Border Security Matters May15

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Border Security



Thomas Tass, Executive Director, BORDERPOL


rafficking in human beings as a criminal enterprise has spiked in 2015. The well documented Mediterranean crisis has brought the global scourge of THB to the forefront of news again. Spiking numbers of illegal migrants trying to escape failing economic conditions in their homelands is impacting on transit and target communities in Europe. The consequence of these migration movements is both immediate and long term. BORDERPOL unreservedly supports actions by the EU to maintain an expansive search and rescue operation in the Mediterranean. BORDERPOL further believes that only through the immediate coordinated action by the EU and likely with the added application of military assets of NATO will human life be protected on the high seas as a consequence of trafficking of migrants by criminal elements. The clear and present danger to itinerant migrants as a consequence of the criminal activities of human traffickers must be confronted with appropriate operational and legal countermeasures. Professional border security and traveler/migration management principles must include practical applications of law enforcement to inter alia save lives at sea. This is the central element of our position on subject. To that end I announced on May 12, 2015 that the General Secretariat was prepared to host a coalition meeting of senior IGO heads to create and coordinate “disruption tactics” that would negatively impact on the criminality driven human trafficking networks. Such a consultation would bring the interdisciplinary and sometimes disparate group together and the result could save lives. Of concern is the increase in the global criminality associated with trafficking in human beings [THB] which we believe may have links to terror groups as well. Following up the May 12th announcement BORDERPOL’s General Secretariat launched a social media initiative on Twitter ‪#‎disruptTHBin2015 The purpose of the initiative is to bring attention to our proposal to introduce a multi organization program designed to coordinate disruption tactics focused

Vol: May 2015

Contents Agency News


Crisis in the Mediterranean: who will reach European shores? 7-9 Building Europe’s capability to fight terrorism and serious transnational organized crime 11 - 12 BORDERPOL Supports Border Agencies Worldwide in Assuring Identity Against Growing Terrorist Travel Threat 13 - 15 ECIPS says the EU-wide resettlement scheme is a recipe for disaster 16 - 17 Industry News

19 - 23

Product Update


News and updates form the Secretariat

25 - 26

against criminal THB networks. We know that the disruption of transnational THB networks will not eliminate the misery that criminal elements bring to migrants all over the world, but coordinated disruption tactics through our interdisciplinary approach will negatively impact on their activities and may save innocent lives. #disruptTHBin2015 will be promoted on Twitter and elsewhere to raise awareness of our efforts. The General Secretariat is now seeking fiscal support from industry and government to help bring together a coalition like-minded IGO heads to take the proposal from concept to program. If you or your organization can assist with the initiative please contact BORDERPOL at +1.509.278.1660. Since the last issue of BSM BORDERPOL completed the first phase of restructuring. This was approved by the Management Board at the Annual General Meeting held in Budapest during the 3rd BORDERPOL World Congress in December 2014. On April 15, 2015 BORDERPOL changed its operational model from a voluntary fraternal body to an all professional entity managed by experienced and dedicated officials. Over the next 18 months further changes will be incorporated that will serve to strengthen the ability of our organization to meet the future needs of the border security, traveler/migration management community. These changes will reinforce the ability of BORDERPOL to sustain and expand its purpose as a nonprofit, nonaligned organization dedicated to making borders safer and smarter the world over.

Border Security Matters

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BORDERPOL Forthcoming Events and Workshops Save the Dates

Why? Terrorist travel is perhaps the most difficult type of unwanted travel to deter, know about and prevent. Organised by the BORDERPOL Americas Directorate, and supported by the Secure Identity & Biometrics Association, with a leading line up of speakers who have dedicated their careers to addressing terrorist travel threats. This BORDERPOL meeting will look closely at these issues with border government representatives from around the world, the private sector and major international organizations long committed and providing high value knowledge and solutions to these complex issues. For further details visit, or contact or ____________________________________________________________________

BORDERPOLs mission is to support and engage governments

and international organizations who actively promote the facilitation of safe and secure legitimate international travel of people across air, land and sea borders while curtailing terrorist travel, criminal abuse of border vulnerabilities, and human and sex trafficking. We are delighted to be able to update you with our latest events and workshops for your diary and look forward to your participation. ____________________________________________________________________

2nd-3rd September 2015 Budapest, Hungary The impact of the crises on the security and the border security Organised by the BORDERPOL European Secretariat, under the Patronage of Lt. Gen. Károly Papp, Chief Commissioner of the National Police of Hungary and hosted by Brig. Gen. Gábor Kovács, Ph.D., Vice Rector of the National University of Public Service. The objective of the event will be to assess the impact of crises on the border security, migration, international organised crime, and the terror threat with the focus of three crises regions of Kosovo, Ukraine and countries involved in the so-called “Arab Spring”. For further details contact or neil. ____________________________________________________________________

9-11 September 2015 Washington DC, USA Curtailing Terrorist Travel: Threats and Solutions Perhaps the greatest threat to better borders is terrorist travel.

8-10 December 2015 The Hague, Netherlands 4th World BORDERPOL Congress Enhancing collaboration in global border protection and management challenges Supported by the Municipality of The Hague, The Hague Security Delta, National Security & Resilience Consortium, CYBERPOL and ECIPS. The World BORDERPOL Congress is the annual gathering of international border agencies and agencies at the border, and the only multi-jurisdictional transnational platform where the border protection, management and security industry policymakers and practitioners convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced in protecting not only one’s own country’s borders, but those of neighbours and friends. The World BORDERPOL Congress is a high level, 3 day event providing you with the opportunity to reach the senior decision makers in the border protection and management industry. For further details visit, or contact ____________________________________________________________________

Integrated Border Management and Development


he ICMPD has just published a Working Paper titled ‘Integrated Border Management and Development’ by Martin Pluim and Martin Hoffmann. Summarising the paper, effective border management can enable sustainable development and secure respect for human rights. The close connection might initially not be obvious. At second glance, however, the linkages are clear: borders facilitate trade and increase state revenues, enhance the mobility of people, reduce the threat of. This enables progress. In order to be conducive for development, borders have to truly addresses security as well as facilitation of trade and mobility on equal terms, ruling out any trade-off between them.

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Applying an integrated border management concept can be demanding, but as concepts that neglect trade- and mobilityrelated aspects can become a hindrance to development, the authors remind on the international community, beneficiaries and donors to apply it consistently and to its full extent. Visit for further details.

Beyond the Border Implementation Report

Amy Pope, Deputy Assistant to the President for Homeland

Security said, “I’m pleased to announce that the 2014 Beyond the Border Implementation Report was released today, and can be viewed here. When President Obama and Prime Minister Harper first announced the Beyond the Border Action Plan in 2011, they set an ambitious agenda for our two countries to enhance security, speed the flow of legitimate trade and travel, and increase North American competitiveness. As the 2014 report shows, these commitments have largely been fulfilled, most notably by the completion of an historic Land/ Rail/Marine/Air Preclearance Agreement that will allow for the immigration, customs and agriculture inspections required for entry into either country to occur on foreign soil. This agreement will reduce congestion at the existing ports of entry and make cross-border travel, tourism, and transportation faster and more predictable.” “The Beyond the Border partnership with Canada exemplifies our common goal to make both countries safer and more prosperous. Canada is the United States’ largest trading partner and our bilateral trade is now $759 billion annually. “To build on the successful initiatives from the 2011 action plan and establish goals for the next phase of these projects, we have developed joint forward plans, which are included as an annex to the 2014 implementation report,” concluded Ms Pope.

Newly signed agreement between the EU and EaP countries on cooperation in border management training


he memorandum of understanding constitutes the first legally binding multilateral agreement in this area. It provides a legal and institutional framework for strengthening and facilitating cooperation in the field of education and basic/ advanced training of border guards in all EaP countries and EU Member States.

region primarily aimed at preventing irregular migration and supporting border management in a more efficient and coordinated way. Visit for further details.

Thailand, neighbours to standardise border checkpoints


hailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam will standardise rules and inspections at border checkpoints to enhance economic connectivity along the so-called East-West Economic Corridor. Deputy foreign ministers from the four nations agreed Wednesday to create uniform rules and regulations, as well as implement a “single stop inspection” system at border crossings. The initiatives, agreed on during the Third Vice Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on East-West Economic Corridor Development in Bangkok, would simplify and harmonise border-crossing formalities and procedures, thereby facilitating trade, investment and tourism, Thailand’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Deputy Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai also proposed cross-border economic zones with his counterparts in order to promote the transformation of the 10-member Association

The memorandum was signed on 24 March at an event organised by ICMPD on behalf of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary in the framework of the ‘Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan’ (EaP-SIPPAP) project. The EaP-SIPPAP project has contributed to enhanced strategic and operational cooperation in the Eastern Partnership

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of Southeast Asian Nations into a single production base as envisaged in the blueprint for the Asean Economic Community. It would also create supply-chain and value-chain linkages among Southeast Asian countries. The East-West Economic Corridor, which extends 1,320 kilometres as a continuous land route between the South China Sea and Andaman Sea, is a program initiated to promote development and integration among Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. It is among economic corridors included in the Asian Development Bank-assisted Greater Mekong Subregion program, which has been under way since 1992 involving the same four countries plus Cambodia and China. [Source: Bangkok Post]

Extra boost to New Zealand border security

Budget 2015 invests an extra $4.7 million of operating funding over four years to fund extra officers to screen departing international passengers for security threats such as terrorism and drugs, Customs Minister Nicky Wagner says.

“The aim is to counter potential terrorist activity, maintain New Zealand’s low risk status and contribute to international efforts to combat terrorism,” Ms Wagner says. [Source: Office of Nicky Wagner]

Border Security Plan Nearly Complete


he final details of how to best beef up security along the Texas border are taking shape. “We’re close to completing our work on it,” Sen. Brian Birdwell said. The plan would send more Department of Public Safety troopers to the border. It would also create a multi-agency crime information center in Hidalgo County, but there are still some questions on what role the additional state troopers will take and how they’ll work alongside the federal agents already there. “Our focus is on cartel. Cartel operatives, criminal aliens, transnational gangs and drugs is our focus, and anything that falls between that that needs to be vetted, that goes over to Border Patrol,” Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw said.

This initiative is part of a range of measures in Budget 2015 to improve security at the border, involving Immigration, Customs and Biosecurity.

The entire operation could cost upwards of $815 million over the course of two years.

“The officers will use the targeting techniques that Customs currently applies to arriving international passengers to identify departing passengers of interest who are unknown to security agencies or not on an international watch list,” Ms Wagner says.

Security at Bulgaria-Macedonia border needs to strengthen

“Customs officers will take appropriate action at the border before a person of interest leaves the country. This could include stopping them for questioning or alerting other authorities in New Zealand or abroad.

General Dimo Gyaurov, former head of Bulgaria’s National Intelligence Service in the 1997 – 2003 period, speaking in an interview with FOCUS News Agency.

“Extended-risk screening for departures will complement the existing automated and face-to-face passport checks, and the alert system already in place, and will provide an additional source of intelligence.

“Security at the border needs to strengthen,” said Major

Asked if events in the past days in Macedonia worried him, the expert replied: ”Yes, of course, although I have had several times the chance to say I do not see a direct military threat to Bulgaria.”

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”There is also some increase in the risks to our security, at least due to the fact when the situation in the region destabilises, including through the use of an ethnic map, or for purely propaganda purposes, then prerequisites for destabilisation in many other spheres emerge,” Mr Gyaurov added. He provided an example with the fact Macedonia was one of the key points on the road of illegal trafficking of drugs, weapons, and people. According to him, purely criminal threats to Bulgaria may stem due to this. [Source: Focus News Agency]

Philippine Authorities need to strengthen border

Philippine security authorities must intensify their efforts to

strengthen their side of the border, stressed Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. He said the move was to prevent more cross border crimes from being committed, such as the kidnap-for-ransom incidents in the east coast of Sabah. “We do understand that their border is fragile with so many islands. But we also feel that it is time for cross border crime groups to be dealt with severely.

“Whatever action the Philippine security authorities want to take, I leave it to them. But we want to see action that will really have an impact so that these groups will not continue to target our people and tourists,” he said.

Philippines opens new Coastal Watch Centre to enhance Border security A new National Coast Watch Centre (NCWC) for maritime security opened recently in the Republic of the Philippines. The center is a major milestone in the support provided by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency to the Philippines Maritime Agencies. Raytheon designed, implemented, and equipped the center and its coastal system using the company’s integrated border security solutions. “The centre’s opening represents our commitment to providing critical services and solutions to help countries mitigate the risk of illicit weapons and materials crossing their sovereign borders,” said Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services (IIS). “Raytheon’s global mission operations team has extensive experience with successfully delivering similar solutions in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific regions.” The NCWC is the hub of the Philippines’ National Coast Watch System for maritime security. The system vastly improves the

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ability of the country’s maritime forces to detect, prevent and deter threats and security risks across its territorial waters. The Raytheon team also provided communication and surveillance solutions for the islands of Palawan and Cebu with associated training and sustainment for the Filipino operators.

contain the remains of migrants, have been found near the country’s border with Thailand.

The coastal watch system project is part of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract (CTRIC II), awarded in April 2011, as a multiple award indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.

“The operation which we have been conducting from May 11 to May 23, we discovered 139 of what we believe are graves,” said Khalid Abu Bakar, Inspector General of Police.

Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece to form contact center for border security The interior ministers of Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece have signed a joint protocol in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia in order to strengthen cooperation between the three southeast European countries’ customs and police establishments.

They are understood to have been discovered at human trafficking camps.

Meanwhile, amid international criticism over its response to southeast Asia’s migrant crisis, Myanmar’s navy has rescued a group found in a boat off the country’s coast. Around 3,700 migrants – most of them said to be Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis – have landed on boats in Malaysia and Indonesia this month after a crackdown on trafficking in Thailand.

Saudi forces and Yemen’s Houthis trade heavy fire, border crossing hit Saudi forces and Yemen’s Houthi militia traded heavy artillery fire which destroyed part of the main border crossing between the two countries overnight, an escalation of the two-month war. The Haradh border crossing, the largest for people and goods between the world’s top oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, and its impoverished neighbor, was evacuated amid shelling which razed its departure lounge and passport section, witnesses said. Residents of several Yemeni villages in the area left their homes and fled from the frontier, which has turned into a front line between the kingdom and the Iran-allied rebels.

Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece to form contact center for border security Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova met with her Turkish counterpart Sebahattin Öztürk and Greek Deputy Interior Minister Yoanis Panusis in Sofia on Monday to sign a tripartite agreement to help tackle crime and illegal migration between the three countries. In a signing ceremony also attended by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the three countries signed a protocol for the establishment of a joint contact center between the three countries with the goal of enhance cooperation in customs and security, particularly problems shared by the three countries such as waves of migration, organized crime and terrorism.

Dozens of suspected migrant graves found near Malaysia-Thailand border

Arab air raids hit military bases and weapons stores in the capital Sanaa and local officials said a mid-level Houthi commander, Abu Bassam al-Kibsi, was killed in an air strike in the central province of Raymah. Saudi Arabia has led an Arab coalition bombing the Houthis and backing southern Yemeni fighters opposing the group and loyal to the exiled government in Saudi Arabia headed by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The Sunni Muslim states believe the Shi’ite Houthis are a proxy for influence by their arch rival Iran, but their campaign has yet to reverse the rebels’ battlefield gains. Local fighters combating the Houthis in Yemen’s south reported Saudi-led air strikes on a major air base controlled by the group in Lahj province and say they killed eight Houthi fighters in an ambush in Dalea province.

Malaysian police have revealed that 140 graves, believed to

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Crisis in the Mediterranean: who will reach European shores? By Zagon Csaba PhD, Security Policy Expert and BORDERPOL Deputy Director of the European Secretariat based in Budapest, Hungary. Probably many of you could follow from the newspapers that the flow of irregular migrants has dramatically increased mainly in the central and eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea in the last several months, however the western routes have neither got less importance according to the statistics. The worrying situation gained strong media attention especially during the recent weeks.

Several other occurrences indicated: this phenomenon has been developed far beyond, which could be handled simply by law enforcement means. International organisations alarmed in this matter, governments turned to their partners concerning the crisis management, and after a long struggle, EU decision makers negotiated and developed joint action plans. It seems that the water has boiled and what will happen probably leads us closer to the solution. According to the statistics, the flow of illegal migration Italy suffers alone in the region has unprecedentedly been grown by 40% in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the same period of the previous year that indicates serious changes in the trends of illegal immigration to the EU. Especially if we consider that Italy forms an important, but not the only frontline facing serious challenges due to the unexpected wave of migration. The enormous number of the casualties also shocked the citizens of the member states. 3.400 lives lost during the entire year of 2014

that seems massively been increased despite the winter season of 2014/2015, when navigation becomes more difficult resulting lower number of crosses between the coasts of Africa and Europe. However the number of casualties i n c r e a s e d dramatically in the first four months of 2015 when the authorities recorded more than 1.700 cases that figure does not indicate probably the high figure of latency. Upon the woeful statistics of the previous years, the Italian Government

started a find and rescue operation in the central basin of the Mediterranean in the end of 2013 and saved some 170 thousand lives in 2014 solely under the frames of the Operation Mare Nostrum. From this figure 42 thousand Syrian, 34 thousand Eritrean, 10 thousand Malian, 9 thousand Nigerian, the same number of Gambian, 6 thousand Palestinian and more than 5 thousand Somali migrants were secured in this year. The EU has replaced these operation efforts and deployed maritime units in the Joint Operation Triton in the Central Mediterranean supplemented with the Operation Poseidon at the Eastern Mediterranean under the control of the FRONTEX. It has became clear through the cases of Malta, the Italian island of Lampedusa, the Evros region in Greece,

Current city hubs for illegal immigration and main smuggling routes. Courtesy of EUROPOL.

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has to be noted that xenophobia became an opportunistic political message used not only by the right wing parties in the member states of the EU. Since elections had been won by promises concerning the use of military forces against migrants in 2008, xenophobia became more and more popular all over the EU especially during election seasons. Although free circulation of workforce is a basic value of the EU (based on strong economic considerations), the anti-immigration attitude is echoing from populist politicians living in several countries, where societies have strong demographic deficit and relatively little number of immigrants exists so that they have no serious problem with their integration. for instance, that the huge number of immigrants proves the limited capacities of the law enforcement as well as the migration services. As Europol’s map indicates, Italy is not the only EU member country that suffers from the wave of irregular migration. The exposure of the EU members varies a lot: while most of the southern countries are facing the dilemma of being gates for those who attempt to cross the blue borders, several others lying along with the inland routes facing similar challenges mostly from the same reasons. Another countries from the EU 28 however became in-between stops or frequent destinations for illegal migration. Europol reported organised criminal groups (OCG) emerged and some others changed their business profile and due to its profitability they take part as facilitators in the illegal migration. Europol’s core strategic criminal analyst product, the EU Serious Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA) mentioned in 2013 that a large population of mobile young people in Africa, the Middle East and East Asia lacking employment opportunities in their countries of origin helps to sustain the current migration flows to the EU. OCGs will continue to exploit this development by offering facilitation of illegal immigration and engaging in trafficking in human beings (THB). Europol spearheads the Member States’ capabilities to carry out coordinated and intelligence-driven actions against the facilitators. The OCG networks have to be disrupted or at least restrained,

because their business does not simply facilitates illegal immigration, but their profit is continuously leaking into terrorism financing and other organised crime sectors. The security situation has also seriously been changed at the borders of the EU. Several stable, but often authoritarian/ autocratic regimes collapsed in EU’s close neighbourhood in the North and Central Africa and in the Middle East in relation to the so-called Arab Spring. Armed conflicts occurred in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and instability remained in former conflict zones such as the Balkans. These phenomena fuel illegal migration as emitter areas on the one hand, or chokepoints for the flow of migrants on the other. Since these countries have lost their stability and became unable to influence criminal aspects of the security involving the role of slowing down illegal immigration flows to the EU. The consequences of these conflicts have been infiltrated into their surroundings. This led to regional instability that became one of the main causes of the situation and reflects, on the same time that no affected country can cope with this alone. Although the phenomenon of migration is natural part of the human behaviour and its legal forms may compensate the demographic deficits of many EU member countries, several others have also been facing with challenges and sometimes even with civil disorders due to the lack of integration of their migrant groups. There is no doubt that the burden of the integration of these immigrant foreigners remains on the societies. From the political perspective it

Border Security Matters

This indicates that the political situation is also quite complex. The EU’s and their member states’ decision makers have to choose, if they should follow the common European values involving, for instance, providing asylum for hopeless or help for those who are wrecked, or they should turn for more popular, but from the values points of view, unacceptable messages. The European Commission presented a new European Agenda on Migration on 13 May 2015 outlining the dual aims of the immediate measures that will be taken in order to respond to the crisis situation in the Mediterranean as well as the steps to be taken in the coming years to better manage migration in all its aspects. This plan sets out a European response, combining internal and external policies, making best use of EU agencies and tools, and involving all actors. While the Commission expects the support of Member States, EU institutions, International Organisations, civil society, local authorities and third countries, several sources have already indicated arguments concerning its burden sharing methodology highlighting its core part, a temporary relocation mechanism for asylumseekers (quota system) in clear need of international protection to ensure a fair and balanced participation of all Member States in this common effort. BORDERPOL has been paying close attention to the migration crisis situation in the Mediterranean and its impact on border security throughout Europe. This is the reason why the European Secretariat has set these topics on the agenda for their Workshops in the

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recent years and collected international experts to discuss the challenges and conclude with possible solutions. The words of Director General Thomas A. Tass, BORDERPOL’s position concerning the Mediterranean migration/refugee crisis were clear. The World Border Organisation unreservedly supports action by the EU to immediately restore an expansive search and rescue operation in the Mediterranean. BORDERPOL further believes that only

through the immediate coordinated action by the EU and with the added application of military assets of NATO can human life be protected on the high seas as a consequence of trafficking of migrants by criminal elements. The clear and present danger to itinerant migrants as a consequence of the criminal activities of human traffickers must be confronted with appropriate operational and legal countermeasures. Mr. Tass made an announcement on 12 May 2015 that the General Secretariat is

prepared to host a coalition meeting of Inter-Governmental Organisation and other stakeholder agencies heads to create and coordinate disruption tactics against human trafficking networks. This is in response to the unprecedented increase in the global criminality associated with THB and facilitated illegal immigration, which is ranked second to the international criminality associated with terrorism and has some common networking links to it.

A snapshot in time from the Italian Coast Guard 2 May 2015 Two boats, carrying a total of 220 migrants, were rescued on Friday 1st May with coordination of the National Center Relief Coast Guard in Rome. The migrants, all men of so-called sub-Saharan origin, were landed this morning at around 7 on the island of Lampedusa, with the support of two 300 class patrol boats of the Coast Guard. 4 May 2015 A boat, carrying 325 migrants was rescued by patrol boats Class 2 300 and 1 200 class patrol boats of the Italian Coast Guard, landed in Lampedusa on Sunday 3rd May, leading to the total saving of 2,861 people. 6 May 2015 This afternoon, Ship Fiorillo CP 904 of the Coast Guard, rescued 90 migrants about 35 miles off the Libyan coast. The occupants, 80 men and 10 women, sailed aboard a boat in very poor condition, to the Italian coast. The distress signal, launched by migrants with a satellite phone was received by the National Relief Coast Guard in Rome that dispatched the ship Fiorillo, currently sailing to Lampedusa. 7 May 2015 This morning, following a distress call received via satellite phone to the IOM (International Organization for Migration), the National Center rescue Coast Guard in Rome, in addition to sending the ship Fiorillo Coast Guard, sought cooperation of ship Bulwark the British Royal Navy, to bring relief to an inflatable boat with 100 migrants on board, which sailed in poor condition off the Libyan coast. The Bulwark arrived in the area, appointed by the Italian Coast Guard commander on site, effected the rescue of all migrants. When finished the boat sank. 14 May 2015 2,220 migrants were rescued during the day in 11 rescue operations, coordinated by the National Center Relief Coast Guard in Rome. The rescue operation took part in two 300-class patrol boats from the Coast Guard of Lampedusa, naval units of the Navy, the Guardia di Finanza, the Hessen German ship, the ship of the Phoenix Moas (Offshore Migrant Aid Station) and a freighter hijacked by the National Center Relief. 19 May 2015 220 migrants rescued this night by two 300-class patrol boats of the Coast Guard will arrive at 14.00 in Pozzallo. The boat carrying the migrants was discovered yesterday afternoon by an Icelandic aircraft, docked in The Triton patrolling the Strait of Sicily. On this point the French ship Commandant Birot was sent, which also operates in Triton, and two Coast Guard patrol boats. The French unit arrived on site, providing the first assistance. Later, about 100 miles from Capo Passero, the two Coast Guard patrol boats and transhipment of about 220 migrants and are now directed to the port of Pozzallo. 21 May 2015 The rescue of a boat carrying 345 migrants was made ​​yesterday afternoon by the CP 323 and CP 325 patrol boats of the Coast Guard and the Dutch merchant Edamgracht. The migrants, most of Syrian origin, including 141 children and 79 women, arrived last night in the port of Pozzallo.

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including Critical Information Infrastructure Protection

24th-25th June 2015

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Opening Keynote

• Pornchai Rujiprapa, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand • Lt General Datuk Dr. William Stevenson, MiDAS Chief Executive, Malaysia

Speakers include

• Mr. Yuji Homma, Counselor for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC), Cabinet Secretariat, Japan • Police Major General Apichat Suriboonya, Head of Interpol NCB Thailand, Commander of Foreign Affairs Division, Royal Thai Police • John Donlon, Security Adviser and former Director of ACPO Prepare & Protect, UK • Ms. Lina Kolesnikova, Fellow of Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM), Belgium • Pornpoth Penpas, Deputy Director General, Department for Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (DDPM), Ministry of Interior, Thailand • Mr Mohd Zabri Adil Talib, Head of Digital Forensics, Cyber Security Responsive Services, Cybersecurity Malaysia • Ricardo Bn. Baretzky, President, European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), CYBERPOL Program • Dr. Sak Segkhoonthod, CEO and President, Electronic Government Agency and Cloud Security Alliance, Thailand • Aslam Perwaiz, Department Head, Disaster Risk Management Systems/ iPrepare Business Team Leader, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Media Partners:

Building Europe’s capability to fight terrorism and serious transnational organized crime by Matthew Finn, Managing Director of AUGMENTIQ, a consultancy practice working internationally with government and industry to inspire new thinking, drive change and transform operations in homeland security.. For the better part of a decade the European Union (EU) has been struggling to create a new legal basis to protect its 500 million citizens while respecting their fundamental right to privacy and the principle of free movement within Europe. The issue at stake is, or rather was: “to use or not to use sensitive personal data for counter terrorism and serious transnational organized crime”. The data in question is Passenger Name Record data, or PNR – essentially the booking information created each time a passenger books a flight. The recent attacks in Paris altered the landscape and transformed how European policy-makers view the demands of security in the context of personal privacy. The issue is no longer whether to use this data (that decision has been taken), the issue now is ‘how’ to use it – for what purpose, for how long, by whom, what constitutes conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism and what defines serious transnational organized crime?

Council. Despite the scale of the task, EU Member States remain confident the new legal basis will be in place by the end of 2015.

Creating the legal basis

The journey from policy to operations

In February this year, Timothy Kirkhope, the lead Member of the European Parliament dealing with this issue, tabled the latest draft for what will become the EU PNR Directive. In the weeks that followed, policy-makers from each of bloc’s 28 Member States evaluated the draft and came up with some 800 amendments to shape the final version to be laid before Parliament, negotiated, agreed and ultimately adopted by the European

As anyone working in this arena knows well: policy is one thing; operations another. Once the legal basis is in place, it will be down to each Member State to develop capabilities to acquire large volumes of PNR data, almost certainly including intra-EU flights, identify risks, target threats and ensure multiple actors on the ground, (e.g. police, counter-terrorism, customs, border control), are aligned, aware of their individual responsibilities and properly supported to conduct joint operations. Arguably, acquiring the data and building a system to do something with it is the easier task. There are nonetheless inherent complexities in acquiring the right data in the right format at the right time and having the right tools and skills in place to analyze patterns, behaviors and relationships that could reveal potential terrorist or criminal activity.

Border Security Matters

The harder task will be to bring multiple agencies together under one roof: create an environment that builds on the best practices of each, but leaves behind the cultures and practices that limit or inhibit working together as a high-performing team using an array of talents from multiple government departments. The Passenger Information Unit will be an entirely new environment, requiring new leadership, new thinking, new skills and a mature approach to learning and improving performance over time. Building capability A typical and understandable response to the challenge is for governments to focus on the technology needed to build these capabilities. Indeed, technology will be a critically important component. However, there are invaluable lessons that can be learned beforehand, particularly from countries outside the EU in Asia and the Middle East, where a number of governments have experience of working with systems involving the real-time risk assessment of passenger data. Several





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for the benefit of the country’s national security. From initiation to optimization The PIU’s vision and aims will set the parameters to inform how the unit is designed and managed. It will be important, particularly for ministers and the general public, to have a realistic understanding of what the unit can achieve by when. already identified an existing agency or department to lead the Passenger Information Unit. Others are still considering the possibility of creating an entirely new entity. Yet whichever department is ultimately accountable for the PIU, many other government departments will want to shape the thinking around what it can achieve, how it will be organized and how they can share information, ideas, skills and talents to ensure it delivers the right outcomes in the national interest, not just departmental targets. The PIU must have a clear vision and a well-defined set of strategic aims. These will need the support of senior officials from all government departments that have a stake in seeing the PIU succeed

On its first day of operation, systems, business processes, budgets and resources will be vague, ‘works in progress’ or altogether missing. As the unit matures, processes will be defined, systems will become operational and the knowledge and confidence of using passenger data for risk assessment much greater. This maturity will enable the unit’s capabilities and effectiveness to increase and allow the leadership team to focus on optimization to drive more and better outcomes. With the right approach and support, the PIU can mature quickly and ultimately become one of the nation’s most valued assets in the fight against terrorism and organized crime. The way forward

By late Summer 2015, we will have a clear idea of what the EU PNR Directive looks like and the legal basis that will enshrine each Member State’s acquisition and processing of passenger data. Assuming there are no further delays in the legislative process, 28 Member States will have a green light to establish a Passenger Information Unit at the end of 2015. This means the next six months present a valuable opportunity for Member States to advance the thinking process and deepen their understanding of their strategic aims, draw lessons from other countries’ experiences outside the EU, and work on some of the additional challenges they face in bringing together multiple government departments, creating new business processes, designing and interfacing new systems with existing ones (including systems such as those hosted at EU-LISA and INTERPOL) and developing new ways of working with data and intelligence that will be vital to help Europe stand up to the growing threat of terrorism and organized crime that affects our societies, our economies and our European way of life.

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BORDERPOL Supports Border Agencies Worldwide in Assuring Identity Against Growing Terrorist Travel Threat By Janice Kephart, BORDERPOL North America Program Director and former 9/11 Commission counsel

BORDERPOL is a ten year old international nonprofit organization wholly focused on helping border agencies worldwide operationally establish fast, safe and more secure borders. Our mission continues to intensify as the United Nations World Tourism Organization states that nearly 1 billion people annually are crossing international borders, or one in seven people. The only truly distinguishing feature amongst every single person? Physical identifiers, known as biometrics. the future. Biometric solutions such as facial recognition, fingerprints and iris scans assure identity when coupled with biographic information found in travel documents. Voice biometrics may soon provide sufficient reliability to be introduced in the border environment as well. Using only biographic information, however, such as names or passport numbers, provides no assurance that the person departing is the one whose original arrival was recorded.

The Value of Biographic + Biometric Border Systems Documents are designed to be replicated by governments and authorized agencies. Keeping them secure is essential, but difficult. Having biographic information for each individual is also essential. However, biographic information stored on a replicable document such as a passport, is well known to be subject to fraud and counterfeiting. However, when a biometric is added to the biographic border process, the ability of a fake or manipulated real passport to successfully pass through a port of entry undetected becomes extremely difficult. Tracking the arrival and departure of foreign visitors is an essential part of immigration control, law enforcement and a nation’s security. While a person may try to lie with his words and his travel document, a person’s physiological characteristics cannot be lost, forgotten, stolen, or forged. When truth and lies mix in this environment, truth is much more likely to win. When

that truth is against a terrorist, then security wins and maybe even lives are saved. The need for arrival controls is obvious, but recording departures is also important; without it, there is no way to know definitively whether travelers have left when they were supposed to. Biometric entry/exit and transfer solutions are proven in their feasibility, low cost, added security value, increased efficiencies, travel convenience, and accuracy. Good products are available off the shelf. They can be customized for many environments. The biometric, secure document and identity management industry is well-versed in integration with back-end data systems while building in flexibility for

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If the United States had implemented a biometric entry/exit system prior to 9/11, it is possible that heinous act may have been prevented. However, the technology was not available at the time. However, there was no good excuse why a biometric entry/ exit system was not in place when Tamerlan Tsarnaev was planning his attack on the Boston Marathon in early 2013, and traveling to Chechnya for training immediately prior to that. These examples are replicated around the world, every day, as terrorists are surging into ISIS controlled territory, training, and moving to points of attack around the world. Al Qaeda has

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changed its tactics to infiltrate and align in more subtle, politically astute manner in Yemen, for example. Libya is fighting for its political life against ISIS elements. Europe is under siege with migrant flows fleeing war-torn areas while ISIS takes advantage of the chaos to move recruits and new members. Yet the world is moving in the right direction. Most governments understand the value of a Biographic + Biometric Border System. More than 80 countries now have ePassports whose embedded chips contain information that replicate the MRZ on the passport and add in at least a photo that can be retrieved using facial recognition software. Some countries are also adding in fingerprints to the chips. While ePassports are flourishing, the world is catching up with actually reading these chips to enhance security. The United States still does not systematically read the chips, for example, and most nations struggle to afford or understand biometric technologies. In addition to retrieving the biometric information a country stores on a chip in compliance with United Nations protocols, at least 32 countries have biometric entry or entry/exit border control. Most of these are at airports, but countries like Hong Kong have integrated biometrics into all their ports of entry including land, rail, sea and air. The European Union is now undergoing a pilot to test a large variety of biometric border controls at all types of ports of entry as well that covers the entire Schengen area of 26 countries. Schengen permits free movement of citizens within the area, but the January terror attack in Paris has highlighted the vulnerabilities of not having biometrics at its borders to verify identity. Meanwhile, Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, responsible for annually processing 55 million passengers with 80

percent of them international transfers, is just now completing a five year buildout of 80 e-gates. These e-gates not only take a biometric, but assure that the traveler is the legitimate holder of the passport by reading the ePassport chip and using facial recognition software to match the individual to the stored photo. The Schiphol processing does both in about 20 seconds on average per passenger.

terrorist travel is critical to stopping this rising tide and spread of terror.

Evaluating the Worldwide Threat of Terrorist Travel, and Manipulation of Identity a Key Element of ISIS Strategy

On March 28, 2015, ISIS published its How to Survive in the West 2015 guide for ISIS recruits and members. Divided into chapters, its English translation [without grammatical corrections] begins with a section on the importance of changing and maintaining different personas depending on the audience:

Terrorist travel is perhaps the most difficult type of unwanted travel to deter, know about and prevent. ISIS travel techniques are termed “broken border” tactics using combinations of clandestine and fraudulent travel by air, sea and land through ports of entry and between them. ISIS is desperate to move foreign nationals into its fold, presenting new and ever-evolving tactics to which border agencies need a swift response. As ISIS expands its brand of terror and widens its net with calls worldwide for other terrorists to join, there has been a rapid rise of the need for fighters to use fake passports to get out of their home countries undetected, travel into Syria, and then back out (if they survive) undetected to their designated locations. Fake passports, aliases, and bypassing border checkpoints are critical to success. Thus curtailing this

Countries like Australia and the United Kingdom are placing stringent requirements or outright banning the return or exit of such fighters. Many of these governments have identified biometric technology as a viable means to more accurately identify travelers and help stop the spread of terrorism.

Changing your identity is important because you will come across different people in this struggle... Identity change is so important that everything about you – your: (Alias name, Physical look, Voice, Meeting places, and even phone number.) are different to your real ones. This makes it extremely difficult for intelligence agencies to know who you really are if you always take security precautions before every meeting. If you can find people who can fake ID cards, that would be even better (and this may be possible if you can have contact with people in the dark underworld).” These types of publications are proliferating on the dark net and intercepted by intelligence authorities. ISIS also just published a 70-page manual in fluent English instructing ISIS members on how to best to befriend, rob, and kill from the inside of western society. The manual, according to an April 20, 2015 summary, begins with how to use online scams to steal money and raise funds, make bombs from household items, and then lays out how to conceal one’s identity. Along with funds and weapons, one last aspect the guide teaches is the

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methods of covert operation needed to keep the terrorist attack secret and launch it without attracting attention. The guide instructs terrorists not to wear Islamic clothing, to take on a westernized name, and wear colored contact lenses to confuse witnesses. As part of the covert tactics to cover up the acts of terror, the guide’s section on “secret white converts” explains how to manipulate Westerners to use them for alibis, and how to influence people in power. “Befriend good decent white people who are dissatisfied with their governments, be close to them and offer them support and guidance in life,” it suggests. “If these people open up to you, you can decide if you want to tell them about Islam. You will tell them enough information to satisfy what service you require off them, but not more than that.” It is clear that an essential element of a successful terrorist portfolio, according to ISIS, is the ability to manipulate identity. Using fake IDs and taking on a different name while infiltrating western society to pretend to be a different individual, or with different intentions, is essential. ISIS is so well aware of the issue of identity and fraud that it has begun issuing its own ID cards to prevent its own “caliphate citizens” from using the fraud they advocate to manipulate the rest of the world. According to Australian reporting, the IDs contain a “three-dimensional chip and anti-counterfeiting hologram and are being distributed among people living in IS controlled territories throughout Iraq and Syria”. BORDERPOL International Security Meeting “Curtailing Terrorist Travel: Threats and Solutions” BORDERPOL’s North America Directorate is hosting its first International Security Meeting on terrorist travel in Washington D.C. September 9 to 11, 2015. We will be evaluating the most effective solutions to detect and deter terrorist travel in every phase of travel, determining where governments need help, lessons learned to date on how terrorists travel, and how to monitor and provide operational intelligence to border agencies, amongst other issues. We are bringing together border, justice, law enforcement and intelligence

agencies to define the threats of terrorist travel and find solutions to identifying, watchlisting, and curtailing terrorist travel and ultimately, terrorist operations. Our speakers are senior government officials who have dedicated their careers to addressing terrorist travel threats and include the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Joint Terrorism Task Force, federal prosecutors, intelligence officials, INTERPOL, the Organization for the Security and Cooperation of the European Union (OSCE), and border agencies from all over the world.

This meeting is organized and supported on behalf of BORDERPOL by the Secure Identity & Biometrics Association (SIBA), a nonprofit trade association dedicated to pro-actively create awareness and promote the value of secure identity technologies and biometric solutions that effectively protect and secure individuals from identity threats as well as protect and secure facilities, organizations and governments. For further details


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ECIPS says the EU-wide resettlement scheme is a recipe for disaster On May 13th 2015 the European Commission announced the “Wonder Plan” to face the migration issue, with the aim to fund Frontex and to offer 20,000 places in Europe, distributed in all Member States, to displaced persons in clear need of international protection, with a dedicated extra funding of €50 million for 2015 and 2016. but it is much more difficult to realize the negligence towards victims within the EU.

The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) says that this idealism of unscrutinized imposition hosts major security risks for the European Union and all its member states and that Policy makers in Brussels are no longer in touch with the reality. The fact that the UN imposed a migration integration policy onto the EU several years ago as part of the UN agenda, does not mean that the EU must dance to the strings of the players outside the EU, says Mr. Ricardo Baretzky, President of the ECIPS.

distribution of these migrants without any background screening. What the EU is failing to mention is that none of these countries from where migrants are coming have proper databases for background checks and 90% of all information is provided by corrupt officials. The question that remains is what was the point in the past to establish and exercise a proper border control if these migrants hold a “carte blanche” to enter the EU. It is easy to speak about victims from outside EU

The risk factor with this radical proposal from the EU comes as a twofold problem. The first is that it defeats the very same objectives of border patrol that consist of screening, knowing and identifying the threat. And the second is that of disrupting the services by human judgment. At present, it is estimated that as much as 5,000 illegal migrants reach Europe as a whole on a daily basis, of which an estimated 800 to 1,200 are being detected according to official figures. The ECIPS is of the opinion that the problem is within the border, urges proper border control between the 28 member union member states to be reinstated as a matter of urgency and points out that failing to do so will lead to a catastrophic and disastrous future event. The critical infrastructure of Europe is not adequate in its capability and functioning to support as a whole the entire European Union during a disaster event. In such case, who will face the responsibility of mass migration should such an event

He said that many Europeans will eventually migrate since their trust will be lost in the stability which the European Union offers, and that these radical steps of inexperienced law makers threatens the origins of the EU as a whole. One of the things that are standing out is that ISIS has been known to assist their members to migrate precisely in this way to the EU. In the latest months, intelligence sources indicate that ISIS might be funding several of these migration attempts that are presently affecting the Mediterranean shores of Southern Europe. Professional journalist investigation strongly suggests that these new policies will result in randomly allowing

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The ECIPS said that African leaders have to be held accountable and that the establishment of the international court “The Hague” is often swayed in the name of political interest to do their job and urges the members to take the responsibility and keep all leaders accountable for the actions that cause displacement and mass migration of people. Some reporters believe that political interest has infiltrated the purpose and outcome of the justice system in The Hague. The ECIPS would not comment on this remark but said that somebody has to be accountable to avoid the largest genocide to come.

take place in a near future? After the 9/11 attack, it was predicted by high ranking officials from the Pentagon that the next 9/11 would be 100 times bigger and that it would almost certainly take place on European soil. According to the ECIPS, we are past the point of prevention and have entered the stage of critical control management. The European Union faces several problems and the recent monitory trends indicate that Europe might be witnessing the birth of the first real depression to come since 1937. A recent interview with an officer of CIA indicated that the prediction says it could be as close as 18 months in the future from our

present time. President Baretzky from the ECIPS said that now is not the time to play ping pong games with the trust of 1.2 billion citizens of the European Union, while less than one third remains faithful to the cause set down 25 years ago by the European Commission to build the values of Europe that contains freedom, justice and liberty for all. He pointed out and warned that this is a very dangerous territory the EC is treading on that will almost certainly come at a huge price in the future and will hugely affect all European citizens and the economical stability that keeps the engine lubricated and functioning.

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Border Security Matters

In conclusion, the purpose of border patrol in Europe could be lost and eventually broken down if the correct decisions are not taken today. President Baretzky said that it is time that the Commission realizes that they are not an official government and must leave government to do their job to protect their natural assets and above all, their citizens to prevent Europe from becoming a second Gaza strip dividing the 28 countries into 28 pockets of refugee camps. Many believe that Frontex has simply failed to do their job and it should be questioned as to how their funds are spent, leading to the present migration epidemic.

By Jams Lee official reporter for IFJ

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Abstract submittal deadline - 31st July 2015 The ever changing nature of threats, whether natural through climate change, or man-made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber attacks, means the need to continually review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing demands. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing Europe’s critical infrastructure. For further information and to submit your abstract visit “The EU Internal Security Strategy highlights that critical infrastructure must be better protected from criminals who take advantage of modern technologies and that the EU should continue to designate critical infrastructure and put in place plans to protect such assets, as they are essential for the functioning of society and the economy.”

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identification of passengers before their departure from Australian airports will tighten the Australia.“ security and enhance passenger TRUSTED CCTV ‘Operational processing at Borders Standards’ for Security Camera Eight major international airports in Australia will automate Systems traveller processing at departures, with the implementation of self-service Automated Border Control departures SmartGates based on Facial Recognition. The initiative by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection aims to strengthen security at Australian borders. As a result of a tender procedure, Vision- Box has been successfully selected as the preferred partner to deliver the solution.


or many years, the lack of any proper working standards relating specifically to the use of CCTV, created an environment where priorities have often weighed heavily towards the acquisition of the technology, with little practical regard to defining, understanding and achieving, all the vital operational objectives. Now, with the latest development of the TRUSTED© CCTV Improvement Project, a series of Operational Standards are being introduced to help CCTV Users and Operators ensure they achieve a far more efficient, effective and responsible level of performance, from their security camera systems. Given the vast range of video surveillance equipment currently being used in a myriad of security applications, the TRUSTED© CCTV Operational Standards have been carefully structured across a number of levels; specifically designed to provide significant benefits both to a broad scope of existing users, and also a wider range of CCTV Stakeholders.

Australian borders face increasing security challenges, as the number of travellers arriving and departing the country continues to grow at a fast pace while the state of alert for possible terror acts has strongly intensified. Following a national plan to combat terrorist activity, the Australian Government is committed to the modernization of security infrastructure, namely passenger clearance processes, through the use of biometric-based solutions at departures, in order to bolster security measures and help manage increasing traveller volumes. As an outcome, eight Australian Airports will soon have their processes renovated during the nation- wide roll-out of departures SmartGates between June 2015 and July 2016: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Cairns and Darwin. The tender procedure was preceded by a successful trial at Brisbane International Airport in a partnership with IBM Australia, proving that Vision-Box was the right partner to deliver this large-scale project, which includes the deployment of 92 Automated Border Control SmartGates at Departures Terminals. vb i- match ABC eGates are developed by Vision-Box , the industry leader with more than 800 Biometric-based Automated Border Control solutions installed worldwide. The eGates will expedite each traveller’s clearance in just a few seconds, providing a fast and user-friendly experience, while guaranteeing accuracy in

Cognitec Introduces Video Camera with Integrated Face Detection and Tracking to Complement Real-Time Face Recognition Technology

Cognitec now offers a highly specialized IP video camera

with built-in face detection and tracking technology as a component of its FaceVACS-VideoScan product. The FaceVACS- VideoScan C5 camera provides optimal image quality for real-time face recognition, even under challenging conditions, while requiring low computing hardware and bandwidth resources. Currently, users of highresolution machine vision cameras require constant high bandwidth to receive uncompressed face images for optimal recognition performance. This scenario requires a dedicated network connection between camera and software. Typical surveillance cameras with moderate bandwidth requirements

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produce compressed images, leading to decreased biometric performance of the face recognition software. FaceVACS-VideoScan C5 combines advantages of the options above: the high image quality of machine vision cameras and moderate bandwidth requirements of surveillance cameras. The camera performs real-time, gapless face detection/ tracking and generates lossless, cropped video streams for all faces appearing in front of the camera. An integrated camera control provides optimized exposure on the face area. FaceVACS-VideoScan C5 supports RTSP/H.264 video streams for integration with digital video recording systems. The camera delivers optimal integration with Cognitec’s product FaceVACS-VideoScan, enabling the technology to detect and identify persons of interest in real time and with great accuracy. In addition, anonymous facial analysis over time allows the software to compute people count, demographical information, people movement in time and space, and to detect frequent visitors and crowds.

Elbit Systems Signs an Agreement to Acquire NICE Systems’ Cyber and Intelligence Division


lbit Systems Ltd announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire NICE Systems Ltd.’s Cyber and Intelligence division for a total amount of up to $157.9 million, subject to certain customary adjustments. Out of the total amount, $117.9 million will be paid in cash at the time of the closing, expected to take place in the third quarter of 2015, subject to certain closing conditions. An additional amount of up to $40 million will be paid as earn-out, based upon the future business performance of the acquired division’s activities. NICE’s Cyber and Intelligence division offers solutions which provide law enforcement agencies and intelligence organizations with tools for creating communication intelligence. The division’s yearly revenue in 2014 was in the high tens of millions of dollars. The Cyber and Intelligence division will be acquired by CYBERBIT LTD “(CYBERBIT”), Elbit Systems’ subsidiary, recently established in order to consolidate Elbit Systems’ existing activities relating to the Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Security markets. CYBERBIT will focus on both the emerging government and commercial cyber markets, leveraging Elbit Systems extensive and proven cyber experience and technologies.

Adi Dar, an Executive Vice President of Elbit Systems, was appointed as CYBERBIT’s General Manager. The Nice Cyber and Intelligence division’s employees will become employees of CYBERBIT. Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis, President and CEO of Elbit Systems, said: “The acquisition of NICE’s division is a significant milestone in our strategy to bring Elbit Systems cyber capabilities to the level of global leaders. NICE is a well- known world leader in the cyber intelligence industry, and its business activities and capabilities are complementary to ours.

Airbus Defence and Space NEWTON products enable agile satellite missions

Since late 2011, when the Pleiades A satellite was launched

from Kourou, GN&C equipment built by Airbus Defence and Space Electronics have allowed Earth Observation missions to become more efficient. Following Pléiades A, three additional satellites, Pléiades B, SPOT 6 and Spot 7 were launched, each with agility capabilities, based on Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) technology. With four satellites in-orbit, cumulative life time has reached more than 35 years. Based on the CMG technology, Airbus Defence and Space now develops the NEWTON agility package family of subsystems which allows customers to easily implement actuators. The use of NEWTON increases the operational efficiency of Earth Observation, and makes agile satellite missions possible. Satellites equipped with NEWTON are able to significantly reduce the re-visit time and increase the number of image scenes acquired on an area. For agile satellites within a given area, shorter acceleration and braking phases allow the line of sight to be quickly retargeted. Steering rules and control electronics are included as part of the NEWTON package from Airbus Defence and Space . While similar CMG technology has been previously applied, the Airbus Defence and Space approach significantly reduces equipment cost, allowing an agile satellite to become more affordable. One key difference was to “not reinvent the wheel”, but to reuse an existing space qualified reaction wheel within the NEWTON mechanical actuator design.

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Additionally, a building block approach was deployed so that major assemblies are interchangeable between NEWTON packages expediting development cycles and reducing parts count. With this approach Airbus Defence and Space has now available a NEWTON family of products designed for a wide range of satellite platforms, from 500kg to even more than 2000kg. The mechanical actuators of these packages are all derived from the flight proven 15-45 CMG successfully used on the Pléiades and SPOT Earth Observation missions.

Airbus Defence and Space delivers Comcept, the French Armed Forces’ first very highspeed satellite based network

Airbus Defence and Space has delivered the sophisticated

‘Comcept’ very-high speed satellite network to DGA (the French defence procurement agency). Comcept will be used by the French Ministry of Defence to complement the Syracuse satellite system with very high- speed and all-IP (Internet Protocol) data transmission capabilities provided by the Ka frequency band. The delivery of the first tranche of the Comcept system also triggers the beginning of the in-service support phase, which is scheduled to last for 15 years. The speed of data transmission has become more and more a crucial factor as the amount of data increases accordingly with more and more sophisticated equipment for efficient military operations. “With Comcept, the French Army joins the United States and the United Arab Emirates in a very select group of armed forces with satellite-based military Ka-band networks,” said Eric Souleres, Head of Operations and Engineering at the Communications, Intelligence & Security (CIS) business line. The DGA commissioned Airbus Defence and Space and Actia Telecom with the development of the Comcept ground system and network at the end of 2012. The Comcept system contract will run for 17 years. The ground segment is used to operate the Franco- Italian Athena-Fidus satellite. The system will also be compatible with future commercial satellites operating in the Ka-band frequency, in order to supplement Athena-Fidus’ capabilities. Comcept combines innovations in the commercial sector with specific functions required for military communication.

can be transported in suitcases, will be delivered this year. The contract also provides for the possibility to acquire additional fixed and deployable ground stations that could be used both in France and in theatres of operations.

European Smart Border pilot programme goes live at Lisbon International Airport An innovative European Commission Smart Border pilot program to enhance Third Country Nationals Entry/Exit processes into the Schengen Area went live on March 15 at Lisbon International Airport. The project is being coordinated by the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA), selecting Lisbon’s International Airport as the first EU site to inaugurate the pilot program that will run until the beginning of June, in direct collaboration with SEF, who is responsible for project management at national level in liaison with eu-LISA, ANA/ VINCI Airports and Vision-Box®. The 12 EU Members States participating in the program are Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Romania. Each of these countries will perform tests with Third Country Nationals (TCN) passing through immigration checkpoints at various airport, land, and sea borders, experimenting with different facial, fingerprint, and iris biometric verification methods. The main purpose of the program is to identify the best technical solutions for each specific type of border using multi-modal biometric identification and verification processes and comparing the metrics and usability of each solution through specific reporting methods. The results of the pilot programs will set the foundation for a common, standardized platform used to manage European borders, namely for an Entry/Exit System (EES) and a Registered Traveler Program (RTP). By combining these initiatives, European Member States will be able to monitor traveler flow using a EU-unified system, proactively identifying irregular situations such as travelers

The Comcept network comprises two docking stations, two redundant mission centres and fixed and deployable terminals, allowing the exchange of data, videos and telephone communications using all-IP technology. Developed by Actia Telecom and Airbus Defence and Space, 20 HDR (High Data Rate) stations in mobile shelters with 2.4 m antennas providing bandwidth up to 10 Mbit/s have already been delivered. 250 TMT (Metropolitan Theatre Terminal) stations with 1 m antennas in fixed or mobile containers and 50 SDT (Small-Size Terminal) stations with 0.7 m antennas that

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overstaying their visits. The first test case in Portugal consists of testing exit/departure ABC eGates by TCN visa-exempt passengers. In fact, this is an unprecedented worldwide program: the state-of-the-art Automated Border Control (ABC) eGates from Vision-Box® are now processing citizens from Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macedonia, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela and Brazil. The close collaboration between eu-LISA, SEF, ANA/Vinci and Vision-Box® is crucial in evaluating the overall feasibility of the system and a key factor to validate the concept, processes and future solutions of the program. Travelers’ impressions upon encountering Vision-Box®’s ABC

enrolled fingerprints against the central EU VIS system in Brussels and capture of a high-quality ISO-compliant photo for potential use at ABC eGates once exiting the Schengen Area. At the Lisbon Smart Border pilot launch event, which brought together high-ranking officials from eu-LISA and Portugal to witness the official unveiling of the Smart-Border Program, Joao Almeida, Portuguese Internal Administration State Secretary, stated that, “This kind of projects allows, on the one hand, for better information for countries to control the entry/ exit of third country nationals, but even more importantly, it allows citizens who visit the EU to register first, in order to go through borders even more rapidly”. The European Commission will analyze the findings of the eu-LISA Smart-Border Pilot Program with the expectation that biometrics and Automated Border Control will be part of a solution for a common European Border Control Strategy, shielding it from terrorism and fraud.

Smiths Detection Supplies Body Scanners to Manila Airport Smiths Detection has won a contract to supply Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport with 14 advanced peoplescreeners which use millimetre-wave technology to check passengers for concealed weapons or explosives.

eGates were extremely positive, exceeding all expectations. The first user, a Brazilian traveler flying to Sao Paulo, was quite surprised with the opportunity to utilize the Automated Border Control eGates in Lisbon. Already installed at Guarulhos International Airport in Sao Paulo, the same solution, also deployed by Vision-Box®, gives travelers the benefit of avoiding long lines at manual border control checkpoints, substantially decreasing the time it takes to go through immigration. The project also has a secondary objective in raising awareness of the mechanisms used to ensure the integrity and privacy of all captured biometric data, in compliance with the EU regulations. Vision-Box® ensures the security of all data through the cutting-edge Privacy-by-Design principle, which guarantees full confidentiality of the travelers’ data. Lisbon International Airport is also testing two additional cases at entry points, the first comprising of an iris enrollment process to measure the capability of this modality in Europe and the second consisting of pre-registering arriving travelers using a Vision-Box® Automated Immigration Control Kiosk. The aim of this test case is the future use of automation to combine into a single family-friendly process the following set of controls: authentication of the passenger’s travel documents, verification of the validity of their Visa and pre-

The eqo portal systems, which fully protect privacy through Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) software, will be used in secondary screening of departing passengers who may have raised alarms during initial checks. Bought by the Manila International Airport Authority via the Philippines distributor, Defense & Protection Systems Phil. Inc, the eqos are due to be operational at four terminals by June 2015. Nathan Manzi, Smiths Detection’s Regional Vice President, Asia Pacific, said: “eqo is the most advanced scanner of its type in the world and was the first on the market to achieve the top performance standard from the EU/ECAC regulatory approval process. Easily integrated into existing checkpoint layouts, eqo will provide Ninoy Aquino Airport a versatile means of enhancing security in airport screening.” eqo, which bounces harmless mm-waves off the body and then analyses the reflected data, uses a generic outline graphic to highlight any suspicious items detected. Unlike currently deployed scanners, eqo can distinguish both metallic and non-metallic objects. Its real-time analysis and presentation of the results help speed up the screening process. Now deployed in airports around the world, eqo is also used in prison, military, customs and other critical infrastructure applications.

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Anti-UAV Defence System (AUDS) Unveiled by Trio of British Technology Companies A trio of British technology companies comprising Blighter Surveillance Systems, Chess Dynamics and Enterprise Control Systems - leaders in their respective fields - have combined forces to develop a powerful, highly effective and fully integrated Anti-UAV Defence System (AUDS) to combat the growing threat of malicious micro, mini and larger unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones. The Anti-UAV Defence System (AUDS) integrates the Blighter A400 Series Ku band electronic scanning air security radar, Chess Dynamics’ stabilised electro-optic director, infrared and daylight cameras and target tracking software, and a directional radio frequency (RF) inhibitor/jammer system from Enterprise Control Systems to detect, track, classify, disrupt and neutralise UAVs at ranges of up to 8km. The AUDS system is even effective against so-called Group 1 micro UAVs at ranges of up to 2km and Group 1 mini UAVs at ranges of several kms.

UAV trials (known as Bristow 15) in West Freugh, Scotland. The AUDS system is designed for counter UAV operations in remote border sites or urban areas. It can be operated from fixed locations and from mobile platforms. Key features and benefits include: - Fully electronic scanning radar technology with Doppler processing allowing all weather, 24-hour detection of both fast and slow moving micro and mini UAV targets with unsurpassed ground clutter suppression for near horizon operation; - Highly accurate stabilised pan and tilt director combined with the very latest electro-optic infrared day and night cameras and state-of-the-art digital video tracking technology to automatically track the UAV and classify the target; - Smart radio frequency inhibitor to selectively disrupt various command and control communication links employed by the UAV. Disruptive effect can be carried out in an intelligent, proportional and non-kinetic manner to mitigate collateral impact, and the inhibitor/jammer system is software controlled giving the capacity to counter new and emerging threats.

Mark Radford, CEO, Blighter Surveillance Systems, said: “We formed the all-British AUDS team in 2014 as we were each acutely aware of the urgent operational requirement from our customers for an effective and affordable anti-UAV system. Working in partnership, we have developed some clever technology (patents are pending) that integrates the different sensors, effector and electro-mechanical positioning systems to disrupt and bring down any malicious drone in a phased and controlled manner.”

With incidents of UAV and drone related security breaches occurring on an almost daily basis, the AUDS system is able to address the heightened concern about UAVs within military, government, critical infrastructure and commercial security organisations. While UAVs have many positive applications, it’s expected that they’ll be used increasingly for malicious purposes - they can carry cameras, weapons, toxic chemicals and explosives - and be used increasingly for terrorism, espionage and smuggling purposes.

According to the AUDS team, the technology has been extensively tested in South Korea along the 250km demilitarised zone (DMZ), where Blighter radars have been deployed for some years. In March 2015, the AUDS team took part in multi-supplier French Government trials in Captieux, France, where its counter UAV system proved highly successful in detecting and neutralising a variety of fixed and rotary wing micro, compact and standard UAVs. And last week, the system also performed well in UK Government sponsored counter

Smiths Detection Announces $23m Chemical Detector Order from the U.S. Army Smiths Detection Inc. have announced that the U.S. Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground, in support of the Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) program, have exercised an option for a $23 million production order on an existing contract. Smiths Detection’s JCAD is an advanced, easy-to-use, lightweight threat detection device that can be held or easily strapped to a belt. The JCAD protects military personnel, police, border guards and hazmat responders by alerting operators if toxic substances and dangerous chemicals are detected.

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Smiths Detection

World Security Report

World Security Report is a quarterly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. Smiths Detection

Border Security Matters

Border Security Matters is the quarterly newsletter of BORDERPOL, the World Border Organisation, delivering agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over 10,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide. Smiths Detection


Smiths Detection


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News and updates from the Secretariat It can be reported:

BORDERPOL management recognized the need to attract border security; traveler and migration management leaders who can help the organization chart a course through the increasingly complex world of social, economic and cultural tensions that the environment of the 21st century is creating. It is clear that in order for the organization to do the things it was created to do and attract the aforementioned personnel a sustainable and significant annual budget is necessary.

Since 2003 we have worked with many of the worlds most dedicated professionals. We have worked tirelessly to bring the mission and vision of BORDERPOL to fruition under very difficult conditions. Programs and projects have been launched and completed without guaranteed financial support from beneficiaries. Our cost recovery approach while altruistic did not provide adequate compensation for our colleagues, and as a result many could not maintain their professional association with BORDERPOL. In December in Budapest we recognized and agreed that BORDERPOL’s future success was predicated on meeting the growing demands and expectations of the border security and migration management community, particularly in Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean Basin. These needs cannot be met without developing the capability of being able to recruit and retain the most innovative and experienced professionals. When we launched the reorganization program we called it BORDERPOL 2.0 and tagged it #turningpassionintoprogress . From that point forward the management team knew that real change was taking place within the organization.

Follow ‘BORDERPOL’ on Twitter for the latest world border security news. To keep up to date with event developments join the ‘World BORDERPOL Congress’ on LinkedIn.

Consequently the reorganization of the operational structure and the introduction of the classification of management and staff at BORDERPOL was introduced May 1, 2015. Budget and specific HR elements of the program will be incrementally made operative over the next 18 months. BORDERPOL is planning to establish a small administrative headquarters office once a venue is approved and funds become available. The anticipated time line for this is 18 – 24 months. An important element of the reorganization was the compression of the management team. The CEO positions of Executive Director and Chairman were merged and renamed Director General. Recognizing the decentralized nature of the organization and to ensure the strategic viability of BORDERPOL the Headquarters - General Secretariat [Ottawa] management group now consist of four senior management officials. The result is a smaller group with closer links between the General Secretariat and the Secretariat Field Offices. contd/..

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News and updates from the Secretariat It can be reported:

The General Secretariat managers:

Border Security Matters

Editorial: Tony Kingham, KNM Media E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker, Torch Marketing E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker, Torch Marketing E: Advertising Sales & World BORDERPOL Congress Exhibition Sales: Paul Gloc T: +44 (0) 7786 270820 E: Membership Enquiries: Thomas Tass, BORDERPOL T: +1 509 278 1660 E: BSM Subscriptions: Neil Walker, Torch Marketing E:

Copyright of BORDERPOL, Torch Marketing and KNM Media.

Thomas A. [Tom] Tass, Director General [Canada] Ken Richardson, Deputy Director General & Chief of Operations [United Kingdom] John Oliver, Treasurer [Canada] Louis Lyonel Voiron, Director Strategic Development [France] Secretariat Field Office managers: Col. Zoltan Szabo [Ret], Director European Secretariat [Budapest, Hungary] Major Zagon Csaba, Deputy Director European Secretariat [Budapest Hungary] Comdr. R.S. Vasan [Ret], Director Asia Secretariat [Chennai, India] Janice Kephart, Director Americas Program [Washington DC USA] Support Group members: Neil Walker, Director Events and Programs [United Kingdom] Tony Kingham, Director Media Relations [France] Tony Smith CBE, Director International Liaison [United Kingdom] A key recommendation by border security and migration management advisors was the creation of independent external advisory/oversight groups from the public and private sector. To that end in January 2015 the General Secretariat created the Common Council. The Common Council is the independent home to senior government representatives from national border service/agency bodies or IGO leaders associated with border security, migration/traveler management issues. The primary functions of the Common Council are compliant with the provisions of the BORDERPOL Constitution. In its advisory role it reviews the policies of the Organization and suggests and approves the programs. It may make recommendations to take any other appropriate action to further the mission and goals of BORDERPOL. At the time of writing senior representatives from four countries have officially joined the group.


8th-10th December 2015 The Hague, Netherlands

For further details please contact: Neil Walker, Events Director, BORDERPOL Email: or visit We look forward to welcoming you to The Hague, Netherlands for the industry’s annual gathering.

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World BORDERPOL Congress


8th-10th December 2015 The Hague, Netherlands

Enhancing collaboration in global border protection and management challenges.

S��� T�� D���� The World BORDERPOL Congress is the only multi-jurisdictional transnational platform where the border protection, management and security industry policy-makers and practitioners convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced in protecting not only one’s own country’s borders, but those of neighbours and friends. Join us for developing co-operation and collaboration through high level discussions and presentations on the future for border protection and management. We look forward to welcoming you to The Hague, Netherlands on 8th-10th December 2015 for the next gathering of border and migration management professionals.

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