April 2017 - Issue 12
News from TCDT and around Torbay Job Vacancies What’s On
Feature Article: Ageing Well Torbay’s Symposium of Ideas: Talks, workshops, stories, dancing, advice, arts & crafts!
Free event Central Church, Tor HiLL Road, Torquay
Symposium of Ideas Saturday 6th May 2017 10.00am -5.00pm
JoIN us for...
Talks, workshops, stories, dANcINg, advice, ARts & crafts! 01803 212638 www.ageingwellfestival.com
In this edition 4-7 8-11 12-13 14-15 16+
Latest news from TCDT News from around Torbay Feature - AWT Symposium of Ideas Funding Update What’s On
If you’d like to be featured in a future edition of the TCDT Newsletter, email newsletter editor Matt Saunders: mattsaunders@torbaycdt.org.uk
Matt Saunders Marketing and Communications Apprentice
Some of the images featured in this newsletter are from http://www.freepik.com/
TCDT News Community action saves number 60 bus service A vital bus route for vulnerable and elderly people is continuing to run following community action, which led to collaboration between volunteers, Torbay Community Development Trust (supported by Ageing Well Torbay) and Torbay Council. The new community led service renamed the 60 came into effect on April 3rd offering passengers a similar service to the old 60/61 route, travelling from Paignton to Torquay, via Occombe Farm, Preston, Livermead and St Lukes. As with the previous service, the new 60 bus route will offer residents a Monday to Friday service, as well as a new Saturday service. Towards the end of April 2016 residents began to get in touch with Ageing Well Torbay, Community Builder Christine Durrant, to raise concerns about the withdrawal of the number 60 & 61 bus service which served a large part of Torbay including Preston. The original bus service providers Local Link, wanted to withdraw the route as they felt it was no longer commercially viable. Community Builder, Christine invited Cllr Mark King to attend a Tuesday or Wednesday Club meeting at Occombe Farm CafĂŠ so that he could tell people what he proposed to do to save the bus route. Approximately 150 people attended the meeting, which meant that it had to be held in the open air as there was nowhere big enough at Occombe Farm to house everyone! Christine created a petition, which was distributed on the buses and via interested people; an amazing 500 signatures were collected in 10 days. A transport survey carried out by the Torbay Community Development Trust and Ageing Well Torbay also demonstrated how vital the service was to the lives of vulnerable and older people in the area. The continuation of the service was only made possible due to Torbay Council generously offering a favourable concessionary fare agreement to the new providers, without which the service would not be able to run. Well done to everyone who was involved!
TCDT News Congratulations to our new staff! A big congratulations to everyone who’s joined Torbay Community Development Trust, and to everyone who’s changed position within TCDT as well. Sam Bolton, our former Administrator, has now become a Case Support Worker and Business Manager for SENDIASS Torbay, with former Volunteer Placements Advisor (for Volunteer Centre Torbay) Mark Smith taking her place as one of our two new TCDT Administrators. We also have another Administrator, who will be introduced in the next newsletter, as well as our new Business and Financial Support Advisor. We’re happy to confirm that Rachael McLoughlin has taken on the updated position of Volunteer Centre Development Officer.
Brixham MyBus needs Volunteer Drivers! The Brixham MyBus service is looking for Volunteer Drivers for its 17E & 18E routes, as well as for their general minibus trips. The Brixham MyBus (registered as Torbay Community Bus Ltd) has been running since Sept 2015 with small group of volunteers but now have lost a few and so they are now desperately seeking others. For service to continue they need more volunteers The routes MyBus cover are essential to a lot of Torbay’s residents - it was started after Torbay Council cut funding to Stagecoach. Is a well-used route - commuters use it to get to work to/from Kingswear and Dartmouth, and older people rely on it to get to evening social opportunities. It is also the only link out of Dartmouth after 7pm. Brixham MyBus are hoping to merge with the new OurBus Service to give more security for both, and TCDT have offered the training and support of any new volunteers. There are also other mini bus driving opportunities that are more ad hoc for those who are interested.
TCDT Job & Volunteering Opportunities Volunteer Drivers
SENDIASS Torbay Caseworker
We are looking for volunteer drivers for multiple routes. A D1 license and 3 years driving experience are essential, however, full training and support will be provided.
SENDIASS Torbay are looking for a new Torbay Caseworker. This position involves providing advice and support services for parents, carers and young people for matters such as health and education.
For more information on these volunteer driver positions, please contact Rhian Keyse by emailing rhiankeyse@torbaycdt.org.uk, or phoning 01803 212638 (please note: Rhian works Monday-Wednesday)
Hours: 24 hours per week with some weekend and evening work required. Salary: £20,661 per annum Closing date: 5.00pm, Friday 28th April Interviewing: Tuesday 4th May Contact: Kelly Givens (email here or phone 01803 212638)
Application packs available on the TCDT Website. Good luck to all applicants!
TCDT News Our Volunteers I’m Judy, a retired nurse. Since retiring in 2010 I have volunteered for several organisations as I enjoy the contact with people and feel good about giving something back to the community. That is why I like volunteering for the Torbay Community Development Trust as it fulfils both of those things. My volunteer role has given me the opportunity to learn more about the different voluntary organisations across Torbay (we help recruit volunteers for about 60) and how much they rely on volunteers. I’m Heather. Having worked for the same company for over 10 years it was time for something different. I volunteer because I want to give something back to the people who have helped me in the past and I also like the contact with people. Why would you volunteer? You might think it’s because it gives me something to do but I think I get more out of it than I ever thought possible. Not only have I met some wonderful people who give up their time freely for others but I have made some great friends. Volunteering came along at a time when I needed some support which has been given to me without people knowingly doing so. My volunteering role has given me the opportunity to explore the Torbay area as I am not originally from Devon. Like Judy I have learnt a lot about the different organisations we work with and how reliant they are on volunteers to support them. We are now Volunteer Liaison Advisors. We used to talk to potential volunteers about local volunteering roles available and matched them to appropriate opportunities. We found that there was an expectancy that we knew more about the organisations advertising opportunities than was on screen. We didn’t, so asked the Trust if we could visit the organisations to learn more about what these volunteering opportunities involved and what volunteers could gain from the experience. The Trust agreed that we could do a trial run so we contacted several organisations across the bay and arranged visits. The purpose of these visits were to gather information about the organisation that is useful to potential volunteers as advertising space on Do-it (national volunteering database that we use) is limited. The information can be practical, for instance are they on an accessible bus route or how flexible (in terms of time commitment) are the volunteering roles.
When the visit is complete we draft a summary of what was discussed which we then send to the organisation for approval or amendment. Once approved the summary is kept on file within the Trust as a resource for the Volunteer Placement Advisors to use during 1-2-1 appointments with prospective volunteers. As a result, our colleagues feel better informed about the organisations we work with and are able to provide fantastic customer service and a more tailored approach when matching prospective volunteers to suitable volunteering roles. In addition, the organisations benefit from these visits because they are provided with referrals from volunteers who better suit the role requirements. We have both been overwhelmed at the welcome we have received from the organisations. The visits are not only informative but also seem to reinforce the relationship between the organisation and the Trust. In addition, they help to raise awareness about what other services are available to help support them besides volunteer recruitment. The trial run was a success and we now try to arrange 2 or 3 visits a week throughout the bay. If any local voluntary organisations within Torbay would like us to visit them please give us a call on 01803 212638. Heather Moore & Judy Howe, Volunteer Liason Advisors for Volunteer Centre Torbay
Volunteer Centre Torbay have also recently held a Volunteer Forum at Torquay United FC. These forums give volunteers and volunteer recruiters/supporters the opportunity to come together and take part in panels, discussions, workshops and networking sessions. This month’s forum included workshops on the topics of “Time to say goodbye? Dealing with volunteers’ departure”, “How to deal with difficult situations with volunteers” and “Recovery and employment of people with lived or living experience of mental health issues” as well as a panel discussion/Q&A on “How, where and when to recruit volunteers- should we plan our recruitment more?” For more info on these forums, please email or call Peter Stokes (01803 212638)
Torbay News Transatlantic Tall Ships Regatta start in Torbay and Small Ships Race event A unique sea spectacle is coming to Tor Bay this spring. Tall Ships will be departing from Tor Bay for the epic five-month Transatlantic Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta in April and to celebrate the occasion ASTO (the UK’s Sail Training organisation) have organised two small ships races. Torbay Council and the Royal Torbay Yacht Club are providing support for the spectacular events organised by Sail Training International and ASTO. Torbay’s Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver said: “We are delighted to support the city of Quebec and the Government of Canada and it is great to be able to welcome such beautiful sailing crafts to the Bay. We have a long history of Tall Ships visits dating back to 1956 including the start of the 50th anniversary Tall Ships race from here in 2006. I am very pleased that we are continuing to welcome these wonderful vessels to our beautiful Bay.” The Tall Ships will begin arriving Tuesday evening from Royal Greenwich and the first race leg to Sines, Portugal starts at 5pm on Wednesday 19 April, approximately three miles off Berry Head. ASTO’s small ships arrive in the Bay on Monday afternoon. Races will take place in Torquay Harbour on Tuesday 18 April at 1pm and Wednesday 19 April at 10.30am. Visiting Tall Ships include Christian Radich, Wylde Swan, Blue Clipper, Peter von Danzig, Rona II, Nadezhda and Jolie Brise. For further details visit www.sailonboard.com The small ships race vessels include Leader, Golden Vanity, Moosk, Tectona, Endeavour, and Aspiration. For further details visit www.sailonboard.com For photography sign up at www.w-w-i.com/sail_training The Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta is an international Transatlantic competitive race for the world’s largest sailing ships. It covers 7,000 nautical miles, crosses the North Atlantic Ocean twice and visits seven countries. A major Transatlantic event like this is only organised every eight to ten years. This signature Tall Ship event was requested to commemorate the rich history of sailing in Canada and mark the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation (1867-2017). It is being organised by Sail Training International in partnership with the City of Quebec, in association with Le Rendez-vous Naval de Quebec.
Torbay News The Government of Canada, through the Minister of Canadian Heritage, and the Canada 150 fund, is the leading partner. Anyone can take part in the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta by sailing on one of the vessels. You can sail in the whole event (five months from April to September), or one of nine different legs, which incorporates five races. These include races of just eight, 11 and 13 days. Shorter journeys of just a few days are possible as part of the Canadian Guest Port Programmes or you could take on the challenge of a Transatlantic crossing of approximately one month. An anticipated 3,000 people are expected to take part in this unique event – to find out how to become one of them and to book a place visit www.sailonboard.com. No experience necessary, the only requirements are a spirit of adventure and a love of travel. The ASTO Small Ships Races are a youth event open to any Sail Training vessels of which at least half the crew is under 25. Small Ships races are run under the rules of Tall Ships Races but with, as the name suggests, some smaller vessels involved (usually under 24 metres long, with up to 16 trainees on board). For more information visit www.asto.org.uk Sail Training International supports the development and education of young people through the sail training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. It is a registered charity (not-for-profit organisation) and as worldwide membership and activities. For further information visit www.sailonboard.com For further information please contact: Angela Cappello, Communications Officer on 01803 208851.
Torbay News
The Paignton Neighbourhood Forum is consulting on the Paignton Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14 Pre-Submission and Publicity version) for a six week period from 10am Wednesday 19 April until 5pm Wednesday 31 May 2017. What is the Draft Neighbourhood Plan? Local residents, workers, businesses, councillors and other volunteers have produced the Draft Neighbourhood Plan for Paignton by working together as a Forum. This has been made possible by the Localism Act 2011. When finalised, the Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the statutory development plan for Paignton used by the Council when making decisions on planning applications in the area over the next 20 years. The Draft Plan is based on the objectives our community has said it wants to see achieved. Details of the previous stages and views expressed are shown in the Community Involvement and Consultation document that accompanies the Draft Plan.
If you’d like a copy of the Consultee Letter, please email mattsaunders@torbaycdt.org.uk If you require any further information, please call 01803 523434 or email info@paigntonneighbourhoodplan.org.uk
Torbay News
The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company are a nationally award-winning theatre & film company (circa 2006) based in Brixham that specialises in showcasing and promoting local people who are developing careers, or indeed already working in theatre and film. We are creating a steampunk production of Jack The Ripper (not the musical, this is our own script) which we would like to bring to Torquay for one or two nights in July. (ideally a Friday and/or Saturday) We are looking for a venue in Torquay to stage this show, which is happy to work on a 50/ 50 profit share for hire (we help with publicity, and have a proven track record of previous work, and national awards won). Some fans of “Ripper� legend are already planning coach trips to see the show, so this should not be a low-turnout event. The show needs space for both performers and audience, access to a power supply to rig lights, and an area for our actors to change as some of them have quick costume changes. From previous experience, it does need to be easily findable (so close to a town centre, parking and buses). We are already booked into venues in Brixham, Exeter and Plymouth, and are currently also arranging bookings for Bristol. The video trailer will be produced over this coming weekend. If you would be interested in discussing further, I would love to hear from you, I would be ever so grateful for any recommendations as to venues. We are accustomed to working with different venues, so most things are negotiable as far as is humanly possible. We always welcome visitors to our rehearsals in Brixham who would like to meet our team in person and see what we are doing. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings, 7 - 9.30pm, and Sundays 1pm - 4.30/ 5pm. -Please contact Laura Jay by phoning 07855 090589 or email sdevonplayers@gmail.com
AWT News
A Symposium of Ideas The first ever Torbay Symposium of Ideas is being held on Saturday 6th May at Central Church Tor Hill Road, Torquay. It is a completely free event arranged by Ageing Well Torbay, for people of all ages, so come along with your family and friends! On the day there will be talks, including how to become an amateur astronomer by Torbay Astronomical Society, you can also find out how far you have travelled in Space between 11am and 3pm with Symposium steering group member, Joyce Mitchell. Dr. Maggie Irving will give a talk on the power and pleasure of comedy and creativity, and in the afternoon she will also be leading a fun workshop, using comedy and movement to encourage the playfulness we all have within, so definitely not one to miss! Another unmissable talk comes from legendary music promoter, Lionel Digby, who will be giving a talk entitled “Rock Around the Bay” about the many famous acts he brought to Torbay from the 50s through to the 80s. Arts and crafts a plenty will be on offer throughout the day. In the morning, attendees can try a mixed-media card craft session, where they will be able to take home the card they make. In the afternoon, there will be a still life art and drawing workshop. There will also be a chance to see the winning entries of the Symposiums’ Art and Poetry competition. Try the chair-based exercise taster, chat to the Strength and Balance team about the support they offer and find out about healthy eating with the Healthy Lifestyles Team. During the recent Ageing Well Torbay, Food for Thought participation events, we heard repeatedly that older people wanted more help and advice regarding benefits and entitlements, as well as support using computers, smartphones and other IT. As a way to help people with these requests, the steering group have created an Advice Corner at the Symposium where you can get free advice from solicitors, find out how to research your family history (AKA Genealogy), meet the Ageing Well Torbay delivery partners and also get some IT help. There will also be an IT taster session in the afternoon. Finally, the perfect end to a brilliant day comes in the form of dancing! There will be a circle dancing taster session run by Dorothy Nicholls from Young at Heart in Paignton, followed by a Tea Dance to see the day off in style.
AWT News We’re looking for volunteers for the Symposium of Ideas! If you’d like to help out, meet new people, learn new things, develop your skills, etc. either phone 01803 212638 or email Jess Slade at jessslade@ torbaycdt.org.uk for more info.
We have loads of leaflets and posters to give away for the Symposium! If you’d like to collect some to hand out/stick up, phone 01803 212638, email mattsaunders@ torbaycdt.org.uk, or pop into our office at 4-8 Temperance Street, Torquay TQ2 5PU We also have our event guides for the Symposium in now! If you’d like any physical copies, again you can phone 01803 212638, email mattsaunders@ torbaycdt.org.uk, or pop into our office at 4-8 Temperance Street, Torquay TQ2 5PU. A virtual version is also available on Issuu.
Event Guide Central Church, Tor HiLL Road, Torquay
Symposium of Ideas Saturday 6th May 2017 10.00am - 5.00pm
JoIN us for...
Talks, workshops, stories, dANcINg, advice, ARts & crafts!
Free entry All welcome
Our Art and Poetry Competition is almost over! You have until the 21st of April to submit any more entries! For more info, check out the article on the Competition on our website. For more information on Ageing Well Torbay, check out our website here. For more information on the Symposium, check out its website here.
Funding News In-Brief:
Latest Funding Opportunities Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneurs Programme Funding and support for social entrepreneurs who wish to establish a new project or boost an existing initiative that will have a social impact. https://www.the-sse.org/
Deadline: 26th April 2017
Patagonia Environmental Grants Grants up to ÂŁ10k for local grassroots environmental groups in the UK for innovative projects that protect natural habitats. http://www.patagonia.com/environmentalgrants.html/
Deadline: 30th April 2017
If you would like to find out about more funding opportunities contact Robin Causley, Community Funding Advisor at robincausley@torbaycdt.org. uk to join his regular mailing list. You can also check our website www.torbaycdt.org.uk
Funding News
Do you need funding for your community project? Pitch your project to a panel in June to receive up to £10,000 of funding for your Torbay based community project To receive an application form, call Torbay Development Trust on 01803 212638 or email robincausley@torbaycdt.org.uk Application deadline: Friday 26th May 2017, 12noon
Funding has been made available to Torbay groups in an exciting new initiative where local people decide which activities National Lottery money should be spent on, at Dragons Den style event. Torbay Community Development Trust have teamed up with the Big Lottery Fund for an exciting new event called Pitch your Project, which has made funding available to Torbay based clubs, groups and not for profit organisations, who benefit their local communities. Groups that apply for the funding will be invited to a friendly Dragons Den style event in June where they will be able to make a pitch for grant money of between £300 - £10,000. Interested organisations have from the 13th March until the 26th May to submit an Expressions of Interest form, which they can download from the Torbay Community Development Trust website. Pitch your Project is an exciting new scheme for Torbay, providing a much-needed funding boost to small organisations who may be deterred from making traditional funding applications. The Dragons Den style event will also give residents the power to allocate money to causes they care about and feel make a difference to their communities. There will also be a number of high profile sponsorship opportunities for local businesses. For more information contact: Robin Causley. robincausley@torbaycdt.org.uk or 01803 212638
AGEING WELL invites you to the Lime Tree on 19th April
Wednesday 19th April Come along to the Lime Tree Pub in Paignton on the 19th April to the Ageing Well Lunch Club there will be some amazing food and good company! We are asking people to book with their menu choices so that we know numbers but you can pay on the day. To Book or for more information please either ring the Torbay Community Development Trust on 01803 212 638 or call Katherine on 07796173048.
2 Course £8 3 Courses £10 choose from Starter/Main/Dessert
Unlimited Tea & Coffee
There is a choice of 2 or 3 options from the following menu:
Please call
Minestrone Soup Fruit Juice Melon & Pineapple
Community Builder Katherine to book your
Main Course:
Fish & Chips with Mushy Peas Lamb Hotpot & Veg Creamy Chicken Carbonara
space: 07796173048 0
Rhubarb Crumble & Custard Mandarin Trifle Vanilla & Mini Egg Cheesecake
Ice Cream with Wafer & Sauce Apple Crumble & Custard
TORBAY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST 4-8 Temperance St, Torquay TQ2 5PU 01803 212638 http://www.torbaycdt.org. uk/
Contact Us: Torbay Community Development Trust 4 - 8 Temperance Street Torquay, Devon TQ2 5PU 01803 212638 info@torbaycdt.org.uk www.torbaycdt.org.uk
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