World Security Report SeptOct 2016

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Official Magazine of


FEATURE: Training need no keep you tied down PAGE 8

FEATURE: High-tech security screening trialled for the first time at Shannon Airport PAGE 12


FEATURE: Albuquerque Police Department (APD) launch the first automated ABIS in the cloud PAGE14


Made in the USA and made in Europe The suspect in the latest terrorist attack in the US, Ahmad Khan Rahami, is in many ways typical of most terrorist attackers in both the US and Europe. He is not a refugee or immigrant he is a citizen of his host country, in this case the US. According to a report on CNN: Overwhelmingly, the profile of the approximately 360 jihadist terrorists who have been indicted or convicted in the States since 9/11 of crimes ranging in seriousness from, sending small sums of money to an overseas terrorist organization to murder. According to research by New America, 80% of these militants are American citizens or legal permanent residents. This is as true of Europe as it is of the US. That does not mean to say that this will change. The flood of immigrants into Europe from the Middle East and North Africa has already resulted in attacks and will undoubtedly lead to more in the future. Bu,t it is still true to say that it is the disaffected radicalised Islamic youth of both Europe and the USA that still pose the biggest threat to the safety and security of citizens. How governments combat radicalisation is a political nightmare. If they don’t take firm action their non-Muslim citizens accuse them of being soft on terrorism, when they do take action, Muslim communities accuse them of racism whilst ‘liberals’ accuse the government of targeting minority groups. The reality is that the primary threat does come from the Muslim community so action is necessary.

But the big question is how to tackle the problem without further alienating that community and giving fuel to those who are attempting to radicalise the young. After all, it is in the interest of Al Qaeda, ISIS and other radical groups to provoke discontent, discord and disillusionment, further alienating youngsters from their host country therefore making fertile ground for further radicalisation.

The heavy hand of authority, through armed police patrolling Muslim communities, stop and search, dawn raids etc. are all counter-productive unless acting on specific intelligence.

Engagement is therefore the order of the day and at community level, through local community groups, Mosques, schools and media. That means involving all stakeholders from Iman’s, teachers, community leaders, social workers in the process of countering the radical message and watching out for those that are vulnerable and those that are showing signs of radicalisation. It means that perhaps it should not be the police that take the lead in this process but a non-uniformed liaison officer with powers to help address local issues. This is after all a battle for hearts and minds and it is one we cannot afford to lose.

Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E: Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E: World Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, armed and security forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It is a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counter-terrorism, international affairs, warfare and defence.

Tony Kingham Editor

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Holding Back the Tide

The recent publication of the UK Environment Agencies National Flood Resilience Review is further recognition that flooding is now probably the single biggest threat to homes, businesses, critical infrastructure and the normal daily life to most people in the developed and developing world.

The growing urbanisation of the world’s population means that more and more people are living together in ever greater numbers. The UN reports half the world’s population lives within 60 km of the sea, and three-quarters of all large cities are located on the coast. Most cities whether coastal or not were not designed or located to cope with the sheer numbers of people they now have to accommodate. Every additional person in our cities and towns adds additional water requirements. Estimates vary, but in the US each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day for drinking, to flush the toilet, take showers, clean clothing and so on.

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That’s an additional 29,200 gallons per person per year and that water is usually pumped in from outside the city environs. So that’s an additional 29,200 gallons to be managed, treated and disposed of or re-cycled. The expansion of the urban sprawl also means more of the natural environment that would normally absorb excess water is covered with concrete. So in times of excessive rainfall and or high tide, all that water has to go somewhere and the net result is flooding. In addition to the human cost, flooding also has huge financial implications. A study by the World Bank and the OECD reports that climate change,

rapid urbanization and subsiding land are putting the world’s coastal cities at increasing risk of dangerous and costly flooding. The study, “Future flood losses in major coastal cities”, found that the average global flood losses could rise from 6 billion dollars in 2005 to 1 trillion dollars per year in 2050 if cities don’t take steps to adapt. At particular risk are coastal megacities in Southeast Asia and the eastern United States. The cascade effect of flooding on critical infrastructure serves to amplify its effects. So a power station or electrical substation floods and is disabled, the sewage treatment plant or water supply station ceases to


operate due to loss of power, or the telecommunications system is disrupted, so emergency services are unable to respond to emergency situations and so on. In developed countries this can at worst, result in loss of life but at the very least is likely to result in a huge amount of disruption of normal life and financial cost. In developing countries dilapidated transport routes, unsafe power grids, and buildings in a state of disrepair. During extreme natural events, a fragile infrastructure can have grave consequences for the local population, for whom it represents a direct threat. In addition, it delays the effective potential for those affected to help themselves and impedes humanitarian relief provided by the local authorities or from abroad. Usually, the challenges that relief agencies face are on the “last mile” of the logistics chain: Organizing transportation despite ruined roads or bridges, and ensuring fair distribution when, for example, there is a scarcity of water, food and shelter according to the WorldRiskReport 2016. Even as we go to press torrential rain in the wake of Typhoon Lionrock caused severe flooding in North Korea, parts of eastern China, the Russian Far East and elsewhere, forcing thousands to evacuate their homes. The death toll from the flooding in a North Korean border region has risen to 160 with another 395 missing and tens of thousands left homeless, the UN said in a report released 11 September. It is reported that 35,500 houses have been damaged, 69 per cent of which have been completely destroyed, and a further 8,700 public buildings, have been damaged.

An estimated 600,000 people in more than six counties have been affected by the interruption of water supply systems. Understanding the risk and being able to predict when and where flooding may occur is the precurser to allocation of precious resources both in the developed and developing world. In the UK Review Sir Mark Walport, the Governments Chief Scientific Adviser, said: “It is important that policy on flood risk is underpinned by credible and objective scientific evidence and analysis. This UK review used new modelling techniques to challenge our ideas around the frequency and location of extreme flooding. We were able to model what level of rainfall would be worse than anything that we have

experienced but still possible for our climate. This information enabled us to look again at how bad coastal and river flooding could be under such extreme conditions to ensure we are better prepared. This work was overseen by an expert group brought together from across industry and academia.” As a result, the UK review highlighted that as many as 530 important infrastructure sites across England - water supplies, telecommunications systems and electricity networks – that are still vulnerable and has committed the government to £12.5 million for new temporary defences, such as barriers and high volume pumps, at seven strategic locations around the country and investing £2.5 billion in flood defences by 2021. Some of the best data available

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on assessing risk lies within the world of insurance, where computer modelling is already widely used to assess risk. Axel Theis, Board Member of Allianz SE, explains that a completely new risk landscape has developed for the insurance industry: “The frequency and intensity of climatological events has increased on a global scale over the last 50 years, and with it the concentration of insured assets. At the same time infrastructure expansion cannot keep pace with the increasing needs of the population. This imbalance makes cities extremely vulnerable to natural disasters, especially in Asia.” Already today, cities like Beijing, Delhi, Jakarta, Manila, Mumbai, Shanghai and Taipei are all at risk from flooding and/or typhoons. In comparison to the United States, Asia is 62 times more vulnerable to flooding and 40 times more vulnerable to tropical cyclones. Asia stands to lose much more in natural disasters. At the same time, there is still a serious insurance protection gap for natural catastrophe risks. Catastrophes such as the flood in Bangkok in 2011 costing 45 billion dollars demonstrate the accumulation of risks is rising exponentially with ‘hidden risks’ such as contingent business

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interruption increasingly prevalent. Climate change is set to further exacerbate the situation in Asia. Unless managed appropriately – for example, through such measures as insurance solutions as well as adaptation and mitigation strategies – the potential extent of damage and the repercussions on the population would therefore be significant in Asia’s urban centres. And while insurance density continues to grow thanks to greater prosperity, so do the uncertainties in the insurance industry due to paucity of risk assessment data. “In order to keep up with the rapid changes in risk concentration, we’re using the most modern technology and models,” says Theis. “For

instance, by utilizing satellite technology and 3D imaging, we can assess risks precisely, down to the level of individual buildings. But the most sophisticated mathematical model in the world can only work if the data used is correct and the risk is clearly identifiable.” Theis continues, “The Thailand flood was a mega-occurrence of this kind that couldn’t be modelled beforehand. Many company premises were submerged, which led to supply chain interruptions across the world. To be able to even better assess risks in the future, technological advances such as geocoding but also an ongoing direct dialogue with the customer are fundamental” So what’s the answer? The first short to medium term


priority must be to secure the existing critical national infrastructure (CNI) on which all else depends and where possible this must be with a permanent or semi-permanent solution such as berms or dykes to surround power stations, electrical substations, water purification, facilities, telecoms etc. This is nothing new, the Dutch have been doing this successfully for hundreds of years. Surrounding CNI in this way this is far more cost effective than using temporary flood barriers and also frees up these resources for use elsewhere. There are inexpensive systems that have the added benefit of protecting CNI against terrorist attack. Long term solutions will require building water management into every aspect of design,

construction and planning particularly within urban environments. A good example of this is the sponge city concept. According to the World Future Council, a Sponge city is designed to act pretty much like a sponge in the sense that during rainstorms it allows surfaces throughout the city to absorb as much water as possible. Currently cities are mostly impermeable systems that divert water into sewage drainages which often channel untreated water directly into local rivers (especially during high intensity rainstorms as only part of the water can be handled by the wastewater treatment infrastructure). By regenerating and expanding its own freshwater eco-systems (rivers, lakes, urban wetlands, gardens, parks etc.) the

Sponge city allows storm water to be absorbed by the soil, which also naturally purifies it and stores it as groundwater. This reduces the burden on urban sewage systems, and during extreme weather events, improves the capacity of the city to absorb water and as such decreases the risk of flooding. Many Chinese cities which have grown very big, very fast without much thought for managing excess water, have been experiencing severe urban flooding during heavy rainfall, effecting millions of people. The Chinese government is therefore financing a pilot sponge city program allocating 86.5 billion yuan (12.7 billion USD) for a three-year pilot program to build urban sponge facilities. It will be interesting to see the results.

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training need not keep you tied down

The world faces an increasingly complex range of natural and man made threats. Social media and the internet have provided the means by which criminality corruption and terrorism can evolve, often out of sight, until ready to strike. Climate change is affecting weather systems and causing extreme and at times disastrous consequences. Disparate terrorist cells attributing their actions to a wider ideology have appeared with increasing frequency. We require resilient responses to such threat. Modelling, simulation, training and e learning all have a part to play in the delivery. In this feature John Baker Head of Global Operations for the National Security and Resilience Consortium examines the evolution of nimble, agile training solutions and their part in the delivery of resilient approaches towards dealing with current threat scenarios. The globalised nature of threat, whether that be airport or aviation related security, the protection of energy supplies and infrastructure, banking and commerce, has significantly increased the need for easily deployable relatively inexpensive and effective personal training systems. Recent events across Europe have highlighted the value of and need for collective training modelling or simulation exercises which support and assess the first responders

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ability to deal with the larger more sophisticated or more complex situations, such as multiple and simultaneous terrorist attacks on infrastructure, shopping centres, sports arenas, theatres or holiday locations. The Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005 (Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 11th May 2006 HC 1087) followed by the subsequent London Olympics, facilitated the development of a sophisticated information


exchange model for stakeholders, in readiness for any incident and for dealing with the potential aftermath. The legacy of the London Olympics acknowledged internationally how successful the event was, which placed the United Kingdom at the forefront of counter terrorism and security training. For NATO, UN Aid Agencies, Governments or national armed forces, modelling and simulation allow extreme scenarios to be modelled with the ability to assess varying responses in a secure, relatively inexpensive and safe environment. “The essence of training is to allow error without consequence.” Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game As we direct increasing effort towards space exploration for asteroid mining, exploration of the planets and moons, it allows highly complex and costly “no room for error” multi million pound scenarios to be modelled and tested prior to their actual implementation. Whether for the most basic of e learning or sophisticated and complex modelling scenario the computer and the internet have become an invaluable tool. However at the heart of the above lies the basic requirement for brilliant

incisive leadership, and the human ability to design plan strategise and deliver training solutions. “When we set about accounting for a Napoleon or a Shakespeare or a Raphael or a Wagner or an Edison or other extraordinary person, we understand that the measure of his talent will not explain the whole result, nor even the largest part of it; no, it is the atmosphere in which the talent was cradled that explains; it is the training it received while it grew, the nurture it got from reading, study, example, the encouragement it gathered from self-recognition and recognition from the outside at each stage of its development: when we know all these details, then we know why the man was ready when his opportunity came.” Mark Twain E Learning opens up a multitude

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of possibilities across the National Security Resilience and Defence space. What is e learning? Quite simply e learning is electronic learning and typically this means using a computer to deliver part or all of a course whether in a school, as a part of a mandatory business training or full distance learning anywhere in the world. In the early days it received bad press as so many thought that bringing computers into the training would remove the human element which some learners need. However time has progressed, technology has developed and we now embrace smart phones and tablets as a part of our daily lives, as well as using a wealth of interactive designs that makes e learning not only engaging for users, but valuable as a lesson delivery medium. The International Secure Minds Training Academy ( iSMTA ), an NS&RC member, has identified 6 key values of eLearning 1. Anywhere and anytime the student can conduct their learning at any time of the day or night, any day of the week and any month of the year. This is ideal for the busy employee who may have to juggle work and domestic schedules and where time is a premium. Not having to conform to fixed start and end times can means less stress for students. 2. Consistency – where the course content is presented in a standardised manner. The same precis content will be available for regular reviews and remains constant. 3. Multi National – where a business or organisation can be sure of the content presented to the student wherever they are located. ie all managers within a company across the world can be guaranteed access to the same high standards of learning. 4. Measuring and Monitoring – where the training provider can monitor and measure the progress of students online and offer further assistance when needed. 5. Sustainable – where the use of IT devices reduces the need for paper-based learning, the need for travel to classrooms and time away from work.

At the other end of the scale and which effectively dovetails with e learning, the development and adoption of simulation training reflects the development in theories of learning from more individually oriented activities to those that view learning as a social and performance. It has therefore become increasingly commonplace in high risk environments such as the nuclear industry, the emergency services, military or medical profession and pandemic first responders . As simulation becomes an accepted part of everyday education and training, attention is being paid to how simulation can best be used to develop technical and nontechnical skills. Simulation appears to work most effectively when it is designed to meet curricular outcomes, includes realistic and relevant content, interesting and engaging learning methods and prepares learners for working in the relevant context in terms of activities, skills and competencies. “Simulation helps skills acquisition, maintenance and assessment in the move from ‘novice to expert’ (Dreyfus and Dreyfus, 1985). With the increasing relevance of simulation and modelling, collaboration and speedy access to world leading expertise and guidance is crucial. Graham McIntyre, Chairman of ETSA, Europes prestigious Training and Simulation advocate said: “The European Training and Simulation Association (ETSA) represents the community and provides an environment for users and suppliers to exchange opportunities, ideas, information and strategies on training and simulation technology and methodology. In so doing we bring together all those that have a professional interest in improving the effectiveness of training and training related interoperability, standards and codes of practice. It represents to governments and other users of training and simulation the non-partisan business interests of the industry.” For further information please contact John

6. Discreet - offers individuals the opportunity to confidentially obtain an awareness of an area of knowledge or gain an nationally accredited qualification . All this helps to keep costs of eLearning to an affordable level for both the business and the individual student.

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including Critical Information Infrastructure Protection

5th-6th October 2016 Bangkok, Thailand Co-Hosted By:

Developing resilient infrastructure for a secure future

Department of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation

Ministry of Interior

Today’s modern economies and improving living standards rely more and more on the development and security of a country’s critical infrastructure. How would a country stand should there be an attack, from natural or man-made disasters, on its key infrastructure? Opening Keynote: - Dr. Uttama Savanayana, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand Confirmed speakers include: - Peter O’Neill, Chief of Transport Policy and Development Division, UNESCAP - Thomas Wuchte, Head of Transnational Threats Department/Action Against Terrorism Unit, OSCE - Kamal Thalib, Head of Financial Crime & Security Services, PT Bank DBS Indonesia - Shamika Sirimanne, Chief of Division, Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP - Dr. Peeranan Towashiraporn, Director, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center - Florian Haacke, CSO / Head of Group Security, RWE AG, Germany - Thongchai Sangsiri, Technical Manager, Digital Forensics Center, Electronic Transaction Development Agency, MICT, Thailand - Senior Representative, Department for Disaster Prevention & Mitigation, Ministry of Interior, Thailand - Kumpol Sontanarat, Director, Information and Communication Technology Department , Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Thailand - Air Chief Marshal Somneuk Swatteuk, Senior Expert, National Disaster Warning Center, Thailand - Zahri Yunos, Chief Operating Officer, Cybersecurity Malaysia - Dr. Mohammad Shahir, Senior Consultant, THALES E-Security, Malaysia - Hansen Chan, Product Marketing Manager, Nokia, USA For further details and speaker line up visit

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World Security Report - 11


High-tech security screening trialled for the first time at Shannon Airport

The EU-funded XP-DITE project is trialling the world’s first security system that could halve security time at airports by combining EU and US checkpoints into a single checkpoint.

The five-year project, which is due to end in July 2017, aims to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive, passenger-centred, outcome-focused, system-level approach to the design and evaluation of airport security checkpoints. This would improve passenger experience, as well as ensure the maintenance of a robust security performance.

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Shannon Airport is the first airport in the world to trial the new pre-clearance checkpoint. As a growing regional airport which saw around 1.7 million passengers pass through its gates in 2015, Shannon contrasts with Schiphol airport, the other and much larger European and international hub that is taking part in the project. Together they will help ensure that the XP-DITE system-


level concepts, design and evaluation tools and methods are applicable to European airports of different types and sizes. This would give airports the freedom to use innovative procedures and technology to improve passenger convenience and reduce delays. Shannon itself is seen as an ideal candidate airport to trial the new system – it serves air routes to a number of different destinations which are subject to varying security regulations and border controls. In 2015, 31 % of passengers travelled to Europe, 22 % left on transatlantic flights, 5 % transited the airport en route to their final destination and 42 % travelled to the UK (which forms a Common Travel Area with the Republic of Ireland). Shannon Airport was also the first airport in Europe to provide full United States Preclearance services following the construction of a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) preclearance facility in 2009. As such, the Shannon XP-DITE trial is designed to comply simultaneously with two different sets of regulations (EU and the US TSA systems). ‘Designing and evaluating airport checkpoints at system level gives the possibility to assess new approaches to airport security which could maintain a high level of security while improving the experience for passengers and reducing costs for operators,’ commented XP-DITE project coordinator Mark van den Brink. Pre-clearance allows passengers to complete immigration and customs formalities, as well as security screening for US domestic flights, before they travel to the USA. This means that they can land at any airport in the United States, not just the major international hubs. They can also take domestic flights without rescreening and their luggage can be checked through to their final destination without the need for reclaim whilst in transit.

With ten major airports across Europe and around the world looking to adopt the pre-clearance approach, the XP-DITE system would go a long way towards making such convenient transatlantic air travel a reality, which could benefit some 20 million US-bound passengers per year. Niall Maloney, Airport Operations Director for Shannon commented: ‘The elimination of the additional security measures in the U.S. Pre-clearance facility in particular is a significant advancement in improving both our passengers’ and customer airlines’ experience. We have literally just started trialling the new checkpoint and already we are getting positive feedback from our airport customers availing of the pre-clearance by the removal of a checkpoint.’ With such positive results already emanating from the Shannon trial, which will run for 10 weeks in total, a larger XP-DITE trial will be scheduled for Schiphol in order to test the new system’s ability to cope with a much higher number of passengers in a crucial international hub.

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APD Launch the first automated ABIS in the cloud Albuquerque Police Department (APD), announced the successful operational deployment of MorphoBIS in the Cloud, the flagship offer of the MorphoCloud platform.

APD is the first law enforcement agency to implement an automated biometric identification system (ABIS) in the cloud. It is a milestone for MorphoTrak and the biometric industry as well, marking the world’s first deployment of a criminal ABIS system in a secure commercial cloud environment. Scientists at the Albuquerque Police Metropolitan Forensics Science Center are able to focus their efforts on the primary mission such as latent examination, suspect identification and verification, using the latest workstations securely connected to the MorphoCloud. The MorphoCloud provides APD with the latest ABIS functionality available today in a highly scalable and secure architecture. True Software-as-a-Service is new to the criminal justice biometric identification market, and MorphoTrak and the APD addressed concerns about security and data integrity early in the design stage. The APD MorphoCloud is hosted on Microsoft Azure Government, a cloud platform designed to meet strict U.S. government standards for physical and information security. Allan Armenta, APD Systems Analyst, stated that with the ABIS being hosted in the cloud, more staff hours can be devoted to law enforcement projects. This opens opportunities to leverage other components inherent in

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cloud computing such as scalability and disaster recovery. Kris Rubi, APD Forensic Scientist, noted, “MorphoCloud allows for increased matching speeds and we are hitting on lower quality prints. The new ABIS allows us greater case management and organization. MorphoTrak has been very attentive to our needs and with the system in the cloud, they have been able to meet our demands in a more efficient manner.” The APD will benefit from another MorphoCloud first continuous updates. In a significant innovation over the traditional software life cycle, MorphoTrak applies updates to the system on a continual basis. The APD will always have the latest, most advanced version of MorphoBIS including advances in our core algorithms, without the disruption that typically accompanies a major upgrade. In a similar vein, MorphoCloud will allow the APD to expand its system as needed, without the financial demands of new hardware, costly integration, and extensive testing. Celeste Thomasson, MorphoTrak President and CEO, commented, “We are pleased to be standing with the Albuquerque Police Department on the horizon of cloud adoption in law enforcement. We share a dedication to the public safety mission and are proud to offer a portal to sophisticated crime-solving software and a secure repository for sensitive data that will keep the APD at the forefront of the nation’s public safety organizations.”




For the world’s border protection, management and security industry policy-makers and practitioners




Tourism as a Driver for Peace p.4

A global review of the latest news and challenges from border agencies and agencies at the border. p.14

INTERPOL strengthens cooperation in combating corruption in Africa p.14

Latest news, views and innovations from the industry. p.25



EU launch border security cooperation programme in North Africa This month the European Union has launched a programme to support border security in North Africa and the Sahel region. This is an important recognition of the fact that despite being the other side of the Mediterranean, North African nations are the EU’s immediate neighbours and therefore vital partners in securing EU’s borders and security. The French have been preaching this mantra for decades, which is why they were the first to involve themselves in Mali and Libya. But for Northern Europeans it has taken the Arab spring, regional wars, international terrorism and the worst migration crisis since WWII to recognise the fact. Instability in Middle Eastern, sub-Saharan and North African nations such as Libya pose a major threat to their North African neighbours and by implication, to Europe. The programme starts with six African countries Algeria, Tunisia, Niger, Mauritania, Mali and Burkina Faso.

3. Measures to improve information exchange between agencies in charge of border controls. The programme called “Strengthening crossborder capacity for control and detection of CBRN substances” will run for 3 years with a total budget of €3.5 million and will be implemented by the French public Agency “Expertise France” which is only fitting. Converting the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) into a fully operational agency for the EU’s external borders was a long overdue first step towards securing the EU’s borders. But in the long run, it will be outreach programmes like this, helping others, to help themselves, to help ourselves, which will prove more effective in securing the future! Tony Kingham Editor

This is the first EU supported programme promoting border security cooperation at regional levels among North African countries and is part of the EU’s overall objective to reduce the risk of hazardous materials (e.g. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN)) being misused for criminal or other malicious purposes. The programme has three main components: 1. Standardisation and adaptation of legislative texts relating to hazardous materials and border security in line with international standards, while taking into account regional specificities. 2. Provision of specialised and technical regional training to enable border personnel to efficiently respond to incidents involving hazardous materials.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



CONTENTS 4 TOURISM AS A DRIVER FOR PEACE Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful. This research looks for the first time at the empirical links between tourism and peace,

7 interpol report Global response to terrorism must evolve with the threat.

8 OSCE report OSCE supports advanced training course in Germany on addressing cross-border challenges in identification of foreign terrorist fighters.


10 EUROPOL report International Criminal Network Behind Large-Scale Payment Fraud Dismantled.

11 OUTSOURCING borders The UK is not alone in outsourcing border functions to private companies. Other countries have gone much further. »»p.8


14 state of the union EU Commission Targets Stronger External Borders.

16 AGENCY NEWS A global review of the latest news, views, stories, challenges and issues from border agencies and agencies at the border.

24 World Border Security Congress Tackling international border security challenges - 2016 has seen no reduction in migration numbers, adding to the continuation of migration challenges for the border management and security community., as little sign of peace and security in the Middle East is apparent. »»p.11

27 industry news Latest news, views and innovations from the industry.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



tourism as a driver for peace    by world travel & tourism council

Travel & Tourism has often been recognised for its ability to drive peace, security and understanding. World leaders, from John F Kennedy to Bill Clinton to Tony Blair, have highlighted the importance of the sector. Now, for the first time, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has partnered with the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) to explore the links between tourism and peace. Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful. This research looks for the first time at the empirical links between tourism and peace.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Many world leaders have highlighted the importance of the sector, which supports 10% of global GDP and 1 in 11 of the world’s jobs, not only as an economic force but as a force for good. However, while it is widely argued that travel promotes cultural interchange and understanding which brings people together and in turn creates more peaceful societies,


to date, there is little empirical evidence to support these views. To explore the empirical links between tourism and peace, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), a global organisation representing the Travel & Tourism private sector partnered with the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) to produce a report. “Tourism as a Driver for Peace” uses IEP’s three indices1 that look at peacefulness and compared them to a composite Tourism Index that was developed specifically for this study. The Tourism Index brought together indicators across political, cultural, social and environmental domains, which combined, are representative of the health or sustainability of a country’s tourism sector. The research shows how important an open and sustainable tourism sector can be for the levels of peace in a country and serves as a starting point for further empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism and peace.

non-conflict affected countries, even when the security situation of a country deteriorates, tourism sustainability does not necessarily suffer. Countries who score poorly on the Tourism Index are also those who tend to see extreme scores on the IEP’s Terrorism Index. Countries who have higher scores on the Tourism Index have milder terrorism scores. In conflict-affected countries, of which all saw their levels of peace drop in the period between 2008 and 2015, those that had more open and sustainable tourism sectors saw a significantly lower drop in peace than countries with less sustainable tourism sectors. The results from the analysis indicate that the Tourism Index is also a good predictor of future levels of overall positive peace - countries


that have more open and sustainable tourism sectors will likely enjoy higher levels of positive peace in the future by having the attitudes, institutions and structures which create and sustain peaceful societies. Creating peace Over the last decade the world has become increasingly unequal in terms of its levels of peacefulness, with the most peaceful countries enjoying increasing levels of peace and prosperity, while the least peaceful countries are facing greater levels of violence and conflict. The global average change between 2008 and 2015 in the Tourism Index was an improvement of 10%, showing that countries were improving their

Tourism, terror and conflict Increases in tourism sustainability can lead to improvements of the functioning of governments. Governments respond to tourists’ demands which can create a welcoming environment for further tourism expansion. This ultimately means that countries with open and sustainable tourism sectors tend to be more resilient to terror or conflict. In . negative peace i.e. the absence of violence is measured in their Global Peace Index; positive peace, or the levels of institutions and attitudes in place to foster and promote peace, is measured in their Positive Peace Index and the negative impact of terrorism on lives lost, injuries and property damage is measured by their Global Terrorism Index 1

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



openness and sustainability. Over the same time period, the world has become a more violent place and the global average change in the Global Peace Index was a drop of 2.4% (indicating higher levels of conflict and violence). Analysing conflict affected countries separately to the rest of the world tells a more nuanced story. Between 2008 and 2015, the average change in Tourism Index for conflict-affected countries was a deterioration of 14.8%, whilst nonconflict countries saw an average improvement of 12.8%.

• The Election Period Tourism Operating procedures in Kenya, set up in response to tourist fluctuations around election time, provides a platform for stakeholders to work together to promote and maintain peace during periods of heightened political tensions. • In Namibia, the development of the tourism sector has led to local communities developing skills such as languages and trades such as cooking, leading to increased human capital development.

million jobs in 2015, which is 1 in 11 jobs worldwide. Furthermore, Travel & Tourism brings people together as it connects travelers to local communities stimulating knowledge of cultures and traditions and therefore overcoming any fear of the unknown. In a world of increasing risk and security concerns, this research is compelling evidence of why governments should continue to focus on tourism development for the good of their people, and make policy decisions that balance the safety of their citizens with the continued facilitation of travel for business and leisure purposes.

Figure 1: Global distribution of the Tourism Index 2008 and 2015 Countries that score higher on the Tourism Index (a score closer to ten) have more open and sustainable tourism sectors

Case studies

Tourism a force for good

The report looked at various case studies including the following:

As part of WTTC’s Tourism for Tomorrow strategy, the organisation highlights that tourism is a force for good and brings an enormous economic and social benefit to the world community. Travel & Tourism generates around US$7.2 trillion to the world economy, which is nearly 10% of total global GDP. Additionally it supported over 284

• In Nepal, the government response to increased influxes of tourists to Pokhara led to the implementation of Codes of Conduct for Peace Responsive Tourism to guide the behaviours of all stakeholders.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

The full study can be found at http:// special-and-periodic-reports/tourism-as-a-driver-of-peace--fullreport-copyrighted.pdf For more information contact: Annebeth Wijtenburg Communications Manager World Travel & Tourism Council



INTERPOL strengthens cooperation in combating corruption in Africa from countries of the Central African Police Chiefs Committee (CAPCCO) which was officially opened by Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea, Francisco Pascual Obama Asue, the Head of INTERPOL said crimes in one region can affect other parts of Africa and outside the continent, and vice versa.

INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock has said that regional law enforcement cooperation in Central Africa is interconnected with security efforts across Africa and beyond. Speaking at a meeting of security ministers

“In the face of global threats, Central Africa is impacted like other regions on the continent or around the world. INTERPOL’s unique global presence and reach are crucial to help link investigations outside the region and continent. For policing to be effective, we must look to provide a global response to regional threats,” said Secretary General Stock.

Global response to terrorism must evolve with the threat The Head of INTERPOL has said that the global response to transnational terrorism must adapt to the evolving and expanding nature of the threat. Speaking at an international ministerial meeting on Countering the Cross-Border Movement of Terrorism, Secretary General Jürgen Stock said effective information sharing, capacity building and regional structures underpin the global response to terrorism, bolstered by INTERPOL’s unique global reach. “Across the world, attacks are becoming less predictable. Soft targets dominate the picture, and radicalization cycles are shortening. This

requires faster decisions at the frontlines and at borders,” said Secretary General Stock. With international police investigations relying on up-to-date global data, and greater access to INTERPOL’s criminal databases, Mr Stock said that more information is required to help identify potential links to terrorism via its databases. As recognized by UN Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014), sharing information through INTERPOL’s global network is vital to better identify and prevent the travel of suspected foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs).

Regional border security focus of INTERPOL training in Brunei Enhancing border security across Southeast Asia was the focus of an INTERPOL training course held under the framework of the EUASEAN Migration and Border Management Programme II. Hosted by the Royal Brunei Police Force,

the training course on integrated border management aims to build the capacity of countries in the region to address crimes such as illegal immigration, people smuggling and illicit trade, as well as terrorism, using INTERPOL’s global policing capabilities.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



OSCE supports advanced training course in Germany on addressing crossborder challenges in identification of foreign terrorist fighters The OSCE Transnational Threats Department (TNTD) conducted the training course in close co-operation with the OSCE Border Management Staff College and with the support of the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institute, the German representation at the George C. Marshall Center and the Security Governance Group. An OSCE-supported training course for 17 border security and management officers and counter-terrorism experts from participating States and Partners for Co-operation countries on the identification of foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) concluded today in GarmishPartenkirchen, Germany. The one-week course is the second stage of a multi-phase project to establish the first ever OSCE multi-national and multi-agency mobile training team for the identification of FTF at the borders.

The training course was supported by experts from international and regional organizations, including INTERPOL, the United Nations Counter Terrorism Center, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as national experts from Austria, Finland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The first deployment of the team is scheduled for late 2016.

OSCE supports workshop on best practices in border surveillance for Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Tajik border officials A five-day OSCE-supported workshop for twenty border officials from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan on best practices in border surveillance concluded today at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe. The workshop was a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises during which the participants exchanged experiences and learned about modern border surveillance systems. Among the topics discussed were strengths and weaknesses, needs and tasks of border structures; external and internal influences; co-operation enhancement requirements, and interoperability between forces on the spot.

“The prevention of illegal cross-border activities and the fight against criminal networks implies the implementation of thorough and comprehensive surveillance and control systems at borders,� said Dita Nowicka, Director of the OSCE Border Management Staff College. She noted that the event demonstrated the need to discuss the existing and emerging threats as well as further enhancement of cooperation between border professionals from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Modern security challenges and border management discussed at OSCEled course in Vienna Twenty mid- to senior-level border security and management officials from Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Tajikistan, Tunisia, and Ukraine attended the study sessions organized as part of the one-year blended learning course on Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership (BSMSL). The course is co-organized by the OSCE Border Management Staff College and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and combines in-class lectures and online learning with the aim of

enhancing the professional skills of current and future border security managers in international standards. The workshop focused on cross-border dilemmas, highlighting current and emerging migration trends and challenges, human trafficking issues and counter-strategies, the world drug map and drug economy, the financial disruption of drug trafficking, anticorruption techniques, cyber security threats and legislation, the phenomenon of foreign fighters, and counter-terrorism strategies, among other topics.

Border and customs officers trained on border inspections at regional OSCE-supported event in Kazakhstan An OSCE-supported workshop for 20 border guards and customs officers from Central Asian countries on border inspection ethics and public service standards took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The three-day event, organized by the EUfunded Border Management in Central Asia

Programme (BOMCA) and the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, aimed to strengthening the capacity of border control and customs officers in identification and profiling mechanisms, which would help them to better categorize different types of persons crossing the borders while respecting human rights.

UNHCR, OSCE welcome decision to form Co-ordination Team to monitor implementation of refugees and displaced persons rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Regional Representation for South-Eastern Europe (UNHCR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH welcome the decision of the BiH Council of Ministers to form a Co-ordination Team to follow the implementation of rights of refugees and displaced persons under Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Accords.

and Foreign Affairs. Follow-up on the implementation of rights under Annex VII will include actions as set out in the Revised Strategy for the Implementation of Annex VII.

The Co-ordination Team will consist of the Ministers for Human Rights and Refugees, Civil Affairs, Security, Finances and Treasury, Border Security Report | September/October 2016



International Criminal Network Behind Large-Scale Payment Fraud Dismantled

The Italian Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni in close cooperation with the Romanian DIICOT, the General Inspectorates of the Romanian Police and Gendarmerie and Europol, disrupted an international criminal group responsible for large-scale misuse of compromised payment card data, prostitution and money laundering. Composed mainly of Romanian nationals, the criminal network used sophisticated ATM skimming devices which allowed them to compromise ATMs and deceptive phishing techniques to perform a high volume of fraudulent transactions in the area of Milan and Monza (Italy). Estimated losses incurred by the criminals’ activities amount to several hundred thousands of euros. This operation resulted in multiple house searches, the detention of 14 individuals of which 7 were arrested in Italy and Romania. Micro camera bars, card readers, magnetic strip readers and writers, computers, phones and flash drives, several vehicles, as well as thousands of plastic cards ready to be encoded

were seized in several locations in Romania and Italy as part of this operation. The primary modus operandi of the criminals was to harvest financial data from different attack vectors such as ATMs skimming and phishing. The compromised card data was used to create fake payment cards which were subsequently used to perform a high volume of fraudulent transactions in the area of Milan. To secure the exchange of sensitive information among the members of the criminal group, the associates used a digital version of the pizzino1 on encrypted internet based communication services. Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) started supporting the case earlier this year and helped the involved law enforcement authorities in their efforts to identify the suspects. Operational meetings were held at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague and EC3 provided analytical support and expertise throughout the investigation including the deployment of a mobile office during the final action day to assist the Italian and Romanian authorities on-the-spot.

Latest Trend in Migrant Smuggling Between early 2015 and the summer of 2016, the picture of migrant smuggling to and within the EU has undergone significant changes. One key development is the shift in migrant smuggling routes used to enter the EU and reach preferred destination countries. In the past weeks, crossings along the Eastern Mediterranean route have increased, whereas the Central Mediterranean route continues to be the primary entry route for migrant smuggling into the EU in 2016. A number of features of migrant smuggling remain nonetheless consistent throughout the

whole period under consideration. Smugglers have demonstrated a constant ability to adapt to stricter border controls and use new routes and modi operandi to evade law enforcement attention and maintain their highly profitable business. Bottlenecks and informal camps have emerged at intra-Schengen border areas where stricter controls have been implemented (Idomeni, Dunkirk, Como etc.). As a result these have become a preferred place for smugglers to advertise their services to stranded migrants, increasingly offering fraudulent documents to allow them to move forward into the EU.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016




The UK is not alone in outsourcing border functions to private companies. Other countries have gone much further. In Kuwait, International Vehicle and Container Inspection Services Company (IVACIS) provides a services solution for Port, Border, Frontier and Point of Entry security inspection and screening requirements.

The UK Home Office recently asked private companies to bid for an estimated £80 million contract to provide “40 Authorised Search Officers, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year” for the Eurotunnel, Calais and Dunkerque ports. Now, whilst this has caused quite a stir in some quarters, outsourcing roles traditionally performed by in-country border officers is nothing new, not even in the UK. Wagtail UK have been providing Live Body Detection dog teams for UK Border Force at ports in Northern France since 2008. They

provide trained dogs and handlers to detect the presence of human scent concealed in or on freight and vehicles leaving Northern France bound for the UK. Since the start of the contract they have successfully detected many thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter the UK. The management of the detention “holding facilities” at the Eurotunnel and Dunkerque ports , is already outsourced to Tascor, a Capita plc subsidiary, as part of another mammoth border security contract for all deportation “escorting” and short term detention facilities.

IVACIS begins with the primary function of conducting electronic scanning of vehicles and cargo using their own scanners, and offer a full range of inspection functionality for the detection of contraband, explosives and narcotics. They largely recruit locally and are responsible for training local staff. I VA C I S m a i n t a i n a l o c a l maintenance facility, complete with the necessary spare parts and materials to ensure continuous operations. IVACIS operate on a sharedincome basis, deriving its revenue

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



from a percentage of customs duties paid.

increasing customs revenues and technologies.

Kudumba has a similar approach in Mozambique. Part of the contract is to supply some of the very latest equipment and technologies. It is up to Kudumba to supply and operate the equipment at its own expense. Again Kudumba makes its revenue by collecting tariffs for its services direct from customs revenues.

Whilst there are clearly concerns about this sort of approach the benefit to the authorities and tax payer are considerable.

As part of the contract Kudumba purchased and deployed a range of high-energy non-intrusive inspection systems for the inspection of all cargo, (whether containerized or bulk/break bulk) entering, exiting and transiting Mozambican borders. This initial deployment was to the Port of Maputo using a Nuctech High Energy X-Ray 4MeV MT1213LT mobile system mounted on a Volvo F12 vehicle chassis.

The first to consider in the case of the UK contracts is the human factor. Manpower is often the single biggest cost to any organisation. It’s not just the cost of monthly wages but the costs involved in recruitment, training, in-work benefits such as sick pay, maternity/paternity leave and of course, pensions. On top of the direct costs of each employee are the associated costs of administering all of the above, which means more employees with all their associated costs, plus office space and capital equipment.

Other inspection capabilities were also provided within the port site, including a comprehensive CCTV system, a Radiation Portal Monitor RM 2000, trace detection capability and under-vehicle surveillance system (UVSS). These systems permit the electronic and non-intrusive inspection of goods for customs purposes, but also provides assistance with the identification of firearms, explosives and different contraband materials. Another part of Kudumba’s contract is to implement and ensure the transfer of skills and technologies to the customs and law enforcement agencies to combat tax evasion, thereby

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

The contractor takes on all of these responsibilities, so the benefit of outsourcing is obvious. In the case of IVACIS and Kudumba, again there are even greater advantages to be had as much of the equipment needed at the border is very expensive, especially the large scale nonintrusive scanners for the big trucks and containers. The outsourcing approach to border management could have huge attractions for cash-strapped governments still struggling to cope with the post financial crisis, but particularly in developing countries in Africa and elsewhere. According to data from the UN Council of Trade and Development, between 40 per cent and 80 per cent of revenues from developing countries are derived from the customs revenues.


They need the equipment, personnel, training and infrastructure to collect the revenues but find it hard to raise the considerable sums necessary to purchase the equipment and recruit and train the staff.

it always be assumed that it is necessary for governments to become the owners and operators of huge amounts of expensive equipment or the employer of everyone that works on behalf of the state.

By contracting this border function to a private company, it becomes the contracted company’s responsibility to provide the necessary financing to purchase the equipment, supply and train the staff, provide logistic support and undertake maintenance. The company collects its tariff and the government collects the revenues.

Clearly, there are areas of government activity where this approach is never going to be applicable and some countries for ideological reasons will be fundamentally opposed to this approach. But with the right oversight, for many others, this could be the way forward!


It is a model that has huge possibilities. No longer should

ASEANAPOL Secretariat Received a Visit From GCCPOL ASEANAPOL Secretariat received a visit from officers of the Gulf Cooperation Council Police (GCCPOL), led by Colonel Seif bin Mohammed Al-Khayareen, Director of Security Integration Department, accompanied by Lt. Col. Mubarak Alkhaily, Director of GCCPOL and Mr. Hafed Alzeidi, Advisor to the GCCPOL Director. They were welcomed by the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Brig. Gen. Yohanes Agus Mulyono, Director for Police Services PSSUPT Ferdinand R. P. Bartolome, Director for Plan & Programme Supt. Yuli Cahyanti and Staff. The GCCPOL is a security cooperation integrated security works between the Member Statesof the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It linked to the police agencies in the GCC countries and builds partnerships with regional and international police organisations to ensure efficiency

in fight against crime. Their strategic objective are to ensure coordination and communication between GCC countries, raise the level of regional and international cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime. They visited the Secretariat to initiate collaboration and cooperation on the policing partnership with international organisation such as ASEANAPOL seeing the importance of achieving joint security interest. Purpose of the GCCPOL in cooperation with ASEANAPOL is to facilitate rapid exchange of criminal and security information among police and security agencies and enhancing analytical capabilities in the security and strengthening of their ties for more effective, strategy on combating and prevention of transnational crime.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



state of the union   by TONY KINGHAM

“Tolerance cannot come at the price of our security. We need to know who is crossing our borders. We will defend our borders with the new European Border and Coast Guard. We will defend our borders with strict controls on everyone crossing them.” President Juncker, State of the Union 2016

On the occasion of President Juncker’s 2016 State of the Union address, the Commission today set out how the European Union can enhance security in Europe by improving the exchange of information in the fight against terrorism and strengthening external borders. The measures proposed include the accelerated operational delivery of the European Border and Coast Guard, quick adoption and implementation of an EU Entry-Exit System and upcoming proposals to create a European Travel Information and Authorisation System. Additionally, as part of the Commission’s efforts to pave the way towards a genuine and effective Security Union, the Communication also proposes to take further actions to improve the security of travel documents to prevent document fraud and to strengthen Europol’s European Counter-Terrorism Centre. First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “Security is one of the major concerns of Europe’s citizens. Today the Commission is proposing practical measures

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

to upgrade information exchange - essential to fighting terrorism – and to secure our Union’s external borders and strengthen control over who enters and leaves the EU. These measures will require closer coordination and cooperation within the EU and between Member States. There’s no escaping the fact that in this mobile world only truly closer cooperation will make us more secure.” Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs, and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos said: “By strengthening our external borders we will be better prepared for facing severe migratory challenges. Enhancing the exchange of information will enable us to fight terrorism more effectively. To ensure Europe’s security, we need both strong borders and smart intelligence. Measures like the European Border and Coast Guard, the Entry-Exit System and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System will help secure Europe’s borders, while strengthening Europol’s role in


the effective sharing of information and combatting document fraud are concrete steps towards establishing an effective Security Union.” The Communication adopted today sets out a number of practical and operational measures to accelerate the implementation of the European Agenda on Migration and the European Agenda on Security and pave the way towards a genuine and effective Security Union: • European Border and Coast Guard: Built on Frontex, with the newly created ability to draw on a reserve pool of people and equipment, the new Agency will ensure stronger shared management of the EU’s external borders. It will support Member States by identifying and, where necessary, intervening to address weaknesses before they become serious problems. The Commission, Frontex and Member States have already undertaken preparatory work, and this will be accelerated further to ensure that the new Agency becomes operational as a matter of urgency. Steps to be taken by the Commission include work on agreements with third countries and adopting the budgetary proposals necessary to allow the Agency to swiftly recruit additional staff. The Commission calls on Member States to ensure that national contributions to the reserve pool of border guards and equipment are ready for immediate use and to fill current shortfalls in response to calls for experts for Frontex operations in Greece, Italy and Bulgaria. • EU Entry-Exit System (EES): Proposed by the Commission on 6 April 2016 together with a supporting amendment to the Schengen Borders Code, the

proposed EU Entry/Exit System (EES) will improve the management of the external borders and reduce irregular migration into the EU (by tackling visa overstaying), while also contributing to the fight against terrorism and serious crime and ensuring a high level of internal security. The system will collect data including identity, travel documents and biometrics as well as registering entry and exit records at the point of crossing. It will apply to all non-EU citizens who are admitted for a short stay in the Schengen area (maximum 90 days in any 180 day period). Negotiations with the co-legislators on the two proposals are currently ongoing, and the Commission calls for final adoption of the proposals by the end of 2016 with a view to the System becoming operational in early 2020 after three years of development. • The idea of establishing a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) with similar objectives to the wellknown US ‘ESTA’ system was launched by the Commission in April. Creation of such a system provides an additional layer of control over visa-exempt travellers. ETIAS would determine the eligibility of all visa-exempt third country nationals to travel to the Schengen Area, and whether such travel poses a security or migration risk. Information on travellers would be gathered prior to their trip. The Commission has launched a feasibility study on ETIAS, with results due in October 2016, and based on the results of the study as well as consultations, the Commission intends to present a legislative proposal by November 2016 for the establishment of ETIAS.


between national security authorities, Europol has taken some major steps forward, with the recent creation of the European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC) as well as the European Migrant Smuggling Centre and the European Cybercrime Centre. The Commission will work with Europol to further strengthen the agency’s counter-terrorism capabilities, but also its work against migrant smuggling and cybercrime, for example through providing the additional resources needed to meet the needs and expectations placed on it. Improving Europol’s access to key databases is also important. In the same vein, the Commission encourages Member States to facilitate some form of information exchange hub to create a platform where authorities obtaining information related to terrorism or other serious cross border security threats would share it with law enforcement authorities. • Secure travel documents are crucial for establishing the identity of a person. Better management of free movement, migration and mobility relies on robust systems to prevent abuses and threats to internal security caused by the ease with which some documents can be forged. The Commission is pursuing new ways to enhance electronic document security and identity document management. By December 2016, the Commission will adopt an Action Plan on document security to make residence cards, identity documents and Emergency Travel Documents (ETD) more secure.

• Reinforcing Europol: As the EU’s core tool to enhance cooperation

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Agency News and Updates E

uropean Border and will be the establishment of Coast Guard: final an operational strategy for approval border management and the coordination of assistance from On 14 September 2016, the all member states. Council gave its final approval to the European Border and Coast Guard. The adoption of the rban plans another regulation, which the Council fence along Hungary’s approved by written procedure, paves the way for the Border border with Serbia and Coast Guard to begin its activities in mid-October.


The main role of the European Border and Coast Guard is to help provide integrated border management at the external borders. It will ensure the effective management of migration flows and provide a high level of security for the EU. At the same time it will help safeguard free movement within the EU and respect fully fundamental rights.

If Hungary is now a minor transit country for migrants, the recurring theme of the government’s PR campaign for the upcoming referendum on the EU’s migrant quota system It will consist of a European is of a strong government Border and Coast guard agency repelling a national invasion. (the current Frontex agency On October 2, Hungarians will with expanded tasks) and those vote on the question: “Do you national authorities responsible want the European Union to be for border management. The able to mandate the obligatory main focus of its activities resettlement of non-Hungarian

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?” Orban has been publicly touting another barrier. “One fence is not enough,” he said in late August. Another “very serious fence” will be built along the southern border, as well as facility to hold “hundreds of thousands of migrants,” Orban added.


omanian police, prosecutors dismantle migrant trafficking ring Romanian border police officers and prosecutors from Timisoara Directorate for Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) dismantled a migrant trafficking network. They captured four Serbian citizens suspected of smuggling migrants as well as a group of 24 Syrian immigrants who were trying to cross the border from Romania to Hungary illegally.


According to a DIICOT statement, the Serbian citizens took the migrants from the asylum center in Bucharest. The immigrants usually paid between EUR 4,500 and EUR 5,500 per person to the smugglers.



ulgaria urges EU to boost border security

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has called on the European Union to “immediately” provide his country with 160 million euros ($180 million) to enhance the security of its border with Turkey in face of refugee influx. “I want more than statements of solidarity,” Borissov said during his visit to the border on Wednesday, adding, “At the Bratislava summit I will insist on 160 million euros being granted immediately.” Bulgaria, a member of the European Union, shares a border with Turkey that is one of the major routes for refugees to reach Europe.


erbian-guided migrant smugglers’ gang, dismantled at Romania’s Western border


agency warns cyber-attacks could overwhelm network, infiltrate biometric databases. Border officials warn a cyberattack on their facial recognition or fingerprints databases could result in barring innocent travellers from Canada — or letting the wrong 4 Serbian guides were taken people in. into custody. In documents prepared for “ A f t e r m o n i t o r i n g t h e Public Safety Minister Ralph criminal activity of a migrant Goodale in November, Canada smuggling organized gang, Border Services Agency Timisoara Border Police officials said they need to “keep officers in cooperation with pace with emerging security the Timisoara Brigade for vulnerabilities” to systems Combating Organised Crime governing who can enter the and officers with the Special country. Operations Directorate, under the coordination of a Directorate The agency’s growing use of for Investigating Organised “biometric” data — such as Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) fingerprints, facial recognition, Timisoara prosecutor, have and retinal scans — was cited dismantled a gang of migrant as an example. smugglers, having managed to detain near the Cenad Border “A malicious cyberattack, Crossing a group of 24 migrants for example, could infiltrate and 4 guides,” a release by the the back-end of a biometric Timisoara Border Police sent on identification system and Wednesday reads. produce false acceptances and/or rejections,” reads the document, obtained by the Star under access to information law. yberattack on biometric data poses security “Such attacks could disrupt risks at border, documents border traffic flows and warn compromise the integrity of border controls. CBSA must protect Canadians from increasingly complex safety and security threats and continue to advance security monitoring in all technologies.”


A migrant smugglers gang acting at Romania’s Western border was dismantled by the Timis-based Police in the Cenad frontier area, where as many as 24 Syrian migrants and Canada’s border security

It’s an extreme example that would require sophisticated hackers, but CBSA noted that cruder methods could still cause chaos. A denial of service

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



SA four-month police operation has cracked an alleged drug supply ring operating in Canberra and Queanbeyan, and seized an estimated $100,000 U spending on extra worth of methylamphetamine, border controls ‘at least also known as ice. HS officials say border €17bn databases are working Officers from Strike Force Lupo, together which was set up to investigate the supply of prohibited drugs in Queanbeyan, also discovered illegal weapons, including a compound bow and two replica handguns. attack — where a network is overwhelmed with traffic — could “lead to unavailability of essential services.”


are blocking terrorist pathways into the U.S.


Police first swooped in stopping a vehicle driving across the ACTA report by the think-tank, NSW border from Canberra to published today, revealed Queanbeyan. that since 2014, European governments have spent The 33-year-old male driver €1.7bn ($2bn) on tighter border was returning to Queanbeyan controls. This includes the wall after allegedly purchasing the UK recently announced it methylamphetamine with an would be building in the French estimated street value of almost port of Calais. $30,000.

In the past year, hundreds of immigrants have been denied entry to the U.S. because they turned up in U.S. terrorism or criminal databases and thousands more were not allowed to board aircraft into the U.S., Department of Homeland Security officials told The bulk of funds however have lawmakers. been spent on agreements between the EU and partner apan donates Sh20m Deep checks of multiple countries like Turkey, and to pay facilities to tighten intelligence, homeland security, for other deterrence measures, border security federal law enforcement, foreign which have cost the bloc €15.3 national databases and expert ($17.2bn). agency personnel overseas are making it difficult for terrorists to enter the country, said Francis Taylor, undersecretary rug bust across ACTfor intelligence and analysis at NSW border arrests DHS. nine, ice and weapons seized



He and other top officials from the Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Protection, Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement testified at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on how their agencies

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Kenyan Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery received five border patrol vehicles, computers as well as furniture from the Japanese Government. The Japanese Government donated the facilities through


collaboration with the International Organization of Migration to Kenya’s Immigration Department to help address security challenges at the border points.


uropean Border and Coast Guard set to start activities soon On 14 September, the Council gave final approval for the adoption of the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation. The European Border and Coast Guard agency will be the successor of Frontex, with expanded competences. The agency’s activities which are set to begin on 6 October include technical and operational assistance in support of search and rescue operations, appointing liaison officers of the agency in Member States, drafting vulnerability assessments of Member States’ border control capacity and organising, coordinating and conducting return operations and interventions. One of the most contentious provisions in the Regulation is the establishment of a rapid reserve pool of at least 1500 border guards that can be sent to a country without the country’s explicit consent.

so-called Jungle migrant camp in Calais.


into the Valley and the number of encounters along the Line of Control has increased, a senior BSF officer said.

Dubbed the “Great Wall of Calais” by some media, it is an attempt to prevent migrants “There has been an increase in from trying to stow away on the number of encounters along the LoC this year, and seeing trucks heading for Britain. that there is no denial that The 4m (13ft) barrier will run infiltration has taken place... for 1km (0.6 miles) along both Around 150-200 militants are sides of the main road to the waiting on the other side of LoC to infiltrate,” Inspector General northern French port. BSF, Kashmir Frontier, Vikash The UK government has said Chandra said. that while it provides money for security, French authorities He also blamed Pakistan and terrorist organisations for the choose how to spend it. ongoing unrest in the Valley. Local authorities in Calais say construction is expected to be “This whole unrest is Pakistan completed by the end of the sponsored. The militant organisations there have a huge year. hand in all this and they are trying The wall will pass within a few their best (to fuel the unrest),” hundred metres of the sprawling Inspector General Chandra migrant camp, which charities said. He said some terrorist, say now houses more than who were waiting in launch pads in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, 10,000 people. have managed to infiltrate into the Valley.


50-200 Terrorists Waiting To Infiltrate Into Valley: Border Security Force


order Agents Seize more than $290,000 in Marijuana, Foil HumanSmuggling Attempt

Vigilance by U.S. Border Patrol agents in southern New Mexico led to three halted smuggling attempts in Deming and Santa Teresa over the weekend. Agents seized a total alais migrants: Work of 366 pounds of marijuana and begins on UK-funded The number of illegal aliens arrested 26 smuggled subjects border wall reAround 200 terrorists from during that period. across the border are trying Construction work has begun to infiltrate into Kashmir, while Deming agents patrolled NM on a UK-funded wall near the some have already sneaked Hwy 9--east of Hachita-New


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Mexico, when they came upon a suspicious Chevrolet truck traveling east. Agents attempted to pull the vehicle over, but the driver failed to yield. A controlled tire-deflation device was ultimately deployed and the truck came to a stop. Agents arrested the driver, later identified as 27-year-old Fernando Monsivais Reyna, a Mexican National. Agents also found 20 additional subjects hiding inside the cab and bed of the pick-up. Further investigation revealed several small bricks throughout the bed area that later tested positive for marijuana. The driver of the vehicle, along with the 210 pounds of marijuana valued at $168,000, were transferred over to Homeland Security Investigations for prosecution. The 20 subjects were taken into custody and detained at the Deming Station.


exican police may have found a ‘homemade bazooka’ used to launch drugs across the border

Maryland County SMexican federal police in Sonora came across a panel van with modifications and additions that allowed it carry a “cannon” possibly used to launch drugs over the border into the US. According to a release from the federal police, officers came across the van while it was parked in northwest Sonora state’s Agua Prieta municipality, which borders Arizona and Texas. The van was found without license plates and its doors were open.

Indian journalists in Jessore that cattle, especially cow, is “not being received” from the Indian side and such incidents have gone down by 99 per cent in the last one year.

The Additional D i r ec tor General rank officer of the Inside the vehicle, authorities BGB commands the second found “an air compressor, largest frontier of the country a gasoline motor, a tank for (opposite North 24 Parganas in storing air and a metallic tube West Bengal) and is the most of approximately 3 meters in notorious area between the two length (homemade bazooka).” neighbours in terms of cattle smuggling and other criminal The “unit,” as the release activities. “Cow smuggling referred to it, also had a cut in incidents across the Indothe end that could have allowed Bangla border have come down the metal tube to be hooked up to about 1 per cent as compared to launch projectiles, possibly to the statistics of sometime back. To give an example, last across the border. year in a particular area we had about 11,000 cattle coming in a day but now this time the figures angladesh’s Border are only about 200-300. Guard says cattle smuggling across India border has come down olice officers at KenyaCattle smuggling, which is the Ethiopia border finally “root cause” for firing incidents get vehicle to replace donkey across the Indo- Bangla border, has dwindled to about one per The National Police Service cent in the past one year after has issued a vehicle to officers India’s clampdown on the illegal posted to Kibish sub-county trade, top Bangladeshi border along the Kenya-Ethiopia guard officials said on Tuesday. border. Area Sub-county Commander of the Border Commissioner Eric Wanyoyi Guard Bangladesh’s (BGB) said the vehicle replaces South West Region Md Khalilur donkey transport, which police Rahman told a visiting group of officers in the region had relied


Border Security Report | September/October 2016



on for decades. He said the vehicle will serve Kemothia and Lokamarinyang colonial police posts to boost ground mobility.



yes on Quebec border crossing are 700km away in Hamilton

apan gives hand to Uganda immigration

TThe government through the Ministry of Internal affairs, Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control has received logistic support from Japan worth $1.8 million to improve border security control.

Morses Line is one of those places where the Canada-U.S. border is truly just an artificial stop on a country road.

The logistics which include four vehicles; one Toyota land cruiser and three Toyota Hilux pickups were donated to the Directorates under the theme: Strengthening Border Security in Uganda Which is under the Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control within the Ministry of Internal affairs .

T h e R e m o t e Tr a v e l l e r Processing program — a oneyear pilot project — has been underway since February but the Canada Border Services Agency already has plans for similar operations at 19 other points-of-entry across the country if the program is deemed a success.

Handing over the logistics equipment to the Minister of state for internal affairs Obiga Kania, the Japanese’s Ambassador to Uganda Kazuaki Kameda said the donation will help Uganda to tighten security at all her border entries. “With this support Uganda will manage to enforce Immigration security at all her border posts. Lack of logistics like patrol vehicles has been a big challenge to Immigration officers that is why Japan had to come in and assist the country by supporting the Immigration and Citizenship control Directorates with logistic support,” Kazuaki said during the handing over of the logistic equipment at the Ministry of Internal affairs in Kampala.

It works much like a high-tech drive-thru. Those seeking to enter Canada at Morses Line enter into a closed garage and park next to a kiosk that allows them to communicate with a border agent, show their passport and even pay duties on alcohol, tobacco or other goods with the swipe of a credit card. “Are we letting our guard down?” said CBSA spokeswoman Dominique McNeely. “The building was designed with enhanced security in mind. There are additional gates, there are many cameras and, compared to other border crossings nearby, there’s much more technology here to secure


the border.” That includes impact-resistant gates, a garage door that doesn’t open unless the border agent is satisfied there is no risk, and plenty of powerful cameras.


order Security Force looking for land to se up armed forces training centre

A team led by Pavanjeet Singh Sandhu, Inspector-General of Special Operations, Border Security Force, visited Bidar and held a meeting with Assistant Commissioner Venkat Raja and Superintendent of Police Prakash Nikam to look for a suitable site for a Central Armed Police Forces training centre. The Union government has expressed interest in setting up a Central Armed Forces training centre in Bidar district, MP Bhagwant Khuba, who was present in the meeting, said here on Monday. The Union government will set up the training centre by investing Rs. 800 crore, if the State government were to give it around 400 acres of land, Mr. Khuba told The Hindu . It will create a lot of job opportunities.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



AU Advancing to Deploy AFRIPOL Against Transnational Crime The headquarters of the African Union’s new police cooperation body against transnational crime, the African Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL), has hosted a meeting for the first time since its inauguration in December 2015. The Algerian headquarters of AFRIPOL, the AU’s incoming continental police cooperation organization, hosted a consultative meeting to brainstorm on the operationalisation of AFRIPOL in the immediate, medium and long term. Present at the meeting were representatives of INTERPOL, EUROPOL and South East Asia’s ASEANAPOL as well as Chairs of regional police cooperation organizations in Africa. The meeting was also to help explore modalities for information exchange between AU member states, AFRIPOL and similar police cooperation bodies. The establishment of AFRIPOL’s secretariat

and the AU’s efforts to get it to commence operations, comes amidst rising threats of terrorism and violent extremism in Africa. Dr Tarek Sharif, Head of Defence and Security Division at the AU’s Peace and Security Department was reported to have called for more cross-border policing as vulnerability to transnational crime will increase with Africa’s regional integration efforts. “This scenario calls for the establishment and strengthening of robust law enforcement networks at bilateral, regional and global levels, to counter common threats faced in Africa and beyond. In this regard, AFRIPOL which will contribute to enhanced cooperation among Member States including with other existing continental structures and institutions like the ACSRT, regional cooperation mechanisms like the Nouakchott and Djibouti Processes and the Liaison and Fusion Centres is of necessity,” Dr Tarek Sharif was quoted as saying.

FRAN Qraurterly: Illegal Crossings Down in the First Quarter of 2016 In the first quarter of this year, FRAN indicators on illegal border-crossing between border crossing points (BCPs), illegal stay and asylum eased after reaching record levels in the fourth quarter of 2015. Irregular migration pressure steadily decreased between January and March 2016, although it was still higher than in any previous first quarter since the FRAN data collection began in 2007.

were detected on the Eastern Mediterranean in the period between April and June. FRAN Quarterly reports are prepared by the Frontex Risk Analysis Unit to provide a regular overview of irregular migration at the EU’s external borders, based on the irregular migration data exchanged among Member State border-control authorities.

In total, there were 284 525 detections of illegal border-crossing in the first quarter. With more than 150 000 crossings reported, the Eastern Mediterranean experienced the largest migration pressure, although the number of detections has been falling steadily after peaking in October 2015. After the EU-Turkey statement came into effect and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia applied stricter border policies at its border with Greece in March, some 8 800 migrants

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Summit on Refugees and Migrants Begins as IOM Joins the United Nations the UN as one of its related organizations, giving the United Nations, for the first time, an explicit, official migration mandate.

TThe United Nations Summit on Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants which took place in New York, provides a singular opportunity for the global community to forge a greater consensus on managing the world’s movements of migrants and refugees. IOM considers migration to be a mega-trend of the 21st Century representing unprecedented human mobility with one of every seven persons worldwide living or working somewhere other than their place of birth. “We are gathered here today for an historic Summit—the first ever to assemble Heads of State from around the world to address the question of refugees and migrants,” said International Organization for Migration (IOM) Director General William Lacy Swing in opening remarks for the events. With representatives of nearly two hundred nation states looking on, Ambassador Swing signed a document formally linking IOM to the United Nations. IOM from now on will join

With their signatures Monday, UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon and IOM Director General Swing signalled the culmination of a process that began in earnest in June 2016 when IOM Member States unanimously endorsed the process to join the UN. Ambassador Swing emphasized that the process reflects a growing recognition of the importance of migration and the need to better link human mobility with related policy agendas, including in the humanitarian, development, human rights, climate change and peace and security domains. “The signature of this historic agreement brings the leading global migration agency, International Organization for Migration (IOM) – into the United Nations – the culmination of a 65-year relationship. For the very first time in 71 years, the UN now has a ‘UN Migration Agency’,” Ambassador Swing said, adding, “This is a singular honour for our Organization – and a genuine success for migrants and Member States and indeed for this Summit.” The UN Summit will also set in motion a much longer process focused on migration – a Global Compact on safe, regular and orderly migration that upholds the human rights of migrants and their families, irrespective of migration status.

Mediterranean Human Trafficking and Exploitation Prevalence Survey IOM has found that 76 percent of almost 1,400 migrants and refugees interviewed in Italy from 24th of June to 3rd August 2016 – and who travelled along the Central Mediterranean Route connecting North Africa to Europe – have responded positively to at least one indicator of the presence of human trafficking and other exploitative practices on the route. The anonymous surveys are designed to provide reliable data on the environments through

which migrants and refugees make their journey, the hazards and risks that they face, and their often extreme vulnerability. The recent findings – which are the first from new efforts in Italy to monitor migration flows through North Africa – provide strong evidence of predatory behaviour by smugglers and traffickers and the kinds of enabling environments within which trafficking and associated forms of exploitation and abuse thrive.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



tac k ling international border security challenges    event update                                    2016 has seen no reduction in migration numbers, adding to the continuation of migration challenges for the border management and security community. There is also little sign of peace and security in the Middle East. Without stability 21st-23rd March 2017 and security here, people will Casablanca, Morocco continue to seek out a better safer life elsewhere.

where more effort needs to be applied to secure borders from illegal trafficking and explotitative gangs that can out manoeuvre the authorities and agencies with their ability to be more nimble.

The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new The porous borders in Africa and developing technologies continue to provide challenges, that contribute towards safe and

Border Security Report | September/October 2016


secure border and migration International Association management. of CIP Professionals, is the premier multi-jurisdictional The ever-changing nature transnational platform where the of migration flows imposes a border protection, management continuous search for common and security industry policyground and shared solutions makers and practitioners among different players . convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced It is generally agreed that in protecting borders. in a globalised world borders should be as open as possible, SAVE THE DATES - You are but threats continue to remain invited to join the world border in ever evolving circumstances management and security and situations. community in Casablanca, Morocco on 21st-23rd March We need to continue the 2017 to develop strategic border discussion, collaboration and management resolutions and intelligence sharing. solutions - Collaboration and Interaction for Action. The World Border Security Congress, supported by the Registration to attend the Ministry of Interior of Morocco, Congress is now open where Organization for Security you can book your delegate & Co-operation in Europe place online and discover (OSCE), International Security further details at I n d u s t r y O r g a n i s a t i o n , National Security & Resilience Consortium and


2015/16 Border Security Challenges: – Migration Crisis Tests European Consensus and Governance – Migrants and refugees streaming into Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia – Big Business of Smuggling Enables Mass Movement of People for Enormous Profits – Climate Change and Natural Disasters Displace Millions, Affect Migration Flows – Europe and the United States Confront Significant Flows of Unaccompanied Child Migrants – Tackling Southeast Asia’s Migration Challenge – ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe

Interested in Participating

– Border Skirmishes Resonate in National Domestic Politics

Are interested in participating at the next World Border Security Congress and sharing your experiences and challenges with the world border management community?

– Women’s Labour Migration from Asia and the Pacific

For information on registration and your participation a the 2017 World Border Security Congress, visit the website at www. or contact the organising committee directly, details below. We look forward to welcoming you to the Congress in Morocco on 21st-23rd March 2017 for the next exciting discussion on international border security and management. Neil Walker Event Director World Border Security Congress Email:

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



21st-23rd March 2017

Casablanca, Morocco

Collaboration and Interaction for Action

Developing strategic border management resolutions and solutions

SAVE THE DATES 2015/16 saw unprecedented crisis on a global scale, from the Middle East warring factions creating mass refugee movements across Europe, illegal economic migrants from Africa and Asia have created increasing challenges for the international border management and security community. 2016 is expected to see a continuation of the migration challenges for the border management and security community, as little sign of peace and security in the Middle East is apparent. The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management. We need to continue the discussion, collaboration and intelligence sharing. Supported by the Government of Morocco, the Organisation for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), National Security & Resilience Consortium, International Security Industry Organisation and International Association of CIP Professionals, the World Border Security Congress is the premier multi-jurisdictional global platform where the border protection policy-makers, management and practitioners together with security industry professionals, convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced in protecting borders. We look forward to welcoming you to Casablanca, Morocco on 21st-23rd March 2017 for the premier gathering of border and migration management professionals. for the international border management and security industry

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Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Invitation to Exhibit: To discuss the limited exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities and your involvement with the 2017 World Border Security Congress please contact: Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of Europe) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820 Marc Soeteman (Benelux & Germany) E: T: +33 (0) 6 1609 2153 Jerome Merite (France) E: T: +33 (0) 6 11 27 10 53 Bernadette Terry (North America) E: T: +1-613-501-5316 Richard Clarke (ROW) E: T: +44 (0) 7935 144000 Hassan Mashhadi (Middle East and India) E: T: +31 6 5358 4088

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Carrasco International Airport modernizes Border Control procedures and paves way to future end-to-end singletoken travel journey Montevideo’s Carrasco International Airport has just inaugurated an innovative integrated Border Control solution.

and biometric passenger verification. Manned control booths have also been endowed with new touchpoints to optimize


processes: vb AIC desktops (Automated Immigration Control) are being used to assist Border Guards in identifying passengers.

Egyptian Ministry of Defence chooses Smiths Detection to provide advanced aviation security systems Smiths Detection has been awarded contracts worth almost £19m by Falcon Group to provide advanced detection systems for passenger checkpoint, hold baggage and cargo screening to airports across Egypt.

Easy Airport is the program that is offering passengers, for the first time in the country, self-service Automated Border Control, reinforced by the simultaneous modernization of assisted procedures. Vision-Box™ is one of the designated partners to meet the goal of the overarching SISCA - Integrated Airport Security and Control System – of

boosting security, whilst revolutionizing the passenger experience. Integrating both Automated and manual Border Control, the solution was designed and implemented by Vision-Box™. A robust bank of vb i-match™ eGates is already operational at Arrivals offering a full selfservice experience and ensuring passport authentication, background checks

The award for X-ray scanners, people screening systems and trace detectors is part of national programme to provide an additional layer of security to existing equipment at airports. Smiths Detection systems were chosen by the Egyptian Ministry of Defence for their lifetime high performance and quality, as proven by earlier contracts.

The HI-SCAN 6040aTiX and HI-SCAN 60402is HR, which combine multior dual-view, high resolution imaging with sophisticated software to automatically detect explosives in carryon baggage, will be deployed at security checkpoints. The innovative millimeterwave eqo scanners, which can detect threat items of any material under clothing, will provide additional passenger screening. The recently launched IONSCAN 600, which detects and identifies explosives from traces

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



found on baggage or clothing, will be deployed at passenger checkpoints and in hold baggage screening. The contract also includes HI-SCAN 100100T-2is and HISCAN 145180-2is X-ray machines for screening oversized baggage and air cargo for explosives and other threats. Additional vehicle and cargo screening will be provided by the CIP300 and HCVP Z60 car inspection X-ray portals and the mobile HCVMe35 for the inspection of loaded trucks and containers at airport entrances. Deliveries will be completed by August 2016. Falcon Group is the main security supplier for Egypt and is in close

relationship to the Military Intelligence which is a part of the Egyptian Ministry of Defence. Tony Tielen, Regional Vice President EMEA, at Smiths Detection, said: “Enhancing aviation security through leadingedge technology is our top priority. With a broad portfolio of detection technologies, an excellent customerorientated sales team and a strong local partner, ITI, we are proud to be a trusted partner of the Egyptian Ministry of Defence. The range of screening systems included in this contract will help provide world-class detection capabilities to protect against evolving threats.”

Crossmatch Introduces Innovative Mobile Ten-Print Technology

optical technology in these devices cannot match the flexibility and mobility of our radically thin and lightweight TFT sensor.” Crossmatch is introducing the FAP60 TFT sensor technology in a mobile handheld device with wireless capabilities to demonstrate its ability to integrate with existing phones, tablets and laptops “The options that the new FAP60 sensor deliver are expansive, offering the truly mobile ten-print capability our customers are demanding,” noted Richard Agostinelli, CEO of Crossmatch. “Up

to this point, mobile customers have been limited by smaller FAP30 and FAP45 sensors which do not meet FBI standards for enrollment. Being able to complete a mobile 4-4-2 capture without stitching opens up new use cases that previous and current market technologies are unable to fulfill.” Use cases for the new technology and wireless device include in-field “book and release” offense processing by law enforcement, mobile border control / immigration processing and rapid mobile identification.

3M Live Face Identification System Takes Security Solutions from Reactive to Proactive

Recognizing faces in a crowd takes diligence and identifying each one correctly takes advanced Crossmatch has unveiled its latest ten-print sensor technology that promises to revolutionize technology. In order to support public and private security teams tasked with keeping mobile livescan. The new FAP60 thin film individuals safe, 3M introduces 3MTMLive Face transistor (TFT) sensor provides the ability to process FBI compliant enrollments and rapid ID Identification System. checks on a single device, all without the weight A facial recognition real time. The system and bulk of optical-based sensors. automatically recognizes system that is both “There are several ten-print devices on the market today that claim to be the lightest

and smallest,” said Ben Ball, government market director at Crossmatch. “Yet the

extremely scalable and easily configurable, 3M Live Face Identification System uses live video to match identities in

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

multiple faces simultaneously from live or imported footage in order to identify individual people from


dynamic, uncontrolled environments. Faces are captured and matched in real time, and any connected desktop PC or mobile device is notified immediately when there is a hit against the database. This process allows security and law enforcement officers to take action quickly and help prevent an issue before it occurs. “Developed through years of thoughtful research, Live Face Identification System increases the accuracy of matches and the likelihood of a successful ID by utilizing a severalto-many comparison,” said Christopher Ede, Global Business Manager for 3M Cogent.

“Knowing the challenges that law enforcement and border patrol agents are faced with when providing security for uncontrolled environments, 3M’s new software is truly an effective yet practical solution for proactive security.” 3M Live Face Identification System was designed with ease of use and integration in mind. Users are able to choose how they store and manage data with Live Face Identification System’s flexible server deployment. Additionally, the software captures images from a wide range of compatible cameras that are connected to the server, ensuring no proprietary hardware is needed. The system can also be scaled from a local to national level simply by connecting more devices.


contacts Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E: Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E: Border Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic magazine and is the border management industry magazine delivering agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over15,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide.

Copyright of KNM Media and Torch Marketing.

ADVERTISING SALES Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of Europe) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820

Jerome Merite (France) E: T: +33 (0) 6 11 27 10 53

Richard Clarke (ROW) E: T: +44 (0) 7935 144000

Marc Soeteman (Benelux & Germany) E: T: +33 (0) 6 1609 2153

Bernadette Terry (North America) E: T: +1-613-501-5316

Hassan Mashhadi (Middle East and India) E: T: +31 6 5358 4088

Border Security Report | September/October 2016


Join the Community and help make a difference Dear CIP professional I would like to invite you as an infrastructure operator or related government agency representative to join the International Association of Critical Infrastructure Protection Professionals a newly formed body that seeks to encourage the exchange of information and promote collaborative working internationally. As an Association we aim to deliver discussion and innovation – on many of the serious Infrastructure - Protection - Management and Security Issue challenges - facing both Industry and Governments. The ever changing and evolving nature of threats, whether natural through climate change or man made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber, means there is a continual need to review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing and changing demands. Our initial overall objectives are: • To develop a wider understanding of the challenges facing both industry and governments • To facilitate the exchange of appropriate infrastructure & information related information and to maximise networking opportunities • To promote good practice and innovation • To facilitate access to experts within the fields of both Infrastructure and Information protection and resilience • To create a centre of excellence, promoting close co-operation with key international partners • To extend our reach globally to develop wider membership that reflects the needs of all member countries and organisations For further details and to join, visit and be amongst the first to shape the future of this increasingly critical sector of national security. We look forward to welcoming you.

John Donlon QPM, FSI Chairman IACIPP

9th-11th May 2017

The Hague, Netherlands

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Converge; Collaborate; Cooperate The ever changing nature of threats, whether natural through climate change, or manmade through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber attacks, means the need to continually review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing demands.

Save The Dates Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing Europe’s critical infrastructure. Join us in The Hague, Netherlands for the premier event for operators and government establishments tasked with Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience. Exhibit & Sponsorship Enquiries: To discuss exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities and your involvement with Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe please contact: Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of Europe) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820

Jerome Merite (France) E: T: +33 (0) 6 11 27 10 53

Richard Clarke (ROW) E: T: +44 (0) 7935 144000

Marc Soeteman (Benelux & Germany) E: T: +33 (0) 6 1609 2153

Bernadette Terry (North America) E: T: +1-613-501-5316

Hassan Mashhadi (Middle East and India) E: T: +31 6 5358 4088

Leading the debate for securing Europe’s critical infrastructure Owned & Organised by:

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Colombia’s Busiest Sea Ports Deploy Morpho Detection’s Hardened MobileTrace for Enhanced Explosives and Narcotics Screening As part of contract 12 Hardened MobileTrace units have been deployed to screen for explosives and narcotics at sea ports throughout Colombia including in Cartagena, Barranquilla and Buenaventura. Ruggedized and environmentally sealed for challenging environments, Hardened MobileTrace’s reliable detection capabilities combined with extended battery life and ease-ofuse facilitates unparalleled deployment flexibility and portability. We selected Morpho Detection because we felt they had the best technology combined with great local presence and support. Throughout this process they have been very proactive with meeting our precise specifications

“By incorporating reliable detection technology into a handheld detector, Hardened MobileTrace helps facilitate a multilayered security approach that can enhance both screening capabilities and operational efficiencies.” and timelines. We trust Morpho Detection to deliver the results we expect and value the partnership. Carlos Andrey Montoya, IT Director - Terminal de contenedores de Buenaventura TCBuen. Hardened MobileTrace reliably detects and identifies residue from a broad range of explosives, narcotics, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and chemical warfare agents

(CWAs) in extreme temperatures, dust, moisture, salt-fog and rain. “Working with our local distributor Magna Seguridad Electrónica, Morpho Detection looks forward to continuing and expanding our collaboration with Colombia’s port operators to integrate leading-edge detection solutions that meet growing traffic demands,” said Karen Bomba, president and CEO, Morpho Detection.

Morpho Detection’s trace solutions incorporate ITMS® trace technology into solutions that can make security screenings more productive and efficient. Trace explosives and narcotics detection sensitivity and reliability has already been proven in other Morpho Detection trace-based products at airports, border crossings, military bases and other critical security checkpoints around the world.

Ping4 Awarded U.S. Department of Homeland Security Contract for Alerting First Responders to Rapidly Changing Flood Events Ping4 Inc., creator of smartphone-based emergency alerting applications, has been awarded a development contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate. As part of the agreement, Ping4 will deliver a geographically precise communications platform that will enable instant notification to first responders about rapidly changing flood conditions. The solution

will make it easy to send location-specific, rich-media alerts to first responders’ mobile devices, so they can take immediate actions to reduce flood fatalities and property losses. “After heat, floods are the leading cause of weather fatalities in the United States,” said Dan Cotter, Director of the First Responders Group, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, referencing National Weather Service

statistics. “Last year the National Weather Service reported 176 lives were lost due to floods. We are working with Ping4 to get better flood event information out to our first responders in time to make a difference and reduce the number of lives lost from floods each year. Ping4 brings technology to both geotarget alerts and leverage rich-media that can help make this happen.” The Ping4-developed

platform will send geotargeted multimedia alerts that will allow interested parties to make informed decisions during rising water events. By leveraging the locationbased features of smart mobile devices through a technology called geofencing, Ping4 will enable alerts to focus on areas as targeted as a single building, a section of a city, a stretch of highway or an area along an irregular border of the river.

World Security Report - 17


Thales to ensure the security of ENGIE’s digital transformation plan DENGIE and Thales have signed a partnership to enhance the security of the energy Group’s IT infrastructures. Thales will oversee the security of ENGIE’s information system 24/7 for a period of five years. The aim of this global partnership between ENGIE and Thales is to anticipate the evolution of cyber threats and thereby provide the energy Group with an optimally secure environment, particularly in the industrial field. Between smart grids, predictive maintenance, and the Internet of things, ENGIE is dealing with more and more flows of information. With cyber threats growing (+51% in France and +38% around the world in 2015), ENGIE and Thales have decided to combine their expertise into a global Security

Operation Center (SOC) whose goal is to maintain the very highest capacity for preventing and responding to these threats. This monitoring center will be based in Elancourt (Yvelines, France) and on the ENGIE premises in Saint-Ouen (Seine-SaintDenis, France). ENGIE CEO Isabelle Kocher declared “I am very proud to sign this partnership with Thales, a group with a global reputation for its cyber security expertise. Digital technologies, which are a pillar of the current energy revolution, are a strategic priority for us. With the world changing so rapidly, it is essential to ensure the cyber security of our IT system.” Thales Chairman and CEO Patrice Caine added “Our organizations are

currently undergoing a digital transformation, a major driver of growth and efficiency. We are proud to have signed this partnership with ENGIE, a perfect example of how Thales is taking action to ensure the security of the most critical corporate and industrial information systems.”

integrated solutions for its customers (residential, business, and public agency). To do this, the Group has launched a €15 billion portfolio rotation program and €22 billion in investments. ENGIE is also planning to allocate €1.5 billion over 3 years in new businesses and digital technologies.

The partnership reflects ENGIE’s desire to accelerate its digital transformation, as does the creation in June of ENGIE Digital, a center providing tools and skills to support all of the Group’s business units in their own change.

As a trusted partner, Thales supports its customers in their digital transformation and ensures that their IT assets are secure throughout their entire life cycle, from analyzing cyber threats to maintaining secure conditions, including developing strategies to anticipate, supervise, and defend against a constantly changing cyber threats. More than 30 global organizations and large corporations trust Thales to protect their critical data and information systems.

Digital technologies are central to ENGIE’s 3-year transformation plan, with the Group aiming to reshape its portfolio by focusing on its three métiers: low-carbon electricity production, energy infrastructures, and

ARES Security Advances Quantitative Risk Assessments with the Release of AVERT 8.0 ARES Security Corporation (ASC) has released AVERT 8.0 as its latest update to the quantitative risk assessment technology. AVERT utilizes 3D modeling and simulation technology that allow users to visualize, analyze, and optimize all of their site’s vulnerabilities. AVERT has already been deployed in 35% of the commercial nuclear facilities in the U.S. and

is also installed at many other critical infrastructure sites around the world. AVERT 8.0 incorporates critical new features into the field-proven software including new reporting capabilities, a simulation controller, message bus, and SQL server database. The innovative simulation controller allows users to configure numerous scenarios, control the execution of the

18 - World Security Report

simulation, or select simulations to be run automatically. In addition, new simulation capabilities have been incorporated that integrate the supervisory decision process into the simulation models. The new message bus enables intercommunication and automation in the system, which permits the reporting engine to perform analyses within and between scenarios

very quickly. John Halsema, Chief Technology Officer for ASC said “AVERT 8.0 represents the next generation of ASC technology, changing the paradigm from analysis of individual scenarios to a new one where many different scenarios and combinations are analyzed much faster, using readily available hardware.”


FLIR RSX-F Combines FLIR Lepton Thermal Sensor and Visual Imaging for Improved Fire Detection and Passenger Safety in Rail Coaches The FLIR RSX-F uses a thermal sensor with on-board fire detection algorithms to detect a fire faster and more accurately than conventional methods. The FLIR RSX-F detects thermal energy emitted from objects within its field of view and sees through smoke. The dynamic video detection algorithms also determine the size, rate

of temperature increase, and movement of a hot spot. This approach allows for lower false alarms by distinguishing hazardous events like cigarettes or lighters. The FLIR RSX-F also measures seat occupancy in a passenger train, which allows train operators to optimize passenger flow or improve passenger comfort by sensing

temperature and adjusting train-based HVAC systems. The FLIR RSX-F mounts easily to walls or ceilings and tilts up to 45 degrees for optimal viewing. The FLIR RSX-F sensor is also fully compliant with the EN 50155 standard covering electronic equipment used for railway applications. “The FLIR RSX-F sensor

provides a significant new asset for train operators to improve safety,” said Andy Teich, President and CEO of FLIR. “By leveraging Lepton and advanced fire detection algorithms, the FLIR RSX-F provides train operators with a ‘sixth-sense’ to detect hot spots early and effectively to increase passenger safety.”

Saab Signs New User Agreement For SAFE With Swedavia Defence and security company Saab has signed a seven-year agreement with the Swedavia airport group for continued use of SAFE as their command & control platform for the security department at their airports. The system integration platform SAFE (Situation Awareness for Enhanced Security) is presently used as the command and operations systems in the command centres at the Arlanda at Bromma airports. The agreement is a licence agreement but also serves as a new user agreement under which Swedavia receives free utilisation of SAFE at its ten airports in Sweden. The agreement also allows for a certain amount of functionality development at a later stage. “The new agreement with Swedavia shows how

important it is to prioritise and ensure good security for infrastructure critical to society, such as airports. Together with Swedavia, we’ve been able to develop an airport-specific version of SAFE that is now beginning to attract the attention of airports in other countries”, says Martin Olsson, key account manager at Saab business area Support and Services. Knowing what is happening on the ground at an airport is important. At the Arlanda and Bromma airports this

is achieved with the help of SAFE, a security system developed especially for those who work with protecting and monitoring infrastructure critical to society. SAFE integrates cameras, intruder alarms, fire alarms, entry systems and security surveillance in a centralised system that gives Swedavia and Securitas, who are responsible for monitoring Arlanda and Bromma airports, a real-time picture of the security situation.

command centres are the ones who use SAFE. They communicate with guards and other security staff via a mobile app and can send out alarms with plans of action. This contributes to, for example, an improved travel experience since passengers will notice that airport management is maintaining awareness, both around and in terminals. “With SAFE, we have gained a system that both improves the travel experience at our airports and makes them more secure,” says Mats Paulsson, chief security officer at Swedavia. “We also gain a strategic tool that helps us to achieve more efficient and safer airports. We intend to link together all ten airports into one and the same network and SAFE is an important part of this.”

Alarm operators at the

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Digital Guardian Lends Expertise to New Report Calling for Revolutionary Approach to Cyber Security Digital Guardian announced the joint release of the firstannual 2017 TAG Cyber Security Annual -- Practical Handbook and Reference Guide for the Working Cyber Security Professional. Digital Guardian is part of an industry collective of 48 of the nation’s foremost cyber security vendors participating in the report, which was published by The Amoroso Group (TAG Cyber) following in-depth industry research and analysis. The report details a new urgency for how

America’s commercial, financial and utility sectors respond to escalating and increasingly complex cyber attacks. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the cyber security industry with specific insights from C-level executives and thought leaders. Dr. Edward G. Amoroso, former chief security officer of AT&T and author of six books on cyber security, spearheaded writing and researching the report. “The expertise provided by Digital Guardian couldn’t have been more helpful to my research

during all phases of this project,” explained Ed Amoroso. The 2017 TAG Cyber Security Annual has been written for information security and technology professionals in all industries with a special focus on U.S. infrastructure companies, including energy, telecommunications, manufacturing, health care and utilities. The report will be available at no cost to all users as a free download at TAG Cyber’s website.

around a revolutionary new approach to cyber security that calls on tech leaders of the largest and most important American enterprises to explode existing infrastructure to disperse data across multiple platforms, offload sensitive information into secure cloud-based solutions and reload systems, policies and personnel to better position them to effectively defend against cyber attacks that are not only likely, but occurring at an increasing rate.

The handbook is centered

It includes three volumes: Volume 1: TAG Cyber Security Fifty Controls details the fifty primary control areas required for CISO teams to be effective in this new era of cybersecurity. These areas include traditional controls such as firewall platforms and twofactor authentication along with non-traditional controls such as security recruiting and security R&D. For each control area, an extensive list of supporting vendors is included to help jumpstart local source selection. Volume 2: Interviews with Distinguished Vendor Principals includes in-depth conversations with the thought leaders and distinguished vendor principals. It offers a brief digest of the expert guidance and cyber security insights offered by these industry authorities during the research stages of this report. Volume 3: TAG Cyber Security Vendor Listings serves as a reference guide to the cyber security industry. This compressive review includes nearly 1,400 vendors this year, with an additional 500 vendors to be incorporated into the 2018 report.

IPS and REI announce reclassification of Oscor Blue Spectrum Analyzer Following a commodity jurisdiction determination issued by the US Department of State – Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), REI OSCOR Blue Spectrum Analyzer, both the 8 and 24 GHz models, are no longer subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR)

jurisdiction. Effective immediately, the OSCOR Blue is now subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) administered by the Department of Commerce – Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and has been assigned

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to Export Control Classifcation Number (ECCN) 3A992.A The OSCOR Blue now has the same export control status as the OSCOR Green spectrum analyzer. The OSCOR Blue is a lightweight, portable, hand held spectrum analyzer with rapid sweep

speed and functionality for detecting unknown, illegal, disruptive and anomalous rogue transmissions over a wide frequency range. It is easy to operate and highly effective, sweeping 24GHz in 1 second quickly detecting transmitting electronic surveillance devices.


L-3 Security & Detection Systems Awarded High-Speed Explosives Detection Systems Follow-On Orders From the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority L-3 Security & Detection Systems (L-3 SDS) has announced that it has received two official award notices from the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) to supply ten additional high-speed eXaminer® XLB explosives detection systems (EDS). L-3’s eXaminer XLB is a certified dualenergy EDS specifically optimized for screening checked baggage in high-throughput airport environments. Capable of

scanning over 1,200 bags per hour (BPH) in-line, it keeps baggage moving continuously through a one-meter-wide scanner. “These follow-on awards demonstrate our longstanding commitment to CATSA in providing

The eXaminer XLB generates high-resolution 3-D image data for explosives detection by combining helical CT with dual-energy imaging. Using 3-D Continuous Flow CT technology, the system generates high-resolution, medicalquality images in real time. With advanced tools that include 360-degree rotational views of entire bags and individual threat objects, the system allows operators to quickly and confidently clear bags for flight or designate bags for search.

the highestperformance solutions available to meet evolving security requirements,” said Tom Ripp, president of L-3 Security & Detection Systems. “CATSA has always been at the forefront of deploying screening technologies, and we are proud to supply them with our eXaminer XLB to maximize their baggage screening effectiveness.”

Veridos identity solutions prolongs partnership with Macao Veridos is continuing its long-lasting customer relationship with the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the DSI (Direccao dos Servicos de Identificacao Macau). Veridos has already been providing Macao with different kinds of components, solutions and services for its ID smart card system since 2002. Apart from its responsibility for the overall system solution, Veridos will continue to provide Macao with further card deliveries for the coming years. “We are very happy to continue our business relationship

with Veridos, who has proven to be a very valuable partner”, says Elsie U Ao Ieong, Director at the Identification Services Bureau in Macao. The Macao Citizen ID card is one of the most sophisticated smartcard ID solutions on the market and was the first of its kind to migrate from contact to purely contactless chip communication. Veridos has signed a framework agreement with the digital security company Gemalto, the subcontractor who will be producing the physical cards that incorporate Veridos’ highly sophisticated chip card operating system software

solution. “This decision was made in a bid to benefit our customer and support their interests, so that we can ensure a consistent supply of the cards over the next years,” says Hans Wolfgang Kunz, CEO of Veridos, explaining the thought behind the cooperation. “We signed this framework contract on the basis of our initial work with Trüb AG in 2013, which has since been incorporated by Gemalto. We wanted to continue the good relationship that we established with TRÜB back then”. The contactless, laser engraved polycarbonate

ID cards support card holder identification and authentication as well as legally binding digital signature functionality in purely contactless mode. It stores the bearer’s biometric data, such as a photo and fingerprints. When combined with smartphones, the implemented security mechanisms can also be used as mobile authentication for the card holder. As well as providing secure, visual electronic proof of identity, the ID card allows citizens to handle dealings with the authorities electronically, saving them time and offering added convenience.

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Whereable Technologies Signs Exclusive Deal With Global Incident Management Firm GEOS Whereable Technologies has signed an exclusive deal with GEOS Safety Solutions, a global leader in security and personal safety, to support the company’s inaugural product, RiskBand, the first wearable, live-monitored personal safety device that doesn’t require connection to a cell phone. The renewable five-year deal provides RiskBand with a world-class Emergency Monitoring and Response Team that springs into action whenever a RiskBand wearer activates the device. As RiskBand begins recording and transmitting real-time GPS location information, photos and two-way audio, GEOS’ certified

and highly experienced Emergency Response Coordination Team will hear and see what is happening to assess the situation and quickly contact the proper local authorities to launch the appropriate response – typically in about a minute. “GEOS has partnered

with Whereable Technologies because we firmly believe that RiskBand is the missing link in personal security,” said GEOS CEO Mark Garver, a globally recognized security expert. “This product is a game-changer, and as a leading safety and security solution provider, we want to be front and center in this personal security revolution.” Garver is board-certified in homeland security, intelligence analysis and dignitary/executive protection. The agreement between RiskBand and GEOS will extend to other RiskBand and GEOS products.

“RiskBand is a groundbreaking product, but it is only as good as its Emergency Response Team. With GEOS, that means it’s the best,” said Whereable Technologies President and CEO Jim Van Law. “Anyone who wears the device can feel secure in the knowledge that the world’s top emergency response professionals have their back if anything happens.” A RiskBand wearer can use the device to get help in any type of emergency, including crime, fire, injury or accident – whether at home or traveling, just about anywhere in the world and in more than 200 languages and dialects.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Airports Council International (ACI) have joined forces to address evolving aviation security risks with integrated solutions Key topics such as securing landside spaces at airports, information sharing among governments, managing the risks of home-grown terrorism and preventing cyber threats will top the agenda of the 25th AVSEC (Aviation Security) World Conference, taking place from the 25 to 27 October 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. “Aviation security needs

to evolve in step with changing threats,” said Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary General, ICAO. “The global policy and regulatory framework has to adapt effectively and in a timely fashion to address this increasingly dynamic risk. Having so many global aviation security experts and leading thinkers gathered together at AVSEC World provides a valuable

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opportunity to identify common objectives and combine the industry’s strengths and resources towards achieving better aviation security and facilitation.” “Flying is secure. Keeping it that way is the responsibility of governments and a challenge for all parties involved in air transport,” said Alexandre de Juniac, Director General and

CEO, IATA. “Aviation is the business of freedom. But recent months have shown that it remains a target for terrorists. AVSEC World strengthens the vital partnership between industry and government on security. And it is a catalyst that helps to turn our common interest into a shared agenda to stay a step ahead of those with an agenda of evil.”


Siemens Building Technologies Division has added Siveillance Viewpoint for Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) to its security portfolio It is the first offering of its kind to combine danger management and select command and control functions in an integrated platform. This software allows security personnel to respond quickly and efficiently to incidents, especially in complex infrastructures such as industrial production facilities. By combining fire safety and security disciplines into one platform, Siveillance Viewpoint exceeds the capabilities of traditional danger management systems. Due to the fact that the software offers advanced workflows, it helps

operators make the right decisions when an alarm is triggered, even in highly stressful situations. This state of the art platform automatically prioritizes alarms and clusters them into events, enabling operators to implement the required measures purposefully and correctly. By correlating information from all subsystems, the software offers a clear and structured overview of events as well as of the entire detector landscape. Using georeferencing, the system intelligence allows individual detectors to be localized in threedimensional space for full situational awareness and

SES Unveils Tactical Surveillance and Communications Solution to Help Address Global Security Threat SES has introduced a fully integrated portable surveillance and communications solution designed to provide enhanced situational awareness for border security, special event monitoring and disaster response missions around the world. Tactical Persistent Surveillance (TPS), SES’s first Government+ product offering, is a highly portable solution capable of quick global deployment and operations. The modular

TPS platform is based on Lighter-Than-Air (LTA) inflatable aerostat technology, which hosts a variety of advanced electro-optical (E/O) sensor and communications payload options at altitudes up to 1,000 feet. The advanced sensor payload can transmit or backhaul ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) video and data via satellite to a centralised monitoring and control centre, using small aperture and quick deploy flyaway Ku-band antennas.



Siveillance Viewpoint is designed to be an open and flexible integration platform. This means that each type of subsystem, including non-Siemens systems, can be added using an OIS (Open Interface Services) module and standard interfaces. This ease of integration allows continued use of existing structures and disciplines across their entire lifecycle, protecting customer investments by growing seamlessly with customers’ ever-changing facilities. At the same time, all disciplines can be controlled in their entirety from one single PSIM

Siveillance Viewpoint is particularly suitable for large infrastructures or variable-use building complexes, such as industrial manufacturing, educational and research organizations, multi-site companies, energy suppliers and administrative buildings. Efficient incident handling through an advanced Physical Security Information Management platform not only improves safety and security, but also minimizes risks, business interruptions and the associated costs

SaltDNA and Sonim Technologies Deliver First Rugged Mobile Devices with Encrypted Voice, Text, Attachments and Conference Calling SaltDNA and Sonim Technologies have partnered to provide ultra-rugged mobile devices with fully secure communications for workers in demanding and hazardous environments. Sonim Technologies develops the world’s most rugged, water-submersible Android mobile phones. SaltDNA provides the highest-grade encryption technology for mobile communications coupled

with the best-in-class enterprise management and control; and can be flexibly deployed on the end-customer’s premise, in a trusted-partner data center, or consumed as a SaaS service from SaltDNA. Together, SaltDNA and Sonim Technologies provide a solution for providing feature-rich secure mobile communications in the most rugged and demanding environments.

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National Water Utility Improves Operations with Integrated Milestone Video and LPR, Integriti Access Control and Axis Network Cameras Centralized video surveillance with remote access via mobile devices helps protect investments, reduce site visit costs and decrease response time to security and service issues. Open platform software integrates video, access control and license plate recognition for optimal efficiency. South East Water based in Melbourne, Australia, recently upgraded its mix of standalone, legacy monitoring systems with an integrated, flexible video surveillance platform from Milestone Systems to support the organization’s ambitious technology and innovation strategy. Milestone’s open platform paired with network cameras from Axis Communications, enables South East Water to monitor its assets with a centralized, integrated solution that is easy for employees to use. Axis network cameras provide comprehensive coverage of offices and remote facilities, as well as street and underground sewage and drainage systems. Milestone Mobile’s Video Push notification allows South East Water to quickly respond to incidents like major infrastructure damage,

burst pipes, sewer spills and other critical events that can all be streamed in real-time from operators’ phones to the control room. “Our most important criterion in choosing a new system was that it be an open platform,” said Andrew ForsterKnight, Group Manager of Intelligent Systems at South East Water. “With Milestone, we got an almost unlimited amount of choices when it comes to camera vendors and third-party applications, reducing integration costs and maximizing the value of existing infrastructure.” South East Water provides water, sewerage and recycled water services to

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residential, commercial and industrial customers — more than 1.7 million people in Southeast Melbourne. Its service region covers 3,640 square kilometers from Port Melbourne to Portsea. South East Water manages a water and sewer network made up of more than 24,000 kilometers of pipeline, 81 water pump stations, 259 sewage pump stations, nine recycled water pump stations, eight water recycling plants, and one storm water treatment plant, totaling more than AUD $3 billion of infrastructure and assets. Access control integration is also enhancing South East Water’s security processes. Using the Milestone XProtect Access module, South East Water is able to integrate Milestone’s video management and user interface with Integriti access control from Inner Range. This system integration combines visual verification from the Milestone video interface with access control

events, for efficient central management. “It would have been a time-consuming process to have everyone use a swipe-card to access the lot, so we designed our new building in Frankston with License Plate Recognition,” said Forster-Knight. “XProtect LPR automatically opens our parking lot gate when a permitted license plate is identified. Plus, we have Axis ‘eyes’ on every car in the lot, so we can proactively respond to any incidents that may arise.” South East Water is also reaping the benefits of Milestone Mobile Video Push, which has greatly improved operational efficiency. Engineers out in the field can relay the details of complex issues instantaneously from any location. “In the past, when an engineer would go to inspect a problem with a sewage pipe, we wouldn’t receive the information for hours or possibly days,” said Forster-Knight. “Now, using Milestone Mobile, video can be recorded with a smartphone and immediately sent to our command center, where we can evaluate the cause and take appropriate action. It means we can respond to problems faster, and the impact to customers is greatly reduced.”


Trace3 Innovation Research Study on Cyber Security Predicts Consolidation, Greater Focus on User Behavior Analytics Trace3 has released original research from its Innovation Research Team, designed to give CIOs a 360-degree balanced view of emerging technologies, including competitive benefits and potential drawbacks. This study was conducted from the customer’s point of view, gathering feedback from actual users, product demonstrations, published information and direct information from each solution vendor. A majority of study participants expect that they will soon be breached or have already been breached and current signature-based threat detection is not a sufficient defense. This method leaves the

enterprise perpetually one step behind, especially considering the difficulties of separating the signal from the noise in a continually growing avalanche of data. Actual threat detection quickly becomes an untenable task for even the most experienced security analysts. User Behavior Analytics (UBA) has recently emerged to solve these

problems by using machine learning to detect both external and insider threats, overcoming the shortfalls of signature-based security. By analyzing data from existing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and log aggregation applications, these solutions establish baseline behavior and then detect anomalies indicating possible threat actors.

“It is critical that the entire lifecycle of security operations—from prevention, detection, response and mitigation, to the ongoing feedback loop—must be unified by continuous monitoring and advanced analytics to provide context aware intelligence,” said Mark Campbell, VP, Research at Trace3. “There is a burgeoning array of UBA solutions on the market today, but many are actually traditional signature-based solutions that have been re-branded with buzzwords like machine-learning or deeplearning.” The report reviews top SIEM-centric UBA solutions from Exabeam, Fortscale, Niara, Securonix and Splunk.

Key Research Findings: Market Consolidation: Larger incumbent SIEM vendors will acquire the leading UBA vendors. Today several of the larger SIEM vendors, like HP, OEM their SIEM products’ UBA features from emerging firms such as those in this study. Leading indicators point to a steady stream of UBA acquisitions in the coming 18 months, Splunk’s pick up of Caspida being the first. Solutions Consolidation: There will be a continued effort by the various UBA vendors to increase the number and variety of behavior data they consume, baseline and analyze. This means that the intersection between network, agent and SIEM-centric UBA tools will increase until the distinctions blur and disappear. Trace3 expects UBA approaches will merge to gather data from a growing set of sources with network, agent and SIEM data being tomorrow’s table stakes. UBA to Replace Signature-Based Solution for IDS: Signature-based solutions continue to fall behind current attack strategies as exhibited by the growing number of breeches in environments under their protection. UBA offers a compelling alternative that is becoming the obvious replacement. Moreover, Trace3 predicts that, in the longer term, UBA will merge with SIEM and portions of the IDS and DLP spaces

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ICF International Awarded $34 Million Contract to Support the Defense Critical Infrastructure Program by Conducting Infrastructure Risk Assessments Worldwide ICF International has been awarded a new $34 million contract to strengthen the resilience of U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) assets and assess the potential vulnerability of critical infrastructure at installations around the world. The contract with the U.S. Navy’s Cyber Warfare and Engineering Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Va., supports the Defense Critical Infrastructure Program. The contract has a term of five years, including one base year and four option years. With experts at the leading edge of physical and cyber security,

ICF enables clients to reach higher levels of resilience by helping to define threats, assess risks, establish priorities and prepare ahead in the continuous cycle of ongoing risk management. ICF works with clients to define resilience solutions that strengthen communities, protect individuals, preserve economic vitality and bolster national security. Under terms of the contract, ICF will strengthen resilience by performing risk assessments of physical and cyber infrastructure at DOD installations worldwide, conducting

studies concerning the resilience of DOD assets to specific threats and hazards, and providing subject matter expertise across a range of technical disciplines in the identification of potential risks, the consequences of those risks, and system-wide or regional interdependencies. This work will inform defense leaders at the installation, service component, major command, and DOD levels as they make risk-informed decisions to mitigate threats and hazards to the department’s mission.

solutions to protect critical assets,” said John Paczkowski, senior vice president for ICF International. “The selection of ICF for this crucial national security program continues to solidify our position as a leader in infrastructure resilience in the United States.” Samuel Visner, ICF senior vice president and general manager for cybersecurity and resilience, stated that “this award to ICF recognizes the wisdom of an integrated approach to physical and cyber risk assessment.”

“ICF has a long history of delivering innovative

Consider network security when using IP CCTV surveillance systems warn BSIA The British Security Industry Association’s CCTV section have today warned that end users of IP connected CCTV systems should be taking cyber security seriously. In an article published by The Times, Nigel Inkster, former Director of Operations and Intelligence at MI6, raised concerns about the threat to national security through vulnerabilities in IP (Internet Protocol) connected CCTV systems including components manufactured in countries that have a reputation for state-sponsored espionage. Whilst the integration

of video surveillance with IP networks carries significant benefits – including offering potentially cheaper and easier installation, the ability to distribute video images more widely and the ease at which additional cameras can be added to the network at

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a later date – they are also potentially vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Unsecured cameras can become the weak link that provides hackers with an entry point to a network. From here, the risks to businesses may include: sabotage, such as disrupting operations,

potentially leading to lost productivity and revenue; stolen personal data, such as financial or health information, potentially resulting in loss of customer trust, denigration of brand, and ultimately lost profits; stolen intellectual property or trade secrets, such as marketing plans or research and development data that could result in a loss of competitive advantage; extortion, where the company or individuals pay ransom to regain access to their system or data; regulatory action or negligence claims, such as penalties from a government agency or civil lawsuits.


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World Security Report

World Security Report is a quarterly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. Smiths Detection

Obexion Shutters, developed by Charter Global Ltd, now include the first ever security shutters certified to LPS 1175, Issue 7, SR5 Security shutters to SR2, SR3, SR4 and bespoke risk specific specifications also available protection without compromise

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World Security Report

World Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and HEADLINE HERE looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. CYBER ATTACK INSIGHTS BY INDUSTRY PAGE 00 Official Magazine of

ISSUE 2 | APRIL 2016

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FEATURE: Story Headline goes here for the featured story PAGE 00


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Border Security Report

Border Security Report is the bimonthly border management industry magazine delivering HEADLINE HERE agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over15,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide. BORDER SECURITY



VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 2016










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October 2016

5-6 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Asia Bangkok, Thailand 17-21 Euronaval Paris, France 19-21 FUTURE FORCES Forum Prague, Czech Republic 19-22 CIPS Securika Baku, Azerbaijan 22-25 ISF’s 27th Annual World Congress Berlin, Germany 25-27 SKYDD Stockholm, Sweden

November 2016

2-5 Indo Defence 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia 7-9 Dubai Helishow 2016 Dubai, UAE 7-9 Expoprotection Paris, France

29 - World Security Report

To have your event listed please email details to the editor

8-10 Securexpo Nairobi, Kenya 16-17 Sectech Danmark Copenhagen, Denmark 22-25 IDEAS 2016 Sindh, Pakistan

March 2017

21-23 World Border Security Congress Casablanca, Morocco

May 2017

9-11 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe The Hague, Netherlands



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