Hele, barton & watcombe newsletter march april 2016

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Watcombe, Hele & Barton Newsletter March/April 2016

Children’s Holiday Club at the Acorn All day child care from 8am until 5pm £15 per child. Call Acorn centre for more details Fort Apache with Nature play activities, crafts, campfire cooking, den building and much more. Every Saturday from 10am to 1pm, all free and everyone welcome: Saturdays: 5th, 12th, 19th March Easter Holidays 26 March - Easter crafts 2 April - The mega Easter Hunt 9 April - Trip to Wild Fox Adventure Playground in Paignton

Windmill centre on 19th March from 3pm-6pm. Run by the Catch up Café Everyone welcome

Join the Mayday Community Walk on Sunday 1st May. We are raising money through sponsorship for a mobile sound system for use by the three communities of Hele, Barton and Watcombe. We aim to raise £1,000 and the sound system will be available at the community centres for parties, discos and events. We will be setting off from the Windmill centre at 10.30am and finishing at the Acorn centre, walking past Hele’s Angles and stopping at the Medway centre, on the way. There will be a refreshments at each centre plus a fantastic fun day outside the Acorn Centre. Anyone who is a part of the Hele, Barton and Watcombe communities is invited to be involved in the sponsored walk. There are lots of different things to do and be involved with, such as planning, doing the walk in full, doing the walk in part, helping with refreshments at each centre, handing out leaflets at Heles Angels, helping with the fun day, sponsoring a walker, or offering support and encouragement. For more details contact Tara 07920650528

What’s on Below is a diary of activities and events for March and April Correct at time of printing, but please call venue to check for changes.



Medway Centre

Medway Centre

Family Fun Time Mums & Toddlers 1012pm £1 per family

Puppy School Evening call 01803 311741

Acorn Centre

Cash Bingo—eyes down 7.30pm, enquiries 01803 312026

Acorn Centre

Zumba - 10-11am with crèche £2

Social Badminton 10-12pm tea & coffee Included £3.50

Medium Night 7.30-8.30pm with visiting clairvoyants £1.50

Mad Mo’s workout 1-2pm £3.50

Windmill Centre

Work Hub for 16-24 year olds, finding work, training courses to follow your interests. With Sophie & Laurie 07713 453861

Junior Youth Club 4-6pm , 50p a session. 8-11 years. Games Night

Pop in Youth Café 11 years & up 5pm-7pm

Street Dance 11 years & up 5pm –7pm

Drama—11 years & Up 7-9pm

Windmill Centre  

Chronic Café— 9.30am-11.30am Coffee morning for people with chronic illness. Catch Up Café—10am-2pm, breakfast and lunches served at affordable pieces plus table top sale and raffle. Young Devon—Supporting young people to find employment, training & education . 9 am-4pm Mon-Fri.

Breakfast Club– 9am –11.30am full English breakfast for £2

Timebank/Community builder drop in 9am-12pm

Windmill Foodbank—10am-1pm

Doroyoku K (Martial art) - for all ages 5.30 -6.30

Torbay Folk Choir—7.15-9.15pm new members always welcome

Barton Baptist Church—Coffee & Lunch Morning, open to the whole community. St Martins Church, Barton Parent & Toddler Group 10am term time only, for children 1 day old onwards



Medway Centre

Medway Centre

Luncheon Club—every other Thursday £3.50 per person for two course meal and a cuppa To book call 01803 312026/311741

Craftivity Craft Club—£3 per head includes most materials 5th & 19th November 3rd Dec

Line Dancing - 7.30pm -10pm

Acorn Centre 

Family Workshop 10am—12pm £1 per family

Walking Football—11am-12pm 40 years and up £1

Work Hub— 16-24 years, finding work, training courses to follow your interests. With Sophie and Laurie 07713 453861

Junior Youth Club—4pm-6pm 50p a session. 8-11 years £2

Acorn Centre 

Badminton—6-10pm Primary to adults. Adult Learning

Puppy Training—Please phone for details

Windmill Centre

Tae-Kwando—6-9.30pm Junior to adults £20 per month

Stepping Stones—Pre-employment club—10am -12pm

Soccer skills with Darryl Roberts 5-7pm Cost £2 for children 5-8 years and 8’s and over.

Luncheon Club— every other Thursday 12pm , £4 per head, call to book 01803 314876

Windmill Centre 

Crazy Crafts—9am-1pm crafts and social group

Community Circle—4-5.30pm Family social group, meet for fun, games craft, and play, everyone welcome

Bingo—6.30pm and every other Wednesday . March 6th & 20th, April 4th & 18th

Barton Baptist Church—Parent & Toddler group 1011am term times. 50p per family. Craft club in the light house. 1st Thursday of the month. 7-9pm. Bring your own materials, coffee and cake provided. £1 per person. Linda 01803 311726 St Martins Church, Barton Bingo 7.45pm Woodend– Busted Bikes 7pm-9pm over 12 years. Mechanic skills. Warm snack provided. Wear warm clothes. Free

Woodend—Mini Growers club from 3.30-5pm

Friday Medway Centre

Acorn Centre 

Family Fun Time—10am-12pm £1 per family

Social Badminton—10-12pm tea & coffee included £3.50

Youth Club—11 years+ 7-9pm

Wat’s Up—4th March, 4-6pmpm Free fun for 5-11  year olds, games, snacks and a bible story

Chair based exercise—11.15am-3pm includes lunch and activities £2

Windmill Centre

Mad Mo’s Workout—1-2pm £3.50

Toddling Tots 10am-11.30am stay and play.

Junior Youth Club—4-6pm 50p

Yummy Mummys—12-2pm Mums lunch group, with or without children.

Pop in Youth Café—4-9pm

Table Top Games Club –5-10pm over 12s, under 12s must be accompanied by an adult. £1 per person

Friday Sports—7-9pm 11 years up. Wide variety of sports. Free T-shirt on registration. Free hoody after 10 sessions £1 per session

Young Youth- 5pm-6.30pm, 8–11 yrs. Social group

Youth Club-7-9pm 11yrs+ Social group..

Barton Baptist Church—UFOs Under Five’s Parent & Toddler group in term-time between 9.30-11am



Medway Centre

Medway Centre

Available for hire for parties and events.

Puppy Training—Morning and afternoon

Quiz Night; 19th March 7pm. Entry adults £3, concessions £2 (price includes food). Bring your own drinks.

Acorn Centre

Acorn Centre 

Table Tennis—10am– 12pm £2 Adults only

Puppy Training Please phone for details

Available for hire for sports events, parties, etc

Windmill Centre Available for hire for parties, special occasions etc.

Windmill Centre 

Fort Apache—Play session from 10am-1pm adventure play in the woodland den building, camp fire cooking and free lunch. Wear old clothes. Opposite the Windmill Centre off Pendennis Road (Windmill Hill).

Dog training classes—10am-12 noon

Barton Baptist Church—Messy Church—First Saturday of the month 4-6pm Free meal included. St Martins Church, Barton—Coffee Morning 10-11.30am First Saturday of every month.

If you would like to advertise your event, or have a story for the next edition, call Theo Tanser 07599 993987

by 20th April 2016

Woodend—10am-2pm 1st Sat of the month. Bushcraft, craft, climbing wall, nature hunts, free warm snack. Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult.

Contact numbers

If you want to make a change, set up something new, have your voice heard, take action to improve your community, then contact your local community builder Theo on 07599 993987 Information about Timebank, community events, ways to connect with what is on your doorstep.

ABC Boxing

07989 133364

Acorn Centre

01803 328819

Barton Baptist Church

01803 311628

Fort Apache


Heles Angels

01803 324323

Hele Baptist Church

01803 311706

Kings Arms Church

01803 475237

Medway Centre

01803 312026/311741

Theo Tanser /Timebank

07599 993987

Windmill Centre

01803 314876



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