December newsletter (issue 4)

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Issue 4 2015

Keeping you up to date

Meet the Trustees Torbay Navigators tackles social isolation

The latest news from TCDT & the Bay, plus much , much more!

We are trying to develop a positive movement where we celebrate offers, skills and action with people. We leave judgement behind and encourage positive attitudes and relationships. I recently heard about a Community Builder engaging with an elderly lady with mental health issues. Initially we focussed on the fact that she had mental health issues and how could we get her connected given her issues. This didn’t work! When the builder changed the conversation to talk about her loves and skills we found she had both - badminton - she used to coach and is now an active member of a local badminton club at the Acorn. Instead of a conversation guided by “how can I help?’ we are changing the conversation to “what can you do?” - this isn’t just in the community development sphere but in everything we do.


Our modern approach to , is much more collaborative, with people coming together to share experiences and find solutions and new ways of working together. Our approach to

funding advice is to work with groups and individuals, building their capacity as we go, so they can do it for themselves. Our Ageing Well programme delivered in partnership with people of all ages and other organisations has co-design and co-production at its heart - how do the people contribute as equal partners to creating new approaches to reduce social isolation - it is a test and learn programme focussed on testing new approaches.

partnership work

Our with agencies has been really productive and we are developing new working relationships with Health and Care - more on that in the New Year. If you provide activities or services that support wellbeing then we want to hear from you, (please contact Billy Hartstein,, who will be scoping this activity Jan-Mar). This work is funded by the NHS and marks the beginning of a new approach to care, where we (TCDT and its members) have the opportunity to showcase what we are doing and how it helps the NHS, they might even fund it if it fits with the new care model, which shifts the emphasis onto people’s lives rather than just their health needs. We believe that everyone has something to offer and as the network of neighbourhood time banks develop there will be the opportunity for everyone to contribute in whatever way they can, even he lady who is housebound and says she has nothing to “Together we can change the offer has formed a tv club where people come and world, starting in our street and our experience her home cinema! As a Community Development trust our emphasis has shifted to supporting people to create the neighbourhoods they want to live in, only the people can create this themselves. Power to the people is our call.

neighbourhood, caring for and valuing each other, focussing on positives and celebrating our achievements.”

If you care enough to do something to make your place better then we can offer support to help you take the steps Wishing you all a fun, festive time and looking forward to making 2016 a year where Brixham, Paignton and Torquay celebrate all it has to offer.

Simon Sherbersky Lead Officer

TCDT News Issue 4: December 2015

Welcome to the December edition of the Torbay Community Development Trust News. Once again we have a jam packed newsletter, full of stories and updates from the Community Development Trust, as well as all of the latest news and events from across Torbay. Highlights from this edition include the second part of our two part ‘Meet the Trustees’ feature, as well as an article on a brand new orchard in Paignton, which has been planted by the local Community Partnership. We also have a special feature from the British Red Cross on the Torbay Navigators project. Finally I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Tracey Cabache Community Development Manager

In this edition

4 Latest news from TCDT 6 Torbay news 9 Ageing Well Torbay 13 Torbay Navigators 16 Meet the TCDT Trustees 20 Events

To be included in the next edition of Torbay Community Development Trust News please contact the editor Sophia Sheridan on

News from TCDT

Trustees coffee The Torbay Community Development Trust held their first ever Trustees coffee morning on the 15th December at the CDT office from 10.30-12.00. The well attended event, had a suitably festive theme with an array of mince pies, stollen and even a delicious chocolate log on offer! The coffee morning was a huge success, allowing the Trustees and staff to chat informally about the projects staff from the Community Development Trust are currently working on, as well as giving the Trustees a chance to talk about their own work across the Bay. There will be another Trustees coffee morning in the new year, Find out more about our Trustees in the second part of our feature on page 16

Don’t forget to buy your tickets! The Community Partnership raffle, is being held this Friday18th December from 4pm at the Torbay Community Development Trust Offices: 4-8 Temperance Street Torquay Pop into the office or phone up to buy your ticket! 1st prize £100! Plus lots of other amazing prizes...

News from TCDT Welcome to Kate Kent! We would like to introduce you to our newest member of the team, Kate Kent. As the Volunteer Centre Development Officer, Kate will be working closely with Volunteer Centre Manager, Peter Stokes in securing Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation, as well as developing the services the centre offers. Kate moved to Torbay from Surrey and her previous roles have included setting up and managing community projects including a leadership training programme for young people, as well as an employment programme that provided support and training for people who had been unemployed for 12 months or longer. In her last role Kate specialised in evaluating the impact of outdoor education programmes for young people. A keen volunteer, Kate also has a passion for sailing and has even sailed across the Atlantic!

Volunteering opportunities with TCDT Our Volunteer Centre helps voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Torbay to find suitable volunteers. We also help individuals to find voluntary roles that suit their requirements. If you would like to find out more about how the Volunteer Centre can help you, phone 01803 212638 or email

Congratulations to Hannah McGugan! We would like to say a huge congratulations to TCDT’s administrator, Hannah McGugan, following the birth of her son Oscar this month. Hannah, James and Oscar made a special trip into the office this week to say hello to the team and pose for TCDT News photographs.

News from across Torbay Orchard planted by Community Partnership The Goodrington, Roseland and Hookhills Community Partnership, were joined by Mayor Gordon Oliver and Cllr Ray Hill, Chairman of the Council, on Saturday 5th December to plant a brand new orchard in Paignton. The site for the orchard, which is on the corner of Grange Road and Goodrington Road, was identified by Torbay Council as not being used. The local Community Partnerships took charge of the land following a community asset transfer and chose to develop the site into a green space that local residents could enjoy. Despite the considerably blustery weather a team of 15 volunteers gathered to plant the trees on Saturday, tying in with National Tree Week. A variety of saplings including apple, pear and plum were donated for the orchard by Otter Nurseries and Sutton Seeds, as well as daffodils and primroses. Cllr Diane Stubley and Cllr Derek Mills generously donated camelia flowers and the Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust donated spades for the volunteers to use. The Community Partnership are hoping to undertake another planting day this winter, as the orchard still has space for a further 10 trees, as well as a picnic area. Any donations of saplings, benches, seating or people willing to volunteer to help would be greatly appreciated by the Community Partnership. If you would like to help contact Tracey Cabache on 01803 212638.

Tracey Cabache, Community Partnership representative, said of the event “I’d like to say a huge thank you to Charles Staniland of Orchard Link, as well as to everyone involved in the development of the project and especially to those that turned up on the day to help. It was incredibly heartening to have 6 people stop to find out more about the project and offer to volunteer with future work on the site.”

survivors group called LIGHT.

Torbay Domestic Abuse Service (TDAS) TDAS is contracted by Torbay Council to deliver an integrated domestic abuse service including crisis accommodation, outreach support, Independent Domestic Abuse Advocates and programmes for survivors and their children. It also has an active

It is their usual practice to undertake a quality review of a new service once it has been in place for six to twelve months. Torbay Council are carrying out a service review of TDAS which they aim to complete by March 2016. Part of this review includes asking stakeholders for their views on the Service. If you would like to take part email commissioning@ by 19th January 2016. If you prefer you can write to: Partnership Commissioning Team, Tor Hill House, 2nd Floor North, c/o Town Hall, Torquay TQ1 3DR.

News from across Torbay

Combe Pafford School has traditionally catered for children with Moderate Learning Difficulties and Autism from year 4 to year 11, but now has a new Sixth Form provision. The purpose of this provision is to support our students into meaningful paid employment, apprenticeships or supported employment, something that has proved difficult for many of our ex pupils. Our Sixth Form programme requires students to wish to travel independently, have a desire to improve their basic skills in Maths and English and a wish to gain employment in the short, medium or long term. For some of our students two days

of the week are spent on progressing their Maths and English qualifications, together with undertaking Employabilty and Personal Finance Awards, one/two days on an appropriate vocational course and one/two days of work experience. Other students that are not yet as ‘work ready’ follow a different path that incorporates more lifeskills but there is still a desire to give them a work related element to their week. The work experience placements/ volunteering are key to the success of the programme and need to either support the vocational placement or give them the opportunity to gain an understanding of the workplace (for some just dealing with different adults on a regular basis is a positive step forward). We consider it important for our students to have as much “hands on” experience as possible. They need to develop work skills and probably most importantly a good work ethic. Our Sixth Form team is there to support employers, voluntary placements and our students in

ensuring that the work/voluntary placement is beneficial for all the parties involved. Initially we would spent a lot of time supporting the student in the placement, with a view to them becoming more independent. Our aim for them to become an independent member of the employer/voluntary agencies team and hopefully a useful addition to the workplace. If you think that you may be able to help to support our vision then the next step for us would be to contact our work experience coordinator in school (Caroline Milner 01803 327902 cmilner@ who will be able to talk to you about how work experience/voluntary work is organised and the checks that we need to undertake. All our checks are done by Devon Education Business Partnership (This is not onerous paperwork for you!), if you have had someone on work experience before this may already be in place or may just need updating (checks last for 12 months).

Cheque presentation for Macmillan Sandy Sparkle made a special appearance at the Torbay Community Development Trust offices to help present a cheque for £1,412 to Macmillan. The money was raised through a Family Variety show held at the Palace Theatre Paignton during the recent Ageing Well Festival. The event, which took place on the 3rd October was organised by Richard James (pictured - 2nd right of photo).

Communities Can Are you involved in a local Community Group or organisation working for the good of the community? Would you like a little help to develop what you do or address any problems you’re facing? Communities Can is a Lottery funded project managed in Torbay by Torbay CDT in partnership with The Young Foundation. The aim of this pilot project is to test new ways of getting help and support to enable small community organisations and groups to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence and to strengthen their influence in their area. This pilot will support them to do the things they do so brilliantly now for longer and on a firmer, more secure footing. Communities Can is somewhat different in that it doesn’t provide grants to these groups. We match them to other organisations who have skills, experience and capabilities that they can share with the smaller groups. If your organisation has an annual income of up to £25,000 you may be eligible for support (support is typically focused on those groups with an annual income of up to £10,000, but those with a higher income may receive support where there is clear need). The application process is simple, and the team at Torbay CDT are able to provide advice and assist with the process.

To find out more please contact Peter Stokes or Robin Causley on 01803 212638.

Communnity Builder News Community Builder, Nina Cooper writes, there has been “Lots of community engagement in Blatchcombe at the Wonderful Christmas Explosion. Community Builders, Katherine, Usha and myself, helped the community make some cute sock santas. It was a brilliant event with lots of surprise Star Wars visitors, donkey rides and many stalls.�

Left: Visiting Wild Fox for their volunteer day radio show. Lots of work happening on the Grow Project and a super lunch treat on the fire!

Right: Craft group at Whitley Court Below: Darth Vadar at the Christmas Explosion

“I did a mini tour in Blatchcombe with the sock santa’s encouraging all ages to create their own little snow man character, decorated with buttons, ribbons and stuffed with dry rice. Visiting ROC buddies at Great Parks and a craft group at Whitley Court.”

Ageing well, changing lives This month Katherine Fallon, Community Builder for Paignton Town, Clifton and Maidenway, tells us about a fantastic new craft session at Primley House. Liz Rayner is really passionate about sewing and also was very aware that many people get lonely on a Sunday, waiting for all the activities to start in Paignton again on the Monday. I worked with Liz to build a relationship with Primley House, a residential home in Paignton which has charitable status. It is set in some lovely grounds just opposite the zoo. Julie the activities coordinator was brilliant and soon we had organised a Yuletide Sew and Craft session to be held on the 13th December 5.30 -7pm. Julie even changed her shifts so that she could help.

Last night the event happened and it was brilliant, people from the home came and made little Christmas boots to hang on the tree and strawberry pin cushions. The greatest success was with a 93 year old lady name Gene who Julie told us didn’t really get involved, Gene came and helped make the Christmas craft things and stayed the whole time (until she fell asleep). It turns out Gene has always been quite a dab hand with a needle and thread! The evening was such a success Liz has arranged for another sewing event at Primley House on Sunday

“The event happened and it was brilliant” 7th February at 3pm. Community members are very welcome to attend. A big thank you goes to Liz Rayner for organising the whole thing and also generously donating her own felt and sewing equipment to be used.

If you would like to find out more about Ageing Well Torbay, how you can get involved or what is going on in your neighbourhood contact us:

01803 212638 Look out for our 2016 Community Conversations series, starting in the new year!

Volunteers from Torbay Navigators Project help people to tackle isolation Volunteers involved in the Torbay Navigators project are helping people over 50 to feel more confident and less isolated. The two-year pilot, a partnership between the British Red Cross and Age UK Torbay, provides personalised support to over 50s in Torquay and Paignton to help them cope with a crisis or turning point in their lives. This could be anything from bereavement to retirement, divorce to health changes, particularly if someone lacks support from friends or family nearby. The freshly-recruited team of 29 volunteers work one-to-one with people in their own homes using the Red Cross Top Three Goals approach. This takes

the form of a motivational conversation aimed at encouraging participants to identify personal goals for improvement in their health and wellbeing. Following the visit, the service coordinator assigns a volunteer whose role is to support the participant to work towards achieving their goals. Goals vary but so far participants have wanted to volunteer, make new friendships and connections, be more mobile, follow up hobbies and interests and resolve practical problems like accessing mobility equipment. The project is funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Reaching Communities’ programme and the findings from the pilot will feed into the wider six-year Big Lottery Funded Ageing Well Torbay programme. Below: Volunteers

The service can perhaps best be described in the words of volunteer Anne Broad, 75, from Torquay, who says: “I qualified as a social worker later in life and spent twenty years working in hospitals and hospices. Since I’ve retired I’ve done various voluntary roles in the health and social care sector…as well as volunteering in the parrot house at Paignton Zoo.

“When I heard about the Torbay Navigators Project I was really keen to get involved because I strongly believe in getting to people’s problems before they become chronic”

“But when I heard about the Torbay Navigators Project I was really keen to get involved because I strongly believe in getting to people’s problems before they become chronic. Also the age-group being supported – there are things in place to look after the very young and the elderly but there’s this group in the middle, which doesn’t always get the support it needs.

These crises, such as bereavement, that happen to people are not easy to get over and can be very complicated, but people of this age are often expected to cope, and reluctant to ask for help. What I love about this project is that it matches individuals with volunteers who help the person themselves to set their own top three goals. It’s a very positive approach.”

Deborah Fisher OBE, Senior Service Manager says: “The first six months of the project were taken up with recruiting staff, setting up new offices in the Torquay Innovations Centre and developing new systems and processes. We really want to understand the difference we make to the people who participate in the project. “We have spent a lot of time over the last year recruiting and training our volunteers. We have been overwhelmed by the great response to our adverts for volunteers and now have 29 people who are either trained or going through the Red Cross Foundation Training Programme. All of our volunteers are incredibly dedicated and commit to four days of training before they can support people in the community. The training really equips them for the role ahead, giving them the skills to support people to find their own ways of coping with and improving their situation. Providing emotional support is a particularly important part of this and is a big focus of the training. “Our approach has been to build up our referrals gradually over the first year and so far we have received nearly 60 referrals from a variety of sources including GP surgeries, practice nurses and community sources, among them Torbay’s Community Builders. “Although we hope we make a positive difference, we are open to the possibility that not everyone will be able to reach their goals. We have introduced processes to look at why this happens, so we can share learning with the other Ageing Better projects with the intention of all projects improving people’s experience of ageing in Torbay. An external evaluator is also now working with us to measure our impact.”

“We have spent a lot of time over the last year recruiting and training our volunteers.� Deborah Fisher

Further information:To find out more about the Torbay Navigators Project or how to become a volunteer, please contact Sharon or Caroline on 01803 321247. Follow us on Twitter: @RedCrossSouth Deborah Fisher, OBE (left) and Laura Crichton at the launch of Ageing Well Torbay.

TCDT News Issue 4: December 2015

Meet the

TCDT Trustees In the second and final part of our Meet the TCDT Trustees feature, we meet the remaining members of the board.

Helen Harman Helen is the Chief Officer for Age UK Torbay. She previously worked as the Programme Director for Outset Torbay, where she managed and co-ordinated a 4 year project that encouraged people to start their own business as an alternative to seeking paid employment. Helen has lived and worked in Torbay for most of her life and is passionate about the area and the people. Additionally, she has spent 8 years in ‘Welfare to Work’ and managed a regional charity. Helen was the first ever Chair of the Board of Trustees (2014-15)

Andrew Wade Since 2009, Andrew has been the Chair of Trustees at Brixham Youth Enquiry Service – a very active charity that has been successful in securing funding from NESTA, the Big Lottery, the CLG and the Cabinet Office. Andrew works closely with Torbay Council and has links with Children’s Services. He is interested in the principles of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and is an active member of Creative Thinking Torbay – a local “think tank” that helps charities and nonprofit organisations to apply various creative thinking techniques to a range of issues. YES is currently working on a large housing and commercial development on a piece of land to be transferred from Torbay Council under a Community Asset Transfer. (Andrew centre of photo)

TCDT News Issue 4: December 2015

Pat Harris Pat is currently Chief Executive of Healthwatch Torbay and has over 25 years’ experience working within the voluntary sector. Her current role involves recruiting, selecting and developing training, engaging with patients and the public including disadvantaged groups, strengthening voice in the community, collecting and sharing information with patients and public and developing policies and governance for the organisation. She previously worked with Age Concern and in nursing. Pat is our Trustee lead for health and social care issues.

Chris Forster Chris is the chairperson of Brixham Rugby Club and a leader at the Brixham Baptist Church. He has just taken up a new role in Plymouth starting a new project with a new organisation called Transforming Plymouth Together.

Marilyn Martin Marilyn is the Manager of the Acorn Youth, Community and Sports Centre in Watcombe, Torquay, where her role includes the general running, staff management, fundraising, the development of community activities and policy and procedure writing.

This is a joint venture with the Diocese of Exeter and the Church Urban Fund. Tackling poverty in Plymouth. Chris has worked in the Torbay community and voluntary sector since 2010 and previously worked in retail general management. Chris is one of Trustee leads on performance management and faith and belief

She is a trained youth worker with over 40 years’ experience. Marilyn has been actively involved in setting up after school clubs, holiday clubs, family workshops and numerous other community activities. Marilyn was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award (Local Heroes) from Palm FM. Marilyn is one of the Trustee leads for Support to Children,Young People and Families and for human resources. Continued...


Robert Excell Robert has run a successful award-winning photography business in Torre since 1973 and has been actively involved in many local business organisations, having been Chairman of Torbay Federation of Small Businesses, Chairman of South Devon / Torquay Chambers of Commerce, and Chairman of Torre Traders. Since being elected as Councillor in the last two elections, his main aim has been to continue to work for the good of the local community of Tormohun Ward, and the wider community of Torbay. Honesty and Transparency are of utmost importance to Robert, in order that the public are made aware of local issues, and can be better involved in decision-making processes affecting their livelihood and/or residential environment. As Ward Councillor and Executive Lead for Safer Communities, Highways, Environment and Sport, Robert has been involved in many achievements for the local area.

Damian Offer Damian is a director and leads the strategic development of the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust to protect and manage the coast and countryside of Torbay. Previously, Damian has worked in similar roles for Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council, Hampshire Wildlife Trust and the Kernerton Conservation Trust. Damian is the TCDT Trustee lead for the environment and sustainability and legal matters.

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Contact us: Torbay Community Development Trust 4-8 Temperance Street Torquay TQ2 5PU 01803 212638 Follow us:

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