nce again, Grishaver has entered into new territory. His challenge is to tell the story of a prayer — not a midrash on a prayer, but a deeply spiritual essence about the ‘why’ of a prayer. And why not? He’s been challenging us his whole career! Rabbi Stuart Kelman is Founding Rabbi at Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley, CA
his is a many-splendored mosaic book. Reading it takes me on a wondrous journey through the prayer service like a reverse archeological dig. Joel Grishaver explains and enlightens each section of prayer through incorporating stories, some humorous, some poignant, that add layers of meaning and bring creative connections from these prayers and rituals to our immediate life. This is truly the Jewish way of teaching, learning and remembering. As a responsible storyteller, Gris notes the story’s sources at the end of each story. L’chaim! Peninnah Schram, Storyteller Author of The Hungry Clothes and Other Jewish Folktales (Sterling Publishing)
Torah Aura Productions
4423 Fruitland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90058 800.Be.Torah • 800.238.6724 • 323.585.7312 fax 323.585.0327 • Email <misrad@torahaura.com> Website www.torahaura.com Torah Aura Productions