-6724 • (323) 585-7312 • fax (323) 585-0327 E-MAIL <> • Visit the Torah Aura website at




Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these



 3

 words.


Trace these

Practice these

 

 letters and then make two of your own.

 letters by saying the sound each letter makes.

 

 

Cross out each letter that is not a

   

   

 

 

 

   

   

   




    4





The two symbols under these  letters are vowels. They both make the sound “ah.”

The name of this vowel is kammatz.


Practice sounding out these combinations of

The name of this vowel is patah.

 and .


























This is an Israeli signpost. If you were in Israel at this very place, you could find out how many kilometers it is to Jerusalem (126), Tel Aviv (134), Haifa (79) or Eilat (356). Circle the

ď Œ letters on this signpost.



Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these



 7

 words.


Trace these

Practice these

 letters and then make two of your own.

 letters by saying the sound each letter makes.

 Now add in the



Someone spilled the Alef-Bet soup. Circle every

 in this bowl.

                   8


Practice sounding out these combinations of





















Find and circle the

  

, ,  and .

  

   9




This is a , another version of the . It says “v.”

 letters.

  





This company is building homes on this corner. Israelis don’t use vowels or dots in the letters so a  will look like a . That’s okay—they are the same letter. Circle all the  letters on this sign.



 Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these



  11

 words.


 letters and then make two of your own. Trace these 

Practice these

 letters by saying the sound each letter makes.

 Now add in the

 

 

 


 and the .

 

 



Draw a box around the letters that are the same on each line.

     

   12

  

  




Circle the

 and draw a box around the .

  

  

  

  




Sometimes the has a dot (dagesh) in it and sometimes it doesn’t. Both and sound the same.

Practice sounding out these combinations.























Can you sound out this word?








Want to park your car in Jerusalem? Park your car

 letters on this building. Remember that  and  are the same letter. and then circle all the



Meet the



Your teacher will help you meet these



 15

 words.


Trace these   letters and then make two of your own.

Practice these letters by saying the sound each letter makes. Then add in the other letters you know.

 

 

 

 

 

 



Circle the letter to complete the pattern in each row. Then say aloud all the sounds on each row.

  


  


  


               16




The character next to the It makes the sound “oh.”

The name of this vowel is holom .

 is a vowel.


Practice sounding out these letters and vowels.








  



























Here we are at the corner of Ramban and Ben Maimon. Circle all the ďƒŹ letters you find.



Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these



   19

 words.


Trace these

 letters and then make two of your own. 

Practice these letters by saying the sound each letter makes. Then add in the other letters you know.

  

  

  

  

  

  




Tic Tac Toe. You must correctly say the sound of each letter before you can claim the square. Be careful, there are some alternate letters. If you have time, play another round.

        


        

Circle the

 and draw a box around the .

  

  

  

  




This is a  sofit. Sofit means “end.” This  is only used at the end of a word.

Practice sounding out these combinations.





Can you sound out this word?


















Bonus Points!!! Try sounding out these two “words.” 21








Here’s a kosher restaurant to eat at. This one is located at the great synagogue in Jerusalem. Circle all the  letters you find. Don’t forget the  sofit.



Meet the 

Your teacher will help you meet these



 23


 words.


Trace these

 letters and then make two of your own. 

Practice these letters and other letters you know by saying the sound each letter makes.

  

  

  

  

  

  

Circle the letters that are the same.

  

  

   24

  

  







Sound out the Hebrew on each line. Color in the circle if all the sounds on the line are the same.







     













    


Your teacher will say a sound for each of these lines. Be the first to circle it!







    


   







Looking for a handy person to repair your electric train? Call this number in Jerusalem. But first circle all the ďƒŁ letters you find. 26


Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these

 


 27

 words.


Trace these these Trace

 letters and then make two of your own. 

Practice these letters and other letters you know by saying the name of each letter.

              

     28

    

    






The symbol under the  is a vowel. It makes the sound “ee.”

The name of this vowel is hirik.


Practice the letters you know with the new vowel








 











 










Are you hungry? We can stop and have a snack at this vegetarian kosher restaurant that serves fish. Circle all the ďƒ letters you find. 30


Meet the 


Your teacher will help you meet these



  31

 words.


Trace Tracethese these letters and then make two of your own.

Practice these

 letters.

Draw a box around the  letters, a circle around the  letters and a triangle around the  letters.







Circle the

 and draw a box around the .

           




This is a  sofit. Sofit means “end.” This  is only used at the end of a word.

Practice sounding out these combinations.













  




  









Miss Elegant is the name of this women’s store. Circle all the ďƒ° letters you find.


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